Cooking site
Baguette |
A long loaf with a crispy crust and a soft, fluffy center. Fills hunger meter by 50%. |
Brick barbecue |
Wheat (x3), coal
Beany bunny burger |
An energizing bunny burger that’ll make you feel full of beans. Completely fills hunger meter and increases attack power for a short time. |
Brick barbecue |
Bread, bunicorn steak, boiled butterbeans.
Boiled butterbeans (x5) |
A simple snack of some green beans boiled in the pod. Fills hunger meter by 10%. |
Cookfire, brick barbecue |
Butterbeans (x3)
Bony steak |
A substantial shank steak served on the bone. Fills hunger meter by 50% and increases attack power for a short time. |
Brick barbecue |
Meaty bone, chilli peppers, coal
Bouillabaisse |
A thick and hearty seafood bisque. Completely fills hunger meter and increases defense for a short time. |
Brick barbecue |
Salmon, crab claw, wheat, heartfruit, pure water, coal
Bread (x5) |
A loaf of leavened bread baked until brown. Fills hunger meter by 15% |
Brick barbecue |
Wheat (x10), coal
Bunicorn steak |
A rabbity rib-eye roasted right over the coals. Fills hunger meter by 20% and increases attack power for a short time. |
Cookfire, brick barbecue |
Meat, coal
Bunny burger |
A succulent steak sandwiched between two bits of bread. Fills hunger meter by 80% and increases attack power for a short time. |
Brick barbecue |
Bread, bunicorn steak
Buttermilk (x5) |
A creamy concoction brewed from butterbeans. Fills hunger meter by 10% and restores 10 HP. |
Brick barbecue |
Butterbeans (x3), coal
Cactus steak |
A fragrant and filling filet of flame-grilled cactus. Fills hunger meter by 40%. |
Cookfire, brick barbecue |
Cactus cutlet (x2), coal
Coddled egg |
Gently poached in warm water and served while still soft. Fills hunger meter by 30%. |
Cookfire, brick barbecue |
Monster egg, hot water
Cooked crab claw |
A parboiled pincer cracked open for easy eating. Fills hunger meter by 40%. |
Cookfire, brick barbecue |
Crab claw, coal
Cream of marshroom soup |
A chunky chowder made from minced marshrooms. Fills hunger meter by 80% and increases defense for a short time |
Brick barbecue |
Marshrooms, buttermilk, coal
Fresh fish feast |
A sumptuous selection of sliced seafood, served raw. Completely fills the hunger meter and increases attack power for a short time. |
Brick barbecue |
Sardine, salmon, red snapper, tuna
Fried egg |
A speckled egg fried sunny side up. Fills hunger meter by 20%. |
Cookfire, brick barbecue |
Monster egg
Fried frogmeat |
Sweet and smoky frogs’ thighs frazzled over a fire. Fills hunger meter by 20%. |
Cookfire, brick barbecue |
Fried frogstool |
A fungus fried over an open flame to turn it from toxic to tasty. Fills hunger meter by 20%. |
Cookfire, brick barbecue |
Frog stool
Fries (x3) |
Judiciously julienned spuds sizzled in boiling oil. Fills hunger meter by 25%. |
Brick barbecue |
Potato (x5), orange oil (x3), coal
Fruit salad |
A piquant plate of fresh fruit and veg. Fills hunger meter by 20% and restores 10 HP. |
Cookfire, brick barbecue |
Medicinal leaf, plumberry
Gungerbread (x3) |
Slime-shaped biscuits with a chewy, gooey center. Fills hunger meter by 20% and restores 10 HP. |
Brick barbecue |
Wheat, sugar cane
Hearty cream cake |
A succulent sponge cake smothered in whipped cream. Fills hunger meter by 80%. |
Brick barbecue |
Wheat (x2), sugar cane, dracky butter, heartfruit
Hell broth |
It takes a lot of toil and trouble to brew up a broth this tasty. Completely fills hunger meter and increases defense for a short time. |
Brick barbecue |
Marshrooms, frogstool, frog, newt, coal
Ice cream |
Buttery custard cooled to form a frozen ambrosia. Fills hunger meter by 20% and restores 50 HP. |
Brick barbecue |
Snow, sugar cane, dracky butter
Pancakes |
Soft and sugary hotcakes bathed in butter. Fills hunger meter by 60% |
Brick barbecue |
Wheat (x2), dracky butter, coal
Porridge (x3) |
A brimming bowl of gooey gruel. Fills hunger meter by 15%. |
Cookfire, brick barbecue |
Wheat (x3), pure water
Potato salad |
A nutritious dish of simmered spuds and shredded salad leaves. Fills hunger meter by 30% and restores 20 HP. |
Brick barbecue |
Potato, medicinal leaf
Sailor’s stew |
A hearty hotpot that’s full of fishy goodness. Completely fills hunger meter and increases defense for a short time. |
Brick barbecue |
Red snapper, tuna, pure water, coal
Sardine-on-a-stick |
A single sardine skewered and seared over an open flame. Fills hunger meter by 30%. |
Cookfire, brick barbecue |
Sardine, coal
Sautéed salmon |
A salmon steak served on a bed of bigonia leaves. Fills hunger meter by 50% and increases defense for a short time. |
Brick barbecue |
Salmon, bigonia leaf, orange oil
Searing steak |
A flaming filet that fills its eater with energy. Fills hunger meter by 50% and increases attack power for a short time. |
Cookfire, brick barbecue |
Hareloin steak, chilli peppers (x3), coal
Shrooms-on-a-stick |
A scrumptious skewer of barbecued marshrooms. Fills hunger meter by 20%. |
Cookfire, brick barbecue |
Squid-on-a-stick |
The meaty mantle of a marine mollusk sizzled on a skewer. Fills hunger meter by 20%. |
Cookfire, brick barbecue |
Super salad |
A slap-up salad made from everything under the sun. Fills hunger meter by 80% and restores 50 HP. |
Brick barbecue |
Potato (x2), butterbeans (x2), wheat (x2), heartfruit, cooked crab claw, medicinal leaf