Dragon Quest V Party Chat

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This is a transcript of the Party Chat from Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride.


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Bianca: Come on, let's go and explore! I can show you around so you don't go gettin' yourself lost, Hero.

Bianca: Mum still treats me like I'm just a little baby.

Bianca: I hope Dad gets better again soon.

Bianca: Your father looks so strong and powerful.

Bianca: You're a bit weedy compared to him. Maybe you'll get more like him as you grow up, though, eh?

Bianca: Ha ha! Did that little story give you a fright, Hero?

Bianca: It dun't scare me one bit. I've heard it so many times now that I just take it with a pinch of salt.

Bianca: Our place is an inn, so we've got quite a lot of crockery and the like. I dun't remember seein' anythin' silver, though.

Bianca: There's quite a few shops here in Roundbeck, y'know. Our inn's the biggest, though.

Bianca: He's got a blimmin' cheek, thinkin' we're out to cause trouble!

Bianca: Ha! What he dun't realise is that I know he falls asleep of a night. I've seen him!

Bianca: Those kids are always up to no good.

Bianca: You wun't believe what they did to me the othⓚⓛ Never mind. It's nothin'!

Bianca: Now I dun't have any choice but to go off ghostbustin'. Will you give me a hand, Hero?

Bianca: Really!? You're braver than you look! I never expected you to say yes.

Bianca: Oh, go on! I'll be with you, so you wun't come to any harm or nothin'. Let's go!

Bianca: I wonder if there really are ghosts there.

Bianca: We can't let those nasty brats get away with bullyin' that poor little cat!

Bianca: Hang in there just a bit longer, puss. We'll rescue you, dun't you worry.

Bianca: That's a funny old purr you've got goin' there, though!

Bianca: It's hard to imagine that old man was ever young, eh!?

Bianca: Kids aren't supposed to come in here, Hero! I suppose you couldn't have known that, though.

Bianca: I bet my mum would be just the same if I said I wanted a cat. Mums, eh!?

Bianca: It's a lot livelier than little old Whealbrook, eh? You look a bit surprised.

Bianca: You used to come 'round my house to play quite a lot when you were little. Don't you remember?

Bianca: This is the best room in the house. The view from here's amazin'.

Bianca: Mum planted a grapevine last year.

Bianca: When we get some grapes off it, I'll let you have a taste.

Bianca: You still a bit sleepy, Hero?

Bianca: You'd better get with it if we're off to Uptaten Towers on our ghostbustin' mission.

Bianca: I'm not sure I believe you. Unless you're sayin' you always look that dopey.

Bianca: This time we'll manage it. We'll sort them ghosts out and set that poor kitten free.

Bianca: Watch out, Hero! We'll be in trouble if you wake him up.

Bianca: I dun't think I'd be scared of a ghost if it was just standin' there cryin'.

Bianca: I hope Mum dun't catch Dad's cold, sleepin' that close and all.

Bianca: We've had cold weather for ages now. It's no surprise Dad got ill with it.

Bianca: Fancy thinkin' we're ghosts! Charmin'!

Bianca: I knew he'd be asleep. Looks like we can leave. I'm a little bit nervous now, though.

Bianca: It's hard to imagine that old man was ever young, eh!?

Bianca: Oops. Looks like we're in trouble. But it's not like we were up to no good or nothin'.

Bianca: Looks like it's not a good idea for kids to go in a pub of a night after all.

Bianca: I know! We should come back here again one day when we're all grown up, Hero!

Bianca: We'll do it! And that's a promise.

Bianca: I understand what he's gettin' at. The glass you drink from can be just as important as the drink itself.

Bianca: I wonder why grown-ups act so funny when they've bin drinkin'. I dun't get it.

Bianca: Are you okay, Hero? Maybe we should've bin a bit more careful, eh?

Bianca: We'd better try and take it a bit more slowly this time.

Bianca: I've never snuck out of town like this before. It's well excitin'!

Bianca: We saved the cat and we helped those nice people at the castle, so it was worth all the effort.

Bianca: Ha! So he dun't think I'm a wimp any more.

Bianca: I wun't too sure if I'd manage it either! I doubt I could've done it without you, Hero.

Bianca: Saber seems pretty happy. I hope he likes his new name.

Bianca: That guard always falls asleep of a night, so he can't stop us goin' out. You've seen it for yourself now, eh, Hero?

Bianca: I'm startin' to feel a bit weird havin' all this praise lumped on me.

Bianca: She must have blimmin' good ears to be able to hear cries from the castle at this distance!

Bianca: I thought I'd really be for it, but Mum dun't seem all that angry.

Bianca: I bet it's because you were there with me, Hero.

Bianca: You're pretty brave considerin' you're two years younger than me and all that.

Bianca: I reckon havin' you along helped me to be that bit braver as well.

Bianca: Looks like you'll be goin' back to Whealbrook once you've said your goodbyes, eh?

Bianca: Um... Never mind. You'd better get around and tell everyone you're off.

Bianca: You should take %a001210 along with you, Hero. Make sure you give him a stroke from me every now and then.

Bianca: That's all that old bloke ever says. We must really remind him of how he used to be.

Bianca: All we were tryin' to do was save %a001210. You wouldn't have thought it'd cause such a fuss.

Bianca: It's good that your dad's got over his cold already.

Bianca: But I wish it didn't mean you have to go home today. We've bin havin' a good laugh together, you and me.

Bianca: It's a little bit odd-lookin', but it's still quite cute as cats go.

Bianca: I wonder why there are so many gravestones here at the entrance to the castle.

Bianca: I dun't much like the look of this.

Bianca: That's weird! Last thing I knew, we were stayin' at the inn inside the castle.

Bianca: So how did we end up outside? I dun't like this one bit!

Bianca: It dun't look like we're goin' to get that door open. This castle's fallin' to bits. I s'pose no one comes here no more.

Bianca: I've got a horrible cold feelin' up and down my spine. You be careful, okay, Hero?

Bianca: Keep your eyes peeled, okay, Hero? I've got a nasty feelin' about this place.

Bianca: .........!

Bianca: I was a bit scared for a while back there, but it's all just show, I reckon.

Bianca: Nothin' can frighten me now!

Bianca: I wonder if she used to be the head of the castle. Shall we try goin' down those stairs?

Bianca: That poor woman. Fancy still havin' to suffer even after you're dead!

Bianca: Come on, Hero! Let's get to work. We came here to get rid of ghosts, after all.

Bianca: Yikes! That was a bit of a shock! The lightning's so strong all of a sudden.

Bianca: I wonder if that fella who just disappeared was the king or suchlike of this place.

Bianca: Why do the both of them keep disappearin' rather than just comin' out with whatever it is they want to say?

Bianca: Those must be the folk who are made to keep dancin'. The poor things. They look exhausted.

Bianca: Where's this king fella off to!?

Bianca: He's a bit of a pushy one, eh? Still, we can agree to what he wants because that's the reason we're here anyway.

Bianca: I s'pose the Count's tryin' to help us out as much as he can. That's good.

Bianca: Shall we head on down to the kitchen and get that torch then, Hero?

Bianca: I s'pose it's time then. It's a bit scary, but I'm sure we can do it, Hero.

Bianca: I was a bit frightened at first, but when I saw the Count and Countess, it wasn't all that scary.

Bianca: And this room's so full of people that it sort of feels nice and lively, not spooky at all!

Bianca: Still, it is a bit weird when you think we're the only ones here who are actually alive. Hm, maybe it is a bit scary, after all!

Bianca: What's so scary about these spirits of Nadiria? I don't really get what he's on about.

Bianca: I wonder why there are some human ghosts and some non-human ghosts too.

Bianca: Maybe they lost their bodies somehow, so they can't go back to how they used to look.

Bianca: What nasty creatures!

Bianca: I never imagined skeletons could get hungry. I wonder what happens to the stuff they eat.

Bianca: What d'you suppose skeletons like to eat, anyway? Nah! Maybe it's best not to know.

Bianca: They don't seem to be able to see us. I suppose skeletons must be blind.

Bianca: That poor girl. They've probably bin makin' her dance like that for years now.

Bianca: I wonder if this %a000100 is part of the tea set.

Bianca: It's as dirty as anything, though. The Count and Countess would be really sad if they saw it in this state.

Bianca: It must be horrible wantin' to sleep but not bein' able to.

Bianca: I want to sort these ghosts out and then get off to bed myself, to be honest. Best get crackin'!

Bianca: The door's open! I didn't much like the feel of that warm breeze just then, mind.

Bianca: There's somethin' too weird about this. I dun't like the idea of stayin' the night with a dead spirit!

Bianca: I heard somethin' about there bein' treasure here too. Looks like it was just a rumour. Oh well.

Bianca: Crikey! What a smell! Come on, Hero. Let's get out of here!

Bianca: I feel a bit sorry for the special ingredient, havin' to be smothered in that stinky sauce!

Bianca: Now we'll be able to find our way in the dark. Thanks, Count Uptaten!

Bianca: Make sure you dun't burn yourself, Hero.

Bianca: It's a million times easier to walk about the place now. Ouch! That's hot! Have a care, Hero!

Bianca: Phew! That was a close one. That smelly sauce has made me stink, mind you!

Bianca: I didn't expect that hole to be there, did you?

Bianca: Looks like we put that cook's mind at ease, anyway.

Bianca: Now we just have to sort out the boss man. Come on, Hero!

Bianca: That really is a pretty ball. It's like a huge jewel or somethin'!

Bianca: I wonder if the ghosts came here and ransacked the place because they were tryin' to find it.

Bianca: That's weird! Our clothes are all nice and clean again!

Bianca: The Count and Countess must've got rid of the nasty sauce stains for us somehow. That's handy!

Bianca: I dun't like it here. It's dark and creepy. I reckon there are ghosts about.

Bianca: But we have to stick it out for the sake of that poor cat. Come on, Hero. Let's keep goin'.

Bianca: The creepy feelin' about this place has suddenly gone now the ghosts are defeated.

Bianca: It's like everythin' about the place has changed, even the air!

Bianca: Looks like it'll be mornin' soon. We'd best get back to Roundbeck.

Bianca: We can't seem to get out of here now. B-But I'm sure we'll be okay if we keep goin' forwards!

Bianca: I thought it'd be too dark to get anywhere, but we should be fine now. On we go, Hero.

Bianca: I wonder what made the ghosts come and live here in the first place.

Bianca: What is it about this castle that attracted them, d'you suppose?

Bianca: Now everyone's bin able to get off to sleep nice and peacefully. It's great to have done a good deed like that.

Bianca: This room's enormous. Just look at the height of the ceilin'!

Bianca: I'll bet they had some amazin' balls and parties here in the past.

Bianca: You've bin a bit quiet, Hero. Are you wishin' you hadn't come?

Bianca: I know how you feel. But try not to worry. I won't let anythin' bad happen, I promise.

Bianca: You're probably a bit nervous, eh? But try not to worry. We'll be fine. Come on!

Bianca: It's so dark in here! Make sure you dun't bang into the walls, eh, Hero?

Bianca: I think there's somethin' there, Hero. But I doubt it'll hurt us. We can probably just ignore it, right?

Bianca: It's finally time for our ghost-bustin', eh? Are you ready for this?

Bianca: Then let's go! We can do this!

Bianca: Why en't you ready? D'you need to go to the toilet or somethin'!?

Bianca: Honestly! Just go over there and hurry up with it!

Bianca: Let's go get the boss man! He'll pay for all this!

Bianca: Those were weird ghosts, eh? I wonder if they were the spirits of Nadiria.

Bianca: This castle's enormous! I dun't know how anyone could find their way around.

Bianca: I can't really tell the difference between ghosts and monsters and spirits. They're all the same to me.

Bianca: This must be the kitchen. Let's find that torch.

Bianca: Let's go. I know you're probably wonderin' about the food, but we need to get that ghost before we do anythin'.

Bianca: I dun't think I've ever seen so much dust. I wonder how long it's bin since this place had a good clean.

Bianca: What's wrong, Hero? Are you scared?

Bianca: Just keep thinkin' about that cat. You want to help it, right?

Bianca: Ha ha! You're braver than you look, Hero. I'm impressed!

Bianca: Looks like the monsters have all gone now. That's good news.

Bianca: It'll be mornin' soon. We'd better get back to Roundbeck.

Bianca: The Whealbrook guard has a snooze at night-time, dun't he?

Bianca: Still, he's there blockin' the village entrance even so. I'd say that puts him above the fella at Roundbeck.

Bianca: En't we supposed to be gettin' over to Uptaten Towers for a spot of ghostbustin', Hero?

Bianca: Then what are we doin' here in Whealbrook? You don't have much sense of direction, eh?

Bianca: We're done with the ghostbustin' now, and it'll be mornin' soon. We should hurry up and get back to Roundbeck.

Bianca: Dun't you think we'd better get a move on with our ghostbustin'?

Bianca: We'll be in trouble if the grown-ups wake up and spot us here.

Bianca: What are you doin', Hero!? What's the point in speakin' to folk when they're asleep, eh?

Bianca: No way! I can't believe we made it this far all on our own!

Bianca: What am I sayin'!? We shouldn't be standin' 'round here pattin' ourselves on the back. We need to get over to Uptaten Towers!

Bianca: I've come over all sleepy all of a sudden. Can we go back to Roundbeck now?

Bianca: This fella's doin' a good job of standin' guard, eh? He's not sleepin' on the job even though it's night-time.

Bianca: It's great fun bein' able to wander about outside the village like this, eh?

Bianca: I'm well impressed that we've made it this far, though. We've come a long way, you and me.

Bianca: Aren't you feelin' tired, Hero? I'm ready to go back to Roundbeck myself.

Bianca: What are you up to, Hero? We've done our ghostbustin', so it's time we got off home.

Bianca: People say you run into monsters if you wander about outside of town, dun't they?

Bianca: Still, we got to go and sort out those ghosts at Uptaten Towers, so it's no good worryin' ourselves about that.

Bianca: You and your old man Pankraz have bin travellin' about together for a good long while now, haven't you, Hero?

Bianca: You're so lucky. The only place I've ever bin is borin' old Whealbrook.

Bianca: This ghostbustin' trip will be the furthest I've travelled, y'know.

Bianca: Let's hurry up and sort them ghosts out so we can save that poor cat!

Bianca: Maybe we've gone and agreed to somethin' a bit too tricky. I hope we'll be able to save that poor little cat.

Bianca: We did it! We're the bee's knees, you and me!

Bianca: I won't get a wink of sleep tonight now!

Bianca: I can hardly wait for mornin' to roll around. It'll be wonderful to get that poor cat away from them horrible boys.

Honey: It wasn't a dream, you know. Faeries are real! And so is Faerie Lea, and everything else in the Realm of the Faeries.

Honey: I mean, you're talking to me now, aren't you? So it couldn't have been a dream, could it?

Honey: Your dad looks really tough. Yes, he's the kind of human I was hoping to find to help us.

Honey: Oops-a-daisy! I didn't mean I'm not happy with you. I am. Honest! Tee hee hee!

Honey: I bet you'll grow up to be a great man too, Hero. Just like your father.

Honey: I mean, you got the Herald of Spring back for us. That's amazing!

Honey: No one else would understand, even if you told them all about me and the other faeries.

Honey: It'd better be our little secret. Just between you and me. Tee hee! It'll be fun, won't it?

Honey: It is a little bit chilly here, I suppose. But compared to where I come from, it's like an oven.

Honey: I'm sorry. I've put you in danger, and you're just a boy too.

Honey: If only grown-up humans could see me as well. Then I wouldn't have had to ask you to help us.

Honey: All the grown-ups just see you as a normal little boy, don't they? Well never judge a book by its cover! That's what we faeries say.

Honey: If winter never ends, everything'll be frozen by the ice, and no one will have anything to eat.

Honey: We have to get the flute back! We need the Herald of Spring to bring an end to the freezing winter.

Honey: Now you can grow your vegetables again. Those sweet potatoes you humans eat are yummy. I'll sneak back and have some more sometime!

Honey: Your village has such a warm atmosphere, Hero. Not the temperature, silly! I mean all the nice people.

Honey: It's true. If you were a bit older, things wouldn't be so difficult for me, either.

Honey: Oops! I, I didn't mean that. I mean... Tee hee hee hee!

Honey: That old man's a silly billy! What does he know?

Honey: You'd be a great help to your father, if only he'd let you.

Honey: That young man looked like... No, it can't be...

Honey: He had a strange look in his eyes, didn't he? Just like you...

Honey: I didn't want to ask you to help us. I don't like putting you in danger. But I had no choice.

Honey: The danger's passed now. Come on, let's go and tell Treacle the good news!

Honey: You've been moving from place to place your whole life, haven't you? That's why you're so used to travelling.

Honey: It wasn't me! Not this time.

Honey: Tee hee hee! He's worse than me, that old man with his tricks!

Honey: Hee hee! He's really puzzled! Well I wrote it, so I get to rub it out. That's fair, isn't it?

Honey: You see, I'm really quite a good little faerie. That's why Treacle chose me.

Honey: Someone's after your father? Oh no! I suppose we faeries aren't the only ones with problems.

Honey: You'll help protect your father. I know you will. And I'll be looking out for you both too.

Honey: The legendary hero? But...he's not real, is he? I mean, a legend's a legend, isn't it?

Honey: If your father really was a king, that would make you a prince!

Honey: So, Prince Hero! I, Honey the faerie, humbly request your assistance to save my homeland. ...Tee hee hee!

Honey: If your father really was a king, that would make you a prince!

Honey: Well, Prince Hero! One is most honoured to have been assisted by Your Royal Highliness! ...Tee hee hee!

Honey: That's exactly what I think too! When you look at me, I feel all fuzzy and warm inside!

Honey: And you can see me. You've definitely got better eyes than all the other humans!

Honey: There's a lovely warm atmosphere in this little town.

Honey: You're ready to go back to the Realm of the Faeries now? Alright then, better prepare for battle!

Honey: Let's go back to Faerie Lea, then. Treacle will be over the moon!

Honey: Actually, this is where I first met you, isn't it, Hero?

Honey: I was at such a loss because no one could see me that I started to sing at the top of my voice.

Honey: And then you spoke to me. I was so happy, I could have burst!

Honey: So some of you humans live in little caves like this? I thought only the dwarfs did that. You're a funny lot.

Honey: Tee hee! Maybe we overdid it a bit.

Honey: You're only young. I shouldn't push you so hard...

Honey: No one would believe we beat the Winter Queen before, getting wiped out like that! Must've been a lapse of concentration, I suppose.

Honey: Anyway, Treacle's expecting us. I can't wait to see her face when we take her the Herald of Spring!

Honey: I hope we'll make a good team, Hero!

Honey: I knew it. Treacle's not sure about you because you're so young.

Honey: That's why she wants me to go along with you: to make sure nothing happens to you.

Honey: It's true that we faeries aren't very strong, but we're amazing at magic. You can leave all the healing and support spells to me!

Honey: Maybe the world really will freeze over completely if we can't get the Herald of Spring back...

Honey: None of us faeries knows what's going on inside the Winter Palace, you see.

Honey: What's wrong with everyone!? You'll make a great warrior, they'll see. Come on! We need to head out into the cold...

Honey: Oh, yes! The spring in Faerie Lea is wonderful! Blossom covers everything. Even the air takes on a sweet, pink tinge.

Honey: Well I think Treacle's right. Why shouldn't we all live together? That faerie's called Butterscotch, but we call her Bitterscotch! Tee hee hee!

Honey: I'm sure faeries and humans and monsters can all live together if we all try really hard!

Honey: That slime always used to say, 'I'm not a bad slime, you know!' And it's true. It left all its bad monster instincts behind.

Honey: It was just wandering about on its own when Treacle invited it to live in Faerie Lea.

Honey: What!? That little kitten's a great sabrecat!?

Honey: Heⓚⓛ Hee hee! O-Of course it is! I knew that. That's how I knew you were special just as soon as I met you.

Honey: Ⓠ When you're cold and blue, Ⓠ You need a bath 'n' shampoo Ⓡ Tee hee hee! I wish I could get in too!

Honey: The last village elder was really strict. You could get in trouble for anything. Even if you upset the peace just a teeny-weeny bit.

Honey: He only passed away recently. So Treacle's only been village elder for a little while, you see.

Honey: There are quite a few dwarfs living here in Faerie Lea, you know. They're merchants, mostly. And artisans too.

Honey: It still feels good to come home, even though things aren't quite right here.

Honey: That's unforgivable, thinking so sourly about Treacle! Dwight's mean! ...Er, who is this Dwight dwarf anyway?

Honey: Unforgivable, thinking so sourly about Treacle!

Honey: That old dwarf's been living here all this time because he was thrown out of Faerie Lea.

Honey: What Dwight's done is unforgivable, but I do feel sorry for the old dwarf. So I suppose I can understand why Dwight did what he did.

Honey: I don't trust that slime. It came out with 'I'm not a bad slime' before we'd even said anything. And who is this Dwight, anyway?

Honey: That man talks funny. I don't trust him. If you ask me, I think he's looking for 'Lots about Locks' to help him steal things.

Honey: Come on! We've got to find it first!

Honey: We never used to have people like him in our world.

Honey: Maybe it's a sign of bad things to come. I suppose that's why the old village elder was so strict.

Honey: Tee hee hee! 'Lots about Locks' for me! Ⓡ I can't believe you told him you'd already found it!

Honey: He looked so scary. You're really brave, Hero.

Honey: Yippee! Now we can open locked doors all over the place!

Honey: But no peeking behind doors you shouldn't be peeking behind! Tee hee! Tee hee hee!

Honey: Wowee! It really works! You really can open locked doors now!

Honey: Tee hee hee! It makes you think of all sorts of cheeky tricks and naughty things we could get up to! No wonder the village elder was worried.

Honey: I never knew there was a cave here before.

Honey: I wonder how far it goes down...

Honey: This is my first time in a cave. In fact, I've hardly been outside Faerie Lea at all until now...

Honey: If I'd come here on my own, I don't know if I'd have found my way out again.

Honey: It's a bit embarrassing actually, but...well... Hee hee hee! My sense of direction is abysmal. It's lucky I came with you.

Honey: This place is yucky. It's dark and wet and infested with monsters and yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yucky!

Honey: And that old dwarf's had to live in here all this time. Tee hee heⓚⓛ Oops! I mean, poor thing!

Honey: I'd never been in a cave until now. I thought it'd be really exciting and fun, but I'm bored.

Honey: I'm so bored I could die! I don't know how you put up with it, Hero.

Honey: Do you think that Dwight boy is really sorry for what he did? I'm not so sure...

Honey: That slime said it was Dwight right from the start, didn't it?

Honey: I knew it was telling the truth all along. Tee hee hee!

Honey: You see!? That Dwight boy's not sorry at all!

Honey: He's just a troublemaker if you ask me.

Honey: Er... Hero... Treacle wants the Herald of Spring back as soon as possible.

Honey: Hello? Can you hear me? No more side trips, okay?

Honey: You're teasing me, aren't you? You know I hate caves. Tee hee hee! You're worse than me, Hero!

Honey: It's locked, just like everyone said. Weren't you listening, Hero?

Honey: Hey! Didn't someone tell us about a dwarf who was thrown out of Faerie Lea for writing a book called 'Lots about Locks' or something...?

Honey: Sweet! We're in! But now it gets scary!

Honey: We've no idea what's waiting in here. Better tread gingerbreadly... Tee hee hee!

Honey: Unbelievable! The White Dwarⓚⓛ I mean, Dwight, just left without so much as a sorry!

Honey: Come on! Time to get the Herald of Spring at last!

Honey: This p-palace is so b-beautiful, but so c-c-cold! Brrr...

Honey: If it was summer, a cool place like this would be yummy. But in winter it's yucky!

Honey: You can't underestimate anyone, you see. Even a child. But we'll beat that Dwight dwarf next time!

Honey: Tee hee hee! You are a warrior, see. I was right! I knew it all along!

Honey: We better not let Treacle down. She's probably watching us even now...

Honey: Hey, wait a minute! We can't leave without the Herald of Spring.

Honey: Yippee! Now we can summon springtime at last!

Honey: But we can't relax just yet. This adventure's not over till we make it home!

Honey: Ow, ow, ow, ouch! Ouch! I hate this place! Who puts holes in the middle of such a slippery floor anyway!?

Honey: Hee hee! You can't stop where you think, can you? We need to think about this a bit...

Honey: Erm... First we move to there... Then to there... And then...erm...to...err... Tee hee! Got you! I haven't got a clue, silly!

Honey: I, I'm a bit amazed too. I wasn't really sure you'd be able to get it back either, Hero. Sorry. Hee hee hee!

Honey: I wonder too... A bit! But who cares now!? Ⓠ We beat the Winter Queen, ner-nee ner-nee ner ner! Ⓡ

Honey: If it got really, really cold, do you think a slime might stop wobbling about and go all hard like a stone?

Honey: Tee hee hee! That'd be fun! I wish we could try it.

Honey: 'Even bigger problems'? What a cheek! We should all be yahooing now, not boohooing!

Honey: You are brave, it's true. And strong. And clever. And nice. And, and, and... Are all humans like you?

Honey: This is our world, where all the faeries live. You come from the human world. And then there's the underworld, where the monsters live.

Honey: What? Where is the underworld? Well, er......it's, er......I... It's...underneath us! Yes, that's where it is!

Honey: (gulp) I knew it. Treacle's been watching us the whole time.

Honey: I didn't do anything silly, did I? Or say anything bad? Oh, no. I bet I'm in trouble...

Honey: I'm sorry, Hero. Some faeries don't like humans very much.

Honey: But I'm sure they'll all feel differently now that you've saved the day!

Honey: I can't wait for spring! I want to watch all the pretty blossoms dancing around me in the warm breeze!

Honey: Only Treacle can summon spring. She has to blow the Herald of Spring herself.

Honey: At the first sweet sound of the flute, spring will burst into life!

Honey: We can't keep the Herald of Spring forever, silly! We've got to give it to Treacle.

Honey: The snow goes on and on forever, you know. But really, it should be spring by now. All the pretty flowers should be bursting into life...

Honey: You're very quiet, aren't you? Do you miss your home already?

Honey: I wonder if we'll manage to get the Herald of Spring back. I mean, you're only small, aren't you? Tee hee hee!

Honey: I wonder why Treacle asked me to accompany you... I suppose she wants me to keep an eye on you.

Honey: You're just a boy after all. You need someone a bit older to make sure you don't get into trouble. ...That's me!

Honey: There's something special about you. I'm sure of it. We faeries are never wrong about things like that, you know. Never.

Honey: It's always cold in winter, but never this cold. Something's not right...

Honey: This is the first time I've ever been exploring like this, so I'm feeling a little bit nervous.

Honey: I know it's still freezing cold, but inside I feel like spring already! Yippee!

Honey: You really are amazing! I bet that inside you're just full to the brim of special magic bits and bobs!

Honey: Treacle will be waiting for us. We must get back to Faerie Lea.

Pankraz: I'm sorry I left you behind at the castle before. I was just so worried about Prince Harry.

Pankraz: I'll take the rear this time, so you don't need to worry about keeping up with me.

Pankraz: Why would they kidnap the Prince? If it was just for ransom money, I'd be less concerned, but I'm not so sure...

Pankraz: I fear for Prince Harry's life. We can't afford to waste any time!

Pankraz: I'm sorry, Hero. I was so focused on finding Prince Harry, I wasn't paying enough attention to you.

Pankraz: But in times of crisis like this, I need you to look after yourself. You can do that for me, can't you, Hero?

Pankraz: A monster too? Hm, I don't like the sound of this. We must find the Prince at once.

Pankraz: Argh! The barefacedness of these thugs! If we had more time, I'd teach them a lesson right now.

Pankraz: But we must find Prince Harry first. Come on, Hero, you lead the way!

Pankraz: I knew it! The Queen Consort was involved!

Pankraz: The King was right to be worried. But what a way for his fears to be realised!

Pankraz: Oh, yes. I've been meaning to ask you about that young man you were talking to in Whealbrook before we left for Coburg.

Pankraz: When I spoke to him, he asked how our travels were going. I felt like I recognised him, but I just can't put a name to his face.

Pankraz: I'm worried about Prince Harry. There's no time to talk. Just keep moving.

Prince Harry: I... I don't like this place...

Prince Harry: I wonder if... I wonder if your father will be alright?

Prince Harry: Your father was right. I suppose I ought to speak with Father when I get back to Coburg.

Harry: I forgot to tell you, but I found this T 'n' T ticket during the time I was a slave.

Harry: I would've thrown it away in the blink of an eye back in the old days!

Harry: But you hang on to any little scrap of anything you come by when you have so little.

Harry: I'm right behind you too, Hero! We'll do this together!

Harry: It looks like Maria really is going to stay on here.

Harry: What!? Why are you looking at me like that, Hero? You must feel a little sad about it too, right?

Harry: We'll just have to hope we'll have the chance to meet up with her again one day.

Harry: How can you be so cold? Oh well, it's no skin off my nose.

Harry: Fortuna? I don't think I've ever heard of such a town before.

Harry: Just walking back through the gate of this place makes me feel more relaxed.

Harry: I wonder how Maria's getting along. Shall we pop inside and see her?

Harry: Did you bring me here to make me feel better, Hero?

Harry: You didn't have to, really you didn't. But thank you.

Harry: That's quite an impressive statue!

Harry: We should keep it with us all the time. It probably has divine powers.

Harry: It's hard to imagine either of us as good husbands when you think we were both slaves until just recently!

Harry: But we know what it feels like to be miserable because of someone else's violence, so at least we'll never be like her brute of a husband.

Harry: We know more about suffering than most, that's for sure. It's been a rocky ride for us so far.

Harry: Huh... Now we have even more worry and sadness to be burdened with.

Harry: I wonder why Maria seems so lonely. Maybe it's because I'm not around.

Harry: Er, no, I'm sure that's not it. If only it was, though...

Harry: I hope Joshua didn't get into trouble for helping us to escape.

Harry: I just wish there was something we could do. Argh! I feel so helpless!

Harry: As long as I have a bed to sleep in, I'm happy. We've got another long day ahead of us, Hero!

Harry: I feel much better after that rest. Thanks, Hero.

Harry: To tell you the truth, I'm still not quite used to sleeping in a bed again. I suppose it's because I was a slave for such a long time.

Harry: You don't need to worry about me, Hero. Let's move on.

Harry: The Order of Zugzwang was so odd, kidnapping rich and high-class children like that.

Harry: Children are too weak to be of any use, so what's the point? Maybe it's because they're easier to influence.

Harry: I didn't realise rich girls came here to do domestic goddess training of all things! It sounds like a terrible bind.

Harry: Did you bring me here to make me feel better, Hero?

Harry: You didn't have to, really you didn't. But thank you.

Harry: I wish I was a cat. Then Maria and I could beⓚⓛ Er! Never mind!

Harry: How wonderful it must be to be a cat. They never have anything to worry about.

Harry: After all we've been through, being able to sleep in a comfortable bed is pure bliss. Here's to another fruitful day, Hero!

Harry: I feel much better after that rest. Thanks, Hero.

Harry: Why don't we stay here for the night? It's late now, and this is where Maria is. Let's stay!

Harry: You don't need to worry about me, Hero. Let's move on.

Harry: You know... Maria is the first woman I've ever met who I can truly say is both beautiful and kind-hearted.

Harry: She's so warm and friendly. She reminds me of my mother, who died when I was just a small boy.

Harry: Hm? You have a childhood friend like that?

Harry: You lucky thing! You'll have to introduce me to her one day. Don't forget now, will you?

Harry: You know... Maria is the first woman I've ever met who I can truly say is both beautiful and kind-hearted.

Harry: She's so warm and friendly. She reminds me of my mother, who died when I was just a small boy.

Harry: You've got a childhood friend like her, you said. Bianca, wasn't it?

Harry: I hope you get to see her again one day.

Harry: Maria's face is red?

Harry: Maybe she's gone and caught a cold from staying up too late. Oh dear! I do hope she's alright!


Warning: Spoilers!
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Harry: Phew! What a lively place! Just looking at everyone running around makes me dizzy.

Harry: I know the state of Whealbrook's come as a bit of a shock to you. It has to me too, as it happens.

Harry: But now we're here, we should make the most of it and have some fun, don't you think?

Maria: What a vibrant town! Busy places can be so uplifting. But we mustn't let ourselves be distracted now.

Harry: Absolutely! We must stay focused, Hero. No slipping off to have fun!

Harry: 'Land of hope and glory'? I don't really have any particular hopes at the moment, as far as I know.

Harry: Oh, come on! Don't look like that. There's nothing too pressing we need to do right now. Loosen up!

Harry: Well, what I'm hoping for right now is to restore Coburg to its former glory.

Harry: He lost? At what? I wonder what kind of things go on in this town.

Harry: I wouldn't mind having some fun at the casino myself.

Harry: But no! We can't, can we? We have things to do. The casino's going to have to wait until next time.

Harry: It's as big as a castle town. I bet it's pretty lively of a night.

Harry: It's a fine thing for a person to have dreams and ambitions. Mind you, I don't need to tell you that, do I?

Harry: Yes, I think I need a dream. Perhaps I'll come across something with all this travelling I'm doing now.

Maria: That young girl was so full of spirit and energy. I think I might be a bit jealous.

Harry: A shop selling unusual items that's only open at night?

Harry: They must have some interesting things in stock. We should definitely pay it a visit this evening!

Harry: What kind of things do you think they might have for sale?

Harry: We'd better go and find out this evening, Hero!

Harry: Ha ha hah! Just look at the envy in his eyes!

Harry: There's nothing better than having something no one else can have, is there?

Maria: His wife must love him very much to be so worried about him going out at night.

Harry: What!? 'Mister'? I'm not a 'mister' yet, am I? I'm not that old, surely!

Maria: He's just a little boy. In his eyes, you probably are. But you shouldn't let a little boy's ideas worry you.

Harry: 'Mister'...? 'Mister'!? 'Mister'?

Maria: Oh, Harry. Don't let it upset you.

Harry: 'No passage without purchase'? It does look like a great short cut, though, doesn't it?

Harry: Hmm... 'Curiosity Shop'? It does sound a bit fishy, doesn't it? Do you think we're really going to want to know what it sells?

Harry: What on earth could it be? 'The only one of its kind'...?

Maria: I've heard a rumour about this. People say it's some kind of decoration, something really extraordinary.

Harry: If the residents of Fortuna themselves think it's a weird shop, it must be really weird.

Harry: Well, if there's a place as lively as this, there must be somewhere else that's the opposite extreme.

Harry: I wonder what's happened to Coburg while I've been away. Mind you, I suppose it's nothing to do with me any more, is it?

Harry: ............ Harry: bites his lip and hangs his head.

Maria: Oh, Harry, don't feel bad.

Harry: There are certainly some really useful spells to be learnt, aren't there?

Harry: A castle town in the north-east? Well, it can't be Coburg. Coburg's a respectable place. There's certainly nothing scary about Coburg.

Harry: I'm afraid she's right. They'd be very wise to stay away from Coburg at the moment.

Harry: Right... I suppose we are old enough to drink now, aren't we?

Harry: I'll tell you something, I don't mind not being able to go back to that Zugzwang shrine. Talk about a living hell!

Maria: Family is a wonderful thing. You know, having people around you who'll always care for you. I, I wonder if I'll ever see Joshua again...

Harry: Don't worry, Maria, I'm sure your brother's fine.

Harry: What sort of lazy cowboy sleeps like that in the middle of the day?

Harry: Ah, it's the owner of the Old Curiosity Shop! I thought he was a rich businessman running the place for a bit of fun, but now I'm not so sure...

Harry: Time marches on? It certainly didn't feel like it during all those years of slavery.

Harry: But it's rather strange, you know. When I look back on it now, it does almost seem like it was over in a flash.

Harry: Well, anyone could have told you that, couldn't they? Fortune-teller or no fortune-teller.

Harry: D-Do you really think it's possible to befriend monsters?

Harry: It'd be absolutely incredible if it was. We need to try this out at once!

Harry: A bunny girl? Do you think Monty makes her wear that? As a uniform, I mean. Uurgh... I shudder to think!

Harry: It's hard to turn a blind eye when you see people confined in such tiny cells.

Harry: I mean, it's a bit of a shame, isn't it?

Harry: He used to kidnap people!? Y-You don't think he's one of the thugs who took me from the castle all those years ago, do you?

Harry: Unbelievable! And to think I almost felt sorry for the people in these cells! He can stay in here for life as far as I'm concerned.

Harry: Wow! So this is what a casino looks like! And look at that! There's even a stage where they put on acts.

Harry: All the lights are so dazzling, they're making my eyes go funny.

Harry: Do you get the feeling we stick out like a couple of sore thumbs here, Hero?

Harry: Yes, so do I. I mean, it's a far cry from a life of slavery, isn't it?

Harry: No? I suppose you're right. We're not slaves any more. It's our right to enjoy the casino if we want to!

Harry: Ready to have some fun?

Harry: Exactly! Ex-slaves like us have got nothing to lose, have we? Let's go nuts!

Harry: What? A lackey never disagrees with his master, understand?

Harry: Don't get the wrong idea, Maria. I'm not the one who brought you here. It was Hero.

Maria: It looks like a lot of fun. Why don't we enjoy ourselves for a while? Just don't lose track of time!

Harry: Leftover gold, he says? That sounds like a useful piece of advice from an old hand, if you ask me.

Harry: Lose! Lose! Go on, lose!

Maria: Oh, I hope he wins!

Harry: Phew! That's a bit scary, isn't it? Better not let anything like that happen to us.

Harry: It's the first time I've ever seen theatre performed. It's pretty good, isn't it?

Harry: Did you hear that, Hero? We've got to go for it, he said!

Harry: Only, we're a bit tied up with more important things at the moment. We'd better push on.

Harry: He could be right, but I can well imagine us running out of tokens before that happens!

Harry: I suppose that's one way of looking at things, but I don't intend on being laid out in the family crypt until I've done everything I possibly can.

Harry: It sounds like he enjoys watching people getting fired up over their bets. Not the most admirable of occupations.

Harry: Legends are legends, if you ask me. I sincerely doubt there's any such person as the legendary hero.

Harry: Then I'll put down a thousand G that says he doesn't! H-Hey! I was only joking! Don't look at me like that. You're scaring me.

Harry: Wow! Being so close to the performers gives the whole show an electric feel.

Maria: It's such a romantic play! Do... Do you think we're allowed up on the stage?

Harry: These people are fantastic! Maybe this could be my dream: to become an actor!

Harry: O Maria! ⓚⓛ How did it go again? ⓚⓛ Though you are blind, and cannot see, I will wear my heart to show how much I do love thee!

Maria: Stop it, Harry! You're embarrassing me!

Harry: I wouldn't dream of peeking, but I can't make any promises about Hero here, ladies! He's the one to watch out for!

Harry: So those actors travel around, do they? I don't imagine that makes for an easy life in these troubled times.

Harry: Ch-Changing!? I can't look! I'd never be able to forgive myself!

Harry: Behave yourself now, Hero! Remember that Maria's with us.

Harry: The slurpodrome's a great idea. It's fantastic if you just want to forget everything and relax.

Harry: It's true. Slimes don't think like us, that's why. In fact, they don't think at all. It's all just mush behind those big eyes of theirs, you know.

Maria: This little slime's so cute. There's not a nasty bone in its body. I mean... Well, you know what I mean.

Maria: It's a miracle! I don't think I've ever met a slime that could talk before.

Harry: This town never ceases to amaze, does it? There's Treasures and Trapdoors here as well as a casino!

Harry: We're in danger of forgetting what we're travelling for. And how long we've spent here.

Harry: Wouldn't it be great if you could roll the exact number you wanted every time?

Harry: Argh! I hate being laughed at! Come on, Hero. We've got to have another bash.

Harry: I wouldn't mind having as much time on my hands as he seems to have.

Harry: Phew! What a lively place! Just looking at everyone running around makes me dizzy.

Harry: I know the state of Whealbrook's come as a bit of a shock to you. It has to me too, as it happens.

Harry: But now we're here, we should make the most of it and have some fun, don't you think?

Maria: What a vibrant town! Busy places can be so uplifting. But we mustn't let ourselves be distracted now.

Harry: Absolutely! We must stay focused, Hero. No slipping off to have fun!

Harry: This place is almost as bright at night as it is during the day! I love all this glitz!

Harry: Did you hear that? He won big! Come on! There's more where that came from! It's our turn to hit the casino now!

Harry: But no! We can't, can we? We have things to do. The casino's going to have to wait until next time.

Harry: Do you think he's talking about the Order of Zugzwang?

Harry: I'm afraid to say I think the fellow's going to be disappointed.

Maria: My brother heard the rumours too. And believed them. That's why he joined the order. If only he hadn't, maybe he'd be...

Harry: Don't worry, Maria, I'm sure your brother's fine.

Harry: 'A woman who is very close to you'...? Do you think she means your mother?

Harry: I'm not a big fan of fortune-telling, to be honest. But I hope she's right, anyway.

Harry: My stepmother really believed in fortune-telling. I tell you, it was a bit scary.

Harry: So that's why I never listen to all that rubbish, you see.

Harry: So if we did away with the smug brat, we'd acquire twenty mini medals, then?

Harry: I'm only joking! But don't tell me the thought didn't cross your mind too.

Harry: He seems like a bit of a bruiser, but he's just a softie at heart, worrying about his wife like that.

Harry: He's right. There's nothing like a hot bath after a hard day's work.

Harry: She scared the life out of me, screaming like that! I mean, er... It was um...very loud. I wasn't scared. Ha!

Maria: ............

Harry: She's right to be worried, I think. There are more monsters about between towns these days, and they seem a lot stronger now too.

Maria: It's awful. We shouldn't have to live in a world where children can't even play safely.

Harry: What are you smiling about? She was talking to me, you know.

Harry: He's not far wrong there, is he?

Harry: But it's not us he should be feeling sorry for. What about all the poor slaves still being made to work at the shrine?

Maria: I think all food's delicious, no matter what it is.

Maria: You can taste the loving care of whoever grew the crops or reared the livestock, and of the chef who prepared it all too.

Harry: It sounds like he really doesn't dare argue with his wife about it, doesn't it?

Harry: I couldn't stand that. I just hope I don't end up like that if I get married one day.

Maria: He should realise that his wife's just worried about him because she loves him.

Maria: It's only natural to worry about the people you love.

Harry: I'm sure it is. But I don't even remember what my mother looked like. She died when I was so young.

Harry: And my father was so busy he didn't have any time for me. It didn't really feel much like a family to me.

Harry: Maybe if I were to get married, I could change all that and build my own family.

Maria: Yes, I don't know how I would have managed without my brother. And even though we're apart now, he's still always in my heart.

Harry: The people here have a great time of it, don't they?

Harry: So this is Mystic Mridula's house?

Harry: I was expecting more dodgy-looking herbs and weird animals, to be honest.

Harry: Isn't she amazing? She knows her little speech so well, she can say it in her sleep!

Harry: Sounds like he's in trouble there!

Harry: Are you off your rocker, Hero? It's a wagon! Where else are we going to be able to pick one of them up? And when?

Harry: Wow! I never even dreamed of being able to buy a wagon for that kind of money. It's unbelievable!

Harry: This is awful! That's the most unbelievable price for a wagon I've ever heard, and we still can't afford it!

Harry: Who's been wasting all our gold, hm? It, it wasn't me.

Harry: That was dead lucky, wasn't it, buying a wagon so cheaply? A gift from the Goddess for everything we've had to suffer up to now.

Harry: He must just be a rich businessman having a bit of fun selling odd items, don't you think?

Harry: Wow! So this is what a casino looks like! And look at that! There's even a stage where they put on acts.

Harry: All the lights are so dazzling, they're making my eyes go funny.

Harry: Do you get the feeling we stick out like a couple of sore thumbs here, Hero?

Harry: Yes, so do I. I mean, it's a far cry from a life of slavery, isn't it?

Harry: No? I suppose you're right. We're not slaves any more. It's our right to enjoy the casino if we want to!

Harry: Ready to have some fun?

Harry: Exactly! Ex-slaves like us have got nothing to lose, have we? Let's go nuts!

Harry: What? A lackey never disagrees with his master, understand?

Harry: Don't get the wrong idea, Maria. I'm not the one who brought you here. It was Hero.

Maria: It looks like a lot of fun. Why don't we enjoy ourselves for a while? Just don't lose track of time!

Harry: Right then, what shall we do? The slots, the slurpodrome, the monster arena... Let's try everything!

Harry: I know, I know. We're on a quest and all that. There's no time for having fun at the casino.

Harry: Leftover gold, he says? That sounds like a useful piece of advice from an old hand, if you ask me.

Harry: Lose, lose, lose!

Harry: Oops! I'd better not look like I want him to lose, actually. Maria: might see me and think I'm really nasty.

Maria: I hope he wins. Then he'll be happy, and it's always nice when people are happy.

Harry: Hmm... That's a valuable lesson to learn. You can win big on the hundred-token machine, but you can lose big too.

Harry: It sounds like it isn't all glitz and glamour for actors, then. They have to work hard to realise their dreams too.

Harry: It sounds like he enjoys watching people getting fired up over their bets. Not the most admirable of occupations.

Harry: Legends are legends, if you ask me. I sincerely doubt there's any such person as the legendary hero.

Harry: Then I'll put down a thousand G that says he doesn't! H-Hey! I was only joking! Don't look at me like that. You're scaring me.

Harry: They put dancers on stage at night, look. They really go the whole hog here, don't they?

Maria: I don't know what it is about that song, but I really like it. It's so catchy.

Harry: Classy isn't the word! Just look at the way she moves! She's amazing!

Maria: Harry!

Maria: I... Oh no. I can't dance. Come on, Hero. Let's get off the stage before I make a fool of myself!

Harry: Dance if you feel like dancing, Hero. I think I'll just sit it out if you don't mind.

Harry: Ha ha ha hah! Not bad, Hero. You're not bad!

Maria: Actually, you know...this is really good fun!

Harry: I had no idea there was a castle like that around here. The world's really not a safe place any more, is it?

Harry: What a run-down-looking village!

Harry: No! This is where you used to live!? But it's so different to how you said.

Harry: Being in this place makes me feel more than a smidgen uneasy.

Harry: It reminds me what a thoughtless fool I was back in my younger years.

Harry: ............ Harry seems to be deep in thought.

Maria: Oh dear! This village is in a terrible way! ...Oh! This is your village, Hero?

Maria: I see. So that's why Harry looks so down in the dumps.

Maria: But there's no need for you to feel bad, Harry. You're not the one who did this.

Harry: Oh, Maria...

Harry: I'll look for it too! I'll do whatever I can to help you, Hero!

Harry: What pretty blossoms!

Harry: So the soldiers of Coburg burnt this place to the ground?

Harry: And people think it's your father's fault I went missing?

Harry: I'm so sorry, Hero. I had no idea that it would come to this.

Harry: What in the world has happened to Coburg!? How could they ever do something so cruel!?

Harry: ............ Harry is hanging his head low and chewing his lip.

Harry: So the soldiers of Coburg burnt this place to the ground?

Harry: And people think it's your father's fault I went missing?

Harry: I'm so sorry, Hero. I had no idea that it would come to this.

Harry: I have the image of your father burnt in my mind's eye.

Harry: You absolutely have to find your mother, Hero!

Harry: The soldiers who came here were funny-looking? I wonder what he meant by that.

Harry: I'm going to do something about Coburg, you mark my words!

Harry: Everywhere seems comfortable after that awful place we had to sleep in back at the temple.

Harry: ............ Harry looks like he's feeling ashamed.

Harry: What a run-down-looking village!

Harry: No! This is where you used to live!? But it's so different to how you said.

Harry: Oh! I'm terrible with stories like this! Huh! I feel all tearful now!

Harry: You don't think it was the soldiers from Coburg, do you? That poor child's parents...

Maria: Oh, Harry:, don't feel bad. Harry looks like he's struggling not to cry.

Harry: It's strange that even someone as strong as your father couldn't equip that sword.

Harry: I suppose this legendary hero must have some special quality that enables him to use it like no other can.

Maria: My brother and I could sense that you and Harry had some kind of special destiny, Hero.

Maria: And now here I am travelling around with you both! It's quite a strange feeling.

Harry: Bianca's that friend of yours you had when you were little, isn't she? I hope she's well.

Harry: Even if the hero is dead, it's possible he might have had a grandchild. We should start by looking for this legendary equipment first.

Harry: So you used to come here when you were young, did you, Hero?

Harry: I suppose it's not a bad sort of place to practise your adventuring, what with the monsters around here not being all that strong.

Harry: I can't help feeling that it's my fault your village is in such a sorry state. Don't you agree?

Harry: Well, if there's anything at all I can do to make amends, you must say so, Hero.

Harry: I know you're just saying that to make me feel better, but thank you.

Harry: We don't really have any reason to be here, do we, Hero? Perhaps we should try to focus a bit more on the task at hand.

Maria: I'm afraid I'm not very good in caves. For some reason, I can't help being reminded of that awful temple.

Harry: This is an interesting-looking sword. You should check that treasure chest while we're here too, Hero.

Harry: So this is the Zenithian Sword. It's incredible how shiny the blade is even though it's so ancient. It must have amazing powers.

Harry: It's a shame that only the legendary hero can use the Zenithian Sword.

Harry: You know, I did wonder for a while if you might be him, but it looks like I was wrong.

Harry: A dark world called Nadiria, the Zenithian Sword, the legendary hero... It's all a bit far-fetched, don't you think?

Harry: Still, now that we've read it, I suppose we've no choice but to search for the rest of the Zenithian Equipment and the hero to boot!

Harry: We should at least take the Zenithian Sword with us, don't you think?

Harry: It's funny how your father left that letter here, isn't it?

Harry: Maybe he somehow knew that something bad was going to happen to him.

Harry: And yet he still carried on with his travels regardless.

Harry: We've found what we were looking for, anyway. We should head back to the village.

Maria: Don't think I don't appreciate you showing me around all these different places and everything.

Maria: It's just... I think we should prioritise trying to help all those poor people who are suffering.

Harry: Absolutely! We must stay focused, Hero. No slipping off to have fun!

Harry: So this is where that childhood friend of yours is from. At least this place hasn't been burnt to the ground.

Harry: I wonder how that friend of yours, Bianca, is getting along. Let's go and find her.

Harry: ............ Harry: seems to be deep in thought.

Harry: Now I've heard what I've heard, I don't really have any choice but to go back to the castle and find out what's going on.

Harry: ............ Harry: is hanging his head low in silence.

Harry: No matter where we go, we never hear a good word said about Coburg.

Harry: Make sure you keep that Zenithian Sword hidden, won't you, Hero? That probably counts as a legendary weapon.

Harry: I hadn't realised the full extent of things up to now.

Harry: But I'm starting to see that our world's in quite a perilous state.

Harry: Oh, that's a shame, Hero.

Harry: I was looking forward to seeing your face when you met her again after all these years.

Harry: I suppose it is quite romantic, the idea of searching for someone. It just doesn't feel that way when you're the one doing it.

Harry: I wonder if all mothers feel like that.

Harry: Don't know why I'm asking you, mind. Neither of us would have a clue when it comes to answering that question.

Harry: So this is Bianca's house? It's not a bad-looking place.

Harry: I wonder where she is.

Harry: Oh. So Bianca's not here any more.

Harry: Ha! So this is the famous Zizzwizz Pillow! It smells fantastic.

Harry: Seven years ago? That's quite a while back now.

Harry: Don't be too disappointed, Hero! I'm sure you'll run into her again somewhere.

Harry: Ha! So this is the famous Zizzwizz Pillow! It smells fantastic.

Harry: That bunny girl's certainly, um...a bit old, isn't she?

Harry: No! She looked the same all that time ago? ...That's ten years!

Harry: What are you playing at? We don't have time to mess around. We need to ask about the legendary hero.

Harry: First there was all the talk about the legendary hero, and now we have this 'Es' something or other to think about too.

Harry: It's too much!

Maria: Don't think I don't appreciate you showing me around all these different places and everything.

Maria: It's just... I think we should prioritise trying to help all those poor people who are suffering.

Harry: Absolutely! We must stay focused, Hero. No slipping off to have fun!

Harry: So this is where that childhood friend of yours is from. At least this place hasn't been burnt to the ground.

Harry: I wonder how that friend of yours, Bianca, is getting along. Let's go and find her.

Harry: Wilbur was always much cleverer than me. I thought he'd make a good king.

Harry: If anyone has a way of communicating with monsters, I'd say it's you, Hero.

Harry: And Monty the monster monitor is another one who seems to get on with the things.

Harry: Hey! Maybe the old man is part of the clan who guard the seal! ...Actually, no. He hardly looks the part.

Harry: We don't have anyone who'd say that kind of thing about us.

Harry: When I get married and have children of my own, I'm going to spoil them something rotten!

Harry: We should stay here the night too.

Harry: I have a few things I need to think about.

Harry: Um, Hero. Like I said last night, I'm quite concerned about the situation over in Coburg.

Harry: I know it'll be a bit of a detour for us, but do you mind if we go and see what's going on?

Harry: That bunny girl's certainly, um...a bit old, isn't she?

Harry: No! She looked the same all that time ago? ...That's ten years!

Harry: What are you playing at? We don't have time to mess around. We need to ask about the legendary hero.

Harry: First there was all the talk about the legendary hero, and now we have this 'Es' something or other to think about too.

Harry: It's too much!

Harry: Just because you have a legendary weapon, it doesn't mean you can equip it. More's the pity.

Harry: He's not the only one who's disappointed. I wonder where they are now and what they're doing.

Harry: So this is the castle you came to all those years ago on your big ghost-hunt?

Harry: You must've been quite a brave young thing, coming here in the middle of the night when you were just a child!

Maria: I had no idea there was a castle all the way out here.

Harry: (cough cough) It looks smart enough from the outside, but it's a real dust trap on the inside!

Harry: Why have we come here, Hero? I certainly can't think of any good reason.

Harry: Unless! Are you taking us on a trip down memory lane with you, by any chance?

Harry: Hey! Did you see that!? I wonder if it was a ghost. Let's go and see!

Harry: There was I hoping I'd seen a ghost, when it was nothing more than a runaway couple! I didn't expect to find them here.

Maria: Aaah, forbidden love across the class boundaries... At least they were lucky enough to find this place to live in together.

Harry: It's good that the two of them didn't go through with the dying idea. Once you're dead, you're dead. There's no changing your mind then.

Maria: They both seem so happy. Seeing people like that makes me feel happy too.

Harry: What a strange count he must've been to have put his graveyard up on the castle roof!

Harry: The people in these graves asked you to defeat the ghosts? That all sounds a bit far-fetched!

Harry: That man doesn't seem to have much of a shadow. M-Maybe I'm just imagining it, though. Ha ha!

Harry: The only way to reach any of the other continents from here is by boat.

Maria: I feel so unsettled when I look at the ocean. On the other side of it is my brother and all those poor people trapped as slaves.

Harry: Don't worry, Maria, I'm sure your brother's fine.

Harry: ............ Harry: appears to be deep in thought.

Harry: I find it hard to imagine Wilbur giving out such strict orders. He was never the most strong-minded of chaps.

Harry: All of this will change when we oust that impostor.

Harry: ............ Harry: is hanging his head low in silence.

Harry: Permission!? I didn't need anything of the sort when I was a child!

Harry: I know you want to go, Hero. But I'm afraid Coburg holds no attraction for me whatsoever any more.

Harry: That's Frank. He used to just be a lowly servant. And yet look at him now, a soldier and everything!

Harry: His one weakness is large frogs. He's so scared of them! I used to have a lot of fun planting them about the place to give him a fright!

Harry: That's Coburg just across the river. The wind smells just the same as it used to in the old days.

Harry: Heavy-handed laws? I wonder what he means. We'll have to find out what's going on.

Harry: I didn't imagine I'd be setting foot in this place again. And yet here I am!

Harry: Things seem to have changed an awful lot. The place looks really run-down.

Maria: To think that you were prince of such a grand-looking castle, Harry!

Maria: Now I feel all ashamed. Have I been disrespectful, speaking to you in such a familiar way?

Harry: Don't be ridiculous! It makes me feel sad hearing you say things like that.

Harry: Surely we can't be in danger just for coming near the castle!? Whatever has become of this place?

Harry: There were plenty of times when we went without food for three days back when we were slaves, eh, Hero?

Maria: I heard a few nasty rumours about Coburg back at the abbey, but I had no idea things were this bad.

Harry: That was a bit mean, Hero. Surely you could afford to give her a few coins?

Maria: If I had any money, I'd give as much as I could to these poor folk here.

Harry: ............ Harry is biting his lip in thought.

Maria: Goddess, please have mercy on these poor suffering souls.

Harry: I cried with hunger in those first awful days of becoming a slave. There's nothing worse than being without food.

Maria: That poor boy. He looks so weak and thin...

Harry: A monster in the castle courtyard of all places! I thought it was a dog, and it took me totally off-guard!

Maria: Are you alright?

Maria: There's no need to worry about me. Luckily, you were there to protect me.

Harry: Why are my people having to suffer just so soldiers from foreign lands can be enlisted?

Harry: It doesn't make sense! Whoever's responsible for this will have me to answer to!

Maria: It's just like in the Order of Zugzwang. Why is it always those that are weak who are made to suffer?

Harry: We should still keep my true identity a secret, okay, Hero?

Harry: I didn't often use that passage, so I can't remember exactly where it is.

Harry: I can't help feeling that it was always quite tricky to see in the daytime.

Harry: A castle fell from the sky!? I didn't even know there was a castle up there in the first place. It's all a bit odd if you ask me.

Maria: I've heard something like that before myself.

Maria: Maybe the Goddess did it. Maybe she made the castle fall and the monsters attack humans again as a way of testing us.

Harry: What's all this about the Queen Dowager? Shouldn't it be Wilbur who has the authority around here!?

Harry: 'Rules the world'!? Whatever does the old bag think she's up to?

Harry: Ugh. This place has really gone to the dogs with people like him around.

Harry: What's a monster like him doing inside the castle!? Am I seeing things!? Why doesn't anyone else seem surprised!?

Maria: Dearie me. What scary-looking folk they are. I wonder how this castle ended up in such a state.

Harry: He's right about those soldiers being an unsavoury-looking bunch.

Harry: I was starting to worry that all the soldiers here had gone mad. It's nice to see one with his head still screwed on.

Harry: It's been bad here for a long time, ever since the soldiers were sent to destroy Whealbrook.

Harry: Curse it all!

Harry: Darwin? I've never heard of him before. I wonder who asked him to come to the castle...and why.

Harry: That all sounds rather complicated. I'm not very good when it comes to that kind of thing.

Maria: A secret unlocking the mysteries of evolution? It all sounds a bit scary for my liking.

Maria: I'd say it's more likely to be the hand of evil than the hand of the Goddess.

Harry: I think it was around here somewhere.

Harry: Ah! A switch! Nice work, Hero!

Harry: This passage was made so that it could be used as a means of escape in case of some kind of emergency.

Harry: I never imagined I'd be using it to sneak inside my own castle! Of all the ironies!

Harry: I only caught a quick glimpse, but there seemed to be a rather well-to-do lady in one of the cells. Surely not...

Harry: Now I'm starting to remember. I think you can get to the jail cells from here.

Harry: So she's the one behind all this? I didn't want to believe it because she is Wilbur's mother, after all. But now...

Harry: The Goddess won't need to punish her, because I'm going to see to it that she pays for what she's done right now!

Harry: Was that the real dowager, do you suppose, or the fake one? Now I'm really confused!

Maria: What a terrible place to die...

Maria: May all these poor souls find their way from these dark depths to the eternal comfort of the Goddess on high!

Harry: I don't understand! That's definitely the Dowager...my stepmother. No question about it.

Harry: So whatever is she doing stuck in a jail cell when she should be luxuriating away upstairs in the castle proper?

Harry: So there are two dowagers!? Who is the other one? And is she planning on taking over my kingdom?

Harry: At least this means Wilbur isn't the one at fault. That's something of a relief.

Harry: Pah! I won't allow that fake dowager to send Coburg further into ruin!

Harry: Just as we thought. That dowager must be fake. That would explain everything the old lady said.

Harry: The problem is, how do we prove it?

Harry: I'm going to do everything in my power to put this kingdom right, Hero! Everything in my power!

Maria: I can't believe a person could be executed just for not paying their taxes. Oh, Goddess have mercy!

Harry: Hmph. That chancellor fellow is here. Not that we need to take any notice of that worthless creature, I suppose.

Harry: A story about a mysterious mirror? Yes, I seem to remember something like that. But how does that help us?

Harry: The castle vault... That's not far from the place I was snatched all those years ago. Brrr! The thought of it sends shivers down my spine!

Harry: I've never heard anything so ridiculous. Can you imagine what it would be like if a selfish man like me were king?

Harry: If anyone around here is cut out for the monarchy, I'd say it's you, Hero. Don't let that go to your head though, eh.

Maria: He's right, Harry. You really are brave.

Maria: I'll never forget that day you stood up to the guard even though he had a whip in his hand. You were incredible.

Harry: What a tiresome little man. I don't blame Wilbur for feeling so uninspired with a man like that as chancellor.

Harry: Curses! I was hoping we'd be able to expose that fake dowager once and for all!

Harry: But meeting with her alone isn't enough. We need some way of proving it.

Harry: Curses! I was hoping we'd be able to expose that fake dowager once and for all!

Harry: But meeting with her alone isn't enough. We need some way of proving it.

Harry: This must be the book Wilbur was talking about.

Harry: A mirror 'with the power to show the truth'... Interesting. We'd better go and have a look at that tower, then!

Harry: It's funny to think of a teleportal inside the castle somewhere. I wonder who made it.

Harry: Shouldn't we be heading over to that tower with the mysterious mirror, Hero?

Maria: Erm, it's not really my business, but what are we doing here? Weren't we supposed to be going to the tower?

Harry: We'll have to come back during the daytime if we want to get inside the castle. We should rest for now.

Harry: This place feels even more desolate at night. It's like walking through a graveyard.

Harry: I'm going to sort this mess out, you mark my words!

Maria: Shouldn't the rulers of a kingdom be there to make their people happy? That's what I always thought.

Harry: I didn't realise that my father was trying to pass the crown on to me before he died.

Harry: I do remember there being a strained atmosphere in the castle at the time. I suppose that was why.

Maria: If only you'd become king, Harry. Then none of this would have happened.

Harry: There are certainly plenty of books here, so it's quite possible he'll find what he's looking for.

Harry: I wonder what the curiosity he's heard about might be. I never heard of anything like that.


Warning: Spoilers!
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Harry: That trader must've been talking about the book that mentions the mysterious mirror. It certainly is a curiosity, that's for sure.

Harry: She's not the only one who got out while she could. This place feels like it's half empty nowadays.

Harry: That must be a teleportal. They're curious things that allow you to travel quickly between two far away places.

Harry: It reminds me of something I read once in an old book about travelling through a teleportal from the castle to another land.

Harry: Sorry! Listen to me waffling away!

Maria: I had no idea such a place existed so close to the abbey.

Harry: We should get going now that we have Ra's mirror.

Harry: The people of Coburg mustn't be left to suffer a moment longer!

Maria: Fancy being able to travel all the way to Coburg in an instant!

Maria: This teleportal is so convenient...and so bizarre! Maybe it's the work of the Goddess.

Harry: If he won't let us pass, then I suppose there's nothing we can do. Let's move on, Hero!

Harry: So we're not allowed to pass at night. Oh well. We'll have to come back another time.

Maria: That old man must be a bit lonely, stuck out here all on his own.

Maria: If only he'd drop in at the abbey, there'd be plenty of people there he could have a chat with.

Harry: It's nice to have a place where we're made to feel so welcome, don't you think, Hero?

Harry: Sorry, Hero. We're supposed to be looking for your mother, and yet I've gone and distracted you with this instead.

Harry: I never imagined we'd end up going to the tower with Maria.

Harry: I suppose nuns are basically the same as monks really. Maybe we should ask them about the tower.

Maria: I suppose that's my part in this done with. But I'd like to stay with you until you find what you came for, if that's alright.

Harry: Of course. You've been a great help to us, Maria:. We'd be honoured to have you. Right, Hero?

Harry: It's hard to imagine either of us as good husbands when you think we were both slaves until just recently!

Harry: But we know what it feels like to be miserable because of someone else's violence, so at least we'll never be like her brute of a husband.

Maria: I think she's right. You would make a good husband, Hero.

Maria: ...Oh! And so would you, Harry! I didn't mean to leave you out.

Harry: I say! There's no need to make a special effort to compliment me, you know!

Maria: I had a small statue of the Goddess carved for me a little while back.

Maria: It made me feel so at peace to hold it in my hands and see Her smiling at me.

Maria: I'm rather good at cooking and sewing myself, because I had to do it for Joshua and I from a young age.

Harry: I wonder why Maria seems so lonely. Maybe it's because I'm not around.

Harry: Er, no, I'm sure that's not it. If only it was, though...

Harry: The girl's right. We mustn't let Maria come to any harm, do you hear, Hero?

Maria: That little girl really seems to think of me as her big sister.

Maria: It's nice to have a little sister out of nowhere. I only ever had a brother before.

Harry: It's wonderful to see Maria again. I do feel a bit jealous that she said your name before mine, though.

Harry: I suppose nuns are basically the same as monks really. Maybe we should ask them about the tower.

Harry: It's lovely to have you travelling with us again, Maria.

Maria: Thank you, Harry. I'm really happy to be with you again too.

Maria: You do both seem a little bit different to before, though.

Maria: It's almost like you have a shadow cast over you.

Harry: I'm going to stand by you, Maria! I'll protect you with my life, now and forever!

Maria: Sorry? What was that you just said, Harry?

Harry: Er... Ha, ha. Don't worry. It was nothing important.

Harry: Well, we have Maria with us now, so I suppose we should get along to that tower.

Maria: I wonder what the Abbess meant by 'those who are too proud to believe in things they cannot see'.

Maria: I know I volunteered myself for this, but I'm starting to worry that I might not be worthy.

Harry: As long as I have a bed to sleep in, I'm happy. We've got another long day ahead of us, Hero!

Harry: I feel much better after that rest. Thanks, Hero.

Harry: To tell you the truth, I'm still not quite used to sleeping in a bed again. I suppose it's because I was a slave for such a long time.

Harry: You don't need to worry about me, Hero. Let's move on.

Maria: I wonder what sort of man she had in mind, that girl who went through all the domestic goddess training.

Maria: The poor child definitely feels lonely at times.

Maria: She may seem strong on the outside, but she must miss her father terribly.

Harry: It's wonderful to see Maria again. I do feel a bit jealous that she said your name before mine, though.

Harry: I suppose nuns are basically the same as monks really. Maybe we should ask them about the tower.

Harry: It's lovely to have you travelling with us again, Maria.

Maria: Thank you, Harry. I'm really happy to be with you again too.

Maria: You do both seem a little bit different to before, though.

Maria: It's almost like you have a shadow cast over you.

Harry: I'm going to stand by you, Maria! I'll protect you with my life, now and forever!

Maria: Sorry? What was that you just said, Harry?

Harry: Er... Ha, ha. Don't worry. It was nothing important.

Harry: Well, we have Maria with us now, so I suppose we should get along to that tower.

Maria: I wonder what the Abbess meant by 'those who are too proud to believe in things they cannot see'.

Maria: I know I volunteered myself for this, but I'm starting to worry that I might not be worthy.

Harry: As long as I have a bed to sleep in, I'm happy. We've got another long day ahead of us, Hero!

Harry: I feel much better after that rest. Thanks, Hero.

Harry: To tell you the truth, I'm still not quite used to sleeping in a bed again. I suppose it's because I was a slave for such a long time.

Harry: You don't need to worry about me, Hero. Let's move on.

Harry: It's finally time for Coburg to come out of the clouds and back into the sunshine! Let's go and find Wilbur!

Maria: It's funny to think that Harry is actually a prince of such an enormous castle.

Maria: In the normal run of things, there's no way someone as lowly as I would ever have had the chance to befriend him.

Harry: The place looks so different. But it all ends here! All we have to do is oust that fake dowager!

Harry: There's nothing anyone can do to stop us now! Let's go, Hero!

Harry: There were plenty of times when we went without food for three days back when we were slaves, eh, Hero?

Maria: I heard a few nasty rumours about Coburg back at the abbey, but I had no idea things were this bad.

Harry: That was a bit mean, Hero. Surely you could afford to give her a few coins?

Maria: If I had any money, I'd give as much as I could to these poor folk here.

Harry: ............ Harry is biting his lip in thought.

Maria: Goddess, please have mercy on these poor suffering souls.

Harry: I cried with hunger in those first awful days of becoming a slave. There's nothing worse than being without food.

Maria: That poor boy. He looks so weak and thin...

Harry: A monster in the castle courtyard of all places! I thought it was a dog, and it took me totally off-guard!

Maria: Are you alright?

Maria: There's no need to worry about me. Luckily, you were there to protect me.

Harry: It won't be long before this dark period comes to an end.

Harry: The light of truth that shines forth from this mirror will be all that Coburg needs to banish the darkness!

Maria: It's time to help those poor, suffering people at last.

Harry: A castle fell from the sky!? I didn't even know there was a castle up there in the first place. It's all a bit odd if you ask me.

Maria: I've heard something like that before myself.

Maria: Maybe the Goddess did it. Maybe she made the castle fall and the monsters attack humans again as a way of testing us.

Harry: Curses! We don't have time for this! We'll have to find another way.

Harry: Hey! Now's not the time for detours! Stay focused!

Harry: Urgh! The thought of someone like that ruling over Coburg...and the world!

Maria: If there's a war, lots of people will end up losing their lives. We have to stop it from coming to that!

Harry: They won't be looking so pleased with themselves when I'm finished here!

Harry: So the fake dowager is actually a monster? How did a monster get in here unnoticed?

Harry: He's right about those soldiers being an unsavoury-looking bunch.

Harry: I was starting to worry that all the soldiers here had gone mad. It's nice to see one with his head still screwed on.

Harry: The fake dowager must have already been in place at the time Whealbrook was attacked.

Harry: There's no way a human would order an innocent village to be destroyed like that.

Harry: Darwin? I don't remember hearing that name before. I wonder if the fake dowager summoned him here.

Harry: Maybe the fake dowager was trying to research a way of evolving into a stronger being.

Maria: A secret unlocking the mysteries of evolution? It all sounds a bit scary for my liking.

Maria: I'd say it's more likely to be the hand of evil than the hand of the Goddess.

Harry: This passage was made so that it could be used as a means of escape in case of some kind of emergency.

Harry: I never imagined I'd be using it to sneak inside my own castle! Of all the ironies!

Harry: I doubt there's much use in explaining that it was all the fake dowager's doing.

Harry: We just have to reveal her true identity and put an end to all this. Then we can rescue the old man.

Maria: That poor man, being stuck down here in the dark all those years.

Maria: What a terrible place to die...

Maria: May all these poor souls find their way from these dark depths to the eternal comfort of the Goddess on high!

Harry: When they talk about having someone's head on a platter around here, they probably mean it literally!

Harry: That's because the fake dowager came along. It stands to reason that she's going to change because she's a different person entirely!

Harry: It sounds like Wilbur's been down to the jail and freed the real dowager.

Harry: Let's go and find Wilbur. Hurry, Hero!

Harry: Huh! If only he hadn't gone and meddled in all this.

Harry: He always was a bit slow-witted.

Maria: Oh dear. What a pickle! At least we have the mirror to help us figure all this out.

Harry: He realises this is silly. I just wish he was a bit more together. He is King, after all.

Maria: So that's Harry's brother, King of Coburg? They're not very alike.

Harry: Hmm. I'm not so sure she's the real thing. Look at how grubby she is!

Harry: The Queen Dowager I knew was nowhere near as gentle and warm, either.

Maria: We should use the mirror!

Harry: Ah yes. I remember that shrill voice well from my childhood years. Maybe this is the real one.

Maria: We should use the mirror!

Harry: Now's not the time to keep quiet and lay low! We'll show that monster who's boss this time, Hero!

Harry: This must've all been a big shock for Wilbur. The kingdom was on the brink of disaster.

Harry: Come on, Hero! I need your help!

Harry: It's finally time for Coburg to come out of the clouds and back into the sunshine! Let's go and find Wilbur!

Maria: It's funny to think that Harry is actually a prince of such an enormous castle.

Maria: In the normal run of things, there's no way someone as lowly as I would ever have had the chance to befriend him.

Harry: This place feels even more desolate at night. It's like walking through a graveyard.

Maria: The entrance to the castle is closed at night. We should come back in the morning.

Harry: All the people here need is a little more patience. We'll sort things out for them before long.

Maria: Shouldn't the rulers of a kingdom be there to make their people happy? That's what I always thought.

Harry: I didn't realise that my father was trying to pass the crown on to me before he died.

Harry: I do remember there being a strained atmosphere in the castle at the time. I suppose that was why.

Maria: If only you'd become king, Harry. Then none of this would have happened.

Harry: That trader must've been talking about the book that mentions the mysterious mirror. It certainly is a curiosity, that's for sure.

Harry: She's not the only one who got out while she could. This place feels like it's half empty nowadays.

Harry: This is where your father was killed by that no-good Ladja.

Harry: I'll never forget the way he put up no resistance and endured all that to keep you safe.

Harry: It feels just like yesterday that you came here and tried to rescue me.

Harry: Who would have thought then that we'd end up being friends all this time?

Harry: I wonder if he's talking about the temple when he mentions a holy land. Pah! That place is more like hell!

Harry: It looks like the bandits aren't using this place as a hideout any more.

Harry: You don't think these are the kidnappers, do you? What in the world happened here?

Harry: It's been many a long year since we had the chance to enjoy so much outside air.

Harry: It's funny. I used to take little things like that for granted, but now they seem so important.

Harry: It's all very well deciding to go off and find your mother, but where do we start?

Harry: I suppose that town to the north is as good a place as any.

Harry: I still can't believe how we managed to travel so far in a barrel, of all things!

Harry: We must be the luckiest people alive!

Harry: That Fortuna place was certainly lively, wasn't it?

Harry: Can you imagine if Coburg or your village were that well off? Wow!

Harry: Ha ha! I was a bit worried the price might reflect the quality, but this isn't a bad horse and cart!

Harry: Now we can bring as many people as we like along on our travels.

Harry: The Coburg checkpoint never used to be so imposing.

Harry: It's so awful what happened to your village, Hero. I...I...don't know what to say.

Harry: It sounds like Coburg has changed beyond recognition since I've been away.

Harry: I have to get to the bottom of what's going on. Let's go to the castle!

Harry: I had planned to forget any ties I ever had to Coburg. But it looks like it's not going to be that easy.

Maria: Off we go. The tower is just south of the abbey.

Harry: We must have some special connection with Maria. That's why we've found ourselves travelling with her again.

Harry: As long as we make sure she doesn't come to any harm. That's the main thing.

Harry: I'm obviously worried about what's happening over in Coburg, but I think it's for the best if I stay away.

Harry: I'm just going to forget about the place. I'll keep travelling with you until I figure out my own way in the world.

Harry: Lovely weather we've been having, don't you think? The grass smells wonderful.

Harry: There's nothing better than being free to walk around outdoors whenever the fancy takes you.

Harry: Come to think of it, I hardly ever set foot outside Coburg Castle back in those days. What a waste!

Harry: Aaah, I'm absolutely exhausted! One good thing I can say for being a slave was that we at least had a regular routine!

Harry: You know, I think this might be the first time in my life that I've ever been out walking at night-time!

Harry: The stars are absolutely beautiful. We never had the chance to really look at them back when we were slaves.

Harry: It's getting dark already. But we have to keep pushing on. Come on, Hero!

Harry: My father didn't have much time left when it all happened.

Harry: I wish I could meet him again, just once. I suppose there's no use in wishing, though.

Harry: I wonder if this mirror that reveals the truth is even still hidden in the tower. That diary was really ancient, let's face it.

Harry: The folk inside were certainly a weird bunch.

Harry: But it was still nice to be back in the castle again. I sort of miss the place. It was once my home, after all.

Maria: I do hope I'll be able to help you out, Hero.

Harry: I wonder if it really does have the powers we think it has. It looks just like an old mirror from where I'm standing.

Harry: We'd better hurry on back to Coburg. It's starting to give me the willies being out here.

Maria: I'm so glad I could come along with you both, Hero. It's cheered me up no end.

Harry: There's no point just standing here if the doors won't open. Let's try going somewhere else, Hero.

Harry: Hmph. Looks like the key from Coburg isn't any use here.

Harry: It said something in that diary about some monks having the key. I wonder where we can find them.

Maria: I'm so happy that I could be of use to you. What a relief!

Harry: I knew Maria would be able to get those doors open! I always believed in her!

Harry: Let's go and get it! But we should tread carefully. We have Maria to think of, after all.

Harry: What are we waiting for? There's no point in hanging around here any longer, let's hurry back to Coburg!

Harry: Did you see that, Hero?

Harry: Me too. I wouldn't forget that man in a hurry. Does that mean the woman was...?

Harry: No? Oh... I must have been imagining things.

Harry: This tower looks really ancient. I had no idea it was here, in amongst all these mountains.

Harry: This must be the tower we read about in that diary! So this is where the mirror's supposed to be.

Maria: ............ Maria looks a bit nervous.

Harry: It's old, but it's certainly stood up well over the years. Maybe it's been protected by the Goddess.

Maria: I can sense a kind of divine presence. Maybe it's true that this place was created by the Goddess.

Harry: There must be a way ahead that we've overlooked. We must explore all possibilities.

Maria: That's rather a big drop, isn't it? Take care not to fall!

Harry: Aren't you getting tired, Maria? Maybe we should rest for a while.

Maria: No, not at all. I don't want to slow you down.

Harry: This tower's starting to get on my nerves! We don't have time for this kind of thing!

Harry: Oh blast! How are we supposed to go any further with the path gone like this!?

Maria: The idea behind this place is that only those who believe in things they can't always see receive the blessing of the Goddess.

Maria: So maybe this is a kind of test. To see if we'll doubt what's actually before our very eyes.

Harry: We found it! With this mirror, we'll be able to save Coburg from the chaos it's fallen into!

Maria: We managed to pass the trial of the tower! Dear Goddess, we are eternally grateful!

Harry: I didn't expect there to be a path right in front of me that I couldn't see.

Harry: Now I'm starting to think there might be some truth in this talk of the tower being created by the Goddess.

Maria: It was frightening, but we've proved now that you just need the courage to move forward one step at a time, and a path will open up to you.

Maria: I'm going to learn from this, and try to live my life with courage from now on in!

Harry: Well, we have what we came for. We should hurry on back to Coburg and put this little episode behind us.

Harry: Sorry I put you and Maria to so much trouble, Hero.

Harry: We're not quite there yet, though. I'll save my thanks for when this is all done and dusted.

Bianca: It's great to be able to have a little adventure together again after all these years, Hero!

Bianca: You've grown up an awful lot since last time. Just imagine what kind of fun we could have now!

Bianca: Dun't take any notice of what Dad was sayin'. He's ill. He dun't know what he's on about!

Bianca: That bloke's veggies taste amazin'. We have him deliver 'em to our place, and they're great!

Bianca: That bloke may moan, but what his son's doin' is probably a big help.

Bianca: It's up to us folk of Stockenbarrel to man the lock and keep it maintained.

Bianca: I dun't think there's many folk who've had it opened for 'em and bin up to that lake he was on about.

Bianca: That cat's not exactly a pet of ours, but it seems to like hangin' around our place all the time.

Bianca: Come to think of it, I wonder how %a001210's gettin' along.

Bianca: I'm sure he means well deep down, but I wish he wouldn't call me 'darlin'.

Bianca: Just because it's a mixed bath, it dun't mean people shouldn't observe some kind of limits!

Bianca: What d'you reckon, Hero? D'you think my skin's lovely?

Bianca: Ha ha! Thanks! I reckon it's all down to havin' one of these baths every day for the last Goddess knows how long.

Bianca: Fair enough. I am a bit sunburnt, after all. And then there's all the cuts and grazes. Not to mention the odd bruise or two...

Bianca: Huh! Look who's all grown up all of a sudden!

Bianca: We moved here to Stockenbarrel because we thought the bath water might do Dad some good.

Bianca: In an ideal world, I'd have preferred to stay in Roundbeck so I'd know sooner when you were back safe and sound.

Bianca: Ha ha! She certainly tells it like it is!

Bianca: I really liked it back in Roundbeck, but this place en't bad neither. Can be a bit quiet, mind.

Bianca: Oh yeah. I remember one of the villagers headin' off to join up with that religion a while back. I wonder how they're gettin' on.

Bianca: It's a bit of a pain havin' to traipse past the inn to get to the baths.

Bianca: But they're the ones takin' care of them, so I s'pose it's fair enough.

Bianca: I dun't think I've bin this happy in a long time. You're back on the scene and Dad seems to be gettin' better. It's all good!

Bianca: There's somethin' about goin' into a pub durin' the day. It always seems quieter than everywhere else, dun't you think?

Bianca: The White King's Paradise? That sounds a bit serious. This kind of talk really gives me the willies for some reason.

Bianca: That scintillating sinter he was on about is the crystal deposits left behind in the bath water. It's all natural stuff, and there's not a lot of it.

Bianca: It's the most famous thing about Stockenbarrel by far.

Bianca: I had intended to take care of everythin' myself, but that bloke said carpenteerin' is too dangerous for me alone.

Bianca: So we came to an arrangement where he'd come and help me out each day. He's a bit of a worrier, mind!

Bianca: It's up to us folk of Stockenbarrel to man the lock and keep it maintained.

Bianca: I dun't think there's many folk who've had it opened for 'em and bin up to that lake he was on about.

Bianca: If only he wasn't here, we'd have the whole bath to ourselves, eh? Ha ha! Don't worry, I'm only jokin'!

Bianca: A cave... I wonder if that's where your ring's hidden, Hero.

Bianca: There certainly was a treasure in there, eh! The key to your happiness, no less!

Bianca: Ha ha! There you go again, tryin' to speak to folk when they're sleepin'! You're a funny one sometimes, Hero.

Bianca: That woman always stays up into the night until her old man comes home.

Bianca: She makes all this fuss and moans about him bein' late, but I think she's just anxious when he's not around.

Bianca: There en't any other girls of my age here in the village. I hope this one hangs around for a while.

Bianca: It's bin a while since any young folk came here to visit the baths. It's mostly old people comin' to fix their ailments.

Bianca: Oh yeah. I remember one of the villagers headin' off to join up with that religion a while back. I hope they're okay.

