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Snowberia is the snowy region on the northeast of Protectorate.

Collectable Resources[edit]

CollapseDragon Quest IX (DS)
Item Location
DQ9 IceCrystal.png Ice crystal By the slope west of Swinedimples Academy
DQ9 MirrorStone.pngMirrorstone near the west exit, accessible through Urdus Marshland
DQ9 SleepingHibiscus.png Sleeping hibiscus On the high land west of Swinedimples Academy

Monsters in the Area[edit]

Dragon Quest IX (DS)   Collapse
Enemy Gold Exp Drop Item
#125 Shivery shrubbery 98 G 680
#126 Tearwolf 140 G 730
#127 Brrearthenwarrior 149 G 800
#128 Apeckalypse 114 G 740
#129 Great gruffon 126 G 1180
#130 White trigertaur 167 G 940
#132 Icikiller 172 G 1050

Swinedimples Academy[edit]

See main article Swinedimples Academy.

Snowberian Coast[edit]

Snowberian Coast is the coast south of Snowberia, it is the bridge between Snowberia region and Hermany region.

Collectable Resources[edit]

CollapseDragon Quest IX (DS)
Item Location
DQ9 IceCrystal.pngIce crystal In the central area on the left side of the path where the snowmen are lined up
DQ9 Nectar.pngNectar In the northeastern section accessible through Snowberia region
DQ9 PlatinumOre.pngPlatinum ore In the northeastern part where blue crystals are jutting out of the mountains, accessible through Snowberia region

Monsters in the Area[edit]

Dragon Quest IX (DS)   Collapse
Enemy Gold Exp Drop Item
#125 Shivery shrubbery 98 G 680
#126 Tearwolf 140 G 730
#127 Brrearthenwarrior 149 G 800
#128 Apeckalypse 114 G 740

Cringle Coast[edit]

Collectable Resources[edit]

CollapseDragon Quest IX (DS)
Item Location
DQ9 Thinkincense.pngThinkincense At the northernmost tip of the mainland
DQ9 MagicWater.pngMagic water Southeast corner surrounded by rocky mountains

Monsters in the Area[edit]


Dragon Quest IX (DS)   Collapse
Enemy Gold Exp Drop Item
#129 Great gruffon 126 G 1180
#130 White trigertaur 167 G 940
#131 Sootheslime 172 G 1050
#132 Icikiller 172 G 1050
#136 Sculptrice 178 G 920


Note: Quest #039 must be completed to access this island.

Dragon Quest IX (DS)   Collapse
Enemy Gold Exp Drop Item
#164 Corrupt carter 120 G 1550
#173 Dark skeleton 162 G 1780
#177 Freezing fog 120 G 1360
#182 Wight king 165 G 1680
#199 Night knight 182 G 2980
#235 Uncommon cold 104 G 6200


  • The name "Snowberia" is obviously a play on "Siberia", which is also a snowy region in the real world.
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