Nera Briscoletti

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Nera Briscoletti
Dragon Quest V
Sprite(s) Flora.gif
Japanese name フローラ ルドマン
Romaji Flora Ludman
Title Wife
Class Mage
Race Human (possibly Zenithian)
Age Assumed 6 (generation 2)
Assumed 16 (generation 2)
Assumed 24 (generation 3)

Nera Briscoletti (Flora in fan-translations) is a character and possible party member in Dragon Quest V. She is a blue-haired maiden and one of Rodrigo Briscoletti's two daughters.

Appearance and Personality

Nera is a gentle and modest girl, a stark contrast to her rude and outspoken sister Debora. Her outfit is a bright white and pink affair, its intricacies reflecting the rich family she comes from.


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Equipment, Stats, and Abilities

Nera can equip most knives, whips, and staves. Her selection is virtually identical to Bianca, except she cannot wear the Metal King Helm.

Attribute Starting Stats Maximum Stats
Level 8 99
HP 85 490
MP 53 450
Strength 33 220
Agility 46 255
Resilience 42 170
Wisdom 44 255
Luck 23 255
Initial gear Morning star, Scale shield, Cloak of evasion, Silver tiara


Of the three brides for the Hero, Nera is the most able when it comes to magic and relies more on spell usage than Bianca and Debora.

Level Learned Original Japanese PT Translation DS Version MP Description
1 ベホイミ Behoimi Healmore Midheal 5 A stronger form of Heal.
11 ルカナン Rukanan Decrease Kasap 4 Reduce the enemy's defensive power.
12 マヌーサ Manuusa Surround Dazzle 4 Creates mirror images of your party to encircle and confuse the enemy.
13 バイキルト Baikiruto Bikill Oomph 6 Doubles the attack power of an ally.
14 ラリホー Rarihoo Sleep Snooze 3 Cast to put the enemy to sleep.
15 トラマナ Toramana Stepguard Safe Passage 2 Walk safely over barriers.
16 ベギラマ Begirama Firebane Sizzle 6 This fire spell affects a group of enemies.
17 ラナルータ Ranaruuta Day-Night Tick-tock 4 Changes day into night and night into day.
18 マホカンタ Mahokanta Bounce Bounce 4 Deflect spells back to the caster.
20 メラミ Merami Blazemore Frizzle 4 A medium strength fireball that affects one enemy.
23 ザラキ Zaraki Defeat Thwack 7 Affects a group of enemies; try to snuff out their life force.
27 ベギラゴン Begiragon Firevolt Kasizzle 10 The strongest enemy group fire spell.
33 メラゾマ Merazoma Blazemost Kafrizzle 10 The strongest single enemy fire spell.
37 イオナズン Ionazun Explodet Kaboom 15 The strongest explosion spell.
Note: The MP cost is taken from the Super Famicom version.

Level up restriction

In the Super Famicom version of the game, Nera could only make it to Level 10 in the second generation, as well as being uncontrollable. The PS2 and Nintendo DS versions remove this limitation and allows her to be controlled in the second generation.


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