Bianca: That old man's always comin' out with things a bit over the line. But I'm sure he means well deep down.

Bianca: You've seen my house, right? That bloke had it up in no time!

Bianca: Suddenly carpenterin' is more fun than it sounds!

Bianca: You can hardly blame his missus for bein' angry. He'll be no good to anyone after ten glasses!

Bianca: That little one's always asleep here of a night. I wonder what it is about our house that it likes so much.

Bianca: I can't believe it's bin over ten years. An awful lot's happened to both of us since then, eh, Hero?

Bianca: What an enormous cave! And it's not even all that dark either, what with the light comin' in through the gaps in the rocks.

Bianca: Quite a difference to our little adventure at Uptaten Towers, eh? That was a dark old smelly old place if ever there was one!

Bianca: It's quite a puzzle really, this place. I mean, the fact that it has paths and stairs probably means the whole thing's man-made.

Bianca: You've grown up to be pretty strong, Hero. I must admit, I'm a bit surprised!

Bianca: You dun't seem to want to talk about it much, but I can tell you've bin through an awful lot since we last met.

Bianca: I can hear a really loud noise comin' from somewhere. Like a roar or somethin'. I wonder what it is.

Bianca: I never expected Mum to die so early.

Bianca: Life's pretty unpredictable, en't it, Hero? You never can tell what's 'round the corner.

Bianca: Well, we can't stand here admirin' the scenery all day long. Let's just make sure we don't fall though, eh?

Bianca: ............ Bianca: looks a bit annoyed.

Bianca: There's no way I'm goin' to let a lowlife like him find the ring! We'd better hurry up and get ahead!

Bianca: It feels like we've bin climbin' down for ages now. Surely it can't be much further!?

Bianca: There must be another place like this we've overlooked.

Bianca: We've looked all over the place, but I suppose we must've missed somethin' along the way.

Bianca: We'd better try lookin' again a bit more carefully this time.

Bianca: I suppose you'll become a 'Mostroferratian' or whatever once you get married, eh, Hero?

Bianca: There was a chance we might've come to live here once, y'know.

Bianca: It's not far from the baths of Stockenbarrel, and it's great for shoppin'.

Bianca: But it was decided we'd move to Stockenbarrel itself in the end, 'cos it's better for Dad and his health if he's somewhere quiet.

Bianca: I hope it really is the Zenithian Shield. It would be great if you could find your Mum.

Bianca: Crispin's the one who fancies Nera, right?

Bianca: Sounds like he pushed himself a bit too far 'cos he wants to marry her so badly. Poor thing.

Bianca: He's a canny salesman, eh? He's right, though. We should check over our stuff before we go anywhere.

Bianca: Hey, it must be makin' you a bit jealous, the idea of Nera lookin' after some other bloke!

Bianca: Ha ha ha! Thought so.

Bianca: Pah! You dun't have to lie to me, y'know!

Bianca: Yeah, you're bound to find the ring no problem. I'm here to help you, after all!

Bianca: What d'you suppose that means? Do you think Nera loves someone else?

Bianca: Or maybe she just dun't want you to get hurt. Hm, I wonder what it is that's on her mind.

Bianca: Crispin and Nera are childhood friends, en't they?

Bianca: I suppose it's only natural she'd be worried about him gettin' hurt, then.

Bianca: It's hardly Nera's fault. It's her dad who's to blame for comin' up with such a dangerous challenge in the first place.

Bianca: Nera's so pretty. And she seems really sweet too.

Bianca: I'd say she might even be a bit too good for you, Hero!

Bianca: Crikey! What awful burns! I reckon his fever'll be around for a while, judgin' by the look of him.

Bianca: Blimey! That was a bit of a shock! How can she be so polite to her customers in one breath and so rotten to her husband the next!?

Bianca: It's hard to tell whether he's just kind or weak-willed. They certainly go well together, anyway.

Bianca: I hope I manage to find someone like that to marry one day. It's a long way off yet, though, I'm sure.

Bianca: The church here is so huge and beautiful!

Bianca: It really is lovely. I hope I can get married in a place like that.

Bianca: That Briscoletti bloke must be loaded to have a holiday home within spittin' distance of his actual house!

Bianca: Wow! What a house! I can't believe you're goin' to be part of such a rich family, Hero!

Bianca: That Briscoletti certainly dun't mince his words, eh?

Bianca: I wonder if he really thinks you'd do somethin' like that...

Bianca: Dun't tell anyone, but he was a right wimp! He was cryin' and moanin' about the pain, so it was ever so hard tryin' to tend to him.

Bianca: You're plannin' on carryin' on with your travels after you get married, right, Hero?

Bianca: I suppose Nera will be pretty worried about you, then.

Bianca: Eh!? So you're goin' after the ring just so you can marry Nera? And not because you want the Zenithian Shield!?

Bianca: Well... Yeah, I suppose I can see your point. Maybe it's best just to give up lookin' for your mum and settle down to a family of your own.

Bianca: What d'you suppose that means? Do you think Nera loves someone else?

Bianca: Or maybe she just dun't want you to get hurt. Hm, I wonder what it is that's on her mind.

Bianca: Fancy thinkin' of gettin' married just for the money! It's like Nera's some kind of meal ticket to him.

Bianca: I dun't think this is a good idea, Hero. That stuff's ever so strong. It en't for them who en't used to it.

Bianca: Are you okay, Hero? Drinkin' all that probably weren't the best idea. Let me know if you start to feel funny.

Bianca: Looks like that's his tactic with the ladies. At least you dun't have to resort to things like that, Hero.

Bianca: Crispin and Nera are childhood friends, en't they?

Bianca: I suppose it's only natural she'd be worried about him gettin' hurt, then.

Bianca: Crispin really loves Nera, eh?

Bianca: It seems like it should be the two of them gettin' married, really.

Bianca: Sorry! Just forget I said anythin'.

Bianca: Ha ha ha! It's funny seein' how different folk are with their spouses!

Bianca: Nera will be asleep by now. I know you want to see her, but you'll just have to wait until tomorrow.

Bianca: So this is Nera's older sister, is it?

Bianca: Blimey! I dun't think you could find two folk more different to each other.

Bianca: I suppose I have bin livin' in the countryside a while, so I can see why I'd look like a peasant to the likes of her.

Bianca: But there's no need for her to come right out and say it to my face!

Bianca: I dun't suppose you actually prefer that Debora over Nera, do you, Hero?

Bianca: Well, I'll be! Who'd have seen that comin', eh?

Bianca: Yeah, I suppose you prefer the more ladylike type, eh?

Bianca: I dun't suppose you actually prefer that Debora over Nera, do you, Hero?

Bianca: Well, I'll be! Who'd have seen that comin', eh?

Bianca: Yeah, I suppose you prefer the more ladylike type, eh?

Bianca: So this is it, Hero. With the Circle of Water, nothin's stoppin' you from marryin' that Nera.

Bianca: Make sure you invite me to the weddin', eh? I did help you find the ring, after all, so you owe me one!

Bianca: There was a chance we might've come to live here once, y'know.

Bianca: It's not far from the baths of Stockenbarrel, and it's great for shoppin'.

Bianca: But it was decided we'd move to Stockenbarrel itself in the end, 'cos it's better for Dad and his health if he's somewhere quiet.

Bianca: Um, Hero. Do you really love Nera?

Bianca: Ha ha ha! Yeah, of course you do. Sorry. That was a weird thing of me to ask.

Bianca: Hmm. Nera would be really sad if she heard you sayin' that, you know.

Bianca: I bet that veil's well nice! Nera's so lucky...

Bianca: Crispin's the one who fancies Nera, right?

Bianca: Sounds like he pushed himself a bit too far 'cos he wants to marry her so badly. Poor thing.

Bianca: That Briscoletti's jumpin' the gun a bit, eh? You din't even tell him you found the ring or nothin'.

Bianca: I suppose that means he must believe in you a fair bit, eh, Hero?

Bianca: What d'you suppose that means? Do you think Nera loves someone else?

Bianca: Or maybe she just dun't want you to get hurt. Hm, I wonder what it is that's on her mind.

Bianca: I dun't think it's just booze they have on sale here. They have some funny other drinks too.

Bianca: Crispin and Nera are childhood friends, en't they?

Bianca: I suppose it's only natural she'd be worried about him gettin' hurt, then.

Bianca: If she's goin' to such lengths to take care of him, maybe Nera... Never mind.

Bianca: Looks like the burns en't the only thing causin' Crispin some pain, eh?

Bianca: Blimey! That was a bit of a shock! How can she be so polite to her customers in one breath and so rotten to her husband the next!?

Bianca: Fair enough, I s'pose. It's quite nice when a wife makes her husband dinner every now and then too, though, eh?

Bianca: I hope I manage to find someone like that to marry one day. It's a long way off yet, though, I'm sure.

Bianca: I wonder if he would've really bin allowed to marry Nera if he'd have found the ring.

Bianca: It dun't bear thinkin' about! Lucky for her it din't turn out that way, anyhow.

Bianca: The church here is so huge and beautiful!

Bianca: It really is lovely. I hope I can get married in a place like that.

Bianca: That Briscoletti bloke must be loaded to have a holiday home within spittin' distance of his actual house!

Bianca: I'm startin' to get all nervous now! Come on, Hero. Let's go.

Bianca: That was a bit stupid of us, bowlin' on back here without the Circle of Water!


Warning: Spoilers!
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Bianca: You choosin' me and this weddin' goin' ahead already... I dunno, it all feels so sudden.

Bianca: But that dun't mean I en't happy about it. I've always bin a big fan of yours, Hero.

Bianca: This is the first time I've ever tried on any make-up. Do I look alright in it?

Bianca: Thanks, Hero. It feels a bit funny to me, that's all.

Bianca: Ha ha! Yeah, I know. It dun't suit me, eh? I s'pose I'll just have to put up with it until the ceremony's over.

Bianca: I'm still a bit bowled over, to be honest. I was sure you'd pick Nera, y'see.

Bianca: Ha ha! This feels a bit awkward, dun't it? We've got time to get used to it, though. We'll be together all the time from now on.

Bianca: It's a lovely day today, dun't you think? Bein' here where we got wed makes me feel all...happy inside!

Bianca: It really was a wonderful weddin'. I'll never forget it as long as I live.

Bianca: Ha ha! Children are so sweet, don't you think? I want one!

Bianca: I s'pose Nera's right back to square one in lookin' for someone to marry now.

Bianca: I hope she manages to find a perfect man just like I have.

Bianca: Urgh! How disgustin'! I feel sorry for people havin' to serve the likes of him!

Bianca: I s'pose it's pretty obvious, but I think marriage is amazin'. I've never bin happier.

Bianca: I feel all embarrassed when folk say things like that!

Bianca: That's good news. Nera will be relieved.

Bianca: I hope we get to stay together until we're their age.

Bianca: Crispin seems to have made a sudden recovery.

Bianca: If he feels that strongly, then I reckon it's just a matter of time before he and Nera tie the knot.

Bianca: I think it's because we grew up apart that we go so well together now. I want to do everythin' I can to support you, Hero.

Bianca: When I close my eyes here, I can imagine exactly how everythin' was durin' our weddin'.

Bianca: D'you think I'll ever end up talkin' to you like that, Hero?

Bianca: Ha ha! I s'pose it's a good thing that you're prepared and expectin' it then!

Bianca: Yeah. Hopefully you'll just do as you're told without me needin' to nag, eh! Ha ha!

Bianca: I dun't mind makin' dinner for you, Hero. Every now and then, anyway!

Bianca: This maid's uniform is so pretty, dun't you think? Maybe old Mr Briscoletti had her wear it so he'd have somethin' nice to look at!

Bianca: Looks like Harry and Maria have gone back already. That's a shame. I was hopin' to have a nice chat with the both of 'em.

Bianca: Briscoletti's really generous, eh? I hope he dun't think we're takin' advantage of him.

Bianca: So this is the Zenithian Shield? I can't explain why, but I feel almost like I've seen it somewhere before.

Bianca: Ooh! What d'ya reckon, Hero? The Ventuno sounds like fun, and I wouldn't mind travellin' around our old haunts a bit.

Bianca: It's up to you, though. You can decide where we go. I'll be happy as long as I'm with you.

Bianca: Yeah, I'm sure Nera will have no trouble findin' herself a nice bloke.

Bianca: Um, Hero... Do you ever regret not choosin' Nera over me?

Bianca: Oi! Watch it! Else I'll really give you somethin' to regret! Ha ha!

Bianca: That's good. I'll make sure you never regret it as long as you live.

Bianca: When we have kids, it'd be fun for us all to go travellin' together as a family. ...Sorry! Am I gettin' ahead of myself a bit?

Bianca: Let's always stay together, eh, Hero?

Bianca: I feel all embarrassed when folk say things like that!

Bianca: I s'pose it's pretty obvious, but I think marriage is amazin'. I've never bin happier.

Bianca: Yuck, yuck, yuck!

Bianca: I hate havin' things like that said about me, especially by a drunk!

Bianca: He wants a wife? Sounds like he'd be happy with anyone as long as she was a woman!

Bianca: A lot of folk are sayin' things like that lately, eh? We'd better hurry up with this hunt for the hero.

Bianca: That Crispin's certainly a determined one! It's good that he's makin' such an effort.

Bianca: Her poor husband! I'll have to make sure I don't end up an old shrew like she is.

Bianca: I hope Nera's happy too.

Bianca: I can understand why you want to stop by here, Hero.

Bianca: I wonder what this place is. It dun't look like anyone lives here.

Bianca: Maybe we'd be able to figure it out if we could get inside somehow.

Bianca: You dun't think that Debora's a bit angry because you chose me, do you, Hero?

Nera: I hope you don't think I'm some kind of spoilt little rich girl just because I'm a bit quiet.

Nera: I was just mulling over this strange feeling I have. A kind of conviction that I could be of great use to you on your travels.

Nera: I know that Papa will be totally against the idea of me joining you on your journey.

Nera: But I won't allow him to talk me out of it. Come on, let's go and tell him the news.

Nera: I'm sorry that the wedding ceremony was so rushed.

Nera: It was wrong of Papa not to take your feelings more into account with all of his grand plans.

Nera: This place was built so that we would have space to house guests when they come to visit.

Nera: Although, Mama sometimes uses it as a way of escaping from Papa when they have a tiff! He he!

Nera: I know that Papa seems really stubborn, but I'm sure I'll be able to persuade him.

Nera: We hardly had much chance to get to know each other before we were wed. But I know we'll make up for that from now on.

Nera: I would never have forgiven Papa if anything bad happened to you.

Nera: What a shame for that boy, losing his mother at his young age.

Nera: No one could fail to feel sorry for the poor thing.

Nera: I was so against Papa's idea of me marrying the man who returned the rings to him as he requested.

Nera: But now I realise he was doing it so that I'd end up marrying the best possible person. He was just trying to make me happy.

Nera: Oh dear! Drinking to that extent doesn't seem like a very good idea.

Nera: What a waste when drink is so magnifico! ...That's what Papa always says, anyway.

Nera: I hope she manages to find her perfect match before long too.

Nera: How lucky we are, being given all these good wishes from the townsfolk!

Nera: I feel a little bit guilty when I see Crispin's parents.

Nera: I think they were probably hoping that he and I would be married.

Nera: I must admit that I was quite surprised too. Crispin's such a gentle sort. I don't think I've ever known him say a word in anger.

Nera: I always knew how Crispin felt about me.

Nera: But when we met, it was like some strange power was drawing me towards you.

Nera: He he! Just like with those funny monsters you take around with you!

Nera: Crispin always took care of me when I was small. If anything, I think of him as a sort of elder brother.

Nera: It's just the two of us now, but hopefully we'll be a big happy family one day.

Nera: Stop lazing about and put some tea on, you old waster!?

Nera: ...I just can't imagine ever saying that to anyone!

Nera: I'm afraid that cooking isn't really my forte.

Nera: I try my best, but I don't even come close to our cook when it comes to handling a cleaver!

Nera: Bianca's not here any more. She's gone home. I can understand that you'd want to see her, though.

Nera: You never look like you're able to relax when you're in this house, you know!

Nera: I never heard about a jar being located in such an unlikely place.

Nera: But those are the rules Papa has decided on if I'm to travel with you, so it must be important.

Nera: So the Zenithian Shield has been right here all along.

Nera: Maybe that's why... I've sometimes felt a strange power coming from it, you see.

Nera: This means I can travel with you for as long as my heart desires. I'm so happy!

Nera: I'm actually quite surprised that Papa relented so quickly.

Nera: Maybe he had some kind of premonition that I'd set off travelling one day.

Nera: I don't mind where we go. As long as I'm by your side, I'd be perfectly content anywhere.

Nera: I'll give you as many children as you want, Hero. Whatever will make you happy.

Nera: We should be able to stay in the villa if we want to. Let's make sure we rest whenever and wherever we please.

Nera: Travelling together has taught me the joy of being there for one another, Hero.

Nera: It's so dangerous everywhere nowadays, both in town and outside. What a terrible thing!

Nera: That child... He's the same as me. ...Um, never mind. It doesn't matter.

Nera: He seems to be enjoying a good sleep. I hope he doesn't catch a cold.

Nera: How lucky we are, being given all these good wishes from the townsfolk!

Nera: I hope she finds someone nice.

Nera: Wouldn't it be nice if everyone could find their perfect match?

Nera: Forgetting about a problem for a while doesn't make it go away. You need to work at solving it. Little by little is better than nothing at all.

Nera: Do you like it here? I still feel a bit upset when I'm inside this house.

Nera: I always knew how Crispin felt about me.

Nera: But when we met, it was like some strange power was drawing me towards you.

Nera: He he! Just like with those funny monsters you take around with you!

Nera: Crispin always took care of me when I was small. If anything, I think of him as a sort of elder brother.

Nera: I wonder why he's not sleeping in a bed. Poor man!

Nera: If you don't rub a bit harder, it won't help one little bit, you old waster!?

Nera: ...I just can't imagine ever saying that to anyone!

Nera: Maybe it would be nice to stay over here sometimes. We could sleep in my old room.

Nera: I think Papa has a few more grey hairs than before. Maybe I've been making him worry too much.

Nera: It feels strange watching Mama sleeping like this.

Nera: I'll do everything I can to help you find your own mother, I promise.

Nera: We're exactly north-west from the La Guardia lookout tower here.

Nera: Maybe this is what Papa was always looking at from up there.

Nera: Let's hurry up inside and see what colour that jar is then, darling.

Nera: So it was blue. I suppose we'd better get back and tell Papa. I do hope he lets me come travelling with you now.

Nera: I wonder what could be inside that jar, and why it's sealed so tightly shut.

Nera: Papa's never mentioned it before, so I really have no idea what it's all about.

Nera: Oh dear, Hero! I'm sure she was just joking. You must take it with a pinch of salt.

Nera: I wonder if Debora's angry because you chose to marry me instead of her. I hope not!

Nera: Bingo joined the family so that Debora: wouldn't get lonely when I went to stay at the abbey.

Nera: Unfortunately, I don't think she's ever been overly keen on him.

Nera: Bingo joined the family so that Mama wouldn't get lonely when I went to stay at the abbey.

Nera: Unfortunately, I don't think she's ever been overly keen on him.

Debora: Now, you mustn't go getting it into your head that I'm coming along with you because I'd miss you or anything.

Debora: I'm sure that Papa's bound to be against the idea.

Debora: But there's nothing he can say that'll change my mind about going off travelling with you.

Debora: I told you I don't like taking orders, but I suppose you do know a thing or two about fighting monsters.

Debora: So I might let you give me advice on how to behave whenever we find ourselves in a battle. Can't say fairer than that.

Debora: It's really dull here. Not to my taste at all.

Debora: You do a good impression of listening to what people say, but I suspect you don't really pay attention half the time.

Debora: Mostroferrato is quite a big town as towns go. I quite like it, actually.

Debora: Well, obviously! I'm hardly likely to have settled for anything less.

Debora: I'm afraid he's going to have a hard time of it trying to find someone as beautiful as me. We're few and far between.

Debora: Bingo was a gift to me so that I wouldn't be lonely when Nera: went to live at the abbey.

Debora: I was never all that lonely, though. And I never really took to him, so Mama ended up looking after him most of the time.

Debora: What's that supposed to mean? It's not like you ever seriously considered marrying Nera, did you?

Debora: What a lout! Come on, Hero! We're leaving.

Debora: I suppose seeing me with my own personal slave is enough to make any woman want to get married.

Debora: Why are you looking so pleased with yourself?

Debora: The fine young specimen he was referring to was me, not you!

Debora: What an irritating old woman! She says that as if Nera and Crispin are bound to get married, but it's not like anything's been decided.

Debora: Crispin's father really doesn't seem to like me for some reason.

Debora: I just don't understand it. I've always treated his son with the respect he deserves.

Debora: Crispin's totally besotted with me, you know. That's why he spends so much time worrying about Nera. He's using her to get to me.

Debora: All his efforts have come to nothing now I've married you, though.

Debora: I suppose it could work out quite well if Nera did decide to be with Crispin.

Debora: Not that I imagine for one minute that she will.

Debora: What is it with nuns? Everything good always has to have been bestowed on us by the Goddess.

Debora: I won't ever nag at you like that to make the tea. You'll just do it with no arguments.

Debora: Yes, it's definitely important to get things straight from the very beginning.

Debora: You and I have an understanding there, though, so we shouldn't have any trouble.

Debora: So Bianca's gone home already.

Debora: We had a bit of a chat when I was getting ready for our wedding ceremony. She's quite a nice girl actually, isn't she?

Debora: Stupid girl! Fancy thinking we're visitors, especially when I'm right here with you!

Debora: I don't see why Papa can't just go and check on the stupid jar himself.

Debora: But if he's going to insist, then I suppose we'd better just hurry up and get it over with.

Debora: So this is our family shield?

Debora: It's strange, but I feel quite drawn to it.

Debora: Papa's always been a complete worrywart.

Debora: I'm sure that's why he's going so bald.

Debora: Papa's boat... I remember going on it once ages ago. It was quite good fun, actually.

Debora: You can decide where we go.

Debora: We're going to the Ventuno, though, right?

Debora: Charming! I don't take advantage of you, Hero. I just tell it like it is.

Debora: I'm sure Nera will find herself a man sooner or later.

Debora: Fair enough. But don't go thinking I'll take care of you if you wear yourself out.

Debora: And it's merrier still for you, with such a beautiful travelling companion on your arm!

Debora: Bingo was a gift to me so that I wouldn't be lonely when Nera: went to live at the abbey.

Debora: I was never all that lonely, though. And I never really took to him, so Mama ended up looking after him most of the time.

Debora: Absolutely, Hero. You'd better make sure you look after me properly.

Debora: What a greedy child! He has a father, doesn't he?

Debora: Why do you seem to enjoy talking to people when they're asleep?

Debora: Why are you looking so pleased with yourself?

Debora: The fine young specimen he was referring to was me, not you!

Debora: I suppose seeing me with my own personal slave is enough to make any woman want to get married.

Debora: This might be a bit harsh, but I'd say he doesn't have a hope. Not with a face like that.

Debora: What a weak and foolish man, turning to drink like that to forget his troubles.

Debora: Is there any reason we've come to Crispin's house?

Debora: Ah, I know! You've come to show me off, haven't you?

Debora: I suppose he might suit Nera quite well.

Debora: But he'll have to try at least a hundred times harder before he wins her heart.

Debora: He's certainly got enthusiasm, I'll give him that much.

Debora: I suppose we'll just have to sit back and let things take their course.

Debora: Actually, my shoulders are aching a bit too. You'll rub them for me, won't you, Hero?

Debora: Time for bed already, is it?

Debora: I suppose we could stay in my room then.

Debora: What's Papa doing asleep here? Why doesn't he just go to bed?

Debora: Watching Mama sleeping like that makes me feel all sleepy too.

Debora: Hey! What do you think you're doing, coming into Nera's room like this!?

Debora: Get out right now!

Debora: I never knew there was a shrine here.

Debora: It looks like it's been here a while too. The place is covered in dust.

Debora: Apart from that blue jar, there doesn't seem to be anything else of interest here.

Debora: Well, we've done what he wanted. Time to get back to Papa.


Warning: Spoilers!
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Bianca: We stayed here one night when we were movin' to Stockenbarrel.

Bianca: It's a bit simple, but they gave us such a warm welcome. It was just what Dad needed to cheer him up after givin' up the inn.

Bianca: Folk goin' to Mostroferrato for trade and the like usually spend a night here on the way.

Nera: We stayed here one night on the way home to Mostroferrato from the abbey.

Nera: I knew that I'd be forced into marrying someone who wasn't of my choosing when I got home.

Nera: And yet, I didn't feel uneasy at all. It's as if I was being guided by a bright light, and I had no fear of what was in store.

Bianca: Timin' might be important, but it en't everythin'. You need lots of energy too.

Nera: He he he! What a funny little ditty! Just what you need to put a smile on your face.

Bianca: Saber was a sabrecat and not just a regular cat, eh?

Bianca: You dun't think the sabrecat that bloke was just on about could be...?

Nera: Someone's pet!? Surely you're the only one brave enough to keep a monster as a pet, Hero!

Bianca: I wonder what kind of gossip it is. We should have a look!

Nera: Gossip isn't usually a good thing. But... I wouldn't mind having a look to see what it's about.

Bianca: It's probably all just much of a muchness, but it can't hurt to take it with.

Nera: I looked all the way through, but I couldn't see anything in there about us. Shame, really.

Bianca: I remember Dad sayin' somethin' along the same lines. Family's ever so important to him.

Nera: Darling... Um, never mind. I was just thinking how happy I am, that's all.

Bianca: En't those sons of hers the priest and the bloke from the inn?

Bianca: I wonder when she had them! She dun't look old enough to have kids that big!

Nera: Would you prefer to have a boy or a girl? No doubt you want a boy to follow in your footsteps?

Nera: Yes, they're so rough and tumble. It's fun to watch them play. I'll pray that we have a boy.

Nera: But girls can be so delicate. Wouldn't you just be worried about her all the time?

Nera: He he he! Very well, I'll do my best to give you a girl!

Bianca: Crikey! That took me by surprise! I remember the cat at our place bein' like that at first.

Nera: Oh dear! That cat seems to be in rather a bad mood. I suppose we all have days like that.

Debora: I stayed here once before on the way home from collecting Nera from the abbey.

Debora: There was a nun travelling with us too. We sang some lovely songs and even danced a bit.

Debora: But that nun just sat there in the corner, silent as a lamb. Some people just have no sense of fun.

Debora: Given your good timing with marrying me, that must mean you're not bad when it comes to wielding an axe.

Debora: Taming a husband is one thing, but taming a monster is quite another.

Debora: You'd probably be able to do it, though, wouldn't you? I don't know how we're supposed to remind it of its old owner, mind you.

Debora: Gossip is a stupid waste of time. The silly rumours about me back home just meant no one really knew the truth.

Debora: Hey! Why is there nothing about me in here?

Debora: When we have children, I want to just let them do as they please. I only need one servant, and that's you, Hero.

Debora: For goodness' sake, Hero! You can tame monsters, but you can't pet a cat without getting into a fight!?

Debora: That innkeeper could tell we were a happily married couple, even though he doesn't know us.

Debora: It's great that you seem nice and happy being my slave. It means you'll stay devoted to me for evermore.


Warning: Spoilers!
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Bianca: I know there's an important reason behind your journey and all that, Hero.

Bianca: But it is quite nice travellin' around different towns together. It feels like bein' on honeymoon!

Nera: I feel like I've been given a whole new lease of life now that I'm with you, Hero.

Nera: I hope we'll have lots and lots of adventures together!

Bianca: This place really has the feel of a port town, eh?

Nera: Smell that sea air! You can definitely tell it's a port town.

Bianca: Any idea what that bloke was on about? It all went right over my head!

Nera: Did you understand what that man was talking about? I'm afraid I had no idea!

Bianca: There do seem to be a lot of special souvenirs in a lot of the places we visit. Maybe it'd be fun to try collectin' them.

Nera: It would be nice to buy the occasional souvenir, but I suppose we can't afford to add to our luggage too much.

Nera: Oh, you don't mind? I suppose you are very strong. Well, if you don't mind carrying them...

Bianca: Mt Azimuth is the highest mountain in the world. People certainly do some crazy things, eh?

Nera: It's incredible to think that people are capable of such feats. I just hope they manage to avoid being attacked by monsters there.

Bianca: That poor old man. I hope that dun't mean he's all on his own now.

Nera: People say there's nothing worse for a parent than outliving a child.

Nera: It's hard to find the right words to console that poor old man.

Bianca: The cheek of it! It dun't matter that we dun't have money, anyhow. We got love and that's what counts! Wish I'd said that to him...

Nera: He he. No one's ever said anything like that to me before!

Nera: I feel as if I've started a new life since I married you, Hero.

Bianca: When I look at the monsters you've managed to befriend, Hero, I find it hard to believe that all of them can be bad.

Nera: I suppose even gods and goddesses need a break from time to time. We just have to hope the break doesn't last forever, that's all.

Bianca: It looks like they get their fair share of church donations here, eh?

Nera: I wouldn't be surprised if lots of people don't even realise there's a bank here.

Bianca: I wonder what he means. We should go and see what we can find!

Nera: How strange that that sailor knows there's something there and yet doesn't go and get it himself. I wonder what it is.

Bianca: I know him! He used to study under the man who made us some medicine for my father back when I was little!

Nera: To think that man once dreamt of being a pharmacist and yet he's ended up a sailor! You never can tell where life will take you.

Nera: Isn't Whealbrook the village you come from?

Nera: I would've liked to have visited it all those years ago.

Bianca: It's a bit damp down here, en't it? Maybe the monsters prefer it that way.

Nera: The monsters here are very well-looked-after. They certainly seem happy and healthy enough.

Bianca: There's all sorts of treasure around the world, but I'm your prized one, right, Hero?

Bianca: Ha ha ha! Thanks!

Bianca: Hey! I was about to say you were mine!

Nera: It's really sweet how children have such big dreams like that.

Bianca: The desert sounds pretty excitin'. Can we go and have a look, Hero?

Nera: I don't tend to be very good in the heat I'm afraid, but if you want to visit that desert, then of course I'm happy to go with you.

Bianca: A shrine to the legendary hero? Maybe that means there are ancestors of his there. You can only hope!

Nera: If there's a shrine there to the legendary hero, then maybe some of his belongings will still be there too.

Bianca: He didn't really sound like he was takin' you seriously, eh?

Nera: Maybe there's a lot of talk here about the legendary hero. That man behind the bar didn't seem overly interested.

Bianca: Looks like we're not the only ones tryin' to track down the legendary hero.

Nera: It would be a difficult journey for a scholarly type who's not used to fighting. That poor wife of his can't be enjoying it much either.

Bianca: The Grandmaster of the Underworld, eh? I wonder if he really exists. I hope not!

Nera: When you look at how wild things are out in the countryside nowadays, it's not hard to believe that this Grandmaster might be at work.

Bianca: Dad and I stayed at this inn on our way to Stockenbarrel all those years ago.

Bianca: I remember him moanin' and sayin' he couldn't relax properly in a place like this!

Bianca: So the show's only on of a night? I don't remember it bein' that way when I was here before.

Nera: Those dancing girls are wearing rather skimpy outfits! I hardly know where to look!

Bianca: Since when have you bin so good with the ladies, eh?

Bianca: Huh! Oh well. I suppose I have to put up with things like that now I'm married.

Nera: How could you!? (sob) I'll go crying back to Papa if you say things like that!

Nera: ...He he he! Only joking! You should see the look on your face!

Nera: I'm so pleased that you answered her like that. It really makes me feel like you only have eyes for me!

Bianca: It looks like a tough old job bein' a dancin' girl. I'd hate to have to wear make-up like that.

Nera: Make-up? Well, I must admit, I, er, do use the tiniest amount every now and then.

Bianca: Haah, haah... Spiral staircases are pretty hard work, eh?

Nera: This staircase is rather frightening. You won't let me fall, will you?

Bianca: Fancy bein' here on your own for forty years tendin' to a flame! What a job!

Nera: He certainly seems dependable. People setting out to sea shouldn't have anything to worry about with him in charge.

Bianca: The chosen ones can climb up there easy as pie? What d'you suppose he meant by that?

Nera: I wonder what you have to do to be chosen. Maybe you just have to be pure and good. Or maybe it's not that simple.

Bianca: Wow! The view from here's blimmin' incredible!

Nera: Don't walk too close to the edge, will you? I know the view's nice, but it's a bit too scary for me.

Bianca: Dark already, eh? Shall we stay the night here?

Nera: I can't believe it's night already! Time flies so quickly when I'm with you. Shall we stay here at the inn until morning?

Bianca: Pretty impressive. He's still keepin' up the chatter even though he's sloshed.

Nera: Oh dear! Do you think that man's alright? He seems to have drunk rather a bit too much.

Bianca: So it's not just on land. The monsters in the sea are gettin' more vicious too. Things are goin' from bad to worse.

Nera: I'd better try to make myself a bit stronger so that I don't end up being a hindrance to you.

Bianca: That poor old man. I feel really sorry for him.

Nera: I know the poor man must be feeling terribly desperate, but he really shouldn't be sleeping in a place like this. He'll catch his death of cold.

Bianca: A casino? I'm always worried I'd get hooked if I went somewhere like that, and I'd end up losin' all my money!

Nera: Papa took me to visit the Ventuno more times than I can remember.

Nera: It's his favourite casino of all, you see. That's why he had us get married there.

Bianca: Maybe the reason she doesn't complain is because she's lost interest. Oh dear...

Nera: I'm going to make sure I keep you happy so that you feel glad you chose me, just like he's glad he chose his wife.

Bianca: What!? What do you expect me to say to that!?

Nera: Goodness! She certainly seems to be having quite a dream!

Bianca: It must be difficult being a mother. Non-stop worry, by the sounds of it!

Nera: I can really sympathise with how that lady feels.

Nera: I hope the world's more peaceful by the time we have children of our own.

Bianca: Looks like someone fancies a treasure hunt! I was always dreamin' of adventures and treasure when I was his age.

Bianca: It looks like that soldier's travellin' around with his son. It reminds me of you and Pankraz, Hero.

Nera: I suppose it's to be expected that people will assume we're on our honeymoon.

Bianca: Someone's havin' sweet dreams! It's amazin' he can get to sleep at all with so much goin' on around him.

Nera: The face of a sleeping child is like the face of an angel. Oh! I want a baby!

Bianca: That bloke's really creepy. I dun't much like seein' men act like that.

Nera: I could never dance or dress like that. I'd be too embarrassed!

Bianca: Do you reckon the girl in the middle's pretty too, Hero?

Bianca: Hmph!

Bianca: Good!

Nera: The girl in the middle certainly is the most striking. I can see why she's so popular.

Bianca: The desert sounds pretty excitin'. Can we go and have a look, Hero?

Nera: I don't tend to be very good in the heat I'm afraid, but if you want to visit that desert, then of course I'm happy to go with you.

Bianca: I didn't expect to hear talk of Pankraz in a place like this.

Nera: Your father sounds like he was a great man. I wish I could have met him.

Bianca: Looks like that fella behind the bar's bin tryin' to help us out by bringin' a bit of info our way, eh?

Nera: Pubs seem to attract customers from all walks of life. I suppose it's logical then that it's a good place to get new information.

Bianca: Searching for a knight in shinin' armour sounds like fun! If I hadn't married you, I'd probably have a bash at that myself!

Nera: You're my knight in shining armour, Hero!

Bianca: So that fella makes ships in bottles? He dun't seem the type somehow.

Nera: He wouldn't be able to sell so many of them if they weren't of a decent quality. He must be very skilled.

Bianca: Let's go over there. We don't want to hang around here too long otherwise people'll start to think we're with him.

Bianca: The Grandmaster of the Underworld, eh? I wonder if he really exists. I hope not!

Nera: When you look at how wild things are out in the countryside nowadays, it's not hard to believe that this Grandmaster might be at work.

Nera: How bizarre! Men can be ever so funny sometimes.

Bianca: Urgh. That man looks like a really dirty piece of work.

Nera: I don't think I've ever seen anyone with quite that expression on their face before.

Bianca: She's makin' a go of things for herself, though, eh? Even though she is far from home. Good for her!

Nera: It sounds like there might be a bit more to the story of what brought her here than meets the eye.

Bianca: She en't wrong! That's a lot of sweat! Looks like it's hard work bein' a dancin' girl.

Nera: It's probably quite good for you to sweat like that. People say it gets rid of all the impurities.

Bianca: Hey! What d'you think you're doin'? You think it's alright to go bargin' in on people like that, do you?

Bianca: Pah! Pankraz must be cryin' tears of disappointment if he's lookin' down on you now from heaven!

Bianca: Right answer. So let's go.

Nera: You wouldn't like it if someone burst in on you like that, would you?

Nera: Well, maybe you should think how others feel sometimes.

Bianca: It's pretty here at night with the moonlight shinin' in.

Nera: What a lovely light the moon gives off in here.

Bianca: En't this bloke supposed to be the one takin' care of the lighthouse? I wonder if the flame's still goin'.

Nera: Surely night-time is when the lighthouse flame is most needed. Maybe we should wake him up.

Bianca: Hey! Maybe it's the cat who's keepin' watch over the lighthouse! Ha ha ha!

Nera: Perhaps it's the cat's turn to tend to the flame at night. Cats can be quite clever, you know.

Bianca: This is amazin'! I feel like I could reach out and touch the stars!

Nera: Don't walk too close to the edge, will you? I know the view's lovely at night, but it's a bit too scary for me.

Bianca: That bloke must really be a big fan of telescopes to be sleepin' here!

Nera: He he he! He looks just like a little boy!

Bianca: Blimey! This place is bigger than it looks!

Nera: I've been here lots of times before with Papa.

Bianca: This ship in a bottle is really well-made.

Nera: The ship inside this bottle looks just like Papa's ship.

Bianca: Oh! What a shame we can't afford it!

Nera: We can't afford it? Oh well. We are only just married, after all. Most people aren't that well-off at the beginning.

Bianca: Uh-oh! Looks like that's on its way out to sea!

Nera: I do feel sorry for the man, but he probably should've been a bit more careful with it if it means that much to him.

Bianca: Maybe we should go and pay a visit to Briscoletti.

Bianca: He did put on a great weddin' for us, after all.

Bianca: What a huge ship! This is so excitin'! Let's hurry up and get on board, Hero!

Nera: This was Papa's boat originally, but now it's your boat too. Why don't we go aboard?

Bianca: I en't scared of nothin' as long as I'm with you, Hero.

Nera: The sea monsters are scarier than ever lately. We should be careful.

Bianca: Have you bin on this boat before, Hero? Oh, right. You were on it once with your dad, eh?

Nera: I remember being on this ship a long time ago. I'd only just been taken in by the Briscolettis and I was so nervous.

Nera: We met a father and son who were travelling together. The boy was so young. It sort of gave me courage seeing him.

Nera: He had an expression in his eyes that I somehow haven't been able to clear from my mind even after all these years.

Nera: I don't suppose... Were you that little boy, Hero?

Nera: I knew it! That means the man who helped me aboard must've been your father...my father-in-law!

Nera: Oh dear! I hope you're not jealous now, then!

Nera: This boat's been in use for as long as I can remember. Papa certainly takes good care of his possessions.

Debora: I do enjoy being able to travel like this. Not to mention having three square meals a day and my own personal slave into the bargain.

Debora: Marriage isn't at all bad.

Debora: I don't mind port towns per se, but I hate the damage the sea air does to my poor hair. So you'd better find us an inn for the night pronto.

Debora: You've obviously met him before then, have you?

Debora: You must've done, because you cut him off before he explained himself, so you've clearly heard it all before.

Debora: A souvenir... I suppose we could start picking up the odd souvenir here and there. You'll obviously be the one who has to carry them, though.

Debora: How do they expect anyone to be able to visit if they're building it in such an awkward place?

Debora: Honestly! I don't know what goes on in people's heads sometimes.

Debora: I wonder how he'd react if we told him we held our wedding there. That'd wipe the smirk off his face!

Debora: I can't say I blame the Dragon God for wanting to take a break. It happens to the best of us.

Debora: I've no interest in saving money. If I ever need any, I just ask Papa.

Debora: How annoying! Couldn't he just go and get it for us rather than sending us off on a wild goose chase?

Debora: So he planned to be a pharmacist and now he's a sailor... Life certainly takes some unexpected turns.

Debora: I never imagined I'd be standing here with you now for one thing.

Debora: Can you get a move on and wrap things up here? Places like this make me feel claustrophobic.

Debora: You're not interested in hunting for treasure any more, are you, Hero? After all, you've found the greatest treasure there is...me!

Debora: If we're going to the desert, we'll need water. And suntan lotion and parasols and...

Debora: You'll have to get it all ready, okay? Not me. Just to be totally clear.

Debora: If there's a shrine to the legendary hero, I suppose there could still be some descendants of his around. Makes sense.

Debora: He didn't seem that interested in talk of the legendary hero.

Debora: Mind you, I doubt I would've taken much notice if I wasn't married to you.

Debora: I thought the legendary hero was just that: a thing of legend. But it seems that you're not the only one looking for him and believing he's real.

Debora: The Grandmaster... If he really exists, then there's probably a legendary hero out there somewhere too.

Nera: I stayed here with Papa and Debora when I was little.

Nera: I think we came here by boat that time too.

Debora: Nera and I stayed here with Papa when we were kids.

Debora: I tried to sneak out at night, but Papa was right outside the door. I'll say this for him: he's always been pretty on the ball in that respect.

Debora: Looks like they put on a show in the evenings. If you want to see it, I'll come with you.

Debora: You must be either brave or stupid, saying that when I'm right by your side.

Debora: I won't let you forget this in a hurry.

Debora: As if you'd dare say otherwise when you have me to answer to! It's good to see you know your place, Hero.

Debora: I never have problems with my make-up.

Debora: By the way, I've decided to have an early night tonight. All these new experiences have worn me out.

Debora: How much longer do these stairs go on? My feet are killing me!

Debora: Working here wouldn't be too bad. Not with three meals a day, a siesta, plenty of breaks and my own servant to take over every once in a while.

Debora: I don't need to worry about whether I'm a chosen one or not. It stands to reason that I would be.

Debora: I still don't feel inclined to climb all the way up to the top of that mountain, though.

Debora: The view's not bad. It would be a lot better if we hadn't had to climb all those stairs to get to it.

Debora: It's getting late so you'd better hurry up and find us somewhere to stay. Nothing irritates me more than a man who's slow off the mark.

Debora: Ugh! He reeks of drink! You won't know what's hit you if you ever come home to me in that state, Hero.

Debora: You'd better toughen up a bit then, Hero. I wouldn't want you dragging me down.

Debora: Can't he do his crying in private? Besides anything else, he's old and he could catch his death out here.

Debora: I went to casinos with Papa more times than I can remember, but he hardly ever let me play on anything.

Debora: I'll make up for that the next time I go, though. You'll have to stump up all the money for the tokens, Hero.

Debora: You picked a 'good'un' too, Hero. So you'd better make sure you keep working hard to deserve me.

Debora: Sounds like quite a dream she's having there! I wonder if she often has awful dreams.

Debora: Mama's just like that, always worrying far too much about her babies.

Debora: But maybe I'll end up just the same when I'm a mother. Do you think I will, Hero?

Debora: Hm. So that's how you see me, is it?

Debora: You're right. Any child of mine will be special like me, so I won't have anything to worry about.

Debora: That reminds me of how Nera: used to bury her things and draw treasure maps when she was little.

Debora: Did I do the same? No, but I had a whale of a time digging up her stash! Ha!

Debora: Oh yes. I suppose we're proper newlyweds. I'd completely forgotten already.

Debora: He's doing well to stay asleep in a busy spot like this. That's a skill that'll stand him in good stead in the future.

Debora: Stupid buffoon! He was so fixated on that dancing girl that he didn't notice he had a real beauty standing right next to him.

Debora: I suppose the one in the middle is the prettiest. She's still not a patch on me, though.

Debora: If we're going to the desert, we'll need water. And suntan lotion and parasols and...

Debora: You'll have to get it all ready, okay? Not me. Just to be totally clear.

Debora: The old man was talking about your father, wasn't he? It's a shame I never got to meet him.

Debora: He doesn't look like he's paying much attention to what people say, but he obviously takes it all in. He could be a useful person to know.

Debora: A knight in shining armour? I'd rather have a personal slave who's at my constant beck and call.

Debora: Don't let that go to your head, though. It wasn't intended as a compliment.

Debora: If he can make ships in bottles, he's obviously a lot cleverer than he looks.

Debora: The Grandmaster... If he really exists, then there's probably a legendary hero out there somewhere too.

Debora: Let's be on our way, Hero. We don't want to be associated with the likes of him.

Debora: Men like him really are a waste of space.

Debora: Sounds like there was a reason she couldn't stay at home. It's a long way for a young girl to come travelling on her own.

Debora: I never do yucky things like sweating. I leave all that to you, Hero.

Debora: You're an oaf, Hero. If you ever come barging in on me like that, you'll be sorry!

Debora: It's lovely in the moonlight. And it means people can enjoy my good looks at night as well as during the day.

Debora: Er, he's not much of a lighthouse keeper if he sleeps at night. This is when the flame needs to be alight!

Debora: Surely he's not left it up to the cat to look after the flame. No cat's that clever!

Debora: The stars are lovely, aren't they? I'm very drawn to pretty things. I suppose like attracts like.

Debora: He can't part with his beloved telescope even when he's asleep. You men never grow up, do you?

Debora: Papa brought me here lots of times.

Debora: Do you know how they make ships in bottles, Hero?

Debora: You're surprisingly good when it comes to trivia. Not that I'd accept anything less from my personal servant, of course.

Debora: They feed each piece in one by one and assemble them inside the bottle. You're lucky I'm so knowledgeable.

Debora: I've never been so poor that I couldn't afford one measly souvenir. You'd better not make me feel this wretched ever again, Hero.

Debora: What a klutz! I find people like that so irritating.

Nera: Oh dear. We should probably have asked for Papa's permission before trying to take the boat.

Debora: What an oaf! Fancy not recognising me!

Debora: Looks like we'll have to go home and ask for Papa's permission to use the boat. What a pain!

Debora: This is Papa's boat, which means it's also mine. You can use it if you want.

Debora: This is Papa's boat, which means it's also mine. You can use it if you want.

Debora: This boat's certainly starting to show its age. I suppose it's had a lot of use over the years.

Debora: You don't need to worry, though. Papa always takes good care of things, so I'm sure it's seaworthy. Probably.

Nera: I used to draw treasure maps when I was his age. I'd even go so far as to bury the treasure myself. He he!

Nera: But it was really very strange. I'd always end up finding the treasure mysteriously back inside my cupboard.

Nera: I was completely baffled by it. Debora said it was probably some faeries up to their tricks.

Debora: When I was little, I once sailed on this boat from Littlehaven with Papa and Nera.

Debora: It was my first time on a boat, so I was desperate to get on. I was running and I bumped into a tough-looking warrior.

Debora: It was his fault, though. He was standing stock-still, dazzled by my beauty. No matter that I was less than half his age!

Debora: I was reminded of that the first time we ever met. I just had a feeling of déjà vu.

Debora: We should leave him to his thoughts. That's about all we can do for him.

Debora: What's wrong? Why are you looking so troubled?


Warning: Spoilers!
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Bianca: Do you think that big boat over there is the Ventuno casino ship Briscoletti was on about?

Bianca: I wonder if the whole boat has bin made into a casino. This could be fun! Come on, let's go and see what's what.

Nera: It was all so busy when we were here for our wedding. I hope you'll be able to enjoy looking around a bit more today.

Bianca: Yeah, you need a fair bit of cash before you can really have a good go at gamblin'. Otherwise it's all over in an instant.

Bianca: Part of me wants to go a bit wild, what with it bein' our honeymoon. But I know we need to be sensible about the future too.

Nera: I think you can still have fun with a small amount of money, as long as you set your sights accordingly.

Bianca: I wonder what her story is. D'you think she's got some kind of problem?

Nera: She wants to go on board the Ventuno, and yet she can't. You can really sense the sadness in that poor woman.

Bianca: Come on! What are we waitin' for?

Nera: Mind how you go when you step onto the pontoon, won't you, darling?

Bianca: Huh. He's probably right, but he en't exactly got a nice way of puttin' it, eh?

Nera: I wonder if that fellow spends all his time there, teasing the casino customers like that.

Bianca: But she's not actually on the ship! ...Or is that splittin' hairs?

Nera: What a strange occupation it is just to be standing there like that all the time.

Bianca: What a huge ship! It's much bigger than the boat Briscoletti give us, eh?

Nera: I'm not very familiar with the layout of the ship, either. So we can explore it together.

Bianca: So this was Briscoletti's own idea, eh? Pretty impressive stuff.

Nera: I knew Papa was a big fan of this place, but I had no idea that it was his creation.

Nera: He must have set it up during the time I was away at the abbey.

Bianca: Yeah, I might end up feelin' a bit dicky myself. I'm sure I'd feel better if I won, mind!

Nera: Maybe the rocking about would put you into a kind of trance and you'd end up winning at the slot machines without even trying!

Bianca: Briscoletti must be pretty loaded to be able to employ someone like him all the way out here, eh?

Nera: Casinos do have a tendency to get rather wild. It's important to make sure the customers are safe.

Bianca: Let's just forget about everythin' else while we're here and have a good time, eh, Hero? Nera: We are on our honeymoon, I suppose. It can't hurt to let down our hair a little bit and have some fun.

Bianca: A weddin' on a boat, eh? Still, our weddin' was nicer than anyone's, I reckon!

Nera: I think we were the first couple to be married here. And I know we're going to be really happy.

Bianca: I s'pose sailors have to work shifts so there's always someone on duty at any time of day. Looks like pretty hard work.

Nera: Oops! Looks like we've invaded the sailors' quarters.

Bianca: Yeah, if only we could get in the kind of wins we expected, eh?

Nera: Papa did something to the slot machines because he says it's boring if casinos pay out too predictably.

Bianca: Yeah, you'll have to make sure you dun't get too carried away, eh? Still, I'm here lookin' over your shoulder, so you should be okay.

Nera: I wonder which one of them is her husband.

Bianca: D'you think he'd really be havin' fun if he lost, then?

Nera: That's exactly right. It's probably a good idea to find something to do that will lift your spirits when you lose.

Bianca: I s'pose the place does need a captain, bein' a boat and all.

Nera: He really doesn't take no for an answer. It can be quite embarrassing at times.

Bianca: That is pretty impressive, but you've bin through at least ten times that many fights, eh, Hero?

Nera: ............

Nera: I think you're much more accomplished than that.

Bianca: It does seem a bit frivolous to be travellin' about for fun in this day and age.

Nera: She must be a strong woman to be travelling about under these circumstances.

Bianca: Blimey! You wouldn't have thought they'd have rooms this grand on a ship, eh, Hero?

Nera: I've come to like the sea since we started our journey together, Hero. It's wonderful to look at the stars from onboard a ship.

Nera: He he he! It was like sleeping in a big rocking cradle last night, wasn't it, darling?

Bianca: That was the best night's sleep I've had in ages. You were out for the count as well, Hero.

Bianca: What a dance! If any bloke fancied a closer look at the footwork, she'd knock him for six no trouble!

Nera: I wouldn't get too close if I were you, otherwise you might get kicked too.

Bianca: You can see right up everyone's nostrils when they crane their necks up at the stage like that. Yuck!

Nera: The dance is thrilling, indeed, but I think the outfits might be even more so!

Bianca: Maybe I should give it a go, eh?

Bianca: Ha ha! Only jokin'!

Nera: If only I had the courage to dance in front of people like they do.

Bianca: Maybe I should get a job here if ever we run out of money then, eh?

Nera: It's a terrible thing that young girls have to do work like this just for the money.

Nera: But with Papa running the place, I'm sure it's a lot more highbrow than other establishments.

Bianca: I wonder if that's what happens to you if you end up doin' that kind of job too long.

Nera: People say that women become more beautiful if they're looked at with appreciation. It makes me feel all embarrassed, though.

Bianca: Do you reckon she's new here? She seems a bit unsure of herself.

Nera: One, two... One and two...

Nera: I can have a little go at dancing here because no one can really see me.

Bianca: All these dancin' girls make themselves up the same way, so it's hard to tell 'em apart!

Nera: Oh! I think that girl was at the abbey when I was! No, I must be imagining it.

Bianca: Watch where you're treadin', Hero! Are you tryin' to get yourself in trouble or somethin'?

Bianca: Huh! If it's trouble you're after, I'll give you plenty if you're not careful!

Bianca: Hmmm... Are you sure about that?

Nera: Darling... Did you tread on that girl's foot?

Nera: How rude!

Nera: Good. I'm not sure I'd like to be married to the kind of man who goes around treading on people's toes.

Bianca: I get it. But I'm not sure he'll catch any cheats standin' there.

Nera: Does that mean you can cheat at the casino, then?

Nera: Hmm, I've no idea how.

Bianca: If he reckons he knows so much, why dun't he get up an' 'ave a go then, eh?

Nera: That man was rather opinionated, wasn't he? It sounded as if he knew what he was talking about, though.

Bianca: Ha ha! I wish I could've seen him get hit, that would've bin funny!

Nera: He must've been trying to get a very close-up view for that to happen.

Bianca: Does that mean this boat belongs to Briscoletti, then? That bloke's got it made, eh?

Nera: Papa donated some money to the abbey I stayed at too.

Nera: But I asked Abbess Abovall to treat me just like everyone else regardless, which was nice.

Bianca: He seems a bit shook up, eh? It can be a bit of a blow when you lose, I s'pose.

Nera: Papa often used to say it's a good idea to pray to the Goddess before you end up losing too much.

Bianca: Yeah, I'll bet. He certainly en't gettin' his money together by defeatin' monsters.

Nera: Yes, well, I've never really thought about that before. I wonder how everyone's getting on.

Bianca: Typical! There's all them desperate, greedy people out there, and then someone like her comes along and wins!

Nera: She's lucky that she won without even trying. I just hope she doesn't end up addicted as a result. That wouldn't be so lucky.

Bianca: Now I'm jealous! We could do with a win like that.

Nera: The problem with winning is that it's hard to know where to draw the line.

Bianca: Yeah, but ten thousand can turn into a hundred, and a hundred can turn into one too. It works both ways.

Nera: We'll have to keep steadily building up our tokens, just like he said.

Bianca: That's the first time I've seen a priest in a casino! I wonder if the Goddess'll answer his prayers.

Nera: Surely it's not the done thing to waste a prayer to the Goddess on such a thing! I certainly wouldn't do it.

Bianca: It's bigger than I expected. Looks like we could have a lot of fun here!

Nera: Where do we start? I quite like going for Double or Nothing at the poker table myself.

Bianca: That was a stroke of luck! I wonder why no one else spotted it, though. It's so shiny that it's pretty hard to miss.

Nera: How fortunate! Maybe we're having a bit of a lucky streak.

Bianca: Dun't look like they've got any of the special Zoomshine, though, eh? Life is but a drink...ha ha ha!

Nera: Oh yes! These are all Papa's favourite drinks!

Bianca: They've even got a T 'n' T board! This ship's just one big fun palace, eh?

Nera: You're probably surprised to see a T 'n' T board here, right? I know I am!

Bianca: Yeah, you can never get as far as you think you can. It's a tricky old game.

Nera: Yes, you have to keep checking your position and figuring out the best route forward. It's not easy.

Bianca: I dun't remember the ship rockin' all that much, do you?

Nera: There were probably times when the boat rocking worked in his favour as well, though.

Bianca: Yeah, and you can't buy the tickets, neither, so you have to think pretty hard before you use them all up.

Nera: That reminds me. I heard once about a T 'n' T free pass that lets you play as many times as you like.

Bianca: Nope. I could never just laze about havin' fun if there were things to be won.

Nera: I don't think I think too much. So I win some and I lose some.

Bianca: So this is where the casino prizes are kept? Ooh! Gimme, gimme, gimme!

Bianca: Yeah!

Bianca: Oh.

Nera: It looks like I'd be in a lot of trouble if I messed with anything here, no matter that I'm a Briscoletti myself!

Bianca: There's certainly a lot of gear in here. Looks like everyone must've come to stay for a while, eh?

Nera: It's as if people are planning on staying as long as it takes to have a big win, don't you think?

Bianca: He may not go off playin' in the casino, but surely sleepin' on the job is just as bad!

Nera: Sailors like him have people's lives in their hands, so you'd really hope for a little more care to be taken.

Bianca: I s'pose it would be pretty nice gettin' married here, but it'd be tricky to get your guests to come all this way.

Nera: I was only ever allowed in my own room and out on deck when I rode on ships with Papa.

Nera: I had no idea that he felt so strongly about it, though.

Bianca: That's a fair old load of cookin' utensils there, eh? You could make anythin' you liked with them.

Nera: Mmm, what a lovely smell! I'm starting to feel a bit hungry now.

Bianca: Do you think that big boat over there is the Ventuno casino ship Briscoletti was on about?

Bianca: I wonder if the whole boat has bin made into a casino. This could be fun! Come on, let's go and see what's what.

Nera: It was all so busy when we were here for our wedding. I hope you'll be able to enjoy looking around a bit more today.

Bianca: Yeah, the casino can almost be a bit romantic of a night. Perfect for honeymooners, eh?

Nera: She's resting here? Do you think she lost all her money and can't afford to pay for an inn?

Bianca: Come on! What are we waitin' for?

Nera: Mind how you go when you step onto the pontoon, won't you, darling?

Bianca: Maybe I should make a wish too. I wish I'll spend the rest of my life with Hero!

Nera: I've wished upon a star more times than I can count.

Nera: I always wished that I'd find the boy I once met on Papa's ship again.

Bianca: En't it a bit sad drinkin' on your own like that?

Nera: Well, we're enjoying a nice walk under the stars, aren't we, darling?

Bianca: So they dun't sail this ship no more, eh?

Nera: How sweet! It must take a lot of dedication to become a ship's captain.

Bianca: Blimey! It's all go for him whether he's awake or asleep, eh?

Nera: He must be a keen gambler to be fretting about it in his sleep!

Bianca: He's in a bit of a state, eh?

Nera: That poor man! He seems rather disturbed.

Bianca: Fair enough. I'd prefer to just get a bit of fresh air, personally.

Nera: Maybe we should have a little dance once we've finished playing, then?

Bianca: Brrr. His eyes are really scary.

Nera: People can get far too wound up by the whole casino experience. It should just be about having a bit of fun.

Bianca: What a funny old man! I hope he dun't hurt himself with that kind of carry on!

Nera: He he he! He obviously doesn't like to be beaten, does he?

Bianca: Yeah. I wonder why the sea air makes everythin' so sticky.

Nera: Yes, she seems a sticky character, that's for sure. Sorry... I was just making a joke.

Bianca: It's hard work tryin' to sleep durin' the day. I much prefer sleepin' of a night.

Nera: He seems a reliable sort. I'm sure the ship's safe in his hands.

Bianca: He en't got a bad voice, but I dun't have a clue what them lyrics are all about.

Nera: What a voice! He certainly knows how to command everyone's attention.

Bianca: His voice is hardly high-pitched, eh?

Nera: Um... Moonwort bulb can be great for stopping the wobbles!

Bianca: He may not look the part, but it's his job to be on the lookout for cheats, eh?

Nera: The atmosphere certainly is relaxed. It's rather romantic, in fact...

Bianca: I think we'd prob'ly better leave him be.

Nera: There can only be one reason for being miserable in a place like this. He's obviously lost all his money and can't afford to travel home.

Bianca: It en't a bad voice, that's for sure. It certainly gives the place a unique kind of atmosphere.

Nera: It's amazing to see how people are so enthralled with this man's singing. I wonder if he's famous.

Bianca: I didn't know priests gambled. He seems a bit hooked, actually. Do you think that's okay?

Nera: I suppose priests are people too. It can't hurt for him to have a little bit of fun.

Bianca: The idea of a floatin' casino is all well and good, but it's a bit of a pain for people to get to.

Nera: This is a lovely spot. And the island's nice too, with its lovely crescent shape. Just like a new moon!

Bianca: There's no point hangin' around a T 'n' T board if you en't got no T 'n' T tickets.

Nera: Oh dear. He won't be able to play any more, then.

Bianca: I never heard of that before. Crikey! A free pass to T 'n' T would be like a dream come true, eh?

Nera: I've heard about that. Yes, the T 'n' T free pass, it's called.

Bianca: I can think of better ways to go down in history, thank you very much!

Nera: Don't worry. The sea around here isn't very deep, so there's nothing for us to sink in.

Bianca: What a poor excuse for a sailor! ...We won't sink, will we!?

Nera: I can't swim either. You'll have to rescue me if it ever comes to it, okay?

Bianca: Fancy sayin' that in his sleep! He really is a shirker!

Nera: I'm afraid that chap's likely to lose his job before long if he's not careful.

Bianca: Now that's dedication, dreamin' about cookin' even in your sleep!

Nera: I find cooking really good fun. It's always so exciting to see how things turn out.

Debora: I didn't have the chance to play at the casino when we were here for our wedding, so I'm really going to have some fun today.

Debora: Poor people are so boring! I don't want you guarding the purse strings. Spend as much as it takes!

Debora: Sounds like she'd like to be aboard herself. She'll just have to make do with being close by instead.

Debora: You know, they usually charge people just for getting on the pontoon. But I did some name-dropping and mentioned Papa, so we got on for free.

Debora: Hero! I hope you're not going to show me up!

Debora: Work? I'd hardly call it work. Looks to me like those bunny girls just stand about the place the whole time.

Debora: Papa's not here today, so we can really go to town and have some fun!

Debora: I heard that Papa had this place built back when Nera was away at the abbey.

Debora: And as I remember it, Mama refused to speak to him for about three days when she found out!

Debora: It's easy to forget about the motion if you put your mind to it.

Debora: Everyone that comes here is really rich, so it would be bad news if anything untoward happened.

Debora: Absolutely! We should make the most of it and really enjoy ourselves while we're here.

Debora: Indeed. Except your promise to me was more one of eternal devotion than love.

Debora: What have you brought me to this filthy hole for? We're supposed to be here to have fun.

Debora: Papa said something once about how he'd fixed it so wins on the slot machines couldn't be predicted.

Debora: I'll never tell you that you can't visit a casino.

Debora: I will tell you that you have to take me with you, though!

Debora: Good fun? There's nothing fun about being a loser.

Debora: Yep, once Papa makes his mind up about something, there's absolutely no changing it.

Debora: Only five? That's hardly worth boasting about.

Debora: Sounds like she enjoys her travels. There's no sign of a husband with her, though.

Debora: There wouldn't be anything elegant about it if she ate too much and then felt seasick!

Debora: That bed was so comfortable! Trust Papa to get it just right.

Debora: She must be really into her dancing.

Debora: Watch it, Hero! I don't like the way you're staring.

Debora: Can I keep up? Ha! I could give her a run for her money if I wanted to.

Debora: I wonder just how much Papa is paying these girls.

Debora: I don't blame her. I always find it really irritating when men make it so obvious they can't take their eyes off me.

Debora: She's obviously new. She's totally out of synch with the other girls.

Debora: All of these dancing girls wear such heavy make-up.

Debora: I suppose it's because they don't have the natural beauty I have.

Debora: You didn't tread on that girl's foot then, did you?

Debora: Tsk! You're a disgrace. I can't take you anywhere.

Debora: I wonder... Wimp that you are, you always go red when you tell a lie, so it's a bit of a giveaway.

Debora: If he's supposed to be on the lookout for cheats, then what's he been doing staring at the stage all the time?

Debora: I hardly think he's in a position to pass judgement on the dancing! I'm sure they can dance a lot better than he can.

Debora: Serves him right for getting too close.

Debora: I never knew Papa did that.

Debora: Quick, let's get away from him! Bad luck can be catching, you know.

Debora: Yes, no matter how many times I ask Papa why he's so rich he won't tell me.

Debora: So she managed to win even though she doesn't know how to play? Some people have all the luck.

Debora: Your luck in a casino can run out just as quickly as it comes.

Debora: Don't you go being stingy over each and every coin, will you? You have to spend money to make money!

Debora: I wouldn't mind worshipping the Goddess if she granted prayers like winning at the casino!

Debora: What shall we start with? I like going for broke on the poker table myself.

Debora: It seems a bit desperate, picking up tokens from the floor like that.

Debora: It's true. I've seen Papa drinking all of these.

Debora: I can't believe Papa even built a T 'n' T board here!

Debora: It's better just to go for it and see what happens rather than trying to plan a route. You never know your luck!

Debora: We'd better watch out for that when we're rolling too.

Debora: I wonder who makes T 'n' T tickets anyway.

Debora: Precisely! It's better just to go with your gut. That's the way to win, if you ask me.

Debora: As if I would! How dare he insinuate such a thing!

Debora: It looks like some people have moved here permanently, what with all this luggage.

Debora: He's got some nerve slacking off from his work so blatantly right in front of me!

Debora: He's probably the reason Papa didn't want me down here.

Debora: Well, they're all rich folk, so I suppose they're bound to be quite fussy when it comes to their food.

Debora: I didn't have the chance to play at the casino when we were here for our wedding, so I'm really going to have some fun today.

Debora: She's going on about the Ventuno at night, but what would she know about it from being stood here?

Debora: You usually have to make a reservation to get on the pontoon, but they're letting you on because you're with me.

Debora: Wishing upon a star? Waste of time if you ask me.

Debora: Mmm, sounds nice. You look like you'd prefer a decent meal to a flute of champagne, mind you.

Debora: Come to think of it, are you filling out our ship's log properly every day?

Debora: I've never seen you doing it. Why the secrecy?

Debora: What!? Who do you expect to do it if you don't?

Debora: Huh! You'd just better make sure you do it from now on.

Debora: Imagine the disappointment if you dreamt you'd had a big win and then woke up to find it was just a dream!

Debora: What a fool! Surely he could've stopped before he ended up that bad.

Debora: When I need to unwind, I find a good bit of shopping works much better than any gentle dancing could.

Debora: Ah, but the problem with that philosophy is that tomorrow never comes.

Debora: He certainly doesn't look like he's up to it nowadays.

Debora: The sea air is just terrible for messing up my hair. I'll never get on with it.

Debora: Um, isn't he the only one in charge? What happens to the ship when he sleeps?

Debora: What a weird little ditty he's singing!

Debora: I always prefer men with nice, deep voices, personally.

Debora: I know it's his job, but he's the one ruining the atmosphere if you ask me.

Debora: He's obviously gone and lost all his money and now he can't afford the fare home.

Debora: Why don't you give us a tune, Hero? On second thoughts, maybe not.

Debora: Are priests even allowed in casinos?

Debora: I wonder if they'll put the Ventuno out to sea once it's peaceful again.

Debora: It'd make it a bit awkward to get to, though.

Debora: You're good for T 'n' T tickets, right, Hero?

Debora: You'll be in a lot of trouble if you tell me now we don't have any and I can't play!

Debora: Yes, the free pass. I remember Papa talking about that.

Debora: Hmph! It's bad luck to even say things like that when you're on a boat.

Debora: Why would anyone become a sailor if they couldn't swim? I'd find another job if I was him.

Debora: Maybe I should tell Papa and have him fired.

Debora: Maybe we should sample some of his food if it's that perfect. You can try it first, though, and make sure it's good enough for me.


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Bianca: I was a bit too casual about this desert lark. If it weren't for this oasis, I'd have prob'ly shrivelled up and died!

Bianca: There's even some greenery here! It really is an oasis in the middle of a desert. Wouldn't want to live here, mind.

Bianca: I reckon I could drink enough water to fill a small lake at the moment! Mustn't drink this place dry, mind.

Nera: I'm okay, r-really. Don't worry about me. I'm fine now we're here at the oasis.

Nera: We should make sure we have some water while we're here so that we can rehydrate a little.

Nera: Do you think people set up home here so that they could help weary travellers like us?

Nera: Whether that's the reason or not, I don't think I could be more grateful to find them here!

Bianca: It must be awful bein' a dog in the heat like this. It's not like it can take its coat off.

Nera: That poor dog! It must be absolutely boiling.

Bianca: It's nice and cool inside the tent. If you can just get out of the sun, it makes a big difference.

Nera: It only looks like a small tent from the outside, but it's surprisingly well-equipped. You could probably live here quite comfortably.

Bianca: Looks like not many people pass by here. Not surprisin', really.

Bianca: I always thought people who live out in the sticks like this would be a bit unfriendly, but he was lovely.

Nera: Helmunaptra to the west and King Dominicus's Dominion to the south-east. That's right, isn't it? I'm terrible at remembering directions.

Nera: You can decide where to go. I'll go along with whatever you choose.

Bianca: He was a bit aggressive at first! I wonder what them desert roses he was talkin' about are.

Nera: I think a desert rose is a special kind of mineral you get around these parts.

Bianca: A museum. That sounds like it could be a bit of a laugh!

Nera: I wonder how long ago that man was here. I'd quite like to visit the museum if it's been built by now.

Bianca: Hah! We've got a desert rose of our own, thanks very much!

Nera: He must have an awful lot of desert roses for him to call it a collection.

Bianca: Brrr. It's quite chilly in the desert of a night, eh?

Bianca: I reckon I might've caught a cold. I'm feelin' a bit feverish.

Nera: Boiling hot in the day and freezing cold at night. The desert is certainly a place of extremes.

Nera: Take care not to catch a cold or anything, won't you?

Bianca: It's not quite as cold inside the tent. Looks like the dog has that figured out too!

Nera: I think that dog's trying to protect the old man, you know. Isn't that sweet?

Bianca: Looks like not many people pass by here. Not surprisin', really.

Bianca: I always thought people who live out in the sticks like this would be a bit unfriendly, but he was lovely.

Nera: Helmunaptra to the west and King Dominicus's Dominion to the south-east. That's right, isn't it? I'm terrible at remembering directions.

Nera: You can decide where to go. I'll go along with whatever you choose.

Nera: Oops! We woke that old man up. We should try to be quiet so that he can get some sleep.

Debora: You know what you have to do now we're at the oasis, right?

Debora: Precisely. Bring me some water. Not just to drink, either. I'm going to have a wash too, so make sure you bring plenty.

Debora: Do I have to spell everything out for you? You have to bring me some water. I want a drink, of course!

Debora: And you'd better bring plenty while you're at it, because I'm going to have a wash as well.

Debora: It's a bit shabby, but at least it should give us a bit of respite from the heat.

Debora: What are you waiting for, Hero? I'm going in.

Debora: I wish I'd brought my swimming costume now. It would be lovely to have a splash about and cool off.

Debora: It must be unbearably hot with all that fur. It's bad enough for us.

Debora: It's cooler in here than I thought it would be. Aah, just what I needed. Bring me a glass of water, will you, Hero?

Debora: It doesn't sound like many people make it all the way out here.

Debora: Helmunaptra to the west... King Dominicus's Dominion to the south-east, right? You'd better write it down so I don't have to bother remembering it.

Debora: A museum? For some reason, I always seem to get very drowsy whenever I visit museums.

Debora: His way of greeting people certainly leaves a lot to be desired. What a yob!

Debora: I bet he was actually desperate to show off his collection. Well, I don't want to see it, so there!

Debora: His way of greeting people certainly leaves a lot to be desired. What a yob!

Debora: I bet he was actually desperate to show off his collection. Well, I'm not interested, so there!

Debora: It's getting cold now. There's no happy medium in the desert, is there? You're either too hot or too cold.

Debora: So you'd better take care, Hero. Make sure you don't let me catch a cold or anything.

Debora: I wonder how Bingo's getting on. He always liked to have company. A bit like me, really. Maybe he's lonely...

Debora: Sorry? Ha! No, I'm fine. I'm not lonely any more. How could I be, with you always hanging around?

Debora: This dog's trying to protect the old man, isn't he? That's what I like about dogs: they always obey their masters.

Debora: What are we standing around for? Let's go! We can't hang around here forever. That poor man will never get any sleep otherwise.

Debora: Helmunaptra to the west and King Dominicus's Dominion to the south-east? I'll just pick one and go there.

Debora: All you have to do is follow.


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Bianca: They did a good job of buildin' a castle all the way out here.

Bianca: I feel like I'm about to collapse in all this heat! I s'pose we'll look back on our ⓗhot honeymoonⓘ one day and laugh, though, eh?

Nera: I'd love to have a proper look at the castle, but I can hardly keep my eyes open with all this sand flying about.

Nera: It must have been terribly hard work for the people who built this here.

Nera: Fancy Papa sending a messenger all the way out here! He really is a worrywart, isn't he?

Nera: He's sent us some money. We should accept it gracefully. I'm sure that would make him really happy.

Bianca: That poor man! We should help him find some water.

Nera: Oh dear! We can't just leave him lying there. We must try to find him some water.

Bianca: He's a sharp one, eh? Leapin' up to do business with the folk who just saved his life!

Nera: Here's hoping that he doesn't end up in such a sorry state again.

Bianca: Yeah, it definitely dun't sound like a good idea, goin' huntin' about without a hat in this heat.

Nera: I should think it's too hot for treasure hunting even with a hat. I certainly wouldn't feel up to it.

Bianca: Rocks in the shape of a rose? That sounds weird. We'll have to have a look for one of those if we get the chance.

Nera: I've seen one of those before. They really are curious things.

Bianca: I've had my share of rows with my own dad, but it's never got to the point where I've stormed out and run away.

Nera: I've never once had an argument with either of my parents. Is that not the norm?

Bianca: Wouldn't it be handy if the legendary hero was actually here? I doubt we'll get that lucky, though.

Nera: We hear talk of the legendary hero wherever we go, but they speak of him an awful lot here, don't they?

Bianca: Oh, right. I didn't know the legendary hero was the child of a Zenithian. I wonder how you'd go about meetin' 'em.

Nera: Of course. The legendary hero had the blood of a Zenithian.

Bianca: It's lovely and cool and refreshin' in here. I feel like I've got a new lease of life all of a sudden.

Nera: They keep this place incredibly clean, don't they? There's hardly a speck of sand to be seen.

Bianca: That's a shame. It's goin' to be hard to find the legendary hero's descendants if we dun't know what happened to 'em.

Nera: Maybe the legendary hero's descendants are just living quietly somewhere like normal people.

Bianca: Blimey. He did well, eh? First he was mates with the legendary hero, and then he built his own castle!

Nera: That must be why there's so much talk about the legendary hero here. The person who built the castle was a friend of his.

Bianca: Well, we en't heard news of the legendary hero appearin' back on the scene yet. I s'pose that means the world's not in too bad a state still.

Nera: Do you think that means we have to wait until the world is on the brink of disaster before we can meet with the legendary hero?

Bianca: If they're guardin' the legendary helm ready for when the hero comes back, maybe we'd be better off just waitin' for him here.

Nera: I wonder if the rest of the Zenithian Equipment is being looked after in the same way elsewhere.

Bianca: Surely you can't really practise your swordsmanship against a dummy? Nope, the best way is to go into battle for real.

Nera: Kaaah! Hii-yaaah!

Nera: He he he! Sorry. It looks like that soldier's enthusiasm must be catching.

Bianca: It dun't look like the Queen's in her throne room, eh?

Nera: Her Majesty obviously doesn't care too much about form. It's unusual not to find a royal in their throne room.

Bianca: Sounds like it won't be long now before the legendary hero puts in another appearance.

Nera: Maybe the legendary hero doesn't realise his true identity.

Nera: Otherwise, how can he just stand by doing nothing while the world falls deeper and deeper into crisis?

Bianca: Crikey! I never expected to see all this greenery in the middle of the desert!

Nera: What a beautiful garden! It's like entering another world.

Bianca: Hmm. Sounds like the Queen here is quite somethin', eh?

Nera: It certainly is a very impressive garden.

Bianca: How embarrassin'! As long as you think I'm a beauty, Hero, that's all I care about.

Nera: He he! I may look pure, but looks can be deceiving. You know that better than anyone, don't you, darling?

Bianca: Hmm. So desert roses crop up in places where there used to be water.

Nera: I wonder if that means the whole world was once covered in greenery.

Bianca: Blimey! That Queen Cleohatra's quite a looker, en't she?

Bianca: What she said was pretty interestin' too. We should get her to take us to the legendary hero's grave.

Nera: The legendary hero's grave? I'd like to see that. We should have her show us where it is.

Bianca: Now's not the time to stand about chattin', Hero! Her Majesty's already on her way.

Nera: She's very fast on her feet, isn't she? We'd better hurry, otherwise we might lose sight of her.

Bianca: There's a lot to talk about, but our first priority should be tryin' on that helmet.

Nera: We can talk later. First and foremost, you need to try on that helmet.

Bianca: The Queen seemed a bit disappointed, eh? We should probably go and have a word with her.

Bianca: I was startin' to think that it really might be you, Hero.

Bianca: But you can't equip the Zenithian Sword neither, so it can't be. Still, I do feel like there's somethin' a bit special about you.

Nera: It seems that Her Majesty is trying to find the legendary hero too. Her method is just a bit different to ours.

Nera: Perhaps we should go and speak with her again before we leave, darling?

Bianca: I reckon we should tell her the situation. You never know. She might be able to help out.

Nera: You're being rather cautious aren't you, darling? I'm sure that Her Majesty can be trusted.

Bianca: King Pankraz... Searchin' for his wife with his infant child... That can't just be a coincidence.

Nera: That sounds just like you and your father. Do you think you could be a prince?

Bianca: We should head off to that Gotha place in the east and see what it's all about.

Nera: The eastern kingdom of Gotha... We could probably find out all kinds of things if we went there.

Bianca: I thought it'd still be boilin' hot, but it gets pretty cold in the desert of a night, eh?

Nera: It's so quiet in the desert at night. It feels like we've entered a world devoid of all sound.

Bianca: Looks like we can't get inside the castle of a night. We should probably get some shut-eye anyway.

Nera: If they won't let us inside the castle, there's not much we can do. We should probably rest for the night.

Bianca: I do feel pretty feverish at the minute. Maybe I've gone and caught a cold.

Nera: Atchoo!

Nera: Brrr. I have been feeling a bit of a chill these last few days, actually.

Bianca: Sounds like they've bin waitin' a pretty long time, eh? I s'pose it's possible that the legendary hero won't show his face durin' our lifetimes.

Nera: So many people are waiting desperately for him, and yet still he doesn't appear. Maybe that means the world isn't in such bad shape after all.

Bianca: It is pretty chilly. Another layer or two definitely wouldn't hurt.

Nera: I'm feeling a bit cold now myself, I must say.

Bianca: Rocks in the shape of a rose? That sounds weird. We'll have to have a look for one of those if we get the chance.

Nera: I've seen one of those before. They really are curious things.

Bianca: He can't fool us, eh? It's pretty obvious how worried he is about her.

Nera: I'm sure time will heal this rift between them eventually. A parent and child can't stay angry at each other forever.

Bianca: Yeah, I'd heard about how hot it gets in the day and how cold it gets at night, but I still never imagined it'd be this bad.

Nera: Your body can probably become accustomed to living in all kinds of strange climates, given enough time.

Bianca: Looks like that bloke has the hero on his mind constantly, even when he's asleep!

Nera: We can only hope that the desperation of the people here to see the legendary hero will call out to him and prompt him to show his face.

Debora: I'm sick of all this sand swirling about the place! It's all over my hair and ⓚⓛ look ⓚⓛ it's even got inside my clothes somehow!

Debora: You're the one who said we should come here, so you'd better hurry up and fix this by finding us somewhere decent to stay the night.

Debora: And it'd better have a bath too. Got it?

Debora: How ridiculous of Papa to send a messenger all this way! He really is besotted with me, you know.

Debora: So Papa sent me some pocket money. Well, I suppose it can't hurt to accept it. You can take care of it, though, Hero.

Debora: What a fool, travelling in the desert without enough water. I won't be able to sleep well if we just leave him, though, so you'd better help him out.

Debora: The cheek of him, trying to make money out of the people who saved him from the brink of death! Still, it's his sort who do well in this world.

Debora: It's far too hot for treasure hunting, hat or no hat.

Debora: If you want to go off and do it, Hero, you can go on your own.

Debora: Papa showed me one of those ages ago. They're quite pretty, actually.

Debora: You could try to find one for me if you like. I'll wait here, though. I don't want to risk getting sunburnt.

Debora: I've had a few rows with Mama and Papa in the past where I ended up leaving home. I always just went and hid at Crispin's for a while.

Debora: There's so much talk of the legendary hero. I'm starting to believe that he really did exist once upon a time.

Debora: A legendary hero, a Grandmaster of the Underworld, a land called Zenithia... Are you sure this isn't just a faerie tale?

Debora: It's nice to finally be somewhere comfortable again. I really can't stand the heat around here.

Debora: So all we've established by coming here is that the legendary hero really existed. Huh! I want to know where he is now!

Debora: So he became king just on the strength of being friends with the legendary hero?

Debora: Well, I have my own personal servant so... I don't mind carrying on as we are, but it could be quite nice to become a queen.

Debora: If the world's at peace, then there's no need for the legendary hero to show his face. That means we won't get to meet him.

Debora: The hero will probably return here one day for the legendary helm. But there's no way I'm hanging around to wait for him!

Debora: Urgh. It's too hot all over this place, but this room's not only hot, it smells of sweat too. Disgusting!

Debora: I don't blame Her Majesty for not wanting to sit about here in this heat. She's probably gone off to find a nice, cool spot somewhere.

Debora: I wish the legendary hero would pull his finger out and show his face. The nerve of him, keeping me waiting like this!

Debora: How lovely of them to build a garden like this in the middle of the desert to welcome me. You could learn a lot from Queen Cleohatra.

Debora: She blessed them with this garden? Sounds like she did more than just pay for it. Do you think she has some kind of special power?

Debora: I suppose she means that roses have thorns. But flowers with soft petals alone are no fun, right, Hero?

Debora: I find it hard to believe that this desert was ever covered in greenery.

Debora: The legendary hero's grave? I suppose we may as well go and have a look while we're here.

Debora: What are you playing at, Hero? There's no time for chat now. We'll lose sight of Her Majesty if we're not careful.

Debora: Can you stop staring at me for one second and try on that helmet?

Debora: If only you'd turned out to be the legendary hero. I don't suppose it could ever be that simple, though.

Debora: Oh well. Queen Cleohatra seems fairly clued up, so we should go and see what else she has to say.

Debora: It would've been so wonderful if you'd been able to put on that helmet.

Debora: Imagine that! My personal slave the legendary hero! Just the thought of it gives me the shivers.

Debora: You're being a bit overly cautious, aren't you? Just tell her the situation. No more messing around.

