Metal dragon

Metal dragons are a recurring monster in the Dragon Quest series that combines the best traits of machine and serpent into a terrifying whole.

Introduced in Dragon Quest V, it is a robotic dragon mass-produced to finish off mortalkind.


Metal dragons are, naturally, mechanical Dragons. They are quadrupeds, moving about on four legs, with a pair of wings and a metallic tube that appears to act as a tail and neck. They have large jaws which make up about half the size of their heads.

Their heavy, metal-composed bodies add to the power of their attacks, making Metal dragons fierce physical forces. They are known to try and take huge bites out of their enemies or smash them under their front pair of feet.


Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly BrideEdit

Metal dragon (メタルドラゴン Metaru doragon) 
Sprite HP MP Attack Defense
  172 0 210 210
Agility Experience Gold Tame Rate
94 610 93 N/A
Bestiary No. #154
Spell(s) None
Skill(s) Call for backup. (Golem)
Stomp (125% damage)
Location(s) Talon Tower
Item dropped Metal king armour1256
Evasion Frizz resistance * Sizz resistance * Fire Breath resistance *
0/64 67% 67% 67%
Bang resistance * Crack resistance * Ice Breath resistance * Woosh resistance *
20% 67% 67% 100%
Zap resistance * Drain Magic resistance * Whack resistance * Kamikazee resistance *
67% 100% 100% 0%
Poof resistance Dazzle resistance * Fizzle resistance Fuddle resistance
100% 100% 100% 100%
Poison resistance * Snooze resistance * Stun resistance * Sap resistance *
67% 100% 100% 20%
PS2 model DS & Mobile sprite

The first appearance of Metal dragons, though not until nearing the end of the game. They can first be found primarily in the lower reaches of Talon Tower, and then again when the player reaches Nadiria. They are villainous, physically imposing, have high Defense, and will often call Golems in to help.

Dragon Quest XEdit

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive AgeEdit

Metal dragon (メタルドラゴン Metaru doragon) 
Sprite HP MP Attack
  821 0 321
Defense Agility Experience Gold
409 87 1,460 354
Bestiary no. #371
Family Machine
In-game description The finest minds in mechanical monster manufacturing laboured to create these creatures, which want nothing more than world domination.
Spell(s) None
Skill(s) Causes an earthquake. (Damages entire party)
Location(s) Fortress of Fear (second act)
Item(s) dropped Molten globules164
Liquid metal armour1256
Evasion Fire Resistance * Ice
Wind Resistance *
N/A 50% 50% 50%
Earth Resistance * Light Resistance * Dark Resistance * Zap Resistance *
50% 50% 50% 0%
Drain Magic Resistance Whack Resistance * Poof Resistance Dazzle Resistance *
100% 100% 100% 25%
Fizzle Resistance * Fuddle Resistance * Paralysis Resistance * Poison Resistance *
100% 100% 50% 100%
Snooze Resistance * Blunt Resistance Deceleratle Resistance Sap Resistance *
25% 0% 0% 0%
Spooky Aura
Anathematise Resistance
Stumble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Charm Resistance *
0% 0% 99% 100%
Beguile Resistance * Double Down Resistance * Elemental Resistance *
100% 0% 0%

Vicious metal dragon (メタルドラゴン・強 Metaru doragon・kyō) 
Sprite HP MP Attack
  1,001 0 441
Defense Agility Experience Gold
654 126 2,460 615
Bestiary no. #371
Family Machine
In-game description Metal dragons driven to dangerous extremes by the dark power of the Lord of Shadows.
Spell(s) None
Skill(s) Becomes Pepped up.
Causes an earthquake.
Launches missiles.
Location(s) The Sage's Trial - Hoarder's Keep (third act)
Item(s) dropped Molten globules132
Metal king armour1256
Evasion Fire Resistance * Ice
Wind Resistance *
N/A 50% 50% 50%
Earth Resistance * Light Resistance * Dark Resistance * Zap Resistance *
50% 50% 50% 0%
Drain Magic Resistance Whack Resistance * Poof Resistance Dazzle Resistance *
100% 100% 100% 25%
Fizzle Resistance * Fuddle Resistance * Paralysis Resistance * Poison Resistance *
100% 100% 50% 100%
Snooze Resistance * Blunt Resistance Deceleratle Resistance Sap Resistance *
25% 0% 0% 0%
Spooky Aura
Anathematise Resistance
Stumble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Charm Resistance *
0% 0% 99% 100%
Beguile Resistance * Double Down Resistance * Elemental Resistance *
100% 0% 0%

Dragon Quest MonstersEdit

MetalDrak (メタルドラゴン Metaru doragon)  
Sprite Level cap * HP growth MP growth
  45 3/5 2/5
Strength growth Resilience growth Wisdom growth Agility growth
2/5 3/5 5/5 5/5
Family Material
In-game description A dragon constructed from metal
Abilities Massacre, RockThrow, SandStorm
Habitat Bazaar Gate #2
Breeding chart Material family x Andreal
MetalDrak, Roboster x Dragon family
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Fire Breath Resistance * Bang Resistance *
Weak Weak Weak Weak
Crack Resistance * Ice Breath Resistance * Woosh Resistance * Rock/Army Resistance *
Strong Immune None None
Zap Resistance * Gigaslash Resistance Magic Burst Resistance Drain Magic Resistance *
None None None None
Whack Resistance * Kamikazee Resistance * Poison Resistance * Paralysis Resistance *
Immune Immune Strong Immune
Fuddle Resistance * Snooze Resistance * Dazzle Resistance * Fizzle Resistance
Strong None Weak None
Ban Dance Resistance Gobstopper Resistance Stun Resistance * Sap Resistance *
None None None None
Decelerate Resistance * Curse Resistance
None Strong

