Spell List
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Note: This list is not yet complete. While most of the spells found in Dragon Quest are included below, a few remain to be added to this list, including their English localization names.
This is a list for the various spells appearing in the Dragon Quest games released by Enix and Square Enix. For more detail on any given spell, please refer to its specific page. Where N/A is listed, that spell did not appear during the time of Enix of America.
In official documentation such as guidebooks and websites, spells are broadly classified into four groups: offensive, recovery, support, and field.
- Offensive magic is dedicated to inflicting damage upon enemies using a variety of elemental themed spells. Enemies can be resistant, fully immune, or vulnerable to these elements. Prior to the eighth game, each spell had a fixed range of damage that was only altered by the enemy's tolerance, but this has since changed so that spells can increase in power as the appropriate stat goes up in value.
- Recovery magic contains spells that either restore a character's HP, revive them from death, or resolve a status ailment. Most of these spells can be used outside of the battle screen.
- Support magic includes spells that increase the party's capabilities, damped the enemy's, or inflict status ailments such as a magical trance or being lost in a swarm of illusions. The latter two types work off of enemy resistances, with some monsters being immune to a given ailment while others are totally vulnerable and will be hit with the spell every time it is cast. Party augmenting spells will always work, provided the caster is not fizzled or the recipient protected by Bounce. There are also support spells that can transform the target into an invincible slab of steel, a menacing dragon, or even a perfect duplicate of another character.
- Field magic offers movement spells that are exclusive to the world map screen, towns, and dungeons, and produce a variety of effects that facilitate the player's ability to explore their surroundings. This can range from producing an aura to keep weaker enemies away, teleporting outside of a dungeon, or warping time and space to turn night into day.
NOTE: due to the overabundance of one-off spells and the nature of mobile phone games, this page will not include the spells exclusive to Dragon Quest Tact. For the list of spells appearing in the title, see the Dragon Quest Tact spells category page.
Square Enix | Original Japanese | Enix of America | Description |
Zam | ドルマ Doruma |
N/A | Low dark damage to one enemy. |
Zammle | ドルクマ Dorukuma |
N/A | Medium dark damage to one enemy. |
Kazam | ドルモーア Dorumо̄a |
N/A | High dark damage to one enemy. |
Kazammle | ドルマドン Dorumadon |
N/A | Highest dark damage to one enemy. |
Kerzam | ドルマストーム Dorumasutо̄mu |
N/A | Hurl several dark spells in succession. |
Co-Zammle | クロスドルクマ Kurosu Dorukuma |
N/A | Double medium dark damage to one enemy. |
Co-Kazam | クロスドルモーア Kurosu Dorumoa |
N/A | Double high dark damage to one enemy. |
Co-Kazammle | クロスドルマドン Kurosu Dorumadon |
N/A | Double highest dark damage to one enemy. |
Chaotic Kazapstrophe | ダークミナデイン Daku Minadein |
N/A | Highest dark damage to all enemies. |
N/A | ドルマータ Dorumāta |
N/A | Hurl several dark spells in succession. |
Crag / Rubblerouser | ジバリア Jibaria |
N/A | Low earth damage to one enemy group. |
Craggle / Boulderbringer | ジバリカ Jibarika |
N/A | Medium earth damage to one enemy group. |
Kacrag / Mountainmover | ジバリーナ Jibarīna |
N/A | High earth damage to one enemy group. |
