
From Dragon Quest Wiki

Ghent is a town in Dragon Quest VI. This town is where The Hero & his party receives use of a ship & recruits Nevan.


Weapon Shop
Item Price Attributes
Iron staff 850 Attack +22/Style +8
Sledgehammer 1,800 Attack +30/Style +6
Steel broadsword 2,000 Attack +33/Style +16
Morning star 3,000 Attack +38/Style +14
Cautery sword 4,400 Attack +42/Style +23
Armor Shop
Item Price Attributes
Iron armour 1,200 Defense +25/Style +19
Full plate armour 2,300 Defense +30/Style +27
Cloak of evasion 3,000 Defense +28/Style +11
Iron shield 720 Defense +16/Style +12
Silver tiara 450 Defense +14/Style +25
Iron helmet 1,100 Defense +16/Style +15
Item Shop
Item Price Attributes
Medicinal herb 8
Antidotal herb 10
Holy water 20
Moonwort bulb 30
Chimaera wing 25


Price per person
10 Gold Coins


Nearby monsters


DQ VI SF Gent.png