Material family
The Material family or Inorganic family (Japanese Kanji: 物質 Hiragana: ぶっしつ Romanji: Bushitsu) refers to monsters in Dragon Quest series that are formed from materials such as stone, iron, or cloth. In some games, this family also includes members of the Elemental family and the Machine family.
In addition to the more Western-influenced designs such as golems and treasure chest mimics, many material monsters are based on the Tsukumogami; inanimate object yōkai that acquire sentience after "living" for 99 years. As any household object can become a Tsukumogami, so to can plain possessions become material monsters.
DQM Strengths and WeaknessEdit
- High Defense
- Resistance to fire and ice attacks
- CleanCut, Material Whirl, Monster Masher (skill), Devil Crusher, and Can Opener skills.
List of AppearancesEdit
Dragon QuestEdit
Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary LineEdit
Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of SalvationEdit
- Bag o' laughs
- Cannibox
- Firn fiend
- Gold golem
- Goodybag
- Great keeper
- Hardy hand
- Infernal armour
- IronNite
- Lethal armour
- Living statue
- Magmalice
- Mimic
- Muddy hand
- Pandora's box
- Restless armour
- Rockbomb
- Stone guardian
Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the ChosenEdit
- Bloody blade
- Cannibox
- Cheeky tiki
- Dirty dogu
- Erazor blade
- Infernal armour
- Lethal armour
- Mimic
- Pandora's box
- Paralyslicer
- Pocus poppet
- Restless armour
- Rockbomb
- Sir Roseguardin
- Teaky mask
- Terracotta warrior
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly BrideEdit
- Bag o' laughs
- Balhib
- Bomboulder
- Burr baby
- Cannibox
- Frighturn
- Golem
- Goodybag
- Hades' helm
- Hex hellmet
- Magic marionette
- Mimic
- Mud mannequin
- Muddy hand
- Pocus poppet
- Restless armour
- Rockbomb
- Stone golem
- Terracotta warrior
- Time burrm
- Urnexpected
- Wax murderer
- Wickerman
Dragon Quest VI: Realms of RevelationEdit
- Animated armour
- Annihilantern
- Bad karmour (vulnerable to Metal Slash)
- Bloody hand
- Bomboulder
- Cannibox
- Devil glass
- Dragooner (vulnerable to Metal Slash)
- Dreadstaff (vulnerable to Undead Undoer)
- Frighturn
- Goodybag
- Harmour
- Haunted mirror
- Infernal pane
- Living statue
- Magic marionette
- Malevolamp
- Malevolantern
- Mimic
- Mud mannequin
- Muddy hand
- Rockbomb
- Stone guardian
- Urnexpected
- Wayward armour
- Wraithwand (vulnerable to undead undoer)
Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten PastEdit
- Bag o' laughs
- Bag o' sweets (3DS only)
- Black book (3DS only)
- Bomboulder
- Boogieing buttress (3DS only)
- Cannibox
- Cavorting column
- Ceramic sergeant
- Clay colonel (3DS only)
- Collum o' golem
- Diamond mannequin (3DS only)
- Frighturn
- Glowering Inferno
- Gold golem
- Gold mannequin (3DS only)
- Golem
- Goodybag
- Gourd almighty (3DS only)
- Grimoire
- Grinade
- Hexicon
- Lover lamp (3DS only)
- Mad moai
- Malevolantern
- Mastermine
- Mad moai
- Metal mannequin (3DS only)
- Mimic
- Mud mannequin
- Pandora's box
- Prancing pillar
- Rockbomb
- Spiny mine
- Stone golem
- Terracotta warrior
- Urnexpected
- Vial creature
- Vigilantern
- Vile vial
- Wax murderer (3DS only)
- Wickerman (3DS only)
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed KingEdit
- Bag o' laughs
- Bomboulder
- Box of Tricks
- Cannibox
- Coffer of death
- Dead ringer
