Happy hat

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Happy hat
Japanese しあわせのぼうし
Romaji Shiawase no bōshi
Old localizations Hat of Happiness
Joy hat
Found in Dragon Quest IV
Dragon Quest V
Dragon Quest VI
Dragon Quest VII
Dragon Quest VIII
Dragon Quest IX
Dragon Quest XI
Dragon Quest Treasures
Effect Recovers wearer's MP while walking on the field.

The happy hat is a recurring hat in the Dragon Quest series. This wondrous pink wizard hat recovers the wearer's MP while walking on the field. It appears to have a magical flower growing from it and its bright pink colour give it an especially absurd appearance that notably lowers the style and charm of the wearer.


Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen[edit]

Recovers some of the wearer's MP with each and every step.[1]

The happy hat has a Defence bonus of +15 and restores 1 MP for every 4 steps. It can be worn by Borya, Kiryl, Maya, and Meena. In the original NES version, one can be received as a reward for turning in 4 mini medals to the Medal King, while in all remake versions of the game, it is a reward for turning in 43 medals. It also has a 1128 chance of being dropped by Liquid metal slimes or randomly stolen by Torneko in your party. It's best to have the Sands of Time item and enter a battle with Liquid metal slime with another monster who won't run away. Also have everybody defend except for Torneko who will randomly steal a Liquid metal helm. If the Liquid metal slime runs away or Torneko accidentally kills one, use the Sands of Time to bring the Liquid metal slime back to the battle. The hat can be sold for a measly 11 gold coins, but it is not recommended to do so.

Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride[edit]

Recovers some of the wearer's MP with each and every step.[1]

The happy hat has a Defence bonus of +35 and restores 1 MP per step. It can be equipped by Bianca, Nera, Madchen, Sancho, and several monster companions. The hat is found in Gotha Castle behind a door that is locked with the Ultimate Key. It can be sold for 6,750 gold coins, but it is not recommended to do so since there is only one in the entire game.

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation[edit]

The happy hat restores 1 MP per 8 steps on the world map and 16 in dungeons, towns, castles, etc. It has a Defence bonus of +35, but reduces the wearer's Style by -17. It can only be equipped by Milly, Ashlynn, Nevan, and some of the slime companions. The hat is received as a prize for winning Level 8 of the Best Dressed contest at Château de Sass. It can also be dropped by Liquid metal slimes at a rate of 1256, but having a party of Thieves at rank 8 raises the rate to 132.

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past[edit]

Restores some of the wearer's MP with each and every step.[2]

The happy hat has a Defence bonus of +37, but once again reduces the wearer's Style by 17. It recovers 1 MP for every 4 steps, which is slightly inferior to the Goddess ring which recovers 1 MP for every 2 steps. It can be worn by the Hero, Maribel, Ruff, and Sir Mervyn. It is not sold in any shops, but it can be won from the Lucky Panel at Buccanham's Casino. It can also be dropped by Platinum king jewels at a 1128 rate, but a party of mastered Thieves will raise this to 116. They can be sold for 10,000 gold coins, but it is not recommended to do so.

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King[edit]

A magical hat that gradually restores MP as its wearer walks around.[3]

The happy hat has a Defence bonus of +31. It can only be worn by Jessica and Angelo. It can be obtained from Dodgy Dave in Pickham in exchange for the Sandstorm spear or made in the Alchemy Pot with the Feathered cap and Elevating shoes. The hat can be sold for 10,000 gold coins, but as always, it is not recommended to do so.

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies[edit]

DQIX Happy hat.png Happy hat DQIX Logo.png
Happy hat IX artwork.png
A curious cap that accumulates MP as its wearer wanders about.
Rarity Stats Vocations
★★★☆☆ Defence +17
Magical Might +15
Magical Mending +19
Style +60
Recovers the wearer's MP when walking.
Price Location
6,000 / 3,000 Could be purchased from the DQVC during Spring Fayre week when it was still available.
Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
DQIX Unhappy hat.png
Unhappy hat
Lucky pendant.png
Lucky pendant

In this game, the Happy hat gained a weakened counterpart in the form of the Unhappy hat.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age[edit]

Happy hat DQXI Logo EN.png
Happy hat xi icon.png
Heart-warming headgear that gradually restores MP as you roam across the land.
Stats with forge buffs
Defence +31/32/33/35
Magical Might +25/26/27/29
Magical Mending +25/26/27/29
Chunks of 1/1/2/3 MP restored regularly when moving through the world as part of the main battle party.
Requires 16 Perfectionist's pearls to rework.
Price Location
N/a / 5,000 Received as a reward from Bo in Gallopolis for completing the Crossbow Colossus sidequest. (PS4 version only)
Can be purchased from Octagonia's Casino for 300,000 tokens.
Received as a reward for completing Quest #38: A Rose Arose Where No Rose Grows after the first act.
Rarely dropped by Ham shamwitches and Liquid metal slimes.
Forging difficulty
Hero XI sprite walk.gifErik sprite walk.gifVeronica sprite walk.gifSerena sprite walk.gifSylvando sprite walk.gifJade sprite walk.gifRab sprite walk.gifHendrik sprite walk.gif

Dragon Quest Treasures[edit]

Dragon Quest Treasures Logo.png
A handy hat that heals its wearer whenever they walk

The hat is Treasure No. 39, in the legendary armour category with a base value of 8,000,000.

See also[edit]



  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Nintendo DS and Mobile versions.
  2. Nintendo 3DS Version
  3. Sony PlayStation 2, Mobile, and Nintendo 3DS versions