Mt. Ulzuun

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 14:12, 13 May 2015 by (talk)

Mt. Ulzuun is a mountain range east of Iluugazar Plains. The west end is connected with Mt. Ulbaruun. The mountain range shapes like a Hindu-arabic number "2", and separated the region into 2 parts, the southern part is accessible from Iluugazar Plains, while the northern part from Mt. Ulbaruun. The northern section has poison puddles the same as those in Doomingale Forest, and similarly, the ruin of a village is located here.

Collectable Resources

Dragon Quest IX (DS)
Item Location
DQ9 PlatinumOre.png Platinum ore South end of north section
DQ9 MankyMud.png Manky mud On an island within the poison puddles of north section
DQ9 FreshWater.png Fresh water East bank of the southern opening
DQ9 Wakerobin.png Wakerobin East side of southern section

Monsters in the Area

Dragon Quest IX (DS)  
Enemy Gold Exp Drop Item
#117 Brainy badboon 108 G 800
#118 Drackal 150 G 1000
#119 Gruffon 136 G 540
#124 Troll 52 G 1500

Other notable attributes

   Poison puddle.png    This location contains poisonous marshes/swamps.

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