List of items in Dragon Quest II

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The following is a list of non-equippable items that can be collected and be used by The Hero and his party in Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line. Buying and selling prices sometime differ between the NES Version and the remakes.

Regular Items[edit]

Name Purchase Price Selling Price Effect
Medicinal herb 15 (NES Version)
10 (Remake Version)
12 (NES Version)
8 (Remake Version)
Heals a small amount of damage.
Antidotal herb 8 6 Removes poison effect.
Holy water 40 30 Repels weaker enemies.
Chimaera wing 80 (NES Version)
25 (Remake Version)
60 (NES Version)
19 (Remake Version)
Casts Zoom on use.
Banishing bell 640 480 Lessens the possibility of being effected by Snooze and Fizzle.
Prayer ring -- -- Restores MP one or more times, and eventually breaks.
Yggdrasil leaf -- 5 Revives one ally.
Tombola ticket -- 53 Can be used to play Tombola.
Loyalty card -- 375 Top prize in the Tombola and allows for 25% discounts at shops if in possession.
Dragon Potion (NES version only) -- 7,500 Can be used to save your game instantly.
Seed of life (Remake versions only) -- 150 Augments max HP.
Seed of magic (Remake versions only) -- 100 Augments max MP.
Seed of strength (Remake versions only) -- 112 Augments Strength.
Seed of resilience (Remake versions only) -- 100 Augments Resilience.
Seed of agility (Remake versions only) -- 100 Augments Agility.

Incredible Items[edit]

These items are (usually) one of a kind and cannot be sold to merchants. Though the remakes prevent more of them from being sold as they don't respawn.

Name Location Selling Price Effect
Silver Key Chest in Lake Cave. 2 (NES Version) Opens silver doors.
Golden Key Search in the area where a dog in Beran leads you to. 2 (NES Version) Opens gold doors.
Jailer's Key Purchase in an item shop in Burrowell for 2,000 gold coins. 1,500 (NES Version) Opens jail doors.
Floodgate key Given by Roge Fastfinger in Burrowell. -- Opens the dam in Slewse.
Ra's Mirror Search in swamp east of Moonbrooke. -- Use to reveal the true form of a cursed individual.
Windbreaker Found in chest at Pillar of Winds. 53 (NES Version) Don to jump across the river from the high point of the Southern Dragon's Horn tower.
Sunken Treasure Go north in the river between Rippleport & Alefgard, then search in the spot that's shining. -- Give to a man in Rippleport to recieve the Echo Flute.
Echo Flute Receive in exchange for the Sunken Treasures. 300 (NES Version) Use in a location with the 5 Sigils to hear an echo.
Mark of Erdrick Found in treasury at Midenhall after getting the Golden Key. 8 (NES Version) Give to old man at the Sanctum to get Erdrick's Helm
Moonshard In a chest found in the Tower of the Moon. 225 (NES Version) Use to gain entry into the Sea Cave.
Subtle Shuttle In a chest found in Zahan behind a jail door. 23 (NES Version) One of two items needed to make the Flowing dress.
Celestial skein Random spot on the 3rd floor of the Northern Dragon's Horn tower. 30 (NES Version) One of two items needed to make the Flowing dress.
Eye of Rubiss Found in Rubiss Shrine after obtaining all 5 Sigils. -- Use to disable the illusion in the Hall of Hargon. In the Mobile version, the Eye is also needed to access the Cave to Rendarak.
False Idol Found at the bottom of the Sea Cave. -- Use to open the Cave to Rendarak, and to move past the 1st floor of the Hall of Hargon.