
From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 03:15, 10 August 2022 by Antiyonder (talk | contribs)

"Amor's the name of a town in an ancient an' faraway land famed for the purity of its waters, by the way.
But don't worry - this ain't that red stuff they had over there for a while, this is the real McCoy!

Torneko, when he appraises amor seco essence in DQIV (DS, Mobile)

Amor (アモール Amoru) is a town in the Dragon Quest series that appears in Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation.

Located beside a river and waterfall, it is home to the eponymous essence that boasts exceptional curative properties and is the only town that sells it.


Warning: Spoilers!
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Amor seco essence
ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png Amor Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Medicinal herb.png Medicinal herb8This healing herb restores a little of one party member's HP
ICON-Moonwort bulb.png Moonwort bulb30Cures paralysis
ICON-Amor seco essence.png Amor seco essence120Restores 60-70 HP
ICON-WEAPON-SHOP.png Weapon Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Iron claw.png Iron claw700Attack +21/Style +15
ICON-Chain sickle.png Chain sickle1,100Attack +27/Style +13
ICON-Chain whip.png Chain whip1,200Attack +28/Style +18
ICON-Edged boomerang.png Edged boomerang1,500Attack +25/Style +19
ICON-Sledgehammer.png Sledgehammer1,800Attack +30/Style +6
ICON-Steel broadsword.png Steel broadsword2,000Attack +33/Style +16
ICON-ARMOUR-SHOP.png Armor Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Bronze armour.png Bronze armour700Defense +21/Style +12
ICON-Iron cuirass.png Iron cuirass1,000Defense +23/Style +4
ICON-Iron armour.png Iron armour1,200Defense +25/Style +19
ICON-Iron shield.png Iron shield720Defense +16/Style +12
ICON-Fur hood.png Fur hood400Defense +11/Style +13
ICON-Iron helmet.png Iron helmet1,100Defense +16/Style +15


Price per person
30 gold coins (Lower World)
2 gold coins (Upper World)


(Lower World)

(Upper World)

Nearby monsters
