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Dragon Quest VII
Japanese name マチルダ
Romaji Matilda
Class Warrior
Race Fright Knight
Age Unknown
Family Brother, Molloy

Maeve (formerly Matilda) is a character in Dragon Quest VII.


Maeve is the sister of Molloy, for whom the town of Ballymolloy is named. When she was young, monsters attacked the town. As an able warrior, he decided to fight back against the monsters. The plan was that he would be the first in a wave of attacks from the village. However, when the time came to fight, none of the villagers could summon their courage to help Molloy. Because of this, Molloy continued fighting the monsters, waiting for reinforcements that never came. When the monsters were defeated, Molloy returned bloodied and died soon after. Maeve, fueled by grief and told by an evil voice, grew bitter at the villagers' cowardice. She began to resent them and then turned into a monster resembling a fright knight.

Sometime before the party arrives in Ballymolloy, Maeve steals all the women and orders the villagers to destroy their town or they would never see the women again. Hanlon tries to bring the women back but is gravely injured. Maeve, seeing Patrick, Hanlon's son, elects to bring the fallen warrior back to Ballymolloy.


Maeve first meets the party in the Oddwoods outside of Ballymolloy. She offers weeds to some nearby graves because she had no flowers to offer. Maribel gives her some flower seeds and, moved by her kindness, Maeve escorts them to the town, but slips away quietly just as they arrive.

She meets them again at the entrance to Rainbow Mines. The party tells her why they have come to the mine and asks her to help them find a green gem. She declines to help them. However, as soon as the party finds a green gem, Maeve returns and helps the party obtain a piece of it. At the same time, gives them a wooden doll. She says that it is a memento of her brother, but she doesn't need it anymore.

She is last seen in the Tower where she reveals her true form after defeating the Crabble-rouser. After defeating the crab, the party is shocked to find out that Maeve is actually the leader of the monsters. She tells them that only her death will bring back the women of Ballymolloy. The party defeats her. The party will have two choices: they can let Hanlon slay her or protect her from Hanlon. Either way, she will inform the party on how to return to their own time. After conveying that information, she dies.

As A Temporary Party Member

Maeve joins the party temporarily. Her regular attack does 30 HP. Her Dragon Slash does the same amount of damage due to the lack of Dragon type monsters in Ballymolloy. She can also use Lightning Slash which does 40 HP. Finally, she can use Heal which can heal one party member 30 HP.

As A Boss

The party fights Maeve in the Tower. She has about 200-250 HP. However, she does not attack at all. Maeve will either parry, use Defending Champion which causes all attacks to do 1-2 HP damage, or watch. The party should attack without fear of reprisal. After several turns, Maeve will be defeated.

HP MP Experience Gold
250 HP 20 30
Attack Defense Speed
Skills Defending champion
Game Dragon Quest VII
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