Maribel Mayde

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Maribel Mayde
Dragon Quest VII
DQVII 3DS Maribel.png
Sprite(s) Dq7 maribel-sprite.gif
Title Mayor's Daughter
Class Adjustable
Race Human
Age 16
Family Amitt (Father)
Unnamed mother
Amitt's only daughter. She has a tendency to think that the whole world revolves around her. Nonetheless, she is a faithful friend to you and Kiefer. --Description from the Dragon Quest VII instructional manual.

Maribel Mayde is the daughter of the mayor of Pilchard Bay in the game Dragon Quest VII.


Maribel has long auburn hair that she wears in curls. She wears a simple orange and green one piece robe over a red dress, brown shoes, and a orange kerchief over her hair.


Maribel is quite snobbish. Being the daughter of the mayor has helped nurture this trait. Her target is usually the Hero. She regards him as a lackey, expecting him to provide protection to her, even in battle. She is often very pushy, especially when she doesn't get her way. Maribel has no problem expressing her opinion on any subject, going so far as to label the WindSpirit a slut. To her parents, she is too rambunctious and they would like her to be more ladylike. However, beneath her abrasive exterior is a considerate heart. After she learns of her father's illness, she voluntarily leaves the party to look after him.


In the beginning of the night, Maribel is talking to the Hero. She asks him if he will ever tell her where he and Kiefer go every day. Regardless of what the player answers, she will tell him that she will find out someday.

On the day of the pilchard harvest, Maribel tries to stow away on the fishing expedition. However she is found out by the hero. When she yells at him for revealing her hiding spot, she is discovered by the ship's cook who proceeds to throw her off the ship.

Afterwards, King Burns summons the hero to Estard Castle. Maribel witnesses this summons and tags along, telling him that she wanted to go shopping in the castle town. The two head to the castle town where she leaves him to talk to the king, telling him that she can find her way back home by herself.

When the Hero and Kiefer are about to unlock the secret of the Estard Ruins, Maribel finds them. She threatens them to take her along with them or else she will tell everyone about their secret. Faced with this dilemma, the two allow her to tag along as they finish exploring the ruins. When the Hero activates the Pedestal that leads to Rexwood, Maribel is shocked at the happenings. The three of them are transported to Rexwood.

For a detailed synopsis of Maribel's adventures, click on the Dragon Quest VII navigational tool.

After the party clears Probina, Loomin and Mardra, Maribel exclaims that she is tired. She decides to head to her house to rest. Before they leave the Ruins, they are encountered by an Estard soldier. He tells Maribel that her father, Mayor Mayde has taken ill. Maribel hurries home to see her father bedridden, being attended to by the local priest and her mother. Maribel is in no position to adventure at this junction.

Revival of God

After the Hero, Ruff, Aishe and King Burns are thrown off the Sky Stone, the island of Estard is sealed, they go to see Maribel. She asks the Hero if there is a seal on their continent. She realizes that the party needs her help to remove the seal. She joins the party.

For a detailed synopsis of the events after the Revival of God, click on Estard, Coastal, Engow, Dune, and Gorges.

End Game

When the Demon Lord is defeated, the party goes through the lands and they sing the praises of the heroes.

After several months, the Amitt Festival occurs. Maribel once again tries to stow away on the ship but is found out by the Hero. She starts to chew him out until she is caught by the Head Cook again. However, Pollock allows Maribel to come on the fishing voyage this time, to her delight.


Maribel learns the following abilities naturally.

Level Skill/Spell MP Required Target Info Oomph
3 Frizz 2 One enemy Causes between 9 and 15 HP in fire spell damage. No
4 Sap 3 One Enemy Cuts a single enemy's defense in half No
5 Follow through 0 Self Returns any attack against the caster back to the enemy No
7 Snooze 3 One Group Puts a group of enemies to sleep No
9 Evac 8 Field Allows party to escape a dungeon No
10 Heal 2 One Ally Heals ~30HP to one ally No
11 Dazzle 5 One Group Causes one group of enemies to miss physical attacks more often No

Attribute Starting Stats Maximum Stats
Level 1 99
HP 20 650
MP 0 800
Strength 4 280
Agility 10 300
Resilience 3 170
Wisdom 8 420
Style 10 130
Initial gear


Maribel is the weakest character, physically speaking. She will not be dealing high damage until she reaches Alltrades Abby where she can change her class. She can, however, equip whips which deal successive damage to groups of enemies. Conversely, she has high intelligence which makes her better suited to magic classes like Mage and Priest. It should be noted that this will make her more frail and so she should always be situated in the back row.

She can equip knives, staves and whips to attack and wear robes and other light weight armour. Maribel should also be given items such as the Wonder Rock and the Bless Staff so she can be designated healer.

Maribel leaves the party after the events of Probina, Loomin and Mardra. Because of this, when the player gets her back in Disc 2, she is extremely frail in comparison. To assuage this, the player must remember to get her some weapons and armor from Coastal or the Sky Fane so that she isn't weak when she joins the party again.

Other Appearances

Dragon Quest IX

Maribel appears as a special guest at Quester's Rest as part of a WiFi downloadable update. She will present the Hero with various pieces of armor modeled after her outfit for meeting certain requirements.
