Silver ore

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The Silver ore is a recurring item in the Dragon Quest series. It is an ore of precious metal that is used as a crafting ingredient.

Silver ore
ICON-Silver ore XI.png
Japanese ぎんのこうせき
Romaji Gin no koseki
Old localizations N/a
Found in Dragon Quest X
Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age
Dragon Quest Heroes II: Twin Kings and the Prophecy's End
Effect Used as an ingredient to create items.


Dragon Quest XEdit

Silver ore is used as an ingredient for crafting equipment and furniture. It can be purchased from a material store for 240 gold, picked up from sparkly spots, or dropped by various monster such as Erazor blades, Harmours, and Hunter mechs.

Dragon Quest XIEdit

Silver ore can be purchased from Heliodor (3DS version only) and the Havens Above for 200 gold or received from sparkly spots at the Emerald Coast, the Dundrasil Region, the Costa Valor, the Zwaardsrust Region, the Caverns Under Octagonia, and the Sniflheim Region. It has a 18 chance of being dropped by Hunter mechs, a 116 chance of being dropped by Grinades, a 132 chance of being dropped by Knight errants, and a 164 chance of being dropped by Clockwork cuckoos.

The ore is used in the following recipes for the Fun-Size Forge:

Dragon Quest Heroes II: Twin Kings and the Prophecy's EndEdit

Silver ore is used as an ingredient to improve various accessories. It can be dropped by Hunter mechs, Infernal armours, and Knight aberrants.


All silver is made from this marvellous mineral.[1]

Related itemsEdit


  1. Sony PlayStation 4, Steam, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One versions.