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The glombolero is a recurring robe in the Dragon Quest series which first appeared in Dragon Quest IV. It has a chance to absorb half the MP from incoming spells in nearly every appearance, similar to Absorb Magic, with the exact drain rate varying between games. Its name comes from the slang word "glom", which means to steal or grab at, and bolero, a short type of jacket that opens or ties in the front.

Japanese ふしぎなボレロ
Romaji Fushigi na bolero
Old localizations Mysterious bolero
Fantastical bolero[1]
Found in Dragon Quest III
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake
Dragon Quest IV
Dragon Quest V
Dragon Quest VI
Dragon Quest VII
Dragon Quest IX
Dragon Quest X
Dragon Quest XI
Dragon Quest of the Stars
Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai: A Hero's Bonds
Dragon Quest Treasures
Effect Absorbs MP of any spell cast on the wearer
Reduces the MP cost of spells (III remake only)

"Hm... Looks like a dear piece o' gear, this bolero does. And there's an unusual power in it, too. When ye're wearin' it and someone casts a spell on ye, ye'll get the same amount o' magic restore to yerself."

—Torneko, when he appraises the glombolero


The original design for the glombolero consisted of a padded blue tunic with shoulder pads and a long purple cloak attached that reaches down the wearer's feet. Starting with the remake version of III, the bolero's design changed to reflect the real-life garment it is named after, being a short dark blue jacket with a capelet made of darker cloth over it. The capelet is held with a silver brooch with an orange jewel and smaller orange beads dangling from it. Later games also added a tunic of lighter blue worn worn underneath the jacket. In some games such as X and Stars, the glombolero is separated into a torso piece and a piece of legwear.


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of SalvationEdit

The glombolero is found in the Cloudsgate Citadel in remake versions of the game, nearby the lair of the Super Boss. It may be equipped by all vocations, providing +30 defence and reducing the cost of spells by 50%, rounded up. This feature stacks with the effects of the Mad Cap for a 75% reduction.

Dragon Quest III HD-2D RemakeEdit

This curious garment halves the amount of MP used to cast spells
Stats Vocations
Defence +50         
-50% MP price
Price Location
NA/375 Recruit 100 monsters & speak to Monty

Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the ChosenEdit

This curious garment sometimes absorbs MP from enemy spells[2]

The glombolero has a defence bonus of +47 (+37 in the NES Version) and absorbs magic 16th of the time. It is found in the Stairway to Zenithia and can be worn by Borya, Kiryl, Maya, and Meena.

Humorously, the bolero will absorb MP even when the wearer is deceased, causing a surreal scene when Zing fails to revive the recipient.

Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly BrideEdit

The glombolero has a defence bonus of +37. Bianca, Nera, the Hero's Daughter, and various monster companions can equip it. The absorption rate is still just 16th, and spells cast by party members are no longer affected. It can be acquired in exchange for 10 mini medals (17 in the remakes) at the Medal King's Palace.

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of RevelationEdit

The glombolero has a defence bonus of +40, but reduces the wearer's style by 50. It can be equipped by the Hero, Milly, Ashlynn, Nevan, and the slime buddies. It is the reward for giving King Medford 80 mini medals.

The absorption rate has jumped up to 50%, but at the cost of only being able to siphon a quarter of a spell's MP. In the DS and Mobile remakes, this has changed so that half of a spell's MP is drained.

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten PastEdit

Once again, the glombolero has a defence bonus of +40, but reduces the wearer's style by 50. It can be equipped by the Hero, Maribel, Ruff, Sir Mervyn, and Aishe. It is received from turning in 95 mini medals to King Maximo.

  • The Glitzy glombolero, introduced in the 3DS remake, has a 50% chance to absorb 100% of the MP from an enemy spell. It increases defence by +50 and style by +3.

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry SkiesEdit

Curious clothing that absorbs the power of magic cast on it
Rarity Stats Vocations
★★☆☆☆ Defence +20
Magical Might +16
All Vocations
Absorbs all MP from spells cast on the wearer
Price Location
N/a / 3,300 1% chance in Rank 4 blue treasure chests.
Received as a reward from completing Quest #42: Letter Getter.
Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
- - -

Dragon Quest XEdit

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive AgeEdit

An incredible coat that can absorb MP from any spell cast on the wearer.
Stats with forge buffs
Defence +40/42/44/46
Magical Might +17/18/19/21
20% chance to absorb MP of any spell caster on the wearer
Requires 10 Perfectionist's pearls to rework.
Price Location
N/a Received as a reward for turning in 50 mini medals at L'Académie de Notre Maitre des Médailles.
Forging difficulty

Dragon Quest TreasuresEdit

Clever clothing that can absorb incoming magic attacks from an enemy[3]

The glombolero is Treasure No. 121 in the Armour 2 category and can be found in the Hinterquarters. Its base value is 1,320,000 gold.

Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai: A Hero's BondsEdit

In Other LanguagesEdit

Language Translation Meaning
  EspañolTorera de ladrónSpanish for "thief's bolero".
  FrançaisAbsorboléroFrench for "absorbing bolero".
  DeutschKlauboleroFrom the German klauen, which means "to steal from", and bolero.
  ItalianoVeste antimagicaItalian for "antimagic clothing/vest".



  1. Dragon Quest III Official Guide Book
  2. Nintendo DS and Mobile versions
  3. Nintendo Switch version