Fire blade

From Dragon Quest Wiki
(Redirected from Fire Blade)
Fire blade
Fire blade VII artwork.png
Japanese ほのおのつるぎ
Romaji Honō no tsurugi
Old localizations Flame sword
Fire sword
Sword of flames
Found in Dragon Quest
Dragon Quest VI
Dragon Quest VII
Dragon Quest IX
Dragon Quest X
Dragon Quest Builders
Dragon Quest Builders 2
Dragon Quest Heroes
Dragon Quest Swords
Dragon Quest Walk
Dragon Quest Tact
Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai: A Hero's Bonds
Dragon Quest Keshi Keshi
Effect Casts Sizz or Bang when used as a tool in battle.
Inflicts fire damage when attacking.

The fire blade is a recurring Sword in the Dragon Quest series. It is a powerful weapon that can unleash flames on the enemy when used as an item in battle, and often deals blistering bonus damage as well.


The fire blade is a red European-style sword with a wavy red blade shaped like a flame. The hilt, handle, and edge of the blade are gold, and the blade has a blue and gold crystal in the center. In some illustrations, the handle is purple, while the hilt and pommel are light blue. Despite being the penultimate sword in the first game of the series, the fire blade has only made a handful of appearances in other games in the series.


Dragon Quest[edit]

Due to text restrictions in the Game Boy Color remake of Dragon Quest, the fire blade was renamed to Flame with a symbol of a sword next to it.

Fire blade (ほのおのつるぎ Honō no tsurugi)DQ-SNES-LOGO-ICON.PNG
Buy Sell Attributes
9,800 gold coins 4,900 gold coins Attack +28.

In remake versions* of the game, it can be used as a tool in battle to cast Sizz for 12 ~ 36 damage.

Can Be Equipped By Equipment Type Can Be Used As Tool In Battle?
ICON-Hero (Dragon Quest).png Sword ICON-INFO-QUESTION.png Remakes Only
Shop(s) N/A
Location(s) Purchased from a soldier in Cantlin by unlocking a door to the right side of the town.
In-Game Description
Mobile Useful in battle, and not only when wielded...

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation[edit]

The fire blade has an attack bonus of +87 and a Style bonus of +33, and will cast Bang when used as an item in battle. It can be equipped by the Hero, Carver, Nevan, Amos, Terry, Lizzie, and Goowain. It can be purchased in Well shop south of Alltrades Abbey and Felonia for 22,500 gold coins, and the style can be raised to +36 at the Fashion Forge for 8,000 gold coins.

The fire blade deals bonus, Frizz-element damage to the target monster that is half of the physical damage previously dealt before resistance apply and if said monster is defeated by the initial blow then the bonus damage will be redirected to a different target. This bonus damage will activate on the following physical-blow skills: dragon slash, double-edged slash, flame slash, frenzy, gust slash, hatchet man, kacrackle slash, lightning slash, mercurial thrust, metal slash, & undead undoer.

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past[edit]

The fire blade has an attack bonus of +87 and a style bonus of +33. It can be purchased in the Den of the Dwarves in the present for 22,500 gold coins and sold for 11,250. It can be equipped by The Hero, Kiefer, and Aishe. The fire blade provides a +20 style bonus when graded for the Excellence Grading Organisation when equipped with the flame shield and flame armour.

The bonus damage aspect is the same as in VI and will trigger when the above-listed skills are used.

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies[edit]

DQIX Fire blade.png Fire blade DQIX Logo.png
Fire blade IX artwork.png
A hot blade that spits forth flames if used as an item in battle.
Rarity Stats Vocations
★☆☆☆☆ Attack +83 IXwarrioricon.png
Inflicts 23~32 fire damage to all enemies when used as a tool in battle.
Upgrades into Inferno blade.
Price Location
21,500 / 10,750 Sold in Upover.
Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
DQIX Valkyrie Sword.png
Valkyrie sword
DQIX Lava lump.png
Lava lump x3
DQIX Rockbomb shard.png
Rockbomb shard

Dragon Quest X[edit]

The fire blade has an attack bonus of +66, a style bonus of +10, and increases the wielder's weight by 10. It has an equipment level of 50 and inflicts fire-elemental damage when attacking. The sword can be crafted with weaponsmithing.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age[edit]

Fire blade DQXI Logo EN.png
Fire blade xi icon.png
A fearsome sword that gutters and sputters with ferocious, fiery energy
Stats with forge buffs
Attack +87/90/94/98
Inflicts fire-elemental damage when attacking
Price Location
22,500 / 11,250 Sold in Hotto
1128 chance of being dropped by Grumpy grublins.
Forging difficulty
Hero XI sprite walk.gifErik sprite walk.gifSylvando sprite walk.gifHendrik sprite walk.gif

Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors[edit]

This weapon is made by tempering the Steel Broadsword with 4 Monsterbone, 3 Iron Ore, and 1 Lava Lump. After this sword is tempered into the Wrath of Helios, it becomes available to buy normally in the weapon shop for 1620 gold coins. This sword also teaches The Hero the Searing Slash Master Stroke.

Dragon Quest Builders[edit]

The fire blade has an Attack bonus of +39 and is enchanted with fire magic. It is created using a furnace and the recipe of: Orichalcum x 2+ Rockbomb shard x 5+ Coal x 5.

Dragon Quest Builders 2[edit]

The fire blade has an attack bonus of +74. The recipe is learned at Level 26, and is crafted with 1 Steel broadsword + 3 Rockbomb shards + 3 Magic crystals at a Wizard's workbench.

Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below[edit]

DQH Logo.png
A flaring, flaming foil forged in the fiercest of fires.[1]

Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

The fire blade appears as an A-rank sword as part of the limited Dragon Quest I event that can be received as a reward for completing Chapter 3, Episode of the event quests, completing the sixth stage of the event Battle Road, or purchasable from the event Swap Shop. It has an ATK bonus of +11, a max HP bonus of +36, increases Frizz-type physical potency by 4%, and has three slots for Alchemy Effects.

Captain N: The Game Master[edit]

In the episode "The Trojan Dragon", both the fire blade & silver shield are in a cave, and guarded by an Axe knight until Captain N defeats it.


  • If the remake versions of Dragon Quest are considered, the flame sword is retroactively the first weapon that could be used as a tool.

Other Languages[edit]

Language Translation Meaning
ICON-FLAG-ES.png EspañolEspada de fuegoSpanish for "sword of fire".
ICON-FLAG-FR.png FrançaisLame de feuFrench for "blade of fire".



  1. Sony PlayStation 4 and Steam versions.