Debora: Pankraz? Wasn't that the name of your father too? There's no way you could be a prince, though.

Debora: I'm fed up with the sight of sand now. I'm leaving for the eastern kingdom of Gotha. You'd better come along too.

Debora: It's so hot in the daytime that it feels like your skin's on fire, but at night it's freezing. I hate being in the desert!

Debora: We'll have to try again tomorrow. It's late, and even I need a rest sometimes.

Debora: Yuck! I don't want to catch a cold!

Debora: I've already been feeling a bit under the weather just lately.

Debora: There are quite a few more monsters about now than there used to be, and I'd hardly call the world peaceful, so come out, hero, wherever you are!

Debora: What an idiot. Why didn't he come properly prepared? People like that really get on my nerves.

Debora: Papa showed me one of those ages ago. They're quite pretty, actually.

Debora: You could try to find one for me if you like. I'll wait here, though. It's too cold for me.

Debora: Stubborn fool! No wonder his daughter decided to run away from home.

Debora: I couldn't agree more. There's no way I'd ever live here.

Debora: It's all 'hero, hero, hero', non-stop, night and day. He could give you a run for your money, Hero, he's that obsessed.


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Bianca: It's a bit on the small side, but it looks a lot like a castle to me.

Bianca: Hey! Am I seein' things or is that a slime over there?

Nera: A tiny little castle tucked away on a southern island...

Nera: Do you see that slime over there? Whatever is it doing?

Bianca: You can't knock him for bein' ambitious, but can slimes even make themselves bigger through trainin'?

Nera: How funny to see a slime in training! But if it wants to be like the one on the roof, I'd say eating a lot would be the answer.

Bianca: En't powjamas supposed to be some kind of warrior pyjamas? They dun't sound like they can be all that strong to me, mind.

Bianca: Those chocolate medalliyums sound nice. I quite fancy givin' them a go.

Nera: I think you'd need to be quite brave to wander about in your pyjamas all the time.

Nera: Papa absolutely adores chocolate medalliyums. I'm fairly sure he bought them at the inn here.

Bianca: Um, d'you reckon the bank here's above board, Hero? It smells a bit fishy to me.

Nera: He seems like a trustworthy fellow. It's nice to know he takes such good care of his customers' money.

Bianca: Blimey! What a delicious-smellin' chocolate! That smell alone is enough to send you wobbly!

Nera: Seeing this chocolate medalliyum reminds me of Papa.

Nera: He used to be really skinny when he was younger, apparently. But then he developed a taste for these and there was no looking back.

Bianca: I could eat these chocolate medalliyums until the cows come home, but I suppose we shouldn't be too frivolous, eh?

Nera: We mustn't overindulge in these chocolate medalliyums, otherwise we'll get fat. Let's not buy too many.

Bianca: Uh-oh. Looks like we en't bin managin' our finances all that well if we can't even afford to buy chocolate.

Nera: We can buy some chocolate the next time we're here.

Bianca: The lanterns look so pretty, dun't you think? All elegant, like.

Nera: Those lanterns were probably made to commemorate departed slimes, don't you think?

Bianca: It dun't look like hard work to me.

Nera: That poor old man, having to come out at this time of night to do that.

Bianca: D'you reckon there really is some great treasure hidden here?

Bianca: We could try askin' around and seein' if we get any clues.

Nera: I don't imagine we'll be able to acquire this 'great treasure' all that easily.

Nera: It would be a lovely thing to add to the museum's collection. Let's see if we can find it.

Bianca: It's almost like that bloke's not from 'round here. I s'pose it's fair enough that he dun't know, though.

Nera: It looks like this treasure we're looking for isn't something that everyone knows about.

Bianca: Puzzling little thing? I wonder what it is!

Nera: He gave it to the woman at the inn? It can't be that great a treasure if he just gave it away!

Bianca: She must be talkin' about the treasure we heard about, eh, Hero?

Bianca: We should try and find the thing now we've trailed after it this far!

Nera: It sounds like this treasure is really doing the rounds. I'm so curious about what it is!

Bianca: He dumped it!? D'you think it's really that worthless?

Nera: Hm. I'm not sure about going after something that's been thrown out, but I suppose we should go and find it after all this.

Bianca: Crikey! Is it me or is that medal talkin'!?

Nera: It sounds like someone's squashed underneath. We must help them!

Bianca: Fancy that poor slime bein' squashed like that!

Bianca: This must be this so-called 'great treasure' we've bin hearin' so much about.

Bianca: I've gotta say, it's a bit of a let-down.

Nera: Well. I, er, suppose we've found the 'great treasure' then.

Nera: That old man will probably be pleased with it, at any rate. We should hurry up and take it to him.

Bianca: It is pretty solid, I suppose. Maybe it could be used as a shield, after all! I wonder...!

Nera: I think maxi medals are quite pretty too, personally. Papa would love to see it.

Bianca: So it was in the fountain. No wonder Old Man Nick Knack couldn't find it.

Nera: Ah, that must be why it has that funny smell to it, because of being in the water all that time.

Bianca: Blimey! I hope no one was too badly hurt. So much for treasure bein' good!

Nera: Goodness! What a huge-scale treasure hunt that would have been. Papa would've loved it.

Debora: That castle is quite sweet-looking. I can think of worse places to live.

Debora: There's a little thing bouncing about over there. Is it a slime?

Debora: Looks like there are hard-working sorts even in the monster world.

Debora: I've been basically perfect since the day I was born, though, so there's no need for me to make an effort.

Debora: Powjamas? Yuck! I bet they smell of sweat.

Debora: So they sell chocolate medalliyums here. I love them! You'd better buy me some.

Debora: Ah yes, the chocolate medalliyum. Papa's always loved these.

Debora: He's just like chocolate himself. If I turn on the charm, I can make him melt and do whatever I want!

Debora: What? You're not buying any chocolate medalliyums? You've got some nerve, disobeying a direct order!

Debora: You can't afford one measly chocolate medalliyum? Then you'd better sell something and get some cash. Something of yours, naturally.

Debora: Oh! Those lanterns must be for slimes who've passed away. What a lovely sight!

Debora: ...Can't you take a hint, Hero? This is where you're supposed to say that I'm far lovelier.

Debora: I know you're interested in what people are up to, but you'll be an old man yourself if you stand here much longer.

Debora: A great treasure... Hmm. As long as it's not just his imagination that's great.

Debora: You're going to have to find it, Hero. I'm not very good when it comes to looking for things.

Debora: What are you waiting for? You should go and speak to the King. He's bound to know something.

Debora: Puzzling little thing? What's that all about, I wonder.

Debora: But what is it!? Hmph. My curiosity has the better of me now. You're going to have to find it.

Debora: One man's rubbish is another man's treasure. Just like there are bound to be women out there who'll take on the men whose hearts I've broken.

Debora: You're not just going to turn a blind eye are you, Hero? Have some compassion!

Debora: Do you think this is it? The elusive 'great treasure'? You can see how it might be hard to keep tabs on. Unlike you.

Debora: We'd better get back to the old man and give him what he's been waiting for then, Hero.

Debora: I suppose it could come in handy as a shield if you were desperate. But I have you if needs be, so I'm fine.

Debora: It does smell a bit nasty. But I suppose we should just be grateful it's not still lying at the bottom of the fountain.

Debora: Flying maxi medals? That sounds a bit lethal!

Debora: I'm sure Nera: would deposit her money here without a second thought. How about you?

Debora: Ha ha! You don't mind taking the odd risk every now and then, do you?

Debora: Hmph. I didn't expect you to be so cautious. How dull.


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Bianca: It's pretty amazin' findin' such a huge buildin' in the middle of the woods like this, eh?

Nera: What a beautiful mansion. I wonder if someone famous lives here.

Rex: Wow! Who do you think built such a huge mansion?

Poppy: It's a very impressive building, but it looks like it was put up quite a few years ago now.

Poppy: It feels calm on the surface, but there's a very strange air to it.

Sancho: Look at thees! I, I no expect to esee esuch beauty een a place like thees. Ees, ees eso moving! (blub)

Tuppence: Good heavens! I'm rather bowled over by the place, it's so beautiful.

Bianca: Fancy waitin' so long you end up dyin'! Maybe we should try and help the old guy out, eh?

Bianca: So this place is a museum. It's a lovely spot, but it en't exactly on the beaten track, is it?

Nera: Um, d-do you think that old gentleman is a real g-ghost?

Nera: I was hoping I might have misheard.

Nera: A haunted old museum... Hardly the kind of place most people would be happy about going inside.

Rex: So is that old man dead, then?

Rex: The knick-knackatory? That sounds like fun!

Poppy: What a funny old man, with his funny-looking halo and his funny old stick.

Poppy: Maybe he's not properly dead yet.

Sancho: Ees no easy to run a museum, you know.

Sancho: But thees old señor, he esees very well, no? He knows what we are carrying estraight away.

Tuppence: Hmm. We already have quite a lot on our plates as it is, really.

Tuppence: But if agreeing to this means we take control of such a fabulous building, we can't possibly say no!

Bianca: We've got our own agenda, so we can't very well go travellin' about the place huntin' out souvenirs the whole time.

Bianca: Still, if we just happen to come across a few along our way, then I dun't see that doin' any harm.

Nera: I should think most people would question a strange proposition like that.

Rex: Sancho always told us we should do what we could to help people in need.

Rex: That old man's not exactly a person any more because he's a ghost and everything, but maybe we should still lend a hand?

Poppy: The museum, or knick-knackatory as he calls it, obviously means a lot to him. That's why he can't tear himself away.

Sancho: Ees true. For thees old señor to find the knick-knacks heemself, ees gonna be very hard. Harder than when he was alive, even.

Sancho: You no theenk we eshould help heem?

Tuppence: Ooh, that old man's eyes were so distant! That's quite a trick!

Bianca: A hidden treasure in a castle! That sounds like fun! We should go and have a look, Hero.

Nera: If the old man was unable to find it, I'm a bit doubtful as to whether we'll have any more luck.

Rex: King Dominicus's Dominion... I thought that place was just famous for its chocolate medalliyums.

Poppy: Sancho: took us to King Dominicus's Dominion before. I don't remember hearing anything about a dream souvenir there, though.

Sancho: The castle of King Dominicus, ees no eso far from here, sí? Maybe we eshould go there and esee what we can find.

Tuppence: A dream souvenir... Wonderful! There's nothing like a good treasure hunt.

Bianca: D'you reckon this dream souvenir over at King Dominicus's Dominion can really be all that special? I'm startin' to get a bit curious now!

Nera: I wish we could bring it to him, I really do, but this dream souvenir of his is proving rather hard to find.

Rex: The old man's still standing there looking hopeful, even though he's dead and everything.

Rex: I feel a bit sorry for him, really. Shall we try and find that dream souvenir he keeps going on about, Dad?

Poppy: I think we should try to help the old man out a little, Dad.

Poppy: He'll never make his way to the Goddess with his dream unfulfilled like this.

Sancho: Ees eso esad to look at thees old señor when he ees eso unhappy. I, I... (blub)

Tuppence: A dream souvenir... Wonderful! There's nothing like a good treasure hunt.

Bianca: It's ours? This whole place is ours? I can hardly believe it!

Nera: He j-just... He went right through the d-door... I feel all giddy.

Nera: It's a delightful museum, but it does feel rather like it has a bit too much history to it.

Rex: The old man just disappeared! Let's go inside!

Poppy: The maxi medal was just causing problems for everyone back at King Dominicus's Dominion.

Poppy: And yet look how happy it made Old Man Nick Knack! I'll bet the medal itself feels much more contented here too.

Sancho: But friend. I no theenk ees the time for us to be playing the museum curator, no? We have muchos, muchos to do.

Tuppence: Good heavens! So now this museum is all miⓚⓛ Er, I mean, all yours, Hero. I'm rather envious, I must admit.

Bianca: So it's goodbye Old Man Nick Knack. He did so much for us here at the museum.

Bianca: Shame we didn't have enough time to thank him properly.

Nera: So the old man's spirit has finally made its way to the Goddess.

Nera: I'll miss him, but it's good that he's made his journey to the heavens at last.

Rex: He's gone! Does that mean we won't get to see him any more?

Poppy: Old Man Nick Knack may be no longer with us...

Poppy: But I can't help feeling that he's not too far away.

Sancho: Ees because of your efforts, My Majesty, that thees knick-knackatory ees esuch a fine place now.

Sancho: Thees old señor, now he can rest at last.

Tuppence: I always knew the time to say goodbye would be upon us one day.

Tuppence: But that doesn't stop it from being hard to come to terms with when it happens.

Bianca: Well, there's a turn-up! He just meant he was goin' off for a kip!

Nera: It's good that he's having a nice sleep, but... Ooh, this is all rather bemusing.

Rex: The old man seems to have forgotten he's a ghost!

Rex: He doesn't look like he'll be waking up for a while. But we can cope on our own now, right?

Poppy: I did feel like I could still sense his presence, but I didn't realise that was because he was still here!

Poppy: He's in such a deep sleep. Do you think it's okay that he's not making any moves to go to the Goddess?

Sancho: Sí, thees ees how you take the siesta!

Sancho: Now thees old señor, he ees esleeping, eet means you have become the real man, My Majesty.

Tuppence: I don't believe I've ever seen a snoring ghost before.

Debora: That's a decent-sized building. I wouldn't want to live here, though. There's nothing for miles around.

Debora: I see. He had work left undone when he died. That's why he became a ghost and couldn't leave the place.

Debora: If he wants to see it that much, why doesn't he just go and find it himself? He's a ghost now, so it's not like the journey would wear him out.

Debora: I don't like taking orders from anyone. Let's get out of here.

Debora: You're not planning on going in search of it, are you?

Debora: Fine, fine, if you insist. I'll come with you, but I'm not going to help you look.

Debora: Hm, that's odd. I was sure a little challenge like this would be just your cup of tea.

Debora: A dream souvenir... Sounds like a bit of a pain, but shall we see if we can find it?

Debora: Museum curator? It'd better not be too much work.

Debora: Now that he's enlisted our help, it looks like his business here is done and he can finally leave.

Debora: Hmph! He could've picked his turn of phrase more carefully. I thought he meant he was gone for good when he said he was going to rest in peace.


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Tuppence: Waaah! Ghosts!

Bianca: The Order of Zugzwang!? Then they must've bin at the temple that time. I hope they're alright.

Nera: I'm sorry, darling. I'm just finding it hard to have a conversation with a ghost.

Rex: It's not our fault. It was already in a bad state when we found it.

Poppy: Is there no way we can make the tea set all nice again for him, Dad?

Sancho: There was a f-fine tea set een Gotha a l-long, long t-t-time ago.

Sancho: I n-no remember what h-happened to eet now. Maybe esomeone, they br-broke eet? Si... M-Maybe eet was djour cl-clumsy Uncle S-Sancho...

Tuppence: Waaah! Ghosts!

Bianca: The Order of Zugzwang!? Then they must've bin at the temple that time. I hope they're alright.

Nera: I'm sorry, darling. I'm just finding it hard to have a conversation with a ghost.

Rex: I'm not scared of ghosts if they're all like him!

Poppy: The Count wants us to help him. What's this tea set he's on about, though? Do you think it's here in the castle somewhere?

Sancho: Uf. Thees c-count, hees esoul can n-no rest, eh?

Tuppence: Waaah! Ghosts!

Bianca: Do you think it's really okay for us to get hold of a crown like this? I dun't feel worthy!

Nera: A p-p-present from a ghost. How l-lovely...

Rex: (sniff sniff)

Rex: It's okay! I was thinking it might be a bit stinky because it's so old, but it's actually not too bad.

Poppy: Don't give that crown to me, will you? I'm worried I'll stop growing if I wear something too heavy on my head .

Sancho: Uf! Ees a f-fine article, eh, chico? Djou m-must look after eet, okay?

Tuppence: Waaah! Ghosts!

Bianca: It's funny seein' the flash of light when he's angry at you sayin' no! Takes me back to the last time we met him!

Rex: Did the Count make that flash of light? It's a bit mean of him to do that just because he didn't like our answer.

Poppy: That tea set used to belong here in the castle, right? But now it's got into a bad way.

Poppy: I thought you were supposed to keep precious things like that safe, though. Don't all adults know that?

Tuppence: Waaah! Ghosts!

Bianca: Well, we can hardly accept responsibility for that now, can we?

Nera: What a shame they've been disappointed!

Rex: It must be a bit rubbish being dead. I'll have to be careful it doesn't happen to me.

Poppy: Don't the Count and Countess need to go and be with the Goddess? Or are they just going to stay here forever?

Tuppence: You can't taste anything when you're dead? How tiresome! I'll have to make sure I eat and drink as many delicious things as I can while I'm alive, then.

Bianca: Fancy comin' back here! Dun't you worry, though.

Bianca: I still en't forgotten how good it was to come explorin' here with you when we were kids.

Nera: If there was a castle like this near Mostroferrato, I know I would've had to explore it when I was little.

Nera: Oops! I'd better not let the children hear me say things like that.

Rex: Do you know this place, Dad? That's cool! Maybe I should go off adventuring of a night, too!

Bianca: Oi! I dun't think so! Your dad and I only came here adventurin' for good reason, I'll have you know.

Rex: Huh!

Poppy: I can hear the little birds singing. They're saying that all is well here at the castle now.

Sancho: I n-no believe djou and Bianca:, djou w-went out of the town alone like thees all those djears ago, chico.

Sancho: But ees okay. Ees n-no esomething to be a-angry about now. Ees t-too long ago. And djou are n-no the muchacho djou were then.

Sancho: I n-never came to thees place weeth señor Pankraz. I believed ees j-just an old ruin.

Tuppence: Are there ghosts here?

Tuppence: I suppose I'd consider a beautiful female ghost if I had to. You can't accuse me of being closed-minded.

Bianca: I reckon it was the bad ghosts that made it so scary last time. Walkin' around now, even of a night, dun't scare me at all.

Nera: You and Bianca came adventuring here in the middle of the night once, didn't you? I wish I'd been there.

Rex: I reckon Poppy and I are big and brave enough to explore somewhere like this on our own!

Poppy: When you were here as a boy, there were lots of evil ghosts, weren't there? How scary!

Sancho: Djou and Bianca:, djou c-came here to thees place een the m-m-middle of the night, si? When djou were j-just a leettle muchacho.

Sancho: Djou know, I b-believed djou were a well-behaved djoung boy, but no. Djou are tr-truly the eson of señor Pankraz. I, I am eso h-h-happy!

Tuppence: Brrr... There's a bit of a chill in the air here. Oh... I'm the only one feeling it, am I?

Bianca: I can't sense anything sinister here now. That's a relief.

Rex: It'd be really fun to come exploring here just with kids of my own age.

Bianca: The place looks a bit tidier than the last time we came, eh? Maybe those two lovebirds fixed it up a bit.

Bianca: We did a good job of rescuin' Saber by comin' here all those years back. I couldn't have done it without you, Hero.

Nera: Old buildings always have a certain smell to them. Maybe it's just mould, I don't know. But it's not a bad smell.

Nera: I can't imagine how worried I'd be at the thought of Rex and Poppy here all alone.

Nera: You'd be worried too, right? That's probably just how Pankraz felt when you came here as a boy.

Rex: Are all the bad ghosts gone now? If I see any, I'll soon send them packing!

Rex: Look! There's a huge spider's web up there. Wow! It looks amazing.

Rex: We don't have any ghosts in Gotha. It would be fun if we did.

Rex: I reckon I could stay undiscovered here for ages if we had a game of hide-and-seek.

Poppy: This castle's not scary. Not now all the nasty ghosts have gone away.

Poppy: There are so many stairs and corridors here. I'm worried I'm going to get lost.

Poppy: You did well here, Dad. The people seem really grateful to you.

Poppy: My favourite castle of all is Gotha, of course. That's where all my friends are. And it's much warmer than here, too.

Sancho: Djou no think ees a r-really beeg castle? Ees like a g-giant paella. Ees a w-waste to leave eet.

Sancho: To restore thees c-c-castle to eets f-former glory, ees gonna take muchos, muchos time, eh? Si. Many, many djears.

Tuppence: Tuppence: Castle... No, not grand enough. Great Tuppence: Castle? Hmm... I know! I could call it Tupptaten Towers!

Tuppence: Sorry! I was just trying to figure out what name I'll give my castle in the future.

Tuppence: Watch where you're walking, won't you, Hero? The floorboards might be a bit weak in places.

Rex: It's funny to find a house hidden in the woods like this.

Rex: Wow! Did you hear that, Dad? You can get to the Realm of the Faeries from here!

Rex: You spent some time with a faerie once, didn't you, Dad? That means you must be able to see them!

Sancho: Uf! Now ees a f-forest we g-get lost een? Thees quest, ees n-no easy, eh?

Tuppence: So if I can find my way through this forest, that'll prove that I'm someone special. Right then!

Rex: Ha ha! We've already been to the Realm of the Faeries!

Sancho: I hope ees n-no eso hard to g-g-go there thees time.

Poppy: I saw a funny shadow just then. You don't think...?

Tuppence: It's funny how she remembers being a little girl. I don't remember being a little boy. I suppose I must've been in Gotha.

Poppy: Does that mean you can't see faeries any more when you grow up? If that's true, I never want to grow up!

Rex: This forest goes on forever! It'd be a never-ending job looking after all these trees.

Rex: Hang on! Which way did we come from again? Can you remember, Dad?

Rex: You've met a faerie before, right, Dad? What was she like? Was she taller than me?

Rex: And could she fly? Did she have wings? Do you think she'd be my friend? Tell me everything!

Poppy: The trees here in the forest are saying that they never let bad people through, but we're good, right?

Poppy: My hair ribbon's come undone again. It keeps getting caught on the branches of the trees.

Poppy: Look! Over there! ...Oh. It's disappeared.

Sancho: M-Maybe ees gonna take a l-long time to get out of thees f-forest, no? Now I weesh I p-pack the c-c-cold paella.

Sancho: Djou know, once señor P-Pankraz, he eshow me the way to g-get out of the maze. But ees n-no gonna work here, I think.

Sancho: Ees m-muchos dangerous eef djou r-r-run around weeth n-no purpose. Djou must t-take eet eslow now.

Tuppence: My life of brilliance is about to start right here! You have to guide us through this forest, Hero!

Tuppence: That's odd. This path looks rather familiar. I do hope you're concentrating, Hero!

Rex: I've heard about the Realm of the Faeries from Sancho:. Do you know much about it, Dad?

Rex: I don't know what Mum looks like, but I'll bet she's even more beautiful than the Faerie Queen!

Poppy: I'd really love to live in the Realm of the Faeries.

Poppy: Is there a land for faeries and a land for monsters? Um, which one do you think this is?

Poppy: Um, is it okay if we go and play in the Realm of the Faeries again soon, Dad?

Sancho: We n-no have anything to do here in the forest, eh, chico? We leave now, okay?

Sancho: Djou must n-no lose thees f-faerie horn, okay?

Sancho: Esometimes djou have the c-careless moment, eh, chico? Ees true, si?

Tuppence: Treacle was quite a beauty. I should imagine the Faerie Queen must be exquisite.

Tuppence: Imagine how envious people would be if one married a faerie. Yes, what an idea! A faerie bride...

Rex: I reckon I know all the paths through here now. How about you, Dad?

Rex: It's okay. I know we have to keep the thing with the gold bauble a secret from the faeries.

Rex: They've all been such a big help to us. We'd better make sure we do our best.

Poppy: Do you think that I'll still be able to see faeries when I grow up if I make sure I behave myself and I'm good all the time?

Sancho: Eef ees p-possible to t-turn back time, ees...

Sancho: No. Ees n-no important. Come. We go, okay?

Bianca: This is a pretty dense forest, eh? You can hardly see the sky at all.

Bianca: Ouch! I've got a crick in my neck from lookin' up so much!

Nera: The air smells so fresh inside a forest. I wonder how far this one stretches on for.

Nera: So only the children could see the faerie the first time you were here? How interesting!

Rex: Over by the bonfire, Dad! We should go and have a look.

Poppy: I saw her! I just saw a faerie over there by the bonfire! Can we go and talk to her?

Sancho: Ees esome kind of g-game? Si. I remember djou like to p-play like thees when djou are djoung, chico.

Tuppence: Yes, I, er, I saw it, too! Over by the bonfire... Er, it was a huge bearded man!

Tuppence: Yes, with six legs...and, er, four ears... Um, no, maybe it was two legs... Anyway, there's something there!

Sancho: Eh!? Ees n-no one there, b-but... Djou n-no hear a voice?

Sancho: My Majesty! Run! R-Run away before djou are k-k-keelled!

Tuppence: Hm? Did I hear a voice then, or am I just imagining things?

Rex: Did you see her that time, Dad? She made it so adults can see her, too.

Poppy: Are we going to Faerie Lea again? I love it there!

Tuppence: You can see her, can't you, Hero? It doesn't make sense! Why can't I? It's not fair!

Bianca: You had a little bit of an adventure with a faerie when you were a kid, din't you?

Bianca: You've certainly got your fair share of tales to tell, eh?

Nera: I saw her, too! I saw the faerie! She looks just like the faeries I saw all those years ago.

Rex: So is it different to the time you came before, or hasn't it changed much?

Rex: Oh. There used to be more faeries about? I wonder where they've all gone, then.

Rex: There only seem to be girl faeries. I feel like a bit of an intruder.

Poppy: The faeries and the monsters all get along fine together here. That's the way it should be.

Poppy: Is it always spring here? I'm sure that's not the only reason for the place having such a warm feel to it, though.

Sancho: Uf! I always know thees qu-quest of djours, eet ees hard, b-but I n-no think ees eso hard djou must tr-travel to the R-Realm of the Faeries.

Sancho: But djou know, ees n-no eso bad here, eh? Ees a v-very b-b-beautiful place.

Bianca: It was the depths of winter when you came here as a boy, eh, Hero? It's hard to imagine it now.

Bianca: Thanks for bringin' me here. I always wanted to see the Realm of the Faeries.

Nera: This place looks exactly like a picture I saw in a book once when I was a child.

Nera: Poppy: seems to really like books. I'll have to find it and read it to her one day.

Nera: Thank you, darling. I was just thinking how I'd love to visit the Realm of the Faeries.

Bianca: Dwarfs make all kinds of things, eh? They're pretty impressive creatures by all accounts.

Poppy: That slime looked really cute, don't you think?

Poppy: I knew you'd agree, Dad! You see things like that.

Poppy: Oh. You think all slimes look the same? That's weird.

Bianca: It's funny to think that you came to a place like this all them years ago. I wish I could've come with you.

Rex: So you really did used to be a little boy. Does that mean Sancho: was small once, too?

Sancho: Eh, chico! I n-no tell djou then that djou must st-stay eenside the town? But djou c-come eso far away to thees p-place.

Sancho: Qué? Djou c-come here from eenside our house!?

Rex: Is Treacle a friend of yours, Dad? I'd like to meet her if she is.

Tuppence: Aah. Faeries really are rather sweet, aren't they?

Tuppence: Aah. All of these faeries are just so incredibly sweet!

Rex: So she wasn't the queen, then?

Rex: So when we blow this horn, we get to meet the Queen? Will you let me blow it, Dad? Pleeease!

Poppy: There are so many faeries here! Do you think I might be able to make friends with some of them?

Poppy: Ooh, what a pretty horn! Is it some kind of musical instrument? I wonder what kind of music it plays.

Sancho: Ees all c-connected, si? Djou help esomeone e-een the past, and now they h-help djou.

Rex: Did you hear that!? So there really is a Zenithian castle out there somewhere! We have to find it, Dad!

Poppy: I'm not very good when it comes to heights. I should be okay in the castle, but I'm not too sure about the stairway...

Sancho: Thees señorita ees eso djoung, but she r-rules thees place eso well.

Tuppence: Mmm... Treacle. She really is terribly sweet.

Rex: Treacle's got such a lovely smile, and she's so friendly. I wonder if Mum's like her.

Rex: When you get the chance, will you tell me all about what happened here in the past? I really want to know!

Poppy: Treacle's clothes are so beautiful. If only I could try on some clothes like that.

Sancho: Thees señorita ees eso djoung, but she r-rules thees place eso well.

Sancho: My Majesty, we no have anything m-more to do here, no? Ees time to leave?

Tuppence: Mmm... Treacle. She really is terribly sweet.

Bianca: D'you think you're really supposed to climb up into the heavens to get to Zenithia?

Bianca: I think it looks quite good floatin' about in the middle of the sky like it is at the minute, personally.

Nera: It looks like we were wrong about peace being restored to the world just by the Zenith Dragon being resurrected.

Rex: Everybody wants peace, don't they? I'll do my best, as long as you stick by me, Dad.

Poppy: Peace doesn't mean a world without monsters, right? Peace will be when we can all live together in harmony.

Sancho: Anda! Everyone, they esay n-nothing but p-peace, peace, peace. But ees n-no easy to find the peace, djou know?

Tuppence: So the lovely Treacle is praying, too! Ooh, I feel better already! I'm raring to go now!

Poppy: I'm going to make friends with some faeries just like you have, Dad. And one day, we'll all go off adventuring together.

Sancho: Ees amazing... Djou r-really c-came here when djou were eso djoung, eh, chico?

Sancho: Djour father, señor Pankraz, he w-was also the escape artist when he was djoung, but ees n-nothing compared to djou!

Tuppence: Your Majesty! You absolutely must introduce me to that delightful creature!

Rex: Was Honey a bit more chatty the last time you met her, Dad?

Rex: I'll bet she's being quiet now to show respect to Treacle.

Poppy: Treacle... Honey... Sherbet... Faeries' names are all so sweet, don't you think?

Bianca: There are all sorts of odd places dotted about the world, eh?

Nera: You look a bit disappointed, darling. Was your last adventure with Honey really that much fun?

Rex: Do you think all of the faeries obey what the Queen says? If it were me, I'd probably sneak off there when no one was looking.

Poppy: That's good, Dad. It's nice that Honey has good memories of your adventure together, too.

Rex: Just the idea of staying the night in the Realm of the Faeries is really exciting!

Poppy: We'd probably all have lovely dreams if we stayed the night here, don't you think, Dad?

Poppy: I wish I could live in a room like this.

Bianca: What's goin' on with that wall? The more times I look at it, the more odd it seems.

Nera: We're inside a tree, and yet it's like being in the water. Just what you'd expect from a faerie's home, I suppose! Full of illusions.

Poppy: The walls and the stairs are all watery! Faeries are so amazing!

Rex: The Faerie Palace is pretty deep into the woods, isn't it?

Poppy: I really like being out in nature, with trees and water all around. It just makes me feel good.

Sancho: Djou are l-like djour father, si? Djou n-no have the sense of rheethm and djou n-no can sing, si?

Sancho: But thees horn, ees m-made by the faeries. Ees okay. Anyone, they can make eet work.

Rex: Everybody wants peace, don't they? I'll do my best, as long as you stick by me, Dad.

Poppy: Peace doesn't mean a world without monsters, right? Peace will be when we can all live together in harmony.

Sancho: Anda! Everyone, they esay n-nothing but p-peace, peace, peace. But ees n-no easy to find the peace, djou know?

Bianca: Where d'you think the feather came from? I didn't think faeries had wings.

Nera: So faerie quills really do exist! I always thought they were just made up in books.

Rex: Hey, that's pretty cool. I reckon I might even be able to knuckle down and study if I had something like this to write with!

Poppy: I can spell some really difficult words, you know, so you could let me use that quill sometime if you wanted.

Tuppence: This must've been made by pulling a feather out of some poor creature's back. Dear me!

Bianca: I get it. You have to use the quill with the right kind of ink, then.

Rex: Oh! I can't wait to have a go at using this quill!

Poppy: Um, Dad, it might be better not to let Rex use the quill, you know.

Poppy: It's just, he's always breaking normal pens, and they're much stronger. I don't know how he does it!

Bianca: The walls and the stairs feel all watery, and yet you dun't get wet when you touch 'em. It's all very weird.

Poppy: There's water everywhere, but it doesn't feel cold. I suppose that's because it's spring water. I mean, water in the spring!

Sancho: I n-never get used to thees f-f-floating estairs. The estairs, they must be firm, djou know. Si. V-Very, very firm.

Rex: You know Dwight and that slime, don't you, Dad? Sometimes it feels like you know everyone in the whole world!

Poppy: I wouldn't mind living in a cave if I had a slime to keep me company. ...But maybe it's not such a good idea.

Tuppence: So this Dwight character killed his grandfather? No? Barking up the wrong tree, am I?

Tuppence: It amounts to the same thing, as far as I can see.

Bianca: That's got me thinkin'. I wonder if Mum died because someone made her worry too much...

Rex: Well, it's fun travelling around with lots of different characters, right, Dad?

Poppy: Dwight never says very much, though. It's a bit of a shame, really.

Poppy: His grandad is definitely happy for him. He's really very fond of Dwight.

Sancho: Thees s-señor Dwight, he ees esharp l-like the machete. I believe he ees a v-valuable comrade and a f-f-fine matador.

Tuppence: Ha! Only because he'll more than likely come to some harm on his travels!

Tuppence: The old man couldn't stand Dwight, could he? No? Barking up the wrong tree, am I?

Bianca: He's got a nerve, callin' us funny! Still, it's refreshin' to hear someone speak their mind, eh?

Nera: There's nothing wrong with a young man having a bit of spirit like that. Rex's so well-behaved.

Rex: Hey! Are you saying you'd rather have a kid who's more like Dwight?

Nera: Don't be silly, dear! You know you and Poppy are my favourite people in all the world. Along with your father, of course.

Rex: It'll be fun to see how Dwight behaves on the battlefield, won't it, Dad? Ha ha!

Poppy: Did you beat Dwight in a fight once, Dad?

Poppy: Phew! Then I don't have to worry about him being around as long as you're here, too.

Sancho: Anda! I was n-no expecting thees!

Tuppence: He's just going to be lumped in with the other monsters though, correct? He won't be part of your select elite like I am.

Rex: That's weird. How come Dwight couldn't join us? Have we got too many monsters already?

Poppy: To be honest, I'm quite relieved. Dwight gives me the creeps for some reason.

Rex: You should always say please when you ask someone a favour, right, Dad?

Poppy: You're not cold! You're just doing what's best for us, aren't you, Dad?

Sancho: Thees s-señor, he ees f-full of garbanzos, si? Djou n-no want heem to j-join us? Ees good to have esuch a f-fiery fighter. Si, fiery like a jalapeño.

Tuppence: The cheek of it! How dare he address the King of Gotha with such insolence?

Rex: Dwight's pretty wild, isn't he? The way he fights has to be seen to be believed!

Poppy: Do you think Dwight had fun travelling about with us? I don't find him as scary as I used to.

Sancho: Ees g-good for us to have esomeone eso djoung weeth us, no? Djour Uncle S-Sancho:, he n-no the djoung espring pollo he was before, djou know.

Tuppence: Hmph! I won't allow that Dwight character to outshine me!

Bianca: Well, we've got quite a fighter back on the team, eh?

Nera: I'll have to stay on my toes now if I don't want Dwight to make fun of me.

Rex: Oh! Isn't Dwight going to be able to tag along? That's a shame.

Poppy: I really like all the monsters you've had join the party so far, Dad.

Poppy: So it'd be tricky to decide on someone to leave behind just so Dwight could take their place.

Tuppence: You have plenty of good hardy fighters on side already, Hero. There's no need to stoop to the likes of that Dwight character.

Bianca: Huh? How come he couldn't join us?

Nera: Oh dear. Dwight's certainly rather quick to throw in the towel, isn't he?

Rex: So Dwight moved back here! We should come back sometime and invite him to join us again.

Sancho: Chico! Djou n-no learn these b-bad habits from me, djou know! Ees n-no good to esay 'no' all the time. No, no, no.

Sancho: Djou m-must have the faith and answer 'si'. But ees n-no my fault eef djou esometimes f-f-find djourself een trouble because of thees, okay?

Tuppence: I thought we parted with Dwight back over at Monty's.

Tuppence: And yet here he is back in his cave. I suppose you have to admire him for making that journey all by himself.

Bianca: You shouldn't tease him like that, Hero! Surely he can come along?

Nera: If the wagon was full, he'd end up having to go to Monty's, though.

Nera: Do you think he'd really be alright with that?

Bianca: What is it about caves? They're always so cold and damp, the whole world over.

Bianca: You en't never spent a long stretch of time livin' in one place, right, Hero?

Bianca: Nope, you've bin on the road for pretty much all your life so far.

Bianca: Eh? You lived at the Crocodilopolis? Ha! You can hardly call that livin'! ...Sorry. I didn't mean to bring back bad memories.

Bianca: We should get a wriggle on to Nadiria if we're done and dusted here.

Bianca: We're the sort of guardians of the legendary hero, after all. It wouldn't do for us to distract him too much.

Nera: It's good to be able to walk around without fear in such a dank, cold place, isn't it?

Nera: Waah!

Nera: Sorry! There was some kind of furry insect by my foot. It took me by surprise, that's all.

Nera: We should really try to move on if you're ready to, darling. We don't have much time.

Rex: You came here when you were little, right, Dad? With that faerie friend of yours.

Rex: You're so lucky! It'd be so much fun to go off adventuring with a faerie.

Rex: Now we're here, we should explore every nook and cranny. I want to see everything you saw when you were here last.

Rex: So this is where you came to find 'Lots about Locks'...

Rex: If only you still had the book with you now. I'd love to know what was in it.

Poppy: I thought this cave would be so much nicer, what with it being in the Faerie Realm and everything.

Poppy: I imagined flowers all over the walls, and lots of shiny things everywhere. Hmph.

Poppy: I've never got lost in a cave before.

Poppy: But Rex gets lost all the time. He just wanders on in without giving any thought to how to get back out again.

Poppy: Whenever I walk through a cave, I always wonder what would happen if the sun suddenly shone right into the middle of it.

Poppy: It would certainly give everyone a shock, wouldn't it?

Sancho: Ah, ees another cave. Si, si... When I tr-travelled weeth s-señor Pankraz, we explored een m-m-many, many caves.

Sancho: Djou know, ees n-no eso easy to t-take a djoung bebé weeth djou when djou are tr-travelling. Si, señor Pankraz, he was eso t-tough. Eso macho.

Sancho: Esometimes now, chico, djou look j-just like djour father, señor P-Pankraz.

Sancho: Si. Djou have gr-grown eento a f-f-fine man now, My Majesty.

Sancho: Ees n-no good to be een a c-c-cave like thees where ees n-n-no action, djou know. I estart to ch-chatter like the castanets.

Tuppence: The monsters around here are rather puny. I could fight these fellows off with one hand tied behind my back!

Tuppence: I wouldn't turn down a bit of assistance if things took a dangerous turn, mind you.

Tuppence: There don't appear to be any faeries here. Shall we be heading off, then?

Rex: Look, Dad! It's a Treasures & Trapdoors board!

Rex: I love T 'n' T just as much as you do! Is that why you brought me here?

Poppy: Have you got a T 'n' T ticket, Dad? I'd love to have a go!

Poppy: Of course! We've got a free pass so we can play as many times as we like! That's okay, right?

Poppy: Hmm. This is a tricky one. I wonder which way to move.

Sancho: When I ees travelling weeth señor Pankraz, we find many boards of T 'n' T. But we never estop to play, djou know.

Sancho: I no put the espoon in. Ees good. Ees l-like the fiesta. Sancho:, he likes the fiesta almost as m-much as the paella!

Tuppence: This is a big T 'n' T board. Quite an achievement for whoever built it, I'd say.

Tuppence: You must let me try, Hero! I've got lucky fingers, you know. I'll win us something good, trust me!

Bianca: I'm not really very good at T 'n' T. I never seem to roll a good throw.

Bianca: It can't hurt to let our hair down every once in a while. We could have a game here before movin' on, eh?

Nera: I absolutely adore T 'n' T. It's so much fun rolling the dice!

Nera: It's a shame that only one of us can go up on the board. It's so tense having to watch from the sidelines!

Rex: You defeated a bad monster here once, didn't you, Dad? You're cool!

Poppy: Has that skeleton been left here all on his own? Poor thing!

Sancho: Djou can walk all around thees b-board, si? Ees a good idea to esee what djou must do b-before djou estart the game, no?

Rex: Wow! He made this place all on his own?

Poppy: Wouldn't it have been easier to build some stairs so he could get out, rather than building a T 'n' T board?

Sancho: Thees man, he make esomething from nothing, eh? Ees a g-good quality, thees.

Tuppence: Some people would have probably just given up the ghost if they fell down a hole like that.

Tuppence: We're lucky that it was someone like him instead. Now, let's have some fun!

Bianca: He certainly rolls with the times, eh? Fancy buildin' a T 'n' T board just because he got stuck in a hole!

Nera: It's understandable that he felt the need to do something to ease his boredom. I was so bored I could have cried during those years as a statue.


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Bianca: Oh, I get it. So all the cleanin' and stuff gets done of a night.

Bianca: Gotta keep all the exhibits nice and tidy, eh? Folk come a long way to see 'em, after all.

Nera: When I start cleaning or tidying, I never know when to stop.

Nera: I find it so engrossing, so fulfilling. It's almost like I'm cleansing my own soul as I go.

Rex: Is this huge museum all yours now, Dad? Wow!

Poppy: This cloth smells quite nice.

Sancho: You know, the housework, ees esometheeng your Uncle Sancho: ees very good at.

Tuppence: Er, I'm rather busy polishing my sword skills at the moment to start polishing anything else.

Bianca: I often used to help out with flower arrangements and the like back when we ran that inn in Roundbeck.

Bianca: I s'pose it's a bit different to sortin' out museum exhibits, though, eh?

Nera: You should lay things out just as you want them.

Nera: There's no right or wrong way to do it, so just go with your instincts.

Rex: I'd collect all kinds of weird things and turn the place into a really good, fun museum.

Rex: What kind of plans have you got for it, Dad?

Poppy: Looks like we can't do much here during the day. I'm a bit scared of being in a big museum at night, though.

Sancho: You know what people esay... You can tell muchos about a person by the way he arranges hees theengs.

Sancho: I know you make the beautiful exhibits, friend. Ees no question een my mind.

Tuppence: Sounds like we can only exhibit regional souvenirs. That's a bit of a shame.

Bianca: Does he mean that he charges different entrance fees to different people?

Bianca: He's a cheeky old thing, eh? Pretty clever with it, mind!

Nera: I suppose you have to make the most of the money you pay out. He should have a good look at all the exhibits.

Rex: I didn't realise the entrance fee was that pricey.

Poppy: He's probably decided to stay as long as he can so that he can get his money's worth.

Sancho: Ees a beeg place, sí? I believe eet takes muchos garbanzos for upkeeping. Sí, muchos, muchos garbanzos.

Tuppence: People who take the money take the money. And people who want to stay in the same spot stay in the same spot. Simple as that.

Bianca: That's a bit serious, en't it? Employin' a security guard and everythin'!

Nera: A security guard? Yes, I suppose it makes sense. It would be terrible if things we went to so much effort to collect were stolen.

Rex: I wonder if the person he employed was surprised when he saw what Old Man Nick Knack was like.

Poppy: You're really clever at collecting valuable items, Dad!

Sancho: I hope to the Goddess there are no problems here. But you know, esometimes the bad theengs, they come for us all.

Tuppence: I worked as a guard at the castle, as you know.

Tuppence: But travelling with you is my best job yet, Hero!

Bianca: It's good that we're gettin' more and more customers, eh?

Bianca: It was always nice to see lots of customers back when we ran the inn too.

Nera: That must be the receptionist there. This place is becoming more like a proper museum every day! Rex: I wonder if the person he employed was surprised when he saw what Old Man Nick Knack was like.

Poppy: Oh! I wanted to be the receptionist. It'd be fun welcoming people to the museum.

Sancho: Sí. Eef the clientes, they are eseeing thees old espirit when they arrive, ees no eso good for business.

Tuppence: Now we can relax in the knowledge that things will run themselves. Not that the old man wasn't doing a splendid job, of course.

Bianca: It'll be good if she brings in more customers. I just hope that's the only reason he's put her there!

Nera: Old Man Nick Knack's gone a little red in the face. Or am I just imagining it?

Rex: So it'll get busier now we've got a young woman in reception? What would happen if we had a man?

Poppy: The way Old Man Nick Knack's behaving... Is that what you'd call love-struck?

Sancho: Sí, sí. The young señorita, eshe makes a beeg difference to how the place feels, no? Ees esomehow much more...happy.

Tuppence: Oh! Let me man reception with her! ...Sorry. Forget I said a word.

Bianca: She's a breath of fresh air, eh? Most girls of her type want to become dancin' girls and the like.

Nera: It's important to throw yourself into whatever interests you have. That's how people really shine.

Rex: I wonder what I'm crazy about. Let me see...

Rex: Hmph! Now I'm confused. There are far too many things to choose from.

Poppy: Her eyes were really shiny. She must be ever so happy about getting her job.

Sancho: Thees señorita, eshe ees young, but eshe ees esuch a good woman.

Tuppence: It's lovely to see someone so passionate about something. She's practically aglow with excitement!

Bianca: Looking at her reminds me of when we used to run the inn.

Bianca: I often used to welcome the customers just like she's doin' now.

Nera: One of the fundamentals of business is greeting your customers with a smile. That's what Papa says.

Rex: She's really getting into it, isn't she? We'd better make sure we pull our weight too.

Poppy: The museum suddenly feels a lot brighter now that Sue Veneer's working here.

Sancho: The chance to work here, ees worth more to thees señorita than the exhibits themselves, no?

Tuppence: What a sweet voice she has. Consider me her secret admirer!

Bianca: We'd better try and find somethin' to put on show, eh? He's trusted us with this place, after all.

Nera: Yes, it's not much of a museum without any exhibits, I suppose.

Rex: Don't you think we should put something on display, Dad? The old man seems a bit unhappy.

Poppy: I know! Why don't we put lots of things on display tonight and give Old Man Nick Knack a nice surprise?

Sancho: Ees a waste, no? The place, ees eso empty.

Tuppence: It's such a huge building. There are so many things you could do with it apart from making it a museum.

Tuppence: I'd turn it into my own delicious-looking castle. ...Oops! Listen to me getting carried away!

Bianca: He has a point. It's no good worryin' about how things are laid out if we don't have much to lay out in the first place.

Nera: I'm afraid I can't help becoming preoccupied with how to display things, even when we don't have much to display in the first place. Rex: It's fun trying to collect lots of exhibits. Let's go off hunting for some more!

Poppy: I hope we manage to find lots of souvenirs to put on display.

Sancho: Ees no important eef you have many exhibits or no eso many. The fun, ees een making your own especial collection, sí?

Tuppence: The more things we can find, the merrier. Variety is the spice of life and all that.

Bianca: Yeah, but it would be nice if people did come flockin' to see after all the effort we've gone to, eh?

Nera: I can hardly wait until we start to see the customers flooding in!

Rex: I hope we get lots of customers soon.

Poppy: How do you suppose he's started the news spreading, what with being a ghost and everything?

Sancho: When people talk, eet espreads like the wild fires, you know. I believe you gonna have many, many clientes esoon.

Tuppence: I should think the fact that a ghostly old man has been spreading rumours about the place is enough of a rumour in itself!

Bianca: It certainly makes the place look nice and pretty, but it might not be everyone's cup of tea.

Nera: It's unusual for a museum to only display one thing. I'm not so sure it's a good idea, though.

Rex: Looking at so many desert roses reminds me of being in the desert. Now I feel all hot and bothered!

Poppy: It's nice and spiritual just having natural things on display. I like our museum just the way it is.

Sancho: Sí, sí. Ees many roses. Many, many roses. Ees, er...time for felicitations...sí?

Tuppence: The old man looks a bit pinched there. I'd say he's none too pleased with you, Hero.

Bianca: The place is more like a chocolate medalliyum sweet shop than a museum!

Nera: We'll have to be careful not to let the sweet smell go to our heads.

Rex: You like chocolate, don't you, Dad? I can't get enough of it!

Poppy: How much did you spend on all that chocolate, Dad? Don't you think it was a bit of a waste?

Sancho: I no esure. For me, these exhibits, they esmell only like money. Like the chocolate garbanzos!

Tuppence: I can feel my teeth decaying just from looking at them all!

Bianca: This place does look more like a ship in a bottle museum than a knick-knackatory, that's for sure.

Nera: Old Man Nick Knack doesn't look too happy. Maybe this wasn't quite what he had in mind.

Rex: I wanted to see what it would look like if we filled the place with ships in bottles. It's fun!

Poppy: I don't mind ships in bottles, but it would be nice to put some prettier things on display.

Sancho: I no esure. For me, these exhibits, they esmell only like money. Like the chocolate garbanzos!

Tuppence: Well, we've managed to wind Old Man Nick Knack up, eh?

Tuppence: Oh! That wasn't your intention? Oops. Sorry, my mistake.

Bianca: I wonder how many souvenirs there are out there for us to collect.

Nera: We have lots of pedestals left to display things on, so there must be lots more souvenirs out there for us to find.

Rex: Wouldn't it be amazing if we could find something to display on every single pedestal?

Poppy: Old Man Nick Knack can be a bit childlike sometimes. I think he's cute!

Sancho: A true man, he no ever geeve up on esometheeng once he estarts.

Sancho: You must collect many, many esouvenirs, friend. And your Uncle Sancho, he weell help you.

Tuppence: He's a bit of a moaner at times, don't you think? It's not as if he's helping find things to display.

Bianca: It's depressin' hearin' him talk like that. It makes it feel like it'll be ages 'til we'll get the place all set.

Nera: If he just wants them all full, then I suppose we could oblige there, but I'm guessing he's a bit fussier than that.

Rex: It'd be cool if there was something on display on every pedestal. I'll help you do it, Dad!

Poppy: You won't let it take that long, will you, Dad?

Sancho: But we can no just forget everytheeng else and espend all our time finding the knick-knacks, you know.

Tuppence: Doesn't he realise how much hard work all this is for us? Honestly!

Bianca: Huh! You'd think he'd show a bit more gratitude for everythin' we've done so far, eh?

Nera: It's hard work finding things for the collection, but we should do our best to keep the visitors happy.

Rex: He only said it's starting to look like a real knick-knackatory. Does that mean it's still not actually a real one?

Poppy: He doesn't need to pester us like that. We were going to add to the collection anyway, right, Dad?

Sancho: Ees good thees señor, he ees eso excited by hees knicks and knacks, but you know, we have other theengs to do too, sí?

Tuppence: It's all very well just saying that. It's the doing that's the hard part.

Bianca: Looks like we're nearly there, eh? We've done a lot of work here. Just a bit more effort and we're finished.

Nera: The empty pedestals are looking all the more obvious now we have so many things on display. We're not far off now, though.

Rex: It won't be long now before we have something displayed on every single pedestal. It's pretty exciting stuff!

Poppy: I know you'll finish the collection in no time, Dad. You can do anything!

Sancho: We just take eet eslow, sí? Then I esure we gonna find the last few esouvenirs.

Tuppence: It's rather irritating still having empty pedestals dotted about, even though they're few and far between.

Bianca: The souvenirs we collected together are more precious to me than any price tag could make 'em.

Nera: Now it really is a proper museum! And it's all thanks to your hard work, darling.

Rex: Who decides how much the exhibits are worth, anyway? I think they're all really good.

Poppy: Every one of the exhibits on display here is valuable because of the effort the local people went to in making them.

Sancho: Now the aficionados, the experts of the knick-knacks, they gonna come to esee your collection, friend.

Tuppence: So there are still more regional souvenirs out there to collect!?

Tuppence: It's a big old world, isn't it?

Bianca: Yeah, I s'pose it's stupid not to put our valuable stuff out where the visitors can see it, eh?

Nera: The old man really took me by surprise, appearing in the gloom like that! I thought my heart was going to stop for a minute.

Rex: How come you put it there anyway, Dad? Don't you like it?

Poppy: He said he'd leave everything to us, but he can't help worrying about it, can he?

Sancho: Sí, but esometimes, you can no hold your tongue. Ees like when esomeone, they make the paella een the wrong way.

Tuppence: The spirit of an old man lurking in a museum storeroom... It's standard ghost story material, don't you think?

Bianca: So now he dun't like the way we've arranged things, eh? I wonder what's wrong with it.

Nera: I think poor Old Man Nick Knack is feeling rather troubled about having left the running of this place to us.

Rex: So we can't just exhibit things any old how? Museums are trickier to run than I thought.

Poppy: But we worked so hard at putting the exhibits together! I'm starting to think Old Man Nick Knack is a bit of a fusspot.

Sancho: Ees no esurprising, eh? We are no the experts.

Sancho: But we must try to make the displays eso all our guests, they can enjoy them.

Tuppence: I feel rather under pressure now, don't you?

Bianca: It would help if he told us what it was he was after, eh?

Nera: Hmm... I wonder how he wants us to arrange things, then.

Rex: I thought the visitors would like it like this. Looks like I was wrong.

Poppy: It really upsets me hearing people talk to you like that.

Sancho: Maybe we are no dedicated enough, you theenk?

Tuppence: How are we supposed to know what's going on in the old man's head? I ask you!

Bianca: He really had fixed ideas in his head when he planned this place, eh?

Nera: Perhaps we need to be more careful about deciding which items to display in which rooms.

Rex: But it's fun just displaying things wherever we want! It is your museum, after all.

Poppy: Does that mean we have to switch everything around? Oh! I thought we'd done a good job.

Sancho: I no realise thees before. The more ees the value of the exhibit, the more higher the floor we eshould put eet on display, sí?

Tuppence: If he's got fixed ideas about what goes where, then it would be helpful if he let us know at the beginning.

Bianca: This'll be the real moment of truth now. We have to do our best to make this place into a decent museum.

Nera: So now we need to consider the types of things we have on display... My head's starting to spin with all these different things to think about!

Rex: The museum's full of really cool exhibits, Dad! Even Old Man Nick Knack seems quite happy.

Poppy: Different types of visitors? I wonder what they'll be like.

Poppy: If we're going to change the displays, we'll have to collect up lots of good souvenirs first.

Sancho: Now the aficionados, the experts of the knick-knacks, they gonna come to esee your collection, friend.

Tuppence: Some of our visitors may be a little hard to please, so it's going to be hard figuring out which articles to put on display.

Bianca: The visitors are enjoyin' the place, but Old Man Nick Knack still en't quite happy, eh?

Nera: Honestly! It would help if he just told it like it is one of these days!

Rex: Looks like something's still troubling the old man. But the customers seem happy, so who cares?

Poppy: Is Old Man Nick Knack going blind? Or does he mean that he doesn't like what we've done?

Sancho: Thees old señor, he knows what he likes, eh?

Tuppence: I do wish the old man would just lay his cards on the table and tell us what the problem is.

Bianca: He certainly didn't hold back, eh! What a tirin' old fella he is!

Nera: So that's his problem. But choosing a layout comes down to personal preference. Everyone has their different ideas.

Rex: Old Man Nick Knack was scarier than a scary monster just then!

Poppy: Well, he might not like it, but I think the way you've arranged everything is really nice, Dad.

Sancho: Heh heh heh! Maybe he no theenk ees esuch a good idea to geeve to you thees museum now, eh, friend?

Sancho: But ees normal. You can no become an expert over the night, sí?

Tuppence: So now we see his true character! I think it was nicer to be blissfully ignorant.

Bianca: Ha ha! The old fella dun't act much like a ghost, eh?

Nera: Sunlight is a gift from above. It gives life to all sorts of creatures in our world.

Nera: I'm not sure what good it does for ghosts, mind you.

Rex: It's nice to see the sun shining. I feel all warm and sleepy now.

Poppy: It feels so nice and warm. I love the smell of the sun!

Sancho: Sí. Thees ees mañana. Ees very important. Ees good to relax esometimes, you know.

Tuppence: Zzz... Oh dear! I seem to have fallen asleep... Zzz...zzz...

Bianca: It's nice to see folk havin' a fun time of it. We did a good job here.

Nera: Seeing people's smiling faces is the best reward for our efforts there could ever be.

Rex: It feels great to give people a good time like this! Poppy: It was hard work figuring out how to display everything, but it was well worth it.

Sancho: Esuccess, ees a good feeling, sí?

Tuppence: After all the hard work you did, I should hope we have even more visitors come along to enjoy it.

Bianca: We've certainly got a rare old bunch of stuff on display at the moment, eh?

Bianca: It was worth all the effort, Hero.

Nera: That's what's so great about a museum. It gives people the opportunity to see things they would never normally come across.

Rex: There are so many different types of things to collect. This is really good fun!

Poppy: People who don't have much chance to travel can come here and feel like they've travelled the whole world.

Sancho: Sí. These exhibits, they eshow the cultures from all over the world. We have eso many different theengs here now.

Tuppence: I hadn't seen a lot of the things we have on display before myself. I wouldn't mind having a closer look when there's more time.

Bianca: Blimey! We must've done a good job for him to be so complimentary!

Nera: I think that's possibly the first time he's ever paid us a compliment!

Rex: Yay! Of course the place looks cool. My dad did it, that's why!

Poppy: I hope I grow up like you, Dad. You always try so hard, and you never give up.

Sancho: You have always been the hard worker, friend. Even from when you are esmall.

Tuppence: I'm sure part of his compliment there was directed at me for my efforts too. How embarrassing!

Bianca: She's pretty keen, eh? I dun't think we'll have any problems leavin' the reception to her.

Nera: Old Man Nick Knack did well employing her. She's certainly dedicated to the job.

Rex: She's really getting into it, isn't she? We'd better make sure we pull our weight too.

Poppy: The museum suddenly feels a lot brighter now that Sue Veneer's working here.

Sancho: Thees señorita, eshe ees young, but eshe ees esuch a good woman.

Tuppence: It's lovely to see someone so passionate about something. She's practically aglow with excitement!

Bianca: I s'pose we'd better have a look at that note next time we're thinkin' of exhibitin' somethin'.

Nera: Sue seems like a very studious type. It's good for Old Man Nick Knack to have someone to pass his ideas on to.

Rex: She's so lucky! If only we had that note, it would be much easier to know how to plan the exhibits.

Poppy: I wonder who decides what the different articles are worth. Do you think it's Old Man Nick Knack?

Sancho: I no realise thees before. The more ees the value of the exhibit, the more higher the floor we eshould put eet on display, sí?

Tuppence: So the more valuable items get a higher rating. Correct?

Bianca: New articles? Sounds like Old Man Nick Knack's hard at work findin' out stuff for us, eh?

Nera: Ooh. I wonder what these new articles might be.

Rex: Ooh! It'll be fun going off hunting for new items. I hope we find them soon!

Poppy: We should definitely try and find them if we can. Old Man Nick Knack went to all that effort to find out about them for us, after all.

Sancho: Eso there are more esouvenirs we no find yet. I hope we find them esoon.

Tuppence: More articles? Just how many of these souvenirs are there dotted about the world?

Bianca: That weren't our intention, eh? I wonder what it is we've done wrong.

Nera: Well, we didn't mean for him to feel that way. It looks like he's finding it rather hard to trust us now.

Rex: Oops. He doesn't sound happy. We should put something on display. One thing would probably be better than nothing.

Poppy: I'm sure you must have your reasons, Dad. He just can't understand them, that's all.

Sancho: Ees really hurting thees old señor to esee all these theengs een the storeroom, eh?

Tuppence: It's really not my place to question your reasoning. Nonetheless...

Bianca: He's certainly got high hopes, eh? We'll have to make sure we make a go of this place.

Nera: It sounds like he's hoping we'll fulfil his dream for him. Well, we'll try our best, won't we?

Rex: I'm really looking forward to seeing what you'll do with the place too!

Poppy: He he! So now you're a museum curator as well as a king!

Sancho: Thees maxi medal, ees estrange, sí? You no want to know more about eet?

Tuppence: You're the boss! Naturally, I'll support you in all of your endeavours.

Bianca: I'm sure you en't doin' this to try and wind him up...are you?

Bianca: Still, it's not much of a museum if it just has the same old thing on display all the way through.

Nera: We should probably try to exhibit a wider variety of things, I suppose. That's how museums usually work.

Rex: I quite like how it is now, but I suppose we have to think about our visitors too.

Poppy: It looks more like a shop than a museum at the moment.

Sancho: Maybe ees better eef we change esome theengs to make thees old señor happy, no?

Tuppence: If this is what suits your fancy, then you should keep it as it is. There's no hard and fast rule when it comes to museums.

Bianca: You can't help but find him endearin', even though he is a grumpy old soul.

Nera: The old man probably never had to deal with this kind of thing before.

Rex: Thank the Goddess we've got a bit of advance warning! It could be quite scary having him jump out on you unannounced.

Poppy: You may be in charge of the museum now, Dad, but I think you still have to try and listen to what Old Man Nick Knack wants.

Sancho: We no do thees to make thees señor unhappy. Ees no need to escare us.

Tuppence: I thought he was just a harmless old man, but now I've seen his diary, I'm not so sure!

Bianca: So we've finally crossed the first hurdle. There's still a long way to go, mind.

Nera: It's always hard at the beginning. We mustn't let it make us lose heart.

Rex: Old Man Nick Knack will be pleased when we get more things to put on display.

Poppy: Old Man Nick Knack must work very hard at writing his diary. Maybe I should start one too.

Sancho: Sí. Ees right no to go too fast, or maybe you put yourself een weeth the horses' feet, eh? Ees a dangerous place, comprende?

Tuppence: I'm sure you'll soon turn the place into a fine museum, Hero.

Bianca: We're all lookin' forward to when this place is a full house, eh?

Bianca: Not far to go now.

Nera: I can't wait to see all the pedestals full, either.

Rex: I've been looking forward to filling the whole place up for ages. I hope we manage it soon.

Poppy: I'm sure you'll have the place full in no time, Dad. I can't wait!

Sancho: You need just a leettle more effort, friend. Can you do eet? You are no too tired?

Tuppence: It's just a matter of time before all the pedestals are full now.

Bianca: That's basically a roundabout way of him sayin' you en't got no taste, en't it?

Nera: I'm surprised he's still not satisfied. We filled up all the pedestals like he wanted, after all.

Rex: Are we still not done yet, then? Museums are really hard work!

Poppy: I thought he said we could just exhibit things how we wanted!

Sancho: Thees know-how, ees no esometheeng you can just pick eet up, eh? Ees gonna take time.

Tuppence: When one job ends, there's always another one waiting in the wings. The work here is never-ending!

Bianca: If only he'd give us that kind of information, it'd be a big help.

Nera: It sounds like Old Man Nick Knack is quite taken with Sue Veneer. Rex: Sue Veneer's really clever, you know.

Poppy: It sounds like he's giving Sue lots and lots of instructions. She must be working hard too.

Sancho: When you esee the young señorita working eso hard, ees a beautiful esight, sí?

Sancho: Thees old señor, he ees enjoying eet too.

Tuppence: Surely he's not secretly carrying a torch for her, is he? No, surely not!

Bianca: I hardly think the place looks like a joke! I wonder what it is that's so wrong with it.

Nera: I'm afraid Old Man Nick Knack obviously likes to let off steam in his diary and say all the hurtful things he can't say to our faces.

Rex: Do you think the visitors see the place as a joke too? That wouldn't be very good.

Poppy: I thought he said we could just exhibit things how we wanted!

Sancho: He esay to us, we put these knicks and knacks where we want, no? But he no like eet when we do eet.

Tuppence: We'd better do something about the place before the poor old man drives himself delirious!

Bianca: It dun't sound like Old Man Nick Knack is too pleased with the way we're displayin' things.

Bianca: I wonder if the sigh we sometimes hear when we put somethin' new on display is him showin' his disapproval.

Nera: Sounds like we need to be a bit more careful about how we arrange our displays.

Rex: Don't worry, Dad. I'm sure you'll have it cracked before long.

Poppy: He should tell us to our faces if he has a problem with what we're doing here.

Sancho: Thees señor, he wants to esay to us eso bad that he no like how we arrange the exhibits, eh? Ees like the barracuda weeth no teeth.

Tuppence: If we just tweak the displays, then I'm sure he'll be happy. Just a little more effort and we'll be there.

Bianca: I reckon it'll be a great museum if we keep goin' at this rate.

Nera: This is our first time running a museum, so there's obviously a learning curve, but I think we're getting there now.

Rex: He says we're having a good bash, but we clearly haven't quite got it how he wants yet, have we?

Poppy: I wonder how we're supposed to get a better feel for the job. That sounds like hard work.

Sancho: Ees no esometheeng you master een a few days, thees knick-knack esport. But you get a leettle better every day, sí?

Tuppence: This is his version of being fairly pleased with us, is it? It's rather hard to tell.

Bianca: Brilliant! We've finally made the old man happy at long last!

Nera: What a relief! It sounds like Old Man Nick Knack is finally satisfied with what we've done.

Rex: I always knew you could do it, Dad!

Poppy: Old Man Nick Knack says you did it just as he would've done it himself. I think you probably did it even better than that!

Sancho: You esee, friend? Thees señor, he likes you now because you are esuch a good curator.

Tuppence: That's the way. You're a proper curator now, Hero.

Bianca: I didn't know she had that kind of side to her too.

Nera: I'm not too bad when it comes to baking cakes myself. You'll have to have a taste one of these days.

Rex: Oh! I wish I could've tried some of her cakes!

Poppy: So Sue's been baking cakes? I've been wanting to do some baking of my own for ages now.

Sancho: Your Uncle Sancho, he ees good at baking the cakes too, you know. Sí, sí. And he ees good at eating them too.

Tuppence: So she's good at baking cakes, is she? Mmm... Now there's a quality I admire in a woman.

Bianca: I reckon you're doin' a really good job of runnin' this place, Hero.

Nera: Getting customers in through the doors is a real skill. That's what Papa always says.

Nera: And you've certainly managed to do that here, darling.

Rex: You worked really hard, Dad. The visitors can see that, I'm sure.

Poppy: I wonder what could be bothering Old Man Nick Knack. Surely nothing can be wrong if we have this many visitors.

Sancho: Ees black? Sí, ees dark. But ees no black.

Tuppence: It sometimes feels so long since we embarked on all this, and yet sometimes it feels like only yesterday. It's very odd.

Bianca: He recognised the Catas Trophy! He certainly knows his stuff, does Old Man Nick Knack.

Nera: He he he! Do you think he'll really be able to stop himself from grumbling?

Rex: If he stopped grumbling, then he wouldn't be like Old Man Nick Knack any more. That'd be a bit sad.

Poppy: Old Man Nick Knack seems really surprised. The Catas Trophy must be really valuable.

Sancho: I no believe eet too, when you get thees Catas Trophy, friend. You are estrong and macho now, My Majesty.

Tuppence: I doubt anyone other than you would be able to get hold of something like that to display, Hero.

Bianca: Yep, I reckon our museum could hold its head up high in the museum world now!

Nera: It's nice to hear the old man so happy with us. The museum really is a success now.

Rex: Oh yeah. I'd kind of forgotten that Old Man Nick Knack was a ghost.

Poppy: Hearing Old Man Nick Knack so happy with us is enough to make me forget about all the hard work we put in.

Sancho: Sí. You do esuch a good job, friend. You collect eso many knick-knacks.

Tuppence: He's not been so moved since the day he died? Now there's a sentence you don't read every day!

Bianca: Sue Veneer can never do anythin' wrong in the old man's eyes, eh?

Nera: I think I would've been rather afraid if I were her, chatting away to a ghostly old man in a museum in the dead of night!

Rex: Receptionists have to be good talkers. It goes with the job.

Poppy: Old Man Nick Knack really does like Sue Veneer, doesn't he?

Sancho: Thees young señorita, eshe likes to espeak. Eshe ees no estupid, eh?

Tuppence: So she's a good talker, is she? How delightful!

Bianca: I s'pose you can't blame him for thinkin' that. I mean, the place is still pretty empty.

Nera: It's a shame he thinks the place feels a bit creepy. Hopefully we'll have it looking nicer before long.

Rex: A customer! I wonder if that's thanks to Old Man Nick Knack spreading the news.

Poppy: It might be a little bit creepy, but it's in a lovely spot, surrounded by the forest like it is.

Sancho: Ees a customer! You must be nice to heem, okay?

Tuppence: I hope he doesn't see the old man and get a fright!

Bianca: This building in itself is a good advert for the museum if people are just stumblin' across it like that.

Nera: I don't think people are coming because they've heard of the place. Not yet, anyway.

Rex: Let's collect up lots of cool souvenirs and make this place into the best museum ever!

Poppy: It is very grand, but no one really knows about there being a museum here yet.

Sancho: Ees no right that thees señor, he has come here to esee the building and no the exhibits.

Tuppence: I suppose it is a surprisingly grand building to find in the middle of a forest like this.

Bianca: I wonder if he came from a long way away. Hopefully it won't be long before we dazzle folk with our exhibits as well as just the buildin' itself.

Nera: Do you think that man came here especially because he heard about the museum?

Rex: Everyone who comes here for the first time seems really impressed by the building.

Poppy: Hopefully we'll impress people even more with our displays before long.

Sancho: The clientes, they are coming fat and fast now, sí?

Tuppence: By the sound of his accent, I'd say he's travelled a fair old way to get here.

Bianca: We should put even more things on display if we want to keep the customers happy, eh?

Nera: I think we need to increase the number of exhibits if we want to keep our visitors interested.

Rex: There's still a long way to go, though. Hopefully we'll have the place full of exhibits before too long!

Poppy: Is this what a real museum feels like? I've never been to one before, so I don't really know.

Sancho: The clientes, they are coming fat and fast now, sí?

Tuppence: I suppose it is a surprisingly grand building to find in the middle of a forest like this.

Bianca: I'm not sure if that means he likes it or he dun't!

Nera: Well, we certainly seem to have surprised him!

Rex: What does he mean by that? Is he happy or not?

Poppy: I think maybe that man thought the place wasn't like a proper museum.

Sancho: These displays, I theenk ees gonna make every cliente feel thees way.

Tuppence: It is rather overwhelming to see so many of the same thing on display.

Bianca: Seein' all these things on display reminds me of all the places we've visited.

Nera: Every one of the items we have here is special because of the effort the local people put into making them.

Nera: And they all remind me of the different places we went to together to collect them.

Rex: I bet there are still lots more souvenirs out there in places I haven't been to yet.

Rex: We'll have to go off hunting for them together sometime!

Poppy: When you look at special souvenirs like this, you can really feel the effort that went into making them.

Sancho: For the esouvenirs, ees no just about how much you pay for them.

Sancho: Ees about the feeling the artisan, he puts eenside thees esouvenir when he ees making eet. Ees from thees where comes the real value.

Tuppence: There are all kinds of souvenirs out there, from the useful to the utterly ridiculous!

Bianca: He certainly is quite a man! It's a bit embarrassin' bein' praised like that, though, eh?

Nera: It really is very encouraging to hear people being so appreciative of all the hard work we've done here.

Rex: Yeah, he's right. There aren't even that many people just travelling the world now.

Poppy: Do you think Old Man Nick Knack told him that it's you who's been collecting up all the souvenirs to display?

Sancho: Ees because you find them yourself that these exhibits, they have eso much meaning for you, sí, friend?

Tuppence: It's quite a responsibility for people who are kings and curators and the like.

Bianca: The rarer the exhibits? I reckon the stuff on display up here's quite a bit rarer than what's downstairs, eh?

Nera: I think the more common exhibits are full of charm. I'm sure plenty of people would come to see them too.

Rex: This room's so amazing it makes people want to sing! We'd better save it for our best exhibits.

Poppy: I can't decide which is prettier: that man's singing voice or this room's decoration. I like pretty things. Let's put lots of pretty things on display!

Sancho: Sí, sí. Esome items, they are more rare than the others. You must look at your item carefully to know eef ees a good one or no.

Sancho: Your Uncle Sancho:, he ees good at judging the esouvenirs, you know.

Tuppence: I'm afraid I find it rather hard to relax if the decor in a room is too much on the grand side.

Bianca: The museum itself is quite a display piece, eh? The outside is all nice and natural, and the inside is really relaxin'.

Nera: There's nothing more beautiful than art that's filled with leaves rustling in the wind on sun-bathed branches.

Rex: It does smell nice and green here.

Poppy: It feels nice to be in the forest, surrounded by living trees all around.

Sancho: Thees museum, eet no eseems to be out of place een the forest. Ees like ees just a beeg tree!

Tuppence: Being in the middle of a forest is certainly an unusual sensation.

Bianca: You certainly dun't often come across places like this, eh? Maybe this is the only one in the world.

Nera: It's very rewarding to have people coming to visit from far and wide.

Rex: Chic? What does that mean?

Poppy: Does chic just mean pretty? Or was she trying to speak like Sancho does?

Sancho: Thees señora, eshe ees eso elegant. Eshe knows what ees chic and what ees no chic.

Tuppence: Yes, the museum building itself is quite a curiosity.

Bianca: I wonder if he was here researchin' somethin' or other. I hope the place can be of use to him.

Nera: I heard that some people like to carry out research on the world's various regional souvenirs.

Rex: Studying from books is all well and good, but it's better if you can actually get to see the real thing too.

Poppy: Do you think he came here to study?

Sancho: Sí, sí. Thees museum ees just right for estudying the cultures and the foreign places, no?

Tuppence: He seems the type to study something to the nth degree once it's piqued his interest.

Bianca: A stunnin' exhibit, eh? It's pretty tricky figurin' out what to put on display in such a grand-lookin' room.

Nera: I'm sure that doesn't mean only a beautiful exhibit would work. Something interesting would work too. We should experiment with a few ideas.

Rex: A stunning exhibit? Why would it need to be stunning?

Poppy: A stunning exhibit sounds like an expensive exhibit to me.

Sancho: Ees true. Thees exhibit you put on display een here, ees the pride of the museum.

Tuppence: I'm sure that anything we put on display in here would look quite lovely.

Bianca: The museum's here for everyone to enjoy, so I hope they dun't feel too overwhelmed by the place.

Nera: We should try and make sure it's the kind of place everyone feels welcome in, don't you think, darling?

Rex: Why would anyone feel nervous here? I think the place is cool!

Poppy: When you feel really nervous like that, you start to hear your own heart beating.

Sancho: Sí, ees true. Ees no easy to relax een a building when ees eso grand. Esome people, they no even want to go eenside.

Tuppence: Looks like they're not very well acquainted with places like this.

Bianca: Honeymoon, eh? Reminds me of when you and me had just got married, Hero.

Nera: I don't mind where we go. As long as I'm with you, I'm happy

Nera: And that includes our travels together now, of course.

Rex: Hey, I just had a thought. Isn't Sancho married?

Poppy: I wonder if I'll get married one day.

Sancho: When I hear esomeone talking about the weddings, I weesh I could esee your wedding, friend. I, I... (sniff)

Tuppence: I hope I'll find myself a beautiful bride one of these days.

Bianca: Fair enough. You can see why he wouldn't want to travel too much if it'd put his wife in danger.

Bianca: You dun't need to worry about me, though, Hero. I'll stick by your side wherever you go.

Nera: If you love a person, then you'll gladly go anywhere with them. That's the way I feel, anyway.

Rex: It's up to us to save the world and make it peaceful again so that people can go wherever they want.

Poppy: Souvenirs don't tell the whole story though, do they? I mean, there's more to the world than what's on display here.

Poppy: I hope it's safe again soon for people to travel all over and see all the amazing places there are.

Sancho: Eef thees señor, he ees hoping to impress hees wife, he must take her to every dark corner of thees place.

Tuppence: It's certainly not easy travelling about the place these days, that's for sure.

Bianca: D'you reckon he come all this way to see his work on display?

Nera: I should think that man's over the moon to see something he made with his own hands on display here.

Rex: What? That man made one of the exhibits? Which one?

Poppy: He says he made one of the exhibits, but he won't tell anyone which one it is.

Sancho: Thees señor, he no espeak like the great artisan. I wonder which ees the exhibit that he made...

Tuppence: He must be pretty convinced he's made a marvel of a knick-knack to be showing off about it like that.

Bianca: I dun't remember seein' anythin' in here before, personally.

Nera: There are lots of other rooms to see in the museum. He should look around more.

Rex: What's that man talking about?

Poppy: Is that man just having us on?

Sancho: Ees good we have eso many different señores and señoras coming to visit, no?

Tuppence: Which exhibit was that man looking at exactly when he said that? Sounds a bit fishy to me.

Bianca: It's hard to imagine anyone'd forget somethin' they made 'emselves.

Bianca: Maybe that kid's right.

Nera: Do you think the man was just teasing that little boy? Or do you think...?

Rex: Lying's wrong! Lying's the first step to becoming a thief!

Poppy: I don't know if I believe him, either. I've just got a funny feeling about him.

Sancho: Ees only thees man heemself who knows eef ees the truth or no.

Tuppence: Don't you think he just means he dabbles in all sorts of things? You know, sort of a jack of all trades.

Bianca: Little kids are always so curious. It's impossible to stop 'em wanderin' off lookin' at everythin', eh?

Nera: It's really very healthy for little boys to be inquisitive, you know.

Rex: All the souvenirs are really amazing. It's not surprising he's wandered off to look at them.

Poppy: I'd be too worried about losing you to wander off anywhere.

Sancho: I have the esame problem when Rex, he was a young boy.

Sancho: But Poppy, eshe always knows how to find her brother. Sí, those young days, they have esuch good memories for me.

Tuppence: I hope the little nipper doesn't get lost or anything...

Bianca: Sounds like he used to be a bit of a craftsman too in his day.

Nera: I wonder what kind of things that craftsman used to make.

Rex: Wow! A real craftsman! That's amazing!

Poppy: That old man had a twinkle in his eye. I'm sure he's still got the skills to make something even now.

Sancho: Sí, sí. Thees señor, he ees the true artisan. He has esome kind of especial aura.

Tuppence: I bet anyone who wanted to follow in that man's footsteps would have some serious training to do first.

Bianca: It's nice to have a satisfied customer, eh?

Nera: It's our job to create a museum that's never dull, so that people can come time and again and still enjoy it just as much as they did the first time.

Rex: Excellent! He loves our knick-knackatory. That means the way the exhibits are laid out must be good too.

Poppy: It's because the exhibits are all so well-made. That's why it never gets boring, no matter how many times you look at them.

Sancho: For the artisans, ees good to esee the work of the others. Ees a way to esharpen your eskills.

Sancho: These exhibits you have collected, friend, they are esometheeng especial for these people.

Tuppence: I'd rather see the work of the great craftswoman in the sky, personally. Works in Her own image, if you know what I mean!

Bianca: It's hard gettin' good at somethin', no matter what it is.

Bianca: The main thing is havin' the oomph to get back up and try again even when things en't gone well.

Nera: That's such a good attitude. It's better to try again after a failure than to regret it later on.

Rex: I never give up on anything! I always stick at it to the end!

Poppy: I hope one day we'll be able to put one of that man's creations on display here.

Sancho: Mañana, mañana. Thees señor, he ees estill eso young. There ees muchos time for heem.

Tuppence: I know how the poor chap feels. I had a terrible time of it when I was training to be a soldier.

Bianca: The more customers the better as far as I'm concerned!

Nera: What a waste, holing himself up down here when there are all those exhibits on display upstairs!

Rex: I would've thought it'd be harder to relax in the storeroom. It's so gloomy.

Poppy: Oh! He scared me! I wasn't expecting anyone to be in the storeroom.

Sancho: Esome people, they can relax here, esome people, they can relax there. But the storeroom... No, ees no for your Uncle Sancho.

Tuppence: Surely there are better places to relax than the storeroom, aren't there?

Bianca: I s'pose it's not often folk get a glimpse inside a museum storeroom, eh?

Nera: Well, it's a good job we put some exhibits on display in the storeroom, isn't it?

Rex: It's great that people are looking at everything we've put on display, even the exhibits in the storeroom.

Poppy: I suppose this is a good place if you just want to look at some exhibits without worrying about the crowds.

Sancho: Thees room ees no the display room. Ees just the storeroom.

Sancho: But thees señor, he no eseem to care.

Tuppence: It's a bit of a waste to come all the way out here to the knick-knackatory and only see the exhibits in the storeroom, don't you think?

Bianca: What a funny bloke! He seems more interested in how we've lined the exhibits up than the actual exhibits 'emselves!

Nera: It's nice to know people share your tastes, isn't it, Hero?

Rex: What do you think he means by 'inspired'? Does he like it or not?

Poppy: Did you hear that, Dad? He thinks your displays are really good.

Sancho: Sí. Ees true. You can change the way the exhibits look just by changing the places where they are on display.

Tuppence: Different people certainly seem to react to the displays in different ways, don't they?

Bianca: Blimey! Looks like talk of this place has reached all the way up to the heavens, eh?

Nera: A Zenithian! What a great honour!

Rex: Do you think she flew here all the way from the Zenithian castle up in the sky? Wow! Having wings would be amazing!

Poppy: If only I had wings, I could soar up into the sky and fly free for miles and miles.

Sancho: Your knick-knackatory, eet ees famous now, My Majesty. The señores and señoras are coming from far and wide.

Tuppence: If even she's heard the news that you're the new curator of the knick-knackatory, Hero...

Tuppence: Well, you can't spread a rumour much further than Zenithia, can you?

Bianca: Yikes! Sounds like she's a bit peeved, eh?

Nera: I suppose it is a bit of a serious sort of place for a honeymoon really.

Rex: That lady's really pretty, isn't she?

Poppy: I hope I'll get married one day.

Sancho: Ees estrange. I believe all young women, they love to esee the fine theengs made by the artisans, no?

Tuppence: I hope I'll find myself a beautiful bride one of these days.

Bianca: Did you see the smile on his face when he said 'wife'? It's all so new and romantic for 'em, eh?

Bianca: Ha ha! You look all embarrassed, Hero.

Nera: It must make you so happy as curator of the place to hear someone singing its praises like that.

Rex: He's really happy. He actually thinks his wife is having fun.

Poppy: What a nice man. It's a shame he doesn't realise his wife's not enjoying herself.

Sancho: Ees notheeng better than to esee the proud young señor and the new señora, sí? But...ees better eef they are happy.

Tuppence: Well I'd give the chap marks for effort, I suppose, but I reckon I could teach him a thing or two about keeping his wife happy.

Bianca: Yeah, I know what she means. And travellin 'about with you...

Bianca: Well, I've learnt so much. Not just about stuff like these exhibits, but all sorts.

Nera: They say that when a craftsman creates a masterpiece, he gives it a life of its own.

Nera: Well, when someone has so much passion for what they do, it's got to rub off, hasn't it?

Rex: Anyone can become great. Right, Dad?


