Monster Wrangler

The Monster Wrangler (まもの使い, Mamono Tsukai) is a powerhouse vocation that relies brute strength in battle and makes up for its shortcoming by making allies of monsters defeated in battle.

Dwarf, human, and Ogre Wranglers in Dragon Quest X


Dragon Quest III HD-2D RemakeEdit

The Monster Wrangler was added to the third remake of the third game in the series in 2024, utilizing the design seen in X. Their abilities are based on those of monsters and they can supplement these by recruiting beasts found throughout the world.

The vocation has the inglorious distinction of being the one male design that was censored to satisfy the strictness of the CERO ratings board, with the men now wearing black shirts instead of going bare chested.


Calculated using the everyman personality.

Female Male
Stats Level 1 Level 99 Level 1 Level 99
Strength 7 301 9 303
Resilience 10 231 10 231
Agility 10 257 10 257
Stamina 10 314 10 314
Wisdom 7 186 6 185
Luck 6 229 5 228


Level Learned Original Japanese English MP Description
1 なめまわし
Tongue Lashing 2 60% chance to stun one monster for a turn
6 やすらぎの歌
Soothing Song 5 Heals party for 20~30 HP
10 やせいのかん
Animal Instinct 0 Reveals if recruitable monsters are in the vicinity
11 けづくろい
Emergency Groom 5 Heals one ally for 50~60 HP
13 やいばくだき
Attack Attacker 6 Strike damage with a 2/3rds chance to reduce target's attack by 25%
18 おたけび
War Cry 4 1/3rd chance to stun all foes
20 ひゃくれつなめ
Tongue Bashing 7 80% chance to stun one monster for a turn
23 かえんのいき
Kaen no iki
Flame Breath 5 Deals 30~40 Fire damage to all foes
27 岩石おとし Boulder Toss 14 Deals 80~120 Strike damage to all foes
36 やけつくいき
Burning Breath 9 80% chance to paralyse all foes for 3~5 turns
44 かがやくいき
C-c-cold Breath 22 Deals 120~140 Ice damage to all foes

Monsters Recruited Original Japanese English MP Description
3 とおぼえ
Call of the Wild 3 Summons wolves to attack four random foes for 10~20 damage per strike
10 まものよび
Monster Pile-On 8 Summons four monsters to attack random foes
Power scales to number of recruited monsters
30 愛のムチ
Lashings of Love 5 Strike damage to one enemy group, 130% damage to humanoids
50 ビーストモード
Wild Side 9 Unleash the beast and act twice in a row for several turns
80 せいしんとういつ
Focus Pocus 3 Recovers Level x 0.2 MP for 3~5 turns
100 黒いきり
Fog of War 11 Voids all buffs, debuffs, and ailments for allies & enemies for 3 turns
Fizzles allies & enemies for 3 turns


Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake  
Weapon Modifier(s)
Cypress stick Attack +2
Oaken club Attack +5
Bronze knife Attack +8
Boomerang Attack +11
Divine dagger Attack +12
Thorn whip Attack +19
Edged boomerang Attack +24
Iron lance Attack +24
Chain whip Attack +27
Iron claws Attack +27
Beastly bullwhip Attack +34
Holy lance Attack +34
Morning star Attack +38
Spiked steel whip Attack +40
Gusterang Attack +46
Swallowtail Attack +52
Battle fork Attack +56
Dragontail whip Attack +62
Flametang boomerang Attack +65
Sandstorm spear Attack +76
Scourge whip Attack +77
Fire claws Attack +80
Dragonsbane claws Attack +87
Empress's whip Attack +94
Dragon claws Attack +95
Demon spear Attack +96
Metal wing boomerang Attack +102
Beast claws Attack +107
Gringham whip Attack +118
Hunter's moon Attack +131
Poker Attack +139
Orichalcum claws Attack +150
Destructiball Attack +155
Conqueror's axe Attack +162
Rubiss's sword Attack +206

Dragon Quest III (All) 
Armor Modifier(s)
Scandalous swimsuit Defense+1
Plain clothes Defense+5
Wayfarer's clothes Defense+9
Boxer shorts Defense+10
Tortoise shell Defense+15
Leather dress Defense+16
Shell armour Defense+17
Leather cape Defense+19
Silk robe Defense+22
Leather kilt Defense+25
Magical skirt Defense+29
Fur vest Defense+43
Agility gilet Defense+52
Cat suit Defense+55
Silver cuirass Defense+66
Earthenwear Defense+68
Epic apron Defense+72
Magic bikini Defense+79
Dragon mail Defense+80
Blessed bikini Defense+101
Bandit mail Defense+104
Shimmering dress Defense+105
Yggdrasil dress coat Defense+112
Exotoga Defense+132

