
From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 01:16, 26 May 2022 by Aphelion (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Spell Infobox |title = Snowmanisation |image = |japanese = 雪だるまになっちゃえ (''X'' only)<br>雪だるまにしてあげる (''XI'' and ''Tact'') |romaji = {{tt|Yukidaruma ni natchae|'Become a snowman!'}} (''X'' only)<br>{{tt|Yukidaruma ni shite ageru|'I'll turn you into a snowman'}} (''XI'' and ''Tact'') |old = |type = Skill<br>Offensive (''Tact'' only) }} '''Snowmanisation''' is a recurring ability in the {{DQSeries}}. It incapacitates a helpless charac...")
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Snowmanisation is a recurring ability in the Dragon Quest series. It incapacitates a helpless character by turning them into a snowman. The ability is commonly associated with Krystalinda, the Ice Witch.


Dragon Quest X[edit]

Snowmanisation is an enemy-only skill used by bosses during special Christmas events that stuns a character for a single turn. The size of the snowman depends on the race of the character affected by it.

Dragon Quest XI[edit]

Snowmanisation is an enemy-only skill that can be used by Krystalinda that will stun a single character for one turn. When used, Krystalinda will state, "You know, I think you'd look better as a snowman!"

Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

Snowmanisation can be learned by Krystalinda at level 48 and costs 88 MP to cast. It has a range of three squares away from her in any direction, inflicts major Crack-type spell damage to a single character, and has a chance to stun them. Upgrading the spell increases its damage and reduces the amount of MP it costs to cast.

Snowmanisation (雪だるまにしてあげる Yukidaruma ni shite ageru)Tactlogo.png
Ability information
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Debuff Spell DQTact Crack.png 88
Range Additional effects
DQTact Range1.png
DQTact Stun.png
Deals major Crack-type spell damage to 1 enemy, occasionally stuns
Naturally learnt by