List of enemies in Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2

Revision as of 14:44, 3 March 2022 by Moonboy65 (talk | contribs)

The following is a list of scoutable monsters, or monsters that are otherwise available through synthesizing, in Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2.


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - W - X - Y - Z


Image Name Area Rank HP MP Slot size Skill Special How to Synthesize
Abyss diver n/a B S
Ace of spades n/a S
Alabast dragon n/a M
Anchorman n/a S
Angel slime Cragravation B S
Aquarion n/a
Archdemon Necropolis S
Aquestrian Gladiator
Argon lizard E S
Atlas Dark World M


Image Name Area Rank HP MP Slot size Skill Special How to Synthesize
Baby Bjørn Iceolation L
Bad egg F S
Bag o' laughs F S
Balhib A
Baramos n/a S S
Barracuda Unshore C S
Beetleboy Dark World B S
Beetlebully S S
Behemoth slime n/a D
Belial S
Beshemoth slime
Black dragon S S
Bodkin archer Bemusoleum C S
Boe A S
Boh S
Bona constrictor Unshore,
Bone baron B S
Boreal serpent E
Boring bug D S
Boss troll Treepidation
Brownie D S
Bubble slime F S
Buffalogre A S


Image Name Area Rank HP MP Slot size Skill Special How to Synthesize
Cannibox S
Canzar Light World S L
Capsichum S
Captain Crow n/a S S Can increase tension of all allies at the start of a battle.
Chainine S
Cheeky tiki Treepidation E S
Chimaera Doubtback S
Cluboon n/a S
Cluboon ace n/a S
Cockateer S
Conkettes n/a A S
Conklave Treepidation S
Crabid D S
Cross bones n/a S
Cross eye n/a S
Cureslime Unshore C S
Cyber slime C S


Image Name Area Rank HP MP Slot size Skill Special How to Synthesize
Dracolord n/a S 800 850 S Niflheim Can immobilise enemies at the start of a battle. Great dragon + Demon-at-arms
Dual duellers Dark World A 960 480 M Dual Duellers ? ?


Image Name Area Rank HP MP Slot size Skill Special How to Synthesize
Erazor blade
Ethereal serpent
Exorsus Dark World





Image Name Area Rank HP MP Slot size Skill Special How to Synthesize
Imp Iceolation (night)


Image Name Area Rank HP MP Slot size Skill Special How to Synthesize
Jailcat Iceolation
Jumping jackal Dark World



Image Name Area Rank HP MP Slot size Skill Special How to Synthesize
Leonyx n/a
Don Mole + Orochi +
Marquis de Léon + Wildcard


Image Name Area Rank HP MP Slot size Skill Special How to Synthesize
Malroth n/a S 1200 960 M Healer Monster can launch multiple attacks in succession. (3 attacks)
Increases damage dealt by attacks, skills and abilities.
Can put enemies to sleep with a successful attack.
Hargon + Buffalogre
Missing lynx Doubtback C 1490 150 L Missing Lynx Attacks strike all enemies and damage dealt by skills and abilities increases.
Monster's imposing presence can immobilise enemies at the start of the battle.
Mottle slime Chance encounter with Dragon Quest VI (DS version) E 550 300 S Woosh & Sizz Reduces enemies' resistance to Zap-type magic. Has no effect on enemies that are impervious to Ban Dance. Mischievous mole + Stump chump
Mud mannequin Treepidation F 490 350 S Dancer Reduces enemies' resistance to Ban Dance. Has no effect on enemies that are impervious to Ban Dance. Mischievous mole + Stump chump
Muddy hand Treepidation F 430 330 S Materialist
Funghoul + Dracky
Mum n/a S 920 600 S Mage Aid Boosts Bang-type magic effects, while decreasing MP consumption. (lineage) Jum + Material family; Boe + Material family; Boh + Material family;
Mumboh-jumboe n/a S 920 600 S Barricade Boosts Bang-type magic effects, while decreasing MP consumption. (four-body) Mum + Boh + Jum + Boe
Mummy boy Bemusoleum (night) E 560 240 S Braveheart Can put enemies to sleep with a successful attack. Drohl drone + Heedoo voodoo
Murdaw n/a S 770 940 S Nightmare Boosts Crack-type magic effects while decreasing MP consumption.
Reduces enemies' resistance to sleep.
Baby Bjørn + Night clubber


