Seed of agility

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The Seed of agility is a recurring item in the Dragon Quest series that permanently raises the Agility to whoever consumes it. Seeds of agility can be found throughout the world in treasure chests, pots, drawers, or even dropped by monsters. They cannot be bought at shops and give the user 1~3 points of Agility.

Seed of agility
Japanese すばやさのたね
Romaji Subayasa no tane
Old localizations AGLseed
Found in Dragon Quest (remakes only)
Dragon Quest II (remakes only)
Dragon Quest III
Dragon Quest IV
Dragon Quest V
Dragon Quest VI
Dragon Quest VII
Dragon Quest VIII
Dragon Quest IX
Dragon Quest X
Dragon Quest XI
Torneko no Daibōken
Torneko: The Last Hope
Torneko no Daibōken 3
Dragon Quest: Shōnen Yangus to Fushigi no Dungeon
Dragon Quest Monsters
Dragon Quest Monsters 2
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2
Dragon Quest Treasures
Effect Permanently raises Agility of a single party member.


Dragon QuestEdit

Due to text limitations in the Game Boy Color, the seed of agility was renamed to AGLseed. There is only one seed of agility in the game.

Seed of agility (すばやさのたね Subayasa no tane) 
Buy Sell Effect
N/A 100 gold Found only in the remake versions. Increases Agility permanently by +1 ~ 3. Consumed after a single use.
Usable outside of battle? Usable in battle?
  YES   NO
Shop(s) This item is not sold in any shop.
Location(s) Tantegel
In-game description
Mobile Increases Agility by 1-3 points.

Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary LineEdit

Seed of agility (すばやさのたね Subayasa no tane) 
Buy Sell Effect
N/A 100 gold Found only in the remake versions. Increases Agility permanently by +1 ~ 3. Consumed after a single use.
Can Be Used Outside Of Battle? Can Be Used In Battle?
  YES   NO
Shop(s) This item is not sold in any shop.
Location(s) Midenhall Castle*, Lake Cave, Shrine South of Rendarak.
In-Game Description
Cell phone Increases Agility by 1-3 points.

Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of SalvationEdit

Seed of agility (すばやさのたね Subayasa no tane) 
Buy Sell Effect
N/a 60 gold Increases a character's Agility permanently by 1~3 points. Consumed upon use.
Usable outside of battle? Usable in battle?
  YES   NO
Shop(s) This item is not sold in any shop.
Location(s) Treasure chest in Aliahan Castle*, Dreamer's Tower, Norvik, Isis, Pyramid*, Kidnapper's Cave, Persistence, Manoza, and Tantegel.
116 chance of being dropped by Weaken beakons.
132 chance of being dropped by Metal slimes.
164 chance of being dropped by Raven lunatics and Ursa megas.
1256 chance of being dropped by Armfuls.

Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the ChosenEdit

Seed of agility (すばやさのたね Subayasa no tane) 
Buy Sell Effect
N/a 67 gold Increases a character's Agility permanently by 1~2 points. Will be consumed after a single use.
Can Be Used Outside Of Battle? Can Be Used In Battle?
Shop(s) This item is not sold in any shop.
Location(s) Found in the Auld Well, Zalenagrad, Taborov, the Vault of Vrenor, the Desert Bazaar, the Imperial Pantry of Parthenia, Burland castle treasury, Con Cave, the Colossus, Mamon Mine and Zenithia.
Can be dropped by Picksy, Vampire bat, Pteranodon, Podokesaurus, Ultraviolent ray, Div, Draguar, Emperor wyvern, and Wilder beast.
Always dropped by Kirk Buzzer.
In-Game Description
Nintendo DS/Mobile Any party member can eat this to increase agility.

Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly BrideEdit

The seeds may be found in the Dwarf's Den, Whealbrook Adit, Zoomingale, the Pass to Gotha, as well as prizes in the Nadirian and Stark Raving Mad TnT boards.

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of RevelationEdit

Located in Weaver's Peak, Haggleton, Moonmirror Tower, the Underkeep, the Hallowed Hollow, the sunken ship, Felonia, Castle Graceskull, and the Gallows Moor.

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten PastEdit

Seeds of agility can be found in Estard, Ballymolloy in the present, Wilted Heart in the past, the Mountain Pass in the past, the Poolside Cave, Pilgrim's Rest in the past, the Al-Balad region in the present*, Inside the Time Frame, the Sunken Citadel, Ventus Tower, and Villa Priores. They can also be won as prizes from the Lucky Panel at the Casino. The seeds can be dropped by Anarchaeopteryxes, Drag racers, Brawn moas, Dragstars, Horn moas, Dragsters, Shelligators, as well as Dirty rats in the 3DS version.

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed KingEdit

Permanently increases the agility of a single ally.[1]

Seeds of agility can be found in the Waterfall Shack near Farebury, the Tower of Alexandra, the ship ferrying the party to Pereguin Quay, the Kingdom of Ascantha*, Red's Den*, the Baccarat Region, in the Kingdom of Argonia near the Peddler's Tent, and the World of Darkness. The seeds can also be dropped by Metal slimes and Liquid metal slimes, as well as Gold nugcats, Trap Box in Memoriam, Gemon in Memoriam, and Sir Leopold in Memoriam in the Nintendo 3DS version.

They can be sold for 13 Gold and are only used in a single recipe for the Alchemy Pot.

Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
Agility ring
Prayer ring
Seed of agility

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry SkiesEdit

A seed that slightly supplements a single ally's agility.[2]

In this game, the amount of Agility increased by a seed of agility is fixed at 2. Seeds of agility can be rarely dropped or stolen from Killing machines at a rate of 1256. They can also be picked up in Tywll Cave, inside the player's ship, and also given as a reward for the first-time completion of Quest #41: Style Gooru and Quest #57: Not Nicholas's Necklace.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive AgeEdit

A nifty nut that permanently increases agility by a little. Consumed upon use.[3]

Seeds of agility will once again increase a single character's Agility by a fixed amount of 2. Some can be found in Cobblestone, Downtown Heliodor, and the Hekswood. Seeds can be dropped rarely by Raven lunatics and Prowler jowlers, as well as their vicious counterparts.

  • In the original 3D versions of the game, the Bodkin archer in the Zwaardsrust Region will reward the player with four seeds of agility for destroying all the targets in the area.

Dragon Quest MonstersEdit

Known as AGLseed in this game, it will raise a single monster's AGL by 1~2 points. They can be found randomly on the ground while exploring teleportals. The queen located above the Arena in GreatTree will also reward Terry with an AGLseed for showing her a Florajay.

Dragon Quest TreasuresEdit

The Seed of agility is Treasure No. 308 in the Items category and can be found at the Maneland. Its base value is 900,000 gold.

A special seed said to boost one's awareness and agility when consumed.[4]


Any party member can eat this to increase agility.[5]
Any party member can eat this to increase agility.[5]

In Other LanguagesEdit

Language Translation Meaning
  EspañolSimiente de agilidadSpanish for "seed of agility".
  FrançaisGraine d'AgilitéFrench for "seed of agility".
  DeutschFlinkheitssamenGerman for "seed of quickness".
  ItalianoSeme dell'agilitàItalian for "seed of agility".


Related itemsEdit


  1. PlayStation 2, Mobile, and Nintendo 3DS Version
  2. Nintendo DS version.
  3. Sony PlayStation 4, Steam, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One versions.
  4. Nintendo Switch and Steam versions.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Cell phone and Nintendo DS Version