Spot (DQ6)

Dragon Quest VI
DQVI DS Mottle Slime.png
Japanese name ぶちすけ
Romaji Spoil
Race Mottle Slime

"Let's goo dig some holes! (squelch)"

—Spot (DS)

Spot (ぶちすけ Spoil) is a character and eligible party member in the Dragon Quest series that appears in the remakes of Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation.

Appearance and personalityEdit

Spot is identical in appearance to his mottled buddies. Being frightened out of his mind when first encountered, Spot retains this shaky resolve as seen in his party chat. Despite his timidness, he's a friendly individual who enjoys playing with Peggy Sue.


Dragon Quest VI: Realms of RevelationEdit

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Spot is found at Castle Graceskull during a mass hallucination the party experiences on the premises. The little glob is deathly afraid of something in air, and will practically beg the party to let him join them once spoken to.

Base statsEdit

Attribute Starting Stats Maximum Stats
Level 1 99
HP 5 770
MP 0 320
Strength 8 340
Agility 3 100
Resilience 5 110
Wisdom 2 70
Style 2 60
Initial gear None


Flame Breath 0%
Ice Breath 0%
Frizz 0%
Sizz 0%
Bang 0%
Woosh 0%
Crack 0%
Zap 0%
Strike/Rock 0%
Troop 0%
Death 0%
Kamikazee 0%
Paralysis 0%
Poof 80%
Dazzle 0%
Snooze 0%
Drain Magic 100%
Fizzle 100%
Fuddle 0%
Sap 0%
Poison 0%
Ban Dance 100%
Stun 0%


Aside from class abilities, Spot learns several skills on his own:

Name MP Level Target Description
Tongue Lashing 0 3 One enemy A slobbery lick to make the enemy cower.
Follow Suit 0 9 Self Gives the enemy back a taste of its own medicine.
Whistle 0 11 Field Summons monsters with a whistle.
Dig 0 13 Field Dig in the dirt to unearth hidden treasure.
Nap 0 15 Self Sleep for a spell to restore HP and MP.
Double Up 0 16 One enemy Ditches defence to increase attack an impressive amount.


Dragon Quest VI (All) 
Weapon Modifier(s)
Poison needle Attack +1
Bone stake Attack +6
Stone fangs Attack +12
Boomerang Attack +15
Staff of Ghent Attack +15
Iron claw Attack +21
Poison moth knife Attack +24
Edged boomerang Attack +25
Falcon knife earrings Attack +30
Steel fangs Attack +35
Fire claw Attack+53
Lunar Fan Attack+60
Icicle dirk Attack +62
Flametang boomerang Attack +65
Ferocious fangs Attack +73
Cobra claw Attack +90
Wizardly whip Attack +97
Miracle sword Attack +100
Solar fan Attack +110
Metal king sword Attack +130
Orichalcum fangs Attack +135

Selected quotesEdit

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Main article: Dragon Quest VI Party Chat

"I'd g-give all my spots to goo b-back to the wagon! (squelch)"

Spot (DS)


"G-Gooness gracious... I'm j-jigglin' with f-fear! (squelch)"

Spot (DS)


"The m-monsters are p-pretty strong around here... (squelch)"

Spot (DS)


"It's v-very nice here... (squelch)"

Spot (DS)


"Horsing around with Peggy Sue is goo clean fun! (squelch)"

Spot (DS)


"(squelch) It's a s-scary world outside the w-wagon..."

Spot (DS)


  • Spot is a direct homage to Weak Spot, the Hero's pet Mottle slime in the manga adaptation of VI. Though met through different circumstances, the two Slimes have identical dispositions and tendency to dig holes to hide in when frightened.

See alsoEdit