Image Name Area Rank HP MP Slot size Skill Special How to Synthesize
Nardragon Unshore (foggy) E 600 100 S Psycho Allows monsters to psyche up in battle. Komodo + Material family
Nemeslime After 200 communication battles, every 10 com. battles thereafter offer a reward.
There is a small chance of Nemeslime
being the reward.
S 800 570 S Imposing Monster's imposing presence can immobilise enemies at the start of the battle. n/a
Night clubber n/a S 999 350 S Martyr Monster will attack last in battle.
Monster can deal heavy damage to L monsters.
Boss troll + Pazuzu
Night emperor Cragravation D 570 520 S Bad Breath Doubles the chance of evading enemy attacks. Mischievous mole + Dancing devil
Night knight n/a A 780 420 S Sizz & Zam Damage inflicted on enemies with metal bodies will increase by 1 point. Wailin' weed + Demon-at-arms
Nimzo n/a X 1200 720 M Nimzo May negate all buffing effects the enemies may have at the start of the battle.
Increases damage dealt by attacks, skills and abilities.
Monster will act twice in succession when not given specific orders.
Drakulard + Baramos
Noble gasbagon n/a C 710 280 S Bombardier Doubles the chance of launching pre-emptive strikes. Merman + Barracuda
Nokturnus n/a X 830 400 S Cursader Monster can launch multiple attacks in succession. (2 attacks)
May counter when struck with a physical attack.
May immobilise enemies at the start of a battle.
Dhuran + Dr. Snapped
Notso macho Dark World C 740 220 S Berserker
Merman + Yabby


Image Name Area Rank HP MP Slot size Skill Special How to Synthesize
Octavian sentry Unshore C 590 480 S Thunderwind Slashes Doubles the chance of launching pre-emptive strikes. Dangler fish + Puppeteer
Orc n/a D 550 330 S Speedster Boosts healing spell effects while decreasing MP consumption. Night emperor + Rubble slime
Orgodemir n/a X 1130 1090 M Muspell Monster can launch multiple attacks in succession. (2 attacks)
Increases damage dealt by attacks, skills and abilities.
Mortamor + Alabast dragon
Overkilling machine n/a S 610 220 S Thunderwind Slashes Always attacks twice in quick succession. Killing machine + Killing machine +
Balhib + Balhib


Image Name Area Rank HP MP Slot size Skill Special How to Synthesize
Pan piper n/a E 520 360 S Nightmare Monster may put an enemy to sleep when attacking. Satyr + Dingaling
Paws Unshore C 610 220 S Anti-metal Can decrease tension of all enemies at the start of a battle.
Monster can launch multiple attacks in succession. (2 attacks)
Treeface + Slime stack
Pazuzu Dark World A 780 430 S Bombardier Boosts Woosh-type magic effects while decreasing MP consumption. Silvapithecus + Gigantes
Phantom fencer Unshore (foggy),
Bemusoleum (night)
D 470 350 S Wind Blower Monster can deal heavy damage to L monsters.
Doubles the chances of evading enemy attacks.
Skeleton + Cross eye
Phantom swordsman Necropolis B 580 580 S Woosh & Zam Can confuse enemies when attacking.
Doubles the chances of evading enemy attacks.
Skeleton soldier + Skeleton soldier
Pink sanguini Dark World B 640 450 S Woosh & Crack Can dazzle enemies and immobilise them at the start of a battle.
Experience points received after a battle are increased by 10%.
Merman + Grim rider
Platypunk Doubtback F 460 300 S Naturalist Monster can launch multiple attacks in succession. (3 attacks) Slime + Ghost
Powie yowie n/a E 600 210 S Crack & Zap Monster can launch multiple attacks in succession. (2 attacks) Mischievous mole + Drohl drone
Prince o' thieves Chance encounter X 860 460 S Cursader Monster will carry out an action once or twice when not given specific orders.
May immobilise enemies at the start of a battle.
Psaro the Manslayer n/a X 1350 540 M Niflheim Increases damage dealt by attacks, skills and abilities.
Increases the chance of landing a critical hit when HP is extremely low.
Roseguardin + Ruin
Puppeteer n/a C 600 500 S All-rounder
Dancing flame + Firn fiend