Kacraggle / Ridgeraiser | ジバルンバ Jibarunba |
N/A | Highest earth damage to one enemy group. |
N/A | ジバマータ Jibamāta |
N/A | Hurl several earth spells in succession. |
N/A | ドガン Dogan |
N/A | Low earth damage to one enemy. |
N/A | ドガント Doganto |
N/A | Medium earth damage to one enemy. |
N/A | ドガンテル Doganteru |
N/A | High earth damage to one enemy. |
N/A | ドガンタロス Dogantarosu |
N/A | Highest earth damage to one enemy. |
Coral Grief | コーラルレイン Kо̄rarurein |
CoralRain | Bashes all foes with shards of scleractinia. |
Bang | イオ Io |
Bang | Low explosion damage to all enemies. |
Boom | イオラ Iora |
Boom | Medium explosion damage to all enemies. |
Kaboom | イオナズン Ionazun |
Explodet | High explosion damage to all enemies. |
Kaboomle | イオグランデ Iogurande |
N/A | Highest explosion damage to all enemies. |
Bangmurta | イオマータ Iomāta |
N/A | Hurl several blast spells in succession. |
Co-Boom | クロスイオラ Kurosu Iora |
N/A | Double medium explosion damage to all enemies. |
Co-Kaboom | クロスイオナズン Kurosu Ionazun |
N/A | Double high explosion damage to all enemies. |
Co-Kaboomle | クロスイオグランデ Kurosu Iogurande |
N/A | Double highest explosion damage to all enemies. |
Frizz | メラ Mera |
Blaze | Low fire damage to one enemy. |
Frizzle | メラミ Merami |
Blazemore | Medium fire damage to one enemy. |
Kafrizz | メラゾーマ Merazо̄ma |
Blazemost | High fire damage to one enemy. |
Kafrizzle | メラガイアー Meragaiā |
N/A | Highest fire damage to one enemy. |
Kerfrizz | メラストーム Merasutо̄mu |
N/A | Hurl several fire spells in succession. |
Co-Frizz | クロスメラ Kurosu Mera |
N/A | Double low fire damage to one enemy. |
Co-Kafrizz | クロスメラゾーマ Kurosu Merazо̄ma |
N/A | Double high fire damage to one enemy. |
Co-Kafrizzle | クロスメラガイアー Kurosu Meragaiā |
N/A | Double highest fire damage to one enemy. |
Sizz | ギラ Gira |
Firebal | Low fire damage to one group of enemies. |
Sizzle | ベギラマ Begirama |
Firebane | Medium fire damage to one group of enemies. |
Kasizz | ベギラゴン Begiragon |
Firebolt | High fire damage to one group of enemies. |
Kasizzle | ギラグレイド Giragureido |
N/A | Highest fire damage to one group of enemies. |
Co-Sizz | クロスメラ Kurosu Gira |
N/A | Double low fire damage to one enemy group. |
Co-Kasizz | クロスベギラゴン Kurosu Begiragon |
N/A | Double high fire damage to one enemy group. |
Co-Kasizzle | クロスギラグレイドー Kurosu Giragureido |
N/A | Double highest fire damage to one enemy group. |
Donk | ベタン Betan |
N/A | Knocks off a fraction of one enemy's current HP. |
Kadonk | ベタドロン Betadoron |
N/A | Knocks off a fraction of one enemy group's current HP. |
Kadonkle | ベタロール Betaroru |
N/A | Knocks off a bigger fraction of one enemy group's current HP. |
N/A | ベタランブル Betaranburu |
N/A | Knocks off 25% of one enemy's current HP. |
Crack | ヒャド Hyado |
Icebolt | Low ice damage to one enemy. |
Crackle | ヒャダルコ Hyadaruko |
Snowblast, Snowstorm | Medium ice damage to one group of enemies. |
Kacrack | ヒャダイン/マヒャド Hyadain/Mahyado |
Icespears, Blizmost | High ice damage to all enemies. |
Kacrackle | マヒャド/マヒャデドス Mahyado/Mahyadedosu |
Snowstorm, Blizzard | Highest ice damage to all enemies. |
Crackmurta | ヒャドマータ Hyadomāta |
N/A | Hurl several ice spells in succession. |
Co-Crackle | クロスヒャダルコ Kurosu Hyadaruko |
N/A | Double medium ice damage to one group of enemies. |
Co-Kacrack | クロスマヒャド Kurosu Mahyado |
N/A | Double high ice damage to all enemies. |
Polar Vortex | クロスマヒャデドス Kurosu Mahyadedosu |
N/A | Double highest ice damage to all enemies. |
Zap | デイン Dein |
Lightning | Low electric damage, range varies. |
Zapple | ライデイン Raidein |
Zap | Medium electric damage, range varies. |
Kazap | ギガデイン Gigadein |
