Luminary (vocation)

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Luminaries in Dragon Quest X

The Luminary (スーパースター, Sūpāsutā) is the most fabulous class in the Dragon Quest series, focusing more on jaw-dropping style than fighting.


The Luminary supports the party with maneuvers such as the Hustle Dance, and disables enemies with moves such as Dazzleflash or Scandal Eyes. Luminaries also have the ability to bewitch a monster with their stunning good looks--in VI and VII this is due to an innate vocation trait that improves with their rank, and from IX onwards it is dependent on their high Charm stat.

Beyond from having the highest style of any vocation, the Luminaries have very poor stat growth and will depend on other party members to handle enemies. They are a support profession first and foremost.

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation[edit]

Luminaries have a great deal of Style and some unique skills. A character needs to master both the Dancer and Gadabout vocations to become a Luminary. Additionally, a Luminary can randomly charm an enemy for one turn once their rank beings to rise. Contrary to popular belief, Style has no influence on this chance.

Rank Charm Rate
1 1/256
2 1/256
3 1/64
4 1/64
5 1/48
6 1/48
7 1/32
8 1/16

Stat Changes[edit]

Statistics Change
Battles to Master 220
Strength -20%
Agility -10%
Resilience -10%
Wisdom Null
Style +15%
Max HP -20%
Max MP -10%
Trait Chance to enthrall an enemy each round
Mastery Bonus +20 Style


Level Title Learns Battles Needed Target Info MP
1 Wannabe Dazzleflash 1 Enemy group Blinds the enemy with a bright flash of light. 0
2 Drama Student Kaclang 10 Party Turns the party to steel, impervious to outside influence. 2
3 Debutante Lightning 25 All enemies Calls down lightning to strike the enemy. 0
4 Fresh Face Kerplunk Dance 40 Party A self-sacrificial step that resurrects all allies. 0
5 Supporting Role Spooky Aura 70 Enemy group Emits a mysterious glow that helps spells to find their targets more easily. 0
6 Headliner Hustle Dance 110 Party Restores around 70~80 HP to all party members. 0
7 Award Winner Harvest Moon 160 All enemies Launch into a whirling attack against all enemies. 0
8 Stage Legend Song of Salvation 220 Party A splendiferous song that resurrects fallen allies, though it does have a chance to fail. 20

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past[edit]

Maribel luminary class.png

This time, Luminaries (known as Teen Idols in the original Sony PlayStation version) require the Troubadour vocation to be mastered to be unlocked, along with Dancer and Jester, but aside from that there are no significant changes to the vocation. Its chance to stun enemies is the same as VI's. In the 3DS version, Luminaries wear top hats, suits, and ruffled skirts similar to the outfits from Dragon Quest IX. In order to become a Druid, one must master both the Sage and Luminary classes.

Stat Changes[edit]

Statistics Change
Battles to Master 180 (PS1)
152 (3DS)
Strength -20%
Agility -10%
Resilience -10%
Wisdom Null
Style +15%
Max HP -20%
Max MP +10%
Mastery Bonus +20 Bonus to Style

PS1 Abilities[edit]

Level Title Learns Battles Needed Target Info MP
1 Fan Nothing 0
2 Groupie Flash 10 All Enemies Causes enemies to miss physical attacks more often 0
3 Rebel Ironize 25 All Allies Turns all allies to iron, preventing them from being attacked but also prevents them from attacking 2
4 Performer EerieLite 40 One Group Reduces resistance to magic for one group of enemies 0
5 Star Hustle 65 All Allies Heals ~70 HP to all allies 0
6 Artist BackFlip 100 All Enemies Attacks all enemies with decreasing damage 0
7 Sellout FireTower 140 One Enemy Causes ~180 in fire damage 0
8 Icon LifeSong 180 All Allies Takes one turn. Next turn, all allies may return to life with partial HP 10

3DS Abilities[edit]

Level Title Learns Battles Needed Target Info MP
1 Wannabe Dazzleflash 1 All Enemies Blinds the enemy with a flash of light. 0
2 Drama Student Kaclang 8 All Allies Transforms the party into lumps of solid steel. 2
Tap Dance One Enemy A rhythmic wriggle that steals MP from a single enemy. 0
3 Debutante Spooky Aura 12 One Group Emits a mysterious glow that helps spells to find their targets. 0
Harvest Moon All Enemies A leap followed by a fierce flurry of blows that damage all enemies. 3
4 Fresh Face Focus Pocus 12 Self An arcane incantation to magically conjure MP out of thin air. 2
5 Supporting Role Cursed Verse 20 One Group A cruel caterwauling that causes enemies' defence to drop. 0
Gritty Ditty All Allies An uplifting anthem that will increase all your allies' defence. 1
6 Headliner Hustle Dance 28 All Allies Restores at least 50 HP to all party members. 0
7 Award Winner Kerplunk Dance 32 All Allies A self-sacrificing step that resurrects all allies. 0
Pyre o' Fire One Enemy A tower of flame that blazes into an enemy and burns them good. 0
8 Stage Legend Song of Salvation 40 All Allies Takes one turn. Next turn, all allies may return to life with partial HP 10

Hybrid Abilities[edit]

Hybrid Learns Target Info MP
Sage LifeDance All Allies Restores all dead party members to life at the cost of the life of the caster but has a chance of failure. It will not work if the caster is the last person alive 0

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies[edit]

DQIX Luminary Male.png
DQIX Luminary Female.png

Luminary is an advanced class in Dragon Quest IX. It is not available at the start of the game and must be unlocked by a post-game quest. The most charming of vocations, it is not uncommon for them to stun even bosses with their bombastic beauty and grace.