Image Name Area Rank HP MP Slot size Skill Special How to Synthesize
Red dragon Dark World D 780 390 M Seal Increases damage dealt by attacks, skills and abilities.
Monster recovers a little MP each time it acts in battle.
Green dragon + Beast family
Rhapthorne n/a X 760 999 S Rhapthorne Doubles the chance of evading enemy attacks. Dhoulmagus and Mortamor
Rhapthorne II n/a X 1960 1180 L Rhapthorne II Monster can launch multiple attacks in succession. (2 attacks)
Attacks strike all enemies.
Monster will carry out an action once or twice when not given specific orders.
Rhapthorne and Zoma
Restless armour Bemusoleum C 600 360 S Anti-dragon Monster can psyche up in battle, making scouting easier. Bona constrictor and Merman
Rigor Mortex Dark World
Leonyx and Zenith Dragon
Riptide n/a A 620 290 S Firewind Slashes Monster will attack first in battle.
Monster can launch multiple attacks in succession. (2 attacks)
Heligator and Jumping jackal
Robbin' 'Ood Chance encounter S 860 580 S Bounty Hunter Monster can psyche up in battle, making scouting easier.
May immobilise enemies at the start of a battle.
Robbin' huddle Chance encounter C 610 230 S Guerilla Monster can launch multiple attacks in succession. (4 attacks)
Rockbomb Doubtback E 600 150 S Martyr Monster can psyche up in battle, making scouting easier. Spitnik and Drohl drone
Roseguardin n/a A 620 400 S Diminisher May counter when struck with a physical attack.
Monster will carry out an action once or twice when not given specific orders.
Lethal armour and Bone baron
Rotten egg n/a B 590 330 S Green Finger May counter when struck with a physical attack. Dark slime and Dancing flame
Rubble slime Cragravation,
D 630 160 S Bang & Sizz Monster will usually sustain more damage, but will occasionally take none. Slime and Lesser demon
Ruin n/a S 2280 340 L Ruin Monster will attack last in battle.
Monster will act twice in succession when not given specific orders.
Attacks strike all enemies.
Attacks often miss the mark, but can deliver critical hits.
Gold golem and Mumboh-jumboe


