Gold bracer

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Gold bracer
DQVIII Gold Bracer.png
Japanese きんのブレスレット
Romaji Kin no buresuretto
Old localizations Golden bracelet (VII PSX)
Found in Dragon Quest IV (remakes only)
Dragon Quest VI
Dragon Quest VII
Dragon Quest VIII
Dragon Quest IX
Dragon Quest X
Dragon Quest XI
Dragon Quest Heroes
Dragon Quest Heroes II
Effect Increases wearer's Defence.
Increases knockback resistance. (Heroes only)
Reduces damage taken when blocking. (Heroes II only)

The Gold bracer is a recurring accessory in the Dragon Quest series, first appearing in Dragon Quest VI. It gives a small boost to the wearer's Defence.


Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen (remakes only)[edit]

The Gold bracer has a Defence bonus of +5 and can be equipped by all characters. It can be purchased as a casino prize in Endor for 1,000 tokens. The bracer can also be purchased from the third and fourth stages of the Pioneer Town for 350 gold and sold for 262 gold. One can be found in a chest of drawers at Riverton. It can also be dropped rarely by Bloody hands.

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation[edit]

The Gold bracer has a Defense bonus of +15, a Style bonus of +20, and can be equipped by the Hero, Carver, Milly, Ashlynn, Nevan, Terry, Lizzie, and Goowain. It can be purchased at Wellshire, Somnia of the Lower World for a short time, and Arkbolt for 350 gold and sold for 262 gold. One can be found at Felonia in a chest of drawers.

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past[edit]

The Gold bracer has a Defense bonus of +5, a Style bonus of +15, and can be equipped by the Hero, Maribel, Sir Mervyn, and Aishe. One can be found on B2F of the Temple Palace in the past. It can be purchased from the item shop at El Magnifico Puente de Pomposo for 2,000 gold and sold for 1,000 gold. Gold bracers can also be dropped by Gold golems and Gold frylings.

  • In the Nintendo 3DS version, a bracer can be found in a treasure chest on the world map near Wetlock in the present.

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King[edit]

A pure gold bracer that increases the wearer's defence.[1]

The Gold bracer has a Defence bonus of +4 and can be equipped by all characters. It can be purchased for 350 gold at Argonia once the bazaar starts and sold for 175 gold. One is received from Khalamari as a gift after defeating him. Chainines, Dingalings, Fencing foxes, Lesser demons, and Notso machos drop them rarely. Dieablos, Gold golems, and Goodybags have them as a common drop. The bracer can be used to create a few items in the Alchemy Pot.

Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
DQVIII Shimmering dress.png
Shimmering dress
DQVIII Spangled dress.png
Spangled dress
DQVIII Ruby of protection PS2.png
Ruby of protection
Gold bracer
Gold bracer

Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
DQVIII Life bracer.png
Life bracer
DQVIII Recovery ring.png
Recovery ring
Gold bracer
Gold bracer

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies[edit]

Gold bracer.png Gold bracer DQIX Logo.png
DQVIII Gold Bracer.png
A pure gold piece of armwear that artfully enhances defence.[2]
Rarity Stats Vocations
★☆☆☆☆ Defence +3 IXwarrioricon.pngIXpriesticon.pngIXmageicon.pngIXmartialartisticon.pngIXthieficon.pngIXminstrelicon.png
Used to create Brainy bracer, Gold circlet, Gold mail, Gold platter,
Golden tiara, Life bracer, Mighty armlet, or Spirit bracer.
Price Location
350 / 175 Sold at Porth Llaffan and Dourbridge.
Rarely dropped or stolen from Canniboxes.
2% chance of finding in a Rank 2 (H) blue treasure chest.
Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
- - -

Dragon Quest X[edit]

In this game, the Gold bracer is a piece of handwear instead of an accessory. It has a Defence bonus of +1, a Style bonus of +4, a Deftness bonus of +10, and increases the wearer's Weight by 1. The bracer has an equipment level of 28 and can be equipped by all vocations.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age[edit]

Gold bracer DQXI Logo EN.png
Gold bracer XI icon.png
An armband of the purest precious metal that makes a distinct improvement to the wearer's defence.[3]
Stats with forge buffs
Defence +4/5/6/7
Charm +6/7/8/9
Requires 5 Perfectionist's pearls to rework.
Price Location
350 / 175 Sold at Gallopolis or from the Gallopolis Region North Roving Emporium.
Received as a reward for completing the Bronze Cup (Difficult) horse race in Gallopolis.
Received as a reward for completing the quest "The Harp-Hearkened Horrors". (Definitive Edition only)
Forging difficulty
Copper ore xi icon.png + Gold ore xi icon.png
Hero XI sprite walk.gifErik sprite walk.gifVeronica sprite walk.gifSerena sprite walk.gifSylvando sprite walk.gifJade sprite walk.gifRab sprite walk.gifHendrik sprite walk.gif

The recipe book Filigree for Fun and Profit contains the recipe for the gold bracer. It can be found on a bookshelf in Gondolia's church.

Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below[edit]

DQH Gold bracer.png  Gold bracer
Blast Resistance +25.0%
Quick Recipe Iron nails x3 + Butterfly wing x2*
Classic Recipe Iron nails x2 + Not-colossal fossil*
Equipable by All Characters
Buy Price N/a
Sell Price 200
Flavor text A golden wristband with elaborate engravings.[4]

The quick recipe for the gold bracer can be received from King Flaminio in exchange for a single Mini medal on the Stonecloud, while the classic recipe can be dropped rarely by Skeletons.

Dragon Quest Heroes II: Twin Kings and the Prophecy's End[edit]

In this game, the gold bracer reduces damage taken while blocking by 10%, reaching to a total of 25% when it has been fully upgraded. It will also grant a defence bonus of +4, a max HP bonus of 8, and increases blast resistance by 25% when it has been fully upgraded. Gold bracers can be dropped by Ghosts and Balzack.

In Other Languages[edit]

Language Translation Meaning
ICON-FLAG-ES.png EspañolBrazalete de oroSpanish for "gold bracelet".
ICON-FLAG-FR.png FrançaisBrassard d'orFrench for "gold bracer".
ICON-FLAG-DE.png DeutschGoldarmschieneGerman for "gold bracer".
ICON-FLAG-IT.png ItalianoBracciale d'oroItalian for "gold bracelet".



  1. Sony PlayStation 2, Mobile, and Nintendo 3DS versions.
  2. Nintendo DS version.
  3. Sony PlayStation 4, Steam, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One versions.
  4. Sony PlayStation 4 and Steam versions.