Drohl diabolist

From Dragon Quest Wiki

The Drohl diabolist is a recurring monster in the Dragon Quest series, introduced in the original game. It is a more intelligent variant of the drohl drone capable of casting debilitating magic.


Drohl diabolists are unusual snail-like creatures that have their eyes placed in high eyestalks, a protective carapace that encompasses most of its body, and stubby limbs, their slack-jawed mouths located closed to the ground. When it first appeared, the drohl diabolist's body was coloured in various shades of grey and taupe, but when the monster reappeared in Monsters: Joker 2 after a 25 year hiatus, their carapaces were changed to a mossy green colour with beige undersides. The drohl diabolist retains its original grey colour scheme for its appearance in the Builders series. Like many classic monsters, it returned to the main series in XI. They attack by sending out their eyestalks to strike enemies and their magical knowledge is typically limited to simple debilitating or darkness magic. Despite their similarities to mollusks, the drohl diabolists are considered part of the Undead family.


Dragon Quest[edit]

Drohl diabolist (ドロルメイジ Dororu meiji)
Original (NES)
Sprite HP MP Experience Gold Attack Defense Agility
DQ-NES-DROHL-DIABOLIST.png 38 Unlimited 22 89 52 50 50
Spell(s) Fizzle
Location(s) Grave of Galen B3-4F
Evasion Fizzle Resistance Snooze Resistance Sizz & Sizzle Resistance
164 18 18 016
Remakes (SFC, GBC, Mobile)
Sprites HP MP Experience Gold Attack Defense Agility
DQ-SNES-DROHL-DIABOLIST.pngDQ-GBC-DROHL-DIABOLIST.pngDrohl diabolist DQ iOS.pngDrohl Diabolist Erdrick Trilogy Switch.png 55 10 58 110 44 16 11
Spell(s) Snooze
Location(s) Grave of Galen B3-4F
Evasion Fizzle Resistance Snooze Resistance Sizz & Sizzle Resistance
164 08 18 016

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age[edit]

Drohl diabolist (ドロルメイジ Dororu meiji)DQXI Logo EN.png
Sprite HP MP Attack
Drohl diabolist XI sprite.png 88 12 80
Defense Agility Experience Gold
96 64 179 51
Bestiary no. #149
Family Undead
In-game description Extremely intelligent but utterly unlikeable, they have all manner of horrible habits, including belching up great gouts of grim gas all the time.
Spell(s) Zam
Skill(s) Spooky Mist
Location(s) The Other Side (first and second acts)
Northern Champs Sauvage (third act)
Item(s) dropped Magic water164
Sage's elixir1128
Evasion Fire Resistance * Ice
Wind Resistance *
N/A 0% 0% 0%
Earth Resistance * Light Resistance * Dark Resistance * Zap Resistance *
25% -25% 50% 0%
Drain Magic Resistance Whack Resistance * Poof Resistance Dazzle Resistance *
0% 100% 50% 25%
Fizzle Resistance * Fuddle Resistance * Paralysis Resistance * Poison Resistance *
0% 25% 25% 25%
Snooze Resistance * Blunt Resistance Deceleratle Resistance Sap Resistance *
25% 0% 0% 0%
Spooky Aura
Anathematise Resistance
Stumble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Charm Resistance *
0% 0% 99% 100%
Beguile Resistance * Double Down Resistance * Elemental Resistance *
25% 0% 0%

This monster does not have a vicious, nor a malicious variant.

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2[edit]

Drohl diabolist
Family Undead
Rank E
Size S
Weapons Swords, Whips, Claws, Staves
Traits Talent Scout, Crafty Magic Drainer
Resistances Immune to Zam and Drain Magic
Skill Woosh & Zam
Location Received as a Wi-Fi prize for winning 5 out of 5 matches in the World Monster Championship on Fridays
Breeding chart -

Dragon Quest Builders[edit]

Drohl diabolist (ドロルメイジ Dororu meiji)DQB-LOGO-ICON.png
Chapter 2
HP Attack Defense Item(s) Dropped
20 12 0 Sticky liquid (★★☆)
Swamps of Sickness (during rainy weather)
Sprite DQB Drohl Diabolist.png

Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

Drohl diabolist appears as an A-rank monster of the Undead family during the second part of the limited True Dragon Quest I event alongside Princess Gwaelin on her banner. It can participate in the Legerdeman's Battle Road as a party member.

Drohl diabolist (ドロルメイジ Dororu meiji)Tactlogo.png

Family Rank Role
Tact Icon Zombie.png
DQTact Rank Icon A.png DQTact DebuffType.png
Max Level HP MP Move
130 1,211 416 2
Attack Defense Agility Wisdom Weight
222 401 302 382 35
Basic Skills
First Second Third
Fuddle Putrid Gust* Dirty Beam*
Awakening Skills
First Second Third
Desperate Dirty Beam / Stats Up Bang Res +25 / Stats Up Dirty Beam Potency +5% / Stats Up
Spell Tricks: Lowers spell ability MP cost by 10%, raises potency and recovery by 10%.
Fourth Fifth
Zap Res +25 / Stats Up Dirty Beam Potency +5% / Stats Up
Auto MP Regen (S): Restores 4% of max MP at action start.
Leader Perks
Raises Zam-type potency of undead allies, including itself, by 10% in a 5x5 square around it.
Basic Perks
First Second Third
Max MP +10 WIS +10 Dirty Beam Potency +2%
Perk Details
Desperate Dirty Beam: Attacks with Dirty Beam when attacking up to three times per battle if enemy is within 4-space straight line.
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Crack Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
Very Weak Very Weak Normal Normal
Bang Resistance * Zap Resistance * Zam Resistance * Snooze Resistance
Half Res Half Res Normal Normal
Poison Resistance Physical Lock Resistance Spell Lock Resistance Martial Lock Resistance
Immune Normal Half Res Normal
Breath Lock Resistance Hobble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Dazzle Resistance
Normal Super Weak Super Weak Normal
Curse Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confusion Resistance Charm Resistance
Half Res Normal Normal Normal


Similar species[edit]