Slime (Recruit)

(Redirected from Slime/recruit)
001 slime companion card.jpg

In Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride, the player can recruit a Slime to join the party. It is one of the first monsters that can be recruited after getting the Wagon.

Names: Gootrude, Goodith, Goolia, Goozanna


Attribute Starting Stats Maximum Stats
Level 1 99
HP 8 511
MP 0 100
Strength 8 180
Agility 3 255
Resilience 5 140
Wisdom 1 50
Luck 3 50
Recruit rate 1/2 -> 1/32 -> 1/16
Flame Breath 1
Ice Breath 1
Frizz 1
Sizz 1
Bang 1
Woosh 1
Crack 1
Zap 1
Death/Paralysis 1
Kamikazee 1
Poof 1
Dazzle 1
Snooze 1
Drain Magic 0
Fizzle 0
Fuddle 1
Sap 1
Poison 1
Stun 1


Dragon Quest V (DS
Spell Level Learned
Poof 7
Kabuff 10
Kasap 15
Evac 18
Fuddle 22
Safe Passage 25
Zing 30
Spooky Aura 45
Meditation 77
Scorch 99