Thordain | High electric damage, range varies. |
Kazapple | ジゴデイン Jigodein |
N/A | Highest electric damage, range varies. |
Kazapstrophe | ミナデイン Minadein |
Alldain | Group-cast lightning damage. |
N/A | デインマータ Deinmāta |
N/A | Hurl several lightning spells in succession. |
Splish | ザバ Zaba |
N/A | Low water damage to one enemy. |
Splash | ザバラ Zabara |
N/A | Medium water damage to one enemy. |
Kasplash | ザバラーン Zabaran |
N/A | High water damage to one enemy. |
Kasplashle | ザバトローム Zabatoromu |
N/A | Highest water damage to one enemy. |
Maelstrom | メイルストロム Meirusutoromu |
WhirlPool | Crush one group of enemies with a colossal whirlpool. |
N/A | ザバマータ Zabamāta |
N/A | Hurl several water spells in succession. |
Woosh | バギ Bagi |
Infernos | Low wind damage to one group of enemies. |
Swoosh | バギマ Bagima |
Infermore | Medium wind damage to one group of enemies. |
Kaswoosh | バギクロス Bagikurosu |
Infermost | High wind damage to one group of enemies. |
Kaswooshle | バギムーチョ Bagimūcho |
N/A | Highest wind damage to one group of enemies. |
Kerwoosh | バギストーム Bagisutо̄mu |
N/A | Hurl several wind spells in succession. |
Swooshmurta | バギマータ Bagimāta |
N/A | Hurl several wind spells in succession. |
Co-Kaswooshle | クロスバギクロス Kurosu Bagikurosu |
N/A | Double high wind damage to a group of enemies. |
Poof | ニフラム Nifuramu |
Expel | Attempts to exorcise an enemy group from battle. |
Bazoom | バシルーラ Bashirūra |
Disperse | Attempts to remove one enemy from battle. |
Whack | ザキ Zaki |
Beat | Attempts to instantly kill one monster. |
Thwack | ザラキ Zaraki |
Defeat | Attempts to instantly kill a group of enemies. |
Kathwack | ザラキーマ ''Zarakīma |
DefeatMax | Attempts to instantly kill all enemies. |
Kamikazee | メガンテ Megante |
Sacrifice | User sacrifices his or her own life to annihilate all enemies. |
Drain Magic | マホトラ Mahotora |
RobMagic | Steals MP from one enemy. |
Giga Drain Magic | ギガ・マホトラ Giga Mahotora |
N/A | Steals significantly more MP, range varies. |
N/A | タメトラ Tametora |
N/A | Steals Tension from one enemy. |
N/A | ギガ・タメトラ Giga Tametora |
N/A | Steals Tension from all enemies. |
Magic Pop | プチマダンテ Puchi Madante |
N/A | Consumes a small amount of MP to damage all enemies. |
Magic Burst | マダンテ Madante |
MegaMagic | Consumes all MP to do massive damage to all enemies. |
Mighty Magic Burst | クロスマダンテ Kurosu madante |
N/A | Consumes all MP of two casters to do massive damage to all enemies. |
Malicious Magic Burst | カオスマダンテ Kaosu madante |
N/A | Consumes all MP of two monsters to do massive damage to all heroes. |
Multi Masher | クラスマダンテ Kurasu madante |
N/A | Consumes all MP, effect varies between games. |
Frizz Cracker | メドローア Medoroa |
N/A | Non-elemental damage to one enemy. |
Square Enix | Original Japanese | Enix of America | Description |
Heal | ホイミ Hoimi |
Heal | Heals one ally for at least 30 HP. |
Midheal | ベホイミ Behoimi |
Healmore | Heals one ally for at least 75 HP. |
Moreheal | ベホイム Behoimu |
N/A | Recovers at least 165 HP for one ally. |
Megaheal | ベホイマ Behoima |
N/A | Recovers at least 285 HP for one ally Exclusive to the Monsters spin offs |
Fullheal | ベホマ Behoma |
Healall | One ally recovers all HP. |
Multiheal | ベホマラー Behomarā |
Healus | Heals all allies for at least 100 HP. |
Omniheal | ベホマズン Behomazun |
Healusall | Heals all allies fully. |
Reheal | リホイミ Rihoimi |
N/A | Recovers a small amount of HP at the beginning of each turn. |
Remidheal | リベホイミ Ribehoimi |
N/A | Recovers a medium amount of HP at the beginning of each turn. |
Remoreheal | リベホイム Ribehoimu |
N/A | Recovers a large amount of HP at the beginning of each turn. |
N/A | ザオ Zao |