Image Name Area Rank HP MP Slot size Skill Special How to Synthesize
Sagittar Bemusoleum
(first visit only)
X 1990 480 L Sagittar Monster will attack first in battle.
Monster can launch multiple attacks in succession. (4 attacks)
Attacks strike all enemies.
Trauminator + Overkilling machine +
Trap box + Killing machine
Satyr Doubtback F 460 270 S Dancer Scout gauge can be boosted when a show of strength is launched. Mischievous mole + Capsichum
Scissor beatle Treepidation F 450 90 S Hive Mind Monster can psyche up in battle, making scouting easier. Scorpion + Yabby
Scorpion Cragravation D 480 330 S Hive Mind Doubles the chance of landing a critical hit.
Can paralyse enemies when attacking.
Crabid + Nature family
Sea dragon n/a C 620 420 S Ice Doubles the chance of evading enemy attacks. Seasaur + Eveel
Seasaur Unshore (foggy) D 660 120 S Dragon Lore Doubles the chance of evading enemy attacks. Gasbagon + Rubble slime
See urchin Unshore F 280 320 S Aquapothecary Boosts healing spell effects while decreasing MP consumption. Dracky + Healslime
Seedy weedie n/a
Shadow Iceolation,
D 350 530 S Reaper Monster can launch multiple attacks in succession. (2 attacks)
Boosts Zam-type magic effects while decreasing MP consumption.
Dancing flame + Dancing devil
Shell slime Unshore E 410 450 S Bolsterer Scout gauge can be boosted when a show of strength is launched. Slime + Wild slime
She-slime n/a E 480 380 S Frizz & Zap Boosts Frizz-type magic effects while decreasing MP consumption. Slime + Healslime
Shogum n/a S 770 540 S Icesplosion Slashes May counter when struck with a physical attack.
May carry out an action once or twice when not given specific orders.
Metal kaiser slime + Metal kaiser slime
Silvapithecus Cragravation,
D 530 460 S Diabolist
Angel slime + Lesser demon
Skelegon Cragravation (raining),
D 660 180 S Crack & Zam Boosts Zam-type magic effects while reducing MP consumption. Hacksaurus + Undead family
Skeleton Unshore (foggy)
D 620 290 S Enfeebler
Stump chump + Rubble slime
Skeleton X n/a B 680 350 S Antimagic May counter when struck with a physical attack.
Monster's tension increasing causes enemy's tension to decrease.
Skeleton + Skeleton (both must be Level 20 or higher)
Skeleton XY n/a S 870 540 S Über knight May counter when struck with a physical attack.
May negate all buffing effects the enemies may have at the start of the battle.
Monster will otherwise survive fatal damage with 1HP.
Skeleton X + Skeleton X (both must be Level 50 or higher)
Skeleton soldier Necropolis B 750 420 S Healer Can paralyse enemies when attacking. Bona constrictor + Gryphon
Skipper n/a E 480 320 S Saboteur Monster will always be able to flee from a battle. Stump chump + Jailcat
Slime Albatross,
F 410 300 S Slimer Doubles the chance of landing a critical hit. n/a
Slime X n/a C 540 360 S Slimer Doubles the chance of landing a critical hit.
May carry out an action up to 1-2 times in a row when not given specific orders.
Slime + Slime (both must be Level 20 or higher)
Slime XY n/a S 780 630 S Über Zapologist Boosts Zap-type magic effects while decreasing MP consumption.
Doubles the chance of landing a critical hit.
May carry out an action up to 1-2 times in a row when not given specific orders.
Slime X + Slime X (both must be Level 50 or higher)
Slime knight n/a D 500 370 S White Knight May counter when struck with a physical attack. Slime + Night emperor
Slime stack Cragravation C 670 420 S Bang & Zap Monster can launch multiple attacks in succession. (3 attacks)
Experience points received after a battle are increased by 10%.
Angel slime + Dangler fish
Snail slime Unshore D 410 450 S Bolsterer Scout gauge can be boosted when a show of strength is launched. Mummy boy + Wild slime
Snapdragon n/a D 720 120 S Frizz & Woosh Doubles the chance of evading enemy attacks. Dragonthorn + Undead family
Snowbird Iceolation E 540 240 S Cold Sleep Doubles the chance of evading enemy attacks. Mischievous mole + Dancing flame
Snowmangler n/a D 550 500 S Crack & Sizz Boosts Zam-type magic effects while decreasing MP consumption. Slime + Dancing devil
Soulspawn n/a B 420 860 S Graveheart Monster may inflict confusion on enemies when attacking.
Monster can launch multiple attacks in succession. (3 attacks)
Bona constrictor + Dark slime
Spiked hare Iceolation E 490 200 S Naturalist Monster can psyche up in battle, making scouting easier. Jailcat + Dracky
Spitnik Unshore F 490 320 S Frizz & Bang Boosts Bang-type magic effects while decreasing MP consumption. Weaken beakon + Funghoul
Stark raven n/a B 610 460 S Bird Brain Monster's tension increasing causes enemy's tension to decrease.
Doubles the chance of evading enemy attacks.
Paws + Dark slime knight
Stump chump Treepidation F 450 310 S Green Finger
Ghost + Dracky
Swarmtroop Treepidation F 360 240 S Woosh & Zap Monster can launch multiple attacks in succession. (2 attacks)
Doubles the chance of evading enemy attacks.


Image Name Area Rank HP MP Slot size Skill Special How to Synthesize
Teeny sanguini Dark World D 530 350 S Frizz & Zap Can dazzle enemies and immobilise them at the start of a battle.
Experience points received after a battle are increased by 10%.
Mischievous mole + Imp
Teeny sanguini X n/a B 530 360 S Frizz & Zap Can dazzle enemies and immobilise them at the start of a battle.
Monster will attack first in battle.
Teeny sanguini + Teeny sanguini (both must be Level 20 or higher)
Teeny sanguini XY n/a S 680 710 S Über Helpful Monster will attack first in battle.
Can increase tension of all allies at the start of a battle.
May automatically purge all negative status effects from the party.
Teeny sanguini X + Teeny sanguini X (both must be Level 50 or higher)
Thornella Dark World A 1210 330 M Thornella Monster can launch multiple attacks in succession. (2 attacks)
Increases damage dealt by attacks, skills and abilities.
Gripevine + Exorsus
Tortured soul n/a A 640 999 S Cursader Reduces enemies' resistance to paralysis.
No effect on enemies who are impervious to paralysis.
Fright knight + Wailin' weed
Trap box n/a S 920 660 S Fear-monger Doubles the chance of landing a critical hit.
Monster will usually sustain more damage, but will occasionally take none.
Cannibox + Mimic +
Mimic + Metal kaiser slime
Trauminator Dark World X 1280 500 M Darklight Slashes Always attacks twice in quick succession.
Increases damage dealt by attacks, skills and abilities.
Overkilling machine + Ruin
Treeface n/a C 950 400 M Green Finger Monster can launch multiple attacks in succession. (2 attacks)
Recovers some HP each time it acts in battle.
Increases damage dealt by attacks, skills and abilities.
Capsichum + Capsichum +
Stump chump + Stump chump
Trode n/a X 880 550 S Trickster Monster can psyche up in battle, making scouting easier.
May counter when struck with a physical attack.
Monster's tension increasing causes enemy's tension to decrease.
Nokturnus + Xenlon +
Gem slime + Dorsal fiend
Tyrantosaurus Necropolis B 690 170 S Guerilla Monster can launch multiple attacks in succession. (2 attacks) Gasbagon + Dark slime


