Villa Priores

From Dragon Quest Wiki

Villa Priores (originally SkyTown) is a sky village in Dragon Quest VII.

Within the village is the structure leading to the Multipleximus Maximus.


The village's shape is 3D based cube. As The Hero, Serafina and The Party move off a ledge, then safely end up on the next piece of ground.




Price per person
20 Gold Coins

Other notable attributes

   Save icon.png    This is a location where the game can be saved.

Notable Resident

  • Praetor of Villa Priores (Originally Pendragon of SkyTown) - Gives The Hero and Party the Multipleximus key after they clean up his room.


  • The shape of the cube is more simplistic in the Nintendo 3DS Version to make navigation easier than the Sony PlayStation Version.
  • In the Sony PlayStation Version of the game, cleaning the Praetor's house requires The Party to pick up pieces of paper and throw them away. As the throwing option absent in the Nintendo 3DS Version, the requirement is to smash pots instead.