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Poppy: I wonder what kind of potential she's talking about. There are so many different kinds. Hundreds and hundreds, potentially...

Sancho: Een these displays, thees señora esees the potential of the mankind.

Sancho: Sí, eshe ees a very eshrewd señora.

Bianca: It is bustlin', that's for sure. Shame we en't chargin' an entrance fee, eh?

Nera: It's a wonderful feeling seeing all these people who've made such an effort to come and see the exhibits we've put on display, isn't it?

Rex: It seems like ages ago now that this place was just a cobwebby old place with nothing in it.

Poppy: It's such a great feeling to see all these people here.

Sancho: Look at all these señores and señoras! Eet, eet makes me eso happy! Sí, ees a great knick-knackatory.

Tuppence: I bet Old Man Nick's as chuffed as cheese!

Bianca: We have got quite a collection goin' now, eh? Just goes to show how many places we've bin to.

Nera: It's travelling with you that made me realise how wonderful the world we live in is.

Rex: All of the rooms look different once you put a few knick-knacks in them, don't they?

Poppy: I like pretty little knick-knacks too. They're my favourite.

Sancho: You have the eye for beauties, sí, friend? Ees a good idea to make the displays like thees.

Tuppence: Well everyone likes to gaze on something pretty, don't they?

Bianca: It could be fun havin' different foods on display. Hmm, not sure they'd age very well, mind!

Nera: Papa always says that good food needs more than a good flavour to become a haute cuisine speciality.

Nera: It needs that little something more...

Rex: Those paellas Sancho: makes should be on display here. They're amazing!

Poppy: I'll be first in line to try some of whatever it is he cooks if it ever does end up being on display here.

Sancho: I no like to clack my own castanets, but my cooking ees esometheeng especial, no? You like my paella, sí?

Tuppence: Do men who can cook attract the ladies? Perhaps I ought to don an apron once in a while.

Bianca: I seem to remember sayin' it was my dream to run an inn, back when I was her age.

Nera: Perhaps that little girl will grow up to be an accomplished artisan.

Rex: Maybe I should try making something too.

Poppy: I wonder what sort of thing she has in mind. It'd be great if we could put something of hers on display for her, wouldn't it?

Sancho: These dreams, they, they are eso important. They eshape the man you become een the future.

Sancho: You must hold your dreams close to your heart.

Tuppence: Sounds like the little girl's got quite a future ahead of her!

Bianca: Everyone's welcome here, no matter what the purpose of their journey is.

Nera: The knick-knackatory is a good place for people to have a rest, I suppose.

Rex: I hope more and more travellers come by here and look at all the things we've put on display.

Poppy: It doesn't matter if people plan to come here or just stumble on the place. The more the merrier.

Sancho: Ees good eef the travellers, they can have the siesta here too, no?

Tuppence: Ah, yes. You can't beat finding a good place to catch forty winks.

Bianca: I wonder if he was here researchin' somethin' or other. I hope the place can be of use to him.

Nera: I heard that some people like to carry out research on the world's various regional souvenirs.

Rex: Studying from books is all well and good, but it's better if you can actually get to see the real thing too.

Poppy: Do you think he came here to study?

Sancho: Sí, sí. Thees museum ees just right for estudying the cultures and the foreign places, no?

Tuppence: I wouldn't be surprised if he bored a hole in the exhibits looking at them so intently like that!

Bianca: It's nice to see things in a museum, but you can't beat havin' somethin' nice on display at home.

Nera: Any souvenir is a wonderful gift, because it shows you were thinking of someone on your travels.

Nera: I'm sure she'll be delighted with whatever he decides to buy in the end.

Rex: It's good not knowing what souvenir you're going to buy. You can have fun looking at all the different things on sale!

Poppy: I'd be happy with anything that was given to me if it was given with love.

Sancho: Maybe ees a good idea eef we choose for thees señor the good esouvenir, no?

Tuppence: It's the thought that counts after all, isn't it? Well, the present's got to be half-decent as well, if you ask me.

Bianca: Well, if someone artistic like him reckons they're beautiful, then they must be!

Nera: What an accomplished performer, just making up a poem about the knick-knackatory on the spot like that!

Rex: ...And all the wonderful displays, that did the visitors amaze, were collected by none other than Rex!

Rex: Well, what do you think? Could I be a poet too?

Poppy: What a superb poem! I think it's even more entertaining than the exhibits!

Sancho: Sí, I know ees full of the wonderful displays, but ees no good to make eso much noise.

Sancho: Ees a museum. You no make a noise een the museum. Eet must be esilence all the time.

Tuppence: Now everyone's looking at him rather than the exhibits! I bet he feels stupid!

Bianca: I wonder whereabouts he's from.

Nera: Which is the exhibit from his country, do you think?

Rex: If it's something that's on display here, it means we must've been to wherever he comes from, doesn't it?

Poppy: I suppose it does kind of advertise places if we put exhibits from them on display here.

Sancho: For the countries that we are displaying their esouvenirs, ees good eef muchos travellers are visiting them, sí?

Tuppence: Must be a bit of a strain having to worry about an entire country. I don't think I'd be cut out for it.

Bianca: Prettiness is in the eye of the beholder, though, eh? Different things appeal to different folk.

Nera: It sounds like that young woman saw something on display she rather liked.

Rex: If I had to choose one trinket from all the things in here, I'd take one of the really amazing inventions. Something really interesting.

Poppy: Yeah. I'd quite like a pretty little trinket too.

Sancho: Sí, sí. Everyone likes the pretty displays, but ees the inside that counts. We have the esaying where I come from: faces we esee, hearts we don't know.

Tuppence: Pretty little trinket? Yes, she certainly is that!

Bianca: Sounds like he was expectin' the exhibits to be a bit more on the grand side, eh?

Nera: It's true, I suppose. This grand old building makes some of the exhibits look a bit out of place.

Rex: I like the funny novelty exhibits best!

Poppy: I like the novelty exhibits too, but if I had to choose, there are lots of pretty, shiny exhibits I'd pick as my favourites first.

Sancho: Ees good the clientes, they enjoy the funny exhibits too, no? Tuppence: The exhibits need to be 'funny'. I mean, if they weren't a bit out of the ordinary, they wouldn't make good knick-knacks, would they?

Bianca: I s'pose some of the stuff is a bit weird. But it's the thought that went into makin' it that counts.

Nera: What's important is how much care and attention went into creating these souvenirs.

Nera: I wish people wouldn't just focus on whether the displays look pretty or not.

Rex: Well, I like the weird exhibits. They're the most fun to look at, after all.

Poppy: I don't think they're weird. There's something quite charming about them if you ask me.

Sancho: Different people, they like different theengs, you know.

Sancho: Esome people, they esee the interesting display, but for others, the esame display, eet ees just esometheeng loco.

Tuppence: That chap's missing the point. Weird is wonderful, you see, just like big is beautiful.

Bianca: We have got quite a collection goin' now, eh? Just goes to show how many places we've bin to.

Nera: It's travelling with you that made me realise how wonderful the world we live in is.

Rex: The whole room feels different when you put lots of weird and wonderful exhibits on display, doesn't it?

Poppy: I like the weird exhibits too, but if I had to choose, there are lots of pretty, shiny exhibits I'd pick as my favourites first.

Sancho: Sí. Ees eso many different esouvenirs from eso many different lands.

Tuppence: I suppose it's hardly surprising really, but the more peculiar an exhibit is, the more it seems to stand out.

Bianca: It's nice to hear folk say things like that. Makes you feel all the effort we went to to get the stuff was worth it.

Nera: There are lots of people here who are seeing these regional crafts for the first time in their lives.

Rex: Since I've been travelling with you, Dad, I've seen loads of things for the first time too.

Poppy: It's so exciting seeing some of these things for the first time, isn't it?

Sancho: When you esee esometheeng for the first time, you never forget, sí? Eet makes the beeg impression, no?

Tuppence: That's how I feel about lots of the exhibits in here. I've never laid eyes on half of them before in my entire life.

Bianca: I hope folk don't think the place is stuck-up. The best museums are the ones you can just enjoy without puttin' on any airs.

Nera: It's good to see all sorts of people enjoying the place. A knick-knackatory should be accessible to everyone!

Rex: It'd be really boring in here if everyone was being serious and formal.

Poppy: I wonder if lots of people think museums are stuck-up places.

Sancho: Thees señor, he ees the true macho bronco. Eet must be very hard for heem to estep eenside thees place, no? But estill he comes een.

Tuppence: No, a museum's no place for stuck-up, monocled old fuddy-duddies!

Bianca: It's good if folk are chattin' about this place when they're down the pub. Pub rumours always spread far and wide.

Nera: It's great that people are chatting about the knick-knackatory in their free time.

Rex: I wonder what the man told him about the place.

Poppy: So he's here on business, then? Poor thing!

Sancho: Heh heh! Even een the pubs now, they are talking about thees knick-knackatory!

Tuppence: Chatting about souvenirs to help the grog go down? That's a new one on me!

Bianca: I reckon it's good if the exhibits are a bit funny, otherwise no one would bother comin' to see 'em.

Nera: Well I think it's a good thing to have a variety of exhibits on display.

Rex: I like the funny exhibits. They're, er...funny!

Poppy: If the exhibits are a bit funny, it means the craftsmen must've been fun, interesting people. That's good, isn't it?

Sancho: Different people, they like different theengs, you know.

Sancho: Esome people, they esee the interesting display, but for others, the esame display, eet ees just esometheeng loco.

Tuppence: That chap's missing the point. Weird is wonderful, you see, just like big is beautiful.

Bianca: Fancy bein' the subject of a poem, eh, Hero?

Nera: What an accomplished performer, just making up a poem about the knick-knackatory on the spot like that!

Rex: That poet can make up a poem about anything! It's amazing!

Poppy: What a superb poem! I think it's even more entertaining than the exhibits!

Sancho: Sí, I know ees full of the wonderful displays, but ees no good to make eso much noise.

Sancho: Ees a museum. You no make a noise een the museum. Eet must be esilence all the time.

Tuppence: Now everyone's looking at him rather than the exhibits! I bet he feels stupid!

Bianca: She does look a bit out of place dressed like that in a museum!

Nera: She stands out more than the exhibits do!

Rex: Wow! She's wearing exactly the same outfit as Patty the party planner!

Poppy: Do you think she wore that all the way here?

Sancho: For the young señorita to come to thees knick-knackatory een esuch clothes, ees, ees, ees...

Tuppence: A bunny? Looking funny? Never! Bunnies are welcome any time, any place, if you ask me!

Bianca: You en't got a bit of a thing for her by any chance, have you, Hero?

Nera: Don't you mind her wearing that in here, Hero?

Nera: No, of course you don't! You're so tolerant of people, aren't you?

Rex: Wow! She's wearing exactly the same outfit as Patty the party planner!

Poppy: Do you think she wore that all the way here?

Sancho: For the young señorita to come to thees knick-knackatory een esuch clothes, ees, ees, ees...

Tuppence: A bunny? Looking funny? Never! Bunnies are welcome any time, any place, if you ask me!

Bianca: I reckon he's prob'ly some sort of craftsman too, eh?

Nera: It sounds like he's a craftsman or something like that too.

Rex: That man's cool!

Poppy: I suppose craftsmen never stop studying, do they?

Sancho: Thees señor, he eseems to be the master craftsman.

Sancho: But estill he believes he can improve hees technique, you know? Ees thees I admire eso much.

Tuppence: Hmm... There's more to that man than meets the eye.

Bianca: I s'pose you could say the place is a bit scary. Sounds like she's pretty impressed with you, mind!

Nera: I don't think the woman dislikes the way you've set the place out, Hero.

Nera: It's just that it's not the kind of museum a young lady would like to walk around on her own at night, that's all.

Rex: A scary knick-knackatory? That makes it a bit like a haunted house, doesn't it?

Poppy: You could change a few of the exhibits, Dad. For something less scary, I mean.

Sancho: Thees señorita, her face ees white like the uncooked tortilla, no? Maybe here ees no the place for ladies now.

Tuppence: Scary? This place? W-Well I'm not scared.

Bianca: Oops. Sounds like he's regrettin' bringin' her here. Maybe we could try changin' things about a bit so she's not so scared.

Nera: The poor man's really upset. At least we could change things around so the place isn't so scary any more, couldn't we?

Rex: It's a great place for a honeymoon! I think he's just saying that because he's scared by the exhibits.

Poppy: Lots of the other visitors seem to be scared by the exhibits at the moment, but he's scared his wife doesn't love him!

Sancho: There are no eso many clientes now, eh, friend? Maybe they are no coming because ees eso escary here now.

Tuppence: I bet Old Man Nick would like these displays, being a ghost and all.

Bianca: He seems to have a bit of a different way of seein' things to other folk. I s'pose that's what bein' in battle all the time does to you.

Nera: I suppose he's seen so much in all the battles he's fought. It must affect the way you look at things.

Rex: I don't know what that man said exactly, but it made him sound really cool!

Poppy: I can't even peek at most of the exhibits that are on display at the moment.

Poppy: But that man's been looking straight at them for ages, hasn't he? Wow! He must be so brave!

Sancho: Sí! You esee? The right kind of person, he can appreciate thees display.

Tuppence: Do you think I might be able to toughen up enough to stare out one of these terrifying exhibits?

Bianca: Well, you can't accuse him of mincin' his words, eh?

Nera: Well it's important that people keep at least one or two places where they can go to relax in these troubled times.

Rex: Does he mean it's just for play? Because we don't play most of the time. Most of the time we're busy fighting monsters!

Poppy: Why did he bother coming if that's what he thinks?

Sancho: Ees always important to have the time for relaxing, you know. And for the paella. Sí, sí, sí.

Tuppence: Sounds like that chap's a bit sore about something if you ask me. Maybe he had a bad experience recently.

Bianca: He does look a bit of a state. I wonder where it is he's come from.

Nera: The poor man! He must've had a terribly harsh time of it getting here.

Rex: I don't think his clothes would've got that messed up just from travelling.

Rex: Maybe he fought some amazing monster on the way here or something!

Poppy: Do you think he's hurt? I hope he's okay...

Sancho: Thees señor, he ees no a seasoned traveller, eh?

Tuppence: He's not being serious, is he? I mean, he just got changed into those clothes before he came in or something, didn't he?

Bianca: We have got quite a collection goin' now, eh? Just goes to show how many places we've bin to.

Nera: It's travelling with you that made me realise how wonderful the world we live in is.

Rex: If you put enough scary exhibits in a room, it makes the whole place feel darker, doesn't it?

Poppy: I don't like scary exhibits. I'm sure I'd end up in tears if I came here at night.

Sancho: Sí. Ees eso many different esouvenirs from eso many different lands.

Tuppence: The scary exhibits certainly turn heads, don't they? Actually, you know what would be really scary? A turning head!

Bianca: I s'pose havin' scary exhibits on display does attract a certain type of customer.

Nera: Do you get the impression the scary displays are attracting the wrong sort of people?

Rex: Don't worry! If there's any trouble, you and me will sort it out, right, Dad?

Poppy: I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, but...sometimes I see visitors with really scary eyes.

Sancho: But thees place, eet ees a museum.

Sancho: No one ees gonna make trouble een the museum. Ees too quiet, sí?

Tuppence: Never fear, Tuppence: is here! I'll make short work of any troublemakers, you'll see.

Bianca: I s'pose havin' scary exhibits on display does attract a certain type of customer.

Nera: Do you get the impression the scary displays are attracting the wrong sort of people?

Rex: Don't worry! If there's any trouble, you and me will sort it out, right, Dad?

Poppy: I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, but...sometimes I see visitors with really scary eyes.

Sancho: But thees place, eet ees a museum.

Sancho: No one ees gonna make trouble een the museum. Ees too quiet, sí?

Tuppence: I think I'll take the old man's advice and keep my distance.

Bianca: Hmm. I know a weirdo when I see one, and he definitely qualifies!

Nera: But he looks like such a decent, reliable man! I certainly wouldn't trust him now, though.

Rex: That man's not a... He's not a monster...is he?

Poppy: That man's eyes are really scary.

Sancho: Ees because of these displays. Ees making esuch señores come to the knick-knackatory.

Tuppence: You don't hear too many 'hwa ha ha's, eh? I mean, most people try to cover up their sinister laughs, don't they?

Bianca: You don't think he's plannin' on nickin' somethin' from our knick-knackatory, do you?

Nera: I can't help worrying about the exhibits a bit when I see people like that in here.

Rex: That man's not a... He's not a thief...is he?

Poppy: Every now and then I see people like that man here. You know, people with a scary look in their eyes.

Sancho: Ees because of these displays. Ees making esuch señores come to the knick-knackatory.

Tuppence: Uh-oh! Why isn't there a guard on the top floor!?

Bianca: I'm feelin' a kind of darkness too. You don't think there's really a dark aura here, do you?

Nera: So I'm not the only one who's feeling it, then?

Rex: Maybe we'd better not leave these exhibits out for too long then, do you think?

Poppy: That's exactly what I was feeling too!

Sancho: Sí. Ees true. Ees like we no look at the exhibit. The exhibit, ees looking at us!

Tuppence: That all sounds a bit scary to me. I think I'll just pretend I didn't hear it.

Bianca: That's odd. I wonder how he knows about it.

Nera: I wonder what he's so flustered about.

Rex: How come that old man knows about the Catas Trophy anyway? You, you don't think he's from the underworld, do you?

Poppy: Maybe he knows how powerful Estark is. Maybe that's why he seemed so worried.

Sancho: Thees señor, eet eseems he knows the Catas Trophy. He ees no the ordinary cliente, no?

Tuppence: Oh dear! Is, is something bad going to happen? Is there a problem?

Bianca: It's a bit tricky to know what to display in the best room of the house, eh?

Nera: Maybe we should try putting different exhibits on display here until the old man seems happy...

Rex: Something else? But what? There are so many things to choose from.

Poppy: I agree with whatever you choose to put on display, Dad.

Sancho: You know, when you theenk about only the exhibits that are grand enough for thees room, you can make the choices esmaller.

Tuppence: Something else? I wonder what on earth the old man's hoping we'll put on display here.

Bianca: What's his problem? Has he just come here to annoy us?

Nera: This must be the man we were told about.

Rex: He's a bit weird, isn't he? In all the places we've visited up to now, I don't remember meeting anyone quite like him before.

Poppy: I don't like people like him. Will you talk to him, please, so that I don't have to?

Sancho: Thees señor, he no espeak eso nice, eh? But eef he tells us about the exhibits, maybe ees no eso bad.

Tuppence: This chap's got a bit of a chip on his shoulder, hasn't he?

Tuppence: Who does he think he's talking to, eh? Doesn't he know he's addressing King Hero?

Bianca: Don't listen to him, Hero. Just do things how you want.

Nera: He doesn't look all that busy to me. What do you think, darling?

Rex: We have not got a lot of time on our hands! We're always busy fighting monsters and stuff! Right, Dad?

Poppy: I don't like people like him. Will you talk to him, please, so that I don't have to?

Sancho: Ees no the time you need for thees. Ees the determination. You must be hungry like the barracuda for just thees one exhibit.

Tuppence: If you ask me, he looks like he's got a lot more time on his hands than we do.

Bianca: Don't listen to him, Hero. Just do things how you want.

Nera: He can't say that! Cuisine is never worthless. Papa would have a fit!

Rex: I don't care what he says. I like chocolate medalliyums, and that's that!

Poppy: I bet he secretly wants us to give all our medalliyums to him. That's why he's saying that.

Sancho: At least thees señor, he geeves us esome esmall words of encouragement, no?

Tuppence: Worthless to him, maybe, but I bet chocolate lovers would have something to say about that. They'd be furious!

Bianca: That dun't sound all bad. In fact, I'd say he quite likes it.

Nera: He certainly keeps a close eye on what's on display, doesn't he? He knows exactly what's on the other floors too.

Nera: He really does love his souvenirs.

Rex: Ships in bottles are amazing! I never get bored of looking at them.

Poppy: There are ships in bottles everywhere. How many did you put on display, Dad?

Sancho: The more you look at these esheeps een bottles, the more you esee how much work eet must be to make them.

Tuppence: We're not making fun of anyone! There's a reason why you've done this, I'll bet, isn't there, Hero? A cunning plan or something.

Bianca: Nothin' he has could outclass that. It's from your hometown, after all.

Nera: We used to have some gemstones at home too. Just normal ones, though.

Rex: He said it was a fine gem, but do you think he was lying?

Poppy: He can't bear to be outdone, can he?

Sancho: Thees señor, he ees esaying a nice theeng about the Whealbrook esapphire, or he ees esaying esometheeng bad?

Sancho: Eef ees one theeng, I hug heem. Eef ees another, I hammer heem!

Tuppence: Whealbrook's where you used to live, isn't it, Hero?

Bianca: What a blimmin' cheek!

Nera: It sounds like he doesn't put any value on things unless they cost money, no matter how amazing they are.

Rex: But Zizzwizz Pillows are amazing! They're so comfortable, they could send a monster to sleep. That man doesn't know anything!

Poppy: Why did that man even come to the knick-knackatory when he doesn't seem to like knick-knacks at all?

Sancho: Ees no just about the garbanzos...

Tuppence: I don't think I like the way this fat cat thinks.

Bianca: I s'pose it is important to keep things in good nick. Maybe we should have a bit of a polish before long.

Nera: He's right, isn't he? We should polish it up so there's a beautiful, gleaming exhibit for him the next time we speak.

Rex: The exhibits do look better when they're all clean and shiny.

Poppy: When you clean things, it makes you feel cleaner inside too.

Sancho: You know, your Uncle Sancho:, he ees good at thees kind of work.

Tuppence: I don't like listening to anything that chap says now, even if it does make perfect sense!

Bianca: Oh yeah. The toff's tea set! Reminds me of that time we went off ghost-bustin' when we was kids.

Nera: He just can't help comparing everything here to something he owns at home, can he?

Rex: I like this tea set. It's really cool!

Rex: I don't like tea, though. It's really hot. And bitter too.

Poppy: Oops! I wasn't listening! What did he just say?

Sancho: Ees esometheeng, no? He no esay ees the best, but ees estill good, sí?

Tuppence: He says it's a decent exhibit, but then he undermines it in his next breath. You just don't know what to believe, do you?

Bianca: Hah! He'll never be able to get one of them for himself!

Nera: It really troubles that man if he feels like he can't have something, doesn't it?

Rex: That man just wants expensive things, doesn't he? He doesn't really care about souvenirs and knick-knacks.

Poppy: He really hates losing, doesn't he?

Sancho: Ees no important eef the knick-knacks, they are expensive or they are cheap.

Tuppence: I don't think I like the way this fat cat thinks.

Bianca: Mmm... The blossom smells lovely. You're the one who made it bloom too, Hero.

Nera: Isn't it amazing? He doesn't feel anything, even when presented with something as beautiful as this blossom.

Rex: Isn't it wrong to make snap judgements like that?

Poppy: Fine! We won't bother showing him any more beautiful branches of blossom then! See if we care!

Sancho: Sí... Thees ees the branch you once breeng een the house when you were just a leettle boy. Sí. I remember...

Tuppence: He's pretty sure of himself, isn't he? I don't think we'll ever manage to convince him. Poor, unenlightened fellow.

Bianca: What's his problem? Is he just here to get on our nerves?

Nera: I don't feel like I want to show this man anything now. He's always so negative.

Rex: You could find some jewels to fit in there, couldn't you, Dad? Then it would look great!

Poppy: The money didn't run out. It's just that they couldn't find a craftsman to do the work.

Sancho: Ees only Coburg, but estill... I no like the way thees señor espeaks about the royalty.

Tuppence: I'm afraid I'm rather offended by that remark!

Bianca: That gem goes a treat in Harry's music box, eh?

Nera: I don't even think Papa has a music box that could compete with this one. Isn't it magnificent?

Rex: I'd love to show it to Prince Harry and everyone now we've made it look so much better.

Poppy: Oh, poor man. He seems a bit bitter. Ha ha ha!

Sancho: The organ of Coburg, and the esapphire from Whealbrook...

Sancho: Now these two treasures are together, maybe eet means the places, one day they join together too.

Tuppence: I'd be interested to see what kind of craftsman would be employed by that man.

Bianca: The Goddess won't be happy with him for sayin' that! Not that he'll care, mind.

Nera: The abbey was my home! It's very upsetting when people say disparaging things about it.

Rex: Well whenever I hold one of those images, I get a warm feeling all over. That man just doesn't get it, does he?

Poppy: Dear Goddess, are you listening to this? There's a sinner here who needs to be punished!

Sancho: Ees, ees eso esad for the esisters who make thees estatue. Eef they heard these harsh words, they, they would be eso hurt.

Tuppence: The chap's more than a bit indiscreet, isn't he?

Bianca: I think that's the first time I've heard him so thrilled. He must be really keen on that slime curio.

Nera: I'm not surprised he hasn't got one. The Old Curiosity Shop owner in Fortuna is very picky about his customers. He wouldn't accept this man.

Rex: Yes! We've got something that he can't get!

Poppy: What? He likes that weird slime curio? That just shows how weird he is!

Sancho: Thees señor, he esay to us he can tell us about the knick-knacks, but eef you ask me, he just tells us about heemself.

Tuppence: Yes, that slime curio's pretty valuable, isn't it? Weren't we told there's only one of them in the whole world or something?

Bianca: You can get 'em easy as pie over in Lodestar Harbour, but they are pretty impressive.

Nera: The fact that the person who made this managed to produce so many finely crafted souvenirs just goes to show how skilled he must have been.

Rex: Yeah, ships in bottles are really cool! I could just sit and look at them for hours and hours.

Poppy: It looks exactly like your ship, Dad. It's amazing.

Sancho: Ees no easy to make the galleon eenside the bottle, you know.

Sancho: For me, ees no possible. You look at these fingers... They are thick like the trunks of the tree, no?

Tuppence: Made by a real expert, was it? Yes, I suppose it was.

Bianca: A frightful pest? Charmin'! %0Saber wouldn't be best pleased to be described like that!

Nera: I don't really like that thing. Don't make me go near it, will you?

Rex: It's supposed to scare off monsters. If it didn't at least scare that man a bit too, it wouldn't be much good, would it?

Poppy: I bet the terrorcrow wouldn't be too happy being described as worthless. And you wouldn't want to upset the terrorcrow.

Sancho: Thees escarecrow, he ees eso escary, ees no just the monsters who no go een the fields. Ees the humans too.

Tuppence: I'm sure that terrorcrow just gave me a sideways glance.

Tuppence: N-No... I, I must've imagined it...

Bianca: So all he has to do is send someone over and he gets some? I thought it was s'posed to be exclusive stuff!

Nera: Papa has different drinks delivered to his casino ship from all over the world.

Nera: But I don't recall seeing any Zoomshine there before. Nothing from Zoomingale at all, as far as I remember.

Rex: Sancho says only adults are allowed to drink.

Poppy: Oooh... Whenever I get a whiff of that Zoomshine, it makes me feel all dizzy...

Sancho: Sí, sí. Ees good for the cooking, thees kind of dreenk. Qué? Ees too valuable to put een the cooking? You theenk eso?

Tuppence: If the stuff's as legendary as we've been led to believe, I can't imagine it'll be all that easy to get hold of.

Bianca: They might just be sticky buns to him, but they're special to us, eh?

Nera: I can understand why he thinks that.

Nera: I mean, he doesn't know they were made to celebrate our marriage to each other, does he?

Rex: But they are worth something. They're not just any honey buns. They were made especially for your wedding.

Poppy: Just think how the poor chef would feel if he heard him say that!

Sancho: Ees no a good idea to upset the one who makes the food, you know.

Tuppence: Let me tell you, you don't see honey buns as finely formed as that pair every day, you know.

Bianca: I'd heard there was a lot of demand for scintillatin' sinter just lately. How typical that he's the root of it!

Nera: Papa always says that throwing money about without a thought for the people around you will destroy you in the end.

Nera: Do you think that man's going to be alright?

Rex: It's wrong to keep everything for yourself. You have to share.

Poppy: How much must he have bought to make the price go up so much?

Sancho: Sí. When I first esee thees señor's eskin, I theenk to myself, the colour, ees eso good. Now I know the esecret.

Tuppence: People with money are always rabbiting on about their health, aren't they?

Bianca: Wander around in the desert? Pah! I'll bet he's never bin to the desert all his life!

Nera: Surely being mystifying is a good enough reason for it to be a famous knick-knack, isn't it? I think it is.

Rex: You can't just wander about and find them. It's quite hard, actually. I bet he's never found one.

Poppy: He's never been into the desert himself, so he doesn't know how difficult it is.

Sancho: The desert? Uf! Just hearing thees word, eet makes me esweat.

Tuppence: He doesn't seem to be interested in anything unless it's got monetary value, no matter how mysterious or unusual it is.

Bianca: I s'pose he's right, but he dun't have to be quite so rude about 'em, eh?

Nera: Anything you can eat is worth more than any amount of gold. That's what Papa always taught me.

Rex: I don't care what he says. I like chocolate medalliyums, and that's that!

Poppy: I bet he secretly wants us to give all our medalliyums to him. That's why he's saying that.

Sancho: One man, he likes hees food, but hees brother, he no likes eet. You know what I mean?

Tuppence: Worthless to him, maybe, but I bet chocolate lovers would have something to say about that. They'd be furious!

Bianca: I'd never seen a maxi medal before neither. I doubt many folk know about 'em.

Nera: Papa likes collecting rare treasures too, you know. I know he'd want one of these. I'm sure of it.

Rex: This is what Old Man Nick Knack wanted too, isn't it? They must be really valuable.

Poppy: They're definitely too big to play treasure hunting with. You'd see them sticking out behind anything!

Sancho: Ees very beeg, eh? Maybe ees beeg enough eso you can use eet like a shield, no?

Tuppence: I'm starting to understand why Old Man Nick Knack wanted one of these so badly now.

Bianca: So every member of his staff gets one? They have it pretty easy, eh?

Nera: I wouldn't like to be a member of his staff.

Rex: You don't have to use it up a mountain though, do you? You can use it in other places too, can't you?

Poppy: Does that mean the people who work for that man have to climb mountains a lot?

Poppy: I suppose that's how he manages to collect rare knick-knacks from all over the world.

Sancho: Thees señor, he geeves all the people who work for heem the compass? Eet esounds like he leeves esomewhere very remote, eh?

Tuppence: I thought we were told you can't get hold of these Batten binnacles any more. How many do you think this man has got?

Bianca: But our monster chess set was made by a famous craftsman!

Bianca: There's no way the one he has at home can be better!

Nera: It sounds like his collection includes items from every corner of the world.

Rex: Yeah! Gotha's knick-knack's the best! You can't beat monster chess!

Poppy: The monster chess sets are really well-made, aren't they? The monsters all look so real.

Sancho: You theenk thees señor, he went to Gotha to buy a monster chess eset for heemself?

Sancho: Ees estrange. I believe thees artisan who made the chess esets, he made just enough for the castle and no more.

Tuppence: Well at least the game my father was so crazy about is getting some recognition at last!

Bianca: He's prob'ly only callin' it gaudy because he dun't have one of his own to boast about.

Nera: Gaudy? If there's anything gaudy here, it's the way that man speaks!

Rex: That's Grandma's book! Of course it's worth a lot. Although...I suppose that doesn't make it worth a lot to him.

Poppy: He shouldn't say mean things about Lofty Peak or about Grandma. It's not nice.

Sancho: Maybe ees best eef we no eshow thees señor our knick-knacks, eh?

Sancho: He ees just making our precious memories dirty.

Tuppence: I bet that's got you a bit riled, hasn't it, Hero?

Tuppence: I don't blame you, the way he's talking about Queen Mada's treasured book like that.

Bianca: He'd be eatin' his words if he knew it come from the Yggdrasil tree, eh?

Nera: If you're the right kind of person, you can feel it. You can feel the strange power radiating from the sapling.

Rex: I'd really like to see that man's face when he finds out exactly what this sapling is.

Poppy: All he sees is a tiny shoot. He doesn't know it holds a powerful life force.

Sancho: You know, your Uncle Sancho, he ees no eso esure, either.

Sancho: Ees esupposed to be from the Yggdrasil tree een Zenithia, but I no believe eet.

Tuppence: I bet if he knew it was a sapling of the Great World Tree, he'd change his tune. He'd pay a small fortune for it then.

Bianca: It's havin' stuff like that on display that makes this place so amazin', eh?

Nera: He's right about that. It is very rare.

Nera: Old Man Nick Knack was right to pick you as curator, you see.

Rex: He'd know for sure if he tried using one of the leaves.

Poppy: It's my sapling! I looked after it and helped it grow. I'm not showing it to him again!

Sancho: You theenk ees okay to put esometheeng thees señor no have heemself on display here? Maybe he ees gonna be jealous, eh?

Tuppence: He hasn't got an eye for knick-knacks at all, has he? Can't he feel that powerful aura it's giving out?

Tuppence: Actually, to tell the truth, neither can I!

Bianca: Sounds like he only believes in things he's seen for himself. That must make life a bit borin' for him.

Nera: Poor man. Do you think he trusts anyone?

Rex: I'd love to see his face when he finds out it is real!

Poppy: Is that all he can say? What about how beautiful it is?

Sancho: Esometimes I no esure eef thees señor ees really the aficionado of the knick-knacks or eef he ees just a cowboy.

Tuppence: Remind me why we're listening to this chap again, would you? He doesn't seem to have anything useful to say at all.

Bianca: There's no point explainin' it to him. He wouldn't believe us.

Nera: It certainly is creepy. Er... I mean, it certainly is unusual.

Nera: He might not be the only person who finds it hard to believe it's a famous souvenir of anywhere.

Rex: If it wasn't from Precaria, I'd think it was creepy too. But that's the town Mum saved.

Poppy: It just shows how Grandma helped the monsters turn into humans. There's nothing creepy about it.

Sancho: But thees knick-knack, eet ees from the town señora Mada esaved.

Sancho: When I try to theenk eef ees creepy or no, my mind, ees, ees just too full of emotions!

Tuppence: I agree. It gives me the creeps too. I can't look at it, personally.

Bianca: He's so blimmin' rude! Didn't his mum teach him when to keep his mouth shut?

Nera: I suppose it is a bit different to the other exhibits.

Nera: But it's the result of hundreds of travellers' work. That gives it a certain value, doesn't it?

Rex: That's just nasty, what he said. I didn't think adults were supposed to talk like that.

Poppy: As long as it's fun, what's wrong with it? It's still a souvenir, isn't it? And that's what the knick-knackatory's here for. Souvenirs.

Sancho: Esome people, they go to thees inn just to write een thees book.

Sancho: Ees a good book, sí? Eso many different theengs, they are written eenside.

Tuppence: I'd like to meet that chap's parents! They've got a lot to answer for.

Bianca: How mean of him, to take 'em and waste 'em like that!

Nera: But the wiggly stitching is so cute! It gives it such a warm, home-made feel.

Rex: If he's got a mountain of them, surely that means he really likes them, doesn't it?

Poppy: Well I really like those flags. They give you a warm feeling inside.

Sancho: You theenk thees señor, he puts all hees flags een the storeroom? Ees esuch a shame when esomeone has worked eso hard to make them.

Tuppence: I think he secretly really likes them. Why else would he know so much about them?

Bianca: That ink is pretty special. Sometimes it looks black, but sometimes it looks all rainbow-coloured.

Nera: I heard about that ink and how they make it at Northminster from a travelling priest who came to the abbey when I was living there.

Nera: He said the same thing. It's a special ink that never ever fades.

Rex: Ink usually smells funny, doesn't it?

Rex: But this ink doesn't. Why is that?

Poppy: Well I believe it. I think it is special.

Poppy: I don't know why, but it just seems special to me somehow.

Sancho: Sí, sí. Ees the eenk made from the tusk of a monster.

Sancho: Ees no esurprising eef eet has the especial powers, eh?

Tuppence: You don't think it can improve your handwriting, do you?

Tuppence: No, I... I suppose not. Oh, well.

Bianca: I wonder when anyone'd want to play an instrument like that. I certainly don't want to hear it!

Nera: The sound of people screaming? Brrr... It sends shivers down your spine.

Rex: It doesn't sound like a very nice instrument, does it?

Poppy: Tell me if you're going to use it, won't you, Dad? So I can put my fingers in my ears.

Sancho: Thees señor, he pretends he no escared, but your Uncle Sancho: knows the truth. He can no hide the esweat on hees brow.

Tuppence: But surely no one wants to listen to the sound of people screaming. I know I don't.

Bianca: Seein' that locket makes me feel all choked up inside.

Nera: It's a shame for such a beautiful locket not to have a picture in it. It seems so sad.

Rex: I wonder what kind of things Grandpa and Grandma could tell us about this locket.

Poppy: I can feel Grandma's loving warmth in that locket.

Poppy: I, I don't know why. I just can.

Sancho: Eet, eet was esuch a happy time... Señor Pankraz and señora Mada, they were eso een love... (sob)

Tuppence: That man was at King Pankraz's wedding? Now that's got to be a lie!

Bianca: That's your mum, en't it, Hero? She's got such a kind-lookin' face.

Bianca: It's easy to see how Pankraz fell in love with her at first sight.

Nera: You can tell from the portrait what a kind and pure woman she was.

Rex: He's crying! He must've been really moved.

Poppy: So that's what Grandma looked like when she was young.

Sancho: Ees eso good to have thees picture een the locket at last. Señor Pankraz, he would be eso...eso happy.

Tuppence: The chap's crying now. I can't keep up with him. Just who is he exactly?

Bianca: You'd have to be pretty keen on souvenirs to go to that extreme to get 'em, eh?

Nera: Don't you think we should warn him about how scary it is in Nadiria?

Rex: You can't just get a trophy like that by living in Nadiria, though. You have to defeat Estark.

Poppy: He's not serious, is he? No, he can't be...

Sancho: Uf! He would no esay thees eef he goes there!

Tuppence: Whatever the reasons, just entertaining the idea of getting Nadirian citizenship is pretty terrifying really!

Bianca: It must be quite reassurin' for the customers, seein' we've got the security of the place covered.

Nera: Well that's reassuring, isn't it?

Rex: Nothing to report! Heh heh! That sounds cool!

Poppy: He keeps an eye on the knick-knackatory even when we're not here, doesn't he?

Sancho: I hope to the Goddess there are no problems here. But you know, esometimes the bad theengs, they come for us all.

Tuppence: Is it okay just to have a guard on the entrance? I'd be a bit worried about that, I think.

Bianca: He dun't need to be frettin' about us. We're havin' fun with things just the way they are.

Nera: That's nice, isn't it? I think he's starting to like us!

Rex: Cool! Is that your salary, Dad? Because you're the curator, I mean.

Poppy: He gave you that because you're trying so hard, didn't he, Dad? I think you're doing really well too.

Sancho: Ees no normal to esee the museum at night, eh?

Sancho: Ees because you are the curator now, friend. Sí, ees thanks to you. Gracias, gracias.

Tuppence: Five hundred gold coins? That's it!? He's a slave-driver if you ask me, Hero!

Bianca: I wasn't plannin' on complainin' though, were you?

Nera: He's very strict, isn't he? But it's probably for our own good, I expect.

Rex: Just when I thought he was getting a bit nicer, he goes back to being Mr Grumpy.

Poppy: Come on, Dad. Let's find loads more knick-knacks and really surprise the old man.

Sancho: Ees no normal to esee the museum at night, eh?

Sancho: Ees because you are the curator now, friend. Sí, ees thanks to you. Gracias, gracias.

Tuppence: But only five hundred? That's daylight robbery. It's less than my salary, even.

Bianca: He dun't need to be frettin' about us. We're havin' fun with things just the way they are.

Nera: I'm sure the place will look amazing no matter how you arrange the exhibits. You're so good at it. Rex: Cool! Is that your salary, Dad? Because you're the curator, I mean.

Poppy: Maybe we should try changing some of the exhibits around. There's quite a lot to running a knick-knackatory, isn't there?

Sancho: Now the aficionados, the experts of the knick-knacks, they gonna come to esee your collection, friend.

Tuppence: A thousand gold coins? That's it!? He's a slave-driver if you ask me, Hero!

Bianca: I s'pose we should just take it that he really likes the place. Nera: Do you think he wants to see how the place is run? What's he going to do about dinner? And having a shower in the morning? Rex: He spent the whole day looking at the exhibits?

I knew it. He's definitely a bit weird.

Poppy: We can't throw him out, so what are we going to do?

Sancho: But eef thees señor, he estays the night here, hees family, they gonna worry about heem, sí?

Tuppence: Well, I can understand how he feels. It's nice and quiet here, and the view's fantastic.

Bianca: He sounds a bit tired. We should let him get some sleep.

Nera: I suppose Old Man Nick's been cleaning on his own when we're not here.

Nera: Poor man. He must be exhausted.

Rex: So ghosts sleep too? That's funny.

Poppy: I hope he isn't lonely, all on his own.

Sancho: You no wake heem up, okay, friend? He ees very tired.

Tuppence: There, there are no other ghosts about other than Old Man Nick Knack, are there?

Tuppence: I don't think it's a good idea to spend the night here, you know. No, definitely not a good idea.

Bianca: I wonder what he's dreamin' about.

Nera: He's still comparing, even when he's asleep!

Rex: Wow! He can really snore. The whole room's shaking!

Poppy: Isn't he scared, sleeping in a place like this all on his own?

Sancho: He no estay the night here because he loves the knick-knacks, eh? No, no. Ees no because of thees.

Tuppence: It doesn't look like he's intending to leave any time soon, does it? Pity...

Bianca: One single buildin' on one tiny island... And yet it's a great big knick-knackatory!


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Nera: It's such an old building, but whenever we come, it always looks so neat and tidy.

Rex: This is your knick-knackatory now, Dad, isn't it? It gets more amazing every time I look at it!

Poppy: I love this building. It's got a really warm and comforting feel about it.

Sancho: Sí. Ees muchos fresh here. The air, ees clear. Eet makes you ready for the siesta, no?

Tuppence: This really is a cracking place. It's like the outside world's just stopped, and you can forget all about everything!

Bianca: It's nice and tidy considerin' it was off the beaten track all that time. The old man must've taken care of the place.

Nera: It's so still, isn't it? It's the perfect atmosphere for enjoying the exhibits.

Rex: What a huge room! My voice is echoing off the ceiling.

Poppy: Who do you think put up such an enormous building? Was it Old Man Nick Knack, do you think?

Sancho: Thees place ees beeg like the rooms een Gotha Castle.

Tuppence: I wouldn't mind a place this big one day. It'd make a fine castle for King Tuppence!

Bianca: It's good to see so many visitors in the place.

Nera: You always put on your curator face when we come here. It makes you look so handsome!

Rex: It's still really quiet, even though there are loads of visitors. Is that what these places are always like?

Poppy: Seeing more and more visitors coming makes me want to work even harder at making the place special.

Sancho: You know, at first I no believe the people are gonna come eso far to esee the knicks and the knacks.

Tuppence: Do you think Old Man Nick Knack handles the upkeep of the place all by himself? It must be a lot of work, what with the place being as big as it is.

Bianca: This place dun't feel like a museum at the minute. There's somethin' funny in the air.

Nera: All these scary exhibits... I feel like they're screaming at me. And it makes me want to scream back!

Rex: The people here at the moment aren't like the normal visitors we get, are they?

Poppy: Dad, don't you think we should put some different things on display?

Sancho: Ees no feeling like the museum at the moment, you know.

Tuppence: I get the feeling a lot of these visitors aren't here simply to look at the exhibits, if you know what I mean.

Bianca: There's only one spot to put somethin' on display in here. It'll have to be somethin' really special.

Nera: It's like a special display room up here, isn't it? I suppose we'd better find an exhibit that fits the setting, hadn't we?

Rex: This room must be smaller than the ones below, but it feels really big.

Poppy: There's something special about this room. It feels different somehow.

Sancho: Ees a very beautiful room. Eet must take a long time and a lot of work to make thees place, eh?

Tuppence: You want to put something on display here that really leaves an impression on people before they leave.

Bianca: It's a bit creepy in the dark in here, eh?

Nera: So this is where the exhibits that aren't on display are kept.

Rex: It's nice and cool down here, isn't it?

Poppy: It's a shame for the exhibits down here, don't you think? I mean, it's so dark and cold.

Sancho: You esmell the water down here? Sí. There ees muchos moisture een the air.

Tuppence: It's a big storeroom, isn't it? As big as a castle vault, this.

Bianca: I'll bet the old man planned on sleepin' here and runnin' the museum himself.

Nera: This is a very neat room, isn't it? I thought there'd be more things in here to do with the exhibits.

Rex: Cool! This is like a secret room, hidden away under the stairs.

Poppy: I bet you can hear whenever people go up and down the stairs.

Sancho: Thees room, ees easy to clean, eh? Sí, your Uncle Sancho:, he knows about esuch theengs.

Tuppence: Everything in this room certainly seems to be shipshape and Bristol fashion, eh? Nothing in here that shouldn't be.

Bianca: It's a bit scary bein' in a museum of a night, but it's got a special sort of feel to it too.

Nera: It's even quieter at night, isn't it?

Rex: The exhibits look different in the middle of the night, don't they?

Poppy: I wouldn't like to look at any of the scary exhibits now!

Sancho: Now we are een the place at night, I feel eet even more. That you are really the curator now, friend.

Tuppence: Every step you take echoes through the whole place at night, doesn't it? It's... Well, it's a bit scary!

Debora: If you must pursue all this knick-knack nonsense, I suppose I'll allow it. But all the cleaning and polishing and things will be completely down to you, got it?

Debora: He says we can do things how we want now, but I get the feeling he's going to be sticking his oar in at every available opportunity. Hmph. Men!

Debora: How much is the entrance fee, actually? I bet this place is seriously overpriced.

Debora: Finally! How long does it take a ghost to woo a guard these days anyway? Too long, it seems!

Debora: Well it'll be a step up from having that wishy-washy old blabbermouth on reception, that's for sure.

Debora: Why do men always want to take on young women when they're recruiting? Papa's the same. I just can't see the attraction.

Debora: But what in the name of the Goddess does she see in all this...this junk!?

Debora: Well, she's full of it, isn't she? ...Enthusiasm, I mean. Papa would snap her up in an instant if he saw her in action.

Debora: 'Haaa' to you too, old man. Maybe you haven't got any visitors because you're so haaard to please!

Debora: Who does he think he is? Come on, let's find something to put on display just to shut him up!

Debora: It'll be a real pain having to lug things around if you put them in the wrong places. Think it through before you do anything.

Debora: No one's going to come to a tiny island stuck out in the middle of nowhere like this. But I suppose it'd be alright to stay here a bit longer.

Debora: Wasn't he the one who said we could display whatever we wanted? He's very opinionated for a ghost, isn't he?

Debora: Wasn't he the one who said we could display whatever we wanted? He's very opinionated for a ghost, isn't he?

Debora: Wasn't he the one who said we could display whatever we wanted? He's very opinionated for a ghost, isn't he?

Debora: My Goddess! How much complaining can one ghost do? I wish someone would chuck him and his precious knick-knacks in a coffin where they belong.

Debora: Right! That's it! It's time we gathered every knick-knack and souvenir in the world, so he won't have anything more to grumble about.

Debora: Just who does he think he is, talking to me like that?

Debora: No one gives me orders! Especially not a ghost!

Debora: Now we've built up such a collection, I want to see it finished. Go on, Hero, off you go!

Debora: Can't he just be satisfied? The pedestals are full, for heaven's sake! He's always making us jump through smaller and smaller hoops.

Debora: Shouldn't go sticking your nose in!? It's none of your business, and even if it was, I wouldn't want your opinion, old man!

Debora: Oh, yes. I believe him! He's practically coming back to life, he's so bothered by our display. He just can't help meddling.

Debora: Why doesn't he just tell us what his grand plan is? Then at least we'd know what not to do!

Debora: Er... Do you think maybe ⓚⓛ just maybe ⓚⓛ it would've been a good idea to tell us that earlier? Or did the senile old spook just forget, hm?

Debora: Hmm... Switch things around, he says... Perhaps we could have a display of pretty jewellery... Or a display all about me!

Debora: I wish he wouldn't say things like that. Now I want to know what he means.

Debora: He seems like a doddery old fool, doesn't he? But he's got hidden depths, it seems.

Debora: It is very relaxing. I need to relax, you know. It's very important for me. Let's rest here for a while.

Debora: I'm thrilled that everyone else is having a whale of a time, but what about me?

Debora: I'm rather more sophisticated than the average knick-knack anorak. I need more entertainment than this.

Debora: Looking at everything that's on display, it makes you think what a peculiar world we live in, doesn't it?

Debora: Well obviously! I've been helping out, so of course we've done a grand job.

Debora: She seems like a very capable woman. Much like me, only not as pretty. Her talents are wasted on this place.

Debora: Seems like the old man's got a bit of a crush, writing notes to the receptionist!

Debora: New articles? Well how do we go about finding them, then?

Debora: I thought he seemed unusually quiet. He's been grumbling on paper instead, it seems.

Debora: Good luck. It seems the ghost's got plans for you.

Debora: I like it as it is. It's unusual.

Debora: He'll be on the fast track to Nadiria if he carries on telling us he's leaving things to us and then cursing us when we don't do what he wants.

Debora: I hate slow and steady. It's boring.

Debora: Don't waste any time, Hero. Hurry up and make the place into something I can be proud of.

Debora: Thank the Goddess! Hurry up and find the last few souvenirs we need, Hero. I've had about as much knick-knackery as I can handle.

Debora: Know-how about knick-knacks is know-how you don't need no how!

Debora: He certainly seems to keep Sue abreast of his ideas.

Debora: But he should keep his ideas about Sue's ⓚⓛ Ahem! ⓚⓛ to himself!

Debora: 'My knick-knackatory'!? I don't think so! He gave it to you, Hero, so it's mine now. What's yours is mine, after all.

Debora: If he bothered to write down what he was bothered about, we'd at least know what he wanted. Honestly, he's a hopeless diary writer!

Debora: Are you having a good bash at it?

Debora: I suppose it doesn't really matter. I mean, as long as I'm with you, you can't fail to impress.

Debora: Oh dear. You've started to think like the old dodderer himself. I thought you'd started to look a bit wrinkly.

Debora: Hm? Why don't I bake a cake or something? Not likely! Do I look like a servant?

Debora: What isn't how he'd be liking it?

Debora: Now I come to think of it, why did that beast give us a trophy? Isn't that a bit...odd?

Debora: Well you are trying, it's true. Very trying indeed! No, sorry. I really mean it. You are.

Debora: Where does that girl live, anyway? She's not here all the time, is she? That would just be too sad.

Debora: What a spineless coward! It's just empty, that's all. It's not creepy.

Debora: It's too...dull. The place needs livening up, otherwise no one's ever going to bother coming. I know I wouldn't.

Debora: Oh dear! A bumpkin. I suppose a building like this would look grand to a bumpkin.

Debora: All that man's interested in is how creepy the place does or doesn't feel. He gives me the creeps.

Debora: That sounds like a complaint! Doesn't he know the lengths we've gone to in order to put all these things on display?

Debora: Well, he's got something right at least. That's what souvenirs are after all... Things to remind you of places you've been.

Debora: A man is nothing without proper guidance, though. Isn't that right, Hero? You couldn't have done it without me.

Debora: The rarer the item? Why don't I just climb up on that pedestal then? There could be no rarer beauty.

Debora: It would be a pain if you had to live here, but it's a good location for a museum, I suppose. If you like that kind of thing.

Debora: 'Chic'? Oh dear. That word is so out of fashion!

Debora: Coming to a museum to do research is a bit...lazy, isn't it? He should be out there discovering things himself, not profiting from our hard work!

Debora: A stunning exhibit? Look no further. Nothing is more stunning than what you see before you now.

Debora: Only a bumpkin would feel nervous in a place like this. Poor thing.

Debora: Absolutely! What a place to bring your bride!

Debora: No, I don't. I wouldn't be fobbed off with a visit to a ridiculous knick-knackatory for my honeymoon!

Debora: Which exhibit? If he wants us to believe him, he should be able to make us another one then, shouldn't he?

Debora: What's he talking about? The room's completely empty.

Debora: The truth!? He's lying through his teeth!

Debora: Honestly! Fancy being so wrapped up in your own thoughts that you'd take your eyes off your child!

Debora: That's just not what being a mother is all about. ...What is it, Hero? Why are you staring at me like that? Can't believe how beautiful I am?

Debora: I don't know what kind of a craftsman that man is, but I think he'd be only too happy to make whatever it is he makes for me, don't you?

Debora: Fancy not being able to stay away from here! He must be a bit strange.

Debora: I hope he's planning on thanking me, seeing as how my museum's helped him get back on track again.

Debora: What a weirdo! Who in their right mind would want to relax here?

Debora: Isn't this room just full of the things that aren't worth putting on display upstairs? Do you think he needs his eyes tested?

Debora: I didn't see that coming! I didn't think there was anyone out there who'd understand your quirky knick-knackery habits.

Debora: Hang on, Zenithians can't just leave Zenithia whenever they feel like it, can they?

Debora: A museum is such a boring place for a honeymoon. ...Come to think of it, where's my beach and candlelit dinner?

Debora: It's a husband's duty to keep his wife happy. Don't forget that, will you?

Debora: What about woman's potential? My potential knows no bounds. That's all you need to know.

Debora: How can you comment on how successful the place is without even a word of thanks to the woman who made it all possible? Very odd.

Debora: That's why I don't like to show my face around here too much, you see. All the pretty knick-knacks just look dull next to me.

Debora: Just so long as it's not something that'll go all mouldy and disgusting after a while.

Debora: If it's something worthy of display, I suppose I could think about it. We'll see...

Debora: I don't know what she's so pleased about. Presumably she's on holiday, but this is hardly a great place to relax.

Debora: It's high time I had a place to relax, Hero. You must build me a villa. No, a hotel, just for me! No...you couldn't build a hovel, let alone a hotel.

Debora: Coming to a museum to do research is a bit...lazy, isn't it? He should be out there discovering things himself, not profiting from our hard work!

Debora: There isn't a souvenir shop here, is there?

Debora: So if you saw something you liked, you'd have to go all the way to goodness-knows-where to buy yourself one. What a pain!

Debora: Whatever's the matter with that poet? He's boring, but he doesn't know it! Bursting into rhyme all the time... It's a crime!

Debora: What part of the world does that man come from exactly?

Debora: Unlikely for a plain thing like you, I'm afraid.

Debora: Just what you'd expect from a bumpkin. They always come out with funny stuff like that.

Debora: Don't ask me! I haven't got the first idea how anyone could get engrossed in all this knick-knack nonsense.

Debora: It's a good point. The world is peculiar.

Debora: I bet he's surprised that such a thing could become a famous knick-knack.

Debora: I'm sure it's all fine and wonderful for bumpkins here, but it doesn't suit me.

Debora: I'm sure having detailed discussions about knick-knacks is the perfect accompaniment to a drink in the pub.

Debora: Don't ask me! I haven't got the first idea how anyone could get engrossed in all this knick-knack nonsense.

Debora: Whatever's the matter with that poet? He's boring, but he doesn't know it! Bursting into rhyme all the time... It's a crime!

Debora: What sort of establishment does she think this is exactly?

Debora: Hero! You're not...looking at her, are you!? No, you'd know better than that, wouldn't you?

Debora: This place seems to do that to people... It makes them go a bit loopy.

Debora: What's there to be scared about?

Debora: Still, I can see you're not entirely comfortable with it either, Hero, so I'll escort you if we ever have to come here at night.

Debora: No need to worry. The curator is most definitely off-limits. But for the record, this is the worst honeymoon destination in history!

Debora: A certain beauty? Could he be talking about me? I'm certainly a beauty.

Debora: How can he just stand there and say that!? Doesn't he know the hardships I've been through to collect all these, these...things?

Debora: He must have swum across the ocean to end up looking as terrible as that!

Debora: They're not all frightening...

Debora: Although, having been blinded by my beauty, everything else probably looks awful.

Debora: I hate to break it to you, but you're not the most trustworthy-looking man yourself.

Debora: With so many shifty-looking types loitering about the place, it's impossible to tell who you need to look out for and who you don't.

Debora: Who in the name of the Goddess is that? Has he been possessed by a monster, do you think?

Debora: If you're going to let people like that into the place, you're asking for trouble, you know.

Debora: You think you're imagining these things, but ask the experts and they'll tell you... They're real!

Debora: Who is that bumpkin, and how does he know about the Catas Trophy?

Debora: It doesn't quite fit, it's true. But what would be the right exhibit, I wonder...

Debora: An expert in knick-knacks? Then he must be rich! Not as rich as Papa, of course, but still...

Debora: Huh! He's forever hanging about here doing nothing, and he has the cheek to claim that he's the busy one!

Debora: An amateur!? That's practically praise for you, isn't it? Better than being called ignorant or something. Still, I don't like his tone...

Debora: Pah! He's transparent! He hasn't got a clue if it's well-made or not. He's just a ship in a bottle freak. Or he's on the bottle. One or the other.

Debora: But this is a gem cut by a super-famous jeweller.

Debora: I bet the ones you have at home weren't, were they?

Debora: They're famous, and that's all there is to it. Does he have to whinge about everything?

Debora: Hero! Why are you putting exhibits on display that aren't up to scratch?

Debora: You'll polish them tonight, got it?

Debora: And I'd say the set I use at home is a little better than yours, you big show-off!

Debora: Papa is rich and owns lots of things too, but he doesn't feel the need to own the biggest and best of everything. Perhaps this man's...lacking somehow.

Debora: How can he just stand there in the presence of such beauty and not acknowledge it? I'm deeply hurt.

Debora: 'What a shame'? He's trying to sound sincere, but, well...failing miserably.

Debora: I don't know what craftsman he has in mind, but there's no way he'll be able to make something that beats ours.

Debora: I can't say that I really believe in the Goddess and all those religious ramblings really, either. But I don't think 'shabby' is the right word...

Debora: I remember now. Papa talked about that slime curio too.

Debora: I don't know why rich people always seem to want such strange things.

Debora: 'A reasonable amount of gold'!? Don't they sell for a thousand gold coins each? He hasn't got a clue, has he?

Debora: 'A frightful pest'? Takes one to know one! ...Sorry, Saber!

Debora: I thought you could only lay your hands on Zoomshine if the people of Zoomingale took a shine to you. Isn't that why it's called 'Zoomshine'?

Debora: He'll never get a case if that's the case.

Debora: Papa likes to flash his gold about the place too, but he never makes things difficult for other people.

Debora: Let's take him to the desert and leave him there. What do you say, Hero?

Debora: Then he'll find out how much hard work it is... How it damages your skin. And how your nails get broken. And how your hair gets matted. And, and...

Debora: Even so, who's he to tell us that?

Debora: Papa never gave me one of them, so they must be very hard to come by indeed.

Debora: I know they can be useful all over the place, not just up in the mountains, but...what's he hoping to achieve by giving one to everybody he employs?

Debora: That was a rather uneasy laugh. Do I detect a hint of a lie? Checkmate, Fatso.

Debora: 'Gaudy'? I don't think so. The man wouldn't know beauty if it slapped him in the face. And if he keeps on annoying me, it's about to!

Debora: If you have enough of anything, it's worth something. That's what Papa used to say.

Debora: Urgh! I detest men who don't realise what's right in front of their eyes!

Debora: I get the impression he'd still say faeries were a figment of the imagination even if there was one right in front of him!

Debora: I'd love to take him to Nadiria and prove it to him. I'm sure he'd enjoy it there!

Debora: I don't like the way he's talking to us, but he's absolutely right. It's very important to recycle. Using it as scrap paper is a good idea.

Debora: He must have stayed there a fair few nights, then. Perhaps he didn't get the hint in the name of the place...

Debora: Sounds like he doesn't have any himself. Ha ha! I win!

Debora: If you think it's ridiculous, give it a try. I'll cover my ears...

Debora: Your mother and father invited this man to their wedding!?

Debora: It hardly sounds likely, but how else would he know about the locket?

Debora: He's acting as if he's moved to tears now! What's this man's story?

Debora: I think Nadiria would suit him down to the ground. Or should I say 'down under the ground'? He's a selfish, greedy heathen!

Debora: I hope he's doing his job properly. I've invested an awful lot of time and energy in this place.

Debora: How much is the entrance fee if this is our cut?

Debora: 'Earned the right'? He's got a cheek! We've done more than our fair share of earning already!

Debora: He wants us to rearrange things now? He's going to have to start paying us more...

Debora: Where's he going to sleep if he stays the night here?

Debora: He just doesn't seem like a ghost. I mean, do ghosts normally snore? Or is he grumbling in his sleep now?

Debora: He's going to be in the way when the cleaners turn up if he stays here. Shall I turf him out?

Debora: It's very quiet here. Yes, this could be the perfect spot for my villa.

Debora: It's very well furnished, isn't it?

Debora: Perhaps the old fogey was a man of means before he popped his clogs.

Debora: For a tiny, isolated island, this place is surprisingly accessible, isn't it?

Debora: It feels more like a shock-horrortory than a knick-knackatory now.

Debora: This room is even more lavishly decorated than the others.

Debora: An exhibit for display in here would need to be lavish too. I can help with that. I'm very good at lavish.

Debora: It's a bit strange that there are pedestals in the storeroom, isn't it? Still, we can put all the second-rate junk down here, I suppose.

Debora: So this is where the old dodderer livesⓚⓛ I mean, died... I mean...rests in peace...

Debora: He's still using it, by the look of it. It's immaculate. Just like me!

Debora: You can't put out the lights just because it's night-time, you know.

Debora: Dazzling as I am, I couldn't light up a whole museum!

Tuppence: Well, I'm a man and I've got potential! I'm...almost sure of it!

Debora: Don't worry, Tuppence. You do have potential.

Tuppence: Really!? I knew it! Thank you, Debora! Er, what...sort of potential?

Debora: Potential to be a good servant, of course! Why else would I care?

Tuppence: Of, of course. Yes.

Debora: Well, I agree that they're hardly the greatest of wedding presents...

Debora: ...but I don't enjoy this old man talking about my honey buns one little bit.


Warning: Spoilers!
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Rex: Yay! It's a slurpodrome! I bet I can pick a winner. Now, let's see...

Poppy: He he! Look at all those funny-coloured slimes!

Sancho: The slimes, they are eso cute, no? Ees because they have the h-healthy paunch, djou know. I n-no think of them as monsters.

Tuppence: Slime races just don't seem exciting enough. I can't quite get into the gambling frame of mind with them somehow.

Bianca: Ha ha ha! Looks like the old bloke's havin' fun!

Nera: He's looking at those slimes with so much affection. It's almost as if he thinks of them as his grandchildren!

Rex: It's funny when the slimes fall splat on their faces!

Poppy: I can't figure it out either. These slimes are all quite unpredictable.

Bianca: Slimes are so bouncy and cute-looking.

Bianca: But when you touch them, they're so...slimy! Yuck!

Nera: The slimes here have such bright, shining eyes.

Poppy: That slime smells of strawberries!

Tuppence: I say! These slimes are roaming free. Do you suppose that's safe?

Bianca: Yeah, but still, you never can tell what'll happen at the slurpodrome.

Rex: That one certainly seems to look down its nose at the others, doesn't it? Assuming slimes have noses, that is.

Poppy: That slime smells of fresh leaves.

Sancho: Djou wanna b-bet on the green slime, My M-Majesty? Hmm...

Bianca: It'd be fun if we could get a talkin' slime in our party, eh? Unless they'd be too much of a chatterbox.

Nera: Slimes are so childish and silly. Er... I mean childlike and innocent.

Poppy: Urgh! That slime smells of curry!

Bianca: We used to play T 'n' T together when we were kids. You always won, mind.

Nera: I always marvel at who thought up the idea of such gigantic T 'n' T boards.

Rex: Yay! It's Treasures and Trapdoors!

Poppy: I really like T 'n' T. I always manage to beat Rex.

Sancho: Hmm... Ees n-no eso beeg, thees board, eh?

Tuppence: Ooh! If you're planning on a game of T 'n' T, you must let me do the honours! You won't be sorry, I promise.

Bianca: If only you could always roll what you wanted, eh? I s'pose that'd get a bit borin', though.

Nera: Oh dear. He's taking it all rather seriously. You men can be so funny at times.

Poppy: I've already figured out the best way around. Pretty clever, don't you think, Dad?

Sancho: Thees ees a g-good idea! First djou look at the board from the floor, then djou t-t-take the ch-challenge, si?

Tuppence: A real man shouldn't dilly-dally! No, he should make up his mind and be done with it.

Bianca: Huh! Let's give it another go, Hero!

Nera: I didn't expect anyone to be down there! I hope he couldn't see up my skirt...

Rex: Ha ha ha! It's quite fun falling off, too!

Tuppence: You don't think he's hanging around there just so he can laugh at people, do you?

Tuppence: Honestly! Some people!

Bianca: What a mean old man. We'll have to make sure we don't fall off the board if we decide to have a game.

Nera: The poor man. It must be frustrating not to have ever succeeded.

Sancho: Ees n-no eso fun to watch the others l-losing, djou know. Ees a shame for thees señor.

Tuppence: That does sound like it could be rather funny. If I had time to hang around, I wouldn't mind seeing someone fall.

Bianca: This place is pretty lively of a night, too, eh?

Bianca: There didn't used to be a bridge in the past, so you couldn't get here from Roundbeck and Whealbrook.

Nera: I never visited here at night during my time at the abbey. It's quite a revelation.

Nera: Naturally, I didn't go to the casino during my days at the abbey. But Papa took me there lots of times before.

Rex: This place is pretty lively! I'm feeling all impatient now. I just want to explore and have fun!

Rex: When we came here before with Sancho:, I watched a race at the slurpodrome.

Rex: Have you ever seen one, Dad? They're really good fun!

Poppy: This town is so big, I'm sure I'd get lost in it in an instant. Don't let go of my hand, will you, Dad?

Poppy: ............Zzz.

Poppy: ......Hm? Did you say something? Yes, yes! I'm awake......

Sancho: Uf... Ees eso m-many walls een thees town. Djou n-no feel trapped? I, I can n-no breathe eso well...

Sancho: Even eenside Gotha Castle eet f-feels more open than thees. Djou no think eso, chico?

Sancho: Ees the night, b-b-but ees eso bright, eet feels l-like the day!

Tuppence: So this is the famous Fortuna!

Tuppence: I know, Hero! Why don't we all split up for a while and have a bit of fun? ...No? Oh, what a shame!

Tuppence: I'm afraid I'm not very proficient when it comes to the casino. I do enjoy a visit every once in a while, though.

Tuppence: I tend to lose, so it's especially exciting for me when I do manage a win.

Bianca: This place never sleeps, eh?

Nera: If only everyone here was having fun. I'm afraid they have their fair share of desolate souls here, too, though.

Rex: We don't have much time to enjoy the place, though, do we?

Sancho: Ees t-too much t-t-temptation here. Djou must n-no let djourself become weak. Ees t-time to estay een the inn for tonight.

Tuppence: If only I could forget my duties for a while and really let my hair down...

Bianca: Maybe we should have a bit of a flutter, eh?

Nera: It's upsetting to see people down in the dumps like that. The point of a casino is to have fun, after all.

Rex: There's not much point in him telling us, is there? There's nothing we can do about it.

Poppy: Urgh! That man smelt like he'd had a whole barrel of drink to himself!

Tuppence: It's no use crying over spilt milk. The important thing in this game is knowing when to call it a day.

Bianca: He seems really sad. I wonder what happened to him.

Nera: It might be best if we gave him some space. Rex: The lights here at night are really pretty.

Poppy: I really like stars, so I suppose that must mean I like night-time. I always get really sleepy, though.

Sancho: Si, ees true. Ees especially true on the qu-quiet nights. Then djou th-think of eso many, many memories.

Tuppence: I'm not overly fond of the night-time myself. There always tend to be more monsters out on the prowl.

Rex: Does that mean I'm not the man of her liking? Oh! ...Actually, I'm sort of relieved.

Poppy: I don't particularly want to hear my fortune anyway.

Sancho: Esometimes the drowning man, he clutches at the straws. Maybe ees n-no esuch a bad idea to listen to the fortune-teller esometimes, too.

Rex: Yikes! Her face goes all scary when she tells your fortune!

Poppy: Maybe I should become a fortune-teller when I grow up.

Tuppence: It's rather fortunate that she'd give us a reading for free, isn't it, Hero? ...Ha ha! Fortunate! I'm an accidental comedian!

Rex: Don't you want her to tell our fortune? I was looking forward to that.

Tuppence: Yes, fortune-telling can be a bit hit and miss. Maybe it's not worth paying any attention to it all.

Bianca: I'm sure that won't stop you, eh? You just have to poke your nose in everywhere, dun't you?

Nera: Hmph! Do I look like the type to go spying on someone while they're having a bath!?

Poppy: I quite fancy having a bath now.

Tuppence: How rude! As if I'd barge in on a man having a bath!

Bianca: What a cheek! Did he think we were comin' here to try and take a peek or somethin'!?

Nera: If anyone's in the wrong, it's him for not having a door on his bathroom!

Sancho: Thees señor and señora, they always think of each other, no? Si, there ees n-nothing to esee here. Ees t-time for us to leave.

Tuppence: We'll have to time things more appropriately next time, Hero.

Bianca: We would've probably felt the same under normal circumstances, but it's a bit different when one of your kids is the legendary hero, eh?

Nera: Everyone wants a world without monsters, but it would be a shame if all the nice monsters had to disappear, too.

Rex: I used to think I didn't get much chance to play, but it doesn't look like most other kids do either.

Poppy: It's fun travelling about together, but I sometimes think how nice it would be if we could all just live normal quiet lives at home.

Bianca: I dun't much like hearin' other women chattin' you up. I s'pose that's a wife's prerogative, eh?

Nera: It seems I'm not the only one who finds you so attractive, Hero!

Poppy: It's funny hearing her talk to you like that.

Tuppence: Some people just have an eye for it, you see. I'm referring to my sex appeal, of course.

Bianca: And yet he takes another sip, so it can't be all that bad!

Rex: Ooh! I wonder if the landlord watered them down!

Sancho: The taste of the alcohol, eet depends on djour own mood, djou know.

Sancho: When djou are happy, eet tastes like the liquid paella. But when djou are esad, ees, ees... (sniff)

Bianca: Mum and Dad gave me a brilliant childhood. They always took good care of me.

Bianca: With Mum gone, the family got a bit smaller for a while. But now you've joined, so we're back up to three.

Bianca: And now we have Rex and Poppy. We've got so much to be thankful for, even though times are tough.

Nera: We were separated for a long time, but I'm truly happy now that we've been reunited.

Nera: It really is the best thing in the world to have a family.

Rex: There's lots of houses here in this town, isn't there? I'm bound to get lost.

Poppy: I can do anything as long as you're all with me.

Sancho: Djour Uncle Sancho, he n-no have a family now. For me, señor P-Pankraz, he was my family. But now he ees n-no lon... No longer... (sob)

Tuppence: I wonder how Mother is getting along.

Bianca: He must be a feisty old man to spend every night down the pub like that.

Nera: I hope that old fellow isn't drinking to excess with all those pub visits.

Rex: Why do grown-ups all spend so much time at the pub? I don't get it.

Sancho: The alcohol, ees all p-poison, djou know. When djou are djoung, and when djou are old. Ees n-no good to drink t-t-too much.

Bianca: It's a pretty normal-lookin' place for a fortune-teller's house.

Nera: I heard talk of the fortune-teller here when I was at the abbey. Apparently, her readings can be a bit hit and miss.

Poppy: Do you think he's waiting up for her to come home? That's nice of him.

Bianca: How many times do I have to tell you that you shouldn't go tryin' to start conversations with folk while they're sleepin'?

Nera: You really shouldn't intrude on a woman while she's sleeping, Hero.

Rex: What's going on with her ears!?

Tuppence: Bunny girls are cute even when they're sleeping!

Bianca: Fancy havin' an underground jail in town! I s'pose there's bound to be crime when you collect so many folk together in one spot, though.

Nera: Jails always seem to feel so cold.

Rex: This place is really creepy. I'd rather not come down here if we don't have to.

Poppy: It's dark and cold and smelly down here. I don't like it!

Tuppence: I say! That soldier's asleep! Do you suppose we should wake him?

Bianca: Um... You sure we should've let him go, Hero?

Nera: Oh dear! He's gone!

Rex: He said something about the stool. I wonder what's there.

Poppy: That man was really stinky.

Sancho: Eesⓚⓛ Ees the thug who... When señor Harry, he was...!

Bianca: That's worth knowin', eh? We should go and give it a whirl!

Bianca: Er, I suppose we'd better watch that we dun't end up spendin' too much time gamblin', though.

Nera: Well! He's certainly in the know.

Rex: Do you think that's true?

Sancho: Ees only h-helpful eef they n-no have changed the places of the slot machines. But ees pr-probably okay.

Bianca: Eh? Dun't you want it? I was thinkin' it could come in really handy.

Nera: I wonder what a monster menagerie is. If it's only a thousand gold coins, we could just take a chance and buy it...

Rex: Ooh! What's a monster menagerie?

Poppy: A monster menagerie... That sounds pretty impressive. I want one!

Bianca: Nice! Let's go and check it out.

Nera: I wonder what this monster menagerie is all about. How exciting!

Rex: Yay! We got it! We got it! Um... What is a monster menagerie, anyway?

Poppy: Did you buy the monster menagerie? Are there any monsters inside?

Bianca: Hm, it's pretty tough havin' to buy stuff for all our gang, eh?

Nera: Oh well. I suppose we'll just have to come back again when we've saved up.

Poppy: Can't you afford it, Dad? You could always sell some of my clothes to get some more money.

Sancho: I am esorry, chico. My pockets, they are empty. I can n-no geeve djou nothing.

Bianca: He certainly stocks some pretty curious items, eh? Seems to be doin' a fairly decent business out of it, mind.

Nera: I can't wait to see what the next weird and wonderful item he has in stock will be!

Rex: Let's come back here again, Dad!

Sancho: Thees señor, he ees a g-good businessman, si? He ees as esharp as a m-machete!

Bianca: Yeah, five thousand gold coins seems like a bit of a fortune to spend on a funny old curtain.

Nera: Oh! Aren't you going to buy it? But it's so sweet!

Nera: Sorry. If you've made up your mind, then I won't try to change it.

Rex: Oh! Go on, Dad! Buy it, buy it, buy it!

Poppy: If you don't want to buy it, then I won't try to change your mind.

Sancho: I n-no eso sure how m-many times we g-gonna need thees s-slime curio when we are tr-travelling...

Bianca: Did you really want this funny old curtain, Hero? It dun't much look like your kind of thing.

Nera: Yippee! I'm so happy! This is just what I wanted! It's so pretty!

Rex: Yay! We got it! Thanks, Dad! I'm going to use it as a blanket when I go to bed tonight.

Poppy: It doesn't look all that cute when you get up close.

Sancho: Qué? Oh, djou can wear thees curio. I wonder who ees gonna l-look the best een eet.

Bianca: Hm, it's pretty tough havin' to buy stuff for all our gang, eh?

Nera: Oh well. I suppose we'll just have to come back again when we've saved up.

Poppy: Can't you afford it, Dad? You could always sell some of my clothes to get some more money.

Sancho: I am esorry, chico. My pockets, they are empty. I can n-no geeve djou nothing.

Bianca: Does that mean he's shuttin' up shop? I was lookin' forward to seein' what other weird and wonderful things he might have on sale.

Nera: I hope he'll start selling his curiosities again once the world is in better shape.

Rex: Do you think he travels about on his own? That would be hard going.

Tuppence: Yes, I don't think I'd be too keen on travelling about at the moment if I weren't with you, Hero.

Bianca: Bein' in a casino is like bein' in another world. It helps you forget your troubles for a little while.

Nera: Don't forget that a casino is just a place to let off a little steam. You mustn't get too carried away.

Rex: Dad! Dad! Let's go to the slurpodrome and watch a slime race! I reckon I can pick a winner!

Poppy: Did you see that man before? He was crying. Don't you cry, will you, Dad?

Sancho: Maybe we can ween esomething for our journey. Esomething which ees gonna muchos h-help us.

Sancho: But djou n-no gamble too much, okay, chico? The first rule of the casino ees to t-take eet eslow.

Tuppence: Rrraargh! The gambler's blood in me is flowing fast and furious again for the first time in a long time!

Tuppence: ...Hm? You look surprised. Did you not know about my penchant for a flutter?

Bianca: He's right, Hero. We shouldn't get too carried away.

Nera: Some people get hooked despite that. Imagine what it would be like if you could actually win money here!

Sancho: Ees a g-g-good idea, no? Eef the casino, eet n-no return to the clientes their gold, they g-gonna make beeg money!

Sancho: Maybe ees t-time for a casino een Gotha, no? But ees n-no good for the esafety. The crime, ees gonna increase, too. Hmm...

Bianca: We probably act like that when we get caught up in gamblin'. How embarrassin'!

Nera: He seems to be a bit over-excited. Maybe he's never had a win before.

Rex: Go on! That's the way!

Poppy: He was a bit carried away for a grown-up.

Sancho: Djou n-no talk too much, okay, chico? Eef djou play here, djou play. But eef djou go, djou must go quickly.

Bianca: Hm, but you can lose a lot of money fast in the hundred-token slots, so you really have to go careful.

Nera: Papa only ever played on the hundred token slot machines. It seems rather frivolous when I think of it now.

Rex: Hundred-token slots... Maybe I'm not quite ready for them yet.

Tuppence: The hundred-token slots? Dear me! I do love casinos, but I tend to be a bit too cautious to play with those kind of amounts.

Bianca: Mum always said that every profession needs its underlings. Without them, the whole thing falls apart.

Nera: I hope he has his dream come true some day.

Poppy: Aaah. That man had such a nice voice. I hope I get to talk to him again...

Bianca: Urgh! He spat on me!

Nera: He should stop there and have a rest before he does himself a mischief.

Rex: Where's the stunning young beauty come to steal a prince's cart? What? She's behind me? Oh no she isn't!

Rex: What do you think? Did I get the words right?

Bianca: Typical old bloke, eh? Thinks he knows all there is to know about life just because his has bin a long one!

Nera: I suppose there are all sorts of ways to find entertainment in a casino.

Rex: How come he says you can see all walks of life here? I can't see anything special. I don't get it!

Poppy: I don't really like casinos. They're so noisy.

Bianca: I en't sure it's the kind of thing he should be bettin' on, but it looks like he's got a winner there, eh?

Sancho: Ees l-like a game for thees señor, eh? Because he doesn't know anything. M-Maybe he's lucky...

Bianca: They all dance so well. It's quite a show!

Nera: I'm surprised their costumes don't fall down with all that dancing about!

Sancho: Ees a r-rumba or a salsa? Heh heh! I n-no care. But I can no t-take my eyes away from them!

Tuppence: I think they're absolutely fantastic. Just look at the way they move in those costumes. Mmmm!

Rex: That guy looked really intense.

Poppy: Urgh! You won't end up looking all scruffy like him, will you, Dad?

Bianca: I dun't think I know this song specifically, but it somehow sounds familiar.

Nera: La la la Ⓠ Please, baby, ooh, I need you! Ⓠ

Rex: La la la Ⓠ Geez, baby poo...! Ⓠ

Poppy: What a good song!

Tuppence: Yes, I'd say she's probably the prettiest of them all.

Bianca: Looks like you think it's pretty raunchy, eh, Hero? I can tell by that glazed look in your eyes!

Nera: Darling, do you mind if we go elsewhere? I'm not too keen on being here on the stage.

Rex: What does raunchy mean? Does it mean rude?

Poppy: Look at that costume! I'd be really embarrassed if I were her.

Sancho: Perfect papayas! I, I n-no... Ah! Si! We n-need to take a rest from all our h-hard travelling, no? Ees a g-good time, eh? Si, si.

Tuppence: Oh, yes. It's very raunchy. Very raunchy indeed!

Bianca: I en't lettin' her get the better of me! Da-da-daa, Da-da-da-daaa... Ⓠ

Nera: Stop it, Hero! It's making me feel funny seeing you watch her tummy button wiggling around like that!

Rex: Da-da-daa, Da-da-da-daaa...! What do you reckon, Dad? Am I any good?

Poppy: Huh. I'm no good at dancing.

Bianca: Yeah, well, it can't hurt to let go and have a bit of fun every once in a while, eh?

Nera: He he he! You are rather good.

Rex: I can do it just as well! Watch me!

Bianca: Um, you know when we're done with all this travellin' and we go back to the castle? I can still wear these kind of clothes, right?

Nera: But wearing a dress like that must make you feel so pretty and special.

Rex: That kind of dress would probably really suit Poppy. Especially when she gets a bit older.

Poppy: I'm a princess, but I've never worn a dress like that.

Rex: Hmm, sounds tricky.

Tuppence: I suppose I support the lead, so to speak, by accompanying you on your travels, Hero. It's true that it is rather difficult.

Bianca: That's a good point. Travellin' certainly does broaden the mind.

Nera: I've met all sorts of people, too. Meeting you was the best of all, though.

Tuppence: I'd like to meet a few more people, too. Only the kind of folk who'll make me look good, mind you.

Bianca: Did you know there was a cave all the way up here, Hero?

Nera: I had no idea there was a cave here.

Rex: I'm pretty curious to see what lies beyond this cave, aren't you?

Poppy: There's a really funny atmosphere to this place.

Sancho: C-C-C-Careful where djou are treading, My Majesty.

Tuppence: Oh! There are no monsters here! Ha ha! I was rather dreading the fact that there would be.

Bianca: You're not the only one who becomes all the more determined to do somethin' when you're told not to, Hero!

Nera: No doubt you're planning on moving it regardless? You have that defiant look on your face again.

Rex: 'This stone must not be moved'? I wonder who would write something like that.

Poppy: If it says not to move it, then we shouldn't move it. ...Right?

Sancho: Who would put esomething like this een here? Ees loco! I n-no like the f-f-feeling of this.

Tuppence: When you see instructions not to do something, you tend to do it anyway, right, Hero?

Bianca: Do you sense a kind of heavy feeling in the air all of a sudden? We should be careful, Hero.

Nera: Be careful, darling. There are monsters about!

Rex: That strange stone slab... I wonder what it actually does.

Poppy: Why did you go and move it when it said not to!?

Tuppence: Dear me. Whyever did you move that stone slab, Your Majesty? Did you have too much time on your hands or something?

Bianca: Hey! The monsters have disappeared!

Nera: It seems to be something to do with that stone slab. What a strange cave this is!

Rex: Am I just imagining it, or have all the monsters disappeared? Why would that be?

