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King of Delcadar
Dragon Quest XI
DQXI King Delcadar.jpg
Japanese name デルカダール王
Romaji Derukadāru-ō
Title King
Race Human

The King of Delcadar (デルカダール王, Derukadāru-ō) is a character in Dragon Quest XI. He rules the kingdom of Delcadar.

Appearance and Personality

The King of Delcadar is an old man with blue eyes, shoulder-length white hair, and a long goatee with a bushy mustache. He wears a long purple robe with gold edges on the sleeves and bottom with an orange and olive rhombus pattern and a gold collar with an intricate design. He also wears a white, toga-like garment with an olive zigzag pattern and small circles near the bottom over his robe and a long red mantle held in place over his left shoulder with a golden two-headed eagle insignia, which is the symbol of Delcadar. His crown is red and green and is decorated with gold, a single green gem at the top, and long black plume.

The king is praised as the wisest ruler in the land and is respected by his people. He is also known as a generous man, but he is strict when dealing with any disorder in his kingdom. The king is known as a master swordsman despite his age.


When the Hero arrives at Delcadar, he is brought before the king, who is skeptical about his claims of being a reincarnation of a great hero. The king declares the Hero to be a child of the devil and orders his forces to imprison the young man.
