
From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 15:30, 15 November 2021 by LiquidMetal (talk | contribs) (stars)

Boulderbringer is a spell in the Dragon Quest series. It impales a single enemy with a staggering stalactite spire.


Dragon Quest X

Dragon Quest XI

Erik learns boulderbringer at level 23, and it costs 12 MP to cast. It will cause damage to an enemy just before they take action for three turns, dealing 56~68 base damage and reaching 108~120 once the former thief's magical might hits 145.

  • In the 3DS version the spell activates at the very beginning of the round, independent of turn order.

Dragon Quest of the Stars

Boulderbringer is an B-rank spell that deals moderate Rubblerouser spell damage, has a CT of 32s (22s at max level) and can be obtained from the Serpentine Fan.

Battle Visuals