Poppy: Where have all the monsters gone?

Sancho: Eet eseems as eef the air, ees cleared. Are djou feeling eet, too, chico?

Bianca: Weird. It's like any sign of monsters is just drifitin' away. Still, I suppose we shouldn't complain!

Bianca: There's somethin' a bit funny about this cave. I wonder what the story is.

Nera: It feels so odd being able to take our time walking through a cave like this without always looking over our shoulders.

Nera: I wonder where all the monsters are lurking.

Rex: Am I just imagining it, or have all the monsters disappeared? Why would that be?

Rex: You can see monster footprints all over the place, but there's no sign of the monsters themselves.

Rex: If it gets much quieter, I'm going to start having trouble staying awake!

Poppy: That's odd. All the monsters are gone. I don't see a single one of them.

Poppy: Ready or not...here we come!

Poppy: I think the monsters must be playing hide and seek!

Poppy: Right, right. left... Um, left...right, right... Ⓠ

Poppy: It's just a little ditty that Rex taught me. It's to help me remember how to skip nicely.

Poppy: Yoohoo! Monsters! ...Why don't you answer me?

Sancho: Djou know what eet ees, My Majesty? The monsters, they are escared of djou now. Because djou fight like the matador!

Sancho: Si, ees g-good the monsters no b-b-bother us. But I... I estill w-w-worried.

Tuppence: I say! There's something a bit odd here. There's no sign of any monsters whatsoever.

Tuppence: I'm not very comfortable with this. I don't much like surprises. Still, at least this is a good one.

Tuppence: Ah... (mumble mumble)... Oh dear! This won't do!

Tuppence: Sorry, Hero. Things are so quiet in here that I was almost falling asleep on the spot.

Tuppence: Did you use holy water while I wasn't looking or something, Hero?

Bianca: What do you suppose is goin' on with this place? Why are the monsters here such pesky, persistent little things?

Bianca: If there are this many monsters about, there must be somethin' pretty special in here that they're tryin' to stop us gettin' at.

Nera: It's all or nothing with this cave when it comes to the number of monsters around. Rather too extreme for my liking.

Nera: It would be nice to get ahead more quickly, but it looks like they're doing their hardest to stop us.

Rex: Be careful, Dad. The monsters in here are pretty scary.

Rex: This cave isn't far from Roundbeck, is it?

Rex: We'll have to tell all the townspeople to steer well clear of this place. It's far too dangerous!

Poppy: Ouch! ...It's alright. I just tripped a bit, that's all.

Poppy: The monsters here are really mean. It's like they're being controlled by something.

Sancho: A brave conquistador, he knows when ees the good time to make a fresh estart.

Sancho: Djou have b-become such a fine man, Hero. I, I am so proud! Esometimes when I am walking behind djou, I forget djou are n-no djour father.

Sancho: Today, ees been a very exhausting day. I g-gonna prepare for djou a nice hot bath and esomething esalty for dinner.

Tuppence: Don't worry, Hero. If the worst happens, I'll take good care of your beloved wife and children.

Tuppence: Hmm. If only I'd brought a painter along with me.

Tuppence: How nice it would be if I could show people at home a picture of me in a mighty fighting pose!

Tuppence: I just can't keep up with this place. One minute there are no monsters at all, and then the whole place is overrun with them!

Bianca: Hey! What d'you s'pose that is?

Rex: Are we done yet? Those stone slabs are really heavy. I'm tired!

Poppy: Is that your robe over there, Dad?

Sancho: Uf! Pushing these estones around these narrow passages, ees like dancing the salsa, no? Ees h-hard work.


Warning: Spoilers!
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Bianca: This is another big old tower, eh? What's the plan, anyway? I'm not sure that climbin' it is the best idea at the moment.

Nera: What are we doing here? Oh! So this is where the Zenith Dragon's powers were supposedly sealed away?

Rex: I knew about this island existing before, but I had no idea there was this tower here.

Poppy: Oh! I hate heights!

Sancho: J-Just l-l-looking at all those estairs... I no feel so good.

Tuppence: Who'd have thought there'd be a tower hidden among all these big mountains? Seems a bit odd to me.

Rex: What a cool tower, having the entrance at the top!

Rex: Shame we have to go all the way down to the bottom to get out.

Poppy: Um, are we still high up? Or is it safe to open my eyes now?

Sancho: Thees p-p-place, ees estrange... Djou c-can f-f-feel the evil h-here as esoon as djou enter.

Sancho: My M-M-Majesty. We must br-brace ourselves f-for trouble.

Tuppence: I s-say, Hero! The monsters in this tower are rather f-formidable!

Rex: Did... Did that woman back there just die?

Rex: Wow... If only we'd got here a bit sooner.

Poppy: What did she mean about the dragon's eyes? Why would anyone care so much about that?

Poppy: Dad... Will you hold my hand?

Sancho: No! The monsters, they cannot g-g-g-get away with this!

Sancho: I n-never have the honour of kn-knowing djour name, señorita. But I pr-promise djou, we, we gⓚgonna avenge djour death!

Tuppence: We can't run away just because she told us to.

Tuppence: Goddess rest her soul, though, the poor woman.

Rex: Hey! What's that? Let's go and have a closer look, Dad.

Sancho: Careful. Esomething just moved.

Rex: So we're at the bottom level. It's just how it looks from outside; bigger than all the other floors.

Poppy: Is that...a dragon's neck? Is there more of it further down?

Rex: What's wrong, Dad? You look like you've seen a ghost.

Rex: Did you know that monster guy back there or something?

Poppy: Um, Dad. That monster then...

Poppy: Um... Never mind.

Sancho: Come, we must carry on. We estill have many things to do here een this tower.

Tuppence: That was a shock. That monster certainly put up quite a fight.

Rex: Turned Pankraz to ashes? So he's the one who killed grandpa? I'll never forgive him!

Poppy: This is the first time I've ever felt pure hatred for a monster. I'll fight with all my might next time.

Sancho: E-Eet was h-heem? He k-k-killed señor Pankraz? No! Th-The pain in my heart, ees t-t-too m-much!

Tuppence: I thought we were for it more times than I can count. That was one battle that was a little too close for comfort.

Rex: It looks fairly straightforward from the outside, but this tower is as complicated as you like.

Rex: I don't think I've ever seen so many stairs! It's okay, though. I can handle it.

Rex: This must be the tower we heard about in Zenithia. The tower where the Zenith Dragon's powers were sealed away.

Poppy: I don't like anywhere that I can see a long way down.

Poppy: I know I have to just put up with situations like this if we're going to find Mum.

Sancho: Ees my duty to protect djou weeth my life, My Majesty.

Sancho: B-B-But this place, ees so d-dark. There ees n-no even one w-w-w-window.

Tuppence: The monsters here are a bit too strong for my liking. Are you doing alright, Hero?

Tuppence: I'll watch your back, don't you worry. You just keep pushing on ahead!

Rex: It's a bit weird that it has a basement even though it's a tower.

Poppy: It's dark, isn't it? ...I'm not scared, though. I've got my eyes closed, you see.

Sancho: Esuddenly, the air, eet has changed. Ees n-no like before. We do not know what ees coming. We must b-be careful.

Tuppence: Yikes! It's a poisonous swamp! Mind how you go, Hero!

Rex: Brrr... Is it me, or is it getting colder in here?

Rex: This is quite big for an underground chamber. I wonder which way we need to go.

Poppy: Um, don't go running off anywhere fast, will you? I've got my eyes closed, you see.

Poppy: Brrr... I don't like the feel of this place.

Sancho: These things, they are esent to try us by the Goddess. We must take care, and move eslowly.

Sancho: Esince just now, I have the estrangest feeling.

Sancho: As eef ees d-d-destiny that I have c-come here this day.

Tuppence: It seems that the monsters are getting stronger the further down we go. Or is it just my imagination?

Tuppence: I'll watch your back, don't you worry. You just keep pushing on ahead!

Rex: Why do you suppose those monsters were so interested in the dragon's eyes?

Rex: There seem to be a lot of mysteries about this tower.

Rex: Do you think we're getting any closer to finding Mum with all this travelling we're doing, Dad?

Rex: I wonder how the Zenith Dragon's powers were sealed away? Do you know, Dad?

Poppy: Bad monsters are bad through and through, right? They never just turn good and start behaving themselves?

Poppy: There's something bothering me about that dragon statue. There seemed to be something missing around its face.

Sancho: I, I did not expect this... I n-never imagined I would f-find señor Pankraz's k-k-k-keeller here. I, I am overcome by my f-f-f-feelings...

Sancho: But now h-he has escaped, we must f-finish what we came here to do.

Tuppence: Erm, so what do we do now again?

Rex: I didn't expect the dragon's face to have a device like that hidden in it!

Rex: Whoever came up with the idea of going along on its tongue must have been an eccentric one. Just like Dr. Agon, in fact!

Poppy: It's fun walking along a dragon's tongue. And it's not even scary, even if it is high up.

Sancho: This contraption, it ees loco, no!?

Sancho: I have forgotten the estress of the battle we just fought already.

Tuppence: What do you suppose is waiting for us in here? There seem to be ferocious monsters all over the place.

Rex: Looking through that hole is really scary! I bet Poppy would cry if she had a look!

Poppy: Aren't we done here yet? Ohhh!

Sancho: The l-ladders and the ropes, they are dangerous, amigo. If djour mind wanders and djou are thinking about paella, djou will fall!

Rex: So this is a dragon orb.

Rex: I bet the monsters we saw before would love to get their claws on it.

Rex: I wonder if the powers of the Zenith Dragon really are inside this orb. It's all a bit weird, really.

Poppy: What a pretty orb. It's glowing even more brightly than the gold orb.

Sancho: At last, we have completed this task. It was no cinch, no?

Tuppence: Um, don't have me carry anything too important, will you? I'd never forgive myself if I dropped it and it broke!

Rex: I would never have believed there was such a big room inside a statue like this!

Poppy: This dragon is so big and majestic.

Rex: Wow! What an amazing-looking staff!

Sancho: This staff, ees p-p-perfect for djou, My Majesty. It esuits djou so well.

Rex: Look how high up the ceiling is! We did well climbing all the way down here!

Poppy: This tower is just full of stairs and ladders and ropes. It's totally exhausting!

Sancho: I, I cannot estop th-th-thinking about the monster... Its face ees g-gonna h-haunt me forever.

Tuppence: Brrr... Here's hoping we won't be running into any more monsters that strong.

Bianca: Okay, I get it. You all explored this place. Very nice. Now can we move on?

Nera: We don't have much time. Maybe you could show me around this place when everything's calmed down and got back to normal?

Rex: We don't need to do anything here any more, right, Dad? Let's go!

Poppy: I've had enough, Dad. When we've finished what we're doing, I want to go straight home. I'm not very good with towers.

Sancho: We have no more to do een this tower. We must move on.

Rex: I wonder what we're supposed to do with this orb. We've brought it here to Zenithia, but now what?

Poppy: It's a relief to have made it here to Zenithia.

Sancho: Djou no w-wonder where ees señor Agon?

Rex: It's a bit nerve-racking moving the castle about the place. We'd never be able to afford to pay for any damage.

Poppy: I can't help feeling a bit bad about landing the castle on the ground. I mean, Zenithia's supposed to float up above the clouds, after all.

Rex: This is from the Yggdrasil tree? A tiny little sapling like this?

Poppy: It's so tiny and delicate! Can I give it some water, Dad?

Poppy: This tiny sapling's done so well in all that water. It's a determined little thing.

Sancho: They esay djou can br-bring esomeone who has passed away b-b-back from the dead weeth the leaf of Yggdrasil.

Sancho: But thees ees j-just a sapling. Eet n-no has esuch estrong power djet, I believe.

Tuppence: If we can keep this sapling going, we'll have all the Yggdrasil leaves we could possibly need! Now we can fight to the death without having to worry!

Rex: 'The darkness spreadeth'... I think that means we'd better hurry, Dad.

Poppy: That poor sapling, confined to such a tiny pot!

Poppy: Once we've defeated Nimzo, we'll have to make sure it's moved to a nice big place with lots and lots of sunshine!

Sancho: Si, ees j-just the esapling, but ees fr-fr-from the Great W-World Tree. Eef djou n-no look after eet well, the Goddess, she gonna m-make djou pay!

Rex: A present? We're not supposed to take presents from strangers. But I suppose it's okay if you're here, Dad.

Rex: I didn't know there were faeries here, too. Do you think Zenithians and faeries are all good friends?

Poppy: Is that grass Yggdrasil? Ooh...

Sancho: Uf! The dew of Yggdrasil, ees a v-very v-v-valuable thing.

Rex: That's not fair! Why can we only have one lot at a time? It'd be much better if we could takes loads of it!

Poppy: We'll have to make sure we use the bit of Yggdrasil dew we have carefully then, Dad.

Sancho: Si. Ees true. Eef djou h-have too much of esomething like thees, djou f-forget the true v-value of life.

Tuppence: You'd think she could just slip us a few extra lots out of goodwill, wouldn't you? We are fighting for world peace, after all.

Rex: We would never have made it inside the tower without that grappling hook.

Rex: It's a good job we found that in his cupboard, rather than just a load of old man's pants!

Poppy: I wonder why the old man had that grappling hook in the first place.

Poppy: You don't think he used to be a burglar, do you?

Rex: Centuries? Wow! I didn't realise this place was so old.

Poppy: Have you ever met the Zenith Dragon, Dad? I've only ever seen pictures of him in books.

Sancho: Then we m-must find thees Zenith Dragon, si?

Tuppence: Are humans really all that noble? I'd say gods have the edge there, myself.

Rex: Zenithia is certainly a fairly tricky place to find your way around!

Rex: Can the castle still only fly low to the ground? I want to see it float right up to the heavens!

Poppy: It looks like things have dried out nicely. The castle has a much happier feel to it now.

Poppy: Zenithia used to be much, much higher all those years ago, didn't it? We're lucky we didn't have to climb so high.

Sancho: Eso, thees ees h-how the eenside of Zenithia looks? Ees v-very interesting, no? Eef we h-had more time, I l-like to look around...

Tuppence: I'll be able to hold my head up high when we get back to Gotha, so I will! There's not many folk who can say they've been to Zenithia.

Rex: What a long ladder! And it's really dark, too...

Poppy: I'm okay. As long as I don't look down, I'm okay.

Rex: That all sounds a bit odd. What do you suppose has been going on?

Sancho: Ees v-very estrange, si?

Rex: But Dad! Dr. Agon's not evil! We have to do something to help him.

Sancho: We can n-no just ignore thees, eh? Djou must d-d-do esomething, My Majesty.

Poppy: Yikes. It's scary seeing a Zenithian get angry like that!

Tuppence: Hmph! Well, well, well... What a turn up for the books!

Tuppence: Well, Hero, you know you can count on me to help you put this Dr. Agon in his place if he isn't what he seems.

Rex: Dr. Agon isn't a bad man, Dad! I just know he isn't.

Poppy: I feel so nervous! I wonder what would happen if we gave him the orb.

Sancho: Djou n-never know wh-what ees gonna happen, eh? I n-no like thees...

Rex: Wow!

Rex: Th-That was a surprise! I didn't see that coming, did you, Dad?

Poppy: The Zenith Dragon... So Dr. Agon was the Zenith Dragon all along!

Sancho: When djou travel, m-many, many things, they surprise djou. B-But thees...? No, I n-no believe thees.

Sancho: Ees, ees... Eet h-hits djou like the armada!

Tuppence: To think that Dr. Agon was actually the Zenith Dragon...

Tuppence: Forgive me, o Great One, for my ignorance!

Rex: I quite liked his human form, actually.

Rex: But it is good to see him back to his true self. I mean, he's pretty cool!

Poppy: Is that really the Zenith Dragon in the flesh? This is like living a dream.

Sancho: T-To have the Z-Zenith Dragon esay gracias to djou, ees, ees...

Tuppence: Yes, well. He was rather powerless.

Tuppence: Oops! Not that I mean any offence, of course!

Bianca: So the Zenith Dragon was masqueradin' as a bumblin' middle-aged man?

Bianca: What I'd give to have bin able to see that!

Nera: The great Zenith Dragon... I'm quite overwhelmed.

Rex: Well, it can't be helped. There's no way any of us could've known his true identity.

Sancho: But ees because he was tr-trying to protect Zenithia, si? Thees ees why he d-doubted señor Agon. Ees n-nothing to be ashamed.

Tuppence: I also feel great shame for my faithlessness.

Rex: It's a relief to know that the Zenith Dragon is back on form again. I feel much more confident about everything now.

Sancho: We n-no need to worry about Zenithia no more, eh?

Rex: I suppose he's right. We still have a battle to win. We'd better get to it, then!

Poppy: That old man can't know much about what's going on in the outside world, being holed up here all the time.

Poppy: It's good that we passed on the news about the Zenith Dragon.

Rex: Dr. Agon didn't exactly have to do all that much, though, did he?

Rex: Oh well. It's hardly worth going into that now.

Rex: The Zenith Dragon's really amazing. Do you think he can fly even higher than the castle?

Bianca: I never imagined for one minute that I'd ever have the chance to visit Zenithia.

Bianca: I can't help feelin' a bit out of sorts. Maybe it's my Zenithian blood at work.

Nera: So this is the home of my ancestors... But I belong with you now, in Gotha.

Nera: Being here makes me feel relaxed and on edge all at the same time!

Nera: I can't really explain it, but something in my heart just won't settle.

Rex: Zenithia is certainly a fairly tricky place to find your way around!

Rex: Can the castle still only fly low to the ground? I want to see it float right up to the heavens!

Poppy: It looks like things have dried out nicely. The castle has a much happier feel to it now.

Poppy: Zenithia used to be much, much higher all those years ago, didn't it? We're lucky we didn't have to climb so high.

Sancho: Djou know, when djou l-look again, ees a v-very b-b-beautiful castle, si? Djou f-feel eso much h-history.

Tuppence: I'll certainly have a story to tell back in Gotha! Imagine people's reactions when they hear I was responsible for the Zenith Dragon's resurrection!

Rex: Did you see that little room by the entrance, Dad? What do you think it's for?

Rex: This building's incredible. I can't imagine how they managed to build something so huge on top of a mountain!

Rex: Brrr. It's a bit c-c-cold here, isn't it, D-D-Dad?

Rex: I s-s-suppose it's because we're high up. We're even above the c-c-clouds. Brrr.

Poppy: Hahh, hahh, hahh... It's weird. Why am I so out of breath even though I'm not...hahh...doing anything?

Poppy: Hahh, hahh, hahh...

Poppy: Look, Dad! There's a cloud underneath us! I've never been this high up before.

Sancho: A g-g-giant temple on the t-top of Mt. Azimuth? Ees, ees amazing!

Sancho: Djou esee? I am estill j-just a djoung man. There ees eso much I n-no know about the world!

Tuppence: That Zenith Dragon is rather spectacular, being able to fly up above the clouds like this.

Tuppence: It's hard to believe He's the same creature as that funny Dr. Agon we were spending our time with not so long ago.

Rex: Is that... Is that armour mine?

Rex: Dad! What are you doing? If that's the Zenithian Armour, then we have to have it!

Rex: ...Oh, I get it. You're planning on going away to get ready first so that we definitely win, right? That's really clever.

Poppy: Phew. Looks like we managed to avoid a bit of a fight there.

Sancho: Thees señor, he n-no realise we are n-no from thees place like heem, eh?

Sancho: Djou have become v-very clever like thees, chico. Si, djou are a m-master of the tactics now.

Rex: Why should we be soulless? That's a bit of a weird thing to say.

Poppy: Was that soldier a monster? Then that means this temple is... Hmm.

Tuppence: Dear me. He was rather alarming, wasn't he?

Rex: So this is the armour the legendary hero wore! Wow! It's so cool!

Poppy: Does this armour belong to Rex now, too? That's so unfair! ...Um, I mean, how lovely!

Sancho: I n-no expect to find the legendary armour een a p-p-place like thees.

Tuppence: Oof! It's rather heavy, isn't it? I suppose that just means I'm not cut out for this kind of armour.

Rex: Looks like he thinks we're part of the following.

Poppy: What is this place? It's full of lots of really strange-looking people.

Sancho: He can n-no imagine any other p-p-people, they gonna c-come eenside, eh?

Sancho: We must pretend we are w-w-worshipers eso he no th-think we are esuspicious.

Tuppence: Tsk tsk! What a useless guard he is, actually encouraging us intruders inside like that!

Rex: The people in here don't seem to notice us at all.

Rex: It's like they're all totally mesmerised by something.

Poppy: That person just said something about Mada. Isn't Mada Grandma's name, too?

Sancho: Hmm... Si, djour Uncle S-Sancho:, he knows wh-what ees happening here now.

Sancho: Djou listen to me, chico. Whatever djou esee here, djou must n-n-no believe eet, okay?

Tuppence: M-Mada? Surely it couldn't be...?

Rex: Why should we be soulless? That's a bit of a weird thing to say.

Poppy: Was that soldier a monster? Then that means this temple is... Hmm.

Sancho: Si! Ees tr-true! Ees the monsters! They are een c-control of thees Order of Zugzwang!

Tuppence: Dear me. He was rather alarming, wasn't he? Rex: That kid's eyes looked really empty. It's like he couldn't see properly or something.

Sancho: Ees no r-r-right. He can n-no esee us, even when we espeak to heem.

Poppy: Do you think that person's okay, Dad? The people here are making me nervous.

Tuppence: It's rather tricky to fathom whether the people here are alive or dead sometimes.

Rex: That statue almost looks like it's alive. ...Hang on! I've seen a statue like this before...

Rex: I know! It looks just like you did when you were a statue! Does that mean...?

Poppy: That lady looks so kind. I feel like I want to hug her for some reason.

Sancho: Ch-Chico! Ees, ees djour w-w-wife! Ees Debora!

Tuppence: Hmm... What an exquisite-looking lady.

Tuppence: It's rather odd, though. I can't help feeling like I've seen the same image somewhere before.

Rex: Can you believe he had the cheek to pretend to be Grandma?

Rex: Huh! Now I'm even more determined than ever. I won't rest until the world's at peace again.

Rex: Everyone seems to have livened up all of a sudden. Do you think that means they're back to normal again?

Poppy: I knew deep down that wasn't really Grandma, but I was a little bit worried that it might be.

Poppy: It's a relief that it wasn't her, but what do you think that nasty monster meant when he said she's not part of this world any more?

Poppy: Maybe we should try having a word with everyone here, Dad. We might be able to find out something useful.

Sancho: Djou no have t-t-time to feel the blues, chico.

Sancho: Djou must c-c-concentrate and think of a way to esave Debora.

Sancho: Si, thees señora Mada, she was j-just a monster. But estill... N-Now djou can be esure djour madre, she ees een the underworld.

Tuppence: The God-King, Korol... No doubt the time will come when we have to pit our strength against him.

Rex: No way! So this Korol character placed a curse on Mum as well as turning her into a statue?

Rex: Do you think the curse will be lifted if we manage to defeat him?

Poppy: So...that really is Mum, then?

Tuppence: Fancy not even realising that the legendary hero was born years ago. These monster types are terribly ignorant.

Poppy: Isn't that boy the one from the house where you stayed when you were a statue, Dad? It's great that we were able to rescue him.

Sancho: Ees, ees eso w-w-wonderful news! Thees muchacho's p-papá, he ees g-gonna be eso, eso h-h-h-happy! (sniff)

Tuppence: It could be quite tricky for him to get home from here, though, couldn't it? I wonder how he'll manage.

Rex: A hidden staircase? We should go and find it right away!

Poppy: Have you been to this place before, Dad? Hmm, I had a feeling you had.

Sancho: The estage? He means the p-place where ees the estatue of señora Debora, no?

Poppy: You have to accept people's thanks gracefully and tell them it was no trouble. That's manners.

Sancho: Esacrificed? Si, when the t-temple ees c-completed, all the eslaves, they g-gonna be keelled.

Tuppence: I'd wager that she's rather a lovely specimen when she's smartened up a bit. It's all in the cheek bones, you know.

Rex: Quite a few people seem to be a bit dazed. I hope they'll be alright.

Sancho: Ees, ees eso s-sad... Thees señors and señoras, they have been l-l-lied to for eso long.

Poppy: The people up here must've been the important ones, then.

Tuppence: If Korol took a liking to him, that probably means he did lots of evil things here.

Rex: So the stairs were right in the middle of the stage. That's a bit easy to find, considering it was supposed to be a hidden staircase!

Poppy: We have to hurry up and help Mum. I'm going to try really hard to do my bit.

Sancho: Djou m-must be careful, chico. Djour Uncle SⓚSancho:, he has a b-b-bad feeling, djou know.

Rex: He must be a right coward to have built a secret staircase and hidden himself down here!

Poppy: What's wrong, Dad? You look a bit troubled.

Poppy: Of course... This is the place where you were made to work as a slave all those years ago.

Sancho: Anda! Ees thees p-place djou were...

Sancho: Si, but n-now djou are back again. Ees esome kind of d-destiny, no?

Tuppence: Don't worry about me. I'm happy to follow you wherever you go, Hero!

Rex: This place is pretty huge. And the monsters here are more than a bit scary, too.

Rex: Oh! I'm totally lost now. You'll have to figure out which way we need to go, Dad.

Poppy: This place is like a labyrinth. You have to plan your next move really carefully otherwise you get lost.

Poppy: This place is really hard to get around. I wonder why they made it this way. Don't the monsters get lost?

Sancho: Ees eso much work to b-b-build a place eso beeg under the ground like thees, eh?

Sancho: Anda! Djou n-no feel dizzy when djou w-w-walk around een the circles like thees?

Tuppence: Hmph. These complicated paths are becoming really rather irritating.

Tuppence: I'll just follow your lead, Hero. I'm sure you'll be able to guide us through this place.

Rex: Looks like all the soldiers in this place are monsters. We'd better be careful, Dad.

Poppy: Yikes! That's scary! It sounds like the monsters here have been feasting on the slaves.

Sancho: The b-best thing, ees n-no to be found by the guards, si? Djou must take m-muchos care for thees.

Rex: We're almost there. Korol can't be far away now.

Poppy: We must be careful, Dad. I'm sensing something evil down below.

Sancho: Thees m-monster, he n-no realise he t-t-told us that thees Korol, he ees near here.

Sancho: Chico! Ees t-time to regain djour estrength, no? Then we g-g-go eento battle! Olé!

Rex: That poor man! He must've been desperate, writing something like that in the hope that she'd read it one day.

Poppy: Dear Goddess, Please grant this tormented soul peace within your safe haven. Amen.

Sancho: Come, chico. We pr-pray, okay?

Tuppence: I don't have any brothers or sisters, but I can still feel this poor chap's pain. What a way to go.

Rex: We are going the right way, aren't we? I'm not too sure...

Poppy: I feel like we keep going round and round in circles. Everywhere seems to look the same.

Sancho: Djou are l-lost, si, chico?

Tuppence: How to find our way around this place is a complete mystery. I've never seen anywhere so complicated.

Rex: Up and down, big spaces and tiny spaces... This place is such a mishmash!

Poppy: Um, do you think I've got a bit stronger, Dad? Am I being of any use to you?

Sancho: Djou know, chico, esince we f-find thees estatue of señora Debora, djou n-no look the esame.

Sancho: Djou n-no geeve up now! Ees t-time to fight! Eef djou n-no fight now, when do djou fight, eh?

Tuppence: Where is this confounded Korol fellow anyway? I hope he doesn't just pop out and catch us unawares.

Rex: I can sense a really strange aura. Wow! It's the strongest one I've felt yet, that's for sure.

Poppy: Um... Is it okay if I hold your hand, Dad? I'm a little bit scared.

Sancho: Are djou r-r-ready, chico?

Tuppence: We won't let anyone get the better of us. No one can! I hope...

Rex: Hahh...Hahh... That Korol guy was really strong.

Rex: And then that Ladja character appeared. I can hardly get my head around it all.

Rex: You did pick up that ring, didn't you, Dad? I wonder where it came from. It's so shiny.

Poppy: I hate Ladja! We'll have to make sure we give him a good hiding next time!

Poppy: Is it okay if I have a bit of a look at that ring?

Poppy: It's strange, but just holding it makes me feel all warm inside.

Poppy: Sorry. I shouldn't have asked.

Sancho: Aargh! Thees Ladja, he must p-p-p-pay for señor P-P-Pankraz! Next time, we n-no gonna let heem get away.

Sancho: Ees estrange. When I l-look at thees ring, I can n-no help think of señora Mada.

Sancho: Maybe ees j-just because we esee thees f-fake señora Mada before.

Tuppence: Thank the Goddess I'm still alive! Even in the face of such a trying battle, Tuppence: survives to fight another day!

Tuppence: Well, we should be heading back to that big room so we can try to figure out how to bring Debora back to life.

Rex: I don't sense any monsters about. Maybe Korol was in charge of them all.

Poppy: It's so much easier to walk about with no monsters coming and getting in our way. If only it could always be like this.

Sancho: We were t-told señora Mada, she ees een the underworld, no?

Sancho: Uf! Our quest, how long ees g-g-gonna last?

Tuppence: What a gift it is that there are no monsters around. We should make the most of it and check there aren't any treasure chests we've missed.

Rex: D-Do you think that was really Grandma's voice we could hear?

Rex: She said even the legendary hero can't take on Grandmaster Nimzo, but surely that can't be right?

Poppy: Grandma sounded so kind and gentle...

Poppy: Oh! I wish I could speak to her more. There's so much I want to talk to her about.

Sancho: I...! Ees...! Señora Madaaa!

Sancho: Her words, eso f-full of l-l-love... Djou n-no forget thees words, chico. Never!

Tuppence: Ah yes. A mother always puts the safety and needs of her children first.

Tuppence: My mother's just the same.

Rex: Now I'm totally confused about what we should do.

Rex: I mean, I can understand how you feel, Dad. But I can see where Grandma's coming from, too.

Poppy: Oh! I really wish I could get to meet Grandma.

Sancho: Thees time I n-n-no gonna esay anything. Djou th-think for djourself what djou gonna do.

Sancho: But djou n-no think I am c-c-cold, okay? Djou are the K-King of Gotha, My Majesty. Djou can n-no rely on djour Uncle Sancho forever.

Tuppence: I'll have to give my old mum a nice shoulder rub when I go home to Gotha.

Tuppence: I'm probably causing her no end of worry and stress at the moment, so it's the least I can do.

Bianca: Aah... This is the temple I spent all them years in, stood stock-still as a statue.

Bianca: Ha ha! This'll probably sound quite daft, but I almost feel a bit sentimental about the place.

Nera: I hardly remember anything at all about those years I spent here as a statue.

Nera: Maybe I was asleep most of the time.

Rex: What's up, Dad? What are we doing here?

Rex: We've rescued Mum now, so we don't have anything left to do here, right?

Poppy: This is the place we had our reunion with Mum. But I'd still rather not come here.

Poppy: Now she's with us again, I don't see the point in being reminded of those sad times without her.

Sancho: We no have time to w-walk like a dog, chico. When djou are tr-travelling, djou must always know where djou are going and g-go there.

Tuppence: I'd heard rumours about the Order of Zugzwang, of course. I always had a feeling there was something suspicious about them.


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Bianca: That bloke's veggies taste amazin'. We have him deliver 'em to our place, and they're great!

Nera: I love outdoor baths like this. Maybe we could have a soak together a little bit later?

Nera: Ooh, that'll be nice. With any luck, we might even have the place to ourselves.

Nera: Oh! There's no need to be shy around me, you know.

Bianca: That bloke may moan, but what his son's doin' is probably a big help.

Nera: Ooh! A priest. I probably would've become a nun myself if I hadn't had Rodrigo Briscoletti for a father.

Bianca: Ha ha ha! I hadn't realised you was walkin' around with such a beamin' smile on your face, Hero!

Nera: It makes me really happy to see you so pleased that we're married, darling.

Bianca: That cat's not exactly a pet of ours, but it seems to like hangin' around our place all the time.

Bianca: Come to think of it, I wonder how Saber's gettin' along.

Nera: I wonder if this cat belongs to Bianca. It really is very sweet.

Bianca: Just because it's a mixed bath, it dun't mean people shouldn't observe some kind of limits!

Nera: Now I feel all embarrassed too. Let's hurry up and get away from here.

Bianca: Oh, I see. So that's the way it is then, eh?

Nera: Oh! You do like your jokes, don't you, Hero? He he he!

Bianca: We moved here to Stockenbarrel because we thought the bath water might do Dad some good.

Bianca: It seems to have worked too. He's much better now than he was.

Nera: You can't beat the feeling of a nice outdoor bath. Being here with you only makes it all the better.

Bianca: I wonder how Dad's doin'. Maybe we could drop in on him after, eh? I should try and show me face a bit more often really.

Bianca: Once we're done with all our travellin', it might be quite nice to settle down here, eh? If you like the idea too, of course.

Nera: Don't worry about me. I don't mind at all if you'd like to go and see how Bianca is doing.

Nera: You were childhood friends after all, so I know she means a lot to you.

Nera: This village is so lovely and quiet. Blissful!

Bianca: The bloke here's the one who made the veil for the weddin', eh?

Bianca: It wasn't half pretty. I had no idea he could make somethin' so lovely.

Nera: That wonderful veil I wore at our wedding was made here, wasn't it?

Nera: It's funny. He doesn't seem like the kind of fellow to take on work like that, and yet he made such a lovely job of it.

Bianca: Oh yeah. I remember one of the villagers headin' off to join up with that religion a while back. I wonder how they're gettin' on.

Nera: Dear me, this White King's Paradise sounds a bit grand for mere humans to be building.

Bianca: It's a bit of a pain havin' to traipse past the inn to get to the baths.

Bianca: But they're the ones takin' care of them, so I s'pose it's fair enough.

Nera: What a lovely inn this is, with the baths nearby and everything. It's certainly nice and relaxing.

Bianca: There's somethin' about goin' into a pub durin' the day. It always seems quieter than everywhere else, dun't you think?

Nera: I'm surprised to find a pub in a small village like this. I suppose it's a good place for people to relax after work.

Bianca: The White King's Paradise? That sounds a bit serious. This kind of talk really gives me the willies for some reason.

Nera: This White King's Paradise must be rather special for people to abandon their family and friends to go there.

Bianca: I know it'll be time for the off again soon, but have a rest here first, eh?

Nera: I feel a bit awkward getting in the way here when Bianca's not around.

Bianca: If we're stayin' here tonight, let's get a room at the inn, eh?

Bianca: I'd feel all funny sharin' a room with you at Dad's place.

Nera: Are we staying here in the village tonight?

Nera: I think I'd feel a bit strange sleeping by your side with Bianca so nearby.

Bianca: Ha ha ha! I hadn't realised you was walkin' around with such a beamin' smile on your face, Hero!

Nera: It makes me really happy to see you so pleased that we're married, darling.

Bianca: If only he wasn't around, we'd have the place to ourselves, eh?

Nera: There are actually quite a few people about, and yet he doesn't seem to feel at all self-conscious about washing his back like that.

Nera: I could wash your back if only we had the place to ourselves. It's so nice and muscular!

Bianca: Blimey! He's even made veils for royalty, then? And for your dad, of all people!

Nera: It really was an exquisite veil. I sometimes fetch it out and gaze at it in wonder even now.

Bianca: Ha ha! There you go again, tryin' to speak to folk when they're sleepin'! You're a funny one sometimes, Hero.

Nera: He really is fast asleep. It must be tiring work trying to grow things day in day out.

Bianca: That woman always stays up into the night until her old man comes home.

Bianca: She makes all this fuss and moans about him bein' late, but I think she's just anxious when he's not around.

Nera: I think it's nice that she stays awake and waits for her husband to come home like that.

Bianca: Those girls certainly seem to be gettin' in a decent rest.

Nera: You shouldn't really be bothering people when they're asleep, you know, Hero. I think we should leave them alone.

Bianca: There only ever used to be old folk comin' to the baths here, but it seems like they're popular with all the young girls just lately.

Nera: We mustn't disturb their beauty sleep, darling.

Bianca: He really seems to have a thing for me, that one. Shame I couldn't ever repay the favour.

Bianca: You're the only one for me, see, Hero. Always have bin, always will be.

Nera: I do hope Bianca will live happily ever after too.

Bianca: Oh yeah. I remember one of the villagers headin' off to join up with that religion a while back. I hope they're okay.

Nera: I wonder who started a rumour like that. And, more importantly, why.

Bianca: You've seen my house, right? That bloke had it up in no time!

Bianca: Suddenly carpenterin' is more fun than it sounds!

Nera: Oh! Another admirer of Bianca:'s, by the sounds of it.

Bianca: You can hardly blame his missus for bein' angry. He'll be no good to anyone after ten glasses!

Nera: I do hope I never have to shout at you like she's going to shout at her hubbie when he gets home.

Nera: I suppose that means you'll just have to make sure you never do anything that warrants any shouting. He he he!

Bianca: That little one's always asleep here of a night. I wonder what it is about our house that it likes so much.

Bianca: That scintillating sinter he was on about is the crystal deposits left behind in the bath water. It's all natural stuff, and there's not a lot of it.

Bianca: It's the most famous thing about Stockenbarrel by far.

Nera: Oh yes. Stockenbarrel is famous for its scintillating sinter.

Nera: I think it's quite a valuable thing, in fact. I wonder if that man's from around these parts. It doesn't seem like he is.

Bianca: Huh! No wonder it's bin so tricky findin' any scintillatin' sinter lately. That bloke's got it all!

Nera: Scintillating sinter has a lovely, distinct smell to it.

Bianca: If he's that fussed about the outside world, then why dun't he get out of this well?

Bianca: Maybe that's why he was after the scintillatin' sinter all the while.

Nera: I could be wrong, but is that fellow stuck down here, do you think?

Bianca: He comes across as a bit of a dirty old man, that one. But I'm sure he means well deep down.

Bianca: That woman's bin like one of the family to Dad and me ever since we arrived here in Stockenbarrel.

Bianca: With Mum gone, it was nice to have her about, treatin' me like I was her real daughter and everythin'.

Bianca: What's wrong, Hero? You look a bit fed up. Not jealous, are you?

Bianca: Ha ha ha! You dun't have to worry. It en't like that with me and him. Not at all.

Bianca: Hmmm. You sure about that?

Bianca: How embarrassin'!

Bianca: Still, it's good to know he's feelin' better now. That's one less thing to worry about.

Bianca: He dun't always say the right thing, but I used to think he's not all that bad deep down. Maybe I was wrong, though...

Bianca: Looks like Dad's asleep. I hope he's back in good health again soon.

Nera: Why are you being so quiet all of a sudden? ...Surely not!?

Nera: That's a shame. Oh! You don't think that means she's gone out of the village alone, do you?

Nera: Looks like we won't be able to see her until tonight. I wonder where she's gone off to.

Nera: It sounds like Bianca's father really thought highly of Pankraz. He seems to be in rather a bad way, doesn't he?

Nera: You don't think he's feeling so ill because of the stress of you not marrying Bianca, do you? I hope not!

Nera: All men seem to love Bianca, young and old. It's not hard to see why.

Nera: Bianca seems well.

Nera: I'll be sure to make you happy, Hero. Just as happy as she would!

Bianca: This is where that mate of yours lives, en't it? Harry, I mean.

Bianca: We en't got time for visitin' now, though. We need to find that Circle of Water.

Bianca: Socialisin' with your mates will have to wait, Hero. We've got stuff to be doin'.

Bianca: It feels funny bein' here.

Bianca: It's a bit scary to think that this is the place responsible for all that damage done to Whealbrook all them years ago.

Bianca: Harry and Maria were there at our wedding, weren't they? We should go and drop in on them.

Bianca: I know things have bin a bit rocky here in the past, but it all seems nice and peaceful now.

Nera: This is the place where Harry's brother is on the throne, isn't it?

Nera: I heard all sorts of nasty rumours about this place when I was at the abbey. It's good to see it nice and peaceful now.

Bianca: Everyone seems so happy.

Bianca: Looks like you and I en't the only ones who've had a hard time of it, eh? It en't bin easy on these folk neither.

Nera: It makes me feel all warm inside when I see people looking happy like that.

Bianca: Ha ha! He certainly dun't mind what he tells folk, eh?

Nera: It's not really too late for him, is it?

Nera: Hm, I suppose maybe it is.

Nera: I agree. It's much better for people to keep on hoping.

Bianca: You wouldn't expect to find someone like that in a castle, somehow. Not that it's of any interest to us, mind.

Bianca: If we keep travellin' like this, we'll probably find ourselves in Gotha sometime, eh?

Nera: He must've been a very good craftsman indeed for talk of him to have spread this far.

Bianca: Maybe it's because of all them years in the mountains, but I can't seem to relax in a big castle town like this.

Nera: I'll do my best not to embarrass you in front of His Majesty.

Bianca: If it fell from the sky, do you reckon that means anyone can get in and out of it now?

Nera: People keep talking about a castle fallen from the sky, but no one ever seems to say where it actually fell.

Bianca: Looks like you've bin a bit busy here too, eh? Shame I wasn't taggin' along at the time.

Nera: It's fun listening to people talking about what you did here. I'm getting to know so many things I didn't know before.

Bianca: It must be pretty amazin' for his wife to get married and become a princess all of a sudden.

Bianca: Hmph! We should try and look happier together. I dun't like bein' beaten!

Nera: We're just as happy as they are, aren't we, darling?

Bianca: That old man is so happy. You really did a good thing here, Hero.

Nera: That's just...so...wonderful. Oh dear! Now I'm crying!

Bianca: That all sounds a bit complicated, eh?

Nera: I heard it was the legendary hero who defeated the monster that evolved using the Secret of Evolution.

Bianca: You just bowl on in anywhere you like, eh, Hero? I'd be too nervous if it was just me.

Nera: I think I'm more uneasy about meeting the Queen Dowager than I am about meeting the King himself!

Bianca: The Queen Dowager was slung into her own jail by an impostor, wasn't she?

Bianca: I wonder if she was there already when the late king died.

Nera: Your good deeds are helping out entire kingdoms, not just individual people. You really are amazing, Hero.

Bianca: This castle is a bit of a maze, eh? I'm permanently lost!

Nera: What a big castle this is. I don't think I've ever seen a place so grand.

Bianca: Maybe the shield he was on about is the shield you're lookin' for, eh?

Bianca: We'd better get a move on, then. You want that shield, right, Hero?

Bianca: When I see you chatterin' away to the King like that, I feel like you're far too grand for the likes of me.

Nera: We must find the legendary hero as soon as we can, so that we can rescue your poor mother.

Bianca: So that's the famous Harry? He looks just like any other prince, but he's had his fair share of hardship, eh?

Bianca: He didn't even notice me, you know.

Bianca: Seems like he's only got eyes for that pretty wife of his.

Bianca: I'm sure he's right that your mum would want you to be happy.

Bianca: But I reckon it's up to you to decide what it is that'll make you that way.

Bianca: Harry looks just like any other prince, but he's had his fair share of hardship, eh?

Bianca: He didn't seem to notice me, you know. I reckon he's only got eyes for that pretty wife of his.

Nera: Harry seems like a nice chap. I knew he would be, though, because of all you and he went through together.

Nera: Coburg's lucky to have him. With him around, they have nothing to fear.

Bianca: You never seem to want to talk much about it.

Bianca: But I can see that an awful lot happened to you in the time we were apart.

Bianca: I can't tell you how glad I am that you made it through everythin' alive, Hero.

Nera: To think Harry kept all of those feelings to himself!

Bianca: I dunno if it's because I read that message of his, but Harry seems really special now.

Bianca: What a great souvenir. Our weddin' souvenir dun't look like much in comparison, eh?

Nera: I don't think I've ever seen such an exquisite music box.

Nera: And it's all the better because it was made to thank people who'd come to share in their celebrations.

Bianca: Maria is so sweet and so tidy. Not like me, eh?

Bianca: Looks like I en't really princess material. Ha ha!

Bianca: Sounds to me like Harry might quite like to go off on his travels again.

Bianca: I know the timin' en't any good at the minute, but it'd be good if you two could go off on an adventure again sometime in the future, eh?

Nera: So Maria was once at the same abbey I went to?

Nera: What a coincidence that we'd meet here again now!

Bianca: Looks like we can't get inside the castle of a night. We've got better things to be doin' at the moment, anyway.

Bianca: Looks like we can't get inside the castle, eh? Best call it a night, then.

Nera: Shall we stay the night here in Coburg?

Bianca: Sounds like Harry and Maria get on pretty well.

Bianca: Lucky things. Maybe I should get married... Ha ha! Only jokin'!

Nera: The atmosphere here seems so relaxed. It's nice to see people looking happy.

Bianca: Hey! A shootin' star! I could make a wish on it that you'll be nice and happy.

Nera: The night sky always looks so beautiful when I'm with you.

Bianca: A lot of folk seem to be comin' out with depressin' things like that just lately.

Nera: Of all the luck! We're only just married, and yet people are saying the world's about to end already.

Bianca: You just leap straight into marriage whether you know the person or not, eh, Hero?

Bianca: Do you think that bunny girl didn't even notice you had your wife standin' right next to you!?

Nera: Was I your first love, darling?

Nera: You were mine too. Isn't that nice?

Nera: Oh. I see.

Bianca: You're goin'!? Fine! I s'pose I can't stop you.

Bianca: If you want your fortune tellin', why don't you just ask me?

Nera: Oh, you're going to go and have your fortune told, are you?

Nera: You will take me with you, won't you? He he.

Bianca: Well, what were you expectin' to happen when you got your fortune told, eh?

Nera: It's nice to see someone so devoted to their work.

Bianca: Blimey! This takes me back! It must be seven years since I was last here. It's good to see it en't changed much.

Bianca: Thanks for bringin' me back here, Hero. It's nice to see the old place again.

Bianca: But you've got more important things to be doin'. We should get a move on.

Bianca: My family en't around here any more, but it's still nice to be back for a while.

Bianca: I've got a lot of memories of this place. Remember when we rescued little Saber from them kids bullyin' him by the pond?

Nera: Roundbeck's a lovely little town. It's just so relaxed.

Bianca: That Zoom spell of yours is a bit of a bonus, eh? You can get from one place to another in no time at all.

Nera: So this is the place Bianca grew up in, is it?

Bianca: He must've bin pretty brave to run away from Coburg back in the day.

Bianca: He's obviously grown up a lot since them days as a kid when he was pickin' on Saber all the while.

Nera: Soldiers who escaped from Coburg in those days were executed if they were caught. He's lucky to be alive.

Bianca: I remember him! He's one of the ones who used to pick on Saber all them years ago!

Nera: The people here don't seem to have heard of the hand you had in things, do they? He he!

Bianca: I dun't remember anyone here knowin' about legends. Hmm...

Nera: It's surprising to see how far and wide rumours of the legendary weapons and armour have spread.

Bianca: I didn't think there'd be anyone here who'd remember me any more. It's nice to see the old stick.

Nera: So this is the house Bianca grew up in.

Bianca: It's nice to be back again, but we dun't have time to hang about. We'd better get goin'.

Bianca: Bein' here reminds me of Mum, so I feel a bit fragile. And on top of that, you're goin' off and gettin' married...

Bianca: Blimey! What am I on about!? I blame you for bringin' me here and gettin' me all emotional!

Bianca: It's great to see the place lookin' so good. They're really workin' hard to keep it nice, eh?

Bianca: Bein' here really reminds me of Mum.

Bianca: She was always such a strong woman. It was a real shock when that illness wiped her out all of a sudden.

Nera: What a delightful little inn. You can really see how it's a labour of love for the owners.

Bianca: What a great smell! How funny that Mum's grapes ended up bein' Roundbeck's big local speciality!

Nera: That smell relaxes you in an instant. I think it could send me to sleep right in the middle of the day!

Bianca: Looks like she dun't remember me. I s'pose I've changed quite a lot since then because I was just a kid.

Bianca: This place is full of memories too. Remember all the times we played hide and seek here?

Bianca: You always used to go and hide in the bath. It was dead easy to find you!

Bianca: Oh well. I s'pose you were only really young back then.

Bianca: It's a shame you never got to try any of Mum's grapes.

Nera: You must have a lot of memories of this place, Hero. I can't help feeling a little bit jealous.

Bianca: So there's someone here who's in the know, eh? We should go and pick his brains.

Nera: Pubs always seem to be great places for picking up information. We should go and see what he has to say.

Bianca: As far as I remember, that bloke always used to be boozin' away.

Bianca: I'm surprised he knows anythin' about the legendary hero. Do you reckon we can trust what he says?

Nera: I think there are probably descendants of the legendary hero out there somewhere too. Hopefully we'll find one of them before long.

Bianca: I appreciate you bringin' me back here, Hero, but we en't really got time for a detour.

Bianca: Can we stay here tonight, Hero?

Bianca: Great. We can cuddle up all snug.

Bianca: Ohhhh!

Bianca: Walkin' around here like this reminds me of the time we went on our ghost-bustin' trip. That was a bit scary, eh?

Nera: You must be tired now too. Why don't we stay here for the night?

Bianca: Yeah. I dun't know that I'd be too happy about makin' that journey on my own neither.

Nera: Yes, the town may be safe now, but the surroundings certainly aren't. I wonder when we'll finally be granted true peace.

Bianca: Communicatin' with monsters? That sounds just like you, Hero!

Nera: Maybe you're a descendant of this clan, Hero? You seem to have some kind of power to talk to monsters.

Bianca: We should get some rest now too. Tomorrow's comin', after all.

Nera: Life couldn't be more joyous, as far as I'm concerned. Not now I'm with you.

Bianca: I didn't think there'd be anyone here who'd remember me any more. It's nice to see the old stick.

Nera: Bianca's grown up to be such a beauty. Imagine his surprise if he saw her now!

Bianca: I felt terrible when I heard about the soldiers from Coburg burnin' this place to the ground.

Bianca: It must've bin even more of a shock for you, Hero. Finally comin' home and findin' it like this...

Bianca: Come on, let's get goin'. You just need to get this in the bag and then the happy ever after's all yours.

Bianca: Seein' the town like this is so sad. It's like those soldiers from Coburg wiped out all the nice memories here when they did what they did.

Bianca: The ones who set fire to your old place are the ones I despise the most.

Bianca: They would've destroyed that book I tried to read to you all them years ago.

Nera: I'd heard talk of Whealbrook before. To think that this is where you used to live!

Nera: Most of the people have left, so there's not much hope for the place being rebuilt.

Bianca: It's hard to imagine Pankraz bein' stumped by anythin'.

Nera: Your father must have been absolutely desperate to rescue your mother, the poor man.

Bianca: We'll find your mum, Hero. If it's the last thing we do!

Nera: I'd so love to meet your mother. I'm sure she's a wonderful person, just like you.

Debora: Blossom in a place like this! What a surprise!

Bianca: This place looks all the more sorry for itself of a night.

Nera: I can't believe this is where you used to live. What a terrible state it's in.

Bianca: Eh? Honey's the name of a faerie?

Bianca: You're so lucky, goin' off on an adventure with a faerie like that! I wish I could've gone.

Nera: Does the name Honey mean something to you? Ooh! She's a faerie, is she?

Nera: I used to play with faeries all the time when I was little. I suppose that makes me sound a bit of a loner.

Bianca: You were about that age, eh, Hero? When Pankraz died, I mean.

Nera: There seem to be so many orphans around nowadays. What is the world coming to?

Bianca: We could stay here too, eh? It's nice to see there are still people you can count on, even after all that's happened.

Nera: Shall we stay here for the night? The people running the inn seem like decent folk.

Bianca: You helped a bloke who got stuck here lookin' for medicinal herbs once, right, Hero?

Bianca: I know all about it, see. He was well impressed with you, a brave little kid goin' into a cave with so many monsters.

Bianca: The first time I came in here was just after them soldiers from Coburg burnt Whealbrook to the ground.

Bianca: I thought maybe I'd find you in here hidin', you see.

Nera: You must've been a born adventurer to come playing in this cave when you were such a small boy!

Nera: You used to play here when you were little, just like I used to play at the lookout tower.

Nera: I used to be scolded terribly by Papa if he ever caught me there.

Bianca: Blimey! You get let on through without one word of questionin'! You must be more important than you look!

Nera: It must be terribly boring for that soldier having to stand guard here all the time.

Bianca: We're underneath the river now, eh? What would happen if the tunnel collapsed...?

Nera: If you listen hard, you can hear the river running up above. It's very relaxing.

Bianca: What a funny old man! Dun't he realise it was you and Harry who made everythin' peaceful again?

Nera: Maybe I should look at the river flowing by and make some kind of wish too.

Bianca: So this is where your father was killed...

Bianca: How evil, takin' the life of someone so pure and good! I'll never forgive 'em.

Bianca: Pankraz... The two of us are married now. Please watch over us and keep us safe.

Nera: So this is the place where Pankraz gave his life for you... Maybe I should say a prayer.

Nera: Dear Pankraz. I am Nera and, together with Hero, I will be sure to save your beloved wife.

Nera: So please lay down your head and rest easy now in the arms of the Goddess. Amen.

Nera: When this journey is finally over, we must be sure to build a memorial to your father.

Bianca: Maybe Pankraz would still be alive if only Harry hadn't bin kidnapped.

Bianca: I s'pose no good can come of thinkin' like that, though. Harry was only young, after all. It wasn't his fault.

Bianca: So this is the last place you and your father travelled to together. The end of your adventures...

Nera: You seem to be really down in the dumps ever since we arrived here. Why don't we move on?

Bianca: We got a boat from here when we moved to Stockenbarrel. I was really sad to leave at the time.

Bianca: You sailed back into this harbour once, at the end of one of your long trips with Pankraz.

Bianca: If I'd known you were due back, I would've come and met you.

Nera: This harbour... Do you remember too?

Nera: Yes, it's the place we met for the very first time.

Nera: It was just a fleeting encounter, and yet here we are now, man and wife. Isn't that odd?

Nera: It was back in the days when I didn't think of Papa as Papa. He was just Mr Briscoletti to me then. That's when you and I first met.

Nera: There are always so many seagulls here. I remember that from last time.

Bianca: Peaceful times? Would you call these peaceful times? I'm not too sure.

Nera: I just hope the peace lasts, that's all.

Bianca: This abbey really feels like a sacred domain for women. I'm a woman meself, and yet I feel a bit like I'm intrudin'!

Nera: I stayed here for a while and dedicated my daily life to the Goddess. Did you know that?

Bianca: You know that nun, eh, Hero?

Nera: Lots of people come to the abbey in times of sadness and need. I just came here to study.

Bianca: I s'pose that makes the prince on a white horse Harry! Ha ha! What a story!

Nera: You're my prince on a white horse, Hero. Aaah...

Bianca: Yeah, I can see that. Harry dun't act much like a prince.

Nera: Yes, Harry doesn't act like royalty at all. He's very down-to-earth. Oh? He wasn't always that way?

Bianca: Talkin' of marriage, it won't be long for you now, Hero. Nera:'s waitin'...

Bianca: Is she blind or what!? I'm your wife and I'm stood right next to you!

Nera: I seemed to rather fade into the background then.

Nera: I'll have to try to make it look more obvious that we're man and wife in the future.

Bianca: I'm sure you'll turn out to be a good husband, Hero.

Bianca: We've only just got married, so it's hard to tell what kind of a husband you're goin' to be. It'll be fun findin' out, though!

Nera: She's had a really hard time of it, that woman. I heard all about it when I was here at the abbey before.

Nera: The poor thing. Just thinking of what she's been through makes me feel all choked up.

Bianca: So this is the abbey Nera: stayed at once. I wonder what it was she was studying here exactly.

Nera: Oh no! She's not back yet. I do hope she's alright.

Bianca: It's quiet as the grave here of a night. It's almost like there's no one here at all.

Nera: I really treasure the time I spent here.

Nera: When I left for home, I never imagined I'd have the chance to visit the place again.

Bianca: Yeah, I can see that. Harry dun't act much like a prince.

Nera: Yes, Harry doesn't act like royalty at all. He's very down-to-earth. Oh? He wasn't always that way?

Bianca: Talkin' of marriage, it won't be long for you now, Hero. Nera:'s waitin'...

Bianca: Is she blind or what!? I'm your wife and I'm stood right next to you!

Nera: I seemed to rather fade into the background then.

Nera: I'll have to try to make it look more obvious that we're man and wife in the future.

Bianca: It's funny hearin' someone talk in their sleep. I wonder if that nun she was on about is okay.

Nera: Oh no! She's not back yet. I do hope she's alright.

Bianca: It must be hard on the poor woman hearin' that.

Nera: I heard that the girl's father would raise his hand to her on occasion. And yet she still loves him!

Bianca: This place is famous for its casino, en't it? Even I know that much.

Bianca: Surely you en't decided to take a detour here so you can have a flutter in the casino!?

Bianca: You wally! You've got important things to be doin'. We should get movin'.

Bianca: We should finish up here fast and get on our way.

Bianca: There didn't used to be a bridge in the past, so you couldn't get here from Roundbeck and Whealbrook.

Nera: I came here lots of times for shopping in the past. When I was staying at the abbey, I mean.

Nera: Naturally, I didn't go to the casino during my days at the abbey. But Papa took me there lots of times before.

Bianca: I'd love to win a few readies while we're here!

Bianca: I mean, it's the responsible thing to do. It's expensive providin' for our ever-expandin' party.

Nera: The casino's just a place to have fun. They make sure you don't get too carried away by stopping you from changing tokens back into gold coins.

Bianca: Coburg's the place where you went to the rescue, eh? I wish I could've bin there to help out.

Nera: No one seems to know who actually brought peace back to Coburg. He didn't even realise the man in question was standing right beside him!

Bianca: Back in the old days, I used to want to be a really good innkeeper. Just like Mum was.

Nera: My dream when I was young was to grow up and become someone's bride. So my dream's come true already!

Bianca: That soldier's wife must really love him to worry about him like that. Lucky thing!

Nera: I'm sure I'd be saying just the same thing if I had to stay at home all the time worrying about you.

Bianca: Ha ha ha! That little boy called you 'mister'. You must be gettin' old!

Nera: Don't worry, darling. If you're 'mister', then I suppose I must be 'missus'!

Bianca: I dun't see any 'mister' anywhere. Unless he means you. Yikes! Does that make me 'missus'!?

Nera: I used to play with those children a lot when I came here for my shopping.

Nera: They used to call me 'big sis' back then. It looks like I must've aged.

Bianca: A slime curio... Sounds pretty curious to me.

Nera: Papa wanted one of those. But he left Fortuna before he could be considered a regular customer.

Bianca: If the local folk are callin' the place strange, then it must be pretty odd.

Nera: I don't think the place is strange. I always thought the owner was rather sweet.

Bianca: Huh. Here's hopin' we're not goin' to get stung and forced to pay a fortune for this Zenithian stuff by some bloke out to make a killin'.

Nera: I had no idea the Zenithian Shield was so valuable.

Nera: I can't imagine anyone would want to spend a fortune on an item they can't even equip, though.

Bianca: What an idiot! Fancy jackin' in his work like that just so he can go to the casino!

Nera: Oh dear! Fancy leaving his shop like that. I hope there's nothing too valuable here.

Bianca: Hmm. You have to be careful who you marry, eh? Marry in haste and repent at leisure, as they say.

Nera: She should just tell him his behaviour's unacceptable. That's the only way to tackle a situation like that.

Bianca: I s'pose that's because everyone's got work to do durin' the day. Unless they're all at the casino, of course!

Nera: No doubt everyone's busy at work during the day, looking forward to the evening when they can come and relax here.

Bianca: Yeah, I s'pose it en't really sunk in for me yet.

Bianca: But I know this much. Wherever you are, that's where my home is.

Nera: I'm sure that you understand, darling.

Bianca: He must work nights to be sleepin' so soundly durin' the day like that.

Nera: We mustn't wake him up. Let's leave him be.

Bianca: I wonder what kind of adventures that old man had. We should ask him if we ever get the chance.

Nera: Papa used to be an adventurer when he was younger too. Not that you'd know it to look at him now.

Bianca: I'll bet she was talkin' about your mum, Hero! That means she must still be alive!

Bianca: All of the monsters back there in the cage seem to be pretty well-behaved, eh?

Nera: The monsters here seem to behave just as the old man wants.

Bianca: She looks a bit out of place down here. Maybe the old man likes havin' her here to keep him lively.

Nera: Having a bunny girl down here gives the place a nice, flamboyant air.

Bianca: Fancy havin' an underground jail in town! I s'pose there's bound to be crime when you collect so many folk together in one spot, though.

Nera: Jails always seem to feel so cold.

Bianca: Hey! Maybe he's the one who kidnapped Harry!

Bianca: If only he hadn't done it, then maybe Pankraz would still be alive today.

Nera: What a terrible man, kidnapping someone out of greed like that! He should pay for what he did!

Bianca: Looks like you're intent on a bit of a flutter at the casino, eh? I'll tell Nera about you!

Bianca: It's hard to know where to start when there's so many different games to choose from, eh?

Nera: Don't forget that a casino is just a place to let off a little steam. You mustn't get too carried away.

Bianca: It's a shame you dun't get rich when you win at the casino, but I s'pose that's just the way of it.

Nera: Some people get hooked despite that. Imagine what it would be like if you could actually win money here!

Nera: That man's eyes were all bloodshot and creepy.

Bianca: Fancy blowin' all your takin's here, eh?

Nera: Oh dear. He should really be a little more restrained in how he plays.

Bianca: Yeah, it's not a bad show. I wouldn't mind wearin' a dress like that and tryin' my hand at a bit of the old theatricals.

Nera: Yes, it really is a beautiful performance. I can't understand why there aren't more people in the audience.

Bianca: I guess you have to roll with it when your luck's good, eh?

Nera: You have to be careful, though. If you get too carried away, you could easily fall on bad luck.

Bianca: When things en't goin' well for me, I tend to give up on them. Not just in the casino neither.

Nera: I'm not sure that's a good idea. If you just keep on trying even when you're losing, you could end up in a very sorry state.

Bianca: You never know when your time might be up, so I dun't want to leave anythin' in my life undone.

Nera: Everyone seems to be talking about how the world's being overtaken with darkness of late. Maybe the time's finally upon us.

Bianca: Typical old bloke, eh? Thinks he knows all there is to know about life just because his has bin a long one!

Nera: What a shame if that's the only way he can find enjoyment. I enjoy everything when I'm with you, Hero.

Bianca: If the legendary hero dun't show up sometime, we'll all be in trouble. Your mum's life depends on it, for one thing.

Nera: Do you think the legendary hero will just suddenly pop up out of nowhere?

Nera: Or do you think he'll be born as someone's child and then realise his destiny one day?

Bianca: D'you think you're s'posed to just get up on stage like that and start warblin' away?

Nera: It's impossible to hear what's being said with all that noise going on.

Bianca: She looks so pretty. Maybe I should try wearin' a dress like that sometime.

Nera: Women can always put on a performance that will captivate their audience.

Bianca: Exactly! There's no better happiness than two people who love each other comin' together, eh?

Nera: That could almost have been a song about us! ...Don't you think?

Bianca: Bein' told not to open it makes you want to open it all the more, eh? We could try and have a peek while she en't lookin'...

Nera: It's almost like she's saying that to try and get us to open it! Maybe it's some kind of trap.

Bianca: I doubt they can do much travellin' with how things are at the moment. I s'pose that means they're probably stuck here a while.

Nera: Oh yes. I don't remember seeing them here when I visited with Papa and Debora: years ago.

Bianca: Huh! It's not like she's still changing. She's only got her make-up left to do.

Bianca: I reckon she's just tryin' to get rid of us. Well, you don't need to tell me twice. Let's get goin'.

Nera: We should leave her in peace. We wouldn't want her to think we're peeping toms.

Bianca: The slimes here are so colourful and cute!

Nera: I wonder how those slimes managed to turn themselves into such funny colours!

Bianca: Ha ha ha! Looks like the old bloke's havin' fun!

Nera: He's looking at those slimes with so much affection. It's almost as if he thinks of them as his grandchildren!

Bianca: Slimes are so bouncy and cute-looking.

Bianca: But when you touch them, they're so...slimy! Yuck!

Nera: The slimes here have such bright, shining eyes.

Bianca: It'd be fun if we could get a talkin' slime in our party, eh? Unless they'd be too much of a chatterbox.

Nera: Slimes are so childish and silly. Er... I mean childlike and innocent.

Bianca: We used to play T 'n' T together when we were kids. You always won, mind.

Nera: I always marvel at who thought up the idea of such gigantic T 'n' T boards.

Bianca: If only you could always roll what you wanted, eh? I s'pose that'd get a bit borin', though.

Nera: Oh dear. He's taking it all rather seriously. You men can be so funny at times.

Bianca: Huh! Let's give it another go, Hero!

Nera: I didn't expect anyone to be down there! I hope he couldn't see up my skirt...

Bianca: What a mean little man! We'll just have to make sure we dun't fall down, eh?

Nera: The poor man. It must be frustrating not to have ever succeeded.

Bianca: This place is pretty lively of a night too, eh?

Bianca: There's a casino here, en't there? But we've got more important things to be doin', I s'pose.

Nera: I never visited here at night during my time at the abbey. It's quite a revelation.

Bianca: This place never sleeps, eh?

Nera: If only everyone here was having fun. I'm afraid they have their fair share of desolate souls here too, though.

Bianca: Maybe we should have a bit of a flutter, eh?

Nera: The last time I met him, he'd just lost a lot of tokens. It's good to see he's having better luck this time.

Bianca: I'll bet she was talkin' about your mum, Hero! That means she must still be alive!

Bianca: An island down south? Dun't sound like a bad place to settle down if you can.

Nera: I don't care where we end up living as long as I'm with you, darling.

Bianca: He en't jokin', Hero. A lady deserves a bath after a hard day's work.

Nera: Do you think he always stands guard when his wife's having a bath? He must be really devoted to her.

Bianca: She didn't scare you when she screamed, did she, Hero?

Bianca: Ha! I knew it! You always were a big old scaredy cat!

Bianca: Pah! There's no need to lie to me, Hero. I know you far too well for that.

Nera: I don't think we really sneaked up on her. She just wasn't paying attention. Well, she didn't seem to mind too much, so never mind.

Bianca: We used to go off adventurin' outside of town when we were kids, so we can't say much really.

Bianca: I wouldn't want my own kids goin' off like that, mind.

Nera: Everyone wants a world without horrible monsters, but it would be a shame if all the nice monsters had to disappear too.

Bianca: I dun't much like hearin' other women chattin' you up. I s'pose that's a wife's prerogative, eh?

Nera: It seems I'm not the only one who finds you so attractive, Hero!

Bianca: I en't too hot when it comes to the old cookin' neither.

Nera: I thought it was quite nice. I mean, if someone goes to the effort of making something for you, that's all that really counts.

Bianca: What a weird way of doin' business!

Nera: How odd, refusing to sell something to a customer who wants it!

Bianca: Mum and Dad gave me a brilliant childhood. They always took good care of me.

Bianca: With Mum gone, the family got a bit smaller for a while. But now you've joined, so we're back up to three.

Bianca: And when we have kids one day, I'll make sure I show them the kind of love my folks showed me.

Nera: I've probably told you this before, but I've never once had a fight with Mama or Papa.

Nera: They showed me so much love and affection that I couldn't possibly do anything to disrespect that.

Nera: I hope we can build a family together where people can speak their minds, though.

Nera: It's okay to argue a little, as long as we make up and make the effort to understand one another.

Bianca: He must be a feisty old man to spend every night down the pub like that.

Nera: I hope that old fellow isn't drinking to excess with all those pub visits.

Bianca: It's a pretty normal-lookin' place for a fortune-teller's house.

Nera: I heard talk of the fortune-teller here when I was at the abbey. Apparently, her readings can be a bit hit and miss.

Bianca: That girl... She was asleep, right?

Nera: How nice of her to take the trouble to tell us all that even though she was asleep!

Bianca: Sounds a bit traumatic. I s'pose that's what he deserves if he's done lots of bad stuff that's comin' back to haunt him.

Nera: I don't know what he did wrong exactly, but it would be good if he could try to make amends.

Bianca: Nice! Let's go and check it out.

Nera: I wonder what this Big Book of Beasts is all about. How exciting!

Bianca: Yeah, five thousand gold coins seems like a bit of a fortune to spend on a funny old curtain.

Nera: Oh! Aren't you going to buy it? But it's so sweet!

Nera: Sorry. If you've made up your mind, then I won't try to change it.

Bianca: Did you really want this funny old curtain, Hero? It dun't much look like your kind of thing.

Nera: Yippee! I'm so happy! This is just what I wanted! It's so pretty!

Bianca: Huh. There just dun't seem to be enough money for all the stuff you need when you first get married.

Nera: Oh well. I suppose we'll just have to come back again when we've saved up.

Bianca: He certainly stocks some pretty curious items, eh? Seems to be doin' a fairly decent business out of it, mind.

Nera: I can't wait to see what the next weird and wonderful item he has in stock will be!

Bianca: Looks like you're intent on a bit of a flutter at the casino, eh? I'll tell Nera about you!

Bianca: It's hard to know where to start when there's so many different games to choose from, eh?

Nera: Don't forget that a casino is just a place to let off a little steam. You mustn't get too carried away.

Bianca: It's a shame you dun't get rich when you win at the casino, but I s'pose that's just the way of it.

Nera: Some people get hooked despite that. Imagine what it would be like if you could actually win money here!

Bianca: We probably act like that when we get caught up in gamblin'. How embarrassin'!

Nera: He seems to be a bit over-excited. Maybe he's never had a win before.

Bianca: You can lose a lot of money fast in the hundred-token slots, so you really have to go careful.

Nera: Papa only ever played on the hundred-token slot machines. It seems rather frivolous when I think of it now.

Bianca: Mum always said that every profession needs its underlings. Without them, the whole thing falls apart.

Nera: I hope he has his dream come true some day.

Bianca: Typical old bloke, eh? Thinks he knows all there is to know about life just because his has bin a long one!

Nera: What a shame if that's the only way he can find enjoyment. I enjoy everything when I'm with you, Hero.

Bianca: If the legendary hero dun't show up sometime, we'll all be in trouble. Your mum's life depends on it, for one thing.

Nera: Do you think the legendary hero will just suddenly pop up out of nowhere?

Nera: Or do you think he'll be born as someone's child and then realise his destiny one day?

Bianca: They all dance so well. It's quite a show!

Nera: I'm surprised their costumes don't fall down with all that dancing about!

Bianca: I dun't think I know this song specifically, but it somehow sounds familiar.

Nera: La la la Ⓠ Please, Hero, ooh, I need you!

Bianca: Looks like you think it's pretty classy, eh, Hero? I can tell by that glazed look in your eyes!

Nera: Darling, do you mind if we go elsewhere? I'm not too keen on being here on the stage.

Bianca: I en't lettin' her get the better of me! Da-da-daa, Da-da-da-daaa... Ⓠ

Nera: Stop it, Hero! It's making me feel funny seeing you watch her tummy button wiggling around like that!

Bianca: Yeah, well, it can't hurt to let go and have a bit of fun every once in a while, eh?

Nera: He he he! You are rather good.

Bianca: Up north? I wonder if he's talkin' about Uptaten Towers. That was a lonely old place.

Nera: You've probably travelled around an awful lot more than he has.

Nera: I'm not saying that means we don't need to be careful. I just don't think we should worry too much, that's all.

Bianca: What have we come here for, Hero? En't we got things to be doin' elsewhere?

Bianca: This place is dull as ditchwater! Not like good old Stockenbarrel.

Nera: Oh dear. What a terrible state the fields are in here. I wonder what happened.

Bianca: I hate it when people are unfriendly to outsiders like that.

Nera: It must be an important conference for them to have someone standing on guard like that.

Bianca: Die of starvation!? Things are worse here than they look.

Nera: It's hard enough work as it is trying to grow crops, without having to put up with them being ransacked like that.

Nera: I used to grow vegetables when I was staying at the abbey, so I can understand just how soul-destroying it must be.

Bianca: The hills? I doubt he'd be able to find any food up there.

Nera: It sounds like he's on the brink of giving up. He's probably thinking of leaving so that the other villagers can have his food.

Bianca: Sounds like the old woman's passin' up on her food to feed the little one.

Nera: I'm sure Papa would send some food parcels if I asked him nicely. But I suppose that's not a long-term solution.

Nera: No. The only way to solve their problems here is to see off that monster once and for all.

Bianca: This is a sorry old place. I doubt there'd be many other folk who'd stay here.

Nera: I suppose we can't possibly expect a meal here.

Bianca: That woman's so thin and pale. I had no idea there were folk about havin' such a hard time of it.

Nera: Even the young women here have the most incredible accents.

Bianca: I wonder if that means the monster is even scarier-lookin' than the scarecrow.

Nera: Fancy being famous for such scary-looking scarecrows! Still, I suppose you have to do what you can to protect your crops.

Bianca: Surely we en't got time for this...have we?

Bianca: I s'pose it's a done deal now, though. If you said you'd help 'em out, then I'd better just go along with it, eh?

Bianca: We always seem to be goin' off and tacklin' some monster or other, eh?

Bianca: Maybe one of these days we'll even take on the Grandmaster of the Underworld himself, eh? Ha ha! Just jokin'!

Nera: I seem to remember seeing a cave to the west of here.

Bianca: It en't attackin' people? Sounds just like one of them monsters you have trailin' about after you, eh?

Nera: I used to think that monsters only like to eat humans, but some of them are vegetarians, you know.

Bianca: Did you see that, Hero? I can't help feelin' like I've seen that beast before.

Bianca: This place gives me the willies, you know. It's just a little bit too quiet.

Nera: Ooh! Do you think that was the monster? It looked like it was tearing up the fields.

Nera: The abbey used to be quiet like this after lights out.

Bianca: They're pretty cautious for country folk. People in Stockenbarrel never bother lockin' their doors.

Nera: I suppose it's fair enough that their doors are locked at this sort of time. Farmers do get up early, after all.

Bianca: Shall we stay here tonight? I reckon we'd get a pretty quiet night's sleep.

Nera: It feels a bit desolate, but I suppose it can't hurt to stay over in a place like this every once in a while.

Bianca: I feel like everyone's lookin' at us. I think they're a bit scared of us, you know.

Bianca: I think they're all scared because we have Saber with us and he's the one who tore up their fields.

Bianca: But he didn't mean to cause any harm, eh? Hopefully they'll come 'round and forgive him.

Nera: I feel like the villagers are avoiding us.

Nera: I suppose they're feeling a bit bitter because of Saber destroying their crops.

Nera: Poor Saber. When he lost you, he couldn't go back to the wild because he was too tame. He couldn't attack people.


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Nera: So that's why he ended up destroying their crops instead. He had to find food somehow.

Bianca: There's no point tryin' to tell him Saber wouldn't attack people. He's in too much of a tizz to listen properly.

Nera: I can't understand why people are so afraid of Saber. He's so quiet and sweet.

Bianca: So much for leavin' Saber behind to stop people freakin' out. Looks like they're just as scared of us as they are of him!

Nera: He's talking about Saber as if he's some kind of monster.

Bianca: That old woman seems relatively calm. Maybe she en't scared.

Nera: The people here in this village seem to think of Saber as some kind of monster.

Bianca: At least kids en't phased by it all, eh?

Nera: Looks like you're something of a hero in that little boy's eyes, Hero. He he he!

Bianca: So you're a monster tamerer, are you? Ha ha!

Nera: He he he! A monster tamerer! How funny!

Bianca: Maybe it'd be better if we steered clear of this place from now on, eh? Nera:

Oh dear. We don't seem all that welcome here. I think we should probably make ourselves scarce.

Bianca: What a horrible man! It looks like he thinks you got Saber to terrorise the village from square one.

Nera: How rude of him to think something like that of you! What a nasty character!

Bianca: I feel really down in the dumps now.

Nera: It looks like it'll be an uphill struggle trying to get these people to understand the situation.

Bianca: We didn't even say we wanted the stupid scarecrow!

Nera: The people here really are petrified of us, aren't they?

Bianca: Yeah, it's a scary-lookin' scarecrow, alright. I'd rather not touch it unless I have to.

Nera: That scarecrow's not so scary once you get used to it. At least it has a bit of character.

Bianca: This little adventure didn't turn out so good, eh? At least we got reunited with Saber, though.

Nera: He's in shock because he feels like you must have betrayed him. Hopefully he'll come round and trust us sooner or later, though.

Bianca: I'd rather just give back the money the Bailiff give us, wouldn't you?

Nera: There's no talking to these people. If only they'd give us the chance to explain.

Bianca: It's nice to finally hear a few words of thanks, eh?

Bianca: I do feel a bit guilty, mind. Our Saber almost had this place on the brink of starvation, after all.

Nera: That's nice. At least one person here in Hay feels grateful to us for what we did.

Nera: I feel much better now. Let's just wipe the slate clean and get on with our journey.

Bianca: Maybe the monster who's bin attackin' Hay hangs out in this cave.

Bianca: I thought I was only comin' with you to look for some ring, and yet here we are goin' after a monster again!

Nera: The monster will probably be quite aggressive because we've strayed into its lair.

Nera: Do take care, darling.

Bianca: All them bones scattered about the place are a bit of a worry, eh?

Nera: It's rather disconcerting seeing all the bones strewn about in here, isn't it?

Bianca: The paths are a bit dodgy in here, eh? Mind where you're walkin', won't you?

Bianca: Have you still got that ribbon I give you back when we were kids?

Bianca: That's good. It's nice to know you've kept it all these years.

Bianca: But you've got it right there! Stop teasin' me, you cheeky monkey!

Nera: Walking along this path with all these holes everywhere is starting to make me feel rather faint.

Nera: I'm really worried about falling, but I'll do my best to keep up with you.

Bianca: Oops! I hope that soldier en't fallen on his head.

Nera: Oh dear! I hope that soldier's alright.

Bianca: Looks like soldiers are made of pretty stern stuff. I didn't expect him to faint, mind.

Nera: I'm glad he's alright. I wonder where this almighty beast is lurking, though...

Bianca: You dun't think that giant sabrecat could've bin...

Bianca: Nah. I s'pose the chances of that are pretty slim, really. Just ignore me.

Nera: That was strange. That monster seemed to be holding back a little and not attacking with its full might.

Bianca: So that's the big monster? It seems a bit pitiful to me. I feel bad for goin' after it.

Nera: Do you think that's the almighty monster? It's a bit different to how I expected. Maybe we could talk it into joining us?

Bianca: Saber remembered my ribbon after all this time. That's so cute!

Bianca: Saber has bin lookin' after Pankraz's sword all these years. Waitin' to give it back to you sometime, Hero.

Bianca: It's goin' to be a bit tricky explainin' this away to the folks back in Hay.

Nera: Ooh! So this is the first monster you ever befriended, then?

Nera: It must have had a terrible time of it since being parted with you. But it survived. We should be sure to praise it.

Nera: I feel like I've seen the crest on your father's sword somewhere before.

Nera: I wonder how we can persuade the people of Hay to forgive Saber. He did destroy their crops, after all.

Bianca: We came through here when we moved to Stockenbarrel. It's impossible to find your way 'round the place.

Nera: There are so many stairs here. It looks like it could be a terribly tedious town to get around.

Bianca: I remember hearin' about some wacky old man researcher who lives here.

Bianca: Oh! He taught you a new spell, did he? Then I s'pose we owe him one.

Nera: Mama and Papa say they brought me here when I was little, but I don't remember a thing.

Bianca: If the smoke bothers him that much, why dun't he just keep his distance?

Nera: Maybe he should spend his time researching how to research spells without kicking up so much smoke!

Bianca: Travellin' folk certainly always seem to have their fair share of gossip to pass on, eh?

Nera: I didn't expect to hear talk of Coburg in such a far-flung place.

Bianca: I wouldn't have minded seein' a royal weddin' neither. Oh well.

Nera: Yes, Harry must be delighted to have found himself such a beautiful bride.

Bianca: Hang on a minute! Are we lost too?

Bianca: Huh, I thought as much. If only we could just jump down off the walls, it'd be dead easy.

Bianca: Phew. That's a relief. I'm countin' on you, okay, Hero?

Nera: I wouldn't get lost even if I walked around with my eyes closed.

Nera: I have you to look after me and guide me in the right direction, after all!

Bianca: Yeah, there is a lovely breeze blowin' here all the time, eh?

Nera: The view here is incredible. I can imagine it's a very relaxing spot.

Bianca: Blimey! Shoutin' and moanin' like that en't what you expect from a lady, eh?

Nera: If she stays angry like that, she's going to end up with a face like a slapped behind!

Bianca: Maybe it's not such a surprise she's so angry with a servant like him.

Nera: Why doesn't he just say they'd like to stay the night?

Nera: Do you suppose there's something a bit funny going on?

Bianca: It seems to be a bit of a bother for some of the townsfolk, but it sounds like the old man's doin' some good work.

Nera: The old man certainly helped us out by getting the Zoom spell up and running again.

Nera: It would be lovely if he could keep working on some new spells, but it does seem a terrible inconvenience for the townspeople.

Bianca: I can understand him wantin' a drink, but he must be pretty desperate to be hangin' about waitin' here on his own.

Nera: He must really love to drink if he's waiting for the pub doors to open!

Bianca: Blimey! Somebody was obviously desperate for a drink, eh?

Nera: Oh dear. We seem to have confused the poor chap and made him all embarrassed.

Bianca: Smell that booze in the air! I reckon you could get a bit tipsy just from breathin' in this place!

Nera: Do you think they can really get through that much drink in one night?

Bianca: Hmm. I can't help feelin' like he's hidin' somethin'.

Nera: Don't you think he looked a little shifty? Almost as if he was fibbing to us for some reason.

Bianca: Looks like lots of folk live here together, eh?

Nera: It must be fun living with lots of people like they do here. Never a dull moment!

Nera: It was only Mama, Papa, Debora: and I in our family, but we still had lots of fun.

Bianca: Yeah, I s'pose that's fair enough. I'd probably worry about the same thing if I lived here.

Nera: A fire's one thing, but I'm worried about the effect all that smoke is having on him too.

Bianca: If that's what floats his boat, then who are we to argue?

Nera: The thing that makes me happiest is being with you, darling.

Bianca: That dun't mean folk should just sit around waitin' for it to happen, though, eh?

Nera: Maybe the legendary hero will come and save the day. But people should do what they can themselves in the meantime, just in case.

Bianca: I imagine it'd frighten away the customers too, if it's as bad as it sounds.

Bianca: Seems like the folk here like to have a bit of fun where the old Zoomshine's concerned. Let's just keep quiet, eh?

Nera: Why would it be their famous brew if it tastes so terrible?

