Favorite foods
The Paternoggin The Maneland The Hinterquarters The Wingswept Moors The Snarl
Cinderback Ridge The Snarl
The Maneland The Snarl
The Paternoggin The Hinterquarters The Snarl
The Paternoggin The Maneland The Hinterquarters The Wingswept Moors The Snarl
The Wingswept Moors
The Paternoggin The Maneland The Snarl
Cinderback Ridge The Snarl
The Wingswept Moors The Snarl
The Hinterquarters (night only) The Snarl
The Wingswept Moors The Snarl
Cinderback Ridge
The Paternoggin The Wingswept Moors The Snarl
The Maneland Cinderback Ridge The Snarl
The Hinterquarters The Snarl
The Paternoggin The Snarl
The Maneland The Snarl
The Wingswept Moors The Snarl
The Paternoggin (lower section) The Snarl
The Paternoggin The Wingswept Moors The Snarl
The Maneland The Snarl
The Hinterquarters The Wingswept Moors The Snarl
The Wingswept Moors The Snarl
The Paternoggin The Maneland The Hinterquarters The Wingswept Moors Cinderback Ridge
The Paternoggin The Snarl
Cinderback Ridge The Snarl
The Paternoggin The Wingswept Moors The Snarl
The Wingswept Moors The Snarl
The Paternoggin The Snarl
The Maneland The Snarl
Cinderback Ridge The Snarl
Cinderback Ridge
The Paternoggin The Maneland The Hinterquarters The Wingswept Moors The Snarl
Cinderback Ridge The Snarl
The Paternoggin The Hinterquarters The Snarl
The Wingswept Moors Cinderback Ridge The Hinterquarters
The Wingswept Moors
The Paternoggin The Maneland Cinderback Ridge The Snarl
The Hinterquarters The Snarl
The Snarl
The Paternoggin Cinderback Ridge The Maneland The Snarl
The Maneland
The Paternoggin The Maneland The Snarl
Cinderback Ridge The Snarl
The Wingswept Moors The Snarl
The Hinterquarters The Snarl
The Paternoggin The Wingswept Moors The Snarl
The Hinterquarters The Snarl
The Snarl
The Wingswept Moors
The Maneland The Snarl
The Maneland The Snarl
The Hinterquarters The Snarl
Quest reward
The Hinterquarters
Cinderback Ridge The Hinterquarters The Snarl
The Maneland The Snarl
The Maneland
The Maneland The Wingswept Moors The Snarl
Cinderback Ridge (night only) The Hinterquarters The Snarl
The Snarl
Cinderback Ridge
Cinderback Ridge The Wingswept Moors The Snarl
Cinderback Ridge
The Snarl
The Hinterquarters
The Snarl
The Hinterquarters
The Hinterquarters The Snarl
Cinderback Ridge The Snarl
The Snarl
The Snarl
Free DLC
Free DLC
Side quest reward
Post-game reward