Exorcism Sizzle

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Exorcism Sizzle is a spell that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact. It is a variation of Sizzle that can make opponents more vulnerable to spells.


Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

Exorcism Sizzle can be learned by the Prince of darkness and Legerdeman at level 24, costing 42 MP to cast. It has a range of three squares in front of the caster, inflicts moderate Sizz-type spell damage to all enemies in a range of three squares horizontally, and has a chance to lower their Spell Res for three turns.

Exorcism Sizzle (破魔のベギラマ Hama no Begirama)Tactlogo.png
Ability information
Exorcism Sizzle
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Debuff Spell DQTact Sizz.png 42
Range Additional effects
DQTact RangeFront3.png
DQTact SpellRESDown.png
Spell Res Down
Deals moderate Sizz-type spell damage to all enemies in area of effect, occasionally lowers Spell Res for 3 turns
Naturally learnt by
Legerdeman, Prince of darkness