Copper sword

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The Copper sword is a common weapon in the Dragon Quest series.

Copper sword
Copper Sword.png
Japanese どうのつるぎ
Romaji Dō no tsurugi
Old localizations Same
Found in Dragon Quest
Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line
Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation
Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation
Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
Dragon Quest X
Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age
Dragon Quest Builders
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2
Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors
Torneko no Daibōken
Dragon Quest: Shōnen Yangus to Fushigi no Dungeon
Dragon Quest of the Stars
Dragon Quest Tact
Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai: A Hero's Bonds
Dragon Quest Keshi Keshi
Effect Increases the wielder's Attack.

It is a fairly weak Sword for beginner adventurers, often being one of the first obtainable weapons in the game.


The design of the Copper sword has changed slightly over the years. In some of the early illustrations, the entire sword was colored red-pink, though it has shifted to ochre in later illustrations. The sword has an uncomplicated design, with some of the early illustrations having a small blue gem in the crossguard, and the blade and hilt are usually all the same color. The sword's blade was quite broad in earlier games, but over time became narrower.

Due to its ease of use, this sword is usable by a variety of different characters and vocations, such as Priests and Merchants, although Martial Artists and other barehanded brawlers can actually have their attack decreased if they equip it.

In many of the instruction manuals of the games, the Copper sword is noted as being better suited for bludgeoning attacks than cutting due to its weight and lack of sharpness.


Dragon Quest

Due to text restrictions in the Game Boy Color remake of Dragon Quest, the Copper sword was renamed to Copper with an icon of a sword beside it in said version.

Copper sword (どうのつるぎ Dō no tsurugi) 
Buy Sell Attributes
180 gold coins 90 gold coins Attack +10
Can Be Equipped By Equipment Type Can Be Used As Tool In Battle?
  Sword   NO
Shop(s) Breconnary, Galenholm, Cantlin, Kol, and Rimuldar
In-Game Description
Mobile A sturdy sword of copper.

Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line

The Copper sword has an Attack bonus of +10. The Hero is given one at the beginning of his journey by his father, the King of Midenhall. It can be equipped by the Hero and the Prince of Cannock and is sold in Leftwyne and Cannock for 100 gold coins.

Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation

The Copper sword has an Attack bonus of +12. It can be equipped by the Hero, Warriors, Martial Artists, Priests, Merchants, Gadabouts, and Sages.

The Hero has one equipped at the beginning of the game. It can also be purchased from Aliahan and Reeve for 100 gold coins and is dropped by Restless armours. If a Martial Artist equips the copper sword, it actually decreases their Attack by 6.

Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen

The Copper sword has an Attack bonus of +12. It can be equipped by the Hero, Ragnar McRyan, Kiryl, Meena, Torneko, and the 9th Chosen One. It can be purchased from various weapon shops for 100 gold coins and is initially equipped by both the Hero and Ragnar.

Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride

The Copper sword has an Attack bonus of +13. It can only be purchased early in Whealbrook and Faerie Lea for 270 gold coins and sold for 135 gold coins. It can be equipped by the Madason, his Parry, Tuppence, and various monster companions.

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation

The Copper sword has an Attack bonus of +13 and a Style bonus of +9. It can be equipped by the Hero, Carver, Terry, Amos, Lizzie, and Goowain.

Copper swords can be purchased at Weaver's Peak, Haggleton, and Somnia for 270 gold coins and sold for 202 gold coins. They can also be dropped by Slime knights.

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past

The Copper sword has an Attack bonus of +11 and a Style bonus of +9. It can be equipped by the Hero, Kiefer, Ruff, Sir Mervyn, and Aishe.

It can first be bought at Ballymolloy for 220 gold coins. If equipped by Ruff, his Attack actually decreases by 5. Copper swords can also be won as prizes from the Lucky Panel at the Casino.

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King

The Copper sword has an Attack bonus of +13. It can be equipped by the Hero, Jessica Albert, and Red, provided the latter two have enough skill points to equip swords.

It can be purchased in Farebury and Alexandria for 270 gold coins and one can be found in the Waterfall Cave. Copper swords can also be crafted in the Alchemy Pot.

Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
Copper sword
Bronze knife
Bronze knife

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies

  Copper sword  
A commonplace cutter made of copper.
Rarity Stats Vocations
★☆☆☆☆ Attack +7      
Equipped by the Hero at the beginning of the game.
Price Location
150 gold coins/75 gold coins Buy in Angel Falls and Stornway.
Equipped by any Warriors recruited at the Quester's Rest in Stornway.
Rarely dropped or stolen from Skeletons.
Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
- - -

Dragon Quest X

The Copper sword has an Attack bonus of +4, a Style bonus of +1, and increases the wielder's weight by 1. It can be equipped by Warriors, Armamentalists, Gladiators, and Fortune Tellers.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age

Copper sword  
A straightforward, workable weapon crafted from solid copper.
Stats with forge buffs
Attack +13/15/17/20
Price Location
270 gold coins/135 gold coins Sold in Heliodor and the Manglegrove Roving Emporiums.
164 chance of being dropped by Gloomy grublins and Vicious gloomy grublins.
Forging difficulty

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker

The Copper sword has an Attack bonus of +10. It can be purchased from the Infant Isle Item Shop for 270 gold coins and sold for 135 gold coins.

Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors

The Copper sword can be purchased for 100 gold coins and has a power of 15 gold coins. It can be tempered into a steel broadsword for 500 gold coins, 2 Monsterbones, and 1 Iron ore.

Dragon Quest Builders 2

The Copper sword increases the Builder's Attack by +40, it can be crafted with 3 copper ingots at an anvil. The Builder learns the recipe at level 11.

Dragon Quest Tact

The Copper sword is a D-rank sword that can be acquired as a reward from completing the Swords: Intermediate level. It has an ATK bonus of +3, a max HP bonus of +9, and has two slots for Alchemy Effects.


A sturdy sword of copper.[1]
A sturdy sword of copper.[2]
Doesn't appear to have any special effect.[3]
Doesn't appear to have any special effect.[3]
A widely used sword made of copper.[4]
A commonplace cutter made of copper.[5]
A straightforward, workable weapon crafted from solid copper.[6]
A widely used sword made out of copper.[7]

Other Languages

Language Translation Meaning
  EspañolEspada de cobreSpanish for "copper sword".
  FrançaisÉpée de cuivreFrench for "copper sword".
  DeutschKupferschwertGerman for "copper sword".
  ItalianoSpada di rameItalian for "copper sword".

Related weapons



  1. Cell phone and Nintendo Switch versions.
  2. Cell phone and Nintendo Switch versions.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Cell phone and Nintendo DS versions.
  4. Sony PlayStation 2, Cell phone, and Nintendo 3DS versions.
  5. Nintendo DS version.
  6. Sony PlayStation 4, Steam, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One versions.
  7. Nintendo DS version.