Nera: There's no need for him to be quite so vocal. It's not like we'd wipe the town out of its supplies or anything!

Bianca: I wonder what kind of spell he's workin' on this time. It's pretty excitin', eh?

Nera: The poor old man seems a bit worse for wear. I suppose it's only to be expected with how much he pushes himself.

Bianca: Oh, I get it! So that's what it's all about. We'd better not go guzzlin' it down if it's that valuable, then!

Nera: I don't think even Papa knew about this Zoomshine. We must make sure we look after it carefully.

Bianca: It's way too smoky here to even think about relaxin'.

Nera: What a friendly old man he is. I do hope he can improve his relations with the other townspeople somehow.

Bianca: Crikey! Did I imagine it, or did that cat just talk to us!? Maybe they learn how to do it as they get older.

Nera: Our dog Bingo chatters away to me sometimes when we're alone, you know. He he he!

Bianca: It's bin another tirin' day, eh? Maybe we should think about gettin' some sleep before long.

Nera: Is it alright if we turn in for the night soon, darling? I seem to be feeling terribly sleepy just lately.

Bianca: Just how long has that soldier bin lost!?

Nera: I don't mind navigating my way through complicated streets as long as we're together.

Bianca: It must be freezin' sleepin' on the floor like that. I wonder if she made him.

Nera: Dear me! He must be a terribly restless sleeper to have ended up in that position!

Bianca: They're a pretty funny couple, eh? That posh woman and her servant sleepin' there on the floor.

Nera: Surely it can't be good for you to be angry in your sleep.

Bianca: I doubt there's many a place you'd see a priest worse for wear like that, eh?

Nera: Oh dear. How can a priest possibly give guidance to people when he feels like that?

Bianca: I wonder if the folk over in Hay are still angry about what happened with Saber.

Nera: The people of Hay are probably finding it hard to trust anyone after what happened with us.

Bianca: That dun't sound good. We should probably pop over there sometime and see what's goin' on.

Nera: Maybe they've had bad experiences with outsiders in the past that have made them a bit wary.

Nera: We should visit the place and find out what the problem is.

Bianca: He's a bit behind the times, eh? That's what comes of bein' down the pub too much.

Nera: You brought him the missing ingredient ages ago, didn't you, Hero? That man obviously doesn't know yet.

Bianca: Right up to the heavens? That must be a blimmin' tall tower!

Nera: I'm sure I'd get terribly dizzy if I ever climbed a tower that high.

Bianca: It's a bit of a hassle for us and the hero, eh? All this huntin' about lookin' for weapons and the like.

Nera: Maybe it would be a big help to the hero if we tried to collect the Zenithian Equipment.

Bianca: I can see why she can't sleep with that awful noise comin' from next door! The pub downstairs en't quiet neither.

Nera: That poor woman. There's nothing more frustrating than not being able to get to sleep.

Bianca: So that's the noise we've bin hearin' since we come in this buildin'! What a racket!

Nera: He won't have any teeth left if he keeps grinding them at that rate!

Bianca: I was surprised that he's a mate of yours. Friends with a prince, eh?

Nera: I wonder what people thought of our wedding.

Nera: Do you think they thought we make a good couple?

Nera: Oh! That's so sweet, darling!

Nera: Oh... Then I'll have to try harder from now on to make us look happier together.

Bianca: The lucky thing! Sounds like he's really enjoyin' that.

Nera: I always like to drink a nice glass of cold milk after I've had a bath.

Bianca: Hah! He's doin' a good job of lyin', eh? Let's just leave him be to enjoy his drink.

Nera: You really shouldn't put people in a position where they have to lie to you, Hero.

Bianca: This is where the Circle of Fire was, eh?

Bianca: You certainly had some nerve, sayin' you'd go after them weddin' rings all on your own!

Bianca: I feel like our weddin' rings are really special. They belong together more than any other rings in the world ever could.

Bianca: It's a bit hot under the collar in here, eh? Can we get some fresh air?

Nera: Just look at that lava! I had no idea that the Circle of Fire was hidden in such a scary place!

Nera: I wonder if Papa realised what a dangerous place he was sending people to.

Nera: Thank the Goddess that no one lost their life trying to find that silly ring!

Bianca: What are we doin' here again, Hero? Got a bit of a thing for this place, have you?

Bianca: If only there weren't any monsters here, it'd be a beautiful spot to come to, eh?

Nera: Ooh! A cave behind a waterfall! So this is where you found the Circle of Water.

Nera: You came here with Bianca, didn't you?

Nera: Hmm... That makes me feel a little jealous. If only you and I had been childhood friends, Hero.

Bianca: Oh yeah? So only a maiden approved by the Goddess gets to open the doors to this place, eh?

Bianca: Hmm... I s'pose that counts me out, then! Come on, let's go!

Nera: The only one who can open these doors is a maiden with the blessing of the Goddess.

Nera: I suppose I'm no longer considered a maiden now I'm married to you. I doubt I'd be able to open the doors.

Bianca: This place has got a really mysterious feel to it. And it's ever so pretty too.

Nera: I never came here during my time at the abbey.

Nera: I wouldn't have dreamt of travelling around by myself back in those days.

Bianca: That's a shame. I wonder why you're not allowed to pass of a night.

Nera: Do you think he has to man this place at this hour? How tiring for him!

Bianca: Comin' here reminds me of the time we came ghost-bustin' together. That was a scary old night, eh?

Bianca: I wonder if the Count and Countess are still havin' a nice, peaceful rest.

Nera: What are we doing at a derelict old castle like this, Hero?

Nera: What!? You came here on an adventure with Bianca once? Hmph!

Nera: It's a little rough around the edges, but I'm sure the place could look fantastic if only someone would give it a bit of attention.

Bianca: It really is a dusty old hole, eh?

Bianca: It's like time's stood still ever since we defeated that boss man last time.

Nera: (cough cough) It's terribly dusty in here!

Bianca: I dun't sense anythin' nasty here no more. Looks like all the monsters have gone for good.

Bianca: All the shadows and nooks and crannies in this place were pretty scary back when we were kids, eh?

Nera: There used to be ghosts here when you were little, didn't there?

Nera: You must have been so brave coming here then! I know it was for Saber's sake, but still.

Nera: I feel a bit jealous of Bianca:. I wish I'd been the one to come here on that adventure with you.

Bianca: It was a bit scary last time, eh? All the thunder and lightnin' in this place.

Nera: Were there coffins lined up in place of beds when you came here last time? Brrr! That's really creepy!

Bianca: You dun't think that was the Count and Countess, do you? They looked a bit too real.

Nera: Were they live humans? Or were they...!? Darling, I'm scared!

Bianca: Love across class boundaries, eh? Who do you reckon was the upper class one, then? Him or her?

Nera: Isn't it sweet that they've stayed together in the face of adversity?

Nera: If Mama and Papa had been against me marrying you, I probably would've run away from home too.

Bianca: Sounds like the Count and Countess have bin nice and welcomin' to these two, eh?

Nera: Thank the Goddess that they're still here to tell the tale. Each day of life could bring new hope and happiness, after all.

Bianca: Looks like all's well with the graves, so that's a relief.

Nera: Bianca was buried alive here!?

Nera: I think I would've been too scared to speak. I probably would've ended up dying in there!

Bianca: This is where I got buried alive! What a laugh, eh! Not that it was much fun at the time, mind.

Nera: The Count was obviously really devoted to his wife, wasn't he?

Bianca: Do you think that bloke's a ghost, Hero?

Bianca: Yeah, he looks a bit transparent, eh? Do you think he can't go to his rest? Or do you think he just likes restin' at the inn too much?

Bianca: Really? Maybe I should get my eyes tested, eh?

Nera: D-D-Darling... That man's shadow is r-r-rather weak. Do you think he might be a ghost?

Nera: Oh! Oh dear! I feel all woozy! Can you hold onto me in case I faint?

Nera: V-Very well. If you're sure.

Debora: I wondered what you were doing coming to a village stuck out in the middle of the mountains. You were bringing me to a spa resort!

Debora: I like your initiative there, Hero. Keep up the good work and you'll make me a happy wife yet.

Debora: Soaking in baths like these is good for your skin, isn't it?

Debora: You'd probably be pleased if I became even more beautiful than I am now, wouldn't you?

Debora: I thought so. You married me for my beauty, after all, so you're bound to be happy.

Debora: You're not worried about me becoming more beautiful? Surely you're not jealous?

Debora: I suppose that's quite sweet in a way. I'll forgive you.

Debora: He wants to be a priest? Very strange, if you ask me. Nera: was full of similar ideas a while back, though.

Debora: I hadn't noticed you were quite so overjoyed about becoming my servant, but he's right, it's written all over your face.

Debora: People often say that I'm quite cat-like. They must mean I'm sweet, right? Debora looks livid! It might be wise to make a swift exit.

Debora: I suppose you think that's funny, do you, Hero?

Debora: The baths here are good for your skin, you know. We're not far from Mostroferrato, either, so maybe we should come again soon.

Debora: This is where that Bianca lives, isn't it? You can drop in on her briefly if you like.

Debora: I'm not the kind to get jealous about that sort of thing. I'm very generous, you know.

Debora: There's nothing to this place apart from the baths. Looks like I'll have to give up on my idea of shopping for new clothes.

Debora: Oh yes. My veil was made here. It was surprisingly well-crafted.

Debora: A White King's Paradise? Sounds like a figment of someone's imagination, if you ask me.

Debora: I bet it's just a scam they've come up with to take money from people. There's nothing holy about that!

Debora: This inn's not bad. You can go in the baths whenever you want and everything. We'll stay here tonight, Hero.

Debora: I'm surprised to see a pub in such a small village. It must be for the bath-goers.

Debora: Why would anyone in their right mind want anything to do with this White King's Paradise? It sounds dodgy as anything to me.

Debora: Looks like that Bianca girl isn't around today.

Debora: We may as well stay the night now we're here. I'll have a bath before bed.

Debora: I hadn't noticed you were quite so overjoyed about becoming my servant, but he's right, it's written all over your face.

Debora: Hmm... Maybe you're stronger than you seem. Maybe you just look scrawnier than you really are.

Debora: It should be interesting to find out!

Debora: It wasn't a bad veil. It was made especially for me for one thing, and it suited me, of course.

Debora: He's fast asleep. We won't be very popular if we wake him, so let's get out of here.

Debora: You don't think she's planning on staying up waiting for her husband to come home, do you? She's keen!

Debora: Just so you know, there's no way I'd ever do that. I wouldn't let you go to bed before me, either.

Debora: What do you think you're doing, bothering people while they're sleeping? Are you trying to make yourself unpopular?

Debora: Well don't blame me if you wake someone up and get a clip around the ear!

Debora: Well get away from her then!

Debora: Surely you don't want to watch any woman but me sleeping. Let's go!

Debora: He has a good eye for people. Bianca is definitely a catch. Not as much of one as me, of course.

Debora: Looks like I'm not the only one who finds the whole thing a bit fishy.

Debora: I thought so. He's got a thing for Bianca, hasn't he?

Debora: I wouldn't get angry like that if you ever had too much to drink. I'd just forbid you from ever drinking again!

Debora: Scintillating sinter is a famous local speciality, if I remember rightly.

Debora: It doesn't sound like he's from around here, though. He's a bit of a dodgy character, I'd say.

Debora: There is a lovely smell coming off the baths, actually. I wonder if that's the scintillating sinter.

Debora: We should definitely take some time for a bath while we're here.

Debora: Why doesn't he just get out of the well then? Or is he stuck? Too weak to climb out on his own?

Debora: I suppose he can't ask anyone for help if he is, though, what with being here picking scintillating sinter on the sly.

Debora: Ha ha! Are you speechless in the face of my beauty, Hero? You're a simple little thing at times!

Debora: So she's not here. So what? I'm not bothered either way.

Debora: Looks like Bianca won't be home until tonight. Any idea where she might be, Hero?

Debora: Really? I don't actually care.

Debora: I thought so. You're only interested in me, aren't you?

Debora: So that's Bianca's father? He's so happy to see you! He doesn't look well, mind.

Debora: Bianca:'s certainly popular. I suppose she's quite pretty, and she's nice enough. Not as nice as me, of course.

Debora: That's good, Hero. Bianca: seems well. Not that it means anything to me.

Debora: This is the kingdom your friend's brother rules, isn't it? That friend of yours who came to our wedding, I mean.

Debora: So my servant's friend is big brother to a king. That sounds quite impressive!

Debora: I never heard very good things about Coburg in the past, but it seems peaceful enough now.

Debora: And you know what peace means? Peace means shopping! Hopefully I'll find a nice new outfit.

Debora: Prince Harry could be quite a useful person to know. Make sure you keep him onside.

Debora: I know you're happy, Hero. You married me, didn't you?

Debora: Hmm... There's a craftsman in Gotha who people call the King of Jewellers.

Debora: I suppose a man of that skill might be able to make some accessories pretty enough for my lovely self.

Debora: Do try not to show me up in front of His Majesty, won't you, Hero?

Debora: A castle fell from the sky? That hardly sounds likely! How could it have got up there in the first place?

Debora: And I don't see how it can have been the cause of the monsters going on the rampage, anyway. Sounds like a load of cock and bull to me.

Debora: It reflects well on me when my servant receives a compliment.

Debora: I doubt looking at you and I makes him feel lonely. No, not so much lonely as jealous!

Debora: You certainly had your finger in a lot of pies, didn't you? Of course, I'd expect no less from a servant of mine.

Debora: Maybe I could use the Secret of Evolution to become even more beautiful? ...No, I think I've reached the upper limit on that one!

Debora: I'm not worried about meeting the Queen Dowager! She's not important enough for me to start kowtowing.

Debora: The Queen Dowager must be a bit stupid to have allowed herself to be usurped by an impostor like that.

Debora: She'd still be in jail now if it wasn't for you, Hero. A bit more gratitude wouldn't go amiss, in my opinion.

Debora: This castle's quite impressive. I'd like to live somewhere like this one day.

Debora: That means you'll have to work hard to make my dream come true, Hero. I don't mind waiting a little while.

Debora: We need the legendary hero if we're going to help your mother. It's a pain that he's nowhere to be seen.

Debora: How can he not have noticed me when I was right there? He must need his eyes testing!

Debora: Sounds like you and he had a bit of a tough time of it.

Debora: But now you're living happily ever after, and it's all thanks to me. I know you'll be sure to show your gratitude.

Debora: Harry's quite the imaginative one, having a music box made as a wedding souvenir. Or do you think it was his wife's idea?

Debora: I let Papa take care of that for my wedding, but now I wish I hadn't. It's the kind of thing you should really decide for yourself.

Debora: It would be a bit boring if you were stuck here in this castle the whole time. I can see why he wants to go off travelling.

Debora: Are we getting a room here tonight? Hurry up about it if we are. I don't like being kept waiting.

Debora: Why is it that men always have to have an excuse for drinking? Can't they just drink because they want a drink?

Debora: The stars really are pretty. They're twinkling away because of me, you know.

Debora: People who say something's just between you and them have usually told the world and his wife.

Debora: Huh! Here we are trying to enjoy our travels, and we have to put up with that kind of nonsense.

Debora: That woman must've been trying to provoke me. There's no other reason she'd flirt around you like that.

Debora: You're going to meet that girl, are you?

Debora: It does sound intriguing. I'll come along with you.

Debora: Hmm... I wouldn't mind perfecting my fortune-telling, actually.

Debora: You'll have to be my guinea pig, obviously. Are you ready to hear the mysterious words of the spirits?

Debora: Okay, then... Spirits, speak to meee! Just as I thought. They say to treasure your wife, the most beautiful woman in the world!

Debora: Shut up, of course you are. Okay, here we go... Spirits, speak to meee! Oh, really? I see... They say that you should obey your mistress more.

Debora: It's a bit of a small town, but it has a few shops, so it's not so bad.

Debora: You've been to quite a few places in your time, haven't you? It's great for me because it means you tend to know your way around.

Debora: This is where that Bianca grew up, is it?

Debora: Why don't you go and look her up? Go on, go now before I change my mind.

Debora: He's lucky to be alive if he deserted the army. I would've thought he'd be executed for that.

Debora: Hero... I know this is unlikely, but you don't ever feel like you might want to desert me, do you?

Debora: That's what I thought. I knew it was unlikely.

Debora: Is that your idea of a joke? You'll always be my servant, and don't you forget it. I won't permit you to run away!

Debora: Looks like people here haven't heard about what you did. Not that it bothers me particularly.

Debora: We had the Zenithian Shield at home, so the other items probably exist too. I wonder where this man is who knows all about legends.

Debora: So this is where that Bianca: used to live all those years ago.

Debora: This inn's not bad. We could stay here for a few nights if you like, Hero.

Debora: It smells quite nice. Could be the perfect accompaniment to a nice afternoon siesta.

Debora: You have a lot of memories of this place, don't you, Hero? Not that I care much either way, of course.

Debora: Papa always said that pubs are good places for gathering information because there are so many people coming and going.

Debora: We'll have to try and have a chat with that man who's supposed to know all about legends.

Debora: If the legendary hero really existed, then it's certainly not impossible that there are descendants of his out there somewhere.

Debora: Can you hurry up and find us a room? I'm getting tired now, and I need to give myself a manicure before bed.

Debora: I'm not finding our journey tiresome at all. That's because I leave all the annoying jobs to you.

Debora: You communicate with monsters too, don't you, Hero? But surely...

Debora: I wouldn't mind a bath. Get it ready, will you, Hero?

Debora: That doesn't mean I want you to get in it, by the way! Just to be perfectly clear.

Debora: I doubt he'd manage a trip to Stockenbarrel all on his own, but maybe he's stronger than he looks.

Debora: What a mess! There was no need for them to trash the place quite this much.

Debora: You look a bit pale, Hero. I think you'd better have an early night. In fact, that's an order.

Debora: How annoying! He had what he needed right there in front of him, but he couldn't make use of it.

Debora: So the only way we can help your mother is to find the hero of what might be nothing but a legend.

Debora: Hmph. I suppose if that's the only way, then there's nothing for it.

Debora: I know I'm probably barking up the wrong tree here, Hero, but I'll ask anyway.

Debora: I'm right in thinking that you never find our quest for the legendary hero tedious, aren't I?

Debora: That's good. And it's good that you didn't try to tease me by saying no. I don't have much patience with being teased.

Debora: That's not funny. And it means you've lost nine points so far. When it gets to ten... You don't even want to know what happens when it gets to ten.

Debora: I wonder how flowers are managing to bloom in here. How strange!

Debora: Maybe they're a present for me, in honour of my beauty...?

Debora: What a sad-looking place. It doesn't help that it's night, I suppose.

Debora: Do you know who this Honey character is? A faerie!? Ha ha!

Debora: You sound just like Nera. She was always going on about faeries when we were kids. I don't believe in them one bit!

Debora: I suddenly feel this urge to see Mama and Papa.

Debora: What? You think it's not like me to say something like that, don't you? I suppose you're right.

Debora: Are we really staying here for the night? Well, I suppose if that's what you want. I'm not bothered either way.

Debora: You really love your caves, don't you? It's amazing that you were exploring places like this as a kid.

Debora: That wasn't a compliment, by the way, so don't get the wrong idea. What I meant was that I find it hard to comprehend, that's all.

Debora: Caves are damp and smelly and dark and claustrophobic, and there's never any sunshine...

Debora: You can be as fanatical as you like about them, but you'll never convince me.

Debora: That's quite impressive, you being let through like that. You surprise me.

Debora: There's a river flowing above us, isn't there? It's a bit of an odd feeling. You don't think this place could flood, do you?

Debora: The breeze coming off the river is quite pleasant.

Debora: Yes, rivers are to be enjoyed from up above, not to be walked underneath.

Debora: So this is where your father wasⓚⓛ Debora closes her eyes and bows her head. It sounds like she's saying some kind of prayer, but Hero can't make it out.

Debora: We should move on soon. We can't hang around here forever.

Debora: You have lots of things you need to do.

Debora: It's time to go outside now, Hero. We can't stay in here forever.

Debora: This takes me back. It's a long time ago now, but I once boarded a boat here.

Debora: Hurled myself at a boat, actually... That would be a more accurate way to describe it!

Debora: I wouldn't exactly call it peaceful now. It doesn't matter, though. I only ever do what I want.

Debora: I leave all the things I don't want to do to you, Hero.

Debora: Nera: came here to study theology for a while, you know. She did something called domestic goddess training too.

Debora: Hm? Me? There was no need for me to study any of that, so I said no. Papa was a bit peeved for a while.

Debora: You seem to get on with the nuns here very well. Not that it bothers me.

Debora: A prince on a white horse? And there was me thinking they only existed in faerie stories.

Debora: It would be a shock. You don't usually tend to find royalty visiting places like this.

Debora: We obviously don't look like husband and wife. Oh well, it can't be helped. You must look like my servant, that'll be why.

Debora: She's right. You do have kind eyes.

Debora: You're more of a servant than a husband, though. That's where she had it a bit wrong.

Debora: She should definitely be back by now. Maybe she's decided to take a detour and have a bit of fun.

Debora: I don't know how Nera: managed to endure this place for so long. She tends to get very lonely.

Debora: It would be a shock. You don't usually tend to find royalty visiting places like this.

Debora: We obviously don't look like husband and wife. Oh well, it can't be helped. You must look like my servant, that'll be why.

Debora: She should definitely be back by now. Maybe she's decided to take a detour and have a bit of fun.

Debora: Put our kids through what this girl's been through, and I'll never forgive you, Hero. Got it?

Debora: I've been here lots of times in the past with Papa and Nera:, but Papa would never let us go on anything.

Debora: I'm going to really go for it this time, though! I've got you, my walking wallet, with me after all, Hero!

Debora: The place is bustling now, but apparently it used to be a bit of a ghost town.

Debora: If a ghost town can transform itself into such a thriving city, then I suppose that means there's hope for you yet.

Debora: I don't really want to make any money. I'm already rich.

Debora: Even if I did want to make money, I'd leave that up to you, Hero.

Debora: If people are going to spread rumours like that, you'd think they'd at least give credit where it's due.

Debora: He looks intelligent enough, so you'd think he'd try and get his facts straight. You men are all useless!

Debora: My dream when I was young was to have a whole army of servants to attend to my every whim and wish.

Debora: I wouldn't complain if you wanted to go gadding about at night. I'd just come along with you.

Debora: Even if you're 'mister', I'm definitely not 'missus'. I'm 'Signorina', and I always will be!

Debora: If he dares call me 'missus', I'll grab him by the scruff of the neck! I know he's young, but that's no excuse.

Debora: Oh yes. Papa wanted one of those once. Looks like he's not the only one with a penchant for the weird and the wonderful.

Debora: Yes, Papa wanted one of those a long time ago.

Debora: He's always been keen on collecting strange things.

Debora: Make sure you look after that shield, Hero. You can't be too careful.

Debora: Just so you know, Hero... I'd never forgive you if you behaved like that.

Debora: You have to keep a tight rein on your man if you want to control him properly. Just like I do with you.

Debora: Why don't they just shut up shop during the day and only open up at night then? It doesn't take a genius to work that out.

Debora: Your home is wherever I happen to be. That goes without saying, of course.

Debora: Being able to nap during the day is a sign of high status. That's just how I want to live.

Debora: Papa may be a bit of a beached whale nowadays, but he used to be an explorer back in his day. So he says, anyway. I can hardly believe it.

Debora: It's mouldy and dark and claustrophobic... Can you hurry up and finish what you're doing here so we can leave?

Debora: A bunny girl stuck down in a cave? Talk about a fish out of water!

Debora: Even I'd never give you an order that would put you in jail, Hero, don't worry.

Debora: He deserves what he gets if he went about kidnapping people. It's always good to see people get their comeuppance.

Debora: Casinos are fun, but I'd never get that worked up about them. Maybe it's because I'm already rich.

Debora: Casinos are just fun and games. If you start to obsess over money, that's when the fun ends.

Debora: Papa said it's important to be calm when you're betting lots of money, but that man's eyes were all bloodshot.

Debora: He's sure to lose if he's in that sort of state. Still, as long as it's not me losing, then why should I care?

Debora: I don't think I've ever met someone as deserving of the description 'buffoon' as this character. I can hardly believe it.

Debora: I suppose it's not a bad performance. The dress would obviously suit me much better, though.

Debora: He's right. If you let the fear get to you, it really puts you off your stride. He's wiser than he looks.

Debora: You make your own luck. You just need a bit of patience and courage and you can turn the tide in your favour.

Debora: I wouldn't particularly mind if the night went on forever.

Debora: Ha ha! I do know that's not what he meant, you know. I was just joking.

Debora: There are certainly plenty of uglies! I suppose it could be quite fun to people-watch. The customers here are such a mixed bag.

Debora: If the legendary hero exists, you'd think he'd just hurry up and show his face. Still, travelling about looking for him is quite good fun, I suppose.

Debora: If anyone's going to get up on stage, it should be me. You know that, Hero.

Debora: I wish I could wear a dress like that. It just isn't practical for the kind of places you take me, though.

Debora: I don't care if a man's rich or not. I have enough money of my own.

Debora: If you want to open it, just open it. I'm not interested, personally.

Debora: Yes, I didn't think I saw them when I was here with Papa and Nera: in the past.

Debora: We don't have anything we need to do here, right? Then let's hurry up and leave!

Debora: What funny-coloured slimes! It could be quite fun to keep a few as pets.

Debora: He's a little bit too carried away with it all, isn't he? It's quite funny to watch him, though.

Debora: Maybe I'll try sharing a bed with some slimes one day. They're so soft, I'm sure it'd be comfortable.

Debora: You'd get me a few slimes if I wanted, wouldn't you, Hero?

Debora: You're quite useful, you are. Being able to deliver the goods is the mark of a good servant, you know.

Debora: Surely you're not...jealous!? No?

Debora: They'd be too slimy to cuddle? Hmm... You could have a point there. Maybe I'll give it a miss for now.

Debora: So monsters worry about the weather just like us humans. Now there's a slurprise!

Debora: Maybe there's even a town out there that's full of just monsters. I doubt it, though.

Debora: I'm impressed that they managed to build a T 'n' T board this big.

Debora: If you could fix how the die rolled, you'd be able to win as many times as you liked.

Debora: I love winning. No matter what it takes.

Debora: He said 'too', which implies he fell off as well, so he's hardly in a position to be laughing at us.

Debora: Can you believe that he's getting his kicks out of watching people fall?

Debora: I think it's more fun to be the one falling than the one watching.

Debora: It's very lively. This place really comes into its own at night.

Debora: I don't mind having a bit of fun, Hero, but I refuse to do an all-nighter. It's bad for your skin.

Debora: If you want to have a bit of a gamble, then I'll allow it. Not for long, though.

Debora: An island in the south doesn't really appeal to me. I'd rather live in a huge mansion in a big bustling city.

Debora: Or a castle, if there are no mansions available. I'm really not that fussy, Hero.

Debora: I'm going to have a bath again tonight, Hero. You know what you need to do, right?

Debora: That's right. Make sure you stand guard. I should think I can trust you to do that properly.

Debora: You have to stand guard like this man. He's a fine example of devotion to one's lady wife.

Debora: Stupid girl, screaming like that! I bet you're glad you didn't marry an irrational, screeching monster like her, aren't you, Hero?

Debora: It'd be good if there were no more monsters, but then you wouldn't have any of your little friends to help you out.

Debora: Still, that's your problem, not mine.

Debora: Handsome? Well, I wouldn't be seen with an ugly man. We'd look so unbalanced.

Debora: I don't need to trouble myself with cooking. That's why people have chefs.

Debora: It doesn't sound like the one here is worth employing, though.

Debora: What an odd way of doing business! Quite a clever way, mind you, making you buy something before he'll sell you something else.

Debora: I've probably told you this before, but I often used to fight with Mama and Papa.

Debora: I said some terrible things, but they never once even hinted that they'd like me to leave.

Debora: I couldn't understand why they put up with me for so long. I mean, they're not even my real parents.

Debora: Now I have a family of my own, though, I've started to have an idea of how they must've felt.

Debora: ...Anyway! I don't know what's got into me, coming out with all this. Hurry up, Hero. Time to move on!

Debora: He must be important if he can afford to spend every day in the pub.

Debora: Fortune-telling is a load of rubbish. You make your own fortune in this life. I know I always have.

Debora: Either be awake or be asleep, girl, not somewhere in the middle! That was creepy.

Debora: They say a sleeping face is like that of an angel, but that certainly doesn't apply to him.

Debora: We did pay good money for it, so we should probably have a look. I'm not interested myself, but I'll hang around while you look.

Debora: If you don't want it, then don't buy it. You can always come back another time if you change your mind.

Debora: You wanted to buy it and you bought it. None of my business.

Debora: If you want to buy something, make sure you can afford it. Don't embarrass me like that again.

Debora: This place must do quite a trade with its regular customers. People like you can't resist collecting strange things.

Debora: Casinos are fun, but I'd never get that worked up about them. Maybe it's because I'm already rich.

Debora: Casinos are just fun and games. If you start to obsess over money, that's when the fun ends.

Debora: He's far too carried away. I'm embarrassed just looking at him.

Debora: This is what happens if you get too carried away. The hundred-token slots are only for rich people. It's important to remember that.

Debora: If I became a performer, I'd have my own changing room right from the start. Not that I ever want to become a performer, of course.

Debora: There are certainly plenty of uglies! I suppose it could be quite fun to people-watch. The customers here are such a mixed bag.

Debora: If the legendary hero exists, you'd think he'd just hurry up and show his face. Still, travelling about looking for him is quite good fun, I suppose.

Debora: I can dance much better than them. I'll have to show you one of these days. When I'm in the mood, that is.

Debora: I don't think it's a famous song. I suppose it's not too bad, though.

Debora: Huh! I'm much classier than she is. Never mind. Just get off the stage.

Debora: Is she challenging me? If she really wants to see me dance, I'll dance. Da-da-daa, Da-da-da-daaa... Ⓠ There!

Debora: Hey, you're not actually that bad. Not a patch on me, of course.

Debora: There's no need to worry. If you stick by me, there's nothing to fear.

Debora: There really is nothing here, is there? I much prefer being in town to being in the countryside.

Debora: I'm leaving, Hero. What do you mean, why? Can't you take a hint?

Debora: The fields are in a mess, that's for sure. Maybe the monster's coming on the rampage because he's low on food too.

Debora: There's no point heading into the hills for food. That's like signing your own death warrant.

Debora: I'm sure Papa would send some food if I asked him. That wouldn't solve their problem with the monster, though.

Debora: I don't mind helping them if that's what you want to do, Hero. Could be quite good fun putting that monster in its place.

Debora: I suppose I'll put up with this place for tonight. You'd better find us a decent inn tomorrow, though.

Debora: She's very skinny, isn't she? Must be because she's not eating a decent diet.

Debora: So the monster isn't intimidated by the scarecrows... Never mind. I'm sure I'll be able to terrify him into submission!

Debora: I've got a feeling I saw a cave to the west of here. Maybe that's where the monster's hiding out.

Debora: It may not be attacking people, but it's attacking their food, which amounts to the same thing.

Debora: Do you think that was the monster? Could be a bit tricky getting the better of that thing!

Debora: There's nothing to this place. Not even a sound! It's far too quiet if you ask me. The silence is creepy.

Debora: Typical country folk, locking their doors at this hour! You'd never find that in Mostroferrato.

Debora: Are we going to stay here? If we are, I'm taking that decent-looking bed over there. You'll sleep anywhere, right?

Debora: I've never had a problem with getting lots of attention, but I don't like the way they stare here. It's like they're scared of me.

Debora: Charming! After we went to all that effort to figure out their problem for them, this is the thanks we get!

Debora: That man was actually shaking with fear! Still, I suppose that's understandable.

Debora: But Saber wouldn't do him any harm! He needn't be afraid for his life like that, the silly man.

Debora: That old woman has courage. I'll bet she was a feisty girl like me back in her day.

Debora: Children are so innocent. They know no fear, either.

Debora: I've known for a long time that you're a monster tamer.

Debora: But you're still my servant first and foremost, and don't you forget it!

Debora: There's no need for him to beg. I'll gladly stay away. Let's go, Hero.

Debora: I couldn't care less what they think of us. We haven't done anything wrong.

Debora: Maybe we should take it as our reward. It could come in useful.

Debora: Urgh! I don't want to carry it, though. That's your job, Hero. Got it?

Debora: It's not that scary at all, is it? Um...why are you eyeing it up against me like that?

Debora: I'd say it's more loopy of him to believe the nasty rumours about us than it was for him to have trusted us in the first place.

Debora: At least there's one person here that isn't a complete idiot. Huh! What a load of bumpkins!

Debora: You'll be able to take care of a monster or two, won't you, Hero? I can just sit back and spectate.

Debora: You don't think all the bones around here are fromⓚⓛ Never mind. It doesn't scare me!

Debora: There are holes all over the place. You'd better watch where you're walking.

Debora: If we're going to fall down a hole, you're going first. And you're going to break my fall! I won't look too kindly on you if you don't.

Debora: Do you think that soldier's alright? He's a bit of a wimp, isn't he? I reckon you could fall down a hundred times and still live to tell the tale.

Debora: He's the one who gave us a fright, not the other way around! I'd have chucked you down the hole again if you made me jump like that!

Debora: So that's the famous monster? Hmm... Having a magnificent creature like that as a pet would probably reflect quite well on me.

Debora: No way! This beast used to be your pet when you were little?

Debora: And he looked after your father's sword for all those years since. It's true that pets resemble their masters.

Debora: I can't help feeling that I've seen the insignia on your father's sword somewhere before. Now where can it have been...?

Debora: How exactly are you planning on explaining all of this to those bumpkins in Hay? I don't think they're going to like this somehow.

Debora: This town's like a maze. I never lose my way, but I'm a bit worried that you might, Hero.

Debora: The man who taught you the Zoom spell lives here?

Debora: You should be grateful to him, you know. He's saved you the task of carrying me across mountain ranges.

Debora: If the smoke's making him cough, then why doesn't he just move? Some people don't have the brains they were born with!

Debora: I'm surprised to hear talk of Coburg all the way out here. We're half the world away!

Debora: Yes, she was quite pretty. I don't mind admitting that. But she didn't possess anything like my beauty.

Debora: It is quite a frustrating place to navigate. I wonder if the people here ever get lost on their way to the shops.

Debora: It is quite pleasant here. Maybe I'll take a little nap. You'll stand guard, won't you, Hero?

Debora: That's strange. Watching her gave me an odd sense of déjà vu. I must just be imagining it, though.

Debora: What a useless servant! His mistress obviously doesn't have the good eye for people that I have.

Debora: If he manages to come up with a new spell, we'll have to come and learn it straight away.

Debora: Well, you can learn it. I'll just have you use it for me whenever I feel like it.

Debora: He must have plenty of time on his hands to be just standing around here waiting for the place to open.

Debora: Ha! He thought you worked in the pub! Just goes to show that you look like the serving type, Hero.

Debora: Surely they don't get through that much in a night? Ah... That explains why the town's so higgledy-piggledy.

Debora: Why? Because the people who planned it were all three sheets to the wind, of course!

Debora: That man's lying. He can't pull the wool over my eyes that easily.

Debora: It's just the two of us at the moment, but I'm sure we'll have a bigger family one day, so you'd better hurry up and sort us out a mansion.

Debora: She's worrying too much. Mind you, he could well start a fire with all that smoke billowing away.

Debora: I suppose the thing that makes me happiest is being able to do whatever I please.

Debora: Isn't it a bit weird, just waiting and hoping that the legendary hero will make an appearance?

Debora: The least they could do is all club together and go looking for him. That'd make our task easier, at any rate.

Debora: It's sad that people want to drink something that's supposed to be so evil it frightens monsters away.

Debora: Of course, it's up to you if you want to try it.

Debora: That's a shame. I was looking forward to seeing your face if it tasted foul, but it's actually quite nice.

Debora: This spell research is all well and good, but it won't be any use to anyone if he kills himself in the process.

Debora: I can see why they try to keep it under wraps now. You'd better take good care of it, Hero.

Debora: I think he might be lonely, you know. His face lit up when he saw you.

Debora: People say that cats start to talk when they get old, and it's true. That's so creepy.

Debora: Nera often used to talk to our dog, you know. Totally pointless, if you ask me.

Debora: Let's find somewhere to stay the night soon, Hero. I've been getting a bit tired lately.

Debora: Looks like he's still lost. Oh well. Not my problem.

Debora: I'd never order you to sleep on the floor, Hero. You must be relieved to have such an easy-going boss.

Debora: It's her own fault for not choosing her travelling companion wisely. I'd never make that mistake.

Debora: If the priest's lost, then who are people supposed to go to for guidance?

Debora: It's really not your problem. Just forget about it.

Debora: Hay? Yes, I've heard of that place. Sounds like a hick town to me.

Debora: If you still want to go, though, don't let me stop you.

Debora: You already brought him the ingredient he needed to get Zoom working, right? This man needs to get his gossip up to date.

Debora: If it goes right up to the heavens, it must be pretty tall.

Debora: You won't catch me climbing it. If you're determined to go to the top, you'll have to carry me.

Debora: That's a point. If the legendary hero does exist, he's probably looking for the Zenithian Equipment too. We might bump into him if we're lucky.


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Debora: I'd never be able to sleep in a place like this. You probably knew that already, though.

Debora: Argh! That noise really gets on my nerves. We're leaving, Hero. Now!

Debora: Prince Harry is a good friend of my servant's. Ha! It's nice to have something to gloat over like that.

Debora: I always drink plenty of water after I've had a bath. They say it's good for keeping you looking beautiful.

Debora: He really wants to keep that drink a secret, doesn't he? You'd think he'd have honed his lying technique a bit more, though.

Debora: This is where the Circle of Fire was hidden, isn't it? It's a pretty apt location for it, given its name.

Debora: It's so hot in here! I suppose that's to be expected of a volcano.

Debora: I'll have to get out of here soon. It's good to sweat a little to clean out your pores, but there are limits.

Debora: Who'd have thought there'd be a cave like this hidden behind the waterfall? And...I suppose it's quite pretty as caves go.

Debora: This is where the Circle of Water was, isn't it? It's quite a pretty place, but it's a bit on the chilly side. Maybe because of the water.

Debora: Will you come here a minute, Hero?

Debora: Ah, much better! Now I'm not cold at all. It can't hurt to share a bit of body heat for a while...

Debora: Surely you're not shy!? Never mind. I'll go to you.

Debora: Well? Much warmer, don't you think? It can't hurt to share a bit of body heat for a while...

Debora: So they reckon the only one who can open these doors is a maiden with the blessing of the Goddess?

Debora: That means you must've found yourself a maiden if you've been in there before. You'll have to tell me about that one day.

Debora: This is a mysterious place. Nera: would be thrilled to see something like this. Me? I'm not that bothered.

Debora: I wonder why you can't pass through at night. Do you think the place on the other side is too dangerous or something?

Debora: I think I've heard about this place. About there being a castle somewhere in the world that's almost falling to pieces. I wonder if it's here.

Debora: A castle with no people in it feels really strange. I don't mean I'm scared or anything.

Debora: Urgh! It's so dusty in here. There's a bit of a chill in the air too, unless I'm imagining it.

Debora: So you came here when you were little?

Debora: Ha ha! You came 'ghost busting'? Very funny!

Debora: You must've been either brave or stupid, coming to explore such a creepy castle. Especially at night!

Debora: What? There used to be coffins where those beds are? And skeletons...?

Debora: Hah! If you think talk like that's going to scare me, Hero, you've got another thing coming.

Debora: I didn't see a thing. Not a thing, I tell you!

Debora: Ah, love across boundaries... Just like us. The servant and his boss. We seem to be doing okay, though.

Debora: The only thing left when you die is your grave. They can only enjoy their lives together if they're alive.

Debora: That Bianca was buried alive here!?

Debora: For goodness' sake, Hero! If you carry on with silly stories like that, I'll bury YOU alive!

Debora: Um, Hero...If I happen to...you know...before you...um... Never mind!

Debora: I can't seem to focus on that man very well. I must be tired.

Debora: Hero, I do hope you've dragged me out to the middle of nowhere for a good reason.

Debora: I suppose all they see is that Saber destroyed their crops, so it stands to reason that they're scared to see us with him.

Debora: How dare he! I have plenty of money of my own, thank you very much. I don't need to sink to those levels for their grubby small change!

Debora: You take care of this, okay?

Debora: I don't want their stupid money! And they don't have to tell me to leave. I'll do it gladly! Come on, Hero. I've had enough!

Debora: That's weird. Why doesn't it want to attack me? Am I not alluring enough?

Debora: Wait! Why's it so transfixed on you? It's usually me who stops people in their tracks!

Debora: What? You know this beast from when you were small? I hope you're not trying to make a fool of me.

Debora: I like this place. I'd like to climb up to the highest point and look down on all the people.

Bianca: This is where that mate of yours lives, en't it? Harry, I mean.

Bianca: But now we've found the Circle of Water, we'd best hurry up an' get it to Nera.


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Bianca: Wow! What a wonderful inn this is, built around such a lovely big tree!

Nera: What a lovely idea, building an inn around a nice old tree like this. It would be wonderful if we could stay here tonight.

Bianca: It's a bit of an odd place. I don't think I've bin to an inn where a bunny girl greets you before!

Nera: I wonder what kind of offer it is they're running. How exciting!

Bianca: I'm really enjoyin' this journey of ours, Hero. It's great fun travellin' about with you.

Nera: I know we only get to live life once. That's why I want to go with you wherever you go and experience everything with you.

Bianca: It's a nice touch, havin' the branch comin' up from the floor like that. Dad would love to see this place!

Nera: It's so nice seeing branches from the tree indoors as well as outdoors. It's somehow very relaxing.

Bianca: A group of four... Let's get everyone together and do it right away, Hero!

Nera: I wonder what this special gift is. I hope it's something nice.

Bianca: So...this is the amazin' special gift!?

Nera: A flag...!? It's not exactly the prettiest thing I've ever seen, but I suppose it won't hurt to take it with us.

Bianca: A blast? I wouldn't go that far! At least it's all over with now, anyway.

Nera: He looks so pleased with himself, don't you think? I wonder why he's so happy for the offer to be over.

Bianca: Sounds like we have to cross a mountain pass to get to Gotha. But we'll be fine as long as we have a good rest first.

Nera: I think I've become a lot stronger than I was, travelling around together like this. I'm sure I'll cope with a spot of mountaineering.

Bianca: A sinister feeling? I dun't much like the sound of that.

Nera: Oh dear. I wonder if that means something bad has happened in Gotha. What a worry!

Bianca: Sounds like Granny Knot's son is a bit of a clumsy one. I wonder what made him think sewin' would be a good idea!

Nera: At least the poor man's finished with it all now.

Nera: It must be a relief for everyone else not to have to hear him suffering while he works too!

Debora: What an enormous tree! I've never travelled all that much, so it's the first time I've ever seen anything like this. It's amazing!

Debora: Why are you looking surprised? I have my moments of being impressed every now and then, you know!

Debora: I suppose bunny girl outfits aren't all that bad. Perhaps you should try one on one day, Hero!

Debora: Absolutely. You only live once, so you should just do whatever you want whenever you want.

Debora: This room's really quite nice. That's decided then. We're staying here tonight. And that's an order.

Debora: I'm not interested in their silly special offer, but this looks like it wouldn't be a bad place to stay.

Debora: The flag's yours.

Debora: I don't go much for ugly handmade things, but you probably like it, right? So take it and be grateful!

Debora: Mountaineering? Hmm, maybe these aren't the best shoes for that.

Debora: Not to worry. If my feet start to hurt, I've always got my personal slave to carry me, right, Hero?

Debora: I always have a sinister feeling whenever I go on Papa's casino ship, the Ventuno.

Debora: And for some reason I always leave the place with no money. Just goes to show you should listen to your instincts.

Debora: You may not believe it, but I've done some sewing in my time. Three whole buttons I sewed on! But then I got bored and got the maid to finish it.

Debora: I doubt anyone came to stay here just because of his silly special offer.

Debora: What do you mean, we did? Hardly! I just wanted to stay here, that's all. You may have wanted the 'special' gift, but I was never interested one bit!


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Bianca: So we've gotta get over this mountain... Looks like it'll be hard work, but I'm sure we'll manage.

Nera: I don't think I've ever seen such a tall mountain range. I hope we'll manage to cross it.

Bianca: Do you think I'm jumpin' the gun a bit, sayin' Gotha must be your homeland?

Bianca: Fair enough. I just have this feelin', though. I'm sure that's where you're from!

Bianca: So you have the same feelin' too, then? I'm so sure Gotha must be where you were born!

Nera: Do you think I'm being a bit presumptuous, assuming that Gotha must be your birthplace?

Nera: Sorry. It's just that I have this feeling deep inside. I'm convinced that that's where you're from.

Nera: Well, it's been a long time. Are you ready to go home?

Bianca: This really is a tricky path. It's almost impossible to keep goin' in a straight line!

Nera: I feel like I've been all lop-sided for most of this journey! It certainly is hard work climbing mountains.

Bianca: Haah... Haah... I'm fine, really. Dun't worry about me.

Nera: I-I'm fine, honestly. I can keep up with you. You don't need to be concerned.

Nera: I can't believe Papa sent a messenger all the way out here!

Nera: What a wonderful thing to send to us. How generous of Papa!

Bianca: This place is givin' me the willies. How d'you suppose that skeleton ended up over there?

Nera: There's a horrible cold feeling to this place. I'm probably just imagining things, but it feels sort of sinister.

Bianca: I dun't much like the sound of that old woman's laugh. She sounds like a witch or somethin'.

Nera: I probably shouldn't really say so, but I'm not all that taken with the old woman. She makes me feel a bit uneasy.

Bianca: She wasn't a bad old stick, after all. I feel bad for doubtin' her now.

Nera: I feel so guilty for doubting such a kind old lady. It looks like I still have a lot to learn when it comes to judging others.

Bianca: That strange laugh is enough to give anyone a fright!

Nera: Waaah! I'm frightened! That old woman's laugh really is scary!

Bianca: First a mountain path and then a cave. Up and down, up and down. I'm startin' to feel like a yo-yo!

Nera: I'm not very good with heights, so I feel a bit less anxious now we're here inside this cave.

Bianca: It must be because we're high up. I seem to be gettin' tired more quickly than normal.

Bianca: I can see light. That means the exit can't be far away.

Nera: ........................

Nera: I-I'm fine, really. I'm just finding it a bit of a struggle to keep up with you sometimes because you're so fast.

Nera: I'm probably stronger than when we first set out on our travels together, don't you think?

Nera: That's a relief. I wouldn't want you to feel like you have to leave me behind because I can't keep up.

Nera: Oh dear. I'm sorry. I'll try harder from now on, I promise. I'll make you proud.

Bianca: I'm glad I've got you and all your funny friends to travel with, Hero. Life's never lonely for me.

Nera: I don't think I would've set off on my travels alone. You've opened up a whole world of possibilities to me.

Debora: I'm so tired. I've just about had enough. You'll have to do all the work now, Hero.

Debora: You probably think I'm getting ahead of myself, just assuming that Gotha's your hometown, right?

Debora: And yet you'd still have me climbing mountains to get there! I wouldn't stand for that! No, Gotha has to be your hometown. I'm sure of it.

Debora: Good. You know better than to say something like that to me.

Debora: Ouch, ouch, ouch! What are you looking at? I haven't got a blister, if that's what you're thinking.

Debora: Haah... Haah... How are you managing this so easily? You could at least offer to carry me!

Debora: You could learn a lot from a warrior like him. Make yourself a better servant still.

Debora: I'll take that. You don't mind, do you? It's a gift from Papa, after all.

Debora: There's nothing for us in this nasty place. Hurry up and get moving!

Debora: We didn't come all this way to talk to that old woman. Hurry up and get back outside. That's an order!

Debora: I've had enough, I really have. We're leaving. Now.

Debora: I couldn't laugh in such a creepy way if I tried.

Debora: So now we have to traipse through a cave? I'm starting to think I should've worn some more sensible clothes.

Debora: The problem is that sensible clothes never seem to be very pretty.

Debora: I'm getting a bit tired. Given that you're my personal slave, I really think you should give me a piggyback.

Debora: I wonder if we're near the exit. I wouldn't mind having a rest before long.

Debora: Travelling alone could probably be quite good fun, but it's so much easier with a servant around to do all the hard work.


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Bianca: Pretty lucky that that performance of mine got us a free night's lodgin', eh?

Bianca: Ha ha! Only jokin'. I'm ready to go now, so we'd better say thanks to the innkeeper.

Nera: It's probably the thin air up here that made me feel faint yesterday.

Nera: They had a stretcher here, after all, so I'm probably not the first visitor to fall foul of the climate.

Bianca: They carried me here on a stretcher, right? Huh. I'd have much rathered you carried me, Hero!

Nera: That man helped carry me inside, didn't he?

Nera: I feel so embarrassed. The thought of imposing on total strangers like that!

Bianca: I may have collapsed when we got here, but I feel better than ever now. I won't be doin' that again!

Nera: I wonder if that woman moved here from the town below. That would just go to prove that love conquers all.

Bianca: This village is certainly in a precarious old place, eh? It feels like it's about to go rollin' off down the mountain any minute!

Bianca: The villagers seem to steer well clear of the edges, eh? We should stick to the inner paths too.

Nera: The air up here is so fresh, and the view is incredible. I just wish I had the courage to look at it!

Nera: It's scary that there are no fences anywhere. I wonder if any of the villagers ever fall over the edge...

Bianca: There've bin monsters about for as long as I can remember. It's hard to imagine a time when there weren't any.

Nera: Even if there weren't any monsters around, it would take a certain determined type of person to make his way all the way up here.

Bianca: So that's Gotha. It's hard to tell from up here whether it's far away or not.

Nera: So the castle inside those walls is Gotha Castle.

Bianca: Ha ha! He must have a scary old grandma to be gettin' that wound up!

Nera: Hm? Did you say something?

Nera: Sorry. I was concentrating on trying to get across that bridge without panicking about the height.

Bianca: I love cats. I could stand here watchin' that one all day!

Nera: I don't understand why so many people choose between being a 'cat person' and a 'dog person'. I adore them both.

Bianca: If you change how you prepare somethin', folk'll often eat things they swear they dun't like.

Nera: She's obviously trying her hardest to get her son to eat well. You have to admire her for that.

Bianca: There's lots of foods you dun't like, en't there, Hero?

Bianca: Ha ha! You en't changed a bit since you were a little lad!

Bianca: You've changed then! I remember you leavin' lots of food when you came to stay at our house all them years ago.

Nera: It must be a terrible bind bringing food all the way up here. No wonder she's angry about him leaving things.

Bianca: I feel all embarrassed when people say things like that!

Nera: Why do you look so troubled, darling?

Nera: I'm really glad I married you and I don't regret it one bit. We'll always be happy together, you and I.

Bianca: Sorry you got told off! I'm sure she meant well.

Nera: I'm so sorry, darling. It's my fault that I fainted, so she shouldn't have scolded you like that.

Nera: She didn't mean anything by it, I'm sure. She may have been a bit blunt, but her heart was in the right place.

Bianca: Little does he know that Pankraz will never be returnin' home now...

Nera: If both the King and Queen of Gotha are missing, I wonder who's ruling the kingdom.

Bianca: One year!? That Batten binnacle had best be worth waitin' for then!

Nera: Papa collected all sorts of things on his travels, but I don't remember him ever having one of those compasses.

Bianca: It shouldn't take one year even if they are handmade. I reckon whoever's makin' them must be takin' a few too many breaks!

Nera: We're so lucky, receiving such a sought after item for nothing. That old lady really was generous.

Bianca: Your mother's full name was Madalena, wasn't it, Hero? I dun't reckon that's just a coincidence neither.

Bianca: I always feel calm and at peace when you look at me, Hero.

Nera: I've always felt relaxed around you, Hero. I realise now that it's because of the way you look at me.

Nera: If only I had that skill myself. Then I could look at you and make you feel nice and calm too.

Debora: So I was carried here on a stretcher? What a shame I don't remember! It was my first time.

Debora: I don't suppose... You wouldn't carry me around on a stretcher for the rest of our trip, would you?

Debora: He helped carry me inside, didn't he? You'd better make sure you thank all these people on my behalf, Hero.

Debora: I caused a bit of a fuss collapsing like that. I'd planned that you'd be attending to me, not half the village!

Debora: Snow all year round? That's no good. I'd never have the chance to wear a skirt and high heels.

Debora: It could be dangerous if you ended up getting a bit tipsy here.

Debora: It'd be far too easy to go tumbling off the edge if you didn't have your wits about you.

Debora: That old man has no idea!

Debora: Even if there weren't any monsters, this isn't exactly the easiest place in the world to reach.

Debora: So that's Gotha. It's a lot more impressive than I expected. It's still out in the sticks, though.

Debora: Grr. Of all the irritating things!

Debora: What do you mean, 'what'!? The stupid bridge, of course! Why build something so flimsy so high up? It's just ridiculous!

Debora: I wonder if that cat wants to come along with us... What? 'Not likely'? You don't have a clue, do you?

Debora: Ah yes, the tedious art of cooking... What kind of gourmet meals are you going to make for me, Hero?

Debora: What's up? Are you a bit on the fussy side too? Hmm, I'll bear that in mind.

Debora: Well... I wouldn't have married you if I didn't think you'd take care of me.

Debora: Absolutely. She's quite right.

Debora: You're very lucky to have married so far above your station. You should take better care of me. That's an order.

Debora: This is really starting to get on my nerves now! Why does Gotha have to be stuck out in the back end of nowhere?

Debora: It's a good job that we're not in too much of a hurry. There's clearly no quick way to get there.

Debora: One year!? They certainly take their time making those, don't they? I'd get fed up with waiting.

Debora: Ooh, this is quite a precious thing to have. Maybe we should take a walk around the village and show it off to make people jealous!

Debora: Look deeeep into my eyes... Come on, don't be shy! Why won't you look at me?


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Bianca: So we're finally off to Gotha. Are you ready to leave, Hero?

Nera: Time for us to make a move at last. There's no need to worry about me. I feel fine after that rest.

Bianca: It's all downhill to Gotha, so hopefully it shouldn't be too tirin' a journey.

Nera: There seem to be an awful lot of monsters about. Do be careful, won't you?

Bianca: Did you see that insignia by the stairs? I wonder if that had somethin' to do with Gotha.

Nera: I can't believe one of Papa's messengers would come all the way out to this cave of all places!

Bianca: He's a bit of a scaremonger, eh? It would help if he told us what happened to him if he's goin' to dish out advice like that.

Nera: It can't be helped. No matter what that man says, we have to keep pushing onwards.

Bianca: Looks like that peddler fell down too, eh? What a pain havin' to go all the way back again.

Nera: Oh dear! That was a bit of a shock! I wonder if there are other places you can't reach unless you take a flying leap!

Bianca: I'm startin' to get used to this jumpin' about the place. We'd better watch out for places where the light shines in, eh?

Nera: Ouch! I think I might've bruised my...er, behind, when we dropped down that last time.

Bianca: I hope we're doin' the right thing, droppin' about left, right and centre. We probably couldn't get back to Battenberg now if we wanted to.

Nera: I don't think I've ever visited a cave that's had me on tenterhooks as much as this one. Travelling isn't all fun, is it?

Bianca: Um, Hero... I think there's a chance I might be...

Bianca: Um. Never mind. Just forget I said anything.

Nera: Thanks for being so considerate of me and asking how I feel all the time. You needn't worry. I feel fine, honestly.

Bianca: I've totally lost track of what level we're on after all that jumpin' about.

Bianca: Of course! Now would probably be a good time to use that compass. What was it called? The Batten binnacle?

Nera: I was expecting the road to Gotha to be mountainous, but I didn't think it would be all caves.

Nera: I feel totally losⓚⓛ Wait a minute! Maybe that compass we have, the Batten binnacle, would be of some use!

Bianca: There are so many stairs here. We're bound to get lost.

Nera: I'm glad you're here with me. I'm sure I'd never find my way out of here if I were alone.

Bianca: You should be careful not to go droppin' things about the place, Hero! I dun't remember droppin' that, mind.

Nera: What a nice old man, finding our belongings for us like that. I'm not sure we dropped it in the first place, mind you.

Bianca: Hero! That flowin' dress en't ours! You mustn't tell lies like that!

Nera: You really shouldn't tell fibs like that. It's wicked. You know that flowing dress doesn't really belong to us.

Bianca: Wow! Look at all these things we've got! Just goes to show honesty's the best policy!

Nera: I do hope it's alright for us to take all these things off that old man. Wasn't he generous!

Bianca: That's weird. The stairs down only led here.

Bianca: Oh no! You dun't think we have to climb all the way back up to the top, do you?

Nera: It looks like this is a dead end. I wonder if there's another way out.

Bianca: Huh! I didn't expect to come all this way down only to have to climb all the way back up again!

Bianca: There's all these huge holes all over the place. If only there was some way of knowin' which of them leads to the way out.

Nera: I thought the path to Battenberg was difficult, but this is a whole new story.

Nera: What enormous holes! Surely we're not going to have to jump down one of those too!?

Bianca: Brilliant! Fancy you findin' this!

Nera: You're truly amazing, being able to find something in a place like this!

Bianca: We've come a long way up now. I wonder if we're on the right path.

Nera: I wonder if everyone who travels to Gotha has to suffer this awful journey.

Bianca: Wait a minute! See that peddler over there?

Bianca: I wonder if we went and fell down the wrong hole...

Nera: I'm sure I've seen that peddler before.

Nera: Perhaps we took the wrong path. Or maybe we dropped down in the wrong spot. Either way, it looks like we'll have to try again.

Bianca: Blimmin' marvellous! We finally cracked it!

Nera: What a relief! This was starting to feel like an awfully long journey.

Nera: I don't think my stomach knows where it is after all that dropping about all over the place.

Bianca: Just when you think you're outside again, there's another cave! But the exit can't be far away now.

Nera: Oh dear. Not inside the cave again! I'm sure the exit isn't far away now, though.

Bianca: Do you think Sancho: could be our Sancho:? We have to find out! Come on, Hero! Let's hurry to Gotha!

Nera: Does the name Sancho: mean something to you? It seemed to strike something of a chord...

Debora: The journey should be much easier now we've crossed that flimsy bridge and we're on the downhill path.

Debora: I don't think it's very good for the skin, all this trudging about in places like this.

Debora: You will protect me if it comes to it, won't you, Hero? I take care of you the rest of the time.

Debora: It's all very well him saying it's too dangerous, but we don't have any choice but to keep going.

Debora: Just keep going, Hero. Have no fear! You lead the way, okay?

Debora: Ouch! Why didn't that peddler warn us that that would happen?

Debora: You'd have had to have serious words with him if I'd hurt one of my lovely feet, wouldn't you, Hero?

Debora: I do hope you're not just jumping about the place for the sheer fun of it.

Debora: I'm sure I'd never have found myself having to fight off monsters in caves if I hadn't married you.

Debora: Not that I regret it. No, I'm having a whale of a time.

Debora: You know... I think I might be... Never mind. Let's keep going.

Debora: Have you any idea where we are, Hero?

Debora: In fact, haven't you got that thing from Battenberg? You know, that thing that tells you the way.

Debora: I don't take kindly to men who are slow on the uptake, so hurry up and figure out where we are.

Debora: If you get discouraged, I'll always spur you along. Not that I know the way, mind you.

Debora: Oh! How did you manage that? I always knew you were a scatterbrain.

Debora: You weren't lying just then, were you? I don't forgive liars.

Debora: I knew you were honest. You were true to your feelings and chose to marry me, after all. Do you think he really did find all those things?

Debora: Are you lost? Never mind. At least your life's on the right track since you chose to marry me.

Debora: I always thought Papa making me live on the top floor of the house was bad enough.

Debora: But we've probably done the equivalent of the stairs up and down to my old room more than a hundred times here alone!

Debora: Do you think we really have to jump down one of those holes? Go slowly, okay? If that's even possible.

Debora: Not bad. It was quite clever of you to find this place along the way.

Debora: We've climbed so far. This puts my moaning about all the stairs up to my old room into perspective.

Debora: Well done. You've gone and brought us back to the same place.

Debora: Still, I suppose it's not all bad. You quite enjoy flinging yourself down those holes, don't you?

Debora: I feel all exhilarated. A bit like how you feel when you learn how to do something for the first time.

Debora: Not more caves! I've had enough spelunking to last me a lifetime. Still, hopefully it's not too far.

Debora: Do you know this Sancho: man? I'm sure he'll be nice. Prince Harry was lovely too.

Debora: In fact, everyone you know is nice. Is that by luck or design?


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Bianca: So we're finally here in Gotha. It was a long old journey, eh?

Bianca: I wonder why they've got walls all 'round the castle like that.

Nera: So this is Gotha. We're here in your birthplace at last. It's been quite a journey to get here.

Nera: It's certainly an impenetrable-looking castle. I wonder what it's like inside.

Bianca: We can't prove it yet, eh? He'll be in for a shock when he finds out you are royalty, though!

Nera: How frustrating! We can't argue with him at the moment, but the truth is that you really are royalty!

Bianca: Looks like we can't get any further, then. We'll have to try another route.

Nera: The King is probably just inside. How frustrating not to be able to reach him.

Bianca: She's got a bit of a mouth on her, but bein' a princess alone is enough to impress me.

Nera: That poor princess seems rather down in the dumps. Still, I think I can imagine how she must feel.

Bianca: The more things we hear, the harder it is to forget we're here in your birthplace, eh, Hero?

Nera: We should try to find this Sancho character, then. It sounds like he's somewhere in the castle.

Bianca: Wow! This place is amazin'! There's a whole town inside the castle walls!

Bianca: There's prob'ly some folk here who know about you, Hero. We should talk to as many of 'em as we can.

Nera: So the town is inside the castle walls. I must say, it's a lovely place, with all its gardens and light spaces.

Nera: Let's try talking to as many people as we can. We might just find someone who remembers you.

Bianca: Hearin' him say that really brings it home to me that we've made it here to Gotha at last!

Nera: So we've finally made it to Gotha. Thank the Goddess we were able to get here safely.

Bianca: D'you think King Pankraz was really your dad, Hero?

Bianca: It's a bit hard to get your head 'round it all, eh?

Nera: King Pankraz must've been quite a man to go to such trouble to ensure the safety of his people.

Bianca: Sounds like they all got tired of waitin' for the old king to come home, eh?

Nera: I wonder what kind of character this Prince Albert is. I do hope he's not a bad sort.

Bianca: A craftsman, eh? It's funny that he left the castle like that. He must've bin ever so attached to King Pankraz.

Nera: A god among jewellers? This must be a good place to live if they've had people of that kind of calibre here.

Bianca: What a funny little boy! It could've bin fun to take him along with us if only he was a bit older.

Nera: By the time he's grown up and become a soldier, we'll be middle-aged.

Bianca: I second that! If I was a mum, I'd be sayin' exactly the same thing.

Nera: I couldn't agree more. I hope our children never have to experience battles and danger like we've had to.

Bianca: If it's the same Sancho as our Sancho, I'll bet he was in the church the whole time prayin' you'd be safe, Hero.

Nera: In church every day? Maybe he was praying someone dear to him would come home safe and sound.

Bianca: We'd better try and find this Sancho character a bit sharpish. Come on!

Nera: I wonder where we have to go to find this Sancho fellow.

Bianca: Ten thousand gold coins? That's a bit neither here nor there, eh? Not a fortune, but not somethin' to be sniffed at neither.

Nera: It looks like the new king did what he could to try to find the missing royal couple.

Bianca: I can understand folk wantin' to remember King Pankraz, but they're goin' to have to move on sooner or later.

Nera: It's not good for people to be so resistant to the truth.

Nera: I'm sure King Pankraz wouldn't want him to be living in the past like that.

Bianca: I wonder what this Albert character's like. I'm startin' to get a bit worried now.

Nera: Does that mean King Albert has no dreams, then? It doesn't sound like he's very popular, does it?

Bianca: Did you see that!? She had wings on her back! D'you think they were real? Just what kind of a character was she!?

Nera: I think that lady was probably a Zenithian. I've read about them in the past.

Nera: I never imagined I'd ever meet one in the flesh, though.

Bianca: Sounds like Queen Mada was a lot like you, if she was the sort to keep a slime as a pet!

Nera: Did you see that slime? He has the same kind of look in his eyes as the monsters you've befriended.

Bianca: That's a shame. Dun't look like we're goin' to get any further this way.

Nera: Oh well. We'll just have to try somewhere else.

Bianca: Researchin' Zenithia, eh? King Pankraz was certainly a man of many secrets.

Nera: I wonder why King Pankraz was carrying out research on Zenithia.

Nera: If only that were clear, then there might be a way of putting the results to good use.

Bianca: Do you know how to play?

Bianca: Really? When did you learn that? Oh right, Pankraz taught you when you were little, eh?

Bianca: Me neither. I wonder if it's really as much fun as it's cracked up to be.

Nera: I remember watching Mama and Papa play that a long time ago. I'm afraid I've no idea what the rules are, though.

Debora: It's fairly impressive as castles go.

Debora: There are probably people here who know you. Let's hurry up and go inside.

Debora: I can't wait to see his face when he finds out who you really are!

Debora: Well there's no point in just hanging around here forever. Let's move on.

Debora: I think I could probably get on with her.

Debora: If this Sancho's a friend of yours, we should go and hunt him out.

Debora: There's a whole town inside the castle walls. It's quite an interesting place by all accounts.

Debora: I wonder if there's anyone who knows you here. You may not recognise them, but maybe they'll recognise you.

Debora: I'm tired after all that trekking in the mountains. I wouldn't mind a bit of a rest.

Debora: This is great. You can even shop here in the rain without getting wet.

Debora: It doesn't seem to have done the place any harm not having a king all these years.

Debora: I don't really see the need for them to have bothered having someone take his place.

Debora: I remember Papa telling me that story once.

Debora: I thought about having him make me something. I wonder if his son's any good.

Debora: He seems nice and obedient. If he's lucky, I'll hire him as a servant when he's older.

Debora: That's the reason why you have to get on and find the legendary hero.

Debora: He's probably sick of the sight of the place. Three days would be about my limit.

Debora: I doubt that Sancho character will turn up here. We should go and look for him somewhere else.

Debora: Only a measly ten thousand gold coins for whoever finds the King?

Debora: That's nothing! I certainly couldn't be bothered to go looking for him for that paltry reward.

Debora: Why do some people have to insist on living in the past? This is why I always find old folk so annoying.

Debora: I should think it's more important for a king to be realistic than to be forever chasing dreams.

Debora: I think she was probably a Zenithian. I saw a picture of one before in a book of Papa's.

Debora: I wonder what a Zenithian would be doing here in Gotha.

Debora: So you're not the only one who can befriend monsters then.

Debora: The soldiers' quarters are bound to be filthy anyway. Nothing in there of interest to us.

Debora: Surely he can figure that out for himself rather than just moaning about it.

Debora: Mama and Papa used to play that a lot. I was never interested myself.


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Bianca: Wow... What a mysterious-lookin' place.

Bianca: This may well be the domain of the royal family, but it en't no castle. Let's go to the castle, Hero.

Nera: What a pretty place. I wonder where the light's coming in from.

Nera: This place feels sort of like a sanctuary. I wonder what it's here for.

Debora: It's very pretty here, just like a starry night sky. But it's still a cave, and it reeks of mould. Urgh! My clothes are going to stink.

Debora: I wonder where the little chinks of light are coming from. It doesn't look like they're fireflies.


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Bianca: So your mum's alive, and you need to find the Zenithian Equipment to rescue her...

Bianca: What a task! I'll do whatever I can to help you be reunited with her soon, though.

Bianca: You must be so happy to find out your mum's still alive, after all. Mums are so warm and gentle...

Bianca: Sorry. I was gettin' carried away with my memories for a minute there.

Bianca: I, er... I actually went to Whealbrook on my own once, just after the place was attacked.

Bianca: I saw your place burnt to the ground, but I knew you must still be alive somewhere because there was no sign of you there.

Bianca: I dun't know much about the lay of the land beyond this point.

Bianca: There's prob'ly lots of strong monsters about, so we should watch our backs.

Bianca: Sorry if I was a bit quiet for a while back there.

Bianca: I was feelin' a bit overwhelmed at the idea of you goin' off and gettin' married.

Bianca: But, at the end of the day, I just want you to be happy. I mean, you're like a...brother to me, after all.

Bianca: You've done a good job tamin' those monsters who are taggin' along with you, eh?

Bianca: You've always had a bit of a strange air about you. Maybe there's somethin' in that that makes 'em look up to you.

Bianca: Huntin' out that Circle of Water sounds a lot more simple than our ghost-bustin' adventure all them years ago, eh?

Bianca: To tell the truth, I was so scared that time that I thought I'd burst into tears any minute. I'm petrified of ghosts and the dark.

Bianca: You're a lot stronger now than the last time we met. I en't a patch on you no more.

Bianca: You've really filled out in the muscles department, that's for sure. You look quite a lot like Pankraz nowadays.

Bianca: It's a shame you ended up gettin' separated from Saber. I wonder how he's gettin' on.

Bianca: Looks like we're done with our adventures to find the Circle of Water, eh? That seemed to go by in a flash.

Bianca: I s'pose we'd better get that ring to its intended, eh?

Bianca: If Nera decides she dun't want you, then I'll put my hand up and claim you instead.

Bianca: Ha ha ha! I was only jokin'! You should see your face!

Bianca: Them monsters you got trailin' about after you are pretty strong, eh? You probably didn't really need me.

Bianca: I suppose we won't be able to travel together like this once you're married. I doubt your wife'd be too happy if we did.

Bianca: That's why I insisted on comin' with you, see. Sorry if I was a bit pushy.

Bianca: Walkin' about together of a night like this reminds me of our ghost-bustin' adventure.

Bianca: You were so little back then, but you tried so hard to protect me. It was really cute!

Bianca: Um, it's gettin' late and it's dark already. Shall we stay the night somewhere?

Bianca: Great! But you're almost a married man, so I s'pose we'd better take two separate rooms, eh? Ha ha!

Bianca: Fair enough. I suppose you en't got time to rest, eh?

Bianca: Dun't you think we should go and deliver that ring now, Hero?

Bianca: Nah, I s'pose they'll all be tucked up in their beds asleep at this time of night, eh?

Nera: It shouldn't even take a day to go and check the colour of that jar just to the north-west of here.

Nera: I find it hard to believe that Papa would allow me to go travelling just for completing such a simple task.

Nera: All we need to do now is tell Papa the colour of the jar, and then I can go travelling with you. I'm starting to feel all nervous!

Nera: That shrine was very strange, don't you think?

Nera: We must both keep the existence of that jar to ourselves.

Bianca: This en't the first time we've bin travellin' together, but it feels different somehow, eh?

Bianca: The idea of bein' with my 'beloved husband' is goin' to take a bit of gettin' used to, I reckon!

Bianca: Where are we goin', then? Part of me wants to go back and see the shape of things in Whealbrook and Roundbeck.

Bianca: Or we could go and drop in on Harry and Maria. Then again, a bit of a flutter on the old Ventuno casino ship could be a laugh...

Bianca: Briscoletti was on about us takin' a honeymoon, but you probably want to find your mum a bit sharpish, eh?

Bianca: You dun't need to worry about me, okay? So just go wherever it is you want.

Nera: Being able to travel around freely like this is like a dream come true.

Nera: Every time I've been anywhere in the past, it's always been so planned out. But this time I don't even know the destination!

Nera: Hm? Where would I like to go? I think I'd like to visit your hometown.

Nera: No doubt you'd much prefer to visit the Ventuno casino ship, though? He he he!

Nera: Looking at beautiful scenery like this makes it seem impossible that those rumours about the world ending could be true.

Bianca: Where are we off to next, then? You decide, Hero.

Bianca: It's bin a while since I felt like this. Life in Stockenbarrel was always pretty predictable, you know.

Bianca: ......

Bianca: Sorry, it's just I don't feel like chattin' sometimes. It dun't mean anythin's wrong, though.

Nera: This has always been my dream. To be able to travel the world freely with someone dear to me.

Nera: I suppose we can't afford to just let the moment take us, fun though it is.

Nera: No, we need to focus on finding the legendary hero and rescuing your mother.

Nera: Do stop and chat with me every now and then, won't you? I'd like it if we could get to know each other a bit better.

Bianca: I want to go to Gotha. We can go, right, Hero?

Bianca: I feel like I might find somethin' new out about you if we go there, see.

Bianca: I'm startin' to get used to this man and wife lark. I hope we can keep on travellin' together like this for a long while.

Bianca: You know, I really like chattin' with you, Hero.

Bianca: I had no idea how talkative I could be until you and I got together!

Nera: Something about the name Gotha really gets my interest piqued for some reason.

Nera: I'd very much like to visit there if you'd like to go too.

Nera: Um, darling... It's okay. Never mind.

Nera: We've been travelling together for a while now, and yet I still sometimes feel all nervous and shy with you.

Debora: So we have to go to the shrine to the north-west of Mostroferrato and... What was it we had to check?

Debora: Ha ha! I know, I know. The colour of the jar, of course. I was just testing you.

Debora: So all we need to do is see what colour the jar is. I can't believe Papa thinks I might not even manage a simple task like that.

Debora: It's true that I often had servants do things for me. That was only because I didn't want to do them myself, though, not because I couldn't.

Debora: We made quick work of that. I don't like to mess around, you see.

Debora: I wonder why Papa's so interested in that jar. I still have no idea.

Debora: Now all we have to do is report back to Papa, and then we can go off travelling together.

Debora: This is going to be so much fun! I've never travelled with just one servant before!

Debora: As it's a bit like a honeymoon, Hero, I've decided I'm going to let you choose where we go first.

Debora: See! I can be kind and generous when the mood takes me.

Debora: Hm? Where would I like to go?

Debora: Very good, Hero. It always pays to ask what I want first.

Debora: It's good to travel on foot sometimes. Exercise keeps me looking beautiful for one thing.

Debora: This has always been my dream. To be able to travel the world freely without Papa breathing down my neck.

Debora: To have my own personal slave along with me is just the icing on the cake.

Debora: ............

Debora: Sometimes I just don't have anything to say, that's all. It doesn't necessarily mean I'm in a mood.

Debora: I just don't feel like talking to you. Of course, sometimes that's because I am in a mood, so you'd better just stay on your toes.

Debora: Feel free to chat to me whenever you want. I'll chat back if I feel like it.

Debora: Gotha? If you'd like to go, I suppose I'll allow you to escort me.

Debora: It's not often I agree to things so readily, so you'd better make the most of it.

Debora: You're quite an interesting sort. Definitely better than any of the other servants I've had.

Debora: It's funny, because you're not much to look at, and yet I don't get tired of seeing you around. ...That was a compliment. Look pleased!


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Bianca: So your mum's alive, and you need to find the Zenithian Equipment to rescue her...

Bianca: What a task! I'll do whatever I can to help you be reunited with her soon, though.

Bianca: You must be so happy to find out your mum's still alive, after all. Mums are so warm and gentle...

Bianca: Sorry. I was gettin' carried away with my memories for a minute there.

Bianca: I, er... I actually went to Whealbrook on my own once, just after the place was attacked.

Bianca: I saw your place burnt to the ground, but I knew you must still be alive somewhere because there was no sign of you there.

Bianca: I dun't know much about the lay of the land beyond this point.

Bianca: There's prob'ly lots of strong monsters about, so we should watch our backs.

Bianca: Sorry if I was a bit quiet for a while back there.

Bianca: I was feelin' a bit overwhelmed at the idea of you goin' off and gettin' married.

Bianca: But, at the end of the day, I just want you to be happy. I mean, you're like a...brother to me, after all.

Bianca: You've done a good job tamin' those monsters who are taggin' along with you, eh?

Bianca: You've always had a bit of a strange air about you. Maybe there's somethin' in that that makes 'em look up to you.

Bianca: Huntin' out that Circle of Water sounds a lot more simple than our ghost-bustin' adventure all them years ago, eh?

Bianca: To tell the truth, I was so scared that time that I thought I'd burst into tears any minute. I'm petrified of ghosts and the dark.

Bianca: You're a lot stronger now than the last time we met. I en't a patch on you no more.

Bianca: You've really filled out in the muscles department, that's for sure. You look quite a lot like Pankraz nowadays.

Bianca: It's a shame you ended up gettin' separated from Saber. I wonder how he's gettin' on.

Bianca: Looks like we're done with our adventures to find the Circle of Water, eh? That seemed to go by in a flash.

Bianca: I s'pose we'd better get that ring to its intended, eh?

Bianca: If Nera decides she dun't want you, then I'll put my hand up and claim you instead.

Bianca: Ha ha ha! I was only jokin'! You should see your face!

Bianca: Them monsters you got trailin' about after you are pretty strong, eh? You probably didn't really need me.

Bianca: I suppose we won't be able to travel together like this once you're married. I doubt your wife'd be too happy if we did.

Bianca: That's why I insisted on comin' with you, see. Sorry if I was a bit pushy.

Bianca: Walkin' about together of a night like this reminds me of our ghost-bustin' adventure.

Bianca: You were so little back then, but you tried so hard to protect me. It was really cute!

Bianca: Um, it's gettin' late and it's dark already. Shall we stay the night somewhere?

Bianca: Great! But you're almost a married man, so I s'pose we'd better take two separate rooms, eh? Ha ha!

Bianca: Fair enough. I suppose you en't got time to rest, eh?

Bianca: Dun't you think we should go and deliver that ring now, Hero?

Bianca: Nah, I s'pose they'll all be tucked up in their beds asleep at this time of night, eh?

Nera: It shouldn't even take a day to go and check the colour of that jar just to the north-west of here.

Nera: I find it hard to believe that Papa would allow me to go travelling just for completing such a simple task.

Nera: All we need to do now is tell Papa the colour of the jar, and then I can go travelling with you. I'm starting to feel all nervous!

Nera: That shrine was very strange, don't you think?

Nera: We must both keep the existence of that jar to ourselves.

Bianca: This en't the first time we've bin travellin' together, but it feels different somehow, eh?

Bianca: The idea of bein' with my 'beloved husband' is goin' to take a bit of gettin' used to, I reckon!

Bianca: Where are we goin', then? Part of me wants to go back and see the shape of things in Whealbrook and Roundbeck.

Bianca: Or we could go and drop in on Harry and Maria. Then again, a bit of a flutter on the old Ventuno casino ship could be a laugh...

Bianca: Briscoletti was on about us takin' a honeymoon, but you probably want to find your mum a bit sharpish, eh?

Bianca: You dun't need to worry about me, okay? So just go wherever it is you want.

Nera: Being able to travel around freely like this is like a dream come true.

Nera: Every time I've been anywhere in the past, it's always been so planned out. But this time I don't even know the destination!

Nera: Hm? Where would I like to go? I think I'd like to visit your hometown.

Nera: No doubt you'd much prefer to visit the Ventuno casino ship, though? He he he!

Nera: Looking at beautiful scenery like this makes it seem impossible that those rumours about the world ending could be true.

Bianca: Where are we off to next, then? You decide, Hero.

Bianca: It's bin a while since I felt like this. Life in Stockenbarrel was always pretty predictable, you know.

Bianca: ......

Bianca: Sorry, it's just I don't feel like chattin' sometimes. It dun't mean anythin's wrong, though.

Nera: This has always been my dream. To be able to travel the world freely with someone dear to me.

Nera: I suppose we can't afford to just let the moment take us, fun though it is.

Nera: No, we need to focus on finding the legendary hero and rescuing your mother.

Nera: Do stop and chat with me every now and then, won't you? I'd like it if we could get to know each other a bit better.

Bianca: I want to go to Gotha. We can go, right, Hero?

Bianca: I feel like I might find somethin' new out about you if we go there, see.

Bianca: I'm startin' to get used to this man and wife lark. I hope we can keep on travellin' together like this for a long while.

Bianca: You know, I really like chattin' with you, Hero.

Bianca: I had no idea how talkative I could be until you and I got together!

Nera: Something about the name Gotha really gets my interest piqued for some reason.

Nera: I'd very much like to visit there if you'd like to go, too.

Nera: Um, darling... It's okay. Never mind.

Nera: We've been travelling together for a while now, and yet I still sometimes feel all nervous and shy with you.


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Bianca: Here again, eh? I wonder how many mini medals we've got now.

Bianca: It's always so hot here. I bet it's impossible tryin' to sleep of a night.

Nera: This tiny castle tucked away on its own island in the south is like a little world all of its own.

Nera: Mini medals are so pretty and sweet. I can understand why people start collecting them.

Rex: I know, Dad! Why don't we have a race and see who can run around the castle the fastest?

Rex: A tiny little castle on a tiny little island. It looks just like a toy!

Poppy: Every single thing here seems to glisten and shine. My eyes are starting to get worn out!

Poppy: Huh. It's a bit hot here, isn't it?

Sancho: Thees castle, ees esmall, but ees made well, si? Eef esomething ees made well, ees okay to be esmall. But n-no the paella. The paella, eet m-must be beeg!

Sancho: Thees place, ees een the m-m-middle of the sea. Every day they g-gonna have the fr-fresh fish, no? Si, ees p-perfect for the paella.

Tuppence: It's rather on the small side for a castle. I think I'll be setting my sights somewhat higher when I build mine.

Tuppence: I'm rather impressed at how anyone could manage to survive out here on this island, aren't you?

Bianca: You can't knock him for bein' ambitious, but can slimes even make themselves bigger through trainin'?

Nera: How funny to see a slime in training! But if it wants to be like the one on the roof, I'd say eating a lot would be the answer.

Rex: That was training? It looked more like bouncing about to me.

Poppy: What a clever little slime! Maybe I'll start training so I can be big and strong, too!

Sancho: I n-never imagine I would m-meet a slime weeth dreams! Ees amazing!

Tuppence: Maybe I should put in a bit of training. It wouldn't do to be bested by a measly little slime.

Bianca: He's right there. Them chocolate medalliyums are delicious.

Bianca: Er... Sorry, Hero. Truth is, I used my own savings to buy some, and I ended up wolfin' down the lot!

Nera: I think you'd need to be quite brave to wander about in your pyjamas all the time.

Rex: I love chocolate medalliyums! But Sancho: said we can only eat a maximum of two at a time.

Poppy: I like eating chocolate, but Sancho's always such a nag afterwards trying to get me to clean my teeth.

Poppy: I don't think I'll bother having any today.

Sancho: Djou collect these m-mini medals too, si, chico?

Sancho: I n-no believe another señor, he ees collecting thees estupid bric-a-brac. The whole world, ees l-loco!

