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For the turban-wearing bearded spellcasters from Dragon Quest VI, see Sorcerer (DQVI)

The Sorcerer is a recurring monster in the Dragon Quest series, first appearing in Dragon Quest II.

These masked spellcasters were originally followers of Hargon.


Sorcerers are a humanoid enemies. It usually wears a white robe with the bat insignia of Hargon on the front, a pinkish-magenta cape, and a white mask with a red jewel on its forehead. It wields a staff in battle, topped with either a red or blue crystal orb. As one might expect from the name, sorcerers are spellcasters. Also, like many humanoid monsters in the series, they are now depicted as having five fingers on their hands in modern appearances instead of four. They have access to a variety of magic at their fingertips such as fire magic and support spells to serve their demonic masters, but they are cowardly and are just as likely to flee from battle at the first sign of danger.

In the Nintendo 3DS version of VII, sorcerers now wear orange robes with yellow and brown sleeves and red-orange capes.


Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line

Sorcerer (ようじゅつし Yōjutsushi)DQ2-SNES-LOGO-ICON.PNG
Original (NES)
Sprite HP MP Attack
Sorcerer DQII NES.gif 55 Unlimited 61
Defense Agility Experience Gold
28 43 72 40
Abilities Sizzle
Location(s) Burrowell Region
Dirkandor Region
Slewse Region
Fire Shrine
Item Dropped Cloak of evasion116
Evasion Fire Resistance * Dazzle Resistance Snooze Resistance
164 17 27 27
Thwack Resistance Fizzle Resistance Kasap Resistance
27 27 27
Remakes (SFC, GBC, Mobile)
Sprites HP MP Attack
DQII Sorcerer SFC.pngDQII Warlock.pngDQII Sorcerer iOS.pngDQII Sorcerer Switch.png 55 20 61
Defense Agility Experience Gold
28 43 72 110
Abilities Sizzle
Location(s) Burrowell Region
Dirkandor Region
Slewse Region
Fire Shrine
Item Dropped Cloak of evasion116
Evasion Fire Resistance * Dazzle Resistance Snooze Resistance
164 17 27 27
Thwack Resistance Fizzle Resistance Kasap Resistance
27 27 27

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past

Sorcerer (ようじゅつし Yōjutsushi)
Remake exclusive (3DS)
Sprite HP MP Attack Defense
96 30 72 80
Agility Experience Gold Tame Rate
58 89 138 164
Bestiary No. DLC #123
Spell(s) Frizzle
Location(s) Tower of Trickery
Item(s) Dropped Seed of magic1256
Evasion Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Fire Breath Resistance *
164 60% 60% 0%
Bang Resistance * Crack Resistance * Ice Breath Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
60% 60% 0% 60%
Strike/Rock Resistance * Zap Resistance * Drain Magic Resistance * Whack Resistance *
50% 60% 15% 100%
Poof Resistance * Ban Dance Resistance Dazzle Resistance * Fizzle Resistance *
100% 100% 50% 50%
Fuddle Resistance * Paralysis Resistance* Poison Resistance * Snooze Resistance *
100% 100% 0% 50%
Stun Resistance * Sap Resistance * Army Resistance *
0% 15% 0%

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies

#120 - Sorcerer
DQIX Sorcerer.png
HP MP Experience Gold
99 66 690 130
Attack Defense Speed
94 114 114
Dropped Item Magical robes (common, 1/32)
Seed of magic (rare, 1/256)
Locations Gerzuun
Skills Channel Anger
Spells Boom
Family Humanoid
Bestiary # 120
Game Dragon Quest IX
Console DS
Romanized Jap. Yōjutsushi
Description Supreme spellcasters whose repertoire includes Boom, Zammle and Fizzle, and who are impervious to poison.

Excommunicated from the faith after dabbling in the dark arts, they now know every spell there is.

Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below

Sorcerer (妖術師 Youjutshi)DQH Logo.png
Model Experience Gold
Sorcerer DQH series.png 41 44g
List No. 075
Field Notes These wily wizards prefer to fight from afar, sending foes into a flap with Sizz and Kasap. They made monsters of themselves after falling prey to their own fascination for the arcane arts.
Location(s) Dawnsholm (Recruit, Captain), Pinnacle of Light (Hero), The Fault (Recruit), The Shrine of Scales (Hero), Yggdrasil's Crown (Hero)
Item(s) Dropped Birdsong nectar, Belle cap

Dragon Quest Heroes II: Twin Kings and the Prophecy's End

Sorcerer (妖術師 Youjutshi)DQHII Logo.png
Model Experience Gold Marked Version?
Sorcerer DQH series.png 356 30g Yes
List No. 089
Field Notes These wily wizards prefer to fight from afar, sending foes into a flap with Sizz and Kasap. They made monsters of themselves after falling prey to their own fascination for the arcane arts.
Location(s) Battle of the Great Divide (N), Dead Man’s Land, The Battle of Accordia
Item(s) Dropped Ethereal stone, Wing of bat

Dragon Quest Builders 2


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