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Revision as of 15:24, 31 January 2010 by Adan Aileron (talk | contribs)
Vrenor is a location in Dragon Quest IV. Located in the northeast of Zamovska, it is a highly gossipy small town.
Alena, Borya and Kiryl travel to Vrenor in Chapter 2 and encounter the Fake Princess of Santohaim and her retinue. After her capture, the kidnappers place the Armlet of Transmutation as her ransom; the party, having acquired the item earlier in their travels, gives it up to ensure the girl's safety. After this, they move on.
- Hero
- Ragnar
- Alena
- Borya
- Kiryl
- Torneko
- Meena
- Maya
- Healie
- Laurel
- Hardie
- Oojam
- Hank Hoffman Jr.
- Tom Foolery
- Orifiela
- Sparkie
- Psaro the Manslayer
- Rose
- Mary Lou
- Tsar Stepan
- Oopsy and Daisy
- Tessie
- Tipper
- Regan
- Veronica
- Mahabala
- Eliza
- Bladud
- Conrad Hilton
- Angus and Aigneas
- Willy Wally
- Anya
- Fido
- Mercenary party
- Rowand
- Barbatos
- Pruslas
- Rashaverak
- Aamon
- Psaro's Pawn
- Master Kung
- Attila the Hunk
- Quick Draw McGore
- Prima Donna
- Samson Knight
- Abominable Showman
- Balzack
- Marquis de Léon
- Estark
- Kirk Buzzer
- Zenith Dragon
- Foo Yung
- Chow Mein
Towns and Castles
- Aubout du Monde
- Bath
- Ballymoral
- Burland
- Canalot
- Casabranca
- Desert Bazaar
- Dunplundrin
- El Forado
- Endor
- Femiscyra
- Havre Léon
- Heaven's Haven
- Hidden Valley
- House of Prophecy
- Minikin's Dominion
- Laissez Fayre
- Lakanaba
- Last Chance Saloon
- Mamon
- Mintos
- Palais de Léon
- Parthenia
- Pinnacle Chapel
- Pioneer Town
- Porthtrunnel
- Riverton
- Rosehill
- Shinnock
- Strathbaile
- Taborov
- The Azimuth
- Vrenor
- Woodcutter's cabin
- Zalenagrad
- Zamoksva
- Zamoksva/Endor Teleportal
- Zenithia
- Auld Well
- Baron's Folly
- Birdsong Tower
- Briny Lair
- Cascade Cave
- Castle Nadiria
- Cave of Safekeeping
- Colossus
- Con Cave
- Cove's Cove
- Diabolic Hall
- Doorway to Nadiria
- Estark's Crypt
- Four Dens of Nadiria
- Fungeon
- Gupta Gupha
- Imperial Pantry of Parthenia
- Loch Tur
- Mamon Mine
- Nadiria Watchtower
- Psaro's Peak
- Pharos Beacon
- Royal Crypt
- Stairway to Zenithia
- Strathbaile Burrow
- The Cistern Chapel
- Trans-Montane Tunnel
- Vault of Vrenor
- Yggdrasil
Key Terms
- 'The Big Book of Beasts'
- Armlet of Transmutation
- Balloon
- Battle Records
- Birdsong nectar
- Casino
- Central Island
- Demon
- Evil Force
- Feverfew
- Flute of Revelation
- Gas canister
- Healing Spring
- Holy embers
- House of Prophecy
- Karstaway stone
- Magic Key
- Mod Rod
- Nadiria
- Night light
- Pandemonic Equipment
- Powder keg
- Prince's Letter
- Royal Scroll
- Sage's stone
- Sands of time
- Secret of Evolution
- Slimification
- Sphere of Silence
- Steel Strongbox
- Symbol of faith
- Talaria
- Teleportal
- Thief's Key
- Torneko's shop
- Tournament of Endor
- Treasure map
- Ultimate Key
- Wagon
- Yggdrasil flower
- Zenithian Equipment
Related products
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