Cyber slime

From Dragon Quest Wiki

The Cyber slime is a recurring monster in the Dragon Quest series.

Introduced in the original Dragon Quest Monsters, it is a grey slime that has been enhanced with cybernetic implants.


Cyber slimes have slightly rounder bodies than their ordinary cousins and have a dark grey metallic body similar to that of a Metal slime. On the left side of their body, their ocular implant consists of a metallic faceplate with electrical wiring covering their left eye that has been attached with screws, giving the Slime a robotic red eye. Its bestiary descriptions state that the Cyber slime has oil circulating throughout its body instead of blood and its cybernetic implants have enhanced its agility and durability. In battle, it is capable of generating powerful electrical shocks against enemies.


Dragon Quest X[edit]

Cyber slimes make their debut in the main series starting in Version 3.0. They are capable of attacking with Lightning and can even cast Kazapple. Although their magical might is low, they can quickly overwhelm the player, especially if multiple Cyber slimes gather.

Dragon Quest Monsters[edit]

SlimeBorgs can be bred with a combination of any member of the Slime family as the pedigree and a Roboster as the mate.

SlimeBorg (スライムボーグ Suraimubōgu) DWM Logo.png
Sprite Level cap * HP growth MP growth
DQM Slimeborg.png 50 3/5 3/5
Strength growth Resilience growth Wisdom growth Agility growth
2/5 2/5 4/5 4/5
Family Slime
In-game description Oil flows through its body instead of blood
Abilities Lightning, BladeD, RainSlash
Habitat Gate of Reflection, Gate of Mastermind
Breeding chart Slime family x Roboster
DrakSlime, Metabble, RockSlime, SlimeNite x BattleRex, GreatDrak, SkyDragon, Spikerous, Swordgon
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Fire Breath Resistance * Bang Resistance *
Weak Weak Weak None
Crack Resistance * Ice Breath Resistance * Woosh Resistance * Rock/Army Resistance *
Weak Weak Weak None
Zap Resistance * Gigaslash Resistance Magic Burst Resistance Drain Magic Resistance *
Strong None Strong Strong
Whack Resistance * Kamikazee Resistance * Poison Resistance * Paralysis Resistance *
Immune Immune None Weak
Fuddle Resistance * Snooze Resistance * Dazzle Resistance * Fizzle Resistance
Immune Strong Strong Strong
Ban Dance Resistance Gobstopper Resistance Stun Resistance * Sap Resistance *
None None None Strong
Decelerate Resistance * Curse Resistance
Strong None

Dragon Quest Monsters 2[edit]

SlimeBorg (スライムボーグ Suraimubōgu) DWM2 Taras Adventure Logo.png
Sprite Level cap * HP growth MP growth
Slimeborg 1.png 50 7/10 6/10
Strength growth Resilience growth Wisdom growth Agility growth
5/10 5/10 4/10 5/10
Family Slime
In-game description
Abilities BladeD, Lightning, RainSlash
Habitat Enhanced for speed and durability.
Breeding chart DrakSlime x Swordgon
Metabble x BattleRex, SkyDragon
RockSlime x GreatDrak
Slime family x Roboster
SlimeNite x Spikerous
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Fire Breath Resistance * Bang Resistance *
Weak Weak Weak None
Crack Resistance * Ice Breath Resistance * Woosh Resistance * Rock/Army Resistance *
Weak Weak Weak None
Water Resistance * Zap Resistance * Gigaslash Resistance Magic Burst Resistance
None Strong None Strong
Drain Magic Resistance * Whack Resistance * Kamikazee Resistance * Poison Resistance *
Strong Immune Immune None
Paralysis Resistance * Fuddle Resistance * Snooze Resistance * Dazzle Resistance *
Weak Immune Strong Strong
Fizzle Resistance Ban Dance Resistance Gobstopper Resistance Stun Resistance *
Strong None None None
Sap Resistance * Decelerate Resistance * Curse Resistance
Strong Strong None

