Full plate armour

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"Armour made from forged steel plates that cover the wearer's entire body."

—Description of the full plate armour in Dragon Quest VIII

The full plate armour, also known as the steel armor, is a recurring suit of armour in the Dragon Quest series. This heavy suit of armour has a high defence value and it is typically reserved for characters with a large amount of physical strength.

Full plate armour
DQVIII Full Plate Armour.png
Japanese はがねのよろい
Romaji {{{romaji}}}
Old localizations Full plate armour
Full plate armor
Steel armor
Found in Dragon Quest I
Dragon Quest II
Dragon Quest III
Dragon Quest IV
Dragon Quest V
Dragon Quest VI
Dragon Quest VII
Dragon Quest VIII
Dragon Quest IX
Dragon Quest X
Dragon Quest Swords
Dragon Quest Builders
Effect various, see article


The item art for the full plate armor consists of a breastplate with gold filigree details, pauldrons, and attached faulds, all made out of forged steel plates. In character art, the full plate armour often includes cuisses (thigh armour), gauntlets, boots, and a helmet. It is often the standard armour worn by knights and as such, can typically only be equipped by the most physically powerful characters. It has appeared in every main entry in the series so far.


Dragon Quest

 Full plate armour
Defence +24
Equipable by Hero
Buy Price 3,000
Sell Price 1,500
Notes It can be bought at Kol, Rimuldar, and Cantlin.

Dragon Quest II

The full plate armour has a defence bonus of +25 and can only be equipped by the Hero. It can be purchased in Moonahan for 1,000 gold.

Dragon Quest III

The full plate armour has a defence bonus of +32 and can only be equipped by the Hero and Warriors. It can be purchased in Baharata for 2,400 gold.

Dragon Quest IV

 Full plate armour
Defence +35
Equipable by Hero, Ragnar, Psaro
Buy Price 2,300
Sell Price 1,725
Notes Buy in Mintos and Canalot.
Dropped by Marquis de Léon.

Dragon Quest V

 Full plate armour
Defence +30
Equipable by Hero, Son
Buy Price 2,300
Sell Price 1,150
Notes For sale in Lodestar Harbour, Zoomingale, and Mostroferrato.

Dragon Quest VI

 Full plate armour
Defence +30
Equipable by Hero, Carver, Nevan, Amos, Terry, Goowain
Buy Price 2,300
Sell Price 1,725
Notes The armour can be reworked at the fashion forge for 800 gold.

This boosts its style from 27 to 42.

Dragon Quest VII

The full plate armour has a defence bonus of +34 and a style bonus of +27. It can be equipped by the Hero, Kiefer, and Aishe. It can be purchased for 5,000 gold and sold for 2,500. They can also be won as prizes from the Lucky Panel at the Casino.

Dragon Quest VIII

The full plate armour has a defence bonus of +39. Only the Hero can equip it. It can be purchased on the Holy Isle of Neos and Savella Cathedral for 2,300 gold and sold for 1,150 gold. The full plate armour can also be upgraded into the magic armour by combining it with a prayer ring and a ruby of protection in the Alchemy Pot.

Dragon Quest IX

The full plate armour is an upgrade to the iron armour in this installment and is obtainable through the use of Alchemy.

   Full plate armour
Defence +28
Equipable by Warrior, Thief, Gladiator, Paladin, Armamentalist
Buy Price N/A
Sell Price 1,450
Flavor text Steel armour that covers the upper quarters.
Notes Recipe: Iron armour + Iron ore + Royal soil
Upgrades into Gigasteel armour.

Dragon Quest Swords

Dragon Quest Builders

See also


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