Dragon Quest Monsters 2Edit

MetalDrak (メタルドラゴン Metaru doragon)  
Sprite Level cap * HP growth MP growth
  45 7/10 4/10
Strength growth Resilience growth Wisdom growth Agility growth
5/10 7/10 6/10 5/10
Family Material
In-game description A fully mechanical dragon.
Abilities FireAir, Massacre, SandStorm
Habitat Ice Tower (Cobi's Journey)
Breeding chart Material family x Andreal
Roboster x Dragon family
Roboster2 x MetalDrak
StoneMan x Andreal, GreatDrak, Spikerous
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Fire Breath Resistance * Bang Resistance *
Weak Weak Weak Weak
Crack Resistance * Ice Breath Resistance * Woosh Resistance * Rock/Army Resistance *
Strong Immune None None
Water Resistance * Zap Resistance * Gigaslash Resistance Magic Burst Resistance
Weak None None None
Drain Magic Resistance * Whack Resistance * Kamikazee Resistance * Poison Resistance *
None Immune Immune Strong
Paralysis Resistance * Fuddle Resistance * Snooze Resistance * Dazzle Resistance *
Immune Strong None Weak
Fizzle Resistance Ban Dance Resistance Gobstopper Resistance Stun Resistance *
None None None None
Sap Resistance * Decelerate Resistance * Curse Resistance
None None Strong

Dragon Quest Monsters: JokerEdit

Metal dragon
Family Dragon
Rank C
Description It is said these man-made machines are imbued with the spirits of dragons.
Weapons Axes, Hammers, Claws, Staves
Traits -
Resistances Whackproof
Skill Assassin
Location CELL Headquarters
Breeding chart Metal slime knight x Red dragon
Killing machine x Red dragon

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2Edit

Metal dragon
Family Dragon
Rank C
Size S
Weapons Axes, Hammers, Claws, Staves
Traits Perilous Parrier, Crafty Blade Blunter
Resistances Immune to Whack and Magical Sabotage
Skill Assassin
Location -
Breeding chart Red dragon x Metal slime knight or Hunter mech

Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland 3DEdit

Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru and Luca's Marvelous Mysterious KeyEdit

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3Edit

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark PrinceEdit

Metal dragon (メタルドラゴン Metaru doragon)  
Icon Family Max HP* Max MP*
    1,350 370
Max Attack* Max Defence * Max Agility * Max Wisdom *
560 640 450 470
Bestiary No. #098
Rank D
In-game description These metallic drakes were once mere steel statues, until one fateful night they were endowed with souls through some sinister sorcery and brought to life
Talents Protector
Guaranteed traits Ultra Crafty Spellbinder (lv. 1)
Insensitive Skin (lv. 20)
Ultra Crafty Zammer (lv. 40)
Large-size exclusive traits Tactical Genius (lv. 1)
Slick Skin (lv. 1)
Little Menace (lv. 60)
Habitat This monster has no natural habitat
Items Earthwyrm's eye
Synthesis chart   X  
Notable synthesis
Fire Resistance * Water Resistance * Wind Resistance * Earth Resistance *
50% 25% 25% 0%
Explosion Resistance * Ice Resistance * Electricity Resistance * Light Resistance *
50% 0% 0% 25%
Dark Resistance * Antimagic Resistance * Bedazzlement Resistance * Confusion Resistance *
25% 0% 50% 0%
Debilitation Resistance* MP Absorption Resistance * Paralysis Resistance * Poison Resistance *
25% 0% 0% -25%
Sleep Resistance * Stun Resistance *
50% 50%
Instant Death Resistance *

Dragon Quest Monsters: Super LightEdit

Dragon Quest of the StarsEdit

Dragon Quest RivalsEdit

Dragon Quest WalkEdit

Dragon Quest TactEdit

Metal dragon appears as a S-rank monster of the Inorganic family that can be scouted normally from any banner.

Metal dragon (メタルドラゴン Metaru doragon) 

Family Rank Role
Max Level HP MP Move
130 1,118 457 2-3
Attack Defense Agility Wisdom Weight
463 567 437 287 50
Basic Skills
First Second Third
Thin Air Heavy Blow* Twister Blister*
Talent Blossoming: Missile
Awakening Skills
First Second Third
Martial Tricks/Stats Up Bang Res +25/Stats Up Twister Blister Potency +5%/Stats Up
Fourth Fifth
Crack Res +25/Stats Up Twister Blister Potency +5%/Stats Up
Leader Perks
Raises Woosh-type potency by 10% for allies, including leader, by 10% in a 5x5 square.
Basic Perks
First Second Third
DEF +20 Max MP +15 Twister Blister Potency +2%
Perk Details
Martial Tricks: Lowers martial ability MP cost, raises potency and effect.
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Crack Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
Very Weak Normal Half Res Normal
Bang Resistance * Zap Resistance * Zam Resistance * Snooze Resistance
Half Res Normal Very Weak Half Res
Poison Resistance Physical Lock Resistance Spell Lock Resistance Martial Lock Resistance
Immune Normal Normal Half Res
Breath Lock Resistance Hobble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Dazzle Resistance
Normal Super Weak Normal Normal
Curse Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confusion Resistance Charm Resistance
Normal Normal Super Weak Normal

Similar speciesEdit