Luminary cannot be unlocked until the main story is completed. To unlock the luminary class, you have to go to the dance club in Gleeba. Go over to the left side, near the girls' makeup room and talk a girl named Applaudia. She tells you to kill a moai minstrel with the Hot Lick ability. After doing so, go back and talk to her to unlock the luminary class.


Attribute Starting Stats Maximum Stats
Level 1 99
HP 31 510
MP 13 220
Strength 9 148
Agility 22 361
Resilience 12 205
Magical Might 5 77
Magical Mending 19 318
Deftness 16 259
Charm 18 300


The Luminary class has access to the following skills:

  • Fan Skill - use of fan-class weapons.
  • Whip Skill - use of whip-class weapons.
  • Boomerang Skill - use of boomerang-class weapons.
  • Shield Skill - use of shields in the off hand.
  • Je Ne Sais Quoi - the class-exclusive skill set of the Luminary.
  • Their Coup-de-Grace is "Disco Tech," which causes all enemies to boogie and raises tension by one level.

Je Ne Sais Quoi[edit]

Accolades Required points Name Effects
Wannabe 4 Natural Charm +10 Permanently adds 10 to charm
Bit Player 10 Autograph Stings an enemy with a signature for 50G
Young Hopeful 16 Natural Agility +20 Permanently adds 10 to agility
Rising Star 22 Scandal Eyes Flashes a dazzling look
Respected Artiste 32 Natural Max HP +20 Permanently adds 20 to max HP
Cult Hero/Heroine 42 Extreme Makeover Temporarily improves charm
Mover and Shaker 55 Natural Charm +20 Permanently adds 20 to charm
Big Shot 68 Eyes on Me Draws all enemy attention
Major Player 82 Natural Charm +30 Permanently adds 30 to charm
Phenomenon 100 Disco Stew A dance so dangerous it damages all enemies.


Name Level MP Description
Heal 4 2 Restores at least 30 HP to a single ally.
Woosh 11 3 Slices a group of enemies with a small whirlwind.
Bounce 18 4 Forms a protective barrier that reflects all enemy spells.
Midheal 23 4 Restores at least 75 HP to a single ally.
Swoosh 36 8 Slices a group of enemies with a powerful whirlwind.
Kaswoosh 45 26 Slices a group of enemies with a ferocious whirlwind.
Kaswooshle 58 50 Flays a group of enemies with a ferocious whirlwind.

Revocation Award[edit]

Dragon Quest X[edit]

The luminary was added to the game in the Version 1.2 update of the game. They specialize in debilitating the enemy in different ways, such as stunning, confusing, and putting them to sleep, and they have access to the entire line of Woosh spells. Luminaries can equip Whips, Fans, Wands, and Shields, as well as Scythes starting with the Version 5.0 update. Some of their unique abilities require the use of gold instead of MP.

Je Ne Sais Quoi[edit]

Accolade Required points Name Effects
Local Celebrity 4 Autograph Stings an enemy with a signature for 25G
Village Celebrity 10 Natural Charm +10 Permanently adds 10 to Charm in all vocations
Town Idol 16 Scandal Eyes Attempts to dazzle all nearby enemies
Entertainer 22 Natural Agility +30 Permanentely adds 30 to Agility in all vocations
Gravure World Rising Star 32 Extreme Makeover Temporarily increases Charm
Hot Selling Idol 42 Natural Magical Might +10 Permanently adds 10 to Magical might in all vocations
Charisma Singer 55 Bodyguard Call Calls a bodyguard that will protect the user for 250G. The bodyguard's HP is based on the color of their suit.
Silver Screen Star/Queen 68 Natural Charm +60 Permanently adds 60 to Charm in all vocations
National Hero/Idol 90 Best Smile Increases experience and gold earned after the current battle by up to 1.1 to 1.5 times
Ultra VIP 100 Gold Rush Deals approximately 270~300 non-elemental damage to all nearby enemies for 1,000G.
N/a 110 Charm +30 Permanentely adds 30 to Charm
N/a 120 Dazzle +2% Increases chance to dazzle enemies by 2%.
N/a 130 Kaswooshle Flays a group of enemies with a ferocious whirlwind.
N/a 140 Bodyguard Strengthen Increases the bodyguard's HP by 10%, their defence significantly, and increases their resistance to all elements by 25%.
N/a 150 Million Smile Increases experience, gold, and training stamps earned after the current battle. Enemies also become easier to dazzle.
N/a 160-180 Luxury Rim Deals a large amount of damage to nearby enemies based on the user's Style. Any abilities that use gold instead of MP to use have their cost reduced to 0 for 60 seconds.
N/a 160-200 Precious Rain Deals a large amount of damage to all surrounding enemies based on the user's Attack and Style for 1,500G.


Name Level MP Description
Heal 5 2 Restores at least 25 HP to one ally.
Woosh 12 2 Slices a group of enemies with a small whirlwind.
Midheal 26 4 Restores at least 80 HP to a single ally.
Bound 30 3 Reflects a single spell back at the caster.
Swoosh 34 5 Slices a group of enemies with a powerful whirlwind.
Bounce 42 4 Forms a protective barrier that reflects all enemy spells.
Kaswoosh 50 12 Slices a group of enemies with a ferocious whirlwind.
Kasnooze 54 6 Sends a group of enemies into a deep sleep.
Kafuddle 59 6 Sends a group of enemies into a state of confusion.
Moreheal 68 8 Restores at least 164 HP to a single ally.

Dragon Quest Walk[edit]

Luminaries were added to the game in the October 2020 update. A character must have first reached level 50 in the dancer and gadabout vocations to unlock the Luminary, and the weapon choices are Knives, Staves, Whips, and Boomerangs.

See also[edit]
