King of Romaria

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Revision as of 01:19, 3 July 2019 by Sham hatwitch (talk | contribs) (gave synopsis of character)
King of Romaria
Dragon Quest III
Title King
Race Human

The King of Romaria is a character from Dragon Quest III.


The King is the ruler of Romaria. However, he has little interest in governing and prefers to spend his time on his own entertainment. To support his habits, Romaria has high taxes.

At some point prior to the game, his King's crown was stolen by Robbin' 'Ood. When the Hero arrives in Romaria, he enlists their help to retrieve his crown from the thieves. Upon its return, the King praises the Hero for their might, muses that they ought to have a realm of their own, and insists on abdicating in their favour. If the player accepts, the Hero is immediately crowned King or Queen. During this time, the former king embraces his new life as a commoner and spends his time gambling in the city's Monster Arena. However, when the Hero tells the former king that rulership makes them unhappy, he says he cannot in good conscience force them to be ruler against their wishes, and becomes king once more. Having enjoyed his brief respite from ruling, he wishes the Hero well on their journey.

Afterwards, his adviser admits that this is not new behaviour: the King has switched places with him five times before.


  • In the original NES version of Dragon Quest III, the player could not decline the King's offer to become King or Queen; choosing "no" would simply repeat the question endlessly. In the remakes, choosing "no" enough times will have the King relent, and the player can continue the journey without the short sequence of ruling Romaria.
  • After the ruler sequence, any time the player talks to the King, he will once more offer the crown to them. This way, the player can replay the sequence as many times as they wish.