Siren sword

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Revision as of 18:43, 14 September 2019 by Follower of Light (talk | contribs)
Siren sword
Siren sword snes.png
Japanese ゆうわくのけん
Romaji {{{romaji}}}
Old localizations Seduce sowrd
Sword of illusion
Found in Dragon Quest III
Dragon Quest V
Dragon Quest VI
Dragon Quest VII
Effect Fuddles foes

The Siren sword is a recurring sword in the Dragon Quest series. It can confuse enemies in battle and is usually wielded only by women.


Dragon Quest III

The Seduce sword has an attack bonus of +50. If used as a tool in battle, it casts Fuddle. It can only be equipped by female Warriors, Thieves, Merchants, and Gadabouts. It's obtained from Sabrina in Portoga after Baramos is defeated, and can also be dropped by [Darth voodoo]]s.

Dragon Quest V

The Siren sword has an attack bonus of +70, and has a 14 confusion chance. It can be purchased at Lofty Peak for 9,800 gold, and can be wielded by the the hero, his wives, or daughter.

Dragon Quest VI

Milly and Ashlynn can equip the siren sword for +70 attack and +51 style. The sword retains the 14 fuddle chance, and can be purchased in Felonia for 9800 gold.

Dragon Quest VII

The siren sword has an attack bonus of +70 and a style bonus of +51. It can confuse the target when attacking 25% of the time and can only be equipped by Maribel and Aishe. It can be purchased from Vogograd, Buccanham, and the Grand Slum stage of the Immigrant Town for 9,800 gold and sold for 4,900 gold.
