Hero (Dragon Quest)

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 18:13, 11 November 2013 by Antiyonder (talk | contribs)

This article is about the hero in the first Dragon Quest game, Dragon Warrior. For other uses of Hero in Dragon Quest, see Hero.

Dragon Quest I
Sprite(s) Original sprite of Hero in Dragon Quest FCDq1hero-sprite-NES.gif
Japanese name ヒーロ
Romaji Hiiro
Title Loto
Class Hero
Race Human
Age 16
Family Roto (ancestor)

The Hero of the first Dragon Quest game is a descendant of Erdrick who set out to rid Alefgard of the evil tyranny of the dreaded Dragonlord and bring light back to the kingdom.

Appearance and Personality

The hero is often pictured as a scrawny young boy wearing the traditional armor of Erdrick including his helm and shield.

The hero of the original 8-bit adventure is dressed appropriately for combat, donning blue Full plate armor, a helm that superficially resembles the helmet of Ortega with an added pony-tail, a large circular shield embedded with a red jewel in its center (possibly a ruby), and an impressively sized claymore sheathed at his side.

Setting the narrative standard for all other Dragon Quest protagonists to follow, the Hero is utterly silent, only communicating in answers of 'Yes' and 'No'. This was a decision made by series creator Yuji Horii to help draw the player into the world of Alefgard on a more personal level, rather than viewing the events of the game as an observer.


The hero is not only skilled with a sword but he can use magic. Here's a list of his spells:

Level Learned Original Japanese Dragon Warrior MP Description
3 ホイミ
Heal 4 A simple healing spell; recover 10 - 30 HP.
4 ギラ
Hurt 2 A small fireball attacks the enemy.
7 ラリホー Rarihoo Sleep 2 Try to put the enemy to sleep.
9 レミーラ Remiira Radiant 3 Provides greater illumination than a torch.
10 マホトーン Mahotoon Stopspell 2 Try to block the enemy's spell.
12 リレミト Riremito Outside 6 Exit a cave with this spell.
13 ルーラ
Return 8 Cast to return to Tantegel Castle.
15 トヘロス Toherosu Repel 2 Walk safely over barriers.
17 ベホイミ Behoimi Healmore 10 A stronger form of Heal; recover over 75 HP.
19 ベギラマ Begirama Hurtmore 5 A powerful fire spell.

Experience table

Dragon Warrior (NES) 
Level Experience
1 0
2 7
3 23
4 47
5 110
6 220
7 450
8 800
9 1300
10 2000
11 2900
12 4000
13 5500
14 7500
15 10000
16 13000
17 16000
18 19000
19 22000
20 26000
21 30000
22 34000
23 38000
24 42000
25 46000
26 50000
27 54000
28 58000
29 62000
30 65000

Dragon Warrior (SNES) 
Level Experience
1 0
2 7
3 23
4 47
5 110
6 220
7 450
8 800
9 1300
10 2000
11 2900
12 4000
13 5500
14 7500
15 10000
16 13000
17 16000
18 19000
19 22000
20 26000
21 30000
22 34000
23 38000
24 42000
25 46000
26 50000
27 54000
28 58000
29 62000
30 65000

Dragon Warrior (GBC) 
Level Experience
1 0
2 7
3 23
4 47
5 110
6 220
7 450
8 800
9 1300
10 2000
11 2900
12 4000
13 5500
14 7500
15 10000
16 13000
17 16000
18 19000
19 22000
20 26000
21 30000
22 34000
23 38000
24 42000
25 46000
26 50000
27 54000
28 58000
29 62000
30 65000


Though every picture and even the game sprite have a helmet, the equip menu in the game doesn't have a slot for a helmet. The helmet worn by the sprite resembles the horned helmet given to Ortega, the father of the hero of Dragon Quest III, at the beginning of the game, which later becomes the The Helmet of Erdrick. It's possible to speculate that the hero of Dragon Quest is simply wearing the Helmet of Erdrick the entire game, as that is the only equipment the Hero of Dragon Warrior III keeps for himself, and would have presumably passed down to his descendants, and he would have no need to upgrade to another helmet, since no others would be stronger. Erdrick's Shield is unavailable for use in Dragon Warrior; however, the shield that the hero uses clearly has the crest of Erdrick on it.



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