N/A | Occasionally revives an ally at 1 HP. |
Zing | ザオラル Zaoraru |
Vivify | 50% chance to revive an ally at half HP. |
Kazing | ザオリク Zaoriku |
Revive | Revives one ally. |
Prezing | リザオラル Rizaoraru |
N/A | Sets one ally to automatically be revived should they fall. |
Zingslinger | ザオリーマ Zaorīma |
N/A | Revives the entire party and restores HP to max. |
Kerplunk | メガザル Megazaru |
Farewell | Consumes all HP and MP to revive all allies at full health. |
Cock-a-doodle-doo | ザメハ Zameha |
Awaken | Awakens all allies from sleep. |
Dedazzle | マヌーハ Manūha |
N/A | Removes the effect of dazzle from one ally. |
Defuddle | キアラル Kiararu |
N/A | Brings an ally back to their senses, removing confusion. |
Sheen | シャナク Shanaku |
CurseOff | Removes a curse from an ally. |
Squelch | キアリー Kiarī |
Antidote | Removes poison from one party member. |
Tingle | キアリク Kiariku |
Numboff | Removes paralysis from all allies. |
N/A | マホリー Mahorī |
N/A | Removes the effect of fizzle from one ally. |
Overheal | マホイミ Mahoimi |
N/A | Overloads every cell in a foe's body |
Square Enix | Original Japanese | Enix of America | Description |
Accelerate | ピオラ Piora |
N/A | Increase one ally's agility. |
Acceleratle | ピオリム Piorimu |
Speedup | Increases all allies agility. |
Buff | スカラ Sukara |
Upper | Increases one ally's defense. |
Kabuff | スクルト Sukuruto |
Increase | Increases all allies defense. |
Insulate | バーハ Bāha |
N/A | Draws a curtain of light before one ally that will reduce damage from breath attacks. |
Insulatle | フバーハ Fubāha |
Barrier | Draws a curtain of light before all allies that will reduce damage from breath attacks. |
Oomph | バイキルト/バイシオン Baikiruto/Baishion |
TwinHits/ N/A | Raises one ally's attack power. |
Oomphle | バイキルト Baikiruto |
N/A | Greatly raises one ally's attack power. |
Ping | インテ Inte |
N/A | Increase one ally's wisdom. |
Kaping | インテラ Intera |
N/A | Increase all allies wisdom. |
Spell Checker | マホバリア Mahobaria |
N/A | Reduces magic damage for one ally. |
Magic Barrier | マジックバリア Majikkubaria |
MagicWall | Puts a shield on all allies that reduces damage from magic attacks. |
N/A | ズッシード Zusshīdo |
N/A | Increases one ally's weight. |
Ban Dance | ペスカトレ Pesukatore |
DanceShut | Prevents foes from dancing. |
Dazzle | マヌーサ Manūsa |
Surround | Attempts to dazzle a group of enemies. |
Fizzle | マホトーン/マホトム Mahotōn/Mahotōmu |
Stopspell | Attempts to seal spells, range varies. |
Kafizzle | マホトーン Mahotōn |
N/A | Attempts to seal a group of enemies spells. |
Fuddle | メダパニ Medapani |
PanicAll | Attempts to confuse one enemy group. |
Kafuddle | メダパニーマ Medapanīma |
N/A | Attempts to confuse all enemies. |
Numb | シビー Shibi |
N/A | Attempts to paralyze one enemy. |
Kanumb | シビリーニョ Shibiriniyo |
N/A | Attempts to paralyze one enemy group. |
Snooze | ラリホー Rarihō |
Sleep | Attempts to put an enemy group to sleep. |
Kasnooze | ラリホーマ Rarihōma |
SleepMore, SleepAll | A spell that attempts to put enemies into a deep sleep, range varies. |
Tox | ヴェレ Vere |
N/A | Poisons a single enemy. |
Katox | ヴェレーノ Verēno |
N/A | Poisons a group of enemies. |
Katoxle | ヴェレノーマ Verenōma |
N/A | Infects a group of enemies with deadly poison. |
N/A | クモノ Kumono |
N/A | Creates a spider web at the caster's feet, stunning enemies that step into it. |
Anathematise | ディバインスペル Dibainsuperu |
N/A | Lowers one enemy's resistance to magic. |
Blunt | ヘナトス Henatosu |
N/A | Lowers one foe's attack. |
Kablunt | ヘナトール Henatōru |
N/A | Lowers one group of enemies' attack. |
Decelerate | ボミエ Bomie |
N/A | Lowers one foe's agility. |
Deceleratle | ボミオス Bomiosu |
Slow | Lowers one group of enemies' agility. |
