Downtown Heliodor

From Dragon Quest Wiki

"Welcome to downtown Heliodor, home to ruffians, rogues and all my other favourite kinds of people!"


Downtown Heliodor is the lower level of Heliodor in Dragon Quest XI that is populated by shady characters and the impoverished. Nonetheless, the district is lively and has many shops, an inn, and a church. There is more than one method of reaching the city proper.


The Luminary and Erik make their way here to search for the Red Orb after their daring escape from the castle's dungeons and ending up in the Heliodorian Foothills. Erik tells the Luminary that he and his partner Derk made their base there and successfully stole the orb from the royal treasury of Heliodor about a year prior to the events of the game. Before being thrown in the dungeons, the thief stashed the orb in the rubbish tip at the center of the slums, where everyone leaves their odds and ends. However, when the duo go to search for it, it is nowhere to be found.

Erik guesses that his former partner has made off with the orb and they decide to look for Ruby, the local innkeeper, to find out his whereabouts. Ruby is not at her inn, so the Luminary climbs a lookout tower to search for her. He watches as a sentry refuses entry into the city to an old woman, accepts a gold bribe from a shady-looking gentleman, is distracted by an attractive female dancer, and gets scared away from his post by a barking dog before Ruby makes her way back to her inn. Back at the inn, the landlady is surprised to see Erik since she had heard he was thrown into the castle's dungeons and informs him that Derk now runs his own shop in the wealthy district of Heliodor near the castle. The two then devise a scheme to get past the sentry back into Heliodor.

There are three different methods for getting back to Heliodor to look for Derk:

  • The first involves borrowing a dog named Bullseye from a little girl in order to distract the guard. She'll only allow the two to borrow him if they give her some Buzzberries and Holy water. The berries can be found from sparkly spots in the Heliodorian Foothills and the holy water can be purchased at the item shop.
  • The second option is to fool the guard with a fake love letter from Roxy. At the base of the lookout tower, a woman will tell the duo about the children playing hide-and-seek and says that Cammo, who is the best at hiding, knows some gossip about the gate guard. He can be found after crossing some platforms from the lookout tower that weren't accessible before. Cammo suggests that Ruby should be able to write a love letter pretending to be Roxy. Back at her inn, Ruby will agree and gives the pair a Forged Love Letter that they can deliver to the guard. He will leave his post after giving him the letter, allowing the two to enter Heliodor.
  • The third method can be found by helping a man complete a secret passage to the city. He can be found by climbing the ladder near the item shop to the top level, then crossing a tightrope to the north end of the street and crossing a plank leading east to another platform. The man working on the tunnel needs a Flintstone in order to complete it. There are two Flintstones located in Downtown Heliodor. After giving him the stone, he will allow you to be the first to pass through. The shortcut leads to an alley in the southwest part of Heliodor.

Shops & Services[edit]

ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png Item Shop (First Act)
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Medicinal herb XI.png
Medicinal herb
8Restores at least 30 HP to a single ally.
ICON-Antidotal herb XI.png
Antidotal herb
10Cures one party member of poison.
ICON-Holy water XI.png
Holy water
20Repels weaker monsters.
ICON-Chimaera wing XI.png
Chimaera wing
25Teleport to last place prayed or last important location visited.


Price per person
5 Gold Coins

Other Notable Attributes[edit]

   Save icon.png    This is a location where the game can be saved.

   Zoom icon.png    This location can be reached using the Zoom spell.


Item Location
Chimaera wing Pot located inside of the inn.
4 Gold Barrel on top of hay bale next to the church.
5 Gold Barrel on top of platform south of the church.
Horse manure Barrel against wall directly across from the weapon shop.
Medicinal herb Pot located outside of the item shop.
12 Gold Barrel on top of wooden platforms found after climbing ladder next to the item shop.
Chimaera wing Pot on wooden platforms after crossing planks and climbing two sets of ladders next to the item shop.
Flintstone Pot on wooden platforms in the north after crossing tightrope and crossing planks.
Drasilian guinea Treasure chest located by dropping onto southwestern wooden platforms after crossing tightrope.
Seed of agility Treasure chest on wooden platforms located after climbing ladder north of the item shop and crossing tightrope.
9 Gold Pot located against southern wall at center near the Rubbish Tip.
2 Gold Barrel located outside of western wall of Ruby's inn.
Antidotal herb Barrel located outside of western wall of Ruby's inn.
Flintstone Barrel located on second floor of Ruby's inn.
Flaxen thread Barrel located at easternmost end near lookout tower.
Small scale Pot located on platforms after crossing wooden bridge on top of lookout tower.
30 Gold Pot located on top of buildings on southern side of street after climbing ladder. Must crawl underneath building after walking along planks against the wall and crossing a tightrope.
Boxer shorts Treasure chest at the western end of platform where Cammo is located.
5,000 Gold Treasure chest in building located east of Ruby's inn. Requires Magic Key to open.
