
From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 08:27, 1 October 2023 by Follower of Light (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Item |title = ''Pebble'' |image = File:Pebble icon.jpg |japanese = {{tt|石ころ弾|Stone bullet}} |romaji = Ishikoretama |names = None |games = {{DQTreasures}} |effect = Damages target }} The humble '''pebble''' is the most fundamental of ballistics for the catapult, serving as a readily available practice ammo to allow players to get used to shooting without worrying about wasting scarcer projectiles. ==Appearances== ==={{DQTreasures}}=== Pebbles are the fir...")
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Pebble icon.jpg
Japanese 石ころ弾
Romaji Ishikoretama
Old localizations None
Found in Dragon Quest Treasures
Effect Damages target

The humble pebble is the most fundamental of ballistics for the catapult, serving as a readily available practice ammo to allow players to get used to shooting without worrying about wasting scarcer projectiles.


Dragon Quest Treasures[edit]

Pebbles are the first type of ammo available to the player, handed over in order to free Porcus and Purrsula from their cage on the main mast of the viking ship during the game's opening sequence. Pebbles inflict impact damage similar to mallet pellets, but have a lower base damage value and their effectiveness is entirely dependent on Mia and Erik's strength stat. Axel can forge ten at once with just a single flintstone.