- Dingaling
- Gold golem
- Golem
- Goodybag
- Great keeper
- Hell hopper
- Lethal armour
- Living statue
- Magic dumbbell
- Magic marionette
- Mimic
- Mimic king
- Mud mannequin
- Night sneaker
- Pandora's box
- Restless armour
- Rockbomb
- Ruin
- Skipper
- Statue of Angelo
- Statue of Hero
- Statue of Jessica
- Statue of Yangus
- Stone golem
- Stone guardian
Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry SkiesEdit
- Alarmour
- Bad karmour
- Bag o' laughs
- Bagma
- Barriearthenwarrior
- Bomboulder
- Brrearthenwarrior
- Cannibox
- Charmour
- Cheeky tiki
- Earthenwarrior
- Freaky tiki
- Garth Goyle
- Gold golem
- Golem
- Goodybag
- Grim reaper
- Grinade
- Harmour
- Infernal armour
- Lethal armour
- Living statue
- Mad moai
- Mega moai
- Mimic
- Moai minstrel
- Pandora's box
- Ragged reaper
- Raving reaper
- Restless armour
- Rockbomb
- Sacksquatch
- Sculpture vulture
- Stone golem
- Stone guardian
- Teaky mask
Dragon Quest XEdit
- Alarmour
- Bad karmour
- Bag o' sweets
- Bloody blade
- Blue moon
- Bomboulder
- Cannibox
- Cavorting column
- Charmour
- Chest mimic
- Dark planet
- Demonic knight
- Dirty dogu
- Dirty doll
- Disfigurine
- Erazor blade
- Fromage fey
- Fromage flay
- Fromage fray
- Fromage grey
- Glacial golem
- Golden box
- Gold-plated puppet
- Gold golem
- Golem
- Goodybag
- Grinade
- Guardian angel
- Hat hamwitch
- Harmour
- Infernal armour
- Killer torch
- Lampling
- Lava lampling
- Leafy lampling
- Lethal armour
- Living statue
- Luminous lampling
- Mad moai
- Magic marionette
- Mars face
- Mega moai
- Mimic
- Moai minstrel
- Mouldy cheese
- Mud mannequin
- Multicolour mannequin
- Needleman
- Needle rabbit
- Pandora's box
- Paralyslicer
- Pocus poppet
- Puppet rope
- Prancing pillar
- Restless armour
- Rockbomb
- Ruin
- Sculpture vulture
- Schwarzchuld
- Spike head
- Stone golem
- Stone guardian
- String fella
- Wax murderer
- Wickerman
- Wire man
Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive AgeEdit
- Bingo bango bongo
- Bomboulder
- Bong bango
- Bongo drongo
- Bongo fandango
- Brollygarch
- Brollygagger
- Brollyminator
- Brollympian
- Cannibox
- Colossal cannibox
- Coralossus
- Glacial golem
- Gold golem
- Gold-plated puppet
- Golden girl
- Golem
- Great keeper
- Grinade
- Gyldenaut
- Gyldenbritches
- Gyldygga
- Hat hamwitch
- Infernal armour
- Iron maiden
- Lampling
- Lava lampling
- Leafy lampling
- Lethal armour
- Leviathing
- Living statue
- Luminous lampling
- Lurid lampling
- Magic marionette
- Mimic
- Mega mimic
- Mosstodon
- Mud mannequin
- Pandora's box
- Pandora's big bad box
- Platinum poppet
- Restless armour
- Rockbomb
- Snowgre
- Steel siren
- Stone golem
- Stone guardian
- Wrongo bongo
Dragon Quest MonstersEdit
- Balzak
- BombCrag
- CoilBird
- CurseLamp
- EvilPot
- EvilWand
- Facer
- Gismo
- GoldGolem
- Golem
- Goopi
- IceMan
- JewelBag
- LavaMan
- MadCandle
- MadMirror
- MetalDrak
- Mimic
- MudDoll
- Roboster
- RogueNite
- SabreMan
- SpikyBoy
- Stoneman
- Voodoll
Dragon Quest Monsters 2Edit
- Balzak
- BombCrag
- Brushead
- CloudKing
- CoilBird
- CurseLamp
- DarkMate
- EvilPot
- EvilWand
- Exaucers
- Facer
- Gismo
- GoldGolem
- Golem
- Goopi
- IceMan
- JewelBag
- LavaMan
- MadCandle
- MadMirror
- MetalDrak
- Mimic
- MudDoll
- ProtoMech
- Puppetor
- Roboster
- Roboster2
- RogueNite
- SabreMan
- SpikyBoy
- StoneMan
- Voodoll
Dragon Quest Monsters: JokerEdit