Dim | フール Fūru |
N/A | Lowers an enemy's wisdom |
Kadim | マフール Mafūru |
N/A | Lowers one group of enemies' wisdom. |
Divine Intervention | ディバインスペル Dibainsuperu |
N/A | Lowers a group of enemies' resistance to magic. |
Sag | ダウン Dawun |
N/A | Retired spell, lowers one foe's attack. |
Kasag | ダウンオール Dawunoru |
N/A | Retired spell, lowers all foes' attack. |
Sap | ルカニ Rukani |
Sap | Lowers one foe's defense. |
Kasap | ルカナン Rukanan |
Defense | Lowers several foe's defense, range varies. |
The Great Leveller | マジャスティス Majasutisu |
Majustis | Prevents a single enemy from using certain spells. |
The Greater Leveller | ギガジャティス Gigajatisu |
Gigastis | Prevents all enemies and allies from using certain spells. |
Absorb Magic | マホキテ Mahokite |
TakeMagic | Absorbs MP from incoming spells. |
Bounce | マホカンタ Mahokanta |
Bounce | Creates a shield on one ally that will reflect all magic back at the caster. |
Bound | マホターン Mahotān |
MagicBack | Bounces back one spell. |
Counter | アタックカンタ アタカンタ Atakkukanta Atakanta |
N/A | Reflects physical attacks |
Share Magic | マホアゲル Mahoageru |
N/A | Donates MP to an ally |
Give Magic | マホヤズン Mahoyazun |
N/A | Donates every MP to an ally |
Snub | マホステ Mahosute |
Fendspell | Renders a character temporarily immune to spells. |
Clang | アストロン Asutoron |
N/A | Turns one ally to iron, allowing them to not be harmed but they will not be able to take any actions. |
Kaclang | アストロン Asutoron |
Ironize | Turns all allies to iron, allowing them to not be harmed but they will not be able to take any actions. |
Kaching Kaclang | ゴールドアストロン Gōrudoasutoron |
N/A | Monster turns party members to solid gold for several turns |
Puff! | ドラゴラム Doragoramu |
Bedragon | Turns user into a huge, uncontrollable fire-breathing dragon. |
Huff-and-puff! | ドラゴザム Doragozamu |
N/A | Turns user into a huge, uncontrollable ice-breathing dragon. |
Morph | モシャス Moshasu |
Transform | Transform into one of your allies and gain their abilities. |
Square Enix | Original Japanese | Enix of America | Description |
Click | アバカム Abakamu |
Open | Opens any locked door. |
Zoom | ルーラ Rūra |
Return | Return to a previously visited town. |
Levizoom | トベルーラ Toberura |
N/A | Caster becomes able to fly freely. |
Zip | リリルーラ Ririrura |
N/A | Caster teleports to his or her allies. |
Evac | リレミト Riremito |
Outside | Teleports you right outside the cave or dungeon you are in. |
Fade | レムオル Remuoru |
Invisible | Turns your party invisible for a short time. |
Glow | レミーラ Remīra |
Radiant | Emits a bright light around your character allowing you to see in dark caves. |
Holy Protection | トヘロス Toherosu |
Repel | Keeps weaker monsters away from your party. |
Peep | インパス Inpasu |
X-Ray | Allows you to see what is inside a chest before opening it. |
Safe Passage | トラマナ Toramana |
StepGuard | Prevents dangerous floors from harming you for a short while. |
Snoop | レミラーマ Remirāma |
MapMagic | Reveals the number of treasures in the area. |
Storeyteller | フローミ Furōmi |
Location | Reveals current floor number and name of dungeon. |
Tick-tock | ラナルータ Ranarūta |
Day-Night | Turns day into night and night into day. |
Weather Forecast | てんきよほう Tenkiyomū |
N/A | Predicts the weather. |
Square Enix | Original Japanese | Enix of America | Description |
Aha | ダモーレ Damore |
Informative | Reveals a target's HP, MP, & stats |
Gigaflash | ジゴフラッシュ Jigofurashu |
N/A | Blinds foes with agonizing light, element varies between games. |
Hocus Pocus | パルプンテ Parupunte |
Chance | Only Rubiss Herself knows what will happen. |
Unnatural Order | リバース Ribasu |
Disruption | Swaps turn order. |