List of vocations in Dragon Quest of the Stars

From Dragon Quest Wiki

There are eighteen vocations in the Global version of Dragon Quest of the Stars, and thirty-one in it's Japanese version. They are divided in four categories: the starter vocation, beginner vocations, specialist vocations, and advanced vocations. The advanced vocations are exclusive to the Japanese version of the game.

Each vocation has unique vocational skills -always placed on the top of the skill wheel in battle-, and have preferred weapons, which charge skills faster when used. Like the vocation systems in Dragon Quest IX, each vocation has its own independent level and can be switched at will without resetting the progress.

Starter vocation[edit]

Apprentice Adventurer is the first vocation all three characters start with. It cannot progress past level 20 and does not have any vocational skill.

Basic vocations[edit]

The seven basic vocations are unlocked upon saving Alltrades Abbey in the main story's second chapter, and the stronger vocations can be unlocked later on a per character basis after leveling the basic vocations to at least Level 50 and having obtained each specialist vocation's scroll in the Alltrades Abbey dungeons. Their max level is 99.

There is a hidden vocation, Gadabout, which can be unlocked by purchasing the scroll in the casino. Gadabouts have the highest base luck of all vocations, at level 99.

The basic vocations are:

Specialist vocations[edit]

All the specialist vocations have unique perks that make them better suited for certain conditions and allow them to have synergies with other vocations. For example, a Paladin can use their vocational skill Battle Buddy to cover a Superstar, who can then use On Stage to boost all allies' charge times. Specialist vocations can revocate in order to get additional passive skills and small stat gains. Their max level is 399, or what is the same: reaching level 99 after three revocations.

Specialist vocations are unlocked on each character after reaching at least level 50 in their required basic vocations, and after obtaining the vocation's scroll in the Alltrades Abbey dungeons.

The vocations in this category are:

  • Battlemaster (Level up both Warrior and Martial Artist to at least level 50 on one character.)
  • Paladin (Level up both Priest and Martial Artist to at least level 50 on one character.)
  • Sage (Level up both Mage and Priest to at least level 50 on one character.)
  • Armamentalist (Level up both Warrior and Mage to at least level 50 on one character.)
  • Pirate (Level up both Sailor and Dancer to at least level 50 on one character.)
  • Monster Master (Level up both Sailor and Ranger to at least level 50 on one character.)
  • Superstar (Level up both Dancer and Ranger to at least level 50 on one character.)
  • Gladiator (Level up both Martial Artist and Sailor to at least level 50 on one character.)
  • Astronomer (Level up both Priest and Ranger to at least level 50 on one character.)

Advanced vocations[edit]

Like specialist vocations, the advanced vocations require a vocation-specific item in order to be unlocked, as well as leveling up their corresponding specialist vocation. There are four special vocations that have other requirements, however. Their max level is 299 as of April 2022.

Advanced vocations have stronger versions of the vocational skills from specialist vocations as well as additional perks. They also allow some customization via skill panels like the ones seen in Dragon Quest XI and Dragon Quest X Offline.

  • Battle King (バトルキング) (Level up Battlemaster to at least level 99.)
  • Guardian (ガーディアン) (Level up Paladin to at least level 99.)
  • Archsage (魔賢導士) (Level up Sage to at least level 99.)
  • Star Knight (星騎士) (Level up Armamentalist to at least level 99.)
  • Space Pirate (宇宙海賊) (Level up Pirate to at least level 99.)
  • Druid (天地雷鳴士) (Level up Monster Master to at least level 99.)
  • Ultrastar (ウルトラスター) (Level up Superstar to at least level 99.)
  • Champion (ゴッドハンド) (Level up Gladiator to at least level 99.)
  • Astrotemporalist (時空術士) (Level up Astronomer to at least level 99.)
  • Brave Knight (ブレイブナイト) (Obtain 5 mini medals.)
  • Arcana Lord (アルカナロード) (Obtain 5 fiend mini medals.)
  • Samurai () (Level up Battle King, Guardian, Star Knight, Space Pirate and Champion to at least level 99 on one character.)
  • Tactician (軍師) (Level up Archsage, Druid, Ultrastar and Astrotemporalist to at least level 99 on one character.)

Note about these names: the naming for Archsage, Star knight, Brave Knight, Arcana Lord, Samurai and Tactician use fan-translated terms and are, thus, not official. Druid and Champion are listed using the Dragon Quest VII (3DS) names for these two vocations, while Battle King, Guardian, Ultrastar and Astrotemporalist use names seen in the Global version of Stars for a limited time due to a bug allowing high level players to use helper bots who had these four vocations.