Tuppence: Powjamas? They sound like just the kind of nightwear for a strapping young warrior like me!

Bianca: Um, d'you reckon the bank here's above board, Hero? It smells a bit fishy to me.

Nera: He seems like a trustworthy fellow. It's nice to know he takes such good care of his customers' money.

Rex: There was something a bit too jolly about him. I'm not sure if I trust him or not.

Poppy: I feel all nervous now. It's like we're being put to the test to see if we trust in people.

Sancho: Ees a j-joke? Or thees señor, he ees eserious?

Sancho: Eef we ask heem to p-put a galleon of garbanzos een hees pocket, ees n-no gonna go, eh?

Tuppence: There's plenty of space in my pocket if you need more!

Tuppence: ...Oh. No one's listening, as usual.

Bianca: Blimey! What a delicious-smellin' chocolate! That smell alone is enough to send you wobbly!

Nera: Seeing this chocolate medalliyum reminds me of Papa.

Nera: He used to be really skinny when he was younger, apparently. But then he developed a taste for these and there was no looking back.

Rex: Yay! Chocolate! Is it okay if we eat it later, Dad?

Poppy: If you eat too much chocolate, you get fat. That's what Gertie told me, anyway.

Sancho: No, no. N-No chocolate for djour Uncle Sancho. No, no, no. I must l-l-lose esome weight. To m-make espace for the paella.

Tuppence: Looks rather tasty, I must say. Perhaps I should buy one to take home to Mother.

Bianca: I could eat these chocolate medalliyums until the cows come home, but I suppose we shouldn't be too frivolous, eh?

Nera: We mustn't overindulge in these chocolate medalliyums, otherwise we'll get fat. Let's not buy too many.

Rex: Oh! Aren't you getting any?

Bianca: Uh-oh. Looks like we en't bin managin' our finances all that well if we can't even afford to buy chocolate.

Nera: We can buy some chocolate the next time we're here.

Poppy: Couldn't we afford it? Well, I don't mind having a small dinner today if that helps.

Tuppence: Don't worry, Hero. I won't tell anyone you didn't even have enough money to buy some chocolate!

Bianca: The lanterns look so pretty, dun't you think? All elegant, like.

Nera: Those lanterns were probably made to commemorate departed slimes, don't you think?

Rex: The castle looks even prettier of a night. Maybe it's the slime lanterns that do it.

Poppy: Ooh! Look at all the slime lanterns floating by. They look so pretty!

Sancho: Si. The floating lanterns, they are eso b-beautiful.

Tuppence: I say! Surely it's not the done thing to throw rubbish in the river like that!? ...Or am I missing something?

Bianca: It dun't look like hard work to me.

Nera: That poor old man, having to come out at this time of night to do that.

Rex: So he's the one who sets the lanterns afloat.

Poppy: I'd like to try setting a lantern afloat one day.

Tuppence: I'm rather worried that old man might put a foot wrong and end up being carried away himself. It's rather stressful for me, you know.

Bianca: D'you reckon there really is some great treasure hidden here?

Bianca: We could try askin' around and seein' if we get any clues.

Nera: I don't imagine we'll be able to acquire this 'great treasure' all that easily.

Nera: It would be a lovely thing to add to the museum's collection. Let's see if we can find it.

Rex: So there's some kind of rare treasure hidden here? Then I'm going to find it!

Poppy: I wonder what the rare treasure could be. How exciting!

Sancho: Qué? A r-rare treasure? Thees castle, ees esmall. Ees gonna be a c-cinch to f-find eet.

Tuppence: I suppose the best way to start is by talking to lots of people and seeing if we can find any clues.

Bianca: It's almost like that bloke's not from round here. I s'pose it's fair enough that he dun't know, though.

Nera: It looks like this treasure we're looking for isn't something that everyone knows about.

Rex: I wonder what that man's doing here. Do you think he just spends all his days eating chocolate medalliyums?

Poppy: If he's never heard of it, maybe that means it's really old.

Tuppence: Looks like we won't be getting any more information out of him. Let's try someone else.

Bianca: Puzzling little thing? I wonder what it is!

Nera: He gave it to the woman at the inn? It can't be that great a treasure if he just gave it away!

Rex: He gave it away just like that!? If only he'd given it to us!

Poppy: I wonder what it is exactly...

Sancho: Where ees thees rear dominium? But eef he has a p-pain there, thees treasure, eet must be esomething h-hard, no?

Tuppence: I thought we had no chance of getting hold of it, what with it supposedly being so rare, but now I'm full of hope!

Bianca: She must be talkin' about the treasure we heard about, eh, Hero?

Bianca: We should try and find the thing now we've trailed after it this far!

Nera: It sounds like this treasure is really doing the rounds. I'm so curious about what it is!

Rex: So she didn't want it either? This thing is starting to sound more useless by the minute!

Poppy: It sounds like they're all just passing it on because no one can find a use for it.

Sancho: I j-just ask one time, okay? Thees 'special thing', ees the esame as the r-rare treasure, si?

Tuppence: I'm afraid the value of this supposed rare treasure is starting to go down rather in my estimation.

Bianca: He dumped it!? D'you think it's really that worthless?

Nera: Hm. I'm not sure about going after something that's been thrown out, but I suppose we should go and find it after all this.

Rex: He threw it out!? But there's an old man out there who really wants it!

Poppy: Shall we go and have a look outside and see if we can find it, Dad?

Sancho: Ah-ha! Now we f-find out esomething important about thees thing, si? Ees esome kind of eshield! Qué? Ees n-no thees that ees important?

Tuppence: A rare treasure is one that remains out of reach... I'm starting to see the point to that proverb now.

Bianca: Crikey! Is it me or is that medal talkin'!?

Nera: It sounds like someone's squashed underneath. We must help them!

Rex: Wow! It's a maxi medal! Hey! Do you think it could be the rare treasure?

Poppy: Dad! He says he's being squelched! We have to help him. Hurry!

Sancho: Chico! I know djou are l-looking at the medal, b-but djou must help thees slime now!

Tuppence: What an enormous medal! It would be impossible to get out from under it without any help.

Bianca: Fancy that poor slime bein' squashed like that!

Bianca: This must be this so-called 'great treasure' we've bin hearin' so much about.

Bianca: I've gotta say, it's a bit of a let-down.

Nera: Well. I, er, suppose we've found the 'great treasure' then.

Nera: Old Man Nick Knack will be thrilled with this. We must take it to him at once.

Rex: Er... So, I suppose we should be pleased, right? Yay...!

Poppy: Phew! Thank the Goddess that poor little slime didn't get totally squashed.

Sancho: Anda! Now even the slimes, they are t-telling us what to do!

Tuppence: I suppose that means the museum is ours! We should hurry on over and claim our prize.

Bianca: It is pretty solid, I suppose. Maybe it could be used as a shield, after all! I wonder...!

Nera: I think maxi medals are quite pretty, too, personally. Papa would love to see it.

Rex: Yeah, I'd say mini medals are lots prettier. And they're nowhere near as heavy either!

Sancho: No. I n-no agree. Thees maxi medal, ees muchos functional. Ees esomething I can equip myself weeth, djou see?

Bianca: So it was in the fountain. No wonder Old Man Nick Knack couldn't find it.

Nera: Ah, that must be why it has that funny smell to it, because of being in the water all that time.

Rex: So the King didn't take very good care of it. That's a shame.

Poppy: Urgh! This maxi medal's got a bit of a nasty smell to it.

Sancho: The cleaning, ees v-very important! B-But maybe thees time, we n-no need to worry, eh? Ees okay like thees.

Tuppence: She found it in the fountain? Sounds like they didn't even notice it fall, then.

Bianca: Blimey! I hope no one was too badly hurt. So much for treasure bein' good!

Nera: Goodness! What a huge-scale treasure hunt that would have been. Papa would've loved it.

Rex: So lots of these maxi medals were sent flying around the world?

Rex: Was the game that you were supposed to dodge them when they landed or something? Oh no, it was a treasure hunt, right?

Poppy: Do you think the person who started all that thought it would be fun? It sounds pretty scary to me.

Sancho: Si. A l-long, long time ago, Gotha C-Castle, eet was d-damaged by esomething.

Sancho: I remember esome people, they were t-talking about treasure. Maybe eet was one of the m-maxi medals!

Tuppence: How terrifying! If one of these hit you on the head, it'd be goodnight nurse, and that's for sure!


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Bianca: It's nice that you're showin' me around lots of places, but we en't really got time for this, have we?

Bianca: It's amazin' to be able to walk around together again like this.

Bianca: After all those years of not even gettin' a glimpse of daylight!

Nera: Even when we visit somewhere we've been before, it has a different feel to it now.

Nera: Maybe that's part of getting older.

Nera: I'm really happy that you're taking me to lots of different places, darling.

Nera: But I think perhaps we should focus on the task at hand.

Rex: You know your way around loads of different places, don't you, Dad?

Rex: We travelled a lot when we were looking for you and Mum.

Rex: I didn't think there was anywhere left I hadn't been to. It's pretty exciting!

Poppy: Yay! I'm so happy. It's really nice that you take us to all sorts of places with you.

Poppy: I'm not very good in dark places. Or high places. Or hot places, actually

Poppy: But I'd still like to keep on travelling with you!

Sancho: Esee, chico? Rex and Poppy, they are fine children, no?

Sancho: Djour Uncle Sancho, he ees eso l-l-lucky. First, I esee djou grow into the estrong, macho man. And now, I w-watch djour children grow, too.

 Sancho:@bUf! Ees eso beeg, the world. N-Now we are together weeth djou, My M-Majesty, ees eso m-m-m-many places we can go.

Tuppence: There's no sniff of any pretty ladies here, I'm afraid. What a disappointment!

Tuppence: I must just jot down a memo about this place before I forget about it. I want to include everything in my autobiography, you see.

Bianca: This tower... Of course I remember it. How could I possibly forget?

Bianca: How come you brought us to this tower of all places?

Nera: Here... I'd rather forget this place ever existed.

Nera: But I suppose it would be wrong to forget. It's difficult memories like that that spur us on to do what we're doing now.

Nera: Is it alright if we leave now, darling? I think we've been here long enough.

Rex: I don't like the feel of this place. I think I can even smell blood on the walls. Urgh!

Rex: I know about this place. This is where you and Mum were turned into stone.

Rex: ............

Poppy: I feel a bit funny in this place. I think I'm going to be sick...

Poppy: Can we get out of here, Dad? I don't like it.

Sancho: When I c-came here before weeth the soldiers to thees tower, there was n-no one here.

Sancho: That night, eef we n-no have thees fiesta... Eef we n-no drink...

Tuppence: This tower has the most frightful feel to it. It's sending shivers down my spine just standing here.

Bianca: So this is the spot. This is where you were auctioned off, Hero.

Nera: This is where we were separated from each other, isn't it?

Nera: Just remembering it makes me well up.

Rex: Wow! So this is where the statue of you was sold?

Rex: Twenty thousand gold coins... I'd never be able to afford you with the kind of pocket money I get.

Poppy: Dad...

Poppy: Um... Never mind. I was just thinking you looked a bit sad, that's all.

Sancho: No one ees c-coming here no more, no? Ees just the deserted ruin. Just the remains of what ees o-once here before.

Tuppence: So this is where your statue was sold, is it? Twenty thousand gold coins!?

Tuppence: That's extortionate! Er... I mean, that's not nearly enough for a man of your calibre. I'd pay much more!


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Rex: Yippee! It's Dad! It's Dad! It's Dad!

Rex: You look quite a lot like me, Dad.

Poppy: We knew you'd probably be tired, so we decided to leave you be until you woke up.

Poppy: There's so much we want to talk about with you!

Poppy: It's been a long time since you were last here in the castle, hasn't it, Dad? But don't worry, I can show you around.

Rex: Don't worry about her, she always bursts into tears at the drop of a hat.

Rex: ⓗPrince Rex can climb that pillar all by himself (sob).ⓘ ⓗPrince Rex can break chairs (sob).ⓘ You know the kind of thing.

Poppy: Rex always plays pranks on her and tries to give her a fright one way or another.

Poppy: I nearly had a heart attack once when I heard her shrieking about him walking along the edge of the veranda.

Tuppence: A lowly soldier like me in the great Hero's bedroom, of all places! The thought of it makes me go weak at the knees.

Rex: The people of Gotha treat you like some kind of idol, Dad! Isn't that amazing?

Poppy: People really were on tenterhooks waiting for you to come back. That's why we tried so hard to find you as fast as we could.

Rex: You've never been to Grandma's birthplace have you, Dad?

Rex: Neither have I. So I was thinking that maybe it'd be fun if we could go together!

Poppy: We wanted to visit Lofty Peak, but we had to find you first, Dad.

Poppy: We knew you'd definitely want to go with us to Grandma's birthplace.

Rex: Uncle Bertie's really kind. He always gives us secret stashes of sweets.

Poppy: Uncle Bertie really wants grandchildren, but Cousin Gertie says she's never getting married.

Poppy: It's all a bit of a puzzle, really.

Sancho: Sí, ees true... Everytheeng, eet estarts when señor Pankraz, he was lost and he estumbled upon Lofty Peak.

Tuppence: Prince Albert is a cheery, kind-hearted man. Yes, he's very popular with the people.

Rex: We don't have Stolos' staff any more.

Rex: But I'm sure we'll still be able to rescue Mum and Grandma if we put our minds to it!

Poppy: We're eight years old already, Dad. That means we can do lots of things to help you.

Rex: Sancho's pretty strong, you know.

Rex: He does get out of breath quite quickly nowadays, though.

Poppy: We travelled all over with Sancho:, and he taught us all sorts of things.

Poppy: We were with him that time we found Stolos' staff too.

Tuppence: Sancho's quite a hero here in Gotha, you know. A loyal royal servant!

Tuppence: The previous king placed great trust in him, apparently. I hope I have a reputation like that one day too.

Poppy: If there's no castle up in the sky any more, does that mean it fell down? What if it broke into lots of little pieces?

Sancho: Sí. One Zenithian señorita, eshe came here to the castle when eshe was lost. Thees ees why señor Pankraz ordered the researches to be done.

Sancho: You know, thees Zenithian señorita, eshe estay here een Gotha because eshe no know how to go home. Ees, ees eso esad...

Rex: I can never get that soldier to play with me. He always just stands there on guard, and he won't stop concentrating even for a second.

Rex: I'm not supposed to come up here because it's dangerous.

Rex: But you're with me today, so no one can tell me off.

Poppy: I used to like sneaking up here to look at the view.

Poppy: I'd stand here and wonder where in the world you and Mum might be.

Tuppence: I adore this kingdom, you know. I'd do absolutely anything to defend it if I had to.

Rex: I had a go at climbing the castle walls a while back to see how high I could get.

Rex: But, just as I cleared the second floor, I was spotted and told to get down.

Poppy: I like being indoors too, but I really love being outside.

Poppy: It's such good fun hearing all the little birds chatter away to each other.

Sancho: I remember the time señor Pankraz, he leave thees castle to go and look for señora Mada.

Sancho: And now ees, ees my friend's turn... Thees ees fate, sí? And ees my fate to go weeth you.

Tuppence: It used to be my duty to patrol the castle grounds. Before I was assigned to travel with you, that is.

Tuppence: I must admit that I am rather nervous. I do hope that I'll be of some use to you.

Rex: Um, you don't have all that much money, right, Dad? So don't worry about buying anything for me, will you?

Poppy: The kingdom's money comes from the kingdom's people and it has to be used for them, apparently.

Poppy: If we ever wanted anything for ourselves, we always had to save up and buy it with our own money.

Rex: Brilliant! It'll be fun travelling around together again, Dad.

Poppy: Yay! Thanks, Dad. I won't let you down.

Sancho: Gracias, friend. Ees eso good to be travelling together again. Olé! Let's go!

Tuppence: It's an honour to be summoned, Your Majesty. I'll endeavour not to be a burden to you.

Rex: Sancho says he's really strong when it comes to drinking. Does that man's head hurt because he's too weak?

Tuppence: Honestly! Does the man have no shame, admitting to such a thing in the presence of His Majesty!?

Poppy: If that's what happens, then there's no way I'm ever going to drink, even when I'm all grown up.

Rex: Chancellor Jeeves was a bad man, wasn't he? ...No way! He was killed!? That's a bit unlucky.

Poppy: I thought this was Uncle Bertie's room from ages ago.

Tuppence: It's been as peaceful as can be here at the castle ever since that debacle with the Chancellor.

Rex: I didn't used to hang out much here, but Poppy would come and play here quite often.

Poppy: I often used to get Cousin Gertie to tell me what it was like before she became a princess. We had lots of fun chatting!

Tuppence: Princess Gertrude is actually not far from being my ideal woman. What man wouldn't find such a candid, lively beast attractive?

Sancho: The truth ees, señorita Gertrude, eshe makes eso much trouble for señor Albert.

Sancho: Ees good for heem eef we finish our quest esoon. Then he can have the siesta, sí?

Rex: If there are so few people left, do you think it's okay for us to just leave the castle?

Rex: I suppose we can't worry about that. It's more important that we go after the baddies and sort them out first.

Sancho: Esome people, they just go missing. Others, they leave because they eso worried about everytheeng.

Sancho: Now Gotha has once again eets king, maybe the good times, they estart again.

Rex: There was a gemstone in the village you used to live in? I want to go and find it!

Poppy: I wonder if we'd find this famous craftsman if we went to Whealbrook. Maybe he's already moved on somewhere else.

Rex: It'd be nice to bring the old man home to his son one day, wouldn't it?

Poppy: It's nice that he knows his dad's alive now. I can understand what a big relief that must be.

Rex: You must be desperate to find your mum, just like I'm desperate to find mine.

Poppy: Grandma was good at making friends with monsters, right, Dad? Just like you are.

Poppy: I really want to meet her.

Sancho: Ees a fine idea, friend! Please, you do thees for your Uncle Sancho, sí?

Rex: That woman usually lives up in the sky, doesn't she? She's really pretty.

Poppy: We used to visit that lady every once in a while, but she'd never talk to us.

Poppy: I'm really happy that she will now.

Tuppence: I had no idea that there was a Zenithian living in the castle until you brought me here, Your Majesty.

Tuppence: I should imagine most other folk don't realise, either. A beautiful woman like that would be surrounded by admirers if they did!

Sancho: The first time Rex, he took the Zenithian Sword, I, I was eso moved!

Sancho: As esoon as he can walk, Rex ees holding thees esword, and waving eet around.

Sancho: Now I know. Thees ees why the esword, eet came to be een my hands.

Rex: Poppy's really friendly with animals and monsters, you know.

Rex: So are you, right, Dad? It's nice that you've got that in common.

Sancho: Eh, friend! Are you ready to leave yet? You no forget the medicinal herbs and the chimaera wings, no?

Sancho: You know, ees always a good idea to check your baggages one more time before you go.

Tuppence: When you're striving towards a goal, it's always good to think about what you might want to do once you've achieved it, right?

Tuppence: My first task when the world's peaceful again will be to find myself a beautiful bride.

Tuppence: Hang on a minute! Why bother waiting? I could hunt her out during my world-saving travels and kill two birds with one stone!

Rex: Uncle Bertie got everyone together for your sake, Dad.

Poppy: I really love Monty the monster monitor. Any friend of monsters is a friend of mine.

Rex: There aren't any other children of our age here, so we don't really have any friends.

Rex: It's lucky that Poppy and I are twins and have each other.

Poppy: Everyone here in the castle is really kind. And yet...I still always felt a bit lonely.

Tuppence: I do love Gotha, but I've always found the place has a rather lonely feel to it. It needs more young women and children.

Tuppence: Maybe I'll have to take matters into my own hands and bring back a lovely bride to have lots of children with!

Sancho: Thees castle, eet ees the playground for Rex and Poppy esince they are the leettle bebés.

Sancho: And eef thees terrible theeng no happen to señora Mada, maybe you would have the childhood like thees too, friend.

Rex: You were born in this castle like I was, right, Dad? So we're the same!

Poppy: We're not supposed to talk to the soldiers too much because it disturbs them from their work.

Tuppence: I can't help feeling some of my fellow soldiers glaring at me somewhat. They must be jealous that I get to travel with His Majesty.

Rex: That dog really loves Poppy. He wags his tail much more when he sees her than when he sees me.

Rex: Poppy reckons she can understand what animals are saying, you know.

Poppy: I love animals! All animals!

Tuppence: That dog's been around ever since I was a young boy. He must be a fair old age by now.

Rex: Um, Dad... Was it lonely being on your own as a statue for all those years?

Rex: I'm the big brother, so I was okay, but Poppy seemed really sad and upset about it all.

Sancho: Ees really eight years? Esometimes eet feels long, and esometimes eet feels eshort.

Sancho: When I theenk what happened to señor Pankraz... And how, how hard eet ees for you, friend... I, I... (sob)

Poppy: We found out you and Mum had been turned to stone when a little bird told us on our travels.

Poppy: Then we went looking for Stolos' staff, and then finally we found you.

Poppy: I don't remember what Mum looks like, either.

Poppy: But I can remember her feeling all warm and smelling nice.

Tuppence: I can only vaguely remember how she looked, but I do know Queen Debora was a real beauty.

Tuppence: I do envy you, Your Majesty. I hope I manage to find myself such a stunning wife one of these days.

Sancho: Thees Tuppence, he no eseem like a bad señor, no? Why don't you ask heem to accompany you?

Rex: Tuppence is one of the guards who's always patrolling the castle. I remember his name because it sounds a bit funny!

Rex: I quite like Tuppence. We should take him along with us again!

Sancho: You see, friend. You are loved by everyone. Thees señor, he knows how great you are.

Sancho: You eshould ask heem to accompany you again, no?

Sancho: I ask myself, 'Why you no esee thees chess no more, Sancho?', and now I know. Ees because señor Tuppence, he has eet all the time.

Sancho: And ees true. Sí, sí. I remember the look een the men's eyes when they play thees chess. Esometheeng was no right.

Poppy: I find that chess set a bit scary for some reason. You won't leave me alone with it, will you, Dad?

Rex: I didn't wet the bed today, Dad! Ahem!

Poppy: You sleep all nice and quietly, Dad. Rex moves about all the time and makes a terrible noise.

Tuppence: It's quite amusing staying in one's own home under these circumstances.

Rex: We never really stayed here very much. We should say yes next time.

Poppy: You seem a bit tired, Dad. Are you alright? You must rest every now and then, you know.

Tuppence: If you don't mind the place being rather cramped and shabby, then please do avail yourself of it whenever you wish.

Tuppence: It's the given duty of a soldier to protect the people of his land.

Tuppence: And it's the given duty of a man to protect his family. Isn't that right, Your Majesty?

Rex: Tuppence is right. I wouldn't have expected him to come out with something so deep, though.

Poppy: That nun used to be our teacher.

Rex: Poppy:'s really clever. She can do all the three Rs.

Rex: I'm... Well, I'm not quite so clever. But I do try hard!

Sancho: The Goddess, eshe always watches over Gotha. When you are no here, friend, the monsters, eso many times they come flying to the castle...

Sancho: But when they come, the Sword of Zenithia, eet makes the bright light and drives them away.

Sancho: Now I remember thees, eet was very estrange. Maybe ees the work of the Goddess.

Rex: Has that old man been old even since you were little?

Rex: Wow! Then he must be ancient!

Tuppence: Oh dear! I do hope he lives to see the day when things are peaceful again.

Sancho: For your Uncle Sancho, I hope to esee the day when you and your family, they are all happily together again.

Sancho: For thees we must work, friend!

Sancho: Sí. I believe thees too. Señora Mada and señora Debora, they are both of them alive.

Rex: Well, we know that much! We're hardly just going to leave Mum and Grandma to die, right!?

Rex: We used to stay here every now and then. It's more fun than sleeping at the castle.

Poppy: Sancho always used to make us a delicious paella whenever we came to stay here.

Poppy: But if I ever woke up at night, I'd catch him looking really miserable, so it was a bit worrying sometimes.

Sancho: Eef you would like to be esafe eenside the castle, you must keep watching outside.

Sancho: Señor Albert, he ask me to estay eenside, but ees my duty to be on guard here.

Rex: Do you think it's okay for guards to be asleep?

Tuppence: I should imagine that he's no longer on duty for the day.

Tuppence: But he's probably sleeping out here instead of his quarters so that he can be quick to notice if there's trouble afoot.

Sancho: Ees no eso many people here een Gotha these days. The guards, they are working too hard.

Sancho: Maybe the guards, they are working too much, no? They no have the time for enough siesta.

Poppy: That soldier's really sleepy, but he's still working hard to guard the people of Gotha. What a good man!

Tuppence: It may be arduous for me sometimes during our travels together, but it's hard work for the soldiers left behind at the castle too.

Tuppence: I must try my absolute hardest to do my bit!

Rex: I'm really sleepy, Dad.

Poppy: I don't care where we stay, Dad. Just as long as I can get some sleep soon.

Tuppence: Do make yourself at home if you wish, Your Majesty.

Poppy: That dog says I look a lot like Grandma Mada.

Poppy: Do you think he's been living here in the castle long enough to know?

Rex: Looks like everyone's asleep. We'd better keep quiet. We wouldn't want to wake people up.

Tuppence: Aah! The end of another good day's work!

Poppy: The castle's a bit scary of a night. People say it was night-time when Mum was kidnapped.

Poppy: That old man always seems to be asleep, even during the day.

Poppy: When we've finished travelling and everywhere's peaceful again, it'd be nice to take him out somewhere.

Rex: It was a bit tricky finding Stolos' staff, but we all pulled together and got it in the end.

Rex: It's a good job you have clever kids like us, eh, Dad? Ha ha ha!

Sancho: You know, Rex and Poppy, they work very hard for their papá.

Sancho: Ees notheeng makes you more proud than having the wonderful children, sí?

Rex: That man used to be rubbish at singing, but then he practised and got a lot better. Anything's possible!

Tuppence: My home's not too far away from here, so that man's songs were like lullabies to me in my younger years.

Tuppence: I sometimes heard him cry out in his sleep too, mind you!

Rex: Don't worry, I won't fall asleep before I get to bed.

Rex: I was thinking we could have a bath first, anyway. (yawn)

Sancho: Eh, friend. You come weeth me to Patty's pub? We dreenk and have esome laughs, eh?

Sancho: Eh! No, no! Thees we do after we esave señora Debora and señora Mada.

Tuppence: Patty the party planner is a provocative peach. It gives me palpitations just looking at her.

Poppy: I'm friends with him, but his best human friend is Grandma Mada.

Sancho: Sí. Ees late. Everyone ees esleeping now. Maybe ees time for us to esleep esoon too, no?

Tuppence: There's no one about now. I could probably get away with a little sit on the royal throne...

Tuppence: Er! Um! Nothing! I was just mumbling.

Rex: I'm pretty tired now. My feet are killing me.

Poppy: A bath? I'm old enough to have a bath on my own now. It's embarrassing if anyone comes in with me!

Rex: Loads of people seem to talk in their sleep. I wonder what kinds of things I say.

Poppy: No one seems to know where the Dragon God's gone. The monsters and the animals don't know, either.

Rex: Sancho always nagged us to clean our teeth before bed.

Rex: He said you used to do it every night without being asked. Is that true, Dad?

Poppy: Hm? What is it...Dad? Zzzz...

Sancho: Friend! You no forget now! You clean your teeth and do a wee-wee before you go to bed, okay?

Sancho: You have the children now. They must learn from their papá.

Rex: That woman looked after us lots.

Poppy: She took care of us like we were her own children, but it wasn't quite the same.

Poppy: Even if we were bad, she never scolded us. I bet our real mum would've done.

Tuppence: Fancy being able to sleep with His Majesty in the royal quarters! Ah, life's good!

Rex: It'd be cool if we could all sleep here together! Oh, but there's only one bed...

Poppy: We heard lots of stories here in this house. Stories from Sancho's past.

Poppy: I think we probably know everything there is to know about Grandpa Pankraz!

Sancho: After I left Gotha weeth señor Pankraz, every day I make the dinner.

Sancho: Ees no easy to look after the young friend when you no used to eet, but when I look back now, ees, ees eso happy times... (sob)

Poppy: Sancho calls out in his sleep sometimes. He always sounds really upset.

Poppy: I really like staying here, but I've seen him call out like that loads of times and it's not very nice.

Rex: Is Grandpa Pankraz really dead? Can't he come back to life somehow? Poor Sancho seems so sad.

Rex: Are we leaving Sancho behind? I'd rather he came along with us.

Poppy: It's a bit lonely without Sancho...

Poppy: Oh, but that doesn't mean I'm not happy to have you around, Dad. Sorry!

Tuppence: Sancho must be getting on a bit, mustn't he? He's still very full of beans, though.

Sancho: You know, your father, he never let you out of hees esight.

Sancho: Maybe you eshould take Rex weeth you, no?

Poppy: We have to take Rex with us, Dad! He's the hero, right!?

Tuppence: It feels rather incongruous for me to be joining you when Rex is being left behind.

Rex: How come you want me but you don't want Poppy, Dad? It'd be much more fun if we all went off together.

Sancho: I understand how you feel. You worry about her. But ees eso lonely for her eef you leave her behind.

Sancho: You no reconsider, friend? As a favour for your Uncle Sancho?

Tuppence: Poppy: seems rather disappointed...


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Bianca: We come here not long after we was married, eh, Hero? You remember, right?

Nera: I found the heat here almost intolerable before, but it's not too bad this time.

Nera: My happiness at being with you all again is obviously taking my mind off it.

Rex: It's hard work walking on the sand. My feet are killing me.

Rex: What's such a huge castle doing stuck out here in the middle of the desert? Do you know, Dad?

Poppy: I'm worried I might shrivel up and die if I don't find some shade soon.

Poppy: I'd be much happier if I could wait in the wagon. Can I, Dad? Please!

Sancho: You no theenk we eshould find esome eshade? Your Uncle Sancho, he, he can no estand thees heat much longer.

Sancho: I would die for esome cold water now. I would dive eento the cold esea now. I would definitely esay sí to the siesta now!

Sancho: When I travel weeth señor Pankraz, he no breeng me to esuch a place like thees. Ees too much!

Tuppence: It really is unbearably hot here. What I'd give to be standing in the snow on Mt Batten!

Tuppence: Ouch! I have sand in my eyes! I'm afraid we'll have to chat later.

Rex: I wonder where the water can be coming from, all the way out here in the desert. It's a welcome sight, though.

Poppy: I've read about oases, and that definitely looks like one. An oasis is an area of greenery in the middle of a desert, you see.

Rex: Aaah! What a relief to be out of the sun.

Poppy: I wish we didn't have to go outside again.

Tuppence: There's a fair amount of sand in here, isn't there? I suppose it can't be helped in a place like this.

Rex: I was happy just like him when you came home again, Dad.

Poppy: You won't go missing again, will you, Dad?

Sancho: Sí, sí. Ees the best when the whole family, they are together. Sí, sí...sí... (sob)

Tuppence: A spa town? How nice. I should take my old mother to a spa one of these days.

Rex: Her youth's fading away... Does that make her about the same age as Sancho, then?

Tuppence: If only I'd been able to meet that lovely lady before the years had taken their toll.

Tuppence: It's always rather fascinating to meet a woman with a past.

Poppy: I love seeing the colours of the sky change at sunset and sunrise. It's so pretty!

Rex: I managed to equip the Zenithian Sword, so does that make me the hero? I'm a bit confused. I don't really get it.

Bianca: Makes you wonder why people are sayin' that all of a sudden, eh? Rumours are funny old things.

Poppy: That man had such a nice voice! Yours is nice too, Dad, but his is something really special.

Tuppence: The time of the legendary hero may be upon us now, but I wonder if the time of Tuppence: will ever come to pass.

Tuppence: I mean, I am the chosen soldier accompanying the hero on his quest, after all. Surely that deserves some recognition.

Rex: So he'd forgotten his hat the last time you saw him too? You'd think he'd know better after all these years!

Tuppence: There are some scatterbrained folk about, aren't there? I'm not at all...um...scatterbrained, of course.

Poppy: I've seen pictures of desert roses in books before. They're really pretty.

Rex: Um... So does that mean Mum's a Zenithian?

Bianca: I'm sure my mum and dad were just regular folk, though. Maybe the hero just comes out of nowhere.

Nera: That means that one of my real parents must have had the blood of a Zenithian.

Nera: Maybe that's why our family had the Zenithian Shield.

Tuppence: So, if I marry that Zenithian woman in Gotha, maybe I'll become the father of the legendary hero!

Tuppence: Hmph. No doubt my bloodline still wouldn't be good enough, though, even if my wife was a Zenithian.

Rex: Um, Dad... I don't smell, do I?

Poppy: It's so nice and cool in here! Even the walls are cold to the touch.

Tuppence: Cleohatra, Queen of the Desert... I'll have to jot that down so I don't forget!

Poppy: So women can rule over places too? It's probably quite hard work, though.

Bianca: Well, that's a relief. We could do with a break from the heat, eh?

Rex: The legendary hero can't be born of the blood of a Zenithian alone. He needs the blood of another...

Rex: Hey! How did I know that!?

Poppy: Ooh! This place is brilliant. Look at all the books!

Sancho: Everyone ees talking about the legendary hero. Ees a leettle estrange, thees place, eh?

Tuppence: That sounds just like my situation! Maybe I'll settle somewhere and build my own kingdom too!

Rex: How long ago do you think she means? When you were a boy, Dad? Or ages and ages ago, when Sancho was?

Poppy: I can't understand why he would've wanted to settle here, of all places. It's just so hot!

Rex: How come Queen Cleohatra can see into the future? She's a bit strange, isn't she?

Poppy: It's just like Queen Cleohatra said. It's amazing how she knows these things.

Tuppence: A truly beautiful woman needs to have a certain air of mystery to her.

Tuppence: Queen Cleohatra has got that down to a T!

Poppy: Did you marry Mum because she's pretty, Dad?

Poppy: Hmm. I thought so.

Poppy: You chose her because of her personality? How romantic!

Sancho: Anda! I no believe the esoldiers, they can practise een eso much heat like thees. I esweat just to look at them!

Sancho: Friend! Ees dangerous! You no go eso close!

Bianca: He's enthusiastic, I'll give him that. But fightin' against a mannequin en't goin' to be of any use to him in a real battle.

Poppy: That poor doll! It's taking such a beating, even though it hasn't done a thing to deserve it.

Sancho: No! Hahh... Ees no fair! I puff all the way up ⓚⓛ hahh ⓚⓛ thees estairs, but ees no the right way!

Bianca: Oh yeah. It's bin a while since we was last here, so I'd forgotten that's her favourite haunt. Rex: It's funny seeing a throne room all empty like this. Does the Queen never sit in here?

Nera: That garden is really beautiful. I can understand why she'd want to spend all her time in it.

Tuppence: They're rather delightful, these assistants to the Queen. Quite lovely, in fact!

Poppy: Queen Cleohatra knows everything! If only I could see into the future too. Then I'd be of much more use to you.

Sancho: Thees eshadow, you theenk ees the esame evil that ees behind the death of señor Pankraz?

Sancho: Then we can no wait no more! We must meet weeth thees queen, friend. Now!

Bianca: The smell of the grass and the water is so strong! This place is always really relaxin', eh?

Rex: Wow! Look at all the water and flowers! I never expected something like this inside a castle!

Poppy: I can't believe they have so many lovely flowers inside the castle like this!

Nera: What a yummy smell. It really is something special, finding a place like this in the middle of the desert.

Tuppence: Goodness! It's like magic. Who would've thought such a beautiful garden could thrive like this in a desert?

Rex: Beetle's blood? I never knew that was precious.

Rex: I'd say this garden must be a million times more precious than that!

Sancho: But eshe can no be eso beautiful like señora Debora, eh, friend?

Sancho: And I no believe any señora, eshe could ever be more beautiful than señora Mada.

Tuppence: Ooh! Look at that bed over there. Perhaps it belongs to Queen Cleohatra...aaah.

Bianca: It's pretty hard work keepin' plants goin' indoors like this, you know.

Bianca: And yet they always seem to manage to have the place lookin' so nice.

Nera: Oh no! We don't want to forget about our monsters! You'd better not look at the flowers too much, darling.

Rex: If they had their flower beds outside, they'd probably get destroyed by monsters. That must be why they have them in here.

Sancho: Sí. Ees a very well-kept garden. The flowers, they are eso beautiful. I, I... No! I no gonna cry!

Poppy: It's hard to imagine a time when the castle would've been surrounded by greenery instead of sand.

Sancho: You theenk thees means that the places where ees green now, they can one day become like the desert?

Bianca: It's amazin' how she knew about Rex even though he's not with us!

Poppy: So she wants to meet Rex? We should go and bring him to her, then.

Tuppence: Such a beautiful woman, and yet she only has eyes for the boy. What a waste.

Nera: We should go and fetch Rex. The fact that he was able to equip the Zenithian Sword should speak volumes.

Bianca: That helmet...

Nera: That's the...

Rex: We've finally found it! It's mine, isn't it, Dad?

Poppy: Hahh, hahh... Sorry, I'm a bit tired. You all walk so fast.

Tuppence: If only Her Majesty and I could have some moments here alone...

Tuppence: I wouldn't mind trying it on myself before Rex has a go, but I suppose that wouldn't be the done thing.

Rex: Yay! It's exactly my size!

Nera: Well! Goodness! I don't know what to say. Does this mean Rex's the one? That I gave birth to the legendary hero?

Bianca: I still had my doubts even though he managed to equip the Zenithian Sword, but now it looks like Rex really is the hero.

Poppy: Rex's still just Rex to me. Just because he's the hero, that doesn't mean he's not my brother any more.

Sancho: I... I, I no know what to esay! When I theenk back now, there were many esigns, but, but...ees a miracle!

Rex: Brrr! It's c-c-cold in the desert of a night, isn't it?

Poppy: It's so dark and quiet in the desert at night. Far too eerie for my liking.

Sancho: Ees dangerous to estay outside een the desert eso late een the night.

Sancho: We go to the inn and espend the night there, okay?

Tuppence: Ouch! I have sand in my eyes! I'm afraid we'll have to chat later.

Bianca: It feels like a dream, bein' able to visit places like this with you again.

Nera: Suffering this cold is nothing compared to the agony I was in during all those years I was away from you and the children.

Rex: Looks like we can't do anything of a night. I'm pretty tired now, anyhow.

Poppy: (yawn) I'm fine. I'm not...sleepy...at all yet.

Sancho: You no remember what your Uncle Sancho: always tell you, friend? You always visit people een the daylight hours.

Bianca: It's not just cold, it's blimmin' freezin'! We should rest for the night before we freeze our whatsits off.

Nera: Dear me. I hope that nun's feeling alright. Rex: She's right! Look, Dad! The moon's reflected in the water. It looks amazing.

Poppy: It's a welcome sight during the day, but I bet the water in there is as cold as ice at night.

Tuppence: What a pity I didn't have the opportunity to meet her during her dancing days.

Nera: I remember him... But he was only a young boy the last time we saw him. It just goes to show how time's moved on.

Bianca: He was just a lad the last time we was here! It's funny to think how time only stood still for you and me durin' them years we spent as statues.

Nera: He may sound angry, but I'm sure it's all just talk. It's good that they're on the road to making up.

Sancho: Sí, sí. Ees the best when the whole family, they are together. Sí, sí...sí... (sob)

Rex: Yeah, the desert's a pretty tough place, but I like it. It's a bit different to everywhere else.

Poppy: Each to their own, I s'pose. They must like the place, otherwise they wouldn't stay.

Tuppence: I must admit that I'm not overly partial to the desert myself. Naturally, though, I'd venture anywhere you wished me to, Your Majesty.

Sancho: No, friend. Ees no good to wake up people when they are esleeping. The esleep, ees very important, you know.

Rex: That man's funny! He says funny things in his sleep.

Rex: So he was like that the last time you met him? Sounds like he's been in a tizz for quite a few years now, then.

Poppy: I've seen pictures of desert roses in books before. They're really pretty.

Bianca: Well, we've got the Zenithian Helm now. It's time we moved on.

Nera: I found the heat here almost intolerable before, but it's not too bad this time.

Nera: My happiness at being with you all again is obviously taking my mind off it.

Rex: So the people of Helmunaptra have all been waiting for me to turn up? I feel all embarrassed now!

Rex: It's strange, but I felt a sort of connection with the Zenithian Helm when I saw it.

Rex: It was like I'd seen it somewhere before, and yet I knew it was only the first time.

Poppy: Everyone here goes on about Rex all the time. I'm starting to find it a bit boring.

Poppy: It's just so hot here! It's starting to make me feel dizzy.

Sancho: Now we can be esure thees esword that señor Pankraz, he found, ees the real theeng, sí? The Zenithian Sword.

Sancho: Sí, sí. Ees good to know.

Sancho: Just estanding up een thees place, ees enough to make room for mucha paella!

Tuppence: It really is unbearably hot here. What I'd give to be standing in the snow on Mt Batten!

Tuppence: So Rex really is the one. Which makes me the companion of the legendary hero!

Rex: I wonder where the water can be coming from, all the way out here in the desert. It's a welcome sight, though.

Poppy: I've read about oases, and that definitely looks like one. An oasis is an area of greenery in the middle of a desert, you see. Rex: Aaah! What a relief to be out of the sun.

Poppy: I wish we didn't have to go outside again.

Tuppence: There's a fair amount of sand in here, isn't there? I suppose it can't be helped in a place like this.

Rex: I was happy just like him when you came home again, Dad.

Poppy: You won't go missing again, will you, Dad?

Sancho: Sí, sí. Ees the best when the whole family, they are together. Sí, sí...sí... (sob)

Tuppence: A spa town? How nice. I should take my old mother to a spa one of these days.

Rex: Her youth's fading away... Does that make her about the same age as Sancho, then?

Tuppence: If only I'd been able to meet that lovely lady before the years had taken their toll.

Tuppence: It's always rather fascinating to meet a woman with a past.

Poppy: I love seeing the colours of the sky change at sunset and sunrise. It's so pretty!

Poppy: Rex's really popular around here, isn't he? It doesn't seem fair in a way. I mean, we're twins, so what makes him so much better than me?

Tuppence: I do hope I become a man of legend one of these days.

Rex: Ⓠ My mighty hero! Ⓡ Le-gend-a-ry hero! Ⓠ Ⓠ You know... Um...

Rex: I can't remember the rest of the words.

Poppy: Hmph. It's all about Rex. I want my own song too!

Sancho: No. I esorry, friend, but I can no understand your tastes.

Bianca: Oh! Did you not think that was any good, Hero?

Rex: I think it's a good song. Didn't you like it, Dad? How funny!

Tuppence: Maybe there's something wrong with my ears. It didn't sound like much of a song to me.

Nera: Ⓠ My mighty hero! Ⓡ Le-gend-a-ry hero! Ⓠ Ⓠ You know no fear...that much is clear. Ⓡ Ⓠ My mighty hero...we hold you dear! Ⓡ Ⓡ

Nera: Ha ha! Looks like I've gone and learnt the words without even trying!

Rex: Ⓠ My mighty hero! Ⓡ Le-gend-a-ry hero! Ⓠ Ⓠ Oust our foe... Um...

Rex: I can't remember the rest of the words.

Poppy: Rex's so lucky. I wish someone would write a song about me.

Sancho: No. I esorry, friend, but I can no understand your tastes.

Bianca: Oh! Did you not think that was any good, Hero?

Rex: I think it's a good song. Didn't you like it, Dad? How funny!

Tuppence: Maybe there's something wrong with my ears. It didn't sound like much of a song to me.

Nera: Ⓠ My mighty hero! Ⓡ Le-gend-a-ry hero! Ⓠ Ⓠ Oust our foe...go on, have a go. Ⓡ Ⓠ My mighty hero...you'll steal the show! Ⓡ Ⓡ

Nera: Ha ha! Looks like I've gone and learnt the words without even trying!

Rex: So he'd forgotten his hat the last time you saw him too? You'd think he'd know better after all these years!

Tuppence: There are some scatterbrained folk about, aren't there? I'm not at all...um...scatterbrained, of course.

Poppy: I've seen pictures of desert roses in books before. They're really pretty.

Bianca: Hmm. I en't too sure about that.

Bianca: Mum and Dad certainly didn't act like they had any Zenithian blood in 'em.

Rex: My Mum's really special! And I'm sure you probably are too, Dad.

Nera: That means that one of my real parents must have had the blood of a Zenithian.

Nera: Maybe that's why our family had the Zenithian Shield.

Tuppence: So, if I marry that Zenithian woman in Gotha, maybe I'll become the father of the legendary hero!

Tuppence: Hmph. No doubt my blood isn't good enough, though, even if it was mixed with some so worthy.

Rex: I feel like everyone's watching me. I don't know where to look!

Sancho: Everyone een the castle, they look eso happy, no? You theenk ees because of Rex?

Rex: I wonder what all this talk of the hero is about. How come everyone's been waiting for me?

Rex: Dad... Being the hero doesn't change anything, does it? I'm still your son, right?

Poppy: It's a bit sad, really. I feel like there's a sort of distance between us and Rex now.

Tuppence: Queen Cleohatra... What a beautiful name!

Poppy: What do you suppose you have to do to become queen? Do you think you just have to study really hard?

Rex: The world is saved? Yes, well, I'll do my best. You're going to come with me and help out, right, Dad?

Bianca: Yep. We'd better give it our all, eh, Hero? It'll be nice to put smiles back on folks' faces.

Nera: The world isn't saved automatically just because the hero exists. It's going to take a lot of effort.

Nera: We'll have to do our very best to support Rex so that he can manage to fulfil his destiny.

Sancho: Señor Pankraz...you, friend...and Rex...

Sancho: Sí. The fate, ees no gonna be like normal for Rex. Your Uncle Sancho:, he ees very worried, you know.

Rex: I'm not all that young! I get up in the night to go to the bathroom all by myself! And I always eat up all my dinner!

Poppy: She's right. Rex is still pretty small. He's no taller than me, even.

Sancho: Sí, thees ees right. Rex, he ees the legendary hero, but he ees just a leettle boy.

Sancho: You must protect heem well, friend.

Poppy: Yeah, he even still wets the bed sometimes! ...Er, but don't tell him I told you that.

Bianca: So they've still bin snatchin' young kids durin' that time we was statues? Of all the evil things!

Nera: Children are being kidnapped? That's just terrible! We must hurry up and put a stop to all this evil.

Poppy: Rex's handsome!? Hah! People often say I look sweet, but I've never heard anyone say he looks handsome before!

Sancho: Sí. He ees handsome. And kind, and wise, and macho!

Sancho: And Poppy, eshe ees the esame. Ees true, no, friend?

Tuppence: I'm afraid it doesn't look like anyone here is going to have eyes for me now.

Poppy: Girls like that are so silly. Why would she swoon over someone like Rex?

Rex: She's got quite a voice on her! My ears are ringing from all that squealing she just did.

Bianca: Ha ha ha! Looks like Rex has himself a few fans around here, eh?

Nera: It feels rather odd seeing someone behave like that around my little boy.

Tuppence: If only I could have that kind of effect on a girl! I wouldn't mind a bit of squealing in my direction for once.

Poppy: Did you marry Mum because she's pretty, Dad?

Poppy: Hmm. I thought so.

Poppy: You chose her because of her personality? How romantic!

Poppy: Huh! Why would Rex want to marry her? He'll always have me around, so he doesn't need anyone else.

Bianca: The folk of Helmunaptra all seem so patriotic. I reckon they'd pull through anythin'.

Bianca: And it's all because Queen Cleohatra has such a good way with 'em. There's a lesson to be learnt there.

Rex: That's like saying the people of Helmunaptra are less important than the helmet. That's weird!

Rex: I mean, I know the Zenithian Helm is precious and all that, but it doesn't mean as much to me as Poppy and Sancho and everyone.

Sancho: Friend! Ees dangerous! You no go eso close!

Bianca: He's enthusiastic, I'll give him that. But fightin' against a mannequin en't goin' to be of any use to him in a real battle.

Poppy: That poor doll! It's taking such a beating, even though it hasn't done a thing to deserve it.

Rex: Maybe I'd better start putting in some practice too. It's a big responsibility being the legendary hero.

Tuppence: Her Majesty's assistants are certainly something special, aren't they, Hero?

Rex: It's a bit embarrassing being called a hero all the time.

Tuppence: Her Majesty's assistants are certainly something special, aren't they, Hero?

Poppy: People are expecting an awful lot of Rex. I hope it won't be too much of a trial for him.

Sancho: Ees eso hard work for thees one young boy to esave the whole world.

Tuppence: She's another fine specimen, I must say.

Bianca: It's reassurin' to know that she had that sort of premonition, eh?

Nera: We can't let such a big responsibility fall to Rex alone. We'll all have to pull together as a family if the world's to be saved.

Rex: Written in the stars? She must have good eyesight!

Rex: Oh, I get it. She means it's a sort of destiny. Well, I'll do my best. You'll help out, right, Dad?

Poppy: When Queen Cleohatra prayed for us just then, I got a really warm feeling inside.

Sancho: Eef the world, ees no eso loco like thees, poor Rex, he could leeve like the normal boy.

Tuppence: What a travesty! Her Majesty seems to just look right through me.

Bianca: That's odd. I suddenly feel a lot stronger since the Queen said that little prayer for us.

Nera: It's such a terrible burden for Rex. He's still so young.

Sancho: Señor Pankraz, now he ees een the esky weeth the Goddess. They are looking down on you and praying for your esafety and happiness, friend.

Tuppence: What a travesty! Her Majesty seems to just look right through me.

Bianca: That's odd. I suddenly feel a lot stronger since the Queen said that little prayer for us.

Nera: It's such a terrible burden for Rex. He's still so young.

Bianca: The smell of the grass and the water is so strong! This place is always really relaxin', eh?

Rex: It's just like a normal garden, apart from the fact that it's inside. It's so lovely and cool!

Poppy: It's like a dream seeing so many lovely flowers inside a castle like this!

Nera: What a yummy smell. It really is something special, finding a place like this in the middle of the desert.

Sancho: You know, being een the desert, eet makes you eso happy there are the green plants and water een the world, eh?

Tuppence: People say that you can tell a lot about someone from how their house looks. I don't think that's ever been more true than here.

Rex: Beetle's blood? I never knew that was precious.

Rex: I'd say this garden must be a million times more precious than that!

Sancho: But eshe can no be eso beautiful like señora Debora, eh, friend?

Sancho: And I no believe any señora, eshe could ever be more beautiful than señora Mada.

Tuppence: Ooh! Look at that bed over there. Perhaps it belongs to Queen Cleohatra...aaah.

Bianca: It's pretty hard work keepin' plants goin' indoors like this, you know.

Bianca: And yet they always seem to manage to have the place lookin' so nice.

Nera: Oh no! We don't want to forget about our monsters! You'd better not look at the flowers too much, darling.

Rex: If it came to it, I'd still rather she spent her time making us some tasty dinner rather than looking after the plants!

Sancho: Sí. Ees a very well-kept garden. The flowers, they are eso beautiful. I, I... No! I no gonna cry!

Poppy: It's hard to imagine a time when the castle would've been surrounded by greenery instead of sand.

Sancho: You theenk thees means that the places where ees green now, they can one day become like the desert?

Sancho: For eso long, your father, he esearched for the legendary hero. And now we find out ees hees own grandson!

Sancho: I am esure señor Pankraz, he ees very surprised, even though he ees up een heaven.

Rex: I've been feeling like something's calling out to me ever since we arrived here. Looks like it was the Zenithian Helm.

Poppy: I'm not the legendary hero or anything, but you do still love me, right, Dad?

Tuppence: Um... Are we going up or down?

Tuppence: All these stairs have gone and got me quite confused!

Tuppence: If I'd been born as your son... Does that mean I would've been...? Ha ha!

Debora: Hmph. There's sand all over the place and all over me. I want a bath.

Debora: We should go indoors as soon as we can. It's not good to be out in strong sunshine for too long.

Debora: If I'm a descendant of the legendary hero, that means I must have some Zenithian blood in me.

Debora: Perhaps that explains my other-worldly beauty.

Debora: I've had just about enough of the heat here. It's high time we went somewhere cooler.

Debora: Hero, when this is all over, we'll make a garden in our castle to rival this one. Got it?

Debora: Oh, it's going to be wonderful! We'll make the loveliest garden ever and then dedicate it to me!

Debora: I'll be able to spend time there catching up on lost time with my people. Ah, I'm such an excellent queen!

Debora: Never mind. Your opinion doesn't count for anything. If I've decided on a garden, I'm having a garden.

Debora: What a lovely smell! I suppose it's all the more welcome because we've been traipsing about in a sandstorm.

Debora: Go and get Rex, Hero. Go on! Hurry!

Debora: That helmet...

Debora: It stands to reason that he's special ⓚⓛ he's my son ⓚⓛ but even I didn't expect him to be the legendary hero!

Debora: The desert gets very cold at night. It'd be stupid of us if we ended up catching a chill, so we'd better hurry up and find a place to stay.

Debora: Surely this can't be the little boy we met the last time we were here? So much time has passed!

Debora: Stubborn old man! Poor Cleo sounds like she's had quite a time of it with him. I know the feeling.

Debora: If it wasn't for the sandstorms and the sun being unbearably strong, this wouldn't be such a bad place to live.

Debora: I didn't know you had an ear for music, Hero. Marriage is full of surprises, isn't it?

Debora: You didn't really like that song, did you? It was rubbish! And as for the lyrics...!

Debora: If I'm a descendant of the legendary hero, that means I must have some Zenithian blood in me.

Debora: Perhaps that explains my other-worldly beauty. I'm sure Poppy's going to be lovely too.

Debora: I never imagined we'd turn out to be the heroes of a faerie tale.

Debora: It's a bit of a chore, but I can't stand it when people do a half-baked job of things, so we'd better give it all we've got.

Debora: How ironic that their kidnapping children because they were afraid they'd turn out to be the legendary hero actually led to the hero being born.

Debora: I know I'll have to get used to my son being idolised, but it'd be nice if the girls could hold off on that awful screeching.

Debora: Save the world, she says! As if it's as easy as clicking your fingers! Do these people have no idea what we're up against?

Debora: It's okay, Rex. Hero, Poppy and I will all be here to help you. That's what families are for.

Debora: We're all going to help Rex, Hero. That goes without saying.

Debora: Hero, when this is all over, we'll make a garden in our castle to rival this one. Got it?

Debora: Oh, it's going to be wonderful! We'll make the loveliest garden ever and then dedicate it to me!

Debora: I'll be able to spend time there catching up on lost time with my people. Ah, I'm such an excellent queen!

Debora: Never mind. Your opinion doesn't count for anything. If I've decided on a garden, I'm having a garden.

Debora: What a lovely smell! I suppose it's all the more welcome because we've been traipsing about in a sandstorm.

Debora: Hero, when this is all over, we'll make a garden in our castle to rival this one. Got it?

Debora: Oh, it's going to be wonderful! We'll make the loveliest garden ever and then dedicate it to me!

Debora: Never mind. Your opinion doesn't count for anything. If I've decided on a garden, I'm having a garden.

Poppy: I don't understand. We both have the same parents, so why am I not some sort of legendary heroine? Oh! I wish I could save the world!

Debora: You're a lot like your father, Poppy. I mean, you can empathise with monsters for one thing, right?

Debora: So you're not the legendary hero. It doesn't matter. The powers you have are still remarkable, and they can help many people.

Poppy: Thanks, Mum. I'll try my best. There are lots of people I want to help.

Debora: Hero, when this is all over, we'll make a garden in our castle to rival this one. Got it?

Debora: Oh, it's going to be wonderful! We'll make the loveliest garden ever and then laze about in it all day long!

Debora: Never mind. Your opinion doesn't count for anything. If I've decided on a garden, I'm having a garden.


Warning: Spoilers!
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Rex: Is this a mountain? Or is it a village? Whatever it is, it's pretty amazing!

Poppy: This place feels all familiar for some reason. I like it here.

Sancho: Thees place ees the birthplace of señora Mada. Ees esometheeng like magic een the air, no?

Tuppence: It's easy to get lost in a place like this if you don't pay attention. Now, let's see. Which way did we come from?

Poppy: The forgotten ones? It'd be horrible to be forgotten. You won't forget me, will you, Dad?

Sancho: Qué? The forgotten ones? What has happened to señora Mada?

Rex: I never forget places I've been, even if I've only been once. I wonder who the people here have been forgotten by.

Sancho: Your Uncle Sancho ees no eso young, you know? But estill, een all of my life, I never esee a village een a place like thees unteel now.

Rex: Sounds like we're the first visitors they've had here in a while.

Rex: Um, I didn't get a birthday present or anything from you in all those years, right?

Rex: So I was thinking... It'd be great if you could get me that flying carpet!

Poppy: I thought flying carpets only existed in folk tales and books!

Sancho: Eef we had the flying carpet when I am travelling weeth señor Pankraz, everytheeng would be eso much easier.

Tuppence: It seems the flying carpet is quite a precious item. I wonder how much one could sell something like that for.

Rex: I love being in high places. If we find that tower, I'm going to climb right to the top and look down over the whole world!

Poppy: Do you think that tower was built so people could get up to Zenithia? How strange!

Sancho: No... I no remember esuch a tower from the time when I travel the world weeth señor Pankraz. Rex: We're not bothered about truth and reason, right? We just want to find out more about Grandma.

Sancho: You know, ees very high up here. Thees village, ees een a scary place, sí?

Poppy: It's not fair! There are loads of monsters about who aren't evil. They can't help it if some of them get ordered to do bad things.

Sancho: Sí. Ees true. After thees, señor Pankraz, he decided to leave on the quest to find her.

Sancho: The quest from which he never would return...

Sancho: Hahh...hahh... Hahh...hahh... I never esee the place weeth eso many ups and eso few downs!

Rex: Wow! Look! Just look at how far you can see from up here!

Poppy: I'm too scared to look down!

Tuppence: I wonder if anyone's plummeted to their death from up here.

Poppy: Was Grandma really so powerful? It must've been pretty awful when she decided to leave here, then.

Rex: All this talk about the Goddess and the underworld is a bit complicated, isn't it?

Sancho: You see how great a man señor Pankraz was? He fell een love weeth thees señorita, but eshe ees no ordinary señorita. No, no, no.

Tuppence: Do you think it's true that they were chosen by the Goddess? Maybe they just assume that because they have these special powers.

Rex: Wow! What an amazing key! It's glowing a really strange colour.

Poppy: That's the magic key that opens all sorts of doors, right? Hmm, now where was it you can use it again?

Rex: Is this the flying carpet? Do you think it's the real thing? Is it, Dad? Is it real? Can we have a ride on it? I'm so excited!

Poppy: It looks just like a normal bit of carpet to me. Do you think it can really fly?

Tuppence: It looks like rather an ancient piece of carpet. Do you think it'll stand up to us all trying to ride on it?

Sancho: Ees okay eef you want to keep eet esafely away een your bag, but you must take eet out esometimes for the airing.

Sancho: Eh! You no worry about eet, friend! Your Uncle Sancho:, he can do these chores for you.

Poppy: If we stay here, maybe we'll dream about Grandma. That'd be nice. I'd really like to see her.

Rex: I wonder if Grandma ever stayed here.

Rex: Oh, I suppose not. If she lived in the village, then she wouldn't need a room at the inn. Silly me!

Sancho: Even here, there are weapon and armour eshops. But they no eseem to go well here, you no theenk?

Rex: There's a proper shopkeeper and everything, but I wonder if there are ever any customers.

Rex: It sounds like the people here don't often visit the outside world. That must be a bit lonely.

Sancho: Eh! Who ees thees brazen buckaroo!? Señora Mada, eshe was eso happy married to señor Pankraz.

Rex: That's Grandpa Pankraz! Good for him!

Tuppence: Hopefully it won't be too long for me now... Er, nothing. Never mind.

Rex: No way! There's a flying carpet here somewhere? Wow! We'd better find it, Dad!

Rex: Ha! We've already got it. We've already got the flying carpet!

Poppy: We can't prove that we're related to Grandma, though. Do you think it matters?

Poppy: Sancho said we should always beware of people who try to give us things for free. Does that mean we shouldn't trust that man?

Tuppence: If only I were a relative of hers, then the flying carpet would be mine. Hmph!

Rex: Dad! You mustn't tell fibs, you know. You should tell him the truth.

Sancho: You are no just a relative of señora Mada, friend. You, you are her eson!

Sancho: The people here, they are good to you because you are her child.

Sancho: Ees a miracle! We have found the missing craftsman of Gotha! I never expected to find heem here!

Rex: It's nice to meet people who like Grandpa Pankraz and Grandma Mada so much.

Poppy: But Grandpa Pankraz is definitely dead, right? Killed right before your very eyes... Oh! (sob)

Tuppence: Aah! So that's the famous craftsman from Gotha! Well, well, well!

Sancho: Ees a miracle! We have found the missing craftsman of Gotha! I never expected to find heem here!

Rex: Yay! I can't wait until tomorrow!

Poppy: Do you think he can really turn a plain old stone into something beautiful? Really!?

Tuppence: So we'll soon see the work of a famous craftsman. I don't know that I'll be able to get a wink of sleep tonight.

Sancho: Ees a miracle! We have found the missing craftsman of Gotha! I never expected to find heem here!

Tuppence: Goodness! That's incredible! Who'd have thought that an old bit of rock like that could be transformed into something so exquisite?

Sancho: Sí, sí! Thees ees a true craftsman. When you esee the fine work like thees, you no feel like the artisans, they are dying, eh?

Poppy: It's so pretty! Do you think this was hidden inside the stone all along? Wow!

Rex: That was worth doing, wasn't it, Dad? It's very pretty. You should probably use it to decorate something.

Sancho: Sí, sí... Señor Pankraz, he was loved by everyone. He was, was... (sob)

Sancho: The artist from Lofty Peak...? Eef he was taken by the Goddess...

Sancho: Thees means ees no possible to complete the locket of señora Mada.

Rex: So someone here pledged allegiance to Grandpa? I would've liked to have met him.

Rex: The world's divided into three realms? Did you know that, Dad? I always thought there was only one world!

Poppy: If only there was a world where humans and monsters could play together nicely.

Sancho: Sí, I believe these elders, they would feel eso angry to lose señora Mada because eshe had esuch estrong powers.

Sancho: But ees no the fault of you, friend. Or your father, señor Pankraz. You no can tell love to go away when he comes.

Tuppence: I'm prepared to travel to the ends of all three worlds with you, Your Majesty!

Poppy: So if we go to the world of the monsters, does that mean we'll find Grandma?

Sancho: Sí. Señor Pankraz, he knew esometheeng about thees. But he no want for me to be eenvolved.

Sancho: You know, he never tell me anytheeng about thees. I, I... (sob)

Tuppence: They may call themselves ⓗEldersⓘ, but they're actually quite young and splendid-looking. How odd!

Rex: So they're losing their powers? And it's just Grandma who still has them?

Poppy: Does that mean Grandma's being forced by the bad people to open the gates? Poor Grandma!

Tuppence: I see. Guarding those gates must be quite a responsibility. Rather different from your run-of-the-mill soldiering.

Tuppence: Er...um...dearie me! What a complicated situation we seem to have found ourselves in.

Rex: If the Grandmaster of the Underworld comes here, he'll start destroying the place. We have to go and stop him before he gets here!

Sancho: Ees no esounding good, eh? Maybe een the end, ees thees Grandmaster of the Underworld we must fight, sí?

Poppy: So this was Grandma's room. It's nice and big, but it's got a bit of a lonely feel to it.

Sancho: Ees a book of psalms? A book your madre, señora Mada, eshe used to read, sí? You must keep thees memento esafe, friend.

Rex: Did you notice that this room's the highest room in the village?

Rex: It's a bit like in faerie stories where they have the princess locked up in the highest room of a tower!

Tuppence: A book of psalms? I'm sure it will be of use to us in times of need. If only those up on high would be there for us...

Poppy: So this was Grandma's room. It's nice and big, but it's got a bit of a lonely feel to it.

Sancho: Sí. Señora Mada, eshe has the beeg heart. Beeg, estrong and beautiful.

Rex: What does she mean by light in your heart? Is that the same as just being light-hearted?

Rex: It's a bit scary in the dark when it's all quiet. Can we please go and stay at the inn now, Dad?

Rex: It's always so quiet here in Grandma's village. It makes me feel a bit sleepy.

Poppy: I'm so sleeeepy...

Sancho: Ees late, sí? We no go for the siesta yet? Early to bed, early to rise. Thees ees the best way, you know.

Tuppence: Aah, I'm rather tired today. Er, no, no! I'm fine! Fit as a fiddle!

Rex: I wonder what the food's like here. I'm absolutely starving!

Poppy: The forgotten ones? It'd be horrible to be forgotten. You won't forget me, will you, Dad?

Sancho: Sí, sí. The elder peoples, they are always going to bed early. We come back een the morning, okay?

Poppy: Sancho said it's rude to visit people too late in the evening.

Rex: I'm not scared of night-time! I don't wet the bed any more, so what's there to be afraid of? ...I don't wet it, honest!

Poppy: I know how he feels. Scary creatures come out at night. You can hear their footsteps...


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Rex: If only I'd been bigger when Mum was snatched away, then I could've done something.

Poppy: I came here before with Sancho: and Rex. We wanted to see the places you'd been through yourself.

Rex: You came here before with some talaria, didn't you, Dad?

Rex: I wonder who would make flying shoes like that. What a funny idea!

Sancho: I no eso happy to be here again.

Sancho: When I theenk about all the pain and the esuffering you have been through, friend, eet, eet makes me eso miserable... (sob)

Tuppence: When I think about the Chancellor, it strikes me how odd people can be, being taken in by monsters like that.

Bianca: I think I came by here when the monsters snatched me, but I can't be sure.

Nera: I wasn't all that scared when the monsters snatched me away.

Nera: I was much more worried about you getting hurt if you tried to come and rescue me.

Rex: I know all about this! Normal ink goes all faint and hard to read if it's left for a long time.

Rex: So people have to rewrite everything before it ends up impossible to read. I remember the nun in Gotha doing it.

Nera: I remember being shown the manuscript during my time at the abbey. It's a wonderful piece of work.

Nera: Imagine being written in its own special ink! That shows how grand it must be.

Rex: It's weird to find an inn with a church upstairs. But maybe it means the Goddess watches over people who sleep here.

Rex: Is this the amazing ink people talk about so much? I'd love to try using it sometime!

Poppy: Do you think this ink really stays put for, say, a hundred or even a thousand years?

Poppy: That means you can't write anything too weird, otherwise people in the future will be laughing at you.

Sancho: Anda! Ees cooking for eseveral years!? You must look after eet well, friend.

Tuppence: Do you think it's really alright for us to accept this ink if it took so much effort to make it? I should imagine it would cost a fortune to buy.

Rex: I've seen that man here before. He's been working on that ink for ages.

Tuppence: I say! If you don't want any, Hero, then I'd beⓚⓛ No, never mind. I'm sure you're right.

Poppy: He seems so happy that he's succeeded that he can't manage to think of anything else!

Rex: If I were him, I'd tell everyone how it's done and have them all making ink for me.

Poppy: These local specialities can bring in so much money to places. I suppose that's why they're so important to people.

Sancho: I remember thees eenk, we order eet once when I was leeving een Gotha.

Sancho: Eet was used at the wedding of señor Pankraz and señora Mada for esigning the marriage certificate. Eet, eet was esuch a happy time!

Rex: I wonder what the statues here are of. Do you think Mum looks something like this?

Bianca: You really had everyone worried when you went off lookin' for me, Hero.

Bianca: In an ideal world, it would be nice not to have to worry them again, but still...

Nera: Who would have thought back then that it would be so many years before we returned home safe and sound?

Nera: It's such a shame that we caused so much trouble and worry for everyone.

Rex: Ever since we were tiny, I remember that people were always trying their hardest to find you again.

Rex: And in the end, Poppy and I grew big enough to be able to come looking for you ourselves.

Poppy: Don't go disappearing again, will you, Dad. It was really hard work trying to find you.

Sancho: I remember when you were missing, friend. Prince Albert, he would no esleep unteel you were found.

Sancho: You are eso lucky, friend... I mean, My Majesty. You are loved by eso many peoples...

Tuppence: This place isn't all that far from Gotha, but you can't get here on foot. It must've been quite tricky for them.

Sancho: Qué? Who ees the estronger man, you or señor Pankraz?

Sancho: No, no, friend. You are estill just a child. You can no compare yourself to your father.

Bianca: Never a truer word has bin spoken. Pankraz really was an incredible man.

Bianca: Don't look at me like that, Hero! You're Pankraz's son, after all. So you en't that bad neither!

Nera: In all my years in this world, I don't think I've ever met a more solid character than you! He he he!

Tuppence: I see! That means looks are probably a factor in all this too. Maybe I should spend more time working on my eyebrows...

Poppy: If Grandpa was such a good man, then that means you must be pretty amazing too, Dad.

Debora: I remember this place. When I was kidnapped by those monsters, I put up quite a fight!

Debora: I can't think of a job more boring than transcribing text to make copies of a manuscript.

Debora: The idea alone almost sends me to sleep.

Debora: I know I caused people a lot of worry when I went missing, but I can't help it if they hold me in such high regard.

Debora: By the way, it wasn't just you who was out looking for me all that time, was it? There were other soldiers too, right?

Debora: There's a solid character standing right in front of him. Don't you agree, Hero?

Debora: Oh, don't just stand there looking gormless! Snap to attention now, there's a good servant!


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Bianca: Blimey! It's bin a long time since we were last here. This is where them nice folk helped me when I fainted.

Nera: The last time we were here, I was still pregnant with Rex and Poppy. It's hard to believe now when you see how they've grown.

Rex: This is Battenberg! I know because I've been here lots of times before with Sancho and Poppy.

Rex: I said to Sancho ages ago how I wished I could show you the view from here.

Rex: It made him cry! I'm not sure what I said that was so bad.

Poppy: I don't like being too close to the edge, Dad. Can we walk where the path's safer?

Sancho: I know ees a very nice view from here, but ees no esafe to walk too close on the edges of the cliffs.

Tuppence: Brrr. This place is freezing. Even the scorching desert is starting to seem like a soft option compared to this.

Sancho: The first time, I come here together weeth señor Pankraz and hees young bebé. The next time, Uncle Sancho, he ees all alone.

Sancho: Then, the next time I pass through thees Battenberg, ees together weeth Rex and Poppy.

Sancho: And now we are here again. The time, where does eet go? You grow up eso fast! Ees, ees... (sob)

Rex: I already knew that! I knew this was Battenberg!

Rex: He's lying! There have been monsters here a while now. I saw them the last time I was here.

Poppy: Even if there were no monsters, it's such a difficult climb up here that I doubt many people would visit.

Tuppence: You could wear iron armour or even stone armour as if it were light as a feather, couldn't you, Hero?

Poppy: It's weird that that iron mask of his is so heavy.

Bianca: Ha ha! We only look young for it because we were turned to stone all them years!

Rex: Now I've travelled so much, I've realised how things normally are. People's dads are usually older than you are.

Poppy: I don't care whether you're young or old as long as we can be together, Dad.

Sancho: You no take no notice of thees señor. He no esay the nice theengs, eh?

Rex: Hopefully Mum loves you like she should do, Dad.

Rex: If not, does that mean she'll age really quickly?

Bianca: That means it's your fault if I start agein', Hero! You make sure you keep me good and young, eh?

Nera: I carried on loving you even during all those years I was turned to stone. That must be why I didn't age.

Poppy: I wonder if eating lots really does make you big and strong. Rex should definitely eat more vegetables.

Rex: It doesn't make any difference to me knowing that something's good for me. If I don't like it, I don't like it.

Sancho: When you are just a leettle bebé, friend, you no like eso many foods. You no even like the paella! Uf, ees eso hard for the cooking.

Tuppence: It's always the same for me. I try to overcome a dislike of something and eat it against my better judgement...

Tuppence: And, lo and behold, the taste of it makes me gag! Sometimes you have to trust your intuition on these matters.

Bianca: I hope the kids'll eat plenty of good food an' grow up to be big an' strong.

Nera: It's a real test for a mother's cooking skills, trying to get her children to eat things they don't usually like.

Rex: Adults always pretend to us kids that they're never fussy about food. That's so cheeky!

Bianca: We need to set an example to the kids an' not be fussy about what foods we eat. I'm directin' that comment at you, by the way, Hero!

Nera: You can be a bit fussy with your food, can't you, darling? Do you think you might eat some of the things you dislike if I cook them for you?

Rex: Wow! A Batten binnacle! These things were all sold out and impossible to get hold of before.

Sancho: The people, they are esaying you no find these binnacles no more. The artisan who ees making them, he ees too old. We are lucky, eh?

Poppy: Ooh! We could use a Batten binnacle to find our way when we get lost in caves and places!

Rex: Yeah, we'd never lose our Batten binnacle! It's far too useful.

Sancho: Thees old man, he looks eso tired. We leave heem to esleep, no?

Bianca: Whether he's quite a man or not, they could hardly just get on with things and not even bother lookin', eh?

Nera: The only reason we can be together again today is because of everyone's efforts to find us. We mustn't forget that.

Rex: You were turned into a statue right after I was born, Dad. So that makes it...yep! About eight years!

Poppy: I wasn't only looking for you, Dad. I was looking for Mum too. It was horrible not having a mum.

Bianca: I'm sorry, Poppy. I promise not to leave you again, ever.

Poppy: I wasn't only looking for you, Dad. I was looking for Mum too. It was horrible not having a mum.

Nera: It was horrible for me to be without you too, Poppy. But we'll be together for always from now on.

Tuppence: I wish I could point out to him that the person he's talking about is right in front of him. That would be fun!

Poppy: Phew. I can relax a bit in here. It's too scary outside, what with all the big drops and everything.

Rex: That man gave us some juice the last time we were here.

Sancho: Ees no the time for esitting down for the dreenks and the paella, eh? For now, we have eso much to do.

Rex: Two generations means Mum and Grandma, right? But we'll go the rescue, won't we, Dad?

Poppy: I was really sad being without a mum. You must've been sad growing up without your mum too, Dad.

Sancho: Maybe ees esome kind of destiny. You and your father, you travel the esameⓚⓛ

Sancho: No! I no allow you to esuffer the esame fate like your father, friend! Ees for thees we are travelling now.

Bianca: It dun't look like there are any other towns or villages 'round these parts, so we should probably try and rest here.

Nera: It's nice to see this place is the same as always.

Rex: We used to stay here a lot back when we were searching for you and Mum.

Sancho: Thees place, ees the territory of Gotha.

Sancho: Ees good to esee how all the people een the kingdom leeve, no?

Tuppence: Who would've expected to find a lovely bunny girl out in the sticks like this? Maybe it's fate...

Rex: Cool! They've still got their campaign going.

Rex: We couldn't make use of it when we were here with Sancho: because there were only three of us.

Tuppence: How lovely it is to see a bunny girl here! Just the kind of refreshment you need after a long journey.

Tuppence: How lovely it is to see a bunny girl here! Just the kind of refreshment you need after a long journey.

Rex: I don't really get it, but is she basically saying just to live life to the full with no regrets?

Poppy: That old woman's really nice. You can tell as soon as you set eyes on her.

Sancho: My life, eet has the meaning because I am looking for señora Mada, señor Pankraz, señora Debora and you, friend.

Rex: Yay! I always hoped I'd be able to get the special prize one day.

Rex: I always thought to myself how I just needed to find Mum or Dad and then there'd be four of us!

Poppy: We only qualify because we found you, Dad! It'll be like a prize to Rex and I for all our hard work!

Sancho: Ees eso esad for Rex and Poppy. Every time when they hear about thees offer, I esee their leettle hearts breaking.

Sancho: They no esay eet, but I know ees been eso hard for them weethout their mother.

Rex: Let's stay here, Dad! I always wanted to have a group of four so we could get the special prize.

Poppy: The Order of Zugzwang... It's such a scary name! I don't like the sound of it one bit.

Tuppence: A real beauty? Well, I wouldn't mind running into her!

Sancho: But before they esee señorita Bianca or señora Mada, they no know what ees the real beauty, eh?

Poppy: The Order of Zugzwang... It's such a scary name! I don't like the sound of it one bit.

Tuppence: Ooh! She sounds like just the woman for me!

Sancho: Thees woman, eshe esounds like Nera:, eh? Nera:, eshe ees eso pure, sí? I wonder where ees eshe now...

Poppy: The Order of Zugzwang... It's such a scary name! I don't like the sound of it one bit.

Sancho: You know, Sancho, he believes een these holy theengs. But the Goddess, eshe no take the money. Ees no right. I no like eet.

Tuppence: A female priest. Hmm, what a pretty picture!

Bianca: It en't enough for us to just put a stop to the Order of Zugzwang.

Bianca: Nope. We have to see things through and go to Nadiria too.

Rex: The world won't come to an end. Not with us working so hard to stop that from happening.

Poppy: I can feel it too. There's a sinister aura all around.

Rex: Do you think that means there are some baddies over in the west? How do we get there to sort them out?

Sancho: Ees no only een the west. I feel thees aura, eet covers the whole world like the sombrero.

Poppy: That poor little slime. It's not his fault. He just fell in with a bad crowd, that's all.

Sancho: Chilli con carne! You theenk ees true? The monsters, they are attacking because their bosses, they geeve them these orders?

Bianca: It's night already. We shouldn't push on any further. Let's stay here, eh?

Nera: This place never changes! Shall we stay here the night?

Nera: I always feel at ease when I'm somewhere that's the same as before. Maybe it's because I look the same after all those years as a statue.

Rex: We stayed here a lot when we were out looking for you. I really like this place!

Sancho: Thees place, ees the territory of Gotha.

Sancho: Ees good to esee how all the people een the kingdom leeve, no?

Tuppence: Who would've expected to find a lovely bunny girl out in the sticks like this? Maybe it's fate...

Rex: Yay! They've still got their offer on! Let's all stay here, okay?

Rex: We couldn't make use of it when we were here with Sancho: because there were only three of us.

Tuppence: How lovely it is to see a bunny girl here! Just the kind of refreshment you need after a long journey.

Tuppence: How lovely it is to see a bunny girl here! Just the kind of refreshment you need after a long journey.

Poppy: The Order of Zugzwang... It's such a scary name! I don't like the sound of it one bit.

Sancho: You know, Sancho, he believes een these holy theengs. But the Goddess, eshe no take the money. Ees no right. I no like eet.

Tuppence: A female priest. Hmm, what a pretty picture!

Bianca: It en't enough for us to just put a stop to the Order of Zugzwang.

Bianca: Nope. We have to see things through and go to Nadiria too.

Rex: The world won't come to an end. Not with us working so hard to stop that from happening.

Bianca: Even crossing the treacherous desert is bearable with all of you by my side.

Nera: I can't believe how strong the sun is! And yet we made it here again.

Rex: Argh! I'm boiling! I don't think I've ever been this hot in my life. I want a bath!

Poppy: Ouch! I've got sand in my eyes.

Sancho: Friend...hahh... You walking...hahh...eso fast...hahh...

Sancho: Ees...hahh...eso hot...hahh... I...hahh... I no...hahh...can breathe...

Tuppence: It's not fashionable any more to have a tan. I'd appreciate it if we could move on to our next destination before I catch the sun.

Rex: That dog must be so hot! Or maybe it's used to the heat because it lives here.

Poppy: That dog's really nice. He stays here all the time so the old man doesn't get lonely.

Rex: This place is quite small, but they have everything! It's like a secret den!

Rex: Hey! When we get home to Gotha, we could build a secret den for me, Dad!

Poppy: Aaah. It's nice and cool in here. What a relief.

Rex: Oh yes! I think I did see a big tower somewhere along the way. I wonder how you get to it, though.

Sancho: Right up to the heavens? Ees very, very tall, no? Ees no the place for Sancho. I wait at the bottom and eat paella.

Rex: Yikes! I didn't expect to find anyone down here!

Poppy: I got dripped on just now. Well water is really cold, isn't it?

Bianca: It's nice and cool down a well. I wonder what it'd be like to live here.

Nera: It's hard to relax down a well. I'm too worried I might be making the drinking water all dirty.

Rex: It's gone a bit cold now. Can I cover myself up with your cape, Dad?

Poppy: I'm sleepy. And cold. Huh!

Sancho: The desert ees eso hot een the day. But ees eso cold een the night.

Sancho: We must find esomewhere to estay the night, friend. Otherwise, maybe we all catch the esneezes.

Tuppence: Urgh! The cold here is making my nose run terribly.

Bianca: It's a bit chilly, eh? Warm me up, Hero!

Bianca: Oops! Mustn't embarrass the kids, I s'pose.

Nera: The temperature really drops off at night. Shall we turn in now, darling, and get some rest?

Bianca: Aah, that's nice and warm. It's amazin' what a difference a tiny bit of heat makes.

Nera: The old man's trying to get some sleep. We mustn't disturb him.

Poppy: This place is nice and warm. It's making me all sleepy.

Sancho: We must estart looking for the place to estay the night esoon, no?

Tuppence: A home in the desert. How delightful! I hope I have my own home one day too.

Poppy: He's a clever one. He's on guard to make sure no monsters come along.

Rex: This place is nice. I'm all sleepy now.

Sancho: The tower, ees very old, sí? I wonder who ees building eet... And how long ago...

Bianca: We dun't have anythin' we need to do here, right, Hero? We should hurry up and get to Nadiria.

Rex: Our castle looks so tiny from all the way up here!

Rex: Don't worry about me. I could handle a mountain pass like this on my own if I had to.

Rex: Er... Up there and down there... Um... Oh! Now I'm lost!

Poppy: I'm not very good in high places. I'm always too scared to look down. Can I stay in the wagon, please, Dad?

Poppy: It's at times like this that I wish I was a bird!

Sancho: These mountain roads...hahh...always they are eso hard...hahh... Hahh... Hahh...

Sancho: Friend...hahh... Ees no time...hahh...for siesta...hahh...?

Tuppence: I came here lots of times when I first became a soldier.

Tuppence: It's these treacherous mountains that make Gotha such a safe place to live.

Tuppence: If only they were about ten times more treacherous, then we'd have nothing to worry about at all.

Rex: Some people like climbing mountains just for fun, though, don't they? Maybe he's one of them.

Sancho: Ees no esafe for esuch an old man to be alone een the place like thees.

Poppy: Why don't we just use Zoom? There's no need for us to come to such a scary place any more.

Bianca: This really is a tricky path. It's almost impossible to keep goin' in a straight line!

