List of locations in Dragon Quest VI

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This is a list of locations in Dragon Quest VI

Castles and Towns

Upper World

The Dream World, built by the dreams of the people of the lower world. This world has a round map, and slightly darker grass. The story begins here.

  • Lifecod (ライフコッド): A village deep in the northwestern mountains. It is the starting point of the adventure. In the dream world, the hero lives here with his sister Tania. The village's products are woodcraft and silk. Every year, the village celebrates the spirit of the mountain.
  • Shiena (シエーナ): A town to the south of Lifecod. It holds a bazaar once a year. It is the dream of an old man living in the real world.
  • Reidock (レイドック): The capital of the kingdom of Reidock. The king of Reidock remains awake day and night, never sleeping.
  • Amor (アモール): A town to the southwest of Reidock, separated by a mountain range. It is reached from the real-world version of Amor by a plot trigger. The river has turned to the color of blood.
  • Underground demon castle (地底魔城): To the southeast of Reidock, the dream world version of Mudo lives in an underground castle.
  • karukado (カルカド): A desert town on an island in the northeast part of the world. The town is deeply distressed by the lack of water, and rumors are flying of a "land of happiness" (しあわせの国).
  • Clearvale (クリアベール): A town on the southern continent. In this town, there are rumors of a flying bed.
  • Fortune teller's house (占いの館): A fortune teller who gives advice to the perplexed lives here.
  • Wizard's Tower (魔術師の塔): A tower in the large desert north of Clearvale. The wizard Mirargo lives here. The entranceway can only be opened by casting a certain spell.
  • Grace Castle (グレイス城): A kingdom which is trying to summon the legendary demon Darkdream to do battle with the demonlords. The king was successful in summoning the demon, but it destroyed the castle. This collapse is repeated eternally in the dream world.
  • Slime Arena (スライム格闘場): An arena established by the slime tamer Sludge, where only slime-type monsters can participate. The entrance to the arena is in a room that can only be reached by slimes.

The four sealed regions

Each of the following locations exists in the real world, but was destroyed by the Demonlords; but they are preserved in people's dreams. However, the Demonlords then sealed the regions, turning them into vast pits leading to the lower world. When the Demonlord is defeated, the pit is filled, and the location restored.

  • Dharma Temple (ダーマ神殿): A temple in the middle east section of the world, it allows people to change classes. There is a well in the basement which connects to the real world. It was sealed by Mudo to prevent anyone from becoming a Hero.
  • Medal King's Castle (メダル王の城): A small castle northwest of Siena. The king here collects Tiny Medals, and grants prizes in exchange. To prevent anyone from obtaining these prizes, the castle was sealed by Jamiras.
  • Calverona (カルベローナ): A magical city floating on the sea west of Clearvale, it is the home of Barbara. To prevent anyone from learning the legendary spell MADANTE, it was sealed by the demon Glacos.
  • Castle Zenithia (クラウド城 or ゼニスの城): The castle of King Zenith. It is in the southeast section of the dream world. Durran was supposed to seal the castle to prevent the heroes from reaching the Nightmare World, but instead he converted it into his own castle, surrounding it with a Hell Cloud. There is a giant egg (the "Egg of Hope" [希望の卵]) in the castle basement, from which will be born the future of the world.

Lower World

The Real World (現実の世界), called the "Land of Visions" (幻の大地) by the people of the dream world. This world has slightly brighter grass than the dream world. It is possible to travel under the sea, where the Return spell does not work.

When an inhabitant of the dream world enters this plane, they will be invisible to the humans of the real world unless they use the "Dream seeing drops" (ゆめみのしずく) on themselves. Their voices may still be audible, however. Also, monsters can see them normally.

