
From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 19:37, 23 February 2022 by Vgmaster77 (talk | contribs) (Adding appearance entry from Dragon Quest Heroes II.)

Lambpede is the signature skill of the Shepherd vocation, summoning an entire flock to flatten foes when used. It can be used in any terrain, but has a 33.5% chance to fail.


Dragon Quest VII

Lambpede is learned upon reaching rank 8 of the vocation in both the PSX and 3DS versions of the game. The skill strikes four times, damage being based off of the user's level, calculated as Lv x 2 + 25 with a range of +/-10% in the PSX original.

  • In the 3DS version, damage is Lv x 1.3 + 20 with a +/- range of 6. The skill attacks all enemies once, like a whip strike.

Dragon Quest Heroes II

"C'mon you lot! Don't feel BAAAAAAAAADDDDDD!!!!"

Lambpede appears as Ruff's Coup de Grâce when he is in High Tension mode. He blows a leaf whistle that calls in a rushing flock of sheep that swirls around Ruff's position, mowing through any foes in their path.