Goddess shield

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Goddess shield
DVIII Goddess Shield.png
Japanese 女神の盾
Romaji Megami no tate
Old localizations N/A
Found in Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake
Dragon Quest VII
Dragon Quest VIII
Dragon Quest IX
Dragon Quest XI
Effect Reduces damage from elemental attacks

The goddess shield is a recurring shield in the Dragon Quest series, first introduced in Dragon Quest VIII. This beautiful shield is decorated with the image of a female deity and is frequently one of the strongest shields in the game, greatly reducing elemental damage taken by the wielder.


Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake[edit]

Goddess shield III HD icon.png Goddess shield DRAGONQUEST III HD2D Logo 800px.png
A sacred shield that protects against a whole host of spells and attacks, including those of a firey and icy nature
Stats Vocations
Defence +84 Gadabout iconHD2D.pngMage iconHD2D.pngMerchant iconHD2D.png Monster wrangler iconHD2D.pngPriest iconHD2D.pngSage iconHD2D.pngThief iconHD2D.png
-25% damage from spells & breath
Price Location
NA/29,500 100 mini medals
Temple of Trials, claws & boomerangs room

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past[edit]

Appearing in the 3DS remake, the shield increases defense by +55, style by +17, and cuts all elemental damage (save Zap) by 30. Maribel and Aishe can equip it as long as they are at least level 35, giving them an excellent -60 elemental combo when used with the princess Robe. It can be acquired from the first completion of the The Depths of Darkness DLC Tablet.

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King[edit]

A holy shield that reduces damage from fire and ice based spells by up to half.[1]

The goddess shield has a defense bonus of +55, and cuts elemental damage in half, even though the flavor text states that it only reduces fire and ice damage. This includes Frizz, Sizz, Crack, Bang, Woosh, and fire and ice breath damage. It can only be equipped by Jessica and Angelo in the original version, as well as Red in the 3DS remake.

In the original PS2 version, it was only possible to get one shield since there was only one thanatos' shield in the game and it can only be made with the Alchemy Pot. However, in the 3DS version, another thanatos' shield can be found in the Corridor of Memories and they are also dropped rarely by Hell's gatekeepers.

Recipe: thanatos' shield + saint's ashes

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies[edit]

Goddess shield.png Goddess shield DQIX Logo.png
Goddess shield IX artwork.png
A sanctified shield that's certain to stave off magical attacks
Rarity Stats Vocations
★★★☆☆ Defence +35
Charm +60
Block +7%
-10% Blast/Lightning, Dark, Fire, Ice, & Wind damage
Price Location
NA/16,250 ?
Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
Saintess shield.png Goddess ring IX icon.png OrichalcumIXicon.png

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age[edit]

Goddess shield DQXI Logo EN.png
Goddess shield xi icon.png
A blessed bulwark against incoming enchantments
Stats with forge buffs
Defence +64/67/71/75
M. Mend +32/33/34/35
Charm +26/27/28/29
Block +13%
-10% all elemental damage
Price Location
42,000/21,000 Sold in Havens Above
Forging difficulty
Hero XI sprite walk.gifHendrik sprite walk.gif

In Other Languages[edit]

Language Translation Meaning
ICON-FLAG-ES.png EspañolEscudo de diosaSpanish for "Goddess shield".
ICON-FLAG-FR.png FrançaisBouclier de la DéesseFrench for "Shield of the goddess".

See also[edit]


  1. Sony PlayStation 2, Mobile, and Nintendo 3DS versions.