  • Torukka (トルッカ): A town on an island in the northwest corner of the world. It is the first part of the real world visited by the Hero.
  • Dharma Temple site (ダーマ神殿跡): The tower once stood on the southeast continent of the world. But it was destroyed by the demons; only the well connecting to the dream world survives.
  • San Marino (サンマリーノ): A port city to the west of the ruins of Dharma, it is the hometown of Hassan. There is a casino, and a ship taking travellers between San Marino and Reidock.
  • Granmaz' house (グランマーズの館): The home of the oneiromancer Granmaz.
  • Reidock (レイドック): A castle town near the center of the world. The prince is missing, and the king and queen are trapped in an eternal sleep. It is the hero's actual hometown.
  • Amor (アモール): A town to the west of Reidock, along the shores of the river Shimiz. The Water of Amor recovery item is sold here.
  • Ghent village (ゲントの村): A village north of Reidock, it is the home of Chamoro and the Ghent family, who possess healing powers. The Divine Boat is moored in the dock in the inner part of the village. It can be brought in and out of town by a block and tackle.
  • Mudo's castle (ムドーの城): The castle of the real world version of Mudo. It is on an island in the sea east of Reidock. One cannot leave the castle after entering, until Mudo is defeated.
  • Monstor (モンストル): A town east of the village of Ghent. It was rescued from monsters by the warrior Amos, who is now the hero of the town.
  • Arcbolt (アークボルト): A castle in the northeastern region of the world. The king is gathering mighty warriors to defeat a monster living in a cave to the east.
  • Holstock (ホルストック): A castle on the southern continent. It is ruled by King Horton.
  • Holcott (ホルコッタ): A village to the east of Castle Holstock. It was built by the first king of Holstock.
  • Clearvale (クリアベール): A town to the south of Holstock. It harbors the tomb of John, a boy who died at a young age.
  • Castle Foan (フォーン城): A castle to the south of Reidcok. The evil wizard Milargo trapped the famous Mirror Princess in a mirror here. The king has the key to open the floodgate.
  • Pescani (ペスカニ): A fishing village on the southwest continent, near some sea caves. It is the home of Rob the fisherman.
  • Mount Snow (マウントスノー): A town to the northwest of Pescani, the priest Zam lives here. Yurina the snow fairy turned all but one of the town's inhabitants into ice.
  • Grace Castle (グレイス城): A ruined castle to the south of Pescani. Only the castle's foundations remain, and it is surrounded by a poisonous marsh. But the Legendary Armor still lies in the basement. There are some thieves looking for treasure in the ruins.
  • Longadeseo (ロンガデセオ): A pirate town on the eastern continent. It cannot be entered without a pass. It has a theatre and a casino.
  • Lifecod (ライフコッド): A village in the mountains to the north of Reidock. The villagers are distrusting of strangers. It is attacked by the servants of Deathtamoor who seek to slay the hero.
  • Zaxon (ザクソン): A village deep in the mountains, east of Lifecod. It contains the home of Clark Ende, the armorer, but there are no shops.
  • Gandino (ガンディーノ): A castle town on an island in the southeast corner of the world. The previous king was a tyrant, but the new king is spreading law and order. Mirey was a slave here, under the old king. The town was once under the control of the Gindoro bandits, who have an underground stronghold here.
  • Poseidon Castle (ポセイドン城): Poseidon's castle is on the seabed north of Gandino. At one time, the castle was visited by the Great Sage.

Nightmare World

The Nightmare World was created by the Archdevil Deathtamoor, and holds inhabitants from both the real world and the dream world. To reach this world under their own power, the heroes must seek the aid of Pegasus. At first, any human coming here will be filled with despair, so everyone in the party will have a maximum HP of 1 and a maximum MP of 0. As one might expect in the Town of Greed, there is a casino. The rich people live in the north half of town, and the poor people live in the south half.

  • Prison Town (牢獄の町): A prison building controlled by Akbar, the right hand of Deathtamoor. It is a prison for humans who have not committed a sin. There is a town-like place inside the prison, but there are no stores. The captives are permitted a certain degree of autonomy, but live in constant fear of the guillotine. The sage Clint is imprisoned deep under the town.
  • Prison of Grief (嘆きの牢獄): An old prison, just south of Deathtamoor's castle. The Great Sage Massard is held captive here.
  • Deathtamoor's Castle (ムーアの城): The final dungeon, built on the edge of a bottomless pit; it is the castle of the Great Devil Deathtamoor.
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