Lizzie: Difference between revisions

From Dragon Quest Wiki
m (moved Drango to Drago)
m (moved Drago to Lizzie: localization)
(No difference)

Revision as of 20:44, 4 February 2011

Dragon Quest VI
Japanese name ドランゴ
Race Hacksaurus

Drago is a character and eligible party member in Dragon Quest VI.


Aside from class abilities, Drago learns a few skills on her own:

Name MP Level Target Description
Falcon Slash ? 5 One enemy Strikes twice
Flame Breath ? 5 All enemies Emits a fiery breath attack
Hatchet Man ? 9 One Unleashes an all or nothing critical attack.
Inferno ? 15 All enemies Emits a fiery breath attack
Metal Slash ? 20 Enemy group Burns a group of enemies enemies
Kazing ? 25 One ally Resurrects a fallen party member
Scorch ? 30 All enemies Emits a fiery breath attack
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