Image Name Area Rank HP MP Slot size Skill Special How to Synthesize
Ultra slime After 200 Wi-Fi battles,
an ultra slime appears
in the Monster Pen.
A 640 390 S Cleric Monster will attack first in battle. n/a


Image Name Area Rank HP MP Slot size Skill Special How to Synthesize
Wailin' weed Unshore A 670 850 S All-Rounder Can increase tension of all allies at the start of a battle. Phantom swordsman + King kelp
Walking corpse Bemusoleum C 800 320 S Bad Breath Monster may inflict poison on enemies upon being attacked. Bona constrictor + Dancing flame
Wax murderer Dark World S 380 290 S Frizzmeister Boosts Frizz-type magic effects while decreasing MP consumption. Weaken beakon + Stump chump
Weaken beakon Doubtback E 470 370 S Sizz & Zap Monster can launch multiple attacks in succession. (2 attacks) Mischievous mole + Healslime
Weartiger n/a D 570 300 S Boom Boxer Monster can launch multiple attacks in succession. (2 attacks) Night emperor + Angel slime
Weedie n/a F 380 250 S Woosh & Sizz Boosts healing spell effects while decreasing MP consumption. Slime + Mischievous mole
Wight king n/a S 700 999 S Reaper Monster may inflict poison on enemies upon being attacked. Tortured soul + King slime
Wild boarfish Doubtback (raining) E 410 470 S Huntsman Monster may inflict paralysis on enemies upon being attacked. Bullfinch + Wild slime
Wild slime Cragravation E 600 110 S Champion Monster can psyche up in battle, making scouting easier. Slime + Frogface
Wildcard n/a ??? 460 900 S Wildcard Counter is constantly activated and cannot be canceled.
Monster can launch multiple attacks in succession. (2 attacks)
Wulfspade ace + Great godbird
Winky n/a F 410 360 S Seal Increased chance of a critical strike when HP is extremely low. Lips + Mud mannequin
Wormonger Treepidation D 1450 280 L Wormonger Attacks strike all enemies.
Monster may inflict paralysis on enemies upon being attacked.
Monster may inflict poison on enemies upon being attacked.
Wrecktor n/a D 410 760 S Bang & Woosh Boosts Woosh-type magic effects while reducing MP consumption. Silvapithecus + Angel slime
Wulfspade n/a ??? 700 320 S Wulfspade Monster can psyche up in battle, making scouting easier. Incarnus + Nature family (Rank A or higher)
Wulfspade ace n/a ??? 900 700 S Wulfspade III Monster can psyche up in battle, making scouting easier.
Monster can launch multiple attacks in succession. (2 attacks)
Incarnus + Nature family (Rank S or higher)


Image Name Area Rank HP MP Slot size Skill Special How to Synthesize
Xenlon n/a X 1300 610 M Breath May carry out an action up to 1-3 times in a row when not given specific orders.
Boosts Zap-type magic effects while decreasing MP consumption.
Increases damage dealt by attacks, skills and abilities.
Boreal serpent + Ethereal serpent +
Alabast dragon + Orochi


Image Name Area Rank HP MP Slot size Skill Special How to Synthesize
Yabby Unshore C 500 400 S Mage Aid Monster can launch multiple attacks in succession. (2 attacks) Barracuda + Dancing flame


Image Name Area Rank HP MP Slot size Skill Special How to Synthesize
Zenith Dragon n/a
Xenlon + Nokturnus +
Dracolord + Sagittar
Zoma n/a ??? 700 700 S Zoma Bounce is constantly activated and cannot be canceled.
May carry out an action up to 1-2 times in a row when not given specific orders.
Malroth + Wight king