Aeolus Vale

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Aeolus Vale is a town located on an island far to the southwest of Estard Island, built on both sides of a deep and windy valley.



When the party arrives in Aeolus Vale, they meet a winged humanoid, and are surprised to discover that she can fly. She states that she belongs to the Cirrus tribe, who was given the gift of flight from the Wind Spirit. However, they meet a little girl named Fidelia, who has no wings of her own, being bullied by a group of boys. The party scares the boys off when they approach and find out that Fidelia is the adopted daughter of the Praetor, the leader of the town, explaining why she doesn't have wings like the other Cirrus. At the Praetor's home, he is in a deep argument with an older woman over the merits of the Sacred stone, which allow the people of the Cirrus to fly whenever they please as it provides limitless wind. The older woman, who is actually the Praetor's mother, states that the Cirrus have become too reliant on the stone and that they never needed it to fly before, as they were able to fly whenever the breeze would allow them to. The Preator believes that the Cirrus are in turmoil and is trying to gather a band of warriors to reclaim the stone, which has been lost to monsters in the Sullied Sanctum. He asks the party if they can journey to the sanctum for him and retrieve the stone by defeating the monsters within.


Shops & Services[edit]

ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png Item Shop (Present only)
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Medicinal herb.png Medicinal herb8Restores a small amount of HP
ICON-Antidotal herb.png Antidotal herb10Cures poison
ICON-Holy water.png Holy water20Temporarily wards off monsters
ICON-Chimaera wing.png Chimaera wing25Returns party to previous location
ICON-WEAPON-SHOP.png Weapon Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Dragontail whip.png Dragontail whip7,500+52 Attack/+33 Style
ICON-Fire claws.png Fire claws7,700+53 Attack/+21 Style
ICON-Faerie foil.png Faerie foil8,500+58 Attack/+30 Style
ICON-War hammer.png War hammer12,000+64 Attack/+19 Style
ICON-Flametang boomerang.png Flametang boomerang13,000+65 Attack/+25 Style
ICON-ARMOUR-SHOP.png Armour Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Magical skirt.png Magical skirt8,700+45 Defence/+35 Style
ICON-Magic armour.png Magic armour11,000+47 Defence/+38 Style
ICON-Enchanted armour.png Enchanted armour12,000+55 Defence/+35 Style
ICON-Angel's robe.png Angel's robe11,000+55 Defence/+55 Style
ICON-White shield.png White shield2,000+16 Defence/+15 Style
ICON-Magic shield.png Magic shield5,000+18 Defence/+21 Style
ICON-Tempest shield.png Tempest shield11,000+32 Defence/+18 Style


Price per person
50 Gold Coins

Other notable attributes[edit]

   Save icon.png    This is a location where the game can be saved.

   Zoom icon.png    This location can be reached using the Zoom spell.





Nearby monsters[edit]



(After the Demon King's resurrection)


Custodian Camp artwork.
  • Aeolus Vale - The village of the Cirrus people.
  • Custodians' Camp (originally Guardian Village) - Camp found along the path from the north exit of Aeolus Vale. It's non-existent in the present.
  • Sullied Sanctum
  • Sanctum of the Cirrus
  • Ventus Tower

Notable Residents[edit]

  • Praetor (originally Pendragon) - The leader of the Cirrus.
  • Fidelia (originally Firia) - The Praetor's daughter, who was mysteriously born without wings unlike the rest of her tribe.
  • Serafina (originally Sefana)
  • Porcus (originally Lunta) - Pet pig belonging to a present day woman in Aeolus Vale.

Other languages[edit]

Language Translation Meaning
ICON-FLAG-ES.png EspañolValle de Eolo
ICON-FLAG-FR.png FrançaisVallée d'Éole
ICON-FLAG-DE.png DeutschTal des Windes
ICON-FLAG-IT.png ItalianoValventosa


Aeolus is the name of the ruler of the winds in Greek mythology.