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2[edit]

Cyber slime
Family Slime
Rank C
Size S
Weapons Swords, Axes, Spears, Claws, Staves
Traits Paralyzing, Lootist
Resistances Immune to Gobstopper, Ban Dance, and Sap
Skill Saboteur
Location Bemusoleum
Breeding chart Cureslime x Heyedra
Angel slime x Barracuda

Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland 3D[edit]

Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru and Luca's Marvelous Mysterious Key[edit]

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince[edit]

Cyber slime (スライムボーグ Suraimubōgu) DQM3 Logo.png
Icon Family Max HP* Max MP*
Cyber slime DQM3 portrait.png DQM3 slime family icon.png 1,360 340
Max Attack* Max Defence * Max Agility * Max Wisdom *
590 530 420 570
Bestiary No. #046
Rank C
In-game description These slimes have modified their bodies in emulation of the idol, the metal slime. Be warned――they can short their own circuits in order to shoot powerful lightning blasts
Talents Lightning Rod, MP Booster I, Stun Stopper
Guaranteed traits Insensitive Skin, Ultra Crafty Paralyser, Zapmeister
Large-size exclusive traits Tactical Genius, Ultra Crafty Zapper, Last Legs
Habitat Circle of Fortitude, upper echelonDQM3 spring icon.pngDQM3 summer icon.pngDQM3 autumn icon.pngDQM3 winter icon.png
Items Sage's elixir
Rubber amulet
Synthesis chart Pasty pastry DQM3 portrait.png X Eggsoskeleton DQM3 portrait.png
Notable synthesis
Fire Resistance * Water Resistance * Wind Resistance * Earth Resistance *
25% 0% 0% -25%
Explosion Resistance * Ice Resistance * Electricity Resistance * Light Resistance *
50% 0% 50% 50%
Dark Resistance * Antimagic Resistance * Bedazzlement Resistance * Confusion Resistance *
50% 25% 50% 0%
Debilitation Resistance* MP Absorption Resistance * Paralysis Resistance * Poison Resistance *
25% -25% 50% 0%
Sleep Resistance * Stun Resistance *
25% 0%
Instant Death Resistance *

Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

Cyber slime appears as a B-rank monster of the Slime family that can be scouted normally from any banner. It can participate in the Battle Roads of the Slime knight, Mjoll, and the Mindini hunter as a party member.

Cyber slime (スライムボーグ Suraimubōgu)Tactlogo.png

DQT Cyber Slime.png
Family Rank Role
Tact Icon Slime.png
DQTact Rank Icon B.png DQTact AttackType.png
Max Level HP MP Move
110 952 212 2-3
Attack Defense Agility Wisdom Weight
298 246 355 156 25
Basic Skills
First Second Third
Spark Lightning* Aeolian Slash*
Talent Blossoming: Electro Stamp
Awakening Skills
First Second Third
Move +1/Stats Up Bang Res +25/Stats Up Aeolian Slash Potency +5%/Stats Up
Electro Stamp Potency +5%
Fourth Fifth
Crack Res +25/Stats Up Aeolian Slash Potency +5%/Stats Up
Electro Stamp Potency +5%
Leader Perks
Basic Perks
First Second Third
Max HP +15 Aeolian Slash Potency +2% N/a
Perk Details
Move +1: Raises Move by 1.
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Crack Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
Very Weak Normal Half Res Normal
Bang Resistance * Zap Resistance * Zam Resistance * Snooze Resistance
Half Res Normal Very Weak Super Weak
Poison Resistance Physical Lock Resistance Spell Lock Resistance Martial Lock Resistance
Normal Normal Super Weak Normal
Breath Lock Resistance Hobble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Dazzle Resistance
Normal Normal Normal Immune
Curse Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confusion Resistance Charm Resistance
Half Res Normal Normal Half Res

Dragon Quest Rivals[edit]

Dragon Quest Walk[edit]

See also[edit]