Nera: I feel like I've been all lop-sided for most of this journey! It certainly is hard work climbing mountains.

Rex: Ha ha! These paths are really funny. It's impossible to stand up straight.

Poppy: I don't like this path. I keep thinking I'm going to fall.

Bianca: You're not really plannin' on doin' this climb, are you, Hero? Dun't we need to get a move on to Nadiria?

Nera: I thought we were supposed to be going straight to Nadiria.

Rex: Mountain paths are fun! I love climbing!

Sancho: The prayer ring...hahh...? Ees good...hahh...sí? Very...hahh...good...

Nera: I can't believe Papa sent a messenger all the way out here!

Rex: We got a present from Grandpa Briscoletti? Cool!

Poppy: That man was here when we came through last time. I wonder if he's been waiting for you all those years.

Nera: What a wonderful thing to send to us. How generous of Papa!

Poppy: Ooh! Flowing dresses are really expensive, aren't they? Grandpa Briscoletti's really generous.

Bianca: This place is givin' me the willies. How d'you suppose that skeleton ended up over there?

Nera: There's a horrible cold feeling to this place. I'm probably just imagining things, but it feels sort of sinister.

Rex: I don't remember coming here when we were with Sancho.

Bianca: I dun't much like the sound of that old woman's laugh. She sounds like a witch or somethin'.

Nera: I probably shouldn't really say so, but I'm not all that taken with the old woman. She makes me feel a bit uneasy.

Rex: Heh heh heh. Be careful, Dad. Heh heh heh!

Poppy: I'm really tired, but I definitely don't want to rest here!

Bianca: She wasn't a bad old stick, after all. I feel bad for doubtin' her now.

Nera: I feel so guilty for doubting such a kind old lady. It looks like I still have a lot to learn when it comes to judging others.

Rex: Aaah, that was a good sleep. What's wrong, Dad? Your eyes are all red.

Tuppence: I kept dreaming about sharpening pencils last night. Very bizarre!

Sancho: We, we are eso lucky. We are just the passers-by. Ees eso kind to let us estay here.

Bianca: That strange laugh is enough to give anyone a fright!

Nera: Waaah! I'm frightened! That old woman's laugh really is scary!

Rex: Heh heh heh!

Rex: What do you reckon, Dad? Am I doing a good impression of her or not? Heh heh heh!

Tuppence: It's sometimes a bit tricky to tell whether people are male or female when they get old. I wonder why.

Bianca: Are you sure we've really got time for this kind of thing?

Nera: We should save the trip down memory lane for later, Hero. We need to focus on the job in hand.

Poppy: I don't mind this cave because it's not too hard to walk about in.

Sancho: Eh, where ees the exit? Ees thees way? No, ees thees way... Rex: We got really lost when we came here with Sancho. It was a right pain.

Tuppence: If I had to state a preference, I'd say towers are more my cup of tea than caves.

Tuppence: I suppose I just like being able to see the sky.

Bianca: It was a bit tough on me the last time I was here, tryin' to get through this place bein' pregnant and all.

Nera: Did it make you angry that I hid the fact I was pregnant when we climbed up here all those years ago?

Nera: I can understand that. But I had faith that everything was going to be alright. I can't explain it, but I just knew.

Nera: Sorry I didn't tell you. But I had faith that everything was going to be alright. I can't explain it, but I just knew.

Rex: Look out, Dad! There's a rock sticking out there.

Poppy: Rex: really likes places like this. He gets all excited by them for some reason.

Tuppence: This cave is all rock, so it's not so bad. The ones that are more earthy are all damp and nasty.

Tuppence: I always feel like I smell of mould when I've been in a cave like that. I keep checking my skin to make sure I haven't turned green!

Rex: I've never travelled about on my own. I wonder what it's like.

Sancho: Thees padre, he ees brave travelling all alone. Ees because the Goddess, eshe watches over heem.

Poppy: That man was all on his own the last time we were here. It must be lonely travelling without any companions.

Bianca: The last time we were here, I was carryin' our babies inside me.

Bianca: I probably overdid it a bit then, but they were still born healthy, thank the Goddess.

Bianca: What are we doin' here, Hero? Are you feelin' a bit nervous about goin' to Nadiria?

Rex: It's really good fun chucking yourself down holes in this place!

Poppy: I don't like it here. I don't like climbing and I'm scared of all the dropping down too.

Sancho: Thees cave... Ees, ees eso...

Sancho: No! I no let myself become esentimental now. Come. We must keep moving.

Sancho: The estrength of Gotha, eet comes from the nature. Eet protects the castle. Ees a good location, sí?

Tuppence: It has to be ladies first when we're doing all this dropping down from a great height. I mean, it's only polite, after all.

Bianca: You should be careful not to go droppin' things about the place, Hero! I dun't remember droppin' that, mind.

Nera: What a nice old man, finding our belongings for us like that. I'm not sure we dropped it in the first place, mind you.

Rex: Did you drop it, Dad? I know I didn't.

Tuppence: Ooh, yes! That's mine! I dropped it! ...Actually, no. I'm fibbing.

Poppy: There's a liar in our midst.

Sancho: Thees man, he worries that esomeone has lost esometheeng of value. He, he ees eso kind.

Bianca: %0Hero! That flowin' dress en't ours! You mustn't tell lies like that!

Nera: You really shouldn't tell fibs like that. It's wicked. You know that flowing dress doesn't really belong to us.

Rex: Did you drop it, Dad? I know I didn't.

Tuppence: Ooh, yes! That's mine! I dropped it! ...Actually, no. I'm fibbing.

Poppy: There's a liar in our midst.

Sancho: Eef we drop thees dress, you no theenk we notice? Are you esure eet belongs to us?

Bianca: Wow! Look at all these things we've got! Just goes to show honesty's the best policy!

Nera: I do hope it's alright for us to take all these things off that old man. Wasn't he generous!

Poppy: Were we being tested?

Rex: So we got all that stuff because we told the truth? I get it. That means lying doesn't pay.

Tuppence: Ah, I see what he was up to! Dear me. I would've fallen at the first hurdle and taken the T 'n' T ticket!

Sancho: Thees man, he ees estrange maybe? You theenk he ees loco?

Rex: One hundred years! That's amazing! He's kind of like a god of the mountains, then!

Bianca: When we come through here before, it was sort of like a honeymoon, eh, Hero?

Bianca: I still feel the same way about you, but it certainly dun't feel like a honeymoon this time!

Bianca: Bein' here makes it hard to imagine that places like Zenithia and Nadiria really exist.

Nera: I was so scared the last time we were here in this cave. I didn't think all the leaping about could be at all safe.

Nera: Gotha Castle seems to be doing alright. But we should stop in from time to time to make sure.

Rex: We came through this cave to Battenberg when we were looking for you.

Rex: It's like a labyrinth in here, though. We got lost more times than I could count!

Rex: Yippee! I'm so happy you're here with us this time, Dad!

Poppy: I came here before with Sancho and Rex.

Poppy: Neither of them has any sense of direction at all, so it was a real trial.

Poppy: Rex and I came here once when we were inside Mum's tummy, didn't we?

Poppy: I have this feeling that I remember Mum trying to protect us from being hurt each time she jumped down a hole.

Sancho: I no like thees place. Every time I am coming here, I esure I get lost.

Tuppence: I'm totally useless when it comes to remembering directions. Don't go relying on me, will you?

Debora: I collapsed here once? No, I never did! I don't remember anything of the sort.

Debora: Oh, but wait a minute... Now I come to think of it, this place does bring back a strange memory of the whole world spinning around.

Nera: I suppose it's because time stood still for me when I was a statue all those years. I don't feel my age at all. Oh, it's all so complicated!

Debora: I'll always look young and beautiful, no matter what happens. It's got nothing to do with me having been turned to stone all those years.

Debora: So if I ever start to age, that'll mean I don't love you any more?

Debora: You'll just have to make sure you stay loyal to me like you vowed so that never happens. Got it, Hero?

Debora: There are plenty of things I don't find very appetising to look at.

Debora: Feeding them to me blindfolded is probably the best way to make me eat them. You'd enjoy that, no doubt, Hero?

Debora: I'd eat anything if someone told me it was good for my figure.

Debora: I should think slimes are full of collagen, for example. Shall we try a bite of one, Poppy?

Poppy: B-But... You're already b-beautiful enough, Mum! Please don't try eating a slime!

Debora: Ha ha! You silly thing, Poppy! I was only joking. You're very gullible at times, aren't you? Just like your father.

Debora: It stands to reason that our people would come looking for me when I went missing. And they were probably looking for you while they were at it too.

Poppy: I was looking for Dad too, but it was you I missed most, Mum. It was horrible not having a mum.

Debora: I know, Poppy. You're a wise little girl, aren't you? A lot like me.

Debora: I'll have to teach you lots of things to make up for the time we were apart.

Debora: I doubt there are many other places around here to rest. Looks like we'll be staying here for the night.

Poppy: The Order of Zugzwang... It's such a scary name! I don't like the sound of it one bit.

Tuppence: Ooh! If she's as beautiful as she sounds, I might be tempted to join the Order of Zugzwang myself!

Sancho: Thees breengs to my mind how beautiful Debora ees. Sí, I wonder where ees eshe now...

Poppy: I'm scared sometimes, but I'm going to try my hardest. It would be horrible if the world ended. I wouldn't be able to see the people I love.

Nera: You put a stop to the Order of Zugzwang, but that obviously wasn't the end of it.

Nera: I'm afraid we have no choice but to go to Nadiria.

Debora: You put a stop to the Order of Zugzwang, but I still say we need to teach whoever's responsible for this a lesson!

Debora: We have no choice but to go to Nadiria.

Debora: It's getting late now, so I think we'd better stay here for the night. I need my beauty sleep.

Poppy: I'm scared sometimes, but I'm going to try my hardest. It would be horrible if the world ended. I wouldn't be able to see the people I love.

Nera: You put a stop to the Order of Zugzwang, but that obviously wasn't the end of it.

Nera: I'm afraid we have no choice but to go to Nadiria.

Debora: You put a stop to the Order of Zugzwang, but I still say we need to teach whoever's responsible for this a lesson!

Debora: We have no choice but to go to Nadiria.

Debora: I'm absolutely parched! Get me some water, Hero. And I mean you, so don't go asking the kids to do it for you.

Debora: It's funny, you might expect a well in a desert to be full of hot water, but it's not!

Debora: One minute it's hot, the next minute it's cold... Oh yes, it's always a pleasure to be in the desert.

Debora: I'm freezing. Warm me up, will you, Hero? Just don't go stealing any of my body heat, though, otherwise you'll be in trouble.

Debora: You come over here too, Rex. And you, Poppy. We'll be able to keep warm if we all stick together.

Rex & Poppy: Cosy! Yes, it's much warmer like this.

Debora: It's quite comfortable here, I suppose. We can't stay here, though, so you'd better hurry up and find us an inn for the night.

Debora: Ouch! What are you looking at? Don't just stand there! Give me a hand!

Debora: We'll be...in Nad...iria before...long. Haah... I'm ab...solutely...ex...hausted.

Debora: Can you believe Papa, sending a messenger all this way? He really is besotted with his little girl.

Debora: This is for Poppy and I to share. You don't mind, do you? It's a present from Papa, after all. And I don't think it would suit you!

Nera: Um, darling, sorry to interfere, but this mountain path won't lead us to Nadiria. I really think we need to be on our way.

Debora: I always feel exhausted just looking at this path. What are we doing here, anyway?

Debora: There's nothing for us in this nasty place. Hurry up and get moving!

Debora: Did you want to talk to that old woman for some reason, Hero? You're not looking for a mother substitute, I hope!

Debora: I've had enough, I really have. We're leaving. Now.

Debora: I couldn't laugh in such a creepy way if I tried.

Debora: I hope I'm wrong about this, Hero, but I can't help feeling like you're trying to wear me out on purpose.

Debora: The last time we came by here, I was carrying Rex and Poppy.

Debora: It's lucky that I didn't fall or anything when I was climbing up and down these mountains.

Nera: Being back in this cave really takes me back. The first time we passed through here, I was so excited that we were travelling around together.

Nera: Darling, I feel just as sentimental about this place as you do. It's time we made haste now, though.

Debora: What are we doing here? We don't need to be here, right? So let's hurry up and head to Nadiria.

Debora: I know Nadiria isn't going to be a bundle of laughs, but I'd rather be there than stuck in this cave. I'm going!

Debora: I didn't notice you dropping anything. You're always so clumsy!

Debora: I know I shouldn't doubt you, but I do hope you weren't lying just then.

Debora: I knew you were honest. You were true to your feelings and chose to marry me, after all. Do you think he really did find all those things?

Debora: This place is just the same as it was all those years ago. Much like my beauty. It hasn't faded one bit in all this time.

Debora: You couldn't give a shout or something to warn me when you're about to jump down a hole, could you? I need to take my shoes off or I might break a heel.


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Rex: Do you think he's just going to give up? I'd never give up having got this far!

Poppy: It didn't look like that man had a flying carpet. I wonder how he managed to get here.

Tuppence: That treasure's ours! Er, I mean, yours, Hero.

Rex: Oh! So Zenithia's at the bottom of a lake now? So much for it being a castle in the sky!

Sancho: Thees man, he ees Zenithian, no?

Sancho: You remember the Zenithian señora een Gotha? Eshe, eshe be eso happy that we esee thees man here! Ees wonderful news for her!

Poppy: I'm quite good at using staffs. Let me try it out, Dad!

Tuppence: The stairs leading up cut off just there. I wonder if there really used to be a castle at the top of them.

Rex: Hey! Where did that old man go? Do you think he went home to the sky?

Poppy: Was that old man a ghost? He wasn't at all scary.

Tuppence: It would've been helpful if he could've told us which lake the castle is in before he disappeared like that.

Sancho: Ees okay. Een thees world, there are no eso many lakes. We visit them all, and we find thees castle, sí?

Rex: What an amazing tower! It really does feel like it reaches up to the sky!

Poppy: Make sure you guide me, won't you, Dad? I'm walking with my eyes shut, you see!

Sancho: When you are climbing eso high up, ees important to eswallow sometimes. Otherwise your ears, they estart to hurt.

Tuppence: Are you sure this tower is perfectly safe? It won't collapse while we're climbing, will it?

Rex: There are so many pillars here! I wonder how many there are exactly...

Poppy: Um... This is basically the first floor, right? So why is it so high?

Sancho: Uf! Tomorrow, we wake up esteeff like the estale tortilla, eh?

Tuppence: I'm fine with high places after all my time working as a castle guard. So let's just keep on climbing!

Poppy: Yikes! The floor's all cracked. You don't think it'll collapse, do you?

Tuppence: I'd be completely lost by now if I were here on my own. Thank the Goddess you know the way, Hero!

Rex: Don't worry about monsters jumping out on us. I can handle them!

Poppy: It's in a bit of a state now, but it's quite a pretty tower. Or is that a silly thing to say?

Sancho: Hahh...hahh... Ees...hahh...getting hard to...hahh...breathe, no? Hahh...hahh...

Tuppence: I must say that I'm delighted you've been able to bring me to so many different places, Hero.

Rex: It really helps to have people fighting alongside you, don't you think? That's why I feel like I can handle anything.

Poppy: It's nice to be able to see up into the sky from here. But it's annoying not to be able to look down!

Sancho: More estairs!? You know Sancho, he no like heights eso much... I estart to feel dizzy.

Tuppence: Good heavens! What an incredible view. The only thing around us now is sky.

Rex: Hey! Are we at a dead end?

Sancho: Ees no time for siesta, friend? Your Uncle Sancho, he no eso young these days, you know.

Poppy: I'm a bit tired after all that climbing up and down.

Tuppence: Hm? What is it we're doing here again?

Rex: Wow! We're so high up! Look, Dad! Look at that view!

Rex: I hope we get to show Mum this place sometime too.

Sancho: When the ground...hahh...ees flat...hahh...I feel...hahh...eso young...hahh...

Here, I am feeling old... Rex: Ouch! My neck really hurts now after all that craning to look up at the top of the tower.

Poppy: We're finished here now, right? Can we go, then? I'm not very good with heights.

Sancho: Ees more easy for losing your feets on the way down. You must be careful.

Tuppence: I imagine it would be rather nice to have a picnic at the top of the tower here. Delightful, in fact!

Bianca: So this is the tower to Zenithia? It's a bit of a mess, but I s'pose it's pretty impressive considerin' its history and all that.

Nera: So this tower used to connect to Zenithia? I wonder how many heroic people climbed it in the past.

Bianca: En't you got that treasure already, Hero?

Bianca: Then you should've told him, the poor bloke! That was a bit mean of you.

Nera: Oh dear! Fancy giving up after coming this far! Rex: He was talking about the magma staff, right? Don't you think we should tell him we already found it?

Bianca: I'll bet the legendary hero climbed this tower, you know.

Nera: I'm not usually very good with heights, but I don't mind this place. It doesn't seem to bother me for some reason.

Rex: It'd be nice to fix this place up and have it looking all grand again.

Poppy: I usually try my best not to say anything too babyish. But I'm going to say this anyway...

Poppy: You won't stop liking me, will you, Dad?

Sancho: Hahh...hahh... Ees...hahh...getting hard to...hahh...breathe, no? Hahh...hahh...

Sancho: You know, weeth señor Pankraz, I am travelling all over the world. But the estrange places, estill there are eso many.

Tuppence: Ooh, do be careful where you walk! It's rather treacherous underfoot.

Debora: What a waste, giving up so easily after making it all this way!

Debora: This place was probably quite spectacular in its day. It's in a terrible state now, though.


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Rex: Did you see that!? That huge great rock just melted away into nothing!

Sancho: Look, friend! There ees a castle at the bottom of the lake!

Poppy: That magma staff is really frightening. Imagine what damage it could do if it fell into the wrong hands.

Rex: This place doesn't feel like a normal cave. It's like someone made it. See! The rock there is cut dead straight!

Tuppence: Good heavens! How deep do you suppose this cave is?

Sancho: Ees very dark. You must be careful where you are walking. You no come crying eef you fall over, okay?

Poppy: I don't really like the dark, but I'll try not to let it get to me. At least it's better than being somewhere high up.

Sancho: Uf! I was no expecting to find esometheeng like thees!

Rex: Hey, Dad! Can we have a ride on that thing? I reckon it'd be a right laugh!

Poppy: I've never seen a cart like that before.

Rex: Wow! Look at all those carts! How are we supposed to decide which one to get on?

Poppy: I'm a bit nervous of riding about on these carts. ...I suppose I'm quite excited too, though.

Sancho: Your Uncle Sancho, he ees never riding on esometheeng like thees before. Ees, ees eso exciting!

Tuppence: So all we have to do to reach our goal is clamber aboard a cart and settle down for the ride? Ha! If only it were that simple.

Sancho: You know, I no mind the espeed of the carts eso much now, but these jumps! Anda! Ees escary, eh?

Poppy: Um... So we go over there... Then up there... Change the points... And... Oh! I'm completely confused!

Poppy: Do you think it's safe just to get on these things without a grand plan, Dad? What happens if we get lost and can't find our way out of here?

Rex: I know! We should have a ride on every single cart there is! It's just so much fun!

Tuppence: Yippee! I never imagined such a fantastically fun place existed! It's things like this that make travelling impossible to give up.

Tuppence: Think how much fun it would be if we had something like this in Gotha. It would speed patrol duty up no end.

Sancho: You no get wet before, friend? Thees waterfall, he has a mind of hees own, eh?

Poppy: I'm quite keen on these carts now. Can we have a few more goes on them, Dad?

Rex: We'll have to bring Uncle Bertie with us next time. He'd love it here!

Rex: I didn't expect to find a priest in here. He was a bit of a strange one.

Tuppence: It would be nice if we didn't have to encounter any more monsters now. Much more enjoyable.

Rex: Did you hear that? It's a cart going round! We should go and have a look.

Sancho: We must help thees señor. Quick, friend!

Rex: You'd think he'd be enjoying going round and round like that. It doesn't sound like it, though.

Poppy: Watching him whirling around is starting to make me feel dizzy.

Tuppence: How terrifying! That's what happens if you just clamber on without thinking about lining your points up first.

Sancho: Ees broken! We must help thees señor.

Poppy: Oh no! He took quite a pounding there. Do you think he's alright?

Tuppence: Er... I w-won't tell anyone, don't worry. If he's kicked the bucket, I mean.

Rex: Is it broken now? Won't it go round and round any more?

Sancho: Qué!? Ees thees the way I breeng you up, friend? No, ees no!

Poppy: We have to help him, Dad!

Sancho: Maybe ees good that ees broken. You never know eef another señor, he ees gonna be estuck on thees cart.

Rex: It doesn't look like this can be fixed. That's a pity.

Rex: At least Dr Agon wasn't hurt. And it's nice to have someone else on the team for a while.

Sancho: Anda! Now we have a clown een the party! You theenk he ees really a Zenithian?

Poppy: Um, Dad... That Dr Agon is odd, isn't he? I'm not sure what it is, but there's just something a bit weird about him.

Dr Agon We Zenithians usually live to a ripe old age, y'know.

Dr Agon But I tell you, twenty years going round on that thing, and I'm as hungry as a caterpillar in a coal mine!

Tuppence: I always thought the Zenithians were supposed to be a beautiful and cultured race. I must admit that I'm rather taken aback by this character.

Poppy: Why do the archaeologists send other people in to do their work for them? That doesn't seem right.

Rex: A fun place like this surely can't have been built by someone evil! It must've been the Goddess who did it.

Sancho: How long ees thees señor down here? Ees esuch a shame for heem.

Tuppence: It may be a thrill riding about on the carts, but I certainly wouldn't want to be stuck in here with no way of leaving.

Rex: Do you think Dr Agon really is a Zenithian?

Rex: I mean, he's totally different to all the other Zenithians we've met. And he doesn't have any wings, either.

Rex: Huh. I really wanted a go on that spinning cart myself.

Poppy: I can't seem to relax when Dr Agon's about. I wonder why.

Poppy: We'd better hurry on out of here, Dad.

Sancho: The family of thees señor Agon, they must be eso worried, no? We must take heem to esee them quickly.

Sancho: Twenty years... Maybe eet feels like a long time to you, friend, but when you are old like your Uncle Sancho:, eet goes eso fast.

Sancho: But maybe ees no the esame eef you are on a cart all the time, like thees señor Agon, eh?

Tuppence: That's incredible! Twenty whole years spinning around in circles, and yet he doesn't have a hair out of place!

Tuppence: I'll have to remember to pick his brains for some hairstyling tips.

Tuppence: It's rather fortunate that Dr Agon did decide to have a ride on that cart.

Tuppence: Otherwise I might've been the one who ended up stuck on the thing for twenty years solid!

Dr Agon Gee whillikers, it's been an age since I last had the chance to flap the old facehole!

Dr Agon Am, am I talking properly? Tell me if I'm using any fun-diddly-unny words, will you, friend? I guess the old licker might be a bit rickety-rusty.

Dr Agon I guess you look at me and see a jolly Joe with a fresh young smile, but I've been alive a thousand times longer than any of you!

Dr Agon Huh? You think I'm joking? Ha ha hah! Sure, why not? If that's the way you lickety-like it!

Dr Agon Hmm... You've had your fair share of suffery-duffery-doodling, eh, Hero, old buddy? Nothing gets past the old Agon peepers, you know!

Dr Agon How do you like my outfit, then? It used to put the ⓗpiⓘ in pizzazz twenty years ago. Everyone wanted a piece of my style!

Dr Agon Ⓠ Round and round we go! Ⓠ Ⓡ Round and round we go-diddly-o! Ⓡ

Dr Agon Sorry about that. After twenty years on the old circuit, I just can't relax unless I'm chasing my tail!

Rex: Hey! There's Dr Agon. How did he get there?

Poppy: You don't think Dr Agon's angry, do you, Dad? We've kept him waiting quite a while now.

Sancho: Qué? Where deed...? Thees señor Agon, he no want to leave thees place, eh?

Tuppence: Oh. It looks like Dr Agon's been waiting for us.

Tuppence: The thought obviously hasn't even crossed his mind that he could find his way to Zenithia alone.

Bianca: Ha! I had no idea there was a cave like this here.

Bianca: Eh? You've bin here before, have you? I'm startin' to think you've bin everywhere!

Nera: I wonder who built this. What a curious place!

Rex: I know my way all around this cave! I reckon I could navigate it even with my eyes closed.

Rex: This is my favourite cave ever! The carts are brilliant. You must think so too, right, Dad?

Poppy: I don't have a big destiny to fulfil like Rex because I'm not the legendary hero, so can I play here a bit longer?

Sancho: Hahh... Hahh... Wait a momento, friend. Hahh... Ees time...for a siesta.

Sancho: I know you want to play, friend, but ees no a good time. You play when your Uncle Sancho, he ees no here, okay?

Tuppence: I wonder what actually powers all the carts in here. I suppose it must be magic.

Bianca: Now's not the time for a joyride, Hero! We have to get ourselves over to Nadiria before it's too late.

Bianca: I can't help wonderin' who built this place and why, mind. It's not just s'posed to be a theme park, surely?

Nera: What a delightful place! If only we could just forget our duties and let our hair down and enjoy it properly!

Nera: We'll have to all come back here again when the world's at peace. We could bring a picnic and make a day of it.

Poppy: Do you think that man did something so bad that he really deserves to be shut up in here for so long?

Rex: A fun place like this surely can't have been built by someone evil! It must've been the Goddess who did it.

Sancho: How long ees thees señor down here? Ees esuch a shame for heem.

Tuppence: It may be a thrill riding about on the carts, but I certainly wouldn't want to be stuck in here with no way of leaving.

Debora: I'm not usually keen on caves. They're so dark and claustrophobic. This one isn't like all the others, though.

Debora: I never expected to find an amusement ground all the way out here! I wonder who built it.

Debora: Why would anyone build something like this in a cave? It'd be so much nicer if it was outdoors.

Debora: So he's been stuck in here digging all this time? Maybe it's punishment for doing something he shouldn't have.

Debora: Imagine being holed up in here all alone like that! I don't think I could stand it.

Debora: It's terrible to make someone work in this dank and smelly hole! I'd do my best to escape if it were me.


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Rex: Glug... Glug... Hang on! I can breathe! I was sure I wouldn't be able to, what with being underwater and all.

Poppy: Look! Did you see that huge fish just swim past?

Tuppence: This looks rather a tricky place to defend. Aaah! I suppose that's why they had it floating up in the sky.

Dr Agon It's, it's enough to make an old fella cry, I, I... (sob) Ah ha ha! Just joshin' with ya! I'm not really blubbing!

Dr Agon So the old castle's as waterlogged as a log full of water, eh? It's gonna be fun, fun, fun drying the place out. Away with you mould! Away!

Rex: Is this Zenithia, the castle in the sky? It's a bit different to how I expected.

Poppy: Is it just around the castle that there's air? It's a lot brighter than you'd expect for somewhere that's underwater.

Sancho: But ees good ees een the lake, no?

Sancho: Eef ees falling on the land or on a town, maybe ees a beeg problem, sí?

Dr Agon What's that? Was this castle airborne twenty years ago? I can't tell you, friend.

Dr Agon Let me see... How many decades ago did I leave now? Oooh... I guess I wasn't counting!

Rex: I can't help feeling a bit down in the dumps here. It's sad to see something that was once so grand in such a state.

Poppy: I could be wrong, but it feels like things have brightened up a little bit here. Maybe it's because we came along.

Sancho: When I esee thees kind of place, eso deserted and een the ruins, I can no help but theenk of Whealbrook. Ees, ees very painful.

Tuppence: I wonder where all the Zenithian ladies are hiding themselves. Er, and the men as well, of course.

Dr Agon It's not Zenithia now, eh? It's Beneathia! Hah hah hah haⓚⓛ Oh, you didn't like that one?

Dr Agon I'm more of a breaststroke man than a crawler, myself. The crawl's so gosh-darned hard.

Dr Agon Shame I don't have my aqua jammies with me. I could've shown you my moves!

Rex: I've always hated tidying my room, but I'm going to make sure I do it from now on.

Rex: Castles look much better when they're kept all nice.

Sancho: You really believe thees castle, eet was once floating een the air? I no eso esure...

Tuppence: I can't help worrying that my weapons and armour will rust away to nothing with all this water about.

Dr Agon You know, I think I'm starting to like this underwater look!

Dr Agon But you should have seen the place before. The beautiful garden, the great throne room... It was to die-diddly-eye for!

Dr Agon It's a bit damp, but it's still the same old castle. No monsters around here!

Rex: A secret staircase? I'll find it, Dad! Don't you go finding it first, okay?

Poppy: Do you think it's alright for him to tell us a secret like that?

Tuppence: You'd better count me out. I was never any good at finding things. I never liked it. Over to you, Hero...

Rex: We did it, Dad! We found the stairs!

Dr Agon Hero! You're right-diddly-ight on the ball, my friend!

Dr Agon I really didn't think you'd find the hidden staircase!

Rex: I wonder how far down this goes. It's pitch-black down there.

Poppy: I'm okay. As long as I don't look down, I'm okay.

Sancho: Qué? A heedden estaircase? What you theenk ees at the bottom?

Rex: There's a weird kind of glowing. I wonder what it is. I feel like I've seen it somewhere before.

Poppy: This room's different from all the others. It has an air of magic to it.

Dr Agon Oh... Why don't you go a bit further, Hero?

Rex: A gold orb? Do you know what he's on about, Dad?

Poppy: Dr Agon gave me a fright there, shouting out like that! What do you suppose it is he's looking at?

Sancho: Qué? What ees the matter weeth señor Agon? We should find out, friend.

Tuppence: I'm afraid I'm finding his witterings rather tricky to follow. Fancy there being a hole in the castle, though!

Rex: What was that? I saw it... Was that boy... Was it you, Dad?

Rex: This is making my head hurt! Did all that really happen?

Poppy: Are you okay, Dad? You look a bit pale.

Poppy: Um... Don't cry or anything, will you? We're here for you, you know.

Sancho: Eso thees ees how señor Pankraz, he, he...

Sancho: ............

Tuppence: What a monster! How despicable!

Tuppence: I don't know if faeries really exist, but we must at least go and find out!

Rex: So if we find the gold orb, the castle will float up in the sky again?

Rex: But how are we supposed to find the faerie village?

Rex: I wonder if Dr Agon's a bit lonely all by himself in the castle.

Rex: So the faeries made the castle float? That's so cool!

Poppy: Are we going to meet some faeries? Yay! I can't wait!

Poppy: I hope we get to meet some faeries soon. Ooh! You met some when you were little, Dad? You're so lucky!

Sancho: Perdón. I no can theenk of anytheeng now.

Sancho: We go to esomeone to make us the gold orb, sí? Ees okay. I know.

Tuppence: The Faerie Queen... Zenithians... It all sounds like the stuff of legend! How thrilling!

Tuppence: I'm intrigued to know what this Faerie Queen is like. I can't wait to meet her.


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Rex: I know about Coburg! Coburg and Gotha have always been good friends, haven't they?

Rex: You and Prince Harry used to travel about together, didn't you? I wish I could've come along with you.

Poppy: Um, Sancho always says he doesn't much fancy the idea of visiting Coburg.

Poppy: This is the one castle we didn't visit when we were travelling around with him.

Poppy: What a grand-looking castle! But the people live outside the castle walls. Do you think that's safe?

Sancho: My Majesty. You feel only the nostalgia now you return to Coburg, sí?

Sancho: But for your Uncle Sancho ees, ees...

Sancho: I know ees loco, but for me, being een Coburg ees eso hard. My heart, ees breaking, you know?

Tuppence: I understand that you're rather pally with the royal family here, Hero.

Tuppence: I'm here as a soldier representing the Kingdom of Gotha. I'll do my best not to put you to shame, sir!

Bianca: Looks like Coburg's bin pretty peaceful ever since that kerfuffle all them years ago. That must be a relief to you, eh?

Nera: Prince Harry and King Wilbur seem to be doing an excellent job here. The place has a very warm feel to it now.

Rex: She's pretty clever for a little girl, being able to introduce the place like that.

Rex: You don't think we've got any impostors with us, do you? You're the real thing, aren't you, Dad?

Sancho: When you go missing, friend, I heard señor Harry, he was eso worried.

Sancho: You eshould go to esay buenos días to the señor, My Majesty.

Nera: The soldiers of Gotha really did scour the world looking for us, didn't they?

Bianca: Prince Kendrick? You dun't think that could be Harry's son, do you?

Nera: I wonder if the prince he was talking about could be Harry's son. We'll have to go and find out!

Rex: I'm always good, so no one would have to worry if I became king!

Poppy: I don't like rough boys. They pick up insects and things and throw them at you. It's disgusting!

Sancho: You know, I heard the rumours that thees Kendrick, he ees the leettle diablo, just like hees father, señor Harry, was when he was young.

Bianca: Huh. We seem to come across types like that all over the place, eh?

Nera: It's wrong to steal things from people, no matter what the circumstances.

Nera: Imagine how upsetting it must be to find something you hold dear has gone missing.

Nera: Oh dear! I've just remembered that we're always rummaging through people's cupboards! I hadn't thought about it like that before.

Rex: Hey! He disappeared! I doubt he'll get up to no good again, though. Not after we taught him a lesson.

Sancho: No, friend! You no put yourself een danger! You must call for the guards and leave thees to them.

Tuppence: Hm, he's certainly a fast-moving character. What was the treasure he took, anyway?

Rex: Yikes! That armour's pretty scary-looking. I'm not sure I want it.

Sancho: Why ees esuch a theeng here in Coburg?

Rex: I like staying over in lots of different places.

Rex: But the best place of all is at home, with you and Mum and Poppy nearby.

Rex: Which way's west again? I wonder if that's a cave we've not been to yet.

Poppy: Even if there are lots of monsters, we should be okay if we fight with good in our hearts, right?

Poppy: I wish I could be more like you, Dad. It's amazing how you can get so many monsters to stop being bad.

Rex: Wow! You're famous, Dad! That's so cool!

Sancho: You are no just a friend! You are the esaviour of thees country. But thees esoldier, he no know eet, eh?

Tuppence: He he! How grand! Being with you makes me a friend of Prince Harry's by extension.

Tuppence: ...Sorry. I'm afraid I got rather carried away with the notion.

Bianca: Religious folk often come out with things like that, eh? I wonder if she can sense Grandmaster Nimzo.

Nera: I can feel it too, so much that it hurts. We must hurry to Nadiria before it's too late.

Poppy: I'm really scared too. Maybe my bad dreams will come true and I'll get gobbled up!

Tuppence: I do love to see a nun in uniform, I must say. It's a habit I just can't shake, ha ha ha!

Bianca: Folk all over the world seem to be at the end of their tether with their kids. It goes with the territory, eh?

Bianca: I think we've got off pretty lightly in comparison.

Nera: Antics like that are just part of a child growing up. I wish I'd been a bit more that way inclined myself sometimes.

Sancho: The children, they learn from their madre and their papá, you know.

Poppy: How come you look so happy, Dad?

Poppy: Are you finding it funny that Harry's son is causing him trouble?

Rex: Maybe he's only nice to girls. That's weird!

Poppy: I wouldn't mind being friends with him if he was nice to me too.

Tuppence: This Kendrick character obviously has his head screwed on if he's realised at his young age that it's best to befriend the girls.

Bianca: He certainly dun't pull no punches, eh? Fancy puttin' mice on people's heads! Ha ha ha!

Nera: I wonder if Rex and Poppy would've done things like that if we'd brought them up all their lives.

Rex: Mice, eh? Maybe I'll give that a try sometime. ...Hm? Er, nothing. Never mind.

Poppy: But mice are so cute. Why would anyone say they hate them?

Rex: What a funny name he has. He sounds very clever.

Sancho: These escholars and fortune-tellers, they are all the esame. They talk and they talk and they talk, sí? Anda!

Rex: I'm going to find it! Yep, I'll find that cape and then give it to you as a present!

Rex: That cape's just right for you, Dad. It's good that we found it.

Sancho: You must be careful! You no go too close to thees Kendrick, okay?

Poppy: Wow! I've not seen a bump that big in ages!

Bianca: Blimey, that's quite a sacrifice, eh?

Bianca: King Wilbur must be really determined to make things work here.

Nera: It's a very noble intention, but it's rather sad, don't you think?

Nera: He's basically saying that he'll give up the idea of sharing his life with a woman he loves for the sake of his kingdom.

Rex: Why would getting married cause a power struggle? Is marriage a bad thing?

Rex: Hmm... I don't get what grown-ups are on about sometimes.

Sancho: Thees, what happened weeth the fake señora Queen, eet had a beeg effect on señor Wilbur.

Sancho: He ees young, but he ees a very careful man.

Bianca: Hm, havin' the throne up high makes it look pretty important, eh?

Rex: Thrones are really soft and comfortable.

Rex: Bertie used to let us sit on his every now and then.

Sancho: You know, I believe eso estrongly that señor Harry, he gonna become king.

Sancho: But he ees no greedy, eh? He ees like you een thees way, sí, friend?

Tuppence: There aren't many soldiers about. Maybe they don't see the need because their castle walls here are so splendid.

Sancho: Come, friend. Look at me. Sí...sí... Okay!

Sancho: Now you have no hair een the wrong place, and your clothes, I check they are ironed okay. Ees okay for you to esay hola to the King now.

Rex: Is that King Wilbur? He's a lot younger than I expected.

Sancho: Sí! I forget! Señor Wilbur, he esend hees congratulations for your return to Gotha.

Sancho: I must esend the letter to thank heem when we are next home.

Rex: I want to be like you, Dad. It must be nice having so many people being grateful to you like that.

Rex: What's his problem!? I'm bigger than him, so he shouldn't talk to me like that!

Poppy: He looks like a bit of a bully. I hope we don't have to spend much time around him.

Sancho: You no esay that I esay thees, okay? But thees boy, he ees like thees only because of hees parents.

Tuppence: I say! What a cheek! Look at him, standing there blocking our view of a beautiful young woman!

Rex: That kid just doesn't know when to shut up, does he?

Poppy: I've got plenty of animal and bird friends. I don't need any more, least of all him!

Sancho: You know, Rex and Poppy, they never talk to me like thees. Never!

Sancho: Now you esee, no? I no let Rex and Poppy become like thees. I raise them like the good children, sí?

Sancho: My Majesty! You eshould breeng them here and eshow thees young one how to behave!

Tuppence: Maybe I should stand in for the prince, Hero? No, no, I was only joking!

Sancho: Qué? He no remember!?

Sancho: Eef he ees no making eso much trouble when he was young, señor Pankraz, he would no have to look after heem and, and... (sob)

Sancho: I hope thees kid, he ees no making Rex cry.

Bianca: What's up, Hero? You look worried. I'm sure it'll be okay, though. Just relax.

Nera: Maybe our children are a little bit too quiet.

Nera: It could be quite a good experience for them, spending a bit of time with little Kendrick.

Tuppence: So she's called Maria... A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Haa...

Tuppence: I could stand here listening to Maria's lovely voice all day long.

Tuppence: I'd happily be a cat if I had to. As long as I could stay here, near her.

Sancho: Rex: and thees kid Kendrick, they are eso differⓚⓛ Er... No! Ees notheeng. Perdón.

Bianca: Harry and Maria look a bit older than before, eh? Not like us!

Nera: I feel a bit like I've been left behind when I look at Harry and Maria.

Nera: If only we could get back all those years we lost.

Tuppence: I'd be more inclined to go off hunting for Kendrick if he were a princess with some resemblance to his mother...

Sancho: Children, they are eso quick. Thees ees the problem. Uf! Where are they?

Sancho: You no theenk thees Kendrick, he ees bullying my Rex and Poppy, eh?

Bianca: I feel a bit funny bein' apart from the kids. I just can't seem to relax! Let's hurry up and find 'em!

Bianca: I wonder where the kids have got to.

Nera: I'm sure they won't have left the castle, so we probably don't need to hurry too much...right?

Nera: I never imagined I'd feel so uneasy being apart from the children.

Nera: Let's find them quickly. I don't want to let them out of my sight again.

Tuppence: Children are very good at the old hide-and-seek, you know. We might not be able to find them.

Sancho: No. They are no here. You theenk we find them esoon?

Sancho: They no go outside, eh? Eso where are they?

Rex: I told him I didn't want to be his lackey, but he said he'd start crying if I didn't go and get the badge.

Rex: I wonder where he can have disappeared to.

Poppy: Kendrick's such a spoilt little brat! I don't like him one bit.

Rex: It's really weird. We weren't gone long enough for him to have time to leave the room.

Poppy: Can't we just leave without finding him? No, I suppose that would be a bit rude.

Sancho: Ees because señor Pankraz, he went to look for thees Prince Harry... Ees because of thees, that he, he...

Sancho: ............

Sancho: I no want esometheeng like thees to happen. Thees ees why I no want to come here.

Tuppence: This must be terribly hard on Maria, the poor thing.

Tuppence: Maybe they should tie a bell around his neck so he'll be easier to find next time.

Sancho: No. They are no here. You theenk we find them esoon?

Rex: How did you know about the stairs? No way! Harry played the same trick on you when you were little?

Sancho: Ees because of these estairs...

Rex: Yikes! Did you see him being pulled along by the ear like that? It looked really painful!

Rex: I know! Let's make a secret staircase in Gotha too! That'd be fun.

Poppy: What's wrong, Dad? You look a bit shocked and you've gone all sweaty.

Poppy: There's no way I'd ever become his lackey! I suppose I might just about consider being his friend, but that's it.

Sancho: Uf! Now I estop worrying, esuddenly I feel eso tired.

Tuppence: It makes one rather anxious about the future, eh? We're quite lucky over in Gotha, really.

Rex: Maybe Kendrick doesn't have many friends. I haven't seen any other boys inside the castle.

Rex: Maybe I should be Kendrick's friend. I don't like him all that much, though.

Poppy: I much prefer our castle in Gotha to this one.

Sancho: Hahh... Just being here een thees castle, eet makes me eso tired.

Tuppence: The people of Coburg are observing me. I must perform well, for the honour of the soldiers of Gotha is in my hands!

Rex: I know about Coburg! Coburg and Gotha have always been good friends, haven't they?

Rex: I like this place. You like it too, right, Dad?

Poppy: Um, Sancho always says he doesn't much fancy the idea of visiting Coburg.

Poppy: This is the one castle we didn't visit when we were travelling around with him.

Poppy: It's a really big castle, isn't it? You'd think they'd let the townspeople live inside like we do in Gotha.

Sancho: You feel only the nostalgia for Coburg, sí, friend?

Sancho: But for your Uncle Sancho ees, ees...

Sancho: I know ees loco, but for me, being een Coburg ees eso hard. My heart, ees breaking, you know?

Tuppence: I understand that you're rather pally with the royal family here, Hero.

Tuppence: I'm here as a soldier representing the Kingdom of Gotha. I'll do my best not to put you to shame, sir!

Bianca: I'm sure it'll all be okay. Harry's a lot different to how he used to be, after all, eh?

Nera: Yes. I suppose Harry only changed for the better because of everything he went through.

Nera: Maybe Kendrick would turn over a new leaf if he had the same kind of experience, but that seems a terrible thing to wish on the boy.

Rex: Is he really going to be king? He doesn't seem like he's cut out for it.

Poppy: Urgh! Can you imagine that little brat ruling a kingdom!? He'd probably try to turn everyone into his ⓗlackeysⓘ!

Sancho: Ees no my problem, but for me, I worry about the future of Coburg. Uf, sí... Ees a worry. Heh heh heh.

Bianca: Maria seems really happy.

Nera: Maria is still as beautiful as ever, even though she has aged a bit. It's probably because Harry loves her so much.

Rex: You don't need to worry about a thing, Dad! We'll always be along to help you out.

Poppy: Is it really such a difficult journey, Dad? It's not difficult for me. As long as you're with me, everything's fine.

Tuppence: If only we could stay and chat with her a little longer.

Bianca: I'll second that. No more disappearin', d'you hear? ...I s'pose I'm hardly one to talk!

Nera: Yes, no more going missing. It was terrible being split up like that.

Rex: It's Kendrick he should worry about going missing, not you! Right, Dad?

Poppy: Are you going to come here again, then? Maybe I'll stay at home in Gotha when you do.

Sancho: I esorry eef I always complain, but ees hard for me to estay here eso long, you know?

Bianca: I s'pose he en't all bad. A typical boy, really.

Nera: He he he. See! He means well, despite his rough-and-tumble ways.

Rex: Kendrick's really weird. Why does he always talk to people so rudely?

Poppy: He should apologise properly, rather than trying to buy us off with a silly present!

Sancho: Anda! Next time, we no have the fun and the games, eh?

Tuppence: It's hard to believe that the beautiful Maria could give birth to that creature. Urgh!

Bianca: I s'pose he en't all bad. A typical boy, really.

Nera: He he he. See! He means well, despite his rough-and-tumble ways.

Rex: Kendrick's really weird. Why does he always talk to people so rudely?

Poppy: I could never be friends with someone who speaks to people like that.

Sancho: You know, next time we are here, your Uncle Sancho:, he gonna teach thees kid esome manners.

Tuppence: It's hard to believe that the beautiful Maria could give birth to that creature. Urgh!

Rex: I wonder what the souvenir could be! Let's go and have a look, Dad.

Poppy: Oh! Do we have to go to Kendrick's room?

Bianca: You could've come and got it loads of times if you'd wanted to. Fancy bein' so disinterested!

Nera: How nice of him to keep it safe for you all these years. If only we'd come to collect it sooner.

Sancho: Eef ees possible, I no want to have the theengs from Coburg around me, por favor.

Tuppence: I heard about this souvenir from fellow soldiers who visited Coburg in the past.

Tuppence: Prince Harry was determined to give it to you in person, so he insisted on hanging on to it.

Tuppence: Maria's so lovely. I know she's someone else's wife, but I can settle for admiring her from afar.

Rex: A music box maker! We had one of those at Gotha once. He was really amazing.

Bianca: You never seem to want to talk much about it.

Bianca: But I can see that an awful lot happened to you in the time we were apart.

Bianca: I can't tell you how glad I am that you made it through everythin' alive, Hero.

Nera: To think Harry kept all of those feelings to himself!

Sancho: Sí, señor Harry, he has become a fine, estrong man.

Sancho: But eet must be like thees. Otherwise, señor Pankraz, he, he... (blub)

Poppy: Were you really once a slave? Oh, Dad! Thank the Goddess that you're still alive!

Rex: I knew you'd had a hard time of it, Dad, but I didn't realise it was that bad.

Rex: I'm going to grow up strong and brave like you, and I won't let anything get the better of me, either!

Tuppence: I'll bet there aren't too many other royals who've had experience as slaves in their lives! In fact, I'd wager it's just you and Prince Harry.

Bianca: I dunno if it's because I read that message of his, but Harry seems really special now.

Bianca: What a great souvenir. Our weddin' souvenir dun't look like much in comparison, eh?

Nera: I don't think I've ever seen such an exquisite music box.

Nera: And it's all the better because it was made to thank people who'd come to share in their celebrations.

Sancho: The señor who ees king of Coburg before, thees ees a good amigo of señor Pankraz.

Sancho: Eef the eson of a friend of señor Pankraz, he go missing, señor Pankraz, he would do anytheeng to find heem.

Sancho: Eso you esee... Eef only señor Pankraz, he was no esummoned to Coburg that time, he would no be... He would no be... (sob)

Rex: What was the souvenir from your wedding, Dad?

Rex: Buns!? Buns!? But that's really dull!

Rex: Hey! The hollow in the lid looks just the same size as that sapphire, don't you think?

Poppy: What a pretty music box! It looks just like a jewellery box, doesn't it?

Bianca: Maria seems really happy.

Nera: Maria is still as beautiful as ever, even though she has aged a bit. It's probably because Harry loves her so much.

Rex: You don't need to worry about a thing, Dad! We'll always be along to help you out.

Poppy: Is it really such a difficult journey, Dad? It's not difficult for me. As long as you're with me, everything's fine.

Tuppence: If only we could stay and chat with her a little longer.

Bianca: Harry was a bit of a pain when he was younger, wasn't he? I guess it's in the blood, then!

Nera: I can't help thinking that Kendrick is just like his father.

Rex: Oh! Is Kendrick really just like Harry was when he was young?

Rex: Then you'll have to give me some tips on how to get on with him better!

Poppy: Here we are again. I would've much preferred to stay at home in Gotha.

Sancho: Ees no easy for señor Harry, I theenk.

Rex: I know about Coburg! Coburg and Gotha have always been good friends, haven't they?

Rex: Aaaah... I'm a bit sleepy all of a sudden.

Poppy: Um, Sancho always says he doesn't much fancy the idea of visiting Coburg.

Poppy: This is the one castle we didn't visit when we were travelling around with him.

Poppy: Ooh! How pretty! Look at all the stars!

Sancho: My Majesty. You feel only the nostalgia now you return to Coburg, sí?

Sancho: But for your Uncle Sancho ees, ees...

Sancho: I know ees loco, but for me, being een Coburg ees eso hard. My heart, ees breaking, you know?

Tuppence: I understand that you're rather pally with the royal family here, Hero.

Tuppence: A moat and drawbridge... That makes the castle fairly impenetrable. What a good idea!

Bianca: Looks like Coburg's bin pretty peaceful ever since that kerfuffle all them years ago. That must be a relief to you, eh?

Nera: Prince Harry and King Wilbur seem to be doing an excellent job here. The place has a very warm feel to it now.

Rex: He'll get a cold, sleeping there like that!

Poppy: Yuck! That man smells of drink!

Tuppence: I'd say it's fairly likely that character's been thrown out of his house for snoring too loudly, wouldn't you?

Poppy: It must be horrible to lose something important to you like that. The poor man!

Sancho: You esee? Ees no esafe here. Ees the work of the thieves.

Debora: Don't you have some friends who live in Coburg?

Debora: You should go and see them while we're here.

Debora: Prince Kendrick? If he's a prince, then surely that means he must be your friend Harry's son?

Debora: Huh! He may be quick on his feet, but that's about the only thing he's got going for him.

Debora: It's bad news if she can sense it even here. We need to hurry.

Debora: It's good that our children are quiet and well-behaved like me.

Debora: How pathetic! A man like him shouldn't have a phobia about mice!

Debora: You don't think that there'll ever be a power struggle between our two children, do you?

Debora: Rex and Poppy don't have many friends their own age, do they?

Debora: It might be good for them to make a servⓚⓛ Er, I mean, to make a friend out of Kendrick.

Debora: Harry seems to have acquired a certain air of dignity.

Debora: Maybe there's hope for you yet.

Debora: Children can be quite devious when they want to be. I've no clue where they've got to.

Debora: Do you have any idea where they might be?

Debora: Then hurry up and see if you're right!

Debora: No? Hmph. You're no use. I suppose we'll just have to search the whole castle until we find them.

Debora: It could be quite interesting if someone like that were in power.

Debora: I wouldn't want our children to turn out that way, though.

Debora: You'll bring peace to the world, no problem! You don't seem a likely sort, but you have me with you, so you're sure to succeed.

Debora: I'm going to hold onto your hand all the time to make sure you don't go missing again.

Debora: ...You're not taking me seriously, are you? It was just a joke!

Debora: He's a bit of a cheeky one, but I'm sure his heart's in the right place. I've taken quite a shine to him.

Rex: Really? Do you like it when kids act like him then, Mum? Maybe I should copy him...

Debora: He's a bit of a cheeky one, but I'm sure his heart's in the right place. I've taken quite a shine to him.

Rex: Really? Do you like it when kids act like him then, Mum? Maybe I should copy him...

Debora: Wasn't their wedding more than ten years ago already?

Debora: I hope it's not broken or damaged.

Debora: You've never talked much about it, but you and Harry had quite a rough time of it when you were little, didn't you?

Debora: I'll have to make you spill the beans one of these days. Other people's misfortunes always make for a good story.

Debora: Harry's quite the imaginative one, having a music box made as a wedding souvenir. Or do you think it was his wife's idea?

Debora: I let Papa take care of that for my wedding, but now I wish I hadn't. It's the kind of thing you should really decide for yourself.

Debora: You'll bring peace to the world, no problem! You don't seem a likely sort, but you have me with you, so you're sure to succeed.

Debora: Hmm... From what you've told me, I'd say our friend Harry here is in denial!

Debora: Looks like you can't get inside the castle at night. I suppose it's good for security and all, but it could be a bit irritating in an emergency.


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Bianca: Um, are you sure we've got time to hang about in a place like this, Hero? Hadn't we better hurry?

Bianca: Looking at the river rush by takes me back to bein' a little girl. I wonder why.

Nera: You must have a lot of memories here. But we should really try not to dawdle too much.

Nera: This place never changes. The water smells just like it always has. And so does the grass.

Rex: Wow! What a cool river! It runs into the sea, right? How amazing!

Poppy: The water's so clear. It'd be lovely to swim in.

Sancho: Eef I just esay I go together weeth heem to Coburg that day...

Sancho: No. Ees too late now.

Rex: I wish I had friends. Then I could spend all the time playing about and having fun.

Poppy: It's a shame you didn't age at all when you were a statue, Dad. I wish I could be a grown-up soon.

Sancho: I no esay I blame everyone een Coburg, but esometimes I theenk like thees...

Sancho: Eef you and your father, you were no esummoned to Coburg on thees day, maybe señor Pankraz, he, he...

Bianca: I s'pose we should look on the bright side. At least we didn't age in all those years we were statues, eh?

Nera: Yes, we must look just like we did all those years ago before we were turned into stone.

Tuppence: I wonder why that soldier was posted all the way out here. Don't they need his sort over at the castle?

Rex: Don't you have a Whealbrook bluestone, Dad?

Rex: Whealbrook's the place you spent a bit of time when you were little, isn't it? Maybe we should go there and see if we can find some bluestones ourselves!

Poppy: I read about Whealbrook bluestone in a book once. There used to be lots of it about in caves long ago.

Rex: That old woman's elder sister must be even more of an old woman than she is!

Poppy: I love tombolas! Have you got any tombola tickets, Dad? Can we go sometime? Pretty please!

Poppy: You can hear the water running by. It makes me feel all calm and relaxed.

Rex: We're under the river now, aren't we? I wonder how they made this tunnel. You don't think it'll collapse or anything, do you?

Sancho: I remember now. Many years ago, there was an old señor on the Coburg eside of the river who espent hees time just looking eento the water.

Sancho: I wonder how he ees now.

Bianca: Comin' here reminds me of the time I moved from Roundbeck all them years ago. Time flies, eh?

Nera: This is where we first met, isn't it? How the years have flown by since then!

Rex: Do boats come here? Have you been on one, Dad? That's so cool! I want to go on a boat! Take me on a boat!

Poppy: The sea is such a pretty colour. And look at how the waves rock up and down.

Sancho: Ees eso near to Whealbrook here. Ees a place weeth very painful memories for me.

Tuppence: What an oversight! We should've brought an artist along with us, Hero.

Tuppence: Then I could have had lots of lovely heroic portraits done of me on my travels to keep for posterity!

Bianca: Isn't her poor husband that bloke who was always sleepin'? How did he end up comin' a cropper?

Nera: The poor woman, losing a loved one like that. Just the thought of it makes me feel utterly wretched.

Rex: Prince Albert always said it's important to help a person who's in distress.

Rex: Maybe it'll be a help to that woman if we defeat Nimzo. We have to at least try, Dad!

Poppy: Not all monsters are bad. People don't realise that. But it is a shame for that woman.

Sancho: Uf! Ees eso esad! You must do esometheeng, My Majesty. You must return the world to peace.

Bianca: Comin' here reminds me of the time I moved from Roundbeck all them years ago. Time flies, eh?

Nera: This is where we first met, isn't it? How the years have flown by since then!

Rex: It's too dark to see where the path ends and the sea starts. We'd better watch that we don't fall in!

Poppy: I'm sleepy.

Sancho: Ees no polite to visit people at night.

Sancho: We leave and come again tomorrow, okay?

Poppy: Oh dear. It looks like she's having an upsetting dream.

Nera: I wonder how long she'll go on feeling so terrible.

Sancho: Ees always the esad theengs you esee een your dreams. Sí, sí. I understand.

Bianca: It always makes me feel sad comin' here.

Nera: All those years have passed, and yet this place has hardly changed at all.

Rex: We looked all over for you with Sancho, but we never came here.

Rex: He said this is the one place he wanted to avoid.

Rex: This place must be full of memories for you and Sancho. You spent time with Grandpa here too. I do know, you know.

Poppy: If you're feeling sad, it's okay to cry. I'll cry with you if it makes you feel better.

Poppy: ...I can't breathe very well. Being here... It's very hard for some reason.

Sancho: You know, I tell myself I never come here again.

Sancho: But ees okay. Now I have you weeth me. Ees much happier thees time.

Sancho: You know, friend, I came after you and your father when you left Whealbrook for Coburg that day. I had a bad feeling een my heart.

Sancho: But when I arrived een Coburg, already señor Pankraz, he was no there. I tried to find heem, but ees no good.

Sancho: When I came back and heard the news, I, I... (sob)

Tuppence: What a travesty! There was no need for such rampant vandalism. I'm sure it used to be a lovely little village.

Tuppence: I'm sure this place will be back to its old self one day, Hero. Where there are people, there's life.

Rex: Do you know that man, Dad? He's really old!

Poppy: It's sad seeing someone so old and doddery.

Rex: This is a pretty little church. Maybe they decided to spare it because it's a sacred place.

Poppy: I need to say lots of prayers. That way all the people who died here will find their way safely to the Goddess.

Tuppence: What a lovely young filly! It's like seeing a beautiful rose in the middle of a wilderness.

Rex: Well, well! That slime seems to be fairly clued up, considering he lives in a well!

Poppy: That slime is really cute!

Rex: Are we staying here tonight? Go on, let's!

Sancho: Sí, thees ees... Uf, ees been esuch a long time.

Bianca: Quite right. We have Rex and Poppy to make us proud. We should be happy!

Nera: We had a terrible time of it too when we were turned into stone, but at least we can be grateful that our children were well looked-after.

Rex: We're both fine. You don't need to worry about us, so cheer up!

Poppy: Their place was set on fire? Their beds and clothes and money and everything? How terrible!

Sancho: I no believe eet! Ees the señora from the inn! Eshe, eshe ees alive! Oh, ees, ees... (blub)

Rex: A cave! Did you go exploring in there when you were little, Dad? Heh heh! So you liked adventures just like I do, then!

Poppy: Have you ever seen a Whealbrook bluestone, Dad? No? That's a pity.

Sancho: Ees possible to make a fine gemstone from thees Whealbrook bluestone, you know.

Sancho: When there were no eso many monsters een thees cave, many, many people, they came here to find eet.

Bianca: Looks like customers are pretty thin on the ground 'round here! I hope the people runnin' this place don't lose heart.

Nera: If you don't mind, I think we should try to support this place and stay here as often as we can.

Rex: Is she the only child here in the village? Maybe I should offer to be her playmate for a while.

Rex: So this is the cellar of your old house. No way! You went from here to the Realm of the Faeries!? Wow!

Sancho: Ees no eso different from before. Thees ees the only place that was no destroyed. Ees, ees... (sob)

Debora: Who would've thought pretty flowers like this would blossom in a place so dark?

Sancho: No! Ees no possible... Thees blossom, ees the esame one from eso many years ago?

Bianca: It always makes me feel sad comin' here.

Nera: All those years have passed, and yet this place has hardly changed at all.

Rex: We looked all over for you with Sancho, but we never came here.

Rex: He said this is the one place he wanted to avoid.

Rex: This place must be full of memories for you and Sancho. You spent time with Grandpa here too. I do know, you know.

Poppy: If you're feeling sad, it's okay to cry. I'll cry with you if it makes you feel better.

Poppy: ...I can't breathe very well. Being here... It's very hard for some reason.

Sancho: You know, I tell myself I never come here again.

Sancho: But ees okay. Now I have you weeth me. Ees much happier thees time.

Sancho: You know, friend, I came after you and your father when you left Whealbrook for Coburg that day. I had a bad feeling een my heart.

Sancho: But when I arrived een Coburg, already señor Pankraz, he was no there. I tried to find heem, but ees no good.

Sancho: When I came back and heard the news, I, I... (sob)

Tuppence: What a travesty! There was no need for such rampant vandalism. I'm sure it used to be a lovely little village.

Tuppence: When things are peaceful again, everyone in Gotha should band together to get this place back on its feet!

Tuppence: I know! We could get the folk from Coburg on board too. The more, the merrier!

Rex: Do you know that man, Dad? He's really old!

Poppy: Does that old man have to stay in bed all the time? Do you think he's alright?

Rex: Hey! That's a bit like how Sancho brought us up, isn't it?

Rex: Then that means these two are family.

Poppy: Um, can I sleep in with you tonight, please, Dad?

Rex: Are we staying here tonight? Go on, let's!

Sancho: Sí, thees ees... Uf, ees been esuch a long time.

Rex: (yawn) Looking at the bed has made me sleepy all of a sudden.

Tuppence: That's a very comfortable-looking bed for a place like this.

Poppy: I'm sleepy, Dad. I want to go to bed.

Bianca: You helped a bloke who got stuck here lookin' for medicinal herbs once, right, Hero?

Bianca: I know all about it, see. He was well impressed with you, a brave little kid goin' into a cave with so many monsters.

Bianca: The first time I came in here was just after them soldiers from Coburg burnt Whealbrook to the ground.

Bianca: I thought maybe I'd find you in here hidin', you see.

Nera: You must've been a born adventurer to come playing in this cave when you were such a small boy!

Nera: So this is where you used to play when you were small. I used to always play at the La Guardia lookout tower.

Nera: I used to be scolded terribly by Papa if he ever caught me there.

Rex: Did you come exploring in this cave all by yourself, Dad?

Rex: You were a lot younger than me then, weren't you? You must've been really brave!

Rex: This cave is amazing.

Rex: I wonder if it was dug out by all of the people who came here looking for Whealbrook bluestones.

Poppy: Um, you won't go annoying the monsters in here too much, will you, Dad?

Poppy: The water in here is really pretty. I wonder where it comes from.

Sancho: Señor Pankraz, he came here all the time. I used to make for heem the packed lunch. Sí, sí... I remember eet like yesterday.

Sancho: The people from the village, they no come near the cave because they were afraid of monsters.

Sancho: Thees ees why señor Pankraz, he can continue hees research and no one knows notheeng.

Sancho: The flames, they no can come een here, eh? Ees just like eet was before.

Tuppence: I was expecting a rather bigger cave, given the way you spoke about it.

Tuppence: I suppose things always seem bigger to you as a child.

Tuppence: It feels very damp in here. I wonder if it's because of the river.

Bianca: This must be where Pankraz did all his research about the legendary hero.

Nera: This place seems to have a kind of warm atmosphere to it somehow.

Rex: Is this Grandpa's secret room? It's really cool! Maybe I should have a secret room too!

Poppy: Grandpa Pankraz...

Sancho: Ees the first time I esee thees room. Señor Pankraz, he, he...

Tuppence: So this is the research chamber of the mighty King Pankraz! Ooh, I feel quite overwhelmed!

Debora: How long are you planning on carrying on with this trip down memory lane, Hero?

Debora: You have an important task to take care of, remember. It's time to move on.

Debora: Well, we were stuck as statues for all those years. Huh! Being reminded of that really irritates me.

Debora: Being here certainly takes me back. It's time we stopped looking to the past now, though.

Debora: You'd better not ever put me in that position, Hero. I'd never forgive you if you did.

Debora: It's chilly by the water at night. And no, I wasn't saying that so you'd come and warm me up, Hero.

Debora: You'd better not ever put me in that position, Hero. I'd never forgive you if you did.

Debora: It's been so long, and yet there still aren't enough people here to rebuild the town.

Debora: Never mind, Hero. When the world's at peace again, people will flock here because of its connection to me, and then it will all be okay.

Debora: I was so angry when I was turned into a statue. They could at least have made it a gold one.

Debora: It was that anger that kept me going, though. Anger and the determination to have my revenge.

Debora: If you want to stay here, I don't have a problem with that. Stay whenever you like.

Debora: It's strange to see flowers blossoming in such a dark place. I wonder who planted them here.

Debora: It's been so long, and yet there still aren't enough people here to rebuild the town.

Debora: Never mind, Hero. When the world's at peace again, people will flock here because of its connection to me, and then it will all be okay.

Debora: You certainly love your caves, don't you, Hero? I can't believe you used to come in here when you were little.

Debora: We've been married a long time now, but I still don't think I'll ever be able to share your love of caves.

Debora: Caves are damp and smelly and dark and claustrophobic, and there's never any sunshine...

Debora: It doesn't matter that I'm clearly married to a cave fanatic. I still don't see myself ever liking them.

Debora: So this is where your father carried out his research on the legendary hero.

Debora: I wonder if it's fate that you're here now with your own son.


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Bianca: Blimey! This certainly takes me back. The folk here might be different to before, but the place en't changed a bit.

Bianca: My family en't around here any more, but it's still nice to be back for a while.

Nera: There's a really nice, friendly atmosphere here. What a lovely town!

Nera: Bianca: would probably love to make a trip back here every once in a while. It's quite a way from Stockenbarrel.

Rex: I remember coming here before with Sancho:. The inn here's really big.

Poppy: Look, Dad! Aren't the flowers at the church pretty?

Sancho: I remember eet eso well. We came here weeth señor Pankraz. And that time, señora Bianca:'s family, they were here also.

Sancho: Sí. The times, they change, you know. Ees notheeng you can do to estop eet.

Bianca: Thanks, Hero. It means a lot that you've brought me here before we head into our final battle.

Poppy: I really love Roundbeck! I don't know why, but I just do!

Sancho: You have many memories from thees place, eh, friend? Sí. Your Uncle Sancho:, he has many memories from here too.

Rex: Do you think there'll ever be a world without weapons? It would be nice if there could be.

Sancho: Thees señor, he no look eso happy, even though he esells everytheeng een hees eshop. Sí, I understand how he feels eso well.

Bianca: En't he the bloke who did a runner from Coburg all them years back? Sounds like he's plannin' on doin' the same kind of thing again!

Nera: The people are just like in so many other places. They don't seem to realise the true nature of the Order of Zugzwang.

Sancho: Ees estrange, no, these theengs people are esaying?

Sancho: Eef thees Order of Zugzwang ees gonna esave people from the Grandmaster of the Underworld, eet means they are connected, no?

Tuppence: Yep. I'm all for protecting myself by myself. Er, after I've protected you, of course, Hero!

Bianca: Crikey! He's the kid who was bullyin' Saber all them years ago! He looks really middle-aged now!

Rex: This is where you rescued Saber from being bullied, isn't it, Dad?

Rex: I wonder if we might find another great sabrecat around the place. I wouldn't mind having one of my own.

Sancho: I no want to theenk about thees time. Eet was a bad time.

Tuppence: Um... Why are you looking at me like that, Hero?

Bianca: I wonder what he'd do if he actually did meet him. Challenge him to an arm wrestlin' match or the like?

Rex: Can you not tell that man about me, Dad? I reckon he'd probably make way too much of a fuss.

Bianca: I really remember this garden and this pond. Bein' here makes me think about all the happy times with Mum.

Rex: Mt Azimuth is the highest mountain in the world, you know. I know these things!

Bianca: Who would've thought that you're part of that bloodline, eh? And that I've got the blood of a Zenithian!

Nera: The reason our son is the legendary hero is probably because your special bloodline mixed with my Zenithian heritage. It must be.

Rex: Do you think this clan of people guarding the seal to Nadiria are famous? I feel like I've heard of them somewhere before.

Poppy: I can understand a bit of what monsters say, you know. Most of them are good, not evil.

Bianca: I en't cooked a meal in as long as I can remember. I'll have to make up for it once things are back to normal again.

Nera: Do you think that she cooks all day long just to forget about what's going on?

Tuppence: My mother is more than just a whizz in the kitchen. She always kept the inn nice and tidy too. It must be hard work.

Bianca: This takes me back. The old place has aged a bit, but it's good to see them keepin' it nice.

Nera: I can't help thinking about Bianca: all the time whenever we're here.

Rex: The rooms in this inn are really big. It's cool!

Sancho: You know, being here een thees place like thees, I theenk the young señorita Bianca:, eshe gonna come running around the corner any minute.

Bianca: What a great smell! How funny that Mum's grapes ended up bein' Roundbeck's big local speciality!

Nera: That smell relaxes you in an instant. I think it could send me to sleep right in the middle of the day!

Rex: Wow! It smells of grapes! I wonder if it's all sticky...

Tuppence: It smells so good that I'm afraid I might forget myself during my sleep and gobble it up!

Bianca: I can't believe she's a follower of the Order of Zugzwang. And it dun't look like business is good, neither. I hope she's okay.

Nera: Oh dear. I'm surprised to hear the Order of Zugzwang's influence has made it here as well.

Poppy: That woman was really nice to us when we came here with Sancho. She didn't mention anything about Zugzwang then.

Sancho: I no like to tell you thees, but even een Gotha, there are esome people who believe een thees Order of Zugzwang, you know.

Tuppence: Dear me. A colleague of mine was giving all of his earnings to the Order of Zugzwang as well. What a fool!

Bianca: Comin' here reminds me of all those times you and I used to play hide-and-seek together, Hero.

Rex: Why does Poppy always spend so long in the bath? I'm in and out like a flash.

Poppy: I really like this inn. The beds are soft, they have a bath, and the whole place smells really good.

Tuppence: It's interesting to see all the different types of inns dotted around the world.

Tuppence: Maybe I'll set up an inn of my own one day. Once I've found myself a lovely wife to set it up with, of course.

Bianca: It's a shame you never got to try any of Mum's grapes.

Nera: You must have a lot of memories of this place, Hero. I can't help feeling a little bit jealous.

Rex: Did you stay in this room with Grandpa, Dad? I wish I'd been there.

Sancho: When we used to come to Roundbeck, we always estayed een thees, the beeggest room, you know. You remember that?

Bianca: No way! She used to be a bunny girl! Yikes!

Rex: Am I really a ⓗyoung manⓘ? That sounds all grown-up!

Tuppence: It's nice of her to call me a young man and everything, but she's not exactly my type.

Bianca: I would never have expected him to know anythin' about the legendary hero, what with him always bein' three sheets to the wind.

Bianca: Mind you, he dun't know as much about him as we do, eh?

Nera: Imagine how surprised he'd be to find out that the legendary hero is actually Rex!

Rex: Es-something? But wasn't he defeated long ago?

Tuppence: This Es-something-or-other has a bit of a convoluted name, doesn't he?

Bianca: Blimey! This certainly takes me back. The folk here might be different to before, but the place en't changed a bit.

Bianca: My family en't around here any more, but it's still nice to be back for a while.

Nera: There's a really nice, friendly atmosphere here. What a lovely town!

Nera: Bianca would probably love to make a trip back here every once in a while. It's quite a way from Stockenbarrel.

Rex: I remember coming here before with Sancho. The inn here's really big.

Poppy: Aaaah! Um, no, I'm not sleepy. I wasn't yawning, honest.

Sancho: I remember eet eso well. We came here weeth señor Pankraz. And that time, señora Bianca's family, they were here also.

Sancho: Sí. The times, they change, you know. Ees notheeng you can do to estop eet.

Rex: Do you think there'll ever be a world without weapons? It would be nice if there could be.

Sancho: Thees señor, he no looks eso happy, even though he esells everytheeng een hees eshop. Sí, I understand how he feels eso well.

Rex: I'll always be your little boy, won't I? I don't really get what that woman's on about.

Sancho: Sí. The leettle friends, they grow up eso fast. Ees no eso long ago that Rex and Poppy, they were esmall like mosquitoes.

Rex: Do you think everyone in this house is all part of the same family? Big families are fun!

Poppy: Are you okay, Dad? I'm right by your side if that makes you feel any better.

Rex: Mt Azimuth is the highest mountain in the world, you know. I know these things!

Bianca: No way! She used to be a bunny girl! Yikes!

Rex: Am I really a ⓗyoung manⓘ? That sounds all grown-up!

Tuppence: It's nice of her to call me a young man and everything, but she's not exactly my type.

Bianca: I would never have expected him to know anythin' about the legendary hero, what with him always bein' three sheets to the wind.

Bianca: Mind you, he dun't know as much about him as we do, eh?

Nera: Imagine how surprised he'd be to find out that the legendary hero is actually Rex!

Rex: Es-something? But wasn't he defeated long ago?

Tuppence: This Es-something-or-other has a bit of a convoluted name, doesn't he?

Bianca: Ha ha! Well, one out of two ain't bad, eh?

Rex: Is alcohol really that tasty? Just smelling it is enough to make me feel ill.

Sancho: I no dreenk anytheeng for esuch a long time now. One piña colada now, and I no gonna be able to hold back the tears.

Bianca: It's nice to see how happy the Count and Countess are now.

Nera: Er...d-d-darling... That man's shadow seems r-r-rather light. He's not a g-g-ghost, is he?

Nera: Oh! Oh dear! I feel all woozy! Can you hold onto me in case I faint?

Nera: V-Very well. If you're sure.

Poppy: That woman's really nice. Can we stay here a bit longer?

Sancho: But look at all these espirits! Why does señor Pankraz no appear for me?

Tuppence: Waaah! Ghosts!

Bianca: The Order of Zugzwang!? Then they must've bin at the temple that time. I hope they're alright.

Nera: I'm sorry, darling. I'm just finding it hard to have a conversation with a ghost.

Rex: I'm not scared of ghosts if they're all like him!

Poppy: The Count wants us to help him. What's this tea set he's on about, though? Do you think it's here in the castle somewhere?

Sancho: Uf. Thees count, hees esoul can no rest, eh?

Tuppence: Waaah! Ghosts!

Bianca: The Order of Zugzwang!? Then they must've bin at the temple that time. I hope they're alright.

Nera: I'm sorry, darling. I'm just finding it hard to have a conversation with a ghost.

Rex: It's not our fault. It was already in a bad state when we found it.

Poppy: Is there no way we can make the tea set all nice again for him, Dad?

Sancho: There was a fine tea set een Gotha a long, long time ago.

Sancho: I no remember what happened to eet now. Maybe esomeone, they broke eet? Sí... Maybe eet was your clumsy Uncle Sancho...

Tuppence: Waaah! Ghosts!

Bianca: The Order of Zugzwang!? Then they must've bin at the temple that time. I hope they're alright.

Nera: I'm sorry, darling. I'm just finding it hard to have a conversation with a ghost.

Rex: I'm not scared of ghosts if they're all like him!

Poppy: The Count wants us to help him. What's this tea set he's on about, though? Do you think it's here in the castle somewhere?

Sancho: Uf. Thees count, hees esoul can no rest, eh?

Tuppence: Waaah! Ghosts!

Bianca: Do you think it's really okay for us to get hold of a crown like this? I dun't feel worthy!

Nera: A p-p-present from a ghost. How l-lovely...

Rex: (sniff sniff)

Rex: It's okay! I was thinking it might be a bit stinky because it's so old, but it's actually not too bad.

Poppy: Don't give that crown to me, will you? I'm worried I'll stop growing if I wear something too heavy on my head.

Sancho: Uf! Ees a fine article, eh, friend? You must look after eet, okay?

Tuppence: Waaah! Ghosts!

Bianca: It's funny seein' the flash of light when he's angry at you sayin' no! Takes me back to the last time we met him!

Rex: Did the Count make that flash of light? It's a bit mean of him to do that just because he didn't like our answer.

Poppy: That tea set used to belong here in the castle, right? But now it's got into a bad way.

Poppy: I thought you were supposed to keep precious things like that safe, though. Don't all adults know that?

Tuppence: Waaah! Ghosts!

Bianca: Well, we can hardly accept responsibility for that now, can we?

Nera: What a shame they've been disappointed!

Rex: It must be a bit rubbish being dead. I'll have to be careful it doesn't happen to me.

Poppy: Don't the Count and Countess need to go and be with the Goddess? Or are they just going to stay here forever?

Tuppence: You can't taste anything when you're dead? How tiresome! I'll have to make sure I eat and drink as many delicious things as I can while I'm alive, then.

Bianca: Fancy comin' back here! Dun't you worry, though.

Bianca: I still en't forgotten how good it was to come explorin' here with you when we were kids.

Nera: If there was a castle like this near Mostroferrato, I know I would've had to explore it when I was little.

Nera: Oops! I'd better not let the children hear me say things like that.

Rex: Do you know this place, Dad? That's cool! Maybe I should go off adventuring of a night too!

Bianca: Oi! I dun't think so! Your dad and I only came here adventurin' for good reason, I'll have you know.

Rex: Huh!

Poppy: I can hear the little birds singing. They're saying that all is well here at the castle now.

Sancho: I no believe you and Bianca, you went out of the town alone like thees all those years ago, friend.

Sancho: But ees okay. Ees no esometheeng to be angry about now. Ees too long ago. And you are no the boy you were then.

Sancho: I never came to thees place weeth señor Pankraz. I believed ees just an old ruin.

Tuppence: Are there ghosts here?

Tuppence: I suppose I'd consider a beautiful female ghost if I had to. You can't accuse me of being closed-minded.

Bianca: I reckon it was the bad ghosts that made it so scary last time. Walkin' around now, even of a night, dun't scare me at all.

Nera: You and Bianca came adventuring here in the middle of the night once, didn't you? I wish I'd been there.

Rex: I reckon Poppy and I are big and brave enough to explore somewhere like this on our own!

Poppy: When you were here as a boy, there were lots of evil ghosts, weren't there? How scary!

Sancho: You and Bianca, you came here to thees place een the middle of the night, sí? When you were just a leettle boy.

Sancho: You know, I believed you were a well-behaved young boy, but no. You are truly the eson of señor Pankraz. I, I am eso happy!

Tuppence: Brrr... There's a bit of a chill in the air here. Oh... I'm the only one feeling it, am I?

Bianca: I can't sense anything sinister here now. That's a relief.

Rex: It'd be really fun to come exploring here just with kids of my own age.

Bianca: The place looks a bit tidier than the last time we came, eh? Maybe those two lovebirds fixed it up a bit.

Bianca: We did a good job of rescuin' Saber by comin' here all those years back. I couldn't have done it without you, Hero.

Nera: Old buildings always have a certain smell to them. Maybe it's just mould, I don't know. But it's not a bad smell.

Nera: I can't imagine how worried I'd be at the thought of Rex and Poppy here all alone.

Nera: You'd be worried too, right? That's probably just how Pankraz felt when you came here as a boy.

Rex: Are all the bad ghosts gone now? If I see any, I'll soon send them packing!

Rex: Look! There's a huge spider's web up there. Wow! It looks amazing.

Rex: We don't have any ghosts in Gotha. It would be fun if we did.

Rex: I reckon I could stay undiscovered here for ages if we had a game of hide-and-seek.

Poppy: This castle's not scary. Not now all the nasty ghosts have gone away.

Poppy: There are so many stairs and corridors here. I'm worried I'm going to get lost.

Poppy: You did well here, Dad. The people seem really grateful to you.

Poppy: My favourite castle of all is Gotha, of course. That's where all my friends are. And it's much warmer than here too.

Sancho: You no theenk ees a really beeg castle? Ees like a giant paella. Ees a waste to leave eet.

Sancho: To restore thees castle to eets former glory, ees gonna take muchos, muchos time, eh? Sí. Many, many years.

Tuppence: Tuppence Castle... No, not grand enough. Great Tuppence Castle? Hmm... I know! I could call it Tupptaten Towers!

Tuppence: Sorry! I was just trying to figure out what name I'll give my castle in the future.

Tuppence: Watch where you're walking, won't you, Hero? The floorboards might be a bit weak in places.

Debora: It's a bit of a small town, but it has a few shops, so it's not so bad.

Debora: If there are things you need to do here, that's fair enough, but if this is just a trip down memory lane, you'll have to wait until it's all over.

Debora: People like him are always the first to do a runner when the going gets tough.

Debora: He was lucky to be forgiven if he deserted the army! The ruler of Coburg must be a more lenient soul than I am.

Tuppence: Er, wh-why are you looking at me when you say that? I have n-no intention of deserting.

Debora: I should think he'd be a bit overwhelmed if we told him about your bloodline and about me being descended from the Zenithians.

Debora: I don't need to bother myself with cooking. That's what people have chefs for.

Rex: Can't you cook at all, Mum? I'd love to taste a homemade dish of yours, even just the once.

Debora: Of course I can cook! I suppose I could make you something one day if you really want me to. Debora gives Hero a meaningful glance. It seems that he's going to be the one doing the cooking...

Debora: This inn is where Bianca lived as a little girl, isn't it? It's a bit common for my tastes, but it could be worse, I suppose.

Debora: It smells quite nice. Could be the perfect accompaniment to a nice afternoon siesta.

Debora: So she's a follower of the Order of Zugzwang? Hmm... We might've defeated Korol, but there are still believers like her dotted about the place.

Debora: This inn must be full of memories from your younger years, Hero.

Debora: I wonder how he'd react if we told him Rex was the legendary hero. Not that I'm planning on finding out.

Debora: It's getting late now. Maybe we should stay here for the night. Hurry up and find us a room!

Debora: If there are things you need to do here, that's fair enough, but if this is just a trip down memory lane, you'll have to wait until it's all over.

Debora: I wonder how he'd react if we told him Rex was the legendary hero. Not that I'm planning on finding out.

Debora: I couldn't quite seem to focus on that woman properly. I must be tired or something.

Debora: So many people have been taken in by the Order of Zugzwang. I just don't understand it.

Debora: So many people have been taken in by the Order of Zugzwang. I just don't understand it.

Debora: So many people have been taken in by the Order of Zugzwang. I just don't understand it.

Debora: You don't think that wearing that crown makes you transparent or anything, do you? No, surely not...

Debora: What's going on with all this lightning? It keeps giving me a fright.

Debora: It must be terrible not being able to taste anything. Even money can't buy taste.

Debora: What are we doing at this stinky old castle? Let's hurry up and leave.

Debora: Is it me, or has it suddenly gone cold?

Debora: It's nicer in here than I thought. I wouldn't want to live here, though. Far too old-fashioned.

Tuppence: It's quite a lively little town considering its size. If only there were a few more beauties about for me to enjoy.

Debora: I beg your pardon, Tuppence! Is it not enough to be accompanied by a beauty such as I?

Tuppence: Er, I, er, yes! Yes, of course. More than enough!

Tuppence: It's quite a lively little town considering its size. If only there were a few more beauties about for me to enjoy.

Debora: I beg your pardon, Tuppence! Is it not enough to be accompanied by a beauty such as I?

Tuppence: Er, I, er, yes! Yes, of course. More than enough!