Max Wynne's equipment

(Redirected from Shield of Max Wynne)

Max Wynne's equipment (エンデの防具 Ende no bōgu) are pieces of armour that The Hero and party can choose between in Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation.


One of three of Max Wynne's equipment can be obtained by showing him his tools from the Real World to prove The Hero and party aren't trapped in Despairia.


Armour of Max WynneEdit

The Armour of Max Wynne (エンデのよろい) grants the Defense bonus of +90. The Style bonus is +17, and can be upgraded to +66 at the Fashion Forge for 10,000 gold coins. Offers 15 points of damage reduction to all Fire and Ice damage

The armour can be equipped by The Hero, Carver, Amos, Terry, Goowain, Goober, Healie, Spot, Kingsley, Curie, Shelley and Mercury.

Shield of Max WynneEdit

The Shield of Max Wynne (エンデのたて) grants the Defense bonus of +60. The Style bonus is +8, and can be upgraded to +42 at the Fashion Forge for 10,000 gold coins. It reduces all Frizz, Sizz, Bang, and Fire Damage by 15.

The shield can be equipped by The Hero, Carver, Nevan, Terry and Goowain

Helmet of Max WynneEdit

The Helmet of Max Wynne (エンデのかぶと) grants the Defense bonus of +55. The Style bonus is +15, and can be upgraded to +40 at the Fashion Forge for 10,000 gold coins.

The helmet can be equipped by The Hero, Carver, Nevan, Amos, Terry, Lizzie and Goowain.


  • Armour of Max Wynne
Reduces damage from magic- and ice-based attacks.[1]
  • Shield of Max Wynne
Reduces damage from magic- and fire-based attacks.[1]
  • Helmet of Max Wynne
Doesn't appear to have any special effects.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Nintendo DS and Cell phone version