Murdaw's Keep

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 13:32, 19 September 2018 by Antiyonder (talk | contribs) (→‎Monsters)

Murdaw's Keep is a dungeon in Dragon Quest VI. It is where The Hero and party face Murdaw for the final time.


Nearby monsters



  • Murdaw
  • Prickly prankster (Murdaw has two of them during the first fight and will summon another when one is defeated.)

Vocation Level Cap

Party members can Grind to increase their vocation as long as they are at the specified level or lower.

Nintendo DS version Cell phone version
22 (Outside)
23 (Fire Section)
24 (Water Section)
32 (Outside)
33 (Fire Section)
34 (Water Section)


DQ VI SF Mudo's Castle 2.png