List of articles to create
From Dragon Quest Wiki
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This List of Articles to Create is far from complete; you may add to it, so long as the addition is related to Dragon Quest. If you see a spelling error (not a romanization difference), please correct it.
Game Articles
Town Articles
- Arcadia
- Beran
- Calberona
- Calcado
- Chizod
- Clear Vale
- Dark Empycchu
- Despair Town
- Dragovian Sanctuary
- Empycchu
- Farebury
- Foan Castle
- Gent
- Grandino
- Greed Town
- Hidden Village of the Elves
- Holcotta
- Holstock Castle
- House of Pirates
- House of Prophecy
- Jahanna
- Kabochi
- Longaseso
- Maella Abbey
- Medal King's Castle
- Monster Arena
- Monstour
- Nameless Mountain Village
- Nameless Nunnery
- New Town
- Orkutsk
- Peregrin Quay
- Pescani
- Port Prospect
- Port Selmi
- Rexwood
- Riverside Chapel
- Ruins
- Ruraphin
- Salabona
- San Marino
- Seaview Church
- Simpeleton
- Tryan Gully
- Tuhn
- Village of the Faeries
- Wellgarth
- Wizard's Cabin
- Woodsman's Shack
- Zaxon
Cave/Tower/Dungeon Articles
- Bottom of the Old Well
- Castle of Hargon
- Castle Trodain
- Cave Northwest of Tantagel
- Cave of Jipang
- Cave of Necrogond
- Cave of the Padequia
- Cave on Promontory
- Cave Southeast of Samanao
- Cave to Dark World
- Cave to Dire Palace
- Cave to Izmit
- Cave to Hamlin
- Dark Ruins
- Dragon Graveyard
- Erdick's Cave
- Godbird's Eyrie
- Herb Grotto
- Pirate's Cove
- Ruined Abby
- Rock Mountain Cave
- Rydon's Tower
- Swordsman's Labyrinth
- Tower of Alexandra
- Tower of Moon
- Waterfall Cave
- Wisher's Peak
Character Articles
- Amos
- Anne
- Aria
- Dhoulmagus
- Dragon Queen
- Errol
- Gabo
- Garin
- Healie
- Kandar
- Louisa
- Maribel
- Midea
- Mirudraas
- Norud
- Olivia
- Rhapthorne
- Rubiss
- Sancho
- Simon
Monster Articles
- Anderoug
- Angel Head
- Archbison
- Archmage
- Armor Scorpion
- Army Ant
- Army Crab
- Arrop
- Atlas
- Attack Bot
- Avenger
- Avenger Beak
- Avenger Jackal
- Avenger Raven
- Baby Salamander
- Baboon
- Bakor
- Balakooda
- Bangler
- Baramos Bomus
- Baramos Gonus
- Barnabas
- Barog
- Barrenth
- Basilisk
- Batoidei
- Bazuzu
- Beastan
- Bebanbar
- Beleth
- Bellzabble
- Bengal
- Berserker
- Bharack
- Big Cobra
- Big Horn
- Big Rat
- Big Sloth
- Big Slug
- Bisonbear
- Bisonhawk
- Black Raven
- Blazeghost
- Blizag
- Blizzard
- Blue Beak
- Bomb Crag
- Boss Troll
- Brahmird
- Bull Basher
- Bullwong
- Butterfly Dragon
- Carnivog
- Carnivore Plant
- Caterpillar
- Catula
- Centipod
- Chameleon Humanoid
- Chaos Hopper
- Chillanodon
- Clay Doll
- Conjurer
- Crabus
- Crested Viper
- Curer
- Cyclops
- Dancing Jewel
- Dark Doriard
- Dark Eye
- Darthbear
- Deadly Toadstool
- Demighost
- Demighoul
- Demon Anteater
- Demon Stump
- Demon Toadstool
- Demonite
- Deranger
- Diverat
- Doolsnake
- Dragon Fly
- Dragon Rider
- Dragonlord (human)
- Dragonlord (dragon)
- Dragonit
- Dragonpup
- Droll Magi
- Druin Lord
- Ducksbill
- Duke Malisto
- Eigerhorn
- Elefrover
- Elerat
- Eliminator
- Elysium Bird
- Enchanter
- Evil Clown
- Evil Eye
- Evil Mage
- Evil Tree
- Executioner
- Fairy Dragon
- Ferocial
- Fierce Bear
- Flamadog
- Flamapede
- Flame
- Flamer
- Flythrope
- Froggore
- Frost Cloud
- Fury Face
- Garcoil Rooster
- Gargoyle
- Garuda
- Gas