- Anchorman
- Bag o' laughs
- Boe
- Boh
- Cannibox
- Dancing flame
- Dingaling
- Estark
- Frostburn
- Gold golem
- Golem
- Goodybag
- Hunter mech
- Jum
- Killing machine
- King kelp
- Living statue
- Mecha-mynah
- Mimic
- Mud mannequin
- Mum
- Mumboh-jumboe
- Psaro
- Puppeteer
- Rockbomb
- Ruin
- Shadow
- Spitnik
- Trap box
- Wax murderer
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2Edit
- Anchorman
- Bag o' laughs
- Balhib
- Boh
- Boe
- Cannibox
- Cheeky tiki
- Dancing flame
- Dingaling
- Estark
- Firn fiend
- Frostburn
- Gold golem
- Golem
- Goodybag
- Goodybag X
- Goodybag XY
- Hunter mech
- Jum
- Killing machine
- King kelp
- Living statue
- Malevolamp
- Magmalice
- Mecha-mynah
- Mimic
- Mud mannequin
- Mum
- Mumboh-jumboe
- Overkilling machine
- Psaro
- Puppeteer
- Rockbomb
- Ruin
- Sagittar
- Shadow
- Spitnik
- Trap box
- Trauminator
- Wax murderer
Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark PrinceEdit
- A3G15
- Abracadabrador
- Admirer
- Avian android
- Bag o' laughs
- Bag o' tricks
- Bag o' sweets
- Balhib
- Bambooligan
- Blue moon
- Bomboulder
- Bongo drongo
- Bongo fandango
- Buntzenburner
- Cannibox
- Chocolate golem
- Clockwork cuckoo
- Coralossus
- Cumaulus
- Dancing flame
- Disfigurine
- Eggsoskeleton
- Erazor blade
- Escudogre
- Face invader
- Firn fiend
- Flying saucers
- Foo dog
- Freezing fog
- Fromage fey
- Fromage fray
- Frostburn
- Golem
- Goodybag
- Graven idol
- Great keeper
- Hard-boiled eggsoskeleton
- Hell nino
- Horriflying saucers
- Hunter mech
- Iron maiden
- Killing machine
- Lampling
- Living statue
- Magmalice
- Mecha-mynah
- Mud mannequin
- Mudraker
- Ne'er-do-well
- Overkilling machine
- Paralyslicer
- Pocus poppet
- Prancing pillar
- Rockbomb
- Sacksquatch
- Saccharine sacksquatch
- Spitnik
- Stone golem
- String fella
- Überkilling machine
Dragon Quest TactEdit
- Alarmour
- Arrghgoyle
- Bad karmour
- Bag o' laughs
- Balhib
- Belleau
- Blizzybody
- Bloody hand
- Cannibox
- Clockwork cuckoo
- Cumaulus
- Cumulus hex
- Cumulus rex
- Cumulus vex
- Dancing flame
- Demon cloud
- Dora-in-Grey
- Extreme killing machine
- Flamethrower
- Flazzard
- Freezing fog
- Frostburn
- Glacial golem
- Gold golem
- Gold-plated puppet
- Golem
- Goodybag
- Great muddy hand
- Grinade
- Gyldenaut
- Gyldenbritches
- Halloween Dora-in-Grey
- Harmour
- Hell niño
- Hunter mech
- Ice sculpture
- Killer torch
- Killing machine
- Killing machine light
- Lethal armour
- Living statue
- Lucky bag
- Magic marionette
- Masqueraider
- Mecha-mynah
- Metal dragon
- Mud mannequin
- Muddy hand
- Overkilling machine
- Pandora's box
- Restless armour
- Robo-robin
- Roseguardin
- Sagittar
- Schwarzchuld
- Sculptrice
- Shadow
- Silhouette
- Stainless scrapper
- Stone golem
- Trap box
- Überkilling machine
- Umbra
- Wax murderer
- Wickerman
Dragon Quest Builders 2Edit
Certain members of the material family take extra damage from the Hammer.
- Cannibox
- Mimic
- Dirty dogu
- Pocus poppet
- Terracotta warrior
- Living statue
- Stone guardian
- Rockbomb
- Golem
- Stone golem
- Gold golem
- Bag o' laughs
- Goodybag
- Hunter mech
- Killing machine
Dragon Quest TreasuresEdit
- The Muddy hands and their brethren were considered to be material monsters up until VII, in which they were classified as members of the Undead family. As of X, this seems to be their new monster type in the main line games.