Dragon Quest III (All) 
Accessories Modifier(s)
Strength ring Attack+9
Tough guy tattoo Attack+11
Weightlifter's belt Attack+13
Mighty armlet Attack+16
Recovery ring Defence +2
Garter Defence+3
Restless heart Defence+3
Care rivière Defence+4
Gold rosary Defence+4
Necklace of immunity Defence+4
Dragon scale Defence+5
Silver rosary Defence+5
Slime earrings Defence+5
Leg warmers Defence+6
Ruby wristband Defence +8
Doh-hican Defence+11
Spirit bracer Defence+17
Ten ton toupee Defence+18
Cower ring Agility+12
Skull ring Agility+16
Agility ring Agility+`22
Mercury's bandana Agility+36
Meteorite bracer Agilityx2
Restless heart Resilience+10
Aerofoil earrings Wisdom+8
Anti-freeze earrings Wisdom+8
Asbestos earrings Wisdom+8
Care ring Wisdom+15
Scholar's specs Wisdom+15
Goddess ring Wisdom+33
Full moon ring Luck+7
Ring of clarity Luck+7
Rousing ring Luck+7
Bunny tail Luck+8
Gold chain Luck+10
Golden tiara Luck+13
Hen's tooth Luck+20
Sacred amulet Luck+30
Elevating shoes Luck+50
  • ♥ denotes female-only equipment.

Dragon Quest XEdit

The Monster Wrangler is much more physically robust profession, boasting the third highest strength and fourth highest HP of all vocations. This is balanced by having a pitiful agility and having the bar-none worst MP available.

The Monster Wrangler wields Axes, Claws, Whips in battle, and possesses the exclusive skill tree of まものマスター. This skill set focuses on:

まものマスター (Monster Mastery)Edit

NOTE:The parenthetical translations of the Japanese names are merely placeholders for convenience and are not to be taken as official Square Enix terms

Japanese name English name Description MP Required
(Scout rate up)
N/A Raises the chance of recruiting a monster 0 2
N/A Pet your partner monster, reducing action interval time
Increases attack, defence, magical might, magical mending by 20%
Increases Critical Hit and evasion by 2%, and raises tension by one stage for 120 seconds
2 12
全職業でみのまもり+5 Natural Resilience +5 Permanently increases resilience by 5 in all vocations 0 26
ブレスクラッシュ Breathtaking Bash Damages an enemy at 120% power and attempts to seal it's breath attacks for 60 seconds 3 40
全職業でみのちから+5 Natural strength +5 Permanently increases strength by 5 in all vocations 0 48
(HP link)
N/A Share HP with an ally for 300 seconds 0 56
全職業でみの最大 Natural HP +10 Permanently increases max HP by 10 in all vocations 0 70
(MP link)
N/A Shares MP with an ally for 300 seconds 0 80
全職業でみの最大 Natural MP +10 Permanently increases max MP by 10 in all vocations 0 90
(Call monster)
N/A Beckon the same species of monster as the one targeted to join the battle
Up to 11 monsters can be called in a single battle
A maximum of five monsters can be active at one time
5 100
(Easier bonding)
N/A Partner monster bonds more easily 0 110
(Rarefied up)
N/A Greatly raises the chance of encountering a rarefied monster 0 120
(Skill crush)
N/A Damages one enemy at 200% power and attempts to seal its skills for 16~20 seconds 0 130
(Shorten action interval)
N/A Reduces the time between actions by one second 0 140
ウォークライ War Bellow Increases all types of damage M.W. deals to enemies by 50% for 45 seconds 4 150
(Prey summoning roar)
N/A Shocks one foe for 12 seconds and summons two of the same species 10 180
(Beast fang)
N/A Damage one enemy four times with a normal attack at 180~200% power per strike
Critical hit rate reduced by 50% per strike
12 200

Dragon Quest Monsters seriesEdit

All characters who train monsters are referred to as Monster Wranglers, with the term first being used in the English localization of Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince in 2023. Within that title Psaro is forced to take up the vocation due to the curse placed upon him by his father Randolfo.

Dragon Quest TactEdit

The Hero of Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride was given the title of "Legendary Monster Wrangler" for his appearance as a unit in Tact, marking the first appearance of the term in English media.

See alsoEdit