- Gas Cloud
- Ghost Mouse
- Ghost Rat
- Ghoul
- Giant
- Giant Anteater
- Giant Bantam
- Giant Eyeball
- Giant Octopod
- Giant Worm
- Gigademon
- Glacier Basher
- Goategon
- Gold Basher
- Gold Batboon
- Gold Orc
- Goopi
- Gorgon
- Graboopi
- Granite Titan
- Great Beak
- Great Ohrus
- Great Ridon
- Gremlin
- Grislysaber
- Grizzly
- Guardian
- Guzzle Ray
- Hades' Condor
- Hambalba
- Hargon's Knight
- Hawk Man
- Healer
- Heat Cloud
- Hemasword
- Hibabango
- Hologhost
- Hork
- Horned Rabbit
- Humanabat
- Hun
- Hunter
- Hunter Fly
- Hydra
- Iceloth
- Imposter
- Infernus Beetle
- Infernus Crab
- Infernus Knight
- Infernus Sentinel
- Infernus Shadow
- Infsnip
- Iron Ant
- Jumbat
- Kandar
- Kandar Henchmen
- Karon
- Kaskos Hopper
- Killer Bee
- King Froggore
- King Healer
- King Hydra
- King Merzon
- King Metal
- King Slime
- King Squid
- King Tortragon
- Kong
- Kordra
- Kragacles
- Lava Basher
- Lava Doll
- Leaonar
- Leaping Mask
- Leona
- Lethal Armor
- Lethal Gopher
- Licklick
- Lighthouse Bengal
- Lilypa
- Linguar
- Lionhead
- Lionroar
- Lizard Fly
- Lumpus
- Mace Master
- Mad Clown
- Madhound
- Maelstrom
- Mage Toadstool
- Magemonja
- Magic Ant
- Magic baboon
- Magic Vampirius
- Magidrakee
- Man O' War
- Mandrake
- Man-Eater Chest
- Man-Eater Moth
- Mantam
- Marauder
- Marine Slime
- Maskan
- Masked Moth
- Master Malice
- Master Necrodain
- Medusa Ball
- Mega Knight
- Megapede
- Merzon
- Merzoncian
- Metal Babble
- Metal Hunter
- Mighty Healer
- Mimic
- Minidemon
- Minon
- Monjar
- Mud Man
- Mummy
- Mummy Man
- Mystic Doll
- Necrodain
- Necrodon
- Nev
- Noctabat
- Old Hag
- Orc
- Orc King
- Ogre
- Ogrebasher
- Ouphnest
- Ozwarg
- Phantom Knight
- Phantom Messenger
- Piranian
- Pit Viper
- Pixie
- Plesiodon
- Plesiosaur
- Podokesaur
- Poison Arrop
- Poison Lily
- Poison Lizard
- Poison Silkworm
- Poison Toad
- Prank Gopher
- Pteranodon
- Putregon
- Putrepup
- Rabid Roover
- Rabidhound
- Radimvice
- Rammore
- Raygarth
- Razor Wind
- Red Cyclone
- Rhinoband
- Rhinoking
- Rhinothrope
- Rogue Knight
- Rogue Whisper
- Roric
- Runamok Albacore
- Ryvern
- Ryvernlord
- Saber Lion
- Saber Tiger
- Salamander
- Sampson
- Sand Master
- Saroknight
- Saro's Shadow
- Savnuck
- Scalgon
- Scorpion Wasp
- Sea Lion
- Sea Slug
- Sea Worm
- Sealthrope
- Shadow
- Silver Batboon
- Simiac
- Sizarmage
- Skullknight
- Sky Dragon
- Slime (Lvl. 8)
- Slime Snail
- Smoke
- Snow Dragon
- Snowjive
- Somnabeetle
- Sorcerer
- Spectet
- Spiked Hare
- Spite Spirit
- Stag Beetle
- Stingwing
- Stone Hulk
- Swinger
- Swordoid
- Tentacles
- Tentagor
- Terror Shadow
- Thevro
- Titan Tree
- Tonguebear
- Tortragon
- Trick Bag
- Tricksy Urchin
- Troglodyte
- Troll
- Troll King
- Tyranobat
- Tyranosaur
- Undead
- Vampdog
- Vampire
- Vampire Bat
- Vampire Cat
- Vampirius
- Venom Zombie
- Viceter
- Vile Shadow
- Vileplant
- Vivian
- Voodoo Shaman
- Voodoo Warlock
- Weretiger
- Wild Ape
- Wild Mouse
- Wilymage
- Winged Demon
- Witch
- Witch Doctor
- Xemime
- Zapangler
- Zappersaber
- Zarlox
- Zombie
Company Articles
- Localization Lack of Uniformity - to describe how names have changed in North America, while they have remained relatively the same in Japan.
- Spells - List of all Dragon Warrior spells.
- Skills - List